author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 28 Aug 2017 21:05:24 +0100
changeset 1954 f868e5f2043f
parent 1605 5ff1befbd463
child 1974 f2eaf05205d6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added tests for `RecursionLock`

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/regression' }"

"{ NameSpace: RegressionTests }"

TestCase subclass:#PipeStreamTest

!PipeStreamTest methodsFor:'tests'!

    | makeReader makeWriter count threads ok blocker |

    count := 1000.
    threads := 200.

    (OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike) ifTrue:[
        "/ Sigh, when having too much threads on Windows,
        "/ this test lead to deadlock. This has to be investigated
        "/ and fixed. See
        threads := 20.
    ok := true.
    blocker := Semaphore new: 2 - threads.

    makeReader := [ :stream |
            | c |
            c := 0.
            [ stream atEnd ] whileFalse:[
                stream next.
                c := c + 1.
            ok := ok and:[ count == c ].
            blocker signal.

    makeWriter := [ :stream |
            [ count timesRepeat:[stream nextPut: $P] ] on: Error do:[ :ex |
                Transcript showCR: 'ERROR in writer: ',  ex description.
                ex suspendedContext fullPrintOn: Transcript.
                ok := false
            ] ensure:[ 
                stream close.

    2 to: threads do:[:i |
       | pipe rs rp ws wp |

        pipe := NonPositionableExternalStream makePipe.
        rs := pipe at:1.
        ws := pipe at:2.

        rp := (makeReader value: rs) newProcess.
        rp name: i printString , ' R ' , testSelector.
        wp := (makeWriter value: ws) newProcess.
        wp name: i printString , ' W ' , testSelector.
        rp resume.
        wp resume.

    blocker wait.
    self assert: ok.

    "Created: / 27-03-2014 / 16:21:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-12-2015 / 13:17:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2016 / 03:23:36 / jv"

    "readCheck a pipe.
     Do this and interrupt the reading thread heavily"

    | s p count nLoop|

    nLoop := 1000.

    "/ self createTestFile.

    s := PipeStream readingFrom:'sleep 5'.

    p := [
	s readWait.
	'readWait finished' printCR.
    ] forkAt:7.

    count := 0.
    [p isDead] whileFalse:[
	Delay waitForMilliseconds:5.
	p interruptWith:[count := count + 1].
    ('readWait interrupted <1p> times' expandMacrosWith:count) printCR.

    s close.

     self new testReadCheckPipe4

    "Modified: / 12.8.1998 / 13:42:13 / cg"

    "readCheck a pipe.
     Do this and interrupt the reading thread heavily"

    | s p count nLoop|

    nLoop := 1000.

    "/ self createTestFile.

    s := PipeStream readingFrom:'sleep 5; echo hello'.

    p := [
	s readWait.
	'readWait finished' printCR.
    ] forkAt:7.

    count := 0.
    [p isDead] whileFalse:[
	Delay waitForMilliseconds:5.
	p interruptWith:[count := count + 1].
    ('readWait interrupted <1p> times' expandMacrosWith:count) printCR.

    s close.

     self new testReadCheckPipe5

    "Modified: / 12.8.1998 / 13:42:13 / cg"

    "read a pipe.
     Do this and interrupt the reading thread heavily"

    | s p count nLoop error |

    error := nil.
    nLoop := 1000.

    "/ self createTestFile.

    s := PipeStream readingFrom:'sleep 5'.

    p := [
	    'read: ' print. s nextLine printCR.
	] on: Error do:[:ex|
	    error := ex.
    ] forkAt:7.

    count := 0.
    [p isDead] whileFalse:[
	Delay waitForMilliseconds:5.
	p interruptWith:[count := count + 1].
    ('read interrupted <1p> times' expandMacrosWith:count) printCR.

    s close.

    self assert: error isNil

     self new testReadPipe6

    "Modified: / 12.8.1998 / 13:42:13 / cg"

    "read a pipe.
     Do this and interrupt the reading thread heavily"

    |s p count nLoop error |

    nLoop := 1000.

    "/ self createTestFile.

    s := PipeStream readingFrom:'sleep 5; echo hello'.

    p := [
	    'read: ' print. s nextLine printCR.
	] on: Error do:[:ex|
	    error := ex.
    ] forkAt:7.

    count := 0.
    [p isDead] whileFalse:[
	Delay waitForMilliseconds:5.
	p interruptWith:[count := count + 1].
    ('read interrupted <1p> times' expandMacrosWith:count) printCR.

    s close.

    self assert: error isNil

     self test7

    "Modified: / 12.8.1998 / 13:42:13 / cg"

    "Test TTY / PTY related methods on pipes (should throw error)"

    | s |

    s := PipeStream readingFrom:'echo hello'.
        self deny: s isTTY.
        self should: [ s getTTYAttributes ] raise: OsError.
        s nextLine
    ] ensure:[
        s close.

    "Created: / 31-05-2017 / 07:35:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 01-06-2017 / 21:27:13 / jv"
! !

!PipeStreamTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !