author Jan Vrany <>
Sat, 23 Apr 2016 18:05:54 +0100
changeset 943 43d408a5e517
parent 937 86c69f55e934
child 1057 961ccf692782
permissions -rw-r--r--
Workaround for (stc?) bug Replaced all `Smalltalk::TestCase` with `(Smalltalk at: #TestCase)` to avoid (presumably stc) bug when accessing it using qualified name.

 * $Header$
 * automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_smallsense.
#include <stc.h>

#ifdef WIN32
# pragma codeseg INITCODE "INITCODE"

#if defined(INIT_TEXT_SECTION) || defined(DLL_EXPORT)
DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_goodies_smallsense_Init() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_goodies_smallsense_InitDefinition() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;

extern void _SmallSense__AbstractDIalog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__AbstractSearchProcessor_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CodeHighlightingService_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CodeNavigationService_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CompletionContext_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CompletionController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CompletionEngine_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CompletionResult_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CompletionView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CriticsWindow_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__EditService_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__EditSupport_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__Info_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__Manager_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__NavigatorStep_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__PO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ParseTreeIndex_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ParseTreeIndexEntry_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ParseTreeInspector_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SelectorNode_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SettingsAppl_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkChecker_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkInferencerParameters_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkLintService_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkParseNodeVisitor_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkParser_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkQuickFixer_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkSyntaxHighlighter_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkUnacceptedMethodEnvironment_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__TokenPatternMatcher_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__TokenPatternParser_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__TokenPatternToken_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__TokenPatternTokenSet_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__TokenStream_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__Type_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__TypeHolder_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _stx_137goodies_137smallsense_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__AbstractJavaCompletionEngine_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__AbstractListDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ClassInfo_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ClassPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ClassSearchProcessor_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ClassType_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CompositeProcessor_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ConstantPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__GenericEditSupport_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ImplementorSearchProcessor_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__JavaEditSupport_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__JavaImportPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__MethodBindingPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__MethodInfo_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__MethodPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__PackagePO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__PluggablePO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__PluggableSearchProcessor_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkCompletionEngine_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkEditSupport_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkInferencer_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SmalltalkParseNodeFinder_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__SnippetPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__UnionType_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__UnknownType_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__VariableBindingPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__VariablePO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__AbstractJavaCompletionEngineSimple_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__AbstractSearchDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__AbstractSelectDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__GroovyEditSupport_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__JavaCompletionEngine_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__JavaConstructorPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__MethodKeywordRestPO_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CetegoryOrProtocolSelectDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ClassSearchDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__JavaCompletionEngineSimple_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__MethodSearchDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__Navigator_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__PackageSelectDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__CategorySelectDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__GroovyCompletionEngineSimple_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SmallSense__ProtocolSelectDialog_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);

void _libstx_goodies_smallsense_InitDefinition(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd)
  __BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_goodies_smallsense__DFN", _libstx_goodies_smallsense_InitDefinition, "stx:goodies/smallsense");


void _libstx_goodies_smallsense_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd)
  __BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_goodies_smallsense", _libstx_goodies_smallsense_Init, "stx:goodies/smallsense");
