author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 01 Feb 2017 22:26:03 +0000
changeset 1948 62328a88e632
parent 1500 d406a10b2965
child 1986 3408db0c1c35
permissions -rw-r--r--

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/regression' }"

"{ NameSpace: RegressionTests }"

TestCase subclass:#CollectionTests
	instanceVariableNames:'empty nonEmpty'

Object subclass:#SortTestData
	instanceVariableNames:'value order'

!CollectionTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ Collection withAllSubclasses

    documentation to be added.

	Claus Gittinger (cg@alan)

    [see also:]

    [instance variables:]

    [class variables:]

    "Created: / 8.11.2001 / 08:17:09 / cg"
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'helpers'!

checkSorted:aSortedCollection with:sortBlock against:anOriginalCollection

    self assert:aSortedCollection size = anOriginalCollection size.

    "is it sorted?"
    first := true.
    aSortedCollection inject:nil into:[:last :each|
	    first ifTrue:[first := false]
		  ifFalse:[self assert:(sortBlock value:last value:each)]. each].

    "same elements as in original?"
    self assert:(aSortedCollection asBag = anOriginalCollection asBag).


    collectedDoArgs := OrderedCollection new.
    aCollection do:[:each | collectedDoArgs add:each].
    ^ collectedDoArgs
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'initialize-release'!

	empty := Set new.
	nonEmpty := OrderedCollection with: #x.
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-byteArray'!

     1 to:1024 do:[:i|
	|bytes test rBytes|

	bytes := ((1 to:i) asArray collect:[:i | i bitAnd:255]) asByteArray.
	test := ((i to:1 by:-1) asArray collect:[:i | i bitAnd:255]) asByteArray.
	rBytes := bytes copy.
	self assert:(rBytes reverse = test).

	rBytes := bytes copy.
	self assert:(rBytes reverse reverse = bytes).

     1 to:1024 do:[:i|
	|bytes test rBytes|

	bytes := ((1 to:i) asArray collect:[:i | i bitAnd:255]) asByteArray.
	test := ((i to:1 by:-1) asArray collect:[:i | i bitAnd:255]) asByteArray.
	self assert:(bytes reversed = test).

	self assert:(bytes reversed reversed = bytes).
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-dictionary'!

    |d v1 v2 v3 ret|

    d := Dictionary new.
    d at:1 put:(v1 := 'one').
    d at:2 put:(v2 := 'two').
    d at:3 put:(v3 := 'three').

    self assert: ( d size == 3 ).

    self assert:(ret := self collectedDoArgsOf:d) asSet = #('one' 'two' 'three') asSet.
    self assert:(ret := d collect:[:each | each]) = #('one' 'two' 'three') asBag.
    self assert:(ret := d select:[:each | true]) = (Dictionary withAssociations:(Array with:(1->'one') with:(2->'two') with:(3->'three'))).

    self assert: ( (d at:1) == v1 ).
    self assert: ( (d at:2) == v2 ).
    self assert: ( (d at:3) == v3 ).

    d at:3 put:(v3 := 'drei').

    self assert: ( d size == 3 ).

    self assert: ( (d at:1) == v1 ).
    self assert: ( (d at:2) == v2 ).
    self assert: ( (d at:3) == v3 ).

    self assert: ( (d keyAtValue:v1) = 1 ).

     self basicNew testDictionary01

    "Modified: / 04-07-2011 / 19:28:39 / cg"
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-general'!


    coll := aClass new.

    self assert: ( coll size == 0 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty not ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil not ).

    coll at:1 put:'one'.

    self assert: ( coll size == 1 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty not).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil not ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil ).

    coll at:2 put:'two'.

    self assert: ( coll size == 2 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty not).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil not ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil ).

    coll removeKey:2.
    self assert: ( coll size == 1 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty not).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil not ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil ).

    coll removeKey:1.
    self assert: ( coll size == 0 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty not ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil not ).

     self basicNew doTestDictionaryLikeAddRemoveOperations

    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 16:01:14 / cg"


    coll := aClass new.

    self assert: ( coll size == 0 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty not ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil not ).

    coll add:1.

    self assert: ( coll size == 1 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty not).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil not ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil ).

    coll add:2.

    self assert: ( coll size == 2 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty not).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil not ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil ).

    coll remove:2.
    self assert: ( coll size == 1 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty not).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil not ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil ).

    coll remove:1.
    self assert: ( coll size == 0 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty not ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil not ).

     self basicNew testGeneralOperations

    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 16:00:06 / cg"


    coll := aClass new.

    self assert: ( coll size == 0 ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmpty not ).
    self assert: ( coll isEmptyOrNil ).
    self assert: ( coll notEmptyOrNil not ).

    self should: [ coll first ] raise:Error.
    self should: [ coll last ] raise:Error.
    self should: [ (coll at:1) ] raise:Error.

    self assert: ( (coll includes:0) not ).

     self basicNew testGeneralOperations

    |coll1 coll2|

    coll1 := self protoCollectionFor: aClass.

    self assert: ( coll1 size > 0 ).
    self assert: ( coll1 isEmpty not ).
    self assert: ( coll1 notEmpty ).
    self assert: ( coll1 isEmptyOrNil not ).
    self assert: ( coll1 notEmptyOrNil ).

    self assert: ( coll1 first = (coll1 at:1) ).
    self assert: ( coll1 last = (coll1 at:(coll1 size)) ).

    self assert: ( coll1 = coll1 ).
    self assert: ( coll1 ~= coll1 ) not.
    coll2 := coll1 copy.
    self assert: (coll1 size == coll2 size).
    1 to:coll1 size do:[:i |
	"/ coll1 at:10
	"/ coll2 at:10
	self assert:(coll1 at:i) = (coll2 at:i).
    self assert: ( coll2 = coll1 ).

    coll2 replaceFrom:1 to:coll2 size with:coll1 startingAt:1.
    self assert: ( coll2 = coll1 ).

    "overlapping copy"
    coll2 replaceFrom:2 to:coll2 size with:coll2 startingAt:1.
    coll2 replaceFrom:1 to:coll2 size-1 with:coll2 startingAt:2.
    coll2 at:(coll2 size) put:(coll1 at:coll1 size).
    self assert: ( coll2 = coll1 ).

     self basicNew testSequentialCollectionOperations

    "Created: / 08-05-2012 / 10:50:08 / cg"

protoCollectionFor: aClass
    aClass == BooleanArray ifTrue: [
	^ BooleanArray withAll:#(true false true true false false true false false true)
    aClass == BitArray ifTrue: [
	^ BitArray withAll:#(1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1)
    aClass == ByteArray ifTrue: [
	^ ByteArray withAll:#(1 2 3 4 16rFC 16rFD 16rFE 16rFF)
    aClass == String ifTrue: [
	^ 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    (aClass includesBehavior:CharacterArray) ifTrue:[
	^ 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' as: aClass
    (aClass includesBehavior:AbstractNumberVector) ifTrue:[
	(aClass includesBehavior:UnboxedIntegerArray) ifTrue:[
	    ^ #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) as: aClass
	^ #(1.0 2 3.0 4 5.0 6 7.0 8 9.0 10) as: aClass
    ^ #(1 true 2.0 false 3 nil 4.0 5 6.0 7 8.0 9 10.0) as: aClass

     self basicNew testSequentialCollectionOperations

    "Created: / 08-05-2012 / 10:50:50 / cg"


    classes := OrderedCollection new.

    classes do:[:eachClass |
	self doTestDictionaryLikeAddRemoveOperationsIn:eachClass

     self basicNew testDictionaryLikeAddRemoveOperations

    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 15:59:52 / cg"


    classes := OrderedCollection new.
	"/ add:RunArray;

    classes do:[:eachClass |
	self doTestGeneralAddRemoveOperationsIn:eachClass

     self basicNew testGeneralAddRemoveOperations

    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 15:59:02 / cg"


    classes := OrderedCollection new.

    classes do:[:eachClass |
	self doTestGeneralCollectionOperationsIn:eachClass

     self basicNew testGeneralOperations

    "Modified: / 08-08-2011 / 15:53:16 / cg"


    classes := OrderedCollection new.

    classes do:[:eachClass |
	self doTestSequentialCollectionOperationsIn:eachClass

     self basicNew testSequentialCollectionOperations

    "Created: / 08-05-2012 / 10:48:40 / cg"


    a := #(1 2 3 4 5) asWordArray.
    self assert:(a at:1) == 1.
    self assert:(a at:a size) == 5.
    self assert:(a first) == 1.
    self assert:(a last) == 5.

    a := #(1 2 3 4 5) asIntegerArray.
    self assert:(a at:1) == 1.
    self assert:(a at:a size) == 5.
    self assert:(a first) == 1.
    self assert:(a last) == 5.

    a := #(1 2 3 4 5) asLongIntegerArray.
    self assert:(a at:1) == 1.
    self assert:(a at:a size) == 5.
    self assert:(a first) == 1.
    self assert:(a last) == 5.

     self basicNew testSpecialArrayClasses

    "Created: / 08-05-2012 / 10:48:40 / cg"


    a := #(1 2 3 4 5) asFloatArray.
    self assert:(a at:1) = 1.0.
    self assert:(a at:a size) = 5.0.
    self assert:(a first) = 1.0.
    self assert:(a last) = 5.0.

    a := #(1 2 3 4 5) asDoubleArray.
    self assert:(a at:1) = 1.0.
    self assert:(a at:a size) = 5.0.
    self assert:(a first) = 1.0.
    self assert:(a last) = 5.0.

    a := #(1 2 3 4 5) asHalfFloatArray.
    self assert:(a at:1) = 1.0.
    self assert:(a at:a size) = 5.0.
    self assert:(a first) = 1.0.
    self assert:(a last) = 5.0.

     self basicNew testSpecialArrayClasses2

    "Created: / 08-05-2012 / 10:48:40 / cg"
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-interval'!

    |i1 i2 enumeratedValues|

    i1 := 1 to:10.

    self assert: ( i1 size == 10 ).

    self assert: ( i1 includes:1 ).
    self assert: ( i1 includes:10 ).

    self assert: ( i1 min == 1 ).
    self assert: ( i1 max == 10 ).

    "cannot add/remove"
    self should:[i1 add:99] raise:Error.
    self should:[i1 remove:10] raise:Error.

    i2 := 2 to:20 by:2.
    self assert: ( i2 size == 10 ).

    self assert: ( i2 includes:0 ) not.
    self assert: ( i2 includes:1 ) not.
    self assert: ( i2 includes:2 ).
    self assert: ( i2 includes:3 ) not.
    self assert: ( i2 includes:10 ).
    self assert: ( i2 includes:19 ) not.
    self assert: ( i2 includes:20 ).
    self assert: ( i2 includes:21 ) not.
    self assert: ( i2 includes:22 ) not.

    self assert: ( i2 min == 2 ).
    self assert: ( i2 max == 20 ).

    self assert: ( i2 keys asArray = (1 to:10) asArray ).

    enumeratedValues := OrderedCollection new.
    i1 do:[:each | enumeratedValues add:each ].
    self assert:(enumeratedValues size == 10).
    self assert:(enumeratedValues asArray = #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)).

    enumeratedValues := OrderedCollection new.
    i2 do:[:each | enumeratedValues add:each ].
    self assert:(enumeratedValues size == 10).
    self assert:(enumeratedValues asArray = #(2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)).

    self assert: (i1 collect:[:el | el even]) asArray = #(false true false true false true false true false true).
    self assert: (i2 collect:[:el | el even]) asArray = #(true true true true true true true true true true).

     self basicNew testInterval01

    "Modified: / 03-05-2012 / 18:36:41 / cg"
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-orderedCollection'!

    "Verify that the sort is stable"

    | testData lastTestData errs  col|

    testData := OrderedCollection new.
    testData addAll: ((100 to: 1 by: -1) collect: [ :n | SortTestData new value: n ]).
    testData addAll: ((100 to: 1 by: -1) collect: [ :n | SortTestData new value: n ]).
    testData addAll: ((100 to: 1 by: -1) collect: [ :n | SortTestData new value: n ]).
    testData keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :each| each order: idx ].

    col := testData copy.
    col mergeSort:[:v1 :v2 | v1 value < v2 value ].
    self checkSorted:col with:[:v1 :v2 | v1 value <= v2 value ] against:testData.

    lastTestData := nil.

    errs := col inject: 0 into:
	    [ :totIn :aSortTestData | |totOut|
	    totOut := totIn.
	    lastTestData notNil ifTrue:
		    [ lastTestData value = aSortTestData value ifTrue:
			    [ lastTestData order > aSortTestData order ifTrue: [ totOut := totOut + 1 ] ] ].
	    lastTestData := aSortTestData.
	    totOut ].
    self should: [ errs = 0 ]

     self basicNew testMergeSortStability01

    |col col2|

    col := #( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ) copy.
    col sort.
    self assert:( col sameContentsAs: (1 to:20)).

    col := #( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ) copy reverse.
    col sort.
    self assert:( col sameContentsAs: (1 to:20) ).

    col := #( 10 2 13 4 15 6 17 8 19 11 1 12 3 14 5 16 7 18 9 20 ) copy.
    col sort.
    self assert:( col sameContentsAs: (1 to:20) ).

    col := ( 1 to: 10000 ) asOrderedCollection.
    col sort.
    self assert:( col sameContentsAs: (1 to:10000) ).

    col := ( 1 to: 10000 ) asOrderedCollection.
    col2 := ( 1 to: 10000 ) asOrderedCollection.
    col sortWith:col2.
    self assert:( col sameContentsAs: (1 to:10000) ).
    self assert:( col2 sameContentsAs: (1 to:10000) ).

    col := ( 10000 to: 1 by:-1) asOrderedCollection.
    col2 := ( 10000 to: 1 by:-1) asOrderedCollection.
    col sortWith:col2.
    self assert:( col sameContentsAs: (1 to:10000) ).
    self assert:( col2 sameContentsAs: (1 to:10000) ).

     self new testOrderedCollection01_Sort1

    "Modified: / 04-07-2011 / 19:29:54 / cg"

    | size col sortBlock|

    size := 12500.
    col := OrderedCollection new.
    1 to:size do:[:el|
	col add:nil.
    sortBlock := [:entry1 :entry2 |
	((entry1 isNil) or:[entry2 isNil]) ifTrue:[
	] ifFalse:[
    self shouldnt:[col sort:sortBlock] raise:RecursionInterruptSignal.

     self new testOrderedCollection02_SortBigCollection

    | size col|

    size := 12500.
    col := OrderedCollection new.
    1 to:size do:[:el|
	col add:'abc'.
    self shouldnt:[col sort] raise:RecursionInterruptSignal.

     self new testOrderedCollection03_SortBigCollection2

    | size col sortBlock|

    size := 125.
    col := OrderedCollection new.
    1 to:size do:[:el|
	col add:nil.
    sortBlock := [:entry1 :entry2 |
	((entry1 isNil) or:[entry2 isNil]) ifTrue:[
	] ifFalse:[
    "/ col sort:sortBlock.
    self shouldnt:[col sort:sortBlock] raise:RecursionInterruptSignal.

     self new testOrderedCollection04_SortNilsInCollection

     |data sorted rg coData checkBlock|

     checkBlock := [:a :b| a <= b].
     rg := Random new.

     #(1 4 11 2000 20011 200000) do:[:eachSize|
	 data := Array new:eachSize.
	 1 to:data size do:[:i |
	    data at:i put:(rg nextIntegerBetween:1 and:100).
	 sorted := data copy sort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.
	 sorted := sorted sort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.
	 sorted := sorted reverse sort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.

	 coData := data copy.
	 sorted := data copy sortWith:coData.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.
	 self checkSorted:coData with:checkBlock against:data.

"/ Policy is not yet supported (without libcompat)
"/         sorted := data copy sort:[:policy :a :b| a < b].
"/         self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.

	 sorted := data copy sort:[:a :b| a < b].
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.

	 coData := data copy.
	 sorted := data copy sort:[:a :b| a < b] with:coData.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.
	 self checkSorted:coData with:checkBlock against:data.

     |data sorted rg checkBlock|

     checkBlock := [:a :b| a <= b].
     rg := Random new.

     #(1 4 11 2000 20011 200000) do:[:eachSize|
	 data := Array new:eachSize.
	 1 to:data size do:[:i |
	    data at:i put:(rg nextIntegerBetween:1 and:100).
	 sorted := data copy mergeSort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.
	 sorted := sorted mergeSort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.
	 sorted := sorted reverse mergeSort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.

	 sorted := data copy mergeSort:[:a :b| a < b].
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.

     |data sorted rg checkBlock|

     checkBlock := [:a :b| a <= b].
     rg := Random new.

     #(1 4 11 2000 20011 200000) do:[:eachSize|
	 data := Array new:eachSize.
	 1 to:data size do:[:i |
	    data at:i put:(rg nextIntegerBetween:1 and:100).
	 sorted := data copy heapSort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.
	 sorted := sorted heapSort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.
	 sorted := sorted reverse heapSort.
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.

	 sorted := data copy heapSort:[:a :b| a < b].
	 self checkSorted:sorted with:checkBlock against:data.


    col := #( 1 2 3 4 5 ) asOrderedCollection.
    col add:0 beforeIndex:1.
    self assert:(col asArray = #(0 1 2 3 4 5)).

    col := OrderedCollection new.
    col add:10.
    col add:0 beforeIndex:1.
    self assert:(col asArray = #(0 10)).

    col := OrderedCollection with:10.
    col add:0 beforeIndex:1.
    self assert:(col asArray = #(0 10)).

    col := OrderedCollection new:1.
    col add:10.
    self assert:(col size == 1).
    self assert:(col asArray = #(10)).
    self assert:(col instVarNamed:'firstIndex') == 1.
    self assert:(col instVarNamed:'lastIndex') == 1.

    col add:0 beforeIndex:1.
    self assert:(col size == 2).
    self assert:(col instVarNamed:'firstIndex') == 1.
    self assert:(col instVarNamed:'lastIndex') == 2.
    self assert:(col asArray = #(0 10)).
     self new testOrderedCollection08_addBefore


    col := #( 1 2 3 4 5 ) asOrderedCollection.
    col addAll:#(-2 -1 0) beforeIndex:1.
    self assert:(col asArray = #(-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5)).

    col := OrderedCollection new:1.
    col add:10.

    col addAll:#(-2 -1 0) beforeIndex:1.
    self assert:(col size == 4).
    self assert:(col instVarNamed:'firstIndex') == 1.
    self assert:(col instVarNamed:'lastIndex') == 4.
    self assert:(col asArray = #(-2 -1 0 10)).
     self new testOrderedCollection09_addAllBefore
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-orderedDictionary'!

    |d ret|

    d := OrderedDictionary new.

    self assert: ( d size == 0 ).
    self assert: ( d isEmpty ).
    self assert: ( d notEmpty not ).

    d at:'one' put:1.
    d at:'two' put:2.
    d at:'three' put:3.

    self assert: ( d size == 3 ).
    self assert: ( d isEmpty not).
    self assert: ( d notEmpty ).

    self assert:((ret := self collectedDoArgsOf:d) sameContentsAs: #(1 2 3)).

    self assert: ( (d atIndex:1) == 1 ).
    self assert: ( (d atIndex:2) == 2 ).
    self assert: ( (d atIndex:3) == 3 ).

    self assert: ( (d first) = ('one'->1) ).
    self assert: ( (d last) = ('three'->3) ).

    self assert:((ret := d collect:[:each | each]) sameContentsAs: #(1 2 3)).
    self assert:((ret := d select:[:each | true]) sameContentsAs: (OrderedDictionary withAssociations:(Array with:('one'->1) with:('two'->2) with:('three'->3)))).

    self assert: ( d includes:1 ).
    self assert: ( d includes:2 ).
    self assert: ( d includes:3 ).

    self assert: ( d includesKey:'one' ).
    self assert: ( d includesKey:'two' ).
    self assert: ( d includesKey:'three' ).

    self assert: ((ret := d removeFirst) = 1).
    self assert: ( d size == 2 ).
    self assert: ((ret := d removeLast) = 3).
    self assert: ( d size == 1 ).
    self assert: ((ret := d removeLast) = 2).
    self assert: ( d size == 0 ).
    self assert: ( d isEmpty ).
    self assert: ( d notEmpty not ).

     self basicNew testOrderedDictionary01

    "Modified: / 04-07-2011 / 19:32:34 / cg"
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-orderedSet'!

    |s v1 v2 v3|

    s := OrderedSet new.
    s add:(v1 := 'one').
    s add:(v2 := 'two').
    s add:(v3 := 'three').

    self assert: ( s size == 3 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:1) == v1 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:2) == v2 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:3) == v3 ).

    self assert: ( s includes:v1 ).
    self assert: ( s includes:v2 ).
    self assert: ( s includes:v3 ).

    self assert: ( s includes:v1 copy).
    self assert: ( s includes:v2 copy).
    self assert: ( s includes:v3 copy).

    "already in - adding again should not change things"
    s add:v1.
    self assert: ( s size == 3 ).

    self assert: ( (s at:1) == v1 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:2) == v2 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:3) == v3 ).

    "set i.e. not identitySet - adding copy should not change things"
    s add:v1 copy.
    self assert: ( s size == 3 ).

    self assert: ( (s at:1) == v1 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:2) == v2 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:3) == v3 ).

    s remove:v1.

    self assert: ( s size == 2 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:1) == v2 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:2) == v3 ).

    self assert: ( s includes:v1 ) not.
    self assert: ( s includes:v2 ).
    self assert: ( s includes:v3 ).

    self assert: ( s includes:v1 copy) not.
    self assert: ( s includes:v2 copy).
    self assert: ( s includes:v3 copy).

    s add:v1.

    self assert: ( s size == 3 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:1) == v2 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:2) == v3 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:3) == v1 ).

    self assert: ( s includes:v1 ).
    self assert: ( s includes:v2 ).
    self assert: ( s includes:v3 ).

    self assert: ( s includes:v1 copy).
    self assert: ( s includes:v2 copy).
    self assert: ( s includes:v3 copy).

    s removeLast.

    self assert: ( s size == 2 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:1) == v2 ).
    self assert: ( (s at:2) == v3 ).

    self assert: ( s includes:v1 ) not.
    self assert: ( s includes:v2 ).
    self assert: ( s includes:v3 ).

    self assert: ( s includes:v1 copy) not.
    self assert: ( s includes:v2 copy).
    self assert: ( s includes:v3 copy).

     self basicNew testOrderedSet01


    col := OrderedSet new.

    col add:'a'.
    col add:'b'.
    col add:'c'.
    self assert:( col size == 3 ).
    self assert:( Array streamContents:[:s |
			col do:[:each | s nextPut:each]
		) = #('a' 'b' 'c' ).

     self new testOrderedSet02


    col := OrderedSet new.

    col add:'a'.
    col add:'b'.
    col add:'c'.
    col add:'a'.
    col add:'b'.
    self assert:( col size == 3 ).
    self assert:( Array streamContents:[:s |
			col do:[:each | s nextPut:each]
		) = #('a' 'b' 'c' ).

     self new testOrderedSet03


    col := OrderedSet new.

    col add:'a'.
    col addFirst:'b'.
    col addFirst:'c'.
    self assert:( col size == 3 ).
    self assert:( Array streamContents:[:s |
			col do:[:each | s nextPut:each]
		) = #('c' 'b' 'a' ).

     self new testOrderedSet04


    col := OrderedSet new.

    col add:'a'.
    col addFirst:'b'.
    col addFirst:'c'.
    col add:'a'.
    col add:'b'.
    col add:'c'.
    self assert:( col size == 3 ).
    self assert:( Array streamContents:[:s |
			col do:[:each | s nextPut:each]
		) = #('c' 'b' 'a' ).

     self new testOrderedSet05
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-reindexedCollection'!

    |s c c2|

    s := OrderedCollection new.
    s addAll:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four' 'five').

    c := s from:2.

    self assert: ( c size == (s size - 1) ).
    1 to:c size do:[:i |
	self assert: ( (c at:i) == (s at:i+1) ).

    c2 := c collect:[:el |el].
    self assert:(c2 size == c size).
    self assert:(c2 = c).

    c2 := c select:[:el |true].
    self assert:(c2 size == c size).
    self assert:(c2 = c).

    c2 := c select:[:el | el startsWith:'t'].
    self assert:(c2 size == (s count:[:el | el startsWith:'t' ])).

    c2 := c reject:[:el | el startsWith:'t'].
    self assert:(c2 size == ((s copyFrom:2) count:[:el | el startsWith:'t' ])).

    s := #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8).
    c := s from:2.

    self assert: ( c size == (s size - 1) ).
    1 to:c size do:[:i |
	self assert: ( (c at:i) == (s at:i+1) ).

    c2 := c collect:[:el |el].
    self assert:(c2 size == c size).
    self assert:(c2 = c).
    self assert:(c2 sameContentsAs:(s copyFrom:2)).

    c2 := c select:[:el |true].
    self assert:(c2 size == c size).
    self assert:(c2 = c).
    self assert:(c2 sameContentsAs:(s copyFrom:2)).

    c2 := c select:[:el |el even].
    self assert:(c2 size == ((s copyFrom:2) select:#even) size).
    self assert:(c2 sameContentsAs:((s copyFrom:2) select:#even)).

    c2 := c reject:[:el |el even].
    self assert:(c2 size == ((s copyFrom:2) reject:#even) size).
    self assert:(c2 sameContentsAs:((s copyFrom:2) reject:#even)).

     self basicNew testReindexedCollection01
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-replace'!

    | array1 array2 |

    array1 := Array with: 1 with: 2 with: 3 with: 4.
    array2 := Array with: 5 with: 6 with: 7.

    array1 replaceFrom:1 to:0 with:array2 startingAt:1.

    self should: [ array1 = #(1 2 3 4) ].

     self new testEmptyReplace

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890'  copyTransliterating:'b-g' to:'B-G'   ) = 'aBCDEFGhijkl1234567890'.
     self assert:( 'abcdefghij-kl1234567890' copyTransliterating:'b\-g' to:'B+G'  ) = 'aBcdefGhij+kl1234567890'.
     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890'  copyTransliterating:'69' to:'96'     ) = 'abcdefghijkl1234597860'  .
     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890'  copyTransliterating:'a' to:'b'       ) = 'bbcdefghijkl1234567890'   .
     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890'  copyTransliterating:'aeiou' to:'AEIOU'    ) = 'AbcdEfghIjkl1234567890'.
     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890'  copyTransliterating:'0-9' to:'QERTYUIOPX' ) = 'abcdefghijklERTYUIOPXQ' .

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890' copyTransliterating:'0-9' to:'A' complement:false squashDuplicates:false )
		    = 'abcdefghijklAAAAAAAAAA'.

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890' copyTransliterating:'0-9' to:'A' complement:false squashDuplicates:true )
		    = 'abcdefghijklA'.

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890' copyTransliterating:'0-9' to:'*' complement:false squashDuplicates:false )
		    = 'abcdefghijkl**********'.

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890' copyTransliterating:'0-9' to:'*' complement:true squashDuplicates:false )
		    = '************1234567890'.

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890' copyTransliterating:'a-zA-Z' to:' ' complement:true squashDuplicates:false )
		    = 'abcdefghijkl          '.

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890' copyTransliterating:'a-zA-Z' to:' ' complement:false squashDuplicates:false )
		    = '            1234567890'.

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890abcdefghijkl' copyTransliterating:'a-zA-Z' to:'' complement:false squashDuplicates:false )
		    = '1234567890'.

     self assert:( 'abcdefghijkl1234567890abcdefghijkl' copyTransliterating:'a-zA-Z' to:'' complement:true squashDuplicates:false )
		    = 'abcdefghijklabcdefghijkl'.
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-searching'!


    ) do:[:converter |

	empty := #() perform:converter.
	self should:[ empty min ] raise:Error.
	self should:[ empty max ] raise:Error.
	self should:[ empty minMax ] raise:Error.

	    (0 0)
	    (1 1)
	    (-1 -1)
	    (0 1)
	    (1 2)
	    (-1 -0)
	    (-1 1)
	    (1 10000)
	    (1 20000)
	    (2 10000)
	    (2 20000)
	    (-1000 1000)
	    (-1000 999)
	) pairsDo:[:min :max |
	    a := (min to:max) perform:converter.
	    self assert:(a min) = min.
	    self assert:(a max) = max.
	    self assert:(a minMax) = { min. max }.

	    a := a reverse.
	    self assert:(a min) = min.
	    self assert:(a max) = max.
	    self assert:(a minMax) = { min. max }.

	    a := a randomShuffle.
	    self assert:(a min) = min.
	    self assert:(a max) = max.
	    self assert:(a minMax) = { min. max }.

    ) do:[:converter |

	empty := #() perform:converter.
	self should:[ empty min ] raise:Error.
	self should:[ empty max ] raise:Error.
	self should:[ empty minMax ] raise:Error.

	    (0 0)
	    (1 1)
	    (0 1)
	    (1 2)
	    (1 10000)
	    (1 10001)
	    (2 10000)
	    (2 10001)
	) pairsDo:[:min :max |
	    a := (min to:max) perform:converter.
	    self assert:(a min) = min.
	    self assert:(a max) = max.
	    self assert:(a minMax) = { min. max }.

	    a := a reverse.
	    self assert:(a min) = min.
	    self assert:(a max) = max.
	    self assert:(a minMax) = { min. max }.

	    a := a randomShuffle.
	    self assert:(a min) = min.
	    self assert:(a max) = max.
	    self assert:(a minMax) = { min. max }.

    (Array with:Array with:OrderedCollection with:ByteArray with:WordArray with:IntegerArray)
    do:[:cls |
	a := cls withAll: #(10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100).

	self assert:(a indexOf:110) == 0.
	self assert:(a indexOf:10) == 1.
	self assert:(a indexOf:20) == 2.
	self assert:(a indexOf:30) == 3.
	self assert:(a indexOf:40) == 4.
	self assert:(a indexOf:50) == 5.
	self assert:(a indexOf:60) == 6.
	self assert:(a indexOf:70) == 7.
	self assert:(a indexOf:80) == 8.
	self assert:(a indexOf:90) == 9.
	self assert:(a indexOf:100) == 10.

	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:110) == 0.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:10) == 1.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:20) == 2.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:30) == 3.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:40) == 4.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:50) == 5.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:60) == 6.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:70) == 7.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:80) == 8.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:90) == 9.
	self assert:(a identityIndexOf:100) == 10.

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 13:11:36 / cg"
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-sorting'!

    | col |

    col := #(5 16 3 18 17 15 2 12 1 8 14 10 7 11 20 4 19 6 13 9).
    self assert:(col max == 20).
    self assert:(col largest:4) asArray = #(17 18 19 20).
    self assert:(col smallest:4) asArray = #(1 2 3 4).

    self assert:(col keysOfLargest:4) asArray = #(5 4 17 15).
    self assert:(col keysOfSmallest:4) asArray = #(9 7 3 16).

     self basicNew testLargest

    | col errs last |

    col := SortedCollection new addAll: (100 to: 1 by: -1); yourself.
    last := nil.
    errs := col inject: 0 into:
	    [ :totIn :n | |totOut|

	    totOut := totIn.
	    last notNil ifTrue: [ last > n ifTrue: [ totOut := totOut + 1 ] ].
	    last := n.
	    totOut ].
    self should: [ errs = 0 ]

     self basicNew testSort01

    "Verify that the sort is stable"

    | testData col lastTestData errs |

    testData := OrderedCollection new.
    testData addAll: ((111 to: 1 by: -1) collect: [ :n | SortTestData new value: n ]).
    testData addAll: ((111 to: 1 by: -1) collect: [ :n | SortTestData new value: n ]).
    testData addAll: ((111 to: 1 by: -1) collect: [ :n | SortTestData new value: n ]).
    1 to: testData size do: [ :i | (testData at: i) order: i ].

    col := SortedCollection new sortBlock:[ :v1 :v2 | v1 value < v2 value ].
    col addAll: testData.

    self checkSorted:col with:[:v1 :v2 | v1 value <= v2 value ] against:testData.

    lastTestData := nil.

    errs := col inject: 0 into:
	    [ :totIn :aSortTestData | |totOut|
	    totOut := totIn.
	    lastTestData notNil ifTrue:
		    [ lastTestData value = aSortTestData value ifTrue:
			    [ lastTestData order > aSortTestData order ifTrue: [ totOut := totOut + 1 ] ] ].
	    lastTestData := aSortTestData.
	    totOut ].
    self should: [ errs = 0 ]

     self basicNew testSortStability01

    "Verify that the sort is stable"

    | testData col lastTestData errs |

    testData := OrderedCollection new.
    (25 to: 1 by: -1) do: [ :i | 1 to: 100 do: [ :j | testData add: (SortTestData new value: i ) ] ].
    1 to: testData size do: [ :i | (testData at: i) order: i ].

    col := SortedCollection new sortBlock: [ :v1 :v2 | v1 value < v2 value ].
    col addAll: testData.

    self checkSorted:col with:[:v1 :v2 | v1 value <= v2 value ] against:testData.

    lastTestData := nil.

    errs := col inject: 0 into:
	    [ :totIn :aSortTestData | |totOut|
	    totOut := totIn.
	    lastTestData notNil ifTrue:
		    [ lastTestData value = aSortTestData value ifTrue:
			    [ lastTestData order > aSortTestData order ifTrue: [ totOut := totOut + 1 ] ] ].
	    lastTestData := aSortTestData.
	    totOut ].
    self should: [ errs = 0 ]

 self basicNew testSortStability02

    "test a SortedCollection, where only a single attribute is used for sorting.
     #include: failed before 2015-06-24"


    collection := SortedCollection sortBlock:[:a :b | a key < b key ].
    $a to:$z do:[:l |
	1 to:100 do:[:i |
	    collection add:(Association key:l value:i)

    "/ make startIndex > 1 and endIndex < size

	keysAndValuesDo:[:eachIndex :eachElement |
	    self assert:(collection detect:[:el | el = eachElement ]) notNil.
	    self assert:(collection includes:eachElement).
	    self assert:(collection indexOf:eachElement) = eachIndex.
	    self assert:(collection occurrencesOf:eachElement) = 1.
			includes:(eachElement copy value:(eachElement value + 1000))) not.
! !

!CollectionTests methodsFor:'tests-squeak'!

	self assert: (empty ifEmpty: [true] ifNotEmpty: [false]).
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifEmpty: [false] ifNotEmpty: [true]).
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifEmpty: [false] ifNotEmpty: [:s | s first = #x])

	self assert: (empty ifEmpty: [true] ifNotEmptyDo: [:s | false]).
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifEmpty: [false] ifNotEmptyDo: [:s | s first = #x])

	empty ifNotEmpty: [self assert: false].
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifNotEmpty: [self]) == self.
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifNotEmpty: [:s | s first]) = #x

	empty ifNotEmptyDo: [:s | self assert: false].
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifNotEmptyDo: [:s | s first]) = #x

	self assert: (empty ifNotEmptyDo: [:s | false] ifEmpty: [true]).
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifNotEmptyDo: [:s | s first = #x] ifEmpty: [false])

	self assert: (empty ifEmpty: [true] ifNotEmpty: [false]).
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifEmpty: [false] ifNotEmpty: [true]).
	self assert: (nonEmpty ifEmpty: [false] ifNotEmpty: [:s | s first = #x])
! !

!CollectionTests::SortTestData methodsFor:'accessing'!

	"Answer the value of the receiver's ''value'' instance variable."


value: anObject
	"Set the value of the receiver's ''value'' instance variable to the argument, anObject."

	value := anObject
! !

!CollectionTests::SortTestData methodsFor:'order'!

	"Answer the value of the receiver's ''order'' instance variable."


order: anObject
	"Set the value of the receiver's ''order'' instance variable to the argument, anObject."

	order := anObject
! !

!CollectionTests::SortTestData methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

printOn: aStream
	super printOn: aStream.
		nextPutAll: '(value: ';
		nextPutAll: value printString;
		nextPutAll: ' order: ';
		nextPutAll: order printString;
		nextPut: $)
! !

!CollectionTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'
! !