author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 03 Nov 2014 12:46:42 +0000
changeset 410 779556be95f8
parent 392 9b297f0d949c
child 414 0eaf09920532
permissions -rw-r--r--
Portability fixes in PPPredicateTest>>charactersDo: / parsedCharacterSet: * It is my understanding that charactersDo: should iterate over all signle byte characters. If so, the method suffer from off-by-one error, it should generate characters with code points 0..255. 256 is actually a two-byte character. Method changed accordingly. * Use Character>>asString instead of `String>>with:` which is safer w.r.t. multi-byte characters. Under Smalltalk/X, String may contain only signle byte characters.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"

PPCNode subclass:#PPCListNode

!PPCListNode methodsFor:'accessing'!

	^ children

children: anObject
	children := anObject
! !

!PPCListNode methodsFor:'analysis'!

	self subclassResponsibility

acceptsEpsilonOpenSet: set
	self subclassResponsibility

replace: node with: anotherNode
	children keysAndValuesDo: [ :index :child |
		child == node ifTrue: [ children at: index put: anotherNode ] 
! !

!PPCListNode methodsFor:'copying'!

	super postCopy.
	children := children copy
! !

!PPCListNode methodsFor:'optimizing'!

inline: changeStatus
	| inlinedNode |
	self children do: [ :child |
		inlinedNode := child asInlined.
		(inlinedNode ~= child) ifTrue: [ 
			changeStatus change.
			^ self replace: child with: inlinedNode.

optimize: params status: changeStatus
	| retval |
	retval := self.
	retval := retval rewrite: params status: changeStatus.
	retval := retval inline: params status: changeStatus.
	^ retval
! !