author Jan Vrany <>
Sun, 10 May 2015 14:20:24 +0100
changeset 454 a9cd5ea7cc36
parent 452 9f4558b3be66
child 515 b5316ef15274
permissions -rw-r--r--
Portability: fixes for Smalltalk/X * Do not use detect:ifFound: - not present in Smalltalk/X * Removed leftover debugging code (Halt if:, ...) * Do not use `aClass methods`, use `aClass methodDictionary values` * Do not use #allPairsDo; - not present in Smalltalk/X * Do not use #crShow: - not present in Smalltalk/X * On Smalltalk?X use Filename - there's no FileReference in Smalltalk/X * Do not use CharacterSet, use String

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

PPCStarNode subclass:#PPCStarAnyNode

!PPCStarAnyNode methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

    ^ #starAny
! !

!PPCStarAnyNode methodsFor:'first follow next'!

firstSets: aFirstDictionary into: aSet suchThat: aBlock
        First and follow should be performed on the non-specialized tree, i.e. on a tree
        with star -> messageNode. Not on myself.
        The reason for that is, that:
        - I am terminal
        - I am nullable
        This means, I look like epsilon node for the first follow analysis. And epsilons 
        are ignored in sequences, thus sequence of StarMessagePredicate, Literal
        leads to { Literal } as firstSet and not expected { MessagePredicate, Literal }
    ^ self error: 'Cannot perform first/follow analysis on myself, sorry for that :('
! !

!PPCStarAnyNode methodsFor:'visiting'!

accept: visitor
    ^ visitor visitStarAnyNode: self
! !