author Claus Gittinger <>
Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:48:40 +0100
changeset 1218 efecc8c6f1fe
parent 1217 ee9044742185
child 1219 369f5bac6379
permissions -rw-r--r--
class: RegressionTests::TimeAndDateTest changed: #test_05_weekDayConversion

"{ Package: 'exept:regression' }"

"{ NameSpace: RegressionTests }"

TestCase subclass:#TimeAndDateTest

!TimeAndDateTest methodsFor:'Testing'!


     self assert:(Time readFrom:'0:00'    ) = (Time hour:0 minute:0 second:0).
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'2:00'    ) = (Time hour:2 minute:0 second:0).     
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'12:00'   ) = (Time hour:12 minute:0 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'14:00'   ) = (Time hour:14 minute:0 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'23:00'   ) = (Time hour:23 minute:0 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'24:00'   ) = (Time hour:0 minute:0 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'2:30 am' ) = (Time hour:2 minute:30 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'2:30 pm' ) = (Time hour:14 minute:30 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'14'      ) = (Time hour:14 minute:0 second:0).
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'2 am'    ) = (Time hour:2 minute:0 second:0). 
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'2 pm'    ) = (Time hour:14 minute:0 second:0). 
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'12:05 pm') = (Time hour:12 minute:5 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'12:06 am') = (Time hour:0 minute:6 second:0).    

     self assert:(Time readFrom:'18:22:00') = (Time hour:18 minute:22 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'14:00:11') = (Time hour:14 minute:0 second:11).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'7:00:11' ) = (Time hour:7 minute:0 second:11).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'24:00:00') = (Time hour:0 minute:0 second:0).     
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'0:00:00' ) = (Time hour:0 minute:0 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'12:00:00') = (Time hour:12 minute:0 second:0).     
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'0:00:00' ) = (Time hour:0 minute:0 second:0).    
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'6:22:00 pm' ) = (Time hour:18 minute:22 second:0).  
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'2:00:11 pm' ) = (Time hour:14 minute:0 second:11). 
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'7:00:11 am' ) = (Time hour:7 minute:0 second:11). 
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'12:00:00 am') = (Time hour:0 minute:0 second:0).  
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'0:00:00 am' ) = (Time hour:0 minute:0 second:0). 
     self should:[ Time readFrom:'24:00:00 am' ] raise:TimeConversionError.
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'12:00:00 pm') = (Time hour:12 minute:0 second:0).  
     self assert:(Time readFrom:'0:00:00 pm' onError:'invalid') = 'invalid'.
     self should:[ Time readFrom:'24:00:00 pm' ] raise:TimeConversionError.  

     self new test_01_Reading


     self assert:(Date 
                    onError:[self error]
                  ) = (Date newDay:2 month:5 year:2010).

        {   '3-jan-2012'   .   (Date newDay:3 month:1 year:2012)    } .
        {   '15-feb-2012'   .   (Date newDay:15 month:2 year:2012)  } .
        {   '06-mar-2011'   .   (Date newDay:6 month:3 year:2011)   } .
        {   '19-apr-2013'   .   (Date newDay:19 month:4 year:2013)  } .
        {   '21-may-2015'   .   (Date newDay:21 month:5 year:2015)  } .
        {   '21-jun-2015'   .   (Date newDay:21 month:6 year:2015)  } .
        {   '21-jul-2015'   .   (Date newDay:21 month:7 year:2015)  } .
        {   '21-aug-2015'   .   (Date newDay:21 month:8 year:2015)  } .
        {   '21-sep-2015'   .   (Date newDay:21 month:9 year:2015)  } .
        {   '21-oct-2015'   .   (Date newDay:21 month:10 year:2015)  } .
        {   '21-nov-2015'   .   (Date newDay:21 month:11 year:2015)  } .
        {   '21-dec-2015'   .   (Date newDay:21 month:12 year:2015)  } .
    } do:[:eachTestPair |
         self assert:(Date 
                        readFrom:(eachTestPair first)
                        onError:[self error]
                      ) = (eachTestPair second).

     self assert:(Date 
                    onError:[self error]
                  ) = (Date newDay:2 month:5 year:2010).

     self assert:(Date 
                    onError:[self error]
                  ) = (Date newDay:2 month:5 year:2010).

     self assert:(Date 
                    onError:[self error]
                  ) = (Date newDay:2 month:5 year:2010).

     self assert:(Date 
                    onError:[self error]
                  ) = (Date newDay:2 month:5 year:2010).

     self assert:(Date 
                    onError:[self error]
                  ) = (Date newDay:2 month:5 year:2010).

     self assert:(Date 
                    onError:[self error]
                  ) = (Date newDay:2 month:5 year:2010).

     self new test_02_ReadingDates

    self assert:(Date newDay:5 month:11 year:2012) weekInYear == 45.
    self assert:(Date newDay:11 month:11 year:2012) weekInYear == 45.

    self assert:(Date newDay:4 month:11 year:2012) weekInYear == 44.
    self assert:(Date newDay:12 month:11 year:2012) weekInYear == 46.

    self assert:(Date newDay:29 month:12 year:2014) weekInYear == 1.    "/ YES!!
    self assert:(Date newDay:30 month:12 year:2014) weekInYear == 1.    "/ YES!!
    self assert:(Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2014) weekInYear == 1.    "/ YES!!
    self assert:(Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2015) weekInYear == 1.
    self assert:(Date newDay:2 month:1 year:2015) weekInYear == 1.
    self assert:(Date newDay:3 month:1 year:2015) weekInYear == 1.
    self assert:(Date newDay:4 month:1 year:2015) weekInYear == 1.

    self assert:(Date newDay:5 month:1 year:2015) weekInYear == 2.

    "/ every 4th of january is in the 1st week
    1902 to:2100 do:[:y |
        d := Date newDay:4 month:1 year:y.
        self assert:d weekInYear == 1.

     self new test_03_calenderWeek

    <test: broken>
^ self.
    "/ currently fails for date before 1901
    1900 to:1905 do:[:y |
        d := Date newDay:4 month:1 year:y.
        self assert:d weekInYear == 1.

     self new test_04_calenderWeek_fails

        { #( 6 53 2004) "2004-W53-6" . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2005) }   .
        { #( 7 53 2004) "2004-W53-7" . (Date newDay:2 month:1 year:2005) }   .
        { #( 6 52 2005) "2005-W52-6" . (Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2005) } .
        { #( 1 1  2007) "2007-W01-1" . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2007) }   .
        { #( 7 52 2007) "2007-W52-7" . (Date newDay:30 month:12 year:2007) } .

        { #( 1 1  2008) "2008-W01-1" . (Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2007) } .
        { #( 2 1  2008) "2008-W01-2" . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2008) }   .
        { #( 7 52 2008) "2008-W52-7" . (Date newDay:28 month:12 year:2008) } .

        { #( 1 1  2009) "2009-W01-1" . (Date newDay:29 month:12 year:2008) }     .
        { #( 2 1  2009) "2009-W01-2" . (Date newDay:30 month:12 year:2008) }     .
        { #( 3 1  2009) "2009-W01-3" . (Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2008) }     .
        { #( 4 1  2009) "2009-W01-4" . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2009) }       .

        { #( 4 53 2009) "2009-W53-4" . (Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2009) }     .
        { #( 5 53 2009) "2009-W53-5" . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2010) }       .
        { #( 6 53 2009) "2009-W53-6" . (Date newDay:2 month:1 year:2010) }       .
        { #( 7 53 2009) "2009-W53-7" . (Date newDay:3 month:1 year:2010) }       .
    } do:[:eachPair |
        |dwy d1 d2 dayInWeek weekNr year|

        dwy := eachPair first.
        dayInWeek := dwy first.
        weekNr := dwy second.
        year := dwy third.
        d1 := Date newDayInWeek:dayInWeek week:weekNr year:year.

        d2 := eachPair second.
        self assert:(d1 = d2) description:'wrong: ',d1 printString, ' vs. ',d2 printString.
        self assert:(d1 weekInYear == weekNr).
        self assert:(d1 dayInWeek == dayInWeek).

     self new test_05_weekDayConversion

        { '2004-W53-6'  . 'sat' . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2005) }   .
        { '2004-W53-7'  . 'sun' . (Date newDay:2 month:1 year:2005) }   .
        { '2005-W52-6'  . 'sat' . (Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2005) } .
        { '2007-W01-1'  . 'mon' . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2007) }   .
        { '2007-W52-7'  . 'sun' . (Date newDay:30 month:12 year:2007) } .

        { '2008-W01-1'  . 'mon' . (Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2007) } .
        { '2008-W01-2'  . 'tue' . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2008) }   .
        { '2008-W52-7'  . 'sun' . (Date newDay:28 month:12 year:2008) } .

        { '2009-W01-1'  . 'mon' . (Date newDay:29 month:12 year:2008) }     .
        { '2009-W01-2'  . 'tue' . (Date newDay:30 month:12 year:2008) }     .
        { '2009-W01-3'  . 'wed' . (Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2008) }     .
        { '2009-W01-4'  . 'thu' . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2009) }       .

        { '2009-W53-4'  . 'thu' . (Date newDay:31 month:12 year:2009) }     .
        { '2009-W53-5'  . 'fri' . (Date newDay:1 month:1 year:2010) }       .
        { '2009-W53-6'  . 'sat' . (Date newDay:2 month:1 year:2010) }       .
        { '2009-W53-7'  . 'sun' . (Date newDay:3 month:1 year:2010) }       .
    } do:[:eachTriple |
        |input expected expectedDayName got gotName|

        input := eachTriple first.
        expectedDayName := eachTriple second.
        expected := eachTriple third.
        got := (Timestamp readIso8601FormatFrom:input onError:nil) asDate.
        self assert:(got = expected) description:'wrong: ',input.
        gotName := got abbreviatedDayNameForLanguage:#en.
        self assert:gotName = expectedDayName description:'expected: ',expectedDayName asString,' got: ',gotName asString. 

     self new test_06_calenderWeek_fails
! !

!TimeAndDateTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'
! !