changeset 1 b8cca2663544
child 15 8b8cd1701c33
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Apr 10 09:11:12 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/smaCC' }"
+"{ NameSpace: SmaCC }"
+Object subclass:#SmaCCScannerCompiler
+	instanceVariableNames:'grammar scannerClass scannerDefinitionString'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'SmaCC-Parser Generator'
+SmaCCScannerCompiler comment:'SmaCCScannerCompiler represents the compiler for the scanner part of the parser.
+Instance Variables:
+	grammar	<SmaCCGrammar>	the grammar that defines the scanner
+	scannerClass	<RBAbstractClass>	the class to compile the scanner into
+	scannerDefinitionString	<String>	the string that defines the scanner'
+!SmaCCScannerCompiler methodsFor:'accessing'!
+	^scannerClass
+scannerClass: anObject
+	scannerClass := anObject
+scannerDefinitionString: aString
+	scannerDefinitionString := aString
+	^grammar symbols
+! !
+!SmaCCScannerCompiler methodsFor:'compiling-scanner'!
+        | selectorMap |
+        selectorMap := Dictionary new.
+        (1 to: self symbols size) with: self symbols
+                do: 
+                        [:index :each | |eachRegex selector|
+                        eachRegex := each regularExpression.
+                        eachRegex notNil ifTrue: 
+                                        [
+                                        selector := (self scannerActionFor: each name). 
+                                        selector notNil ifTrue: [selectorMap at: index put: selector].
+                                        eachRegex action: index].
+                        each createIdMethod ifTrue: [self compileTokenIdMethodFor: each]].
+        ^selectorMap
+	grammar tokens keysDo: 
+			[:each | 
+			(self scannerActionFor: each) notNil 
+				ifTrue: [grammar terminalSymbolNamed: each]]
+        | stream |
+        stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 100).
+        stream
+                nextPutAll: 'emptySymbolTokenId';
+                cr;
+                tab;
+                nextPutAll: '^';
+                nextPutAll: (self symbols identityIndexOf: SmaCCSymbol empty) printString.
+        self scannerClass compile: stream contents classified: #'generated-tokens'
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2005 / 20:41:47 / janfrog"
+        | stream |
+        stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 100).
+        stream
+                nextPutAll: 'errorTokenId';
+                cr;
+                tab;
+                nextPutAll: '^';
+                nextPutAll: (self symbols identityIndexOf: SmaCCSymbol error) printString.
+        self scannerClass compile: stream contents classified: #'generated-tokens'
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2005 / 20:41:58 / janfrog"
+compileKeywordInitializerUsing: aDictionary selectorMap: selectorMapDictionary 
+	| stream dataStream |
+	aDictionary isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
+	stream := WriteStream on: String new.
+	stream nextPutAll: 'initializeKeywordMap'.
+	stream nextPutAll: ' keywordMap :=  Dictionary new. '.
+	dataStream := WriteStream on: Array new.
+	aDictionary keysAndValuesDo: 
+			[:key :value | 
+			value keys asSortedCollection do: 
+					[:each | 
+					dataStream nextPut: (Array 
+								with: (selectorMapDictionary at: key ifAbsent: [key])
+								with: each
+								with: (selectorMapDictionary at: (value at: each) ifAbsent: [value at: each]))]].
+	stream
+		nextPutAll: '#(';
+		cr.
+	dataStream contents do: 
+			[:each | 
+			stream nextPutAll: '#('.
+			each do: [:item | item storeOn: stream] separatedBy: [stream nextPut: $ ].
+			stream nextPut: $)]
+		separatedBy: [stream cr].
+	stream nextPut: $).
+	stream 
+		nextPutAll: ' do: [:each | (keywordMap at: each first ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new]) at: (each at: 2) put: each last]. ^keywordMap'.
+	scannerClass metaclass 
+		compile: (RBParser parseMethod: stream contents) formattedCode
+		classified: #'generated-initialization'
+	| regex selectorMap regexPartition dfa keywordmap |
+	regex := nil.
+	self addSpecialSymbols.
+	grammar 
+		symbols: (self symbols asSortedCollection: 
+					[:a :b | 
+					| aRegex bRegex |
+					aRegex := a regularExpression.
+					bRegex := b regularExpression.
+					bRegex isNil or: 
+							[aRegex notNil 
+								and: [(aRegex position ifNil: [0]) < (bRegex position ifNil: [0])]]]).
+	selectorMap := self addActionsForSymbols.
+	regexPartition := self regularExpressionsPartitionedByIsKeyword.
+	regex := self generalRegexesFrom: regexPartition.
+	dfa := regex asDFA.
+	keywordmap := Dictionary new.
+	(regexPartition at: true ifAbsent: [#()]) do: 
+			[:each | 
+			| action strings newAction |
+			strings := each possibleMatches.
+			1 to: strings size
+				do: 
+					[:i | 
+					newAction := dfa simulate: (ReadStream on: (strings at: i)).
+					i = 1 
+						ifTrue: [action := newAction]
+						ifFalse: [action = newAction ifFalse: [action := nil]]].
+			action isNil 
+				ifTrue: [regex := regex | each]
+				ifFalse: 
+					[action do: 
+							[:state | 
+							strings do: 
+									[:string | 
+									(keywordmap at: state ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new]) at: string
+										put: each action]]]].
+	self compileKeywordInitializerUsing: keywordmap selectorMap: selectorMap.
+	regex asDFA compileInto: scannerClass usingSelectorMap: selectorMap.
+	self compileEmptySymbolTokenId.
+	self compileErrorSymbolTokenId.
+	SmaCCGrammar ignoreCase 
+		ifTrue: 
+			[scannerClass compile: 'keywordFor: aString 
+	^aString asUppercase'
+				classified: #'generated-scanner']
+        | stream |
+        stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
+        stream
+                nextPutAll: 'scannerDefinitionComment';
+                cr;
+                cr;
+                tab;
+                nextPut: $";
+                nextPutAll: (scannerDefinitionString copyReplaceAll: $" withAll:'""');
+                nextPut: $".
+        self scannerClass metaclass compile: stream contents
+                classified: #'generated-comments'
+compileTokenIdMethodFor: aTerminalSymbol 
+        | stream |
+        stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
+        stream
+                nextPutAll: (aTerminalSymbol name copyFrom: 2
+                                        to: aTerminalSymbol name size - 1);
+                nextPutAll: 'Id';
+                cr;
+                tab;
+                nextPutAll: '^';
+                nextPutAll: (self symbols identityIndexOf: aTerminalSymbol) printString.
+        scannerClass compile: stream contents classified: #'generated-tokens'
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2005 / 20:42:43 / janfrog"
+generalRegexesFrom: regexPartition 
+	| regexs combinedRegex |
+	regexs := regexPartition at: false ifAbsent: [regexPartition at: true].
+	combinedRegex := regexs first.
+	2 to: regexs size
+		do: [:i | combinedRegex := combinedRegex | (regexs at: i)].
+	^combinedRegex
+        | regexPartition |
+        regexPartition := Dictionary new.
+        self symbols do: 
+                        [:each |  |regex|
+                        regex := each regularExpression.
+                        regex notNil ifTrue: 
+                                        [
+                                        (regexPartition at: regex isKeywordLiteral
+                                                ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new]) add: regex]].
+        ^regexPartition
+scannerActionFor: aString
+	| selector |
+	aString size > 2 ifFalse: [^nil].
+	selector := (aString copyFrom: 2 to: aString size - 1) asSymbol.
+	^((scannerClass definesMethod: selector) 
+		and: [(Object canUnderstand: selector) not and: [selector argumentCount = 0]]) 
+			ifTrue: [selector]
+			ifFalse: [nil]
+! !
+!SmaCCScannerCompiler methodsFor:'initialize-release'!
+grammar: aGrammar
+	grammar := aGrammar
+	grammar tokens: (SmaCCScannerParser parse: scannerDefinitionString)
+! !
+!SmaCCScannerCompiler class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /opt/data/cvs/stx/goodies/smaCC/,v 1.1 2006-02-09 21:14:22 vranyj1 Exp $'
+! !