author Claus Gittinger <>
Sat, 07 May 2016 13:34:06 +0200
changeset 1418 17555e11c398
parent 1417 d624843fda05
child 1419 cfc3eb59fbcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
#QUALITY by cg class: RegressionTests::StringTests added: #test30_indexOfSubCollection #test42_occurrencesOf removed: #test30_indexOf changed: #test50_indexOf

"{ Package: 'exept:regression' }"

"{ NameSpace: RegressionTests }"

TestCase subclass:#StringTests

!StringTests methodsFor:'helpers'!

    |str s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 t|

    0 to:33 do:[:l |
        str := aStringClass new:l.
        str atAllPut:(Character space).
        self assert:( str isBlank ).

        1 to:l do:[:pos |
            str at:pos put:$a.
            self assert:( str isBlank not ).
            str at:pos put:(Character space).

    s0 := aStringClass new:0.
    self assert:s0 isEmpty.
    self assert:s0 isEmptyOrNil.
    self assert:s0 size == 0.

    s1 := (aStringClass new:5) replaceFrom:1 with:'hello'.
    s2 := (aStringClass new:6) replaceFrom:1 with:' world'.
    self assert:(s1 , s2) size == 11.
    self assert:(s1 , s2) class == aStringClass.
    self assert:(s1 = 'hello').
    self assert:(s2 = ' world').
    self assert:(s1 size == 5).
    self assert:(s2 size == 6).

    self assert:(s1 = 'hello').
    self assert:(s1 asSymbol == #'hello').
    self assert:(s1 copyFrom:1) = 'hello'.
    self assert:(s1 copyFrom:1) class == aStringClass.
    self assert:(s1 copyFrom:1 to:3) = 'hel'.
    self assert:(s1 copyFrom:1 to:3) class == aStringClass.
    self assert:(s1 copyWith:$X) = 'helloX'.
    self assert:(s1 copyWith:$X) class == aStringClass.
    self assert:(s1 endsWith:'llo').
    self assert:(s1 startsWith:'hel').

    self assert:(t := s1 identityIndexOf:$h) == 1 description:('identityIndex is %1 (should be 1)' bindWith:t).
    self assert:(t := s1 identityIndexOf:$l) == 3 description:('identityIndex is %1 (should be 3)' bindWith:t).
    self assert:(t := s1 identityIndexOf:$L) == 0 description:('identityIndex is %1 (should be 0)' bindWith:t).

    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$h startingAt:1) == 1.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$h startingAt:2) == 0.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$e startingAt:1) == 2.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$e startingAt:2) == 2.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$l startingAt:1) == 3.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$l startingAt:2) == 3.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$l startingAt:3) == 3.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$l startingAt:4) == 4.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$l startingAt:5) == 0.
    self assert:(s1 identityIndexOf:$l startingAt:6) == 0.

    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$h) == 1.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$l) == 3.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$L) == 0.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$A) == 0.

    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$h startingAt:1) == 1.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$h startingAt:2) == 0.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$e startingAt:1) == 2.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$e startingAt:2) == 2.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$l startingAt:1) == 3.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$l startingAt:2) == 3.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$l startingAt:3) == 3.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$l startingAt:4) == 4.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$l startingAt:5) == 0.
    self assert:(s1 indexOf:$l startingAt:6) == 0.

    self assert:(s1 includes:$l).
    self assert:(s1 includes:$L) not.

    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'a') not.
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'ab') not.
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'abc') not.
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'abcd') not.
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'abcde').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'e').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'ae').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'ea').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'abe').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'eab').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'aeb').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'abce').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'eabc').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'aebc').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'abec').
    self assert:(s1 includesAny:'abcde').
                                                  " 12345678901234567890 "
    s3 := (aStringClass new:20) replaceFrom:1 with:'12 45,78;01.34-67+90'.
    t := s3 asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$,.
    self assert:(t size = 2).
    self assert:(t first = '12 45').
    self assert:(t second = '78;01.34-67+90').

    t := s3 asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;. '.
    self assert:(t size = 5).
    self assert:(t first = '12').
    self assert:(t second = '45').
    self assert:(t third = '78').
    self assert:(t fourth = '01').
    self assert:(t fifth = '34-67+90').

    s4 := (aStringClass new:10) replaceFrom:1 with:'123',Character tab,'567',Character cr,'90'.
    self assert:(s4 size = 10).
    self assert:(s4 indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:1) = 4.
    self assert:(s4 indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:3) = 4.
    self assert:(s4 indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:4) = 4.
    self assert:(s4 indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:5) = 8.
    self assert:(s4 indexOfControlCharacterStartingAt:1) = 4.
    self assert:(s4 indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1) = 1.
    self assert:(s4 indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:3) = 3.
    self assert:(s4 indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:4) = 5.
    self assert:(s4 indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:5) = 5.
! !

!StringTests methodsFor:'tests'!

    0 to:33 do:[:l |

	str := String new:l.
	str atAllPut:(Character space).
	self assert:( str isBlank ).

	1 to:l do:[:pos |
	    str at:pos put:$a.
	    self assert:( str isBlank not ).
	    str at:pos put:(Character space).
    self runAccessTestsOnInstancesOf:String

     self new test01_access

    |myStringClass s1|

    Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
	myStringClass := String
	myStringClass compile:'foo ^foo'.
	myStringClass compile:'foo:arg foo := arg'.

    s1 := (myStringClass new:5) replaceFrom:1 with:'hello'.
    self assert:(s1 foo isNil).
    self assert:(s1 size == 5).
    s1 foo:16r11413344.         "/ ensure there is a $A inside (hex 41)
    self assert:(s1 foo == 16r11413344).
    self assert:(s1 = 'hello').
    self assert:(s1 deepCopy foo == 16r11413344).

    self assert:((s1 indexOf:$A) == 0).                 "/ should not find the A
    self assert:((s1 identityIndexOf:$A) == 0).         "/ should not find the A
    self assert:((s1 findFirst:[:ch | ch == $A]) == 0). "/ should not find the A

    self runAccessTestsOnInstancesOf:myStringClass.

     self new test02_subclassAccess

    0 to:65 do:[:l |

	str := String new:l.
	str atAllPut:(Character value:16r7F).
	self assert:( str contains8BitCharacters not ).

	1 to:l do:[:pos |
	    str at:pos put:(Character value:16r80).
	    self assert:( str contains8BitCharacters ).
	    str at:pos put:(Character value:16r7F).

     self new test10_Contains8BitCharacters

    |myClass s1 l2 s2 parserFlags compiler|

    parserFlags := Compiler new parserFlags copy.
    parserFlags stringsAreImmutable:true.
    parserFlags arraysAreImmutable:true.

    Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
	myClass := Object

	compiler := myClass compilerClass new.
	compiler parserFlags:parserFlags.
	compiler compile:'lit1 ^''hello''' forClass:myClass install:true.

	compiler := myClass compilerClass new.
	compiler parserFlags:parserFlags.
	compiler compile:'lit2 ^#(''foo'' ''bar'' ''baz'')' forClass:myClass install:true.

    s1 := myClass new perform:#lit1.
    self assert:(s1 isString).
    self assert:(s1 class == ImmutableString).
    self should:[ s1 at:1 put:$H ] raise:Error.

    l2 := myClass new perform:#lit2.
    self assert:(l2 isArray).
    self assert:(l2 class == ImmutableArray).
    self should:[ l2 at:1 put:$H ] raise:Error.
    s2 := l2 at:1.
    self assert:(s2 isString).
    self assert:(s2 class == ImmutableString).
    self should:[ s2 at:1 put:$H ] raise:Error.

     self new test20_literalsAreReadonly

    "Modified: / 02-08-2011 / 19:30:53 / cg"

      "/  12345678901
    i := 'hello world' indexOfSubCollection:'world' startingAt:1 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:true.
    self assert:(i == 7).
    i := 'hello wOrLd' indexOfSubCollection:'world' startingAt:1 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:true.
    self assert:(i == 0).
    i := 'hello wOrLd' indexOfSubCollection:'world' startingAt:1 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:false.
    self assert:(i == 7).
    i := 'hello wOrLd' indexOfSubCollection:'ll' startingAt:1 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:false.
    self assert:(i == 3).

    i := 'hello wOrLd yellow' indexOfSubCollection:'ll' startingAt:1 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:false.
    self assert:(i == 3).
    i := 'hello wOrLd yellow' indexOfSubCollection:'ll' startingAt:3 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:false.
    self assert:(i == 3).
    i := 'hello wOrLd yellow' indexOfSubCollection:'ll' startingAt:4 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:false.
    self assert:(i == 15).

    i := 'hello wOrLd yellow' indexOfSubCollection:'low' startingAt:1 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:false.
    self assert:(i == 16).
    i := 'hello wOrLd yellow' indexOfSubCollection:'low' startingAt:17 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:false.
    self assert:(i == 0).
    i := 'hello wOrLd yellow' indexOfSubCollection:'low' startingAt:18 ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive:false.
    self assert:(i == 0).

     self new test30_indexOfSubCollection

    |s i|

    s := 'Some Sample Generators (74035660-d1f6-11df-9ab3-00ff7b08316c)'.
    1 to:s size do:[:start |
        i := s indexOfAny:'-' startingAt:start.
        self assert:(i == 0 or:[ i >= start]).
        (i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
            self assert:(s at:i) == $-
    "/    123456789012 
    s := 'bla bla 1234'.
    1 to:s size do:[:start |
        i := s indexOfAny:'1234' startingAt:start.
        self assert:(i == 0 or:[ i >= start]).
        (i == 9) ifTrue:[ self assert:((s at:i) == $1) ].
        (i == 10) ifTrue:[ self assert:((s at:i) == $2) ].
        (i == 11) ifTrue:[ self assert:((s at:i) == $3) ].
        (i == 12) ifTrue:[ self assert:((s at:i) == $4) ].

     self new test40_indexOfAny

    "Created: / 29-10-2010 / 14:58:21 / cg"


    s := 'abcdefg'.
    self assert:(s contains:[:ch | ch == $a]).
    self assert:(s contains:[:ch | ch == $A]) not.
    self assert:(s contains:[:ch | ch == $1]) not.

     self new test41_contains


    "/             12345678901
    self assert:( 'hello world' occurrencesOf:$0 ) == 0.
    self assert:( 'hello world' occurrencesOf:$l ) == 3.  
    self assert:( 'hello world' occurrencesOf:$d ) == 1.  

    "/ how about 0-bytes in between
    self assert:( #[0 0 1 0 0] asString occurrencesOf:(Character value:1) ) == 1.
    self assert:( #[0 0 1 0 0] asString occurrencesOf:(Character value:0) ) == 4.

    1 to:10 do:[:nA |
        1 to:10 do:[:nB |
            s := (String new:nA withAll:$a),(String new:nB withAll:$b).
            self assert:(s occurrencesOf:$a) == nA.
            self assert:(s occurrencesOf:$b) == nB.

    s := String new:1024.
    s atAllPut:$a.
    s at:512 put:(Character space).
    self assert:(s occurrencesOf:(Character space)) == 1.
    self assert:(s occurrencesOf:$a) == 1023.

    s := String new:1024.
    s atAllPut:$a.
    1 to:1024 by:2 do:[:i | s at:i put:$b].
    self assert:(s occurrencesOf:$a) == 512.
    self assert:(s occurrencesOf:$b) == 512.
     self new test42_occurrencesOf

    "Created: / 29-10-2010 / 14:58:21 / cg"

    |s i|

    s := 'Some Sample Generators (74035660-d1f6-11df-9ab3-00ff7b08316c)'.
    1 to:s size do:[:start |
        i := s indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
        self assert:(i == 0 or:[ i >= start]).
    "/             12345678901
    self assert:( 'hello world' indexOf:$0 startingAt:1 ) == 0.
    self assert:( 'hello world' indexOf:$l startingAt:1 ) == 3.  
    self assert:( 'hello world' indexOf:$l startingAt:5 ) == 10.  
    self assert:( 'hello world' indexOf:$d startingAt:5 ) == 11.  

    "/ how about 0-bytes in between
    self assert:( #[0 0 1 0 0] asString indexOf:(Character value:1) startingAt:1 ) == 3.
    self assert:( #[0 0 1 0 0] asString indexOf:(Character value:0) startingAt:3 ) == 4.
    self assert:( #[0 0 1 1 0] asString indexOf:(Character value:0) startingAt:3 ) == 5.
    self assert:( #[0 1 0 1 0] asString indexOf:(Character value:1) startingAt:3 ) == 4.

    s := '12345678901234b'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$x) == 0.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 3.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$4) == 4.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$5) == 5.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$0) == 10.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$b) == 15.

    s := ''.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 0.
    s := '1'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 0.
    s := '12'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 0.
    s := '123'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 3.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$4) == 0.
    s := '1234'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 3.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$4) == 4.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$5) == 0.
    s := '12345'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 3.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$4) == 4.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$5) == 5.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$6) == 0.
    s := '123456'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 3.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$4) == 4.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$5) == 5.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$6) == 6.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$7) == 0.
    s := '1234567'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 3.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$4) == 4.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$5) == 5.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$6) == 6.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$7) == 7.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$8) == 0.
    s := '12345678'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 3.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$4) == 4.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$5) == 5.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$6) == 6.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$7) == 7.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$8) == 8.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$9) == 0.
    s := '123456789'.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$1) == 1.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$2) == 2.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$3) == 3.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$4) == 4.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$5) == 5.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$6) == 6.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$7) == 7.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$8) == 8.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$9) == 9.

    self assert:(s indexOf:$0) == 0.
    self assert:(s indexOf:$b) == 0.

    s := String new:1024.
    s atAllPut:$a.
    s at:512 put:(Character space).
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space)) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:1) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:2) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:3) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:4) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:5) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:6) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:7) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:8) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:9) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:511) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:512) == 512.
    self assert:(s indexOf:(Character space) startingAt:513) == 0.

     self new test50_indexOf

    "Created: / 29-10-2010 / 14:58:21 / cg"

    self assert:('aaa/bbb/ccc' subStrings:'/') asArray = #('aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc').
    self assert:(('aaa/bbb/ccc' subStrings:'/') asStringWith:'/') = 'aaa/bbb/ccc'.

"/    self assert:('/aaa/bbb/ccc' subStrings:'/') asArray = #('' 'aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc').
"/    self assert:(('/aaa/bbb/ccc' subStrings:'/') asStringWith:'/') = '/aaa/bbb/ccc'.
"/    self assert:('aaa/bbb/ccc/' subStrings:'/') asArray = #('aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc' '' ).
"/    self assert:(('aaa/bbb/ccc/' subStrings:'/') asStringWith:'/') = '/aaa/bbb/ccc/'.
"/    self assert:('/aaa/bbb/ccc/' subStrings:'/') asArray = #('' 'aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc' '').
"/    self assert:(('/aaa/bbb/ccc/' subStrings:'/') asStringWith:'/') = '/aaa/bbb/ccc'' '.
"/    self assert:('//aaa/bbb/ccc' subStrings:'/') asArray = #('' '' 'aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc').
"/    self assert:(('//aaa/bbb/ccc' subStrings:'/') asStringWith:'/') = '//aaa/bbb/ccc'.

     self new test51_substrings

    As of 2013-01-09 for strings of size 7 String & Unicode16String hash
    returned different values. This test checks this

    | tester |

    tester := [:s|
        |sHash u16Hash u32Hash|

        sHash := s hash.
        u16Hash := s asUnicode16String hash.
        u32Hash := s asUnicode32String hash.

        self assert: sHash == u16Hash
             description: ('String and Unicode16String hashes differ on "%1" (%2)'
                                bindWith:s with:s class name).
        self assert: sHash == u32Hash
             description: ('String and Unicode32String hashes differ on "%1" (%2)'
                                bindWith:s with:s class name)

    tester value:'a'.
    tester value:'12345678901234'.
    tester value:'1234567890123'.
    tester value:'123456789012'.
    tester value:'12345678901'.
    tester value:'1234567890'.
    tester value:'123456789'.
    tester value:'12345678'.
    tester value:'1234567'.
    tester value:'123456'.
    tester value:'12345'.
    tester value:'1234'.
    tester value:'123'.
    tester value:'12'.
    tester value:'boolean'.

    "/ strings with 0-elements
    tester value:('' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('1' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('12' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('123' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('1234' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('12345' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('123456' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('1234567' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('12345678' copyWith:Character null).
    tester value:('123456789' copyWith:Character null).
    String allInstancesDo:[:each| tester value:each].
    Symbol allInstancesDo:[:each| tester value:each].

    "Created: / 09-01-2013 / 10:58:22 / Jan Vrany <>"


    self assert: 'AAA' storeString = '''AAA'''.
    self assert: 'A''A''A' storeString = '''A''''A''''A'''.

    self assert: 'AAA' asImmutableString storeString = '''AAA'''.
    self assert: 'A''A''A' asImmutableString storeString = '''A''''A''''A'''.

    "Created: / 14-07-2013 / 19:17:33 / Jan Vrany <>"


    | orig copy |

    orig := 'AAA' copy. "/ In case literals are immutable...
    self assert: orig = 'AAA'.

    copy := orig copyReplaceAll: $A with: $X.
    self assert: copy = 'XXX'.
    self assert: orig = 'AAA'.

    orig := 'AAA' asImmutableString.
    self assert: orig = 'AAA'.

    copy := orig copyReplaceAll: $A with: $X.
    self assert: copy = 'XXX'.
    self assert: orig = 'AAA'.

    "Created: / 06-03-2014 / 15:10:19 / Jan Vrany <>"


    | str |

    str := 'AAA' copy. "/ In case literals are immutable...

    str atAllPut:$B.
    self assert: str = 'BBB'.

    str from:1 to:0 put:$C.
    self assert: str = 'BBB'.

    str from:1 to:1 put:$D.
    self assert: str = 'DBB'.

    str from:1 to:2 put:$E.
    self assert: str = 'EEB'.

    str from:1 to:3 put:$F.
    self assert: str = 'FFF'.

    str from:1 to:0 put:$G.
    self assert: str = 'FFF'.

    str from:-1 to:-2 put:$G.
    self assert: str = 'FFF'.

    self should:[
	str from:-1 to:-1 put:$x
    ] raise:SubscriptOutOfBoundsError.
    self assert: str = 'FFF'.

    self should:[
	str from:-1 to:1 put:$x
    ] raise:SubscriptOutOfBoundsError.
    self assert: str = 'FFF'.

    | string8 string16 string32 |

    string8 := 'sun/nio/cs/UTF_8.class'.
    string16 := string8 asUnicode16String.
    string32 := string8 asUnicode16String.

    self assert: string8 hash == string16 hash.
    self assert: string8 hash == string32 hash.

    "Created: / 09-10-2014 / 12:41:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!StringTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'
! !