author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Tue, 16 Jun 2015 07:49:21 +0100
changeset 491 82b272c7dc37
parent 427 a7f5e6de19d2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Codegen: added support for smart action node compiling. Avoid creation of intermediate result collection for action nodes if all references to action block's argument (i.e., the nodes collection) is in form of: * <nodes> at: <numeric constant> * <nodes> first (second, third...

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/tests' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

TestCase subclass:#PPContextTest

!PPContextTest methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

	^ PPContext new

	super setUp.
	context := self context.
! !

!PPContextTest methodsFor:'tests'!

	| f1 f2 |
	f1 := PPFailure message: #foo context: context at: 1.
	self assert: context furthestFailure = f1.	
	f2 := PPFailure message: #foo context: context at: 1.
	self assert: context furthestFailure = f1.	
	f2 := PPFailure message: #foo context: context at: 3.
	self assert: context furthestFailure = f2.

	| stream memento memento2 collection |
	stream := 'abc' asPetitStream.
	context := context stream: stream.
	collection := OrderedCollection new.

	context propertyAt: #foo put: collection.
	memento := context remember.
	self assert: memento isNil not.
	context next.
	collection add: #element.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo) size = 1. 	

	memento2 := context remember.

	context restore: memento.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo) size = 0. 
	self assert: context position = 0.
	context restore: memento2.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo) size = 1. 
	self assert: context position = 1.

	| stream memento |
	stream := 'abc' asPetitStream.
	context := context stream: stream.
	memento := context remember.
	context next.
	self assert: context position = 1.
	context restore: memento.
	self assert: context position = 0.

	| stream memento memento2 collection |
	stream := 'abc' asPetitStream.
	context := context stream: stream.
	collection := OrderedCollection new.

	memento := context remember.
	context propertyAt: #foo put: collection.
	memento2 := context remember.
	context restore: memento.
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #foo) not.
	context restore: memento2.
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #foo).

	self assert: (context hasGlobal: #foo) not.
	self assert: (context hasGlobal: #bar) not.	
	self should: [ context globalAt: #foo ] raise: Error.
	self assert: (context globalAt: #foo ifAbsent: [ #bar ]) = #bar.
	self assert: (context globalAt: #foo ifAbsentPut: [ #bar ]) = #bar.	
	self assert: (context hasGlobal: #foo).
	self assert: (context hasGlobal: #bar) not.	
	self assert: (context globalAt: #foo) = #bar.
	self assert: (context globalAt: #foo ifAbsentPut: [ #zorg ]) = #bar.	
	self assert: (context hasGlobal: #foo).
	self assert: (context hasGlobal: #bar) not.	
	self assert: (context globalAt: #foo) = #bar.
	self assert: (context globalAt: #foo put: #zorg) = #zorg.	
	self assert: (context hasGlobal: #foo).
	self assert: (context hasGlobal: #bar) not.	
	self assert: (context globalAt: #foo) = #zorg.
	self should: [ context globalAt: #bar ] raise: Error.
	self assert: (context globalAt: #bar put: #foo) = #foo.
	self assert: (context globalAt: #foo) = #zorg.
	self assert: (context globalAt: #bar) = #foo.


	self assert: (context hasProperty: #foo) not.
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #bar) not.	
	self should: [ context propertyAt: #foo ] raise: Error.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo ifAbsent: [ #bar ]) = #bar.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo ifAbsentPut: [ #bar ]) = #bar.	
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #foo).
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #bar) not.	
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo) = #bar.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo ifAbsentPut: [ #zorg ]) = #bar.	
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #foo).
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #bar) not.	
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo) = #bar.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo put: #zorg) = #zorg.	
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #foo).
	self assert: (context hasProperty: #bar) not.	
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo) = #zorg.
	self should: [ context propertyAt: #bar ] raise: Error.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #bar put: #foo) = #foo.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #foo) = #zorg.
	self assert: (context propertyAt: #bar) = #foo.


	context globalAt: #foo put: #zorg.
	context globalAt: #bar put: #qwark.	

	self assert: (context removeGlobal: #foo) = #zorg.
	self assert: (context removeGlobal: #bar) = #qwark.
	self should: [context removeGlobal: #foo] raise: Error.
	self assert: (context removeGlobal: #bar ifAbsent: [ #foobar ]) = #foobar.

	context propertyAt: #foo put: #zorg.
	context propertyAt: #bar put: #qwark.	

	self assert: (context removeProperty: #foo) = #zorg.
	self assert: (context removeProperty: #bar) = #qwark.
	self should: [context removeProperty: #foo] raise: Error.
	self assert: (context removeProperty: #bar ifAbsent: [ #foobar ]) = #foobar.

	context stream: 'hi there' asPetitStream.
	self assert: context position = 0.
	self assert: context peek = $h.
	self assert: context uncheckedPeek = $h.

	self assert: context next = $h.
	self assert: context peek = $i.
	self assert: context uncheckedPeek = $i.
	self assert: context position = 1.
	context skip: 2.
	self assert: context position = 3.
	self assert: context peek = $t.
	self assert: context atEnd not.
	self assert: (context next: 5) = 'there'.
	self assert: context position = 8.
	self assert: context atEnd.
! !

!PPContextTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !