author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 05 May 2015 16:25:23 +0200
changeset 451 989570319d14
parent 389 009c2e13973c
child 454 a9cd5ea7cc36
permissions -rw-r--r--
Portability: fixes for Smalltalk/X

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/islands/tests' }"

TestCase subclass:#FirstFollowNextTests

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'support'!

assert: set allMatches: string
	self assert: (set allSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: string])

assert: set allSatisfy: aBlock
	self assert: (set allSatisfy: aBlock)

assert: set anyMatches: string
	self assert: (set anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: string])

assert: set anySatisfy: aBlock
	self assert: (set anySatisfy: aBlock)

assert: set noneMatches: string
	self assert: (set noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: string])

assert: set noneSatisfy: aBlock
	self assert: (set noneSatisfy: aBlock)	

assert: set size: anInteger
	self assert: (set size = anInteger )

first: aParser 
	^ aParser firstSet

first: aParser terminalPredicate: predicate
	^ aParser firstSetPredicate: predicate

follow: aParser in: rootParser
	^ rootParser followSets at: aParser

	^ ((#letter asParser / $# asParser), (#letter asParser / #digit asParser) star) flatten 

next: aParser in: rootParser
	^ rootParser nextSets at: aParser
! !

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'test first'!

	| p first |
	p := nil asParser / 'a' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: ''.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'.

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser optional, 'b' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'b'.

	| p first |
	p := ('a' asParser optional, 'b' asParser asParser optional), 'c' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'b'.

	| p first |
	p := ('a' asParser plus) optional, 'b' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'b'.

	| p first |
	p := nil asParser / '' asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser.
	first := (self first: p).
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser / 'b' asParser.
	first := (self first: p).
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].

	| p first root |

	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser.
	root := p, 'c' asParser.
	first := (self first: root).
	self assert: first size: 2.
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c'].
	self assert: first noneSatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].

	| p first root |

	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser / 'b' asParser.
	root := p, 'c' asParser.
	first := (self first: root).
	self assert: first size: 3.
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c'].

	| p first root |

	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser / 'b' asParser.
	root := p, 'c' asParser not.
	first := (self first: root).
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].
	self assert: first noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c'].

	| p first root |

	p := 'a' asParser / nil asParser / 'b' asParser.
	root := (p, 'c' asParser not) wrapped.
	first := (self first: root).
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: first anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: ''].
	self assert: first noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c'].

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser negate, 'b' asParser.
	self assert: (p parse: 'bb') isPetitFailure not.
	self assert: (p parse: 'cb') isPetitFailure not.
	self assert: (self first: p) noneSatisfy: [:each | each matches: 'a' ].
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy:  [:each | each matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:each | each matches: 'c' ].

	| p |
	p := 'a' asParser not, 'b' asParser.
	self assert: (p parse: 'b') isPetitFailure not.
	self assert: (self first: p) noneSatisfy: [:each | each matches: 'a' ].
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy:  [:each | each matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:each | each matches: 'c' ].

	| p first result |
	p := 'a' asParser optional.
	result := (self first: p).
	self assert: result anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: '' ].
	self assert: result anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].

	| p first |
	p := ('a' asParser / nil asParser) plus.
	first := self first: p.

	self assert: first anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first anyMatches: ''.	

	| p first |
	p := 'a' asParser, 'b' asParser .
	first := self first: p.
	self assert: first size: 1.
	self assert: first allMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first noneMatches: 'b'.	

	| p first |
	p := nil asParser, 'a' asParser, 'b' asParser .
	first := self first: p.
	self assert: first size: 1.
	self assert: first allMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first noneMatches: 'b'.	
	self assert: first noneMatches: ''.		

	| p first |
	p := nil asParser, nil asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p first |
	p := ((nil asParser / 'a' asParser) plus), 'b' asParser.
	first := self first: p.
	self assert: first anyMatches: 'b'.
	self assert: first anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first noneMatches: ''.

	| p first |
	p := ((nil asParser / 'a' asParser) star), 'b' asParser.
	first := self first: p.
	self assert: first anyMatches: 'b'.
	self assert: first anyMatches: 'a'.
	self assert: first noneMatches: ''.

	| p |
	p := 'a' asParser not.
	self assert: (self first: p) noneMatches: 'a'.

	| p |
	p := 'a' asParser and.
	self assert: (self first: p) anyMatches: 'a'

	| p |
	p := nil asParser.
	self assert: (self first: p) anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
! !

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'test follow'!

	| p followSet terminal |

	terminal := 'a' asParser.
	p := terminal, 'b' asParser not.
	followSet := self follow: terminal in: p.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e matches: 'b') not ].

	| result p root followSet |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	root := (p star, 'b' asParser).
	followSet := self follow: p in: root.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e literal = 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e literal = 'b'].

	|  island1 followSet p root island2 block |

	island1 := ('class' asParser, self identifier) island.
	island2 := ('extends' asParser, self identifier) island.
	block := '{}' asParser island.	

	root := (island1, island2 optional, block) star.
	followSet := self follow: block in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'class'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	|  island1 followSet p root island2 block |

	island1 := ('class' asParser, self identifier) island.
	island2 := ('extends' asParser, self identifier) island.
	block := '{}' asParser island.	

	root := (island1, island2 optional, block) plus.
	followSet := self follow: block in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'class'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| parser followSet |

	parser := 'a' asParser.
	followSet := self follow: parser in: parser.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].

	| parser followSet a b c |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	parser := a, b, c.
	followSet := self follow: c in: parser.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].
	followSet := self follow: b in: parser.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c' ].

	followSet := self follow: a in: parser.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c' ].

	| parser followSet a b c |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	parser := a plus, b, c.

	followSet := self follow: a in: parser.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a' ].	
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c' ].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].

	| result p follow root followSets followSet |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := 'b' asParser, 'c' asParser.
	root := (p, follow).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet size: 1.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e  end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c'].	

	| result p follow root followSets followSet |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser) / ('d' asParser).
	root := (p, follow).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'd' ].

	| result p follow root followSets followSet |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser).
	root := (p star, follow).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a' ].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow1 follow2 |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow1 := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser) / nil asParser.
	follow2 := 'd' asParser.
	root := (p, follow1, follow2).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'd' ].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow follow1 follow2 |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow1 := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser) / nil asParser.
	follow2 := 'd' asParser.
	follow := (follow1, follow2).
	root  := (p, follow).

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'd' ].

	| result p root followSets followSet r1 r2 follow1 follow2 |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow1 := ('b' asParser, 'c' asParser) / nil asParser.
	follow2 := 'd' asParser / nil asParser .
	r1 := (p, follow1).
	r2 := (r1, follow2).
	root  := r2.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'd' ].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := PPInputEnds new.
	root := p, follow.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	|  island1 followSet p root island2 block |

	island1 := ('class' asParser, self identifier) island.
	island2 := (':' asParser, self identifier) island.
	block := '{' asParser, '}' asParser island.	

	root := (island1, island2 optional, block) island.
	followSet := self follow: island1 in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '{'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ':'].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow := 'b' asParser / 'c' asParser .
	root := p, follow.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'b') isPetitFailure not].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'c') isPetitFailure not].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'a') isPetitFailure not].

	| result p root followSet follow b c |

	follow := 'a' asParser / 'd' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := b / c.
	root := p, follow.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'a') isPetitFailure not].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'd') isPetitFailure not].

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'a') isPetitFailure not].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | (e parse: 'c') isPetitFailure not].

	| result p root followSets followSet follow follow1 follow2 |

	p := 'a' asParser.
	follow1 := 'b' asParser optional.
	follow2 := 'c' asParser.
	root := p, follow1, follow2.

	followSet := self follow: p in: root.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c'].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p followSet terminal |

	terminal := 'a' asParser.
	p := terminal plus.
	followSet := self follow: terminal in: p.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a' ].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].

	followSet := self follow: p in: p.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '' ].

	| a b p followSet |

	a := 'a' asParser star.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a, b.
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.
	self assert: followSet size: 1.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| a b p followSet n |

	a := 'a' asParser star.
	p := a.
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| a b p followSet |

	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a star, b.
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.
	self assert: followSet size: 2.
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| a b p followSet n |

	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	n := nil asParser.
	p := a star, (b / n).
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| a b p followSet n |

	a := 'a' asParser.
	p := a star.
	followSet := self follow: a in: p.

	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].
	self assert: followSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
! !

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'test isNullable'!

	self assert:	'a' asParser acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	'a' asParser wrapped acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	nil asParser acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	nil asParser wrapped acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser not acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser and acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser wrapped not acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser wrapped and acceptsEpsilon not.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser optional acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser wrapped optional acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser wrapped not optional acceptsEpsilon.

	self assert:	 'a' asParser optional wrapped acceptsEpsilon.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := a / b / c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := a / b / c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser optional.
	p := a / b / c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser optional wrapped.
	c := 'c' asParser optional wrapped.
	p := a / b / c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	p := PPDelegateParser new.
	p setParser: a / p.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a p e |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	e := nil asParser.
	p := PPDelegateParser new.
	p setParser: (a, p) / e.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a p e |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	e := nil asParser.
	p := PPDelegateParser new.
	p setParser: (a, p), e.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := a, b, c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	p := a, b, c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon not.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	c := 'c' asParser optional.
	p := a, b, c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.

	| a b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser optional wrapped.
	c := 'c' asParser wrapped optional.
	p := a, b, c.
	self assert: p acceptsEpsilon.
! !

!FirstFollowNextTests methodsFor:'test next'!

	| p nextSet |
	p := 'a' asParser.
	nextSet := (self next: p in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet size: 1.
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
	nextSet := (self next: p in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a / b.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
	nextSet := (self next: p in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b n |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	n := nil asParser.
	p := a, n, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: n in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b n a1 a2 |
	a1 := 'a1' asParser wrapped.
	a2 := 'a2' asParser wrapped.
	a := (a1 asParser, a2 asParser) wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	n := 'n' asParser optional.
	p := a, n, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a1 in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a2'].

	nextSet := (self next: a2 in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	"Might be test to match nb -- not sure, what is better"
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'n'].

	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	"Might be test to match nb -- not sure, what is better"
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'n'].
	nextSet := (self next: n in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].
	self assert: nextSet noneSatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].	

	| p nextSet a b n a1 a2 |
	a1 := 'a1' asParser wrapped.
	a2 := 'a2' asParser wrapped / nil asParser.
	a := (a1 asParser, a2 asParser) wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	n := 'nil' asParser optional.
	p := a, n, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a1 in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a2'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'nilb'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].

	nextSet := (self next: a2 in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'nilb'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].

	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'nilb'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: n in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	nextSet := (self next: b in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].

	| p nextSet a b n  c |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	n := nil asParser.
	p := a, b, a, n, c.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).

	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'c'].


	| p nextSet a b n  c |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	c := 'c' asParser.
	n := nil asParser.
	p := a, n, a, b, c.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'a'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e matches: 'b'].


	| a nextSet |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: a).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: ''].



	| a nextSet b c p |
	a := 'a' asParser optional wrapped.
	b := 'b' asParser optional wrapped.
	c := 'c' asParser optional wrapped.
	p := a, b, c.

	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'c'].


	| p nextSet a b n  c |
	a := 'a' asParser star.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: a).
	self assert: nextSet size: 1.
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: '']

	| p nextSet a b astar |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	astar := a star.
	p := astar, b.
	nextSet := (self next: astar in: p).

	self assert: nextSet size: 1.
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].


	| p nextSet a b astar |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser.
	p := a star, b.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: p).

	self assert: nextSet size: 2.
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'b'].
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].

	| a nextSet b p root |
	a := 'a' asParser.
	b := 'b' asParser optional.
	p := a, b.
	root := p plus.
	nextSet := (self next: a in: root).
	self assert: nextSet anySatisfy: [:e | e end matches: 'a'].

! !