author Jan Vrany <>
Sat, 19 Mar 2016 00:12:47 +0100
changeset 556 51c6afba5c91
parent 505 19d830b74322
permissions -rw-r--r--
CI: Use VM provided by Pharo team on both Linux and Windows. Hand-crafter Pharo VM is no longer needed as the Linux slave in SWING build farm has been upgraded so it has compatible GLIBC. This makes CI scripts simpler and more usable for other people.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/islands/tests' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

TestCase subclass:#FirstFollowNextTests

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'support'!

assert: set allMatches: string
	self assert: (set allSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: string])

assert: set allSatisfy: aBlock
	self assert: (set allSatisfy: aBlock)

assert: set anyMatches: string
	self assert: (set anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: string])

assert: set anySatisfy: aBlock
	self assert: (set anySatisfy: aBlock)

assert: set noneMatches: string
	self assert: (set noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: string])

assert: set noneSatisfy: aBlock
	self assert: (set noneSatisfy: aBlock)	

assert: set size: anInteger
	self assert: (set size = anInteger )

first: aParser 
	^ aParser firstSet

first: aParser terminalPredicate: predicate
	^ aParser firstSetPredicate: predicate

follow: aParser in: rootParser
	^ rootParser followSets at: aParser

	^ ((#letter asParser / $# asParser), (#letter asParser / #digit asParser) star) flatten 

next: aParser in: rootParser
	^ rootParser nextSets at: aParser
! !

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'test first'!

	| p first |
	p := nil asParser / 'a' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: ''.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'.

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser optional, 'b' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'b'.

	| p first |
	p := ('a' asParser optional, 'b' asParser asParser optional), 'c' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'b'.

	| p first |
	p := ('a' asParser plus) optional, 'b' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'b'.

	| p first |
	p := nil asParser / '' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser.
	first := (self first: p).
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser / 'b' asParser.
	first := (self first: p).
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].

	| p first root |

	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser.
	root := p, 'c' asParser.
	first := (self first: root).
	self assert: first size: 2.
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c'].
	self assert: first noneSatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].

	| p first root |

	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser / 'b' asParser.
	root := p, 'c' asParser.
	first := (self first: root).
	self assert: first size: 3.
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c'].

	| p first root |

	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser / 'b' asParser.
	root := p, 'c' asParser not.
	first := (self first: root).
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].
	self assert: first noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c'].

	| p first root |

	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser / 'b' asParser.
	root := (p, 'c' asParser not) wrapped.
	first := (self first: root).
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].
	self assert: first noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c'].

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser negate, 'b' asParser.
	self assert: (p parse: 'bb') isPetitFailure not.
	self assert: (p parse: 'cb') isPetitFailure not.
	self assert: (self first: p) noneSatisfy: [:each | each matches: 'a' ].
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy:  [:each | each matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:each | each matches: 'c' ].

	| p |
	p := 'a' asParser not, 'b' asParser.
	self assert: (p parse: 'b') isPetitFailure not.
	self assert: (self first: p) noneSatisfy: [:each | each matches: 'a' ].
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy:  [:each | each matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:each | each matches: 'c' ].

	| p first result |
	p := 'a' asParser optional.
	result := (self first: p).
	self assert: result anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: '' ].
	self assert: result anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].

	| p first |
	p := ('a' asParser / nil asParser) plus.
	first := self first: p.

	self assert: first anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first anyMatches: ''.	

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser, 'b' asParser .
	first := self first: p.
	self assert: first size: 1.
	self assert: first allMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first noneMatches: 'b'.	

	| p first |
	p := nil asParser, 'a' asParser, 'b' asParser .
	first := self first: p.
	self assert: first size: 1.
	self assert: first allMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first noneMatches: 'b'.	
	self assert: first noneMatches: ''.		

	| p first |
	p := nil asParser, nil asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p first |
	p := ((nil asParser / 'a' asParser) plus), 'b' asParser.
	first := self first: p.
	self assert: first anyMatches: 'b'.
	self assert: first anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first noneMatches: ''.

	| p first |
	p := ((nil asParser / 'a' asParser) star), 'b' asParser.
	first := self first: p.
	self assert: first anyMatches: 'b'.
	self assert: first anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first noneMatches: ''.

	| p |
	p := 'a' asParser not.
	self assert: (self first: p) noneMatches: 'a'.

	| p |
	p := 'a' asParser and.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'

	| p |
	p := nil asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
! !

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'test follow'!

	| p followSet terminal |

	terminal := 'a' asParser.
	p := terminal, 'b' asParser not.
	followSet := self follow: terminal in: p.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e matches: 'b') not ].

	| result p root followSet |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	root := (p star, 'b' asParser).
	followSet := self follow: p in: root.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e literal = 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e literal = 'b'].

	|  island1 followSet p root island2 block |

	island1 := ('class' asParser, self identifier) island.
	island2 := ('extends' asParser, self identifier) island.
	block := '{}' asParser island.	

	root := (island1, island2 optional, block) star.
	followSet := self follow: block in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'class'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	|  island1 followSet p root island2 block |

	island1 := ('class' asParser, self identifier) island.
	island2 := ('extends' asParser, self identifier) island.
	block := '{}' asParser island.	

	root := (island1, island2 optional, block) plus.
	followSet := self follow: block in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'class'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| parser followSet |

	parser := 'a' asParser.
	followSet := self follow: parser in: parser.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].

	| parser followSet a b c |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	parser := a, b, c.
	followSet := self follow: c in: parser.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].
	followSet := self follow: b in: parser.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c' ].

	followSet := self follow: a in: parser.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c' ].

	| parser followSet a b c |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	parser := a plus, b, c.

	followSet := self follow: a in: parser.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a' ].	
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c' ].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].

	| result p follow root followSets followSet |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := 'b' asParser, 'c' asParser.
	root := (p, follow).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet size: 1.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e  end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c'].	

	| result p follow root followSets followSet |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser) / ('d' asParser).
	root := (p, follow).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'd' ].

	| result p follow root followSets followSet |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser).
	root := (p star, follow).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a' ].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow1 follow2 |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow1 := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser) / nil asParser.
	follow2 := 'd' asParser.
	root := (p, follow1, follow2).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'd' ].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow follow1 follow2 |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow1 := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser) / nil asParser.
	follow2 := 'd' asParser.
	follow := (follow1, follow2).
	root  := (p, follow).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'd' ].

	| result p root followSets followSet r1 r2 follow1 follow2 |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow1 := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser) / nil asParser.
	follow2 := 'd' asParser / nil asParser .
	r1 := (p, follow1).
	r2 := (r1, follow2).
	root  := r2.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'd' ].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := PPInputEnds new.
	root := p, follow.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	|  island1 followSet p root island2 block |

	island1 := ('class' asParser, self identifier) island.
	island2 := (':' asParser, self identifier) island.
	block := '{' asParser, '}' asParser island.	

	root := (island1, island2 optional, block) island.
	followSet := self follow: island1 in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '{'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ':'].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := 'b' asParser / 'c' asParser .
	root := p, follow.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'b') isPetitFailure not].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'c') isPetitFailure not].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'a') isPetitFailure not].

	| result p root followSet follow b c |

	follow := 'a' asParser / 'd' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := b / c.
	root := p, follow.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'a') isPetitFailure not].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'd') isPetitFailure not].

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'a') isPetitFailure not].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'c') isPetitFailure not].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow follow1 follow2 |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow1 := 'b' asParser optional.
	follow2 := 'c' asParser.
	root := p, follow1, follow2.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c'].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p followSet terminal |

	terminal := 'a' asParser.
	p := terminal plus.
	followSet := self follow: terminal in: p.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].

	followSet := self follow: p in: p.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].

	| a b p followSet |

	a := 'a' asParser star.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a, b.
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.
	self assert: followSet size: 1.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| a b p followSet n |

	a := 'a' asParser star.
	p := a.
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| a b p followSet |

	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a star, b.
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.
	self assert: followSet size: 2.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| a b p followSet n |

	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	n := nil asParser.
	p := a star, (b / n).
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| a b p followSet n |

	a := 'a' asParser.
	p := a star.
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
! !

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'test isNullable'!

	self assert:	'a' asParser acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	'a' asParser wrapped acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	nil asParser acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	nil asParser wrapped acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser not acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser and acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser wrapped not acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser wrapped and acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser optional acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser wrapped optional acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser wrapped not optional acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser optional wrapped acceptsEpsilon.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := a / b / c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := a / b / c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser optional.
	p := a / b / c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser optional wrapped.
	c := 'c' asParser optional wrapped.
	p := a / b / c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	p := PPDelegateParser new.
	p setParser: a / p.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a p e |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	e := nil asParser.
	p := PPDelegateParser new.
	p setParser: (a, p) / e.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a p e |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	e := nil asParser.
	p := PPDelegateParser new.
	p setParser: (a, p), e.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := a, b, c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := a, b, c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser optional.
	p := a, b, c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser optional wrapped.
	c := 'c' asParser wrapped optional.
	p := a, b, c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.
! !

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'test next'!

	| p nextSet |
	p := 'a' asParser.
	nextSet := (self next: p in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet size: 1.
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
	nextSet := (self next: p in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a / b.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
	nextSet := (self next: p in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b n |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	n := nil asParser.
	p := a, n, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: n in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b n a1 a2 |
	a1 := 'a1' asParser wrapped.
	a2 := 'a2' asParser wrapped.
	a := (a1 asParser, a2 asParser) wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	n := 'n' asParser optional.
	p := a, n, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a1 in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a2'].

	nextSet := (self next: a2 in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	"Might be test to match nb -- not sure, what is better"
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'n'].

	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	"Might be test to match nb -- not sure, what is better"
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'n'].
	nextSet := (self next: n in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
	self assert: nextSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].	

	| p nextSet a b n a1 a2 |
	a1 := 'a1' asParser wrapped.
	a2 := 'a2' asParser wrapped / nil asParser.
	a := (a1 asParser, a2 asParser) wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	n := 'nil' asParser optional.
	p := a, n, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a1 in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a2'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'nilb'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].

	nextSet := (self next: a2 in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'nilb'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].

	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'nilb'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: n in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b n  c |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	n := nil asParser.
	p := a, b, a, n, c.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).

	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c'].


	| p nextSet a b n  c |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	n := nil asParser.
	p := a, n, a, b, c.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].


	| a nextSet |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: a).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].



	| a nextSet b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser optional wrapped.
	c := 'c' asParser optional wrapped.
	p := a, b, c.

	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c'].


	| p nextSet a b n  c |
	a := 'a' asParser star.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: a).
	self assert: nextSet size: 1.
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '']

	| p nextSet a b astar |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	astar := a star.
	p := astar, b.
	nextSet := (self next: astar in: p).

	self assert: nextSet size: 1.
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].


	| p nextSet a b astar |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a star, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).

	self assert: nextSet size: 2.
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].

	| a nextSet b p root |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	p := a, b.
	root := p plus.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: root).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].

! !

!FirstFollowNextTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !