author Claus Gittinger <>
Wed, 31 Oct 2012 17:37:13 +0100
changeset 730 43f9555a83e5
parent 697 efb5015d621b
child 893 bab45d7a2c6b
permissions -rw-r--r--
changed: #testRead2

"{ Package: 'exept:regression' }"

"{ NameSpace: RegressionTests }"

TestCase subclass:#FileStreamTest

!FileStreamTest methodsFor:'cleanup'!

    'testFile' asFilename remove   
! !

!FileStreamTest methodsFor:'helpers'!

    "create a directory with 20000 files"

    'c:\tmp' asFilename exists ifFalse:[
        'c:\tmp' asFilename makeDirectory
    'c:\tmp\BigDirectory' asFilename exists ifFalse:[
        'c:\tmp\BigDirectory' asFilename makeDirectory

    1 to:20000 do:[:i|
       |f s buffer|
       f :='c:\tmp\BigDirectory' asFilename 
                    construct:(i printString leftPaddedTo:5 with:$0).
       s := f writeStream binary.
       buffer := ByteArray new:1024. 
       32 timesRepeat:[ s nextPutAll:buffer ].
       s close.

     self new createBigDirectoryWithManyFiles

    "Created: / 12.8.1998 / 13:25:25 / cg"

    "create a test file (100k size)"

    |f bytes|

    f := 'testFile' asFilename writeStream binary.
    bytes := ByteArray new:1024.
    1 to:bytes size do:[:i |
        bytes at:i put:(i \\ 256).

    100 timesRepeat:[
        f nextPutAll:bytes.

    f close.

     self new createTestFile

    "Created: / 12.8.1998 / 13:25:25 / cg"

    "basic writing"

    |file s sz buffer byte|

    buffer := ByteArray new:size.
    1 to:buffer size do:[:idx |
        buffer at:idx put:(idx \\ 256)

    file := Filename newTemporary.
    s := file writeStream.

    s binary.
    s nextPutAll:buffer.
    s close.

    sz := file fileSize.
    sz ~= size ifTrue:[self error:'size mismatch'].

    s := file readStream.
    s binary.
    1 to:size do:[:idx |
        byte := s next.
        byte ~~ (idx \\ 256) ifTrue:[self error:'read data mismatch'].
    s close.

    (file binaryContentsOfEntireFile ~= buffer) ifTrue:[
        self error:'read data mismatch2'
    file delete.

     self testWrite:1024

    "read test file, expect n bytes"

    |f buffer n nRead|

    f := 'testFile' asFilename readStream binary.
    buffer := ByteArray new:128.

    n := 0.
    [f atEnd] whileFalse:[
	nRead := f nextBytes:128 into:buffer.
	n := n + nRead.
    f close.
    expect ~~ n ifTrue:[
	self halt:('got <1p>; expected:<2p>' expandMacrosWith:n with:expect)

    "Created: / 12.8.1998 / 13:29:41 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12.8.1998 / 13:36:40 / cg"
! !

!FileStreamTest methodsFor:'tests'!

    "basic open for appending."

    |file s sz actualContents expectedContents|

    file := Filename newTemporary.
    s := file writeStream.
    s binary.
    s nextPutAll:(1 to:100).
    s close.

    sz := file fileSize.
    self should:[ sz = 100 ]. "/ size mismatch

    s := file appendingWriteStream.
    s binary.
    s nextPutAll:(101 to:200).
    s close.

    sz := file fileSize.
    self should:[ sz = 200 ]. "/ size mismatch

    actualContents := file binaryContentsOfEntireFile.
    expectedContents := (1 to:200) asByteArray.
    self should:[ (actualContents = expectedContents) ].   "/ contents mismatch

    file delete.

     self new testAppend1

    "basic open for reading."


    self createTestFile.

    sz := 'testFile' asFilename fileSize.

    self readFileExpecting:sz.

     self new testOpenRead1

    "read a file - check count read with files size."


    self createTestFile.

    sz := 'testFile' asFilename fileSize.

    self readFileExpecting:sz.

     self new testRead1

    "Modified: / 12.8.1998 / 13:29:55 / cg"

    "read a file - check count read with files size.
     Do this in 20 threads"

    |sz verbose|

    verbose := false.

    self createTestFile.
    self assert:('testFile' asFilename exists).

    sz := 'testFile' asFilename fileSize.

    20 timesRepeat:[
            self readFileExpecting:sz. 
            verbose ifTrue:[ 'done' printCR ].
        ] fork.

     self new testRead2

    "Modified: / 10-01-2012 / 19:28:45 / cg"

    "read a file - check count read with files size.
     Do this and interrupt the reading thread heavily"

    |sz p count nLoop|

    nLoop := 1000.

    self createTestFile.

    sz := 'testFile' asFilename fileSize.

    p := [
        nLoop timesRepeat:[
            self readFileExpecting:sz.
    ] forkAt:7.

    count := 0.
    [p isDead] whileFalse:[
        Delay waitForMilliseconds:5.
        p interruptWith:[count := count + 1].
    ('read file <1p> times; interrupted <2p> times' 
        expandMacrosWith:nLoop with:count) printCR

     self new testRead3

    "Modified: / 12.8.1998 / 13:42:13 / cg"

    "basic open for writing (with truncation)."

    |file s sz|

    file := Filename newTemporary.
    s := file writeStream.
    s binary.
    s nextPutAll:(1 to:200).
    s close.

    sz := file fileSize.
    sz ~= 200 ifTrue:[self error:'size mismatch'].

    s := file writeStream.
    s binary.
    s nextPutAll:(101 to:200).
    s close.

    sz := file fileSize.
    sz ~= 100 ifTrue:[self error:'size mismatch'].

    (file binaryContentsOfEntireFile ~= (101 to:200) asByteArray) ifTrue:[
        self error:'contents mismatch'

    file delete.

     self new testRewrite1

    "basic open for re-writing (without truncation)."

    |file s sz|

    file := Filename newTemporary.
    s := file writeStream.
    s binary.
    s nextPutAll:(1 to:200).
    s close.

    sz := file fileSize.
    sz ~= 200 ifTrue:[self error:'size mismatch'].

    s := file readWriteStream.
    s binary.
    s nextPutAll:(101 to:200).
    s close.

    sz := file fileSize.
    sz ~= 200 ifTrue:[self error:'size mismatch'].

    (file binaryContentsOfEntireFile ~= 
        ((101 to:200) asByteArray , (101 to:200) asByteArray)) ifTrue:[
        self error:'contents mismatch'

    file delete.

     self new testRewrite2

    "basic writing in various block sizes"

    self doTestWrite:1024.
    self doTestWrite:2048.
    self doTestWrite:4096.
    self doTestWrite:8192.
    self doTestWrite:8192*2.
    self doTestWrite:8192*4.
    self doTestWrite:8192*8.
    self doTestWrite:8192*16.
    self doTestWrite:8192*32.
    self doTestWrite:8192*64.
    self doTestWrite:8192*128.

     self new testWrite1

    "Modified (comment): / 18-01-2012 / 12:02:34 / cg"

    "basic writing"

    10 timesRepeat:[
        self testWrite1.

     self new testWrite2

    "writing with many interrupts"


    interruptor := [
        [true] whileTrue:[
            Delay waitForMilliseconds:10.
    ] forkAt:9.

        50 timesRepeat:[
            self testWrite1.
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        interruptor terminate

     self new testWrite3

    "Modified (comment): / 18-01-2012 / 12:02:21 / cg"
! !

!FileStreamTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !