author Jan Vrany <>
Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:52:47 +0000
changeset 401 538267cab6ec
parent 392 9b297f0d949c
child 414 0eaf09920532
permissions -rw-r--r--
Portability fix: do not use Behaviour>>methods. On Smalltalk/X it returns a category reader (in order to be able to read Dolphin fileouts): * use`class methodsDo:` instead of `class methods do:` * use `class methodDictionary size` instead of `class methods size`

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler/tests' }"

TestCase subclass:#PPCGuardTest
	instanceVariableNames:'guard compiler'

!PPCGuardTest methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

	super setUp.
	compiler := PPCMockCompiler new.

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: ($a asParser / $b asParser) asCompilerTree.
	guard id: #foo.
	guard compileGuard: compiler.
	self assert: compiler lines size = 1.
	self assert: compiler lines first = '(foo at: context peek asInteger)'.

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: (#letter asParser / #digit asParser) asCompilerTree.
	guard id: #foo.
	guard compileGuard: compiler.
	self assert: compiler lines size = 1.
	self assert: compiler lines first = '(context peek isAlphaNumeric)'.

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: ($a asParser, (#letter asParser / #digit asParser)) asCompilerTree.
	guard id: #foo.
	guard compileGuard: compiler.
	self assert: compiler lines size = 1.
	self assert: compiler lines first = ('(context peek = ', $a printString ,')').

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: ('foo' asParser / 'foobar' asParser) asCompilerTree.
	guard id: #foo.
	guard compileGuard: compiler.
	self assert: compiler lines size = 1.
	self assert: compiler lines first = ('(context peek = ', $f printString ,')').

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: #letter asParser.
	self assert: guard makesSense.
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: nil asParser asCompilerTree.
	self assert: guard makesSense not.
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: (#letter asParser / nil asParser) asCompilerTree.
	self assert: guard makesSense not.
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: (#letter asParser / #digit asParser) asCompilerTree.
	self assert: guard makesSense.

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: (#letter asParser / #digit asParser star) asCompilerTree.
	self assert: guard makesSense not.

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: #letter asParser asCompilerTree.
	self assert: (guard message = #isLetter).
	self assert: (guard message = #isAlphaNumeric) not.
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: #word asParser asCompilerTree.
	self assert: (guard message = #isAlphaNumeric).
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: #digit asParser asCompilerTree.
	self assert: (guard message = #isDigit).
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: 'a' asParser asCompilerTree.
	self assert: (guard message = #isDigit) not.
	self assert: (guard message = #isLetter) not.
	self assert: (guard message = #isAlphaNumeric) not.

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: #letter asParser / #digit asParser.
	self assert: guard message = #isAlphaNumeric

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: #letter asParser.
	self assert: (guard testMessage: #isLetter).
	self assert: (guard testMessage: #isAlphaNumeric) not.
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: #word asParser.
	self assert: (guard testMessage: #isAlphaNumeric).
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: #digit asParser.
	self assert: (guard testMessage: #isDigit).
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: 'a' asParser.
	self assert: (guard testMessage: #isDigit) not.
	self assert: (guard testMessage: #isLetter) not.
	self assert: (guard testMessage: #isAlphaNumeric) not.

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: $a asParser.
	self assert: guard testSingleCharacter.
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: 'foo' asParser.
	self assert: guard testSingleCharacter.
	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: ('foo' asParser / 'bar' asParser).
	self assert: guard testSingleCharacter not.

	guard := PPCGuard new initializeFor: ($a asParser, (#letter asParser / #digit asParser)).
	self assert: guard testSingleCharacter.
! !

!PPCGuardTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !