author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 16 Jun 2015 07:49:21 +0100
changeset 491 82b272c7dc37
parent 330 d807737e23f8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Codegen: added support for smart action node compiling. Avoid creation of intermediate result collection for action nodes if all references to action block's argument (i.e., the nodes collection) is in form of: * <nodes> at: <numeric constant> * <nodes> first (second, third...

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/gui' }"

GLMCompositePresentation subclass:#PPParserBrowser

!PPParserBrowser class methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

openOn: aParserClass 
	^ self new openOn: aParserClass
! !

!PPParserBrowser methodsFor:'building'!

	"self openOn: PPArithmeticParser"
	| browser |
	browser := GLMTabulator new.
	browser title: [:each | each name].
		row: [:r | r column: #productions ; column: #workspace span: 2];
		row: #inspector.
	browser transmit to: #productions; andShow: [:a | 
	 	self productionsIn: a ]. 
	browser transmit to: #workspace; fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #productions; andShow: [:a | 
		self workspaceIn: a ]. 
	browser transmit to: #inspector; fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #productions; passivelyFrom: #outer port: #sampleText; andShow: [:a |
		self inspectorIn: a ].
	browser transmit from: #inspector port: #sampleText; toOutsidePort: #sampleText; when: [:arg | arg notNil ].

	browser transmit from: #workspace; toOutsidePort: #productionToSelect; 
		transformed: [:parser | parser name ];
		when: [:parser | parser name notNil ].
	browser transmit fromOutsidePort: #productionToSelect; to: #productions port: #selection.
	^ browser

	"self openOn: PPArithmeticParser"
	self title: [:each | each name].
	self tabulator with: [ :tabulator |
			row: [:r | r column: #productions ; column: #workspace span: 2];
			row: #inspector.
		tabulator transmit to: #productions; andShow: [:a | 
		 	self productionsIn: a ]. 
		tabulator transmit to: #workspace; fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #productions; andShow: [:a | 
			self workspaceIn: a ]. 
		tabulator transmit to: #inspector; fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #productions; passivelyFrom: #outer port: #sampleText; andShow: [:a |
			self inspectorIn: a ].
		tabulator transmit from: #inspector port: #sampleText; toOutsidePort: #sampleText; when: [:arg | arg notNil ].

		tabulator transmit from: #workspace; toOutsidePort: #productionToSelect; 
			transformed: [:parser | parser name ];
			when: [:parser | parser name notNil ].
		tabulator transmit fromOutsidePort: #productionToSelect; to: #productions port: #selection ]
! !

!PPParserBrowser methodsFor:'private building'!

exampleIn: composite
	composite text
		title: 'Example';
		display: [ :class :productionSelector | (self production: productionSelector from: class) example ];
		act: [:text | text update] icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRefresh entitled: 'Generate another one'

firstIn: composite
	composite list
		title: 'First';
		display: [ :class :productionSelector | (self production: productionSelector from: class) firstSet ];
		format: [ :parser | parser displayName ]

followIn: aBrowser
	aBrowser list
		title: 'Follow';
		format: [ :parser | parser displayName ];
		display: [ :class :productionSelector | 
			| parser |
			parser := class new.
			parser followSets
				at: (parser productionAt: productionSelector)
				ifAbsent: [ Array with: nil asParser ] ]

graphIn: composite
	composite morph
		title: 'Graph';
		display: [ :class :selector |
			| morph |
			morph := ScrollPane new.
			morph color: Color white.
			morph scroller addMorph: (self production: selector from: class) morphicProduction.
			morph ]

inspectorIn: composite
	composite dynamic
		display: [ :class :productionSelector :sampleText | 
					| wrapperBrowser |
					wrapperBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
					wrapperBrowser allowNil.
					wrapperBrowser column: #wrapped.
					wrapperBrowser transmit
						to: #wrapped;
						andShow: [ :a | a custom: (PPParserInspector new noTitle) ].

					wrapperBrowser transmit
						from: #wrapped port: #sampleText;
						toOutsidePort: #sampleText.
					wrapperBrowser transmit
						fromOutsidePort: #sampleText;
						to: #wrapped port: #sampleText.

					wrapperBrowser startOn: ([(self production: productionSelector from: class) end] on: Error do: [:e | nil]) .
					(wrapperBrowser pane port: #sampleText) value: (sampleText ifNil: [ '' ] ifNotNil: [ sampleText ]).


mapIn: composite
	self class environment at: #GLMRoassalPresentation ifPresent: [ :cls |
		composite roassal
			title: 'Map';
			painting: [ :view :class :selector |
				(self production: #start from: class)
					viewAllNamedParsersWithSelection: (Array with: selector)  
					previewing: [:eachParser | self sourceCodeFrom: class selector: eachParser name ]
					on:  view ] ]	

productionsIn: composite
	"Doru: These menus should be built dynamically: title and enabled status should adapt" 
	"enabled: RBRefactoryChangeManager instance hasRedoableOperations"	" , RBRefactoryChangeManager instance redoChange"	"enabled: RBRefactoryChangeManager instance hasUndoableOperations"	" , RBRefactoryChangeManager instance undoChange "

	composite list
		title: [ :class | class name ];
		format: [ :class | class asString ];
		display: [ :class | self productionSelectorsFrom: class ];
		shouldValidate: true;
		act: [ :list :class | 
					RBRefactoryChangeManager instance redoOperation.
					list pane browser update ]
			icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRedo
			entitled: 'Redo';
		act: [ :list :class | 
					RBRefactoryChangeManager instance undoOperation.
					list pane browser update ]
			icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousUndo
			entitled: 'Undo';
		selectionAct: [ :list  :class | 
					| oldName refactoring |
					oldName := list selection.
					refactoring := PPRefactoringUtils new performRenameProduction: oldName from: class.
					refactoring changes changes notEmpty ifTrue: [
						list update.
						list selection: refactoring changes changes first newName asSymbol ] ]
			on: $r
			entitled: 'Rename (r)';
		selectionAct: [ :list :class | 
					PPRefactoringUtils new performRefactoring: (PPRemoveProdcutionRefactoring onClass: class production: list selection).
					list pane browser update ]
			on: $x
			entitled: 'Remove (x)';
		selectionAct: [ :list :class | Smalltalk tools browser fullOnClass: class selector: list selection ]
			on: $b
			entitled: 'Browse (b)';
		selectionAct: [ :list :class | (self production: list selection from: class) explore ]
			on: $I
			entitled: 'Explore (I)'

sourceIn: composite
	composite smalltalkCode
		title: 'Source';
		display: [ :class :production | self sourceCodeFrom: class selector: production ];
		smalltalkClass: [ :class | class ];
		selectionAct: [ :text :class :production | 
				| selector refactoring |
				selector := UIManager default
					request: 'Production name to extract to:'
					initialAnswer: ''
					title: 'Extract production'.
				selector isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [
					selector := selector asSymbol.
					refactoring := PPExtractProdcutionRefactoring
						onClass: class
						production: production
						interval: text selectionInterval
						to: selector.
					PPRefactoringUtils new performRefactoring: refactoring.
					text pane browser update.
					(text pane port: #productionToSelect) value: selector ] ]
			on: $e
			entitled: 'Extract production';		
		act: [ :text :class :production | 
				| selector refactoring |
				refactoring := PPDefineProdcutionRefactoring 	
						onClass: class 
						source: text text asString 
						protocols: #(grammar).
				PPRefactoringUtils new performRefactoring: refactoring.
				selector := refactoring changes changes last selector.
				selector = production 
					ifTrue: [text update]
					ifFalse: [
						text pane browser update.
						(text pane port: #productionToSelect) value: selector ] ]
			icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAccept
			on: $s
			entitled: 'Accept'

workspaceIn: composite
	self sourceIn: composite.
	self graphIn: composite.
	self mapIn: composite.
	self exampleIn: composite.
	self firstIn: composite.
	self followIn: composite.
! !

!PPParserBrowser methodsFor:'private utilities'!

production: selector from: class
	| parser |
	parser := class new.
	^ selector isNil 
		ifTrue: [ parser ]
		ifFalse: [ parser productionAt: selector ]

productionSelectorsFrom: class
	^ (((class allInstVarNames copyWithoutAll: class ignoredNames)
		collect: [ :each | each asSymbol ])
			select: [ :each | class includesSelector: each ]) asSortedCollection add: #start; yourself

sourceCodeFrom: class selector: production
	^ class ultimateSourceCodeAt: (production ifNil: [ #start ]) ifAbsent: [ String new ]
! !

!PPParserBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/gui/,v 1.1 2014-03-04 21:14:30 cg Exp $'

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/gui/,v 1.1 2014-03-04 21:14:30 cg Exp $'
! !