author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 07 Sep 2015 08:20:46 +0100
changeset 537 fb212e14d1f4
parent 535 a8feb0f47574
child 538 16e8536f5cfb
permissions -rw-r--r--
PPCConfiguration refactoring: [9/10]: Renamed PPCConfiguration to PPCCompiler.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler/tests' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

PPAbstractParserTest subclass:#PPCTokenizingTest
	instanceVariableNames:'parser result context node id node2 id2 id1 node1 node3 options

!PPCTokenizingTest methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

assert: p parse: whatever
    ^ result := super assert: p parse: whatever.

assert: p parse: whatever end: end
    ^ result := super assert: p parse: whatever end: end

    | parserClass scannerClass |
    parserClass := (Smalltalk at: options parserName ifAbsent: [nil]).
    parserClass notNil ifTrue:[ 
        parserClass removeFromSystem

    scannerClass := (Smalltalk at: options scannerName ifAbsent: [nil]).
    scannerClass notNil ifTrue:[ 
        scannerClass removeFromSystem

    "Modified: / 24-07-2015 / 19:50:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ context := PPCProfilingContext new

parse: whatever
    ^ result := super parse: whatever.

    options := (PPCCompilationOptions default)
    compiler := PPCCompiler new.
    compiler context options:options.
    self cleanClass.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2015 / 16:21:36 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "self cleanClass"

    | p1 p2 a1 a2 |
    a1 := 'a' asParser token name: 't1'; yourself.
    a2 := 'b' asParser token name: 't2'; yourself.
    p1 := a1 star.
    p2 := a2.
    parser := p1 / p2 compileUsingCompiler:compiler.

    self assert: parser parse: ''.
    self assert: result isEmpty.
    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'aa'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'b' end: 0.
    self assert: result isEmpty.

    self assert: parser parse: 'c' end: 0.

    parser := (('a' asParser token , 'b' asParser token) / 'a' asParser token) 
    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser fail: '_'.

    | p1 p2 |
    p1 := 'a' asParser token, 'b' asParser token.
    p2 := 'b' asParser token / 'a' asParser token.
    parser := p1 / p2 compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'b'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'c'.

    | p1 p2 a1 a2 |
    a1 := 'a' asParser token name: 't1'; yourself.
    a2 := 'a' asParser token name: 't2'; yourself.
    p1 := a1, 'b' asParser token.
    p2 := a2.
    parser := p1 / p2 compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'b'.

    | p1 p2 a1 a2 |
    a1 := 'a' asParser token name: 't1'; yourself.
    a2 := 'a' asParser token name: 't2'; yourself.
    p1 := a1, 'b' asParser token.
    p2 := 'b' asParser token / a2.
    parser := p1 / p2 compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'b'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'c'.

    parser := (('foo' asParser token and) / ('bar' asParser token and)) 
                    , 'bar' asParser token compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: 'bar'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    parser := ('foo' asParser / 'bar' asParser) token 
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'bar'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'bar'.
    self assert: parser fail: '_'.

    parser := ('foo' asParser token trim / 'bar' asParser token trim) 
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'bar'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'bar'.
    self assert: parser fail: '_'.

    parser := ('foo' asParser token , 'bar' asParser token) 
                    / ('foo' asParser token , 'baz' asParser token) 
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobar'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foobaz'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'baz'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'foobaq'.

    parser := ('foo' asParser token , 'bar' asParser token) star , 'foo' asParser token 
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobarfoobarfoo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'bar'.

    parser :=	(('foo' asParser token , 'bar' asParser token) star , 'foo' asParser token) 
                    / ('foo' asParser token , 'baz' asParser token) 
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobarfoobarfoo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'bar'.

    | start stop epsilon |
    start := $( asParser token.
    stop := $) asParser token.
    epsilon := '' asParser token.
    self should: [
        (start , epsilon , stop) compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    ] raise: Exception.
    self assert: parser parse: '()'.
    self assert: parser fail: '('.

    parser := 'foo' asParser token compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: parser fail: 'boo'.

    parser := ('foo' asParser token) , ('bar' asParser token) 
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobar'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    parser := ('foo' asParser trimmingToken) , ('bar' asParser trimmingToken) 
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobar'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foo  bar'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    self assert: parser parse: '  foo  bar'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    parser := 	('foo' asParser trimmingToken) , ('bar' asParser trimmingToken) 
                     , ('baz' asParser trimmingToken) compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobarbaz'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    self assert: parser parse: ' foo  bar  baz  '.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.
    self assert: result third inputValue = 'baz'.

    parser := 'foo' asParser token star compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'boo' end: 0.
    self assert: result isEmpty.

    parser := ('foo' asParser token , 'bar' asParser token) star 
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobar'.
    self assert: context tokenReads size = 1.
    self assert: parser parse: 'bar' end: 0.
    self assert: result isEmpty.
    self assert: context tokenReads size = 1.

    parser := 'a' asParser trimmingToken star , 'b' asParser trimmingToken 
    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'aaab'.
    self assert: result size = 2.
    self assert: result first size = 3.
    self assert: parser fail: 'ac'.

    |  a b optionsWith  |
    "based on the PPSmalltlakGrammar>>blockArgumentsWith"
    a := $| asParser smalltalkToken
    b := $] asParser smalltalkToken
    optionsWith := (a / b and ==> [:t | ]) wrapped
        name: 'optionsWith'; 

    parser := optionsWith compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: '|'.

    self assert: parser parse: ']' end: 0.

    | choice1 choice2 a1 b1 a2 b2 tricky |
    a1 := $| asParser token
    b1 := $] asParser token
    choice1 := (a1 / b1) wrapped
        name: 'choice1'; 

    a2 := $| asParser token
    b2 := $] asParser token
    choice2 := (a2 / b2) wrapped
        name: 'choice1'; 
    tricky := (a1 asParser, choice1) / (b2 asParser, choice2).

    parser := tricky compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: '||'.

    self assert: parser parse: '|]'.

    self assert: parser parse: ']|'.

    self assert: parser parse: ']]'.

    |  symbol symbolLiteralArray symbolLiteral arrayItem  arrayLiteral |
    "based on symbolLiteral symbolLiteralArray in SmalltalkGrammar"

    symbol := PPDelegateParser new.
    symbol setParser: 'foo' asParser.
    symbol name: 'symbol'.
    symbolLiteralArray := PPDelegateParser new.
    symbolLiteralArray setParser: symbol token.
    symbolLiteralArray name: 'symbolLiteralArray'.
    symbolLiteral := PPDelegateParser new.
    symbolLiteral setParser: $# asParser token, symbol token ==> [:e | e isNil. e ].
    "                                                                  ^^^^^^^ "    
    " This is here to trick Smalltalk/X JIT optimizer which would create
      a __shared__ arg0-returning block. Because it is __shared__ it won't
      have a sourceposition filled and hence the inlining would fail.
      Sigh, there must be a better solution..."
    symbolLiteral name: 'symbolLiteral'.
    arrayLiteral := PPDelegateParser new.
    arrayLiteral setParser: '#(' asParser token, symbolLiteralArray, ')' asParser token.
    arrayLiteral name: 'arrayLiteral'.

    arrayItem := arrayLiteral / symbolLiteral.

    parser := arrayItem compileUsingCompiler:compiler.

    self assert: parser parse: '#(foo)'.
    self assert: parser parse: '#foo'.

    "Modified (comment): / 17-08-2015 / 23:07:35 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := 'foo' asParser token trim end compileUsingCompiler:compiler.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foo  '.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: parser parse: '  foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: parser parse: '  foo   '.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'boo'.

    | token |
    token := $a asParser token.
    parser := token plus compileUsingCompiler:compiler.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: context tokenReads size = 1.

    self flag: 'add the assertion here?'.
"	self assert: context invocations size = 5."

    | token |
    token := $a asParser token.
    parser := token plus compileUsingCompiler:compiler.

    self assert: parser parse: 'aaa'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result third inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: context tokenReads size = 1.
    self flag: 'Add the assertion here?'.
"	self assert: context invocations size = 7."

    | token |
    token := 'foo' asParser token name: 'fooToken'; yourself.
    parser := token plus compileUsingCompiler:compiler.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foofoo'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: (parser scanner class methodDictionary includesKey: #fooToken).
    self assert: (parser scanner class methodDictionary includesKey: #scan_fooToken).

    | token ws trimmingToken |

    compiler removePass: PPCInliningVisitor.    
    token := 'foo' asParser token.
    ws := #blank asParser star name: 'consumeWhitespace'; yourself.
    trimmingToken := ((ws, token, ws) ==> #second) 
        propertyAt: 'trimmingToken' put: true; 
    parser := trimmingToken plus compileUsingCompiler:compiler.

    self assert: parser parse: ' foo '.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: (context invocations select: [:e | e = #scan_consumeWhitespace ]) size = 3.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2015 / 15:02:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | token ws trimmingToken |

    compiler removePass: PPCInliningVisitor.    
    token := 'foo' asParser token.
    ws := #blank asParser star name: 'consumeWhitespace'; yourself.
    trimmingToken := ((ws, token, ws) ==> #second) 
        propertyAt: 'trimmingToken' put: true; 
    parser := trimmingToken plus compileUsingCompiler:compiler.

    self assert: parser parse: ' foo foo '.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: (context invocations select: [:e | e = #scan_consumeWhitespace ]) size = 4.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2015 / 15:02:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | token ws trimmingToken |

    compiler removePass: PPCInliningVisitor.    
    token := 'foo' asParser token.
    ws := #blank asParser star name: 'consumeWhitespace'; yourself.
    trimmingToken := ((ws, token, ws) ==> #second) 
        propertyAt: 'trimmingToken' put: true; 
    parser := trimmingToken plus compileUsingCompiler:compiler.

    self assert: parser parse: ' foo  foo  foo  '.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result third inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: (context invocations select: [:e | e = #scan_consumeWhitespace ]) size = 5.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2015 / 15:02:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !