changeset 103 ad6897ce99e0
parent 101 3eac160a3c2f
child 118 9464f408680f
--- a/TestCase.st	Fri Aug 29 20:36:18 2003 +0200
+++ b/TestCase.st	Fri Sep 26 17:53:45 2003 +0200
@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@
+TestCase comment:'A TestCase is a Command representing the future running of a test case. Create one with the class method #selector: aSymbol, passing the name of the method to be run when the test case runs.
+When you discover a new fixture, subclass TestCase, declare instance variables for the objects in the fixture, override #setUp to initialize the variables, and possibly override# tearDown to deallocate any external resources allocated in #setUp.
+When you are writing a test case method, send #assert: aBoolean when you want to check for an expected value. For example, you might say "self assert: socket isOpen" to test whether or not a socket is open at a point in a test.'
 !TestCase class methodsFor:'initialization'!
@@ -33,36 +40,34 @@
 !TestCase class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
 debug: aSymbol
 	^(self selector: aSymbol) debug
 run: aSymbol
 	^(self selector: aSymbol) run
 selector: aSymbol
 	^self new setTestSelector: aSymbol
-        ^self buildSuite
-"/        | testSelectors result |
-"/        testSelectors := self testSelectors.
-"/        testSelectors sort.
-"/        result := TestSuite new.
-"/        result name:self name.
-"/        testSelectors do: [:each | result addTest: (self selector: each)].
-"/        ^result
-    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:05:24 / Sames"
+	^self buildSuite
 ! !
 !TestCase class methodsFor:'accessing'!
-        ^self sunitAllSelectors select: [:each | 'test*' match: each]
+        ^ (self allSelectors select: [:each | 'test*' match: each]) asOrderedCollection sort
@@ -95,7 +100,7 @@
     self rememberFailedTestRun.
-    (result failures , result errors) do:[:eachFailedTest |
+    (result failures union:result errors) do:[:eachFailedTest |
         sel := eachFailedTest selector.
@@ -122,7 +127,14 @@
+	^'3.1'
@@ -130,57 +142,67 @@
-        ^self sunitSelectors select: [:each | 'test*' match: each]
+        ^ (self selectors select: [:each | 'test*' match: each]) asOrderedCollection sort
 ! !
-!TestCase class methodsFor:'building Suites'!
+!TestCase class methodsFor:'building suites'!
-        | suite |
-        ^self isAbstract 
-                ifTrue: 
-                        [suite := TestSuite new.
-self halt.
-                        suite name: self name asString.
-                        self allSubclasses do: [:each | each isAbstract ifFalse: [suite addTest: each buildSuiteFromSelectors]].
-                        suite]
-                ifFalse: [self buildSuiteFromSelectors]
+	| suite |
+	^self isAbstract
+		ifTrue: 
+			[suite := self suiteClass named: self name asString.
+			self allSubclasses 
+				do: [:each | each isAbstract ifFalse: [suite addTest: each buildSuiteFromSelectors]].
+			suite]
+		ifFalse: [self buildSuiteFromSelectors]
 	^self buildSuiteFromMethods: self allTestSelectors
 	^self buildSuiteFromMethods: self testSelectors
-buildSuiteFromMethods: testMethods 
-	^testMethods 
-		inject: ((TestSuite new)
-				name: self name asString;
-				yourself)
-		into: 
-			[:suite :selector | 
+buildSuiteFromMethods: testMethods
+	^testMethods
+		inject: (self suiteClass named: self name asString)
+		into: [:suite :selector |
 				addTest: (self selector: selector);
 	^self shouldInheritSelectors
 		ifTrue: [self buildSuiteFromAllSelectors]
 		ifFalse: [self buildSuiteFromLocalSelectors]
+	^TestSuite
 ! !
 !TestCase class methodsFor:'testing'!
-        "Override to true if a TestCase subclass is Abstract and should not have
-        TestCase instances built from it"
-        ^self name = #TestCase.
+    "Override to true if a TestCase subclass is Abstract and should not have
+     TestCase instances built from it"
+    ^ self name = #TestCase
@@ -196,9 +218,34 @@
-	"answer true to inherit selectors from superclasses"
+	"I should inherit from an Abstract superclass but not from a concrete one by default, unless I have no testSelectors in which case I must be expecting to inherit them from my superclass.  If a test case with selectors wants to inherit selectors from a concrete superclass, override this to true in that subclass."
+	^self superclass isAbstract
+		or: [self testSelectors isEmpty]
+"$QA Ignore:Sends system method(superclass)$"
+! !
+!TestCase methodsFor:'accessing'!
-	^true
+	| allResources resourceQueue |
+	allResources := Set new.
+	resourceQueue := OrderedCollection new.
+	resourceQueue addAll: self class resources.
+	[resourceQueue isEmpty] whileFalse: [
+		| next |
+		next := resourceQueue removeFirst.
+		allResources add: next.
+		resourceQueue addAll: next resources].
+	^allResources
+	^testSelector
 ! !
 !TestCase methodsFor:'accessing & queries'!
@@ -213,9 +260,7 @@
 assert: aBoolean
     "fail, if the argument is not true"
-"/    "check the testCase itself"
-"/    (aBoolean isBoolean) ifFalse:[ self error:'non boolean assertion' ].
-"/    aBoolean ifFalse: [self signalFailure: 'Assertion failed']
+"/        aBoolean ifFalse: [self signalFailure: 'Assertion failed']
     self assert: aBoolean message:'Assertion failed'
@@ -245,6 +290,20 @@
+assert: aBoolean description: aString
+        aBoolean ifFalse: [
+                self logFailure: aString.
+                self signalFailure: aString]
+assert: aBoolean description: aString resumable: resumableBoolean 
+        aBoolean
+                ifFalse: 
+                        [self logFailure: aString.
+                         self signalFailure:aString resumable:resumableBoolean]
 assert: aBoolean message:messageIfFailing
     "fail, if the argument is not true"
@@ -271,63 +330,85 @@
     ^ self assert:aBoolean
-deny: aBoolean
     "fail, if the argument is not false"
+    self assert:aBoolean not
-    self assert: aBoolean not
+deny: aBoolean description: aString
+	self assert: aBoolean not description: aString
-	^self class resources
+deny: aBoolean description: aString resumable: resumableBoolean 
+	self
+		assert: aBoolean not
+		description: aString
+		resumable: resumableBoolean
-	^testSelector
+    "fail, if the block does not evaluate to true"
+    self assert:aBlock value
-should: aBlock
-    "fail, if the block does not evaluate to true"
-    self assert: aBlock value
+should: aBlock description: aString
+	self assert: aBlock value description: aString
-should: aBlock raise: anExceptionalEvent 
+should:aBlock raise:anExceptionalEvent 
     "fail, if the block does not raise the given event"
-    ^self assert: (self executeShould: aBlock inScopeOf: anExceptionalEvent)
-    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:01:08 / Sames"
+    ^ self assert:(self executeShould:aBlock inScopeOf:anExceptionalEvent)
-shouldnt: aBlock
-    "fail, if the block does evaluate to true"
-    self deny: aBlock value
+should: aBlock raise: anExceptionalEvent description: aString 
+	^self assert: (self executeShould: aBlock inScopeOf: anExceptionalEvent)
+		description: aString
-shouldnt: aBlock raise: anExceptionalEvent 
-    "fail, if the block does raise the given event"
+    "fail, if the block does evaluate to true"
+    self deny:aBlock value
-    ^self assert: (self executeShould: aBlock inScopeOf: anExceptionalEvent) not
-    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:01:16 / Sames"
+shouldnt: aBlock description: aString
+	self deny: aBlock value description: aString
-signalFailure: aString
-    "/ TestResult failure sunitSignalWith: aString
-    TestResult failure raiseErrorString:aString in:thisContext sender sender .
+shouldnt:aBlock raise:anExceptionalEvent 
+    "fail, if the block does raise the given event"
+    ^ self 
+        assert:(self executeShould:aBlock inScopeOf:anExceptionalEvent) not
-    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:01:34 / Sames"
+shouldnt: aBlock raise: anExceptionalEvent description: aString 
+	^self assert: (self executeShould: aBlock inScopeOf: anExceptionalEvent) not 		description: aString
 ! !
 !TestCase methodsFor:'dependencies'!
 addDependentToHierachy: anObject 
 	"an empty method. for Composite compability with TestSuite"
 removeDependentFromHierachy: anObject 
 	"an empty method. for Composite compability with TestSuite"
 ! !
 !TestCase methodsFor:'printing'!
@@ -337,60 +418,136 @@
 printOn: aStream
-	aStream nextPutAll: self class name.
-	aStream nextPutAll: '>>'.
-	aStream nextPutAll: testSelector
-    "Modified: / 4.4.2000 / 18:59:53 / Sames"
+"/        aStream
+"/                nextPutAll: self class printString;
+"/                nextPutAll: '>>#';
+"/                nextPutAll: testSelector
+        aStream nextPutAll: self name.
+        aStream nextPutAll: '>>'.
+        aStream nextPutAll: testSelector
 ! !
 !TestCase methodsFor:'private'!
 executeShould: aBlock inScopeOf: anExceptionalEvent 
-        [[aBlock value]
+"/        ^[aBlock value.
+"/        false] sunitOn: anExceptionalEvent
+"/                do: [:ex | ex sunitExitWith: true]
+"/        [[aBlock value]
+"/                on: anExceptionalEvent
+"/                do: [:ex | ^true]]
+"/                        on: TestResult exError
+"/                        do: [:ex | ^false].
+        [aBlock value]
                 on: anExceptionalEvent
-                do: [:ex | ^true]]
-                        on: TestResult exError
-                        do: [:ex | ^false].
+                do: [:ex | ^true].
-    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:03:03 / Sames"
         self perform: testSelector asSymbol
 setTestSelector: aSymbol
 	testSelector := aSymbol
+signalFailure: aString
+"/        TestResult failure sunitSignalWith: aString
+    TestResult failure raiseErrorString:aString in:thisContext sender sender .
+signalFailure:aString resumable:isResumable 
+    "/        TestResult failure sunitSignalWith: aString
+    isResumable ifTrue:[
+        TestResult resumableFailure 
+            raiseRequestWith:nil
+            errorString:aString
+            in:thisContext sender sender
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        TestResult failure raiseErrorString:aString in:thisContext sender sender
+    ].
+    self resources do:[:res | 
+        res isAvailable ifFalse:[
+            ^ res signalInitializationError
+        ]
+    ].
 ! !
 !TestCase methodsFor:'running'!
+"/        self signalUnavailableResources.
+"/        [(self class selector: testSelector) runCase] 
+"/                sunitEnsure: [self resources do: [:each | each reset]]
         self debugUsing:#runCase.
-"/        (self class selector: testSelector) runCase
-        self debugUsing: #runCaseAsFailure
-"/        (self class selector: testSelector) runCaseAsFailure
+    |semaphore|
+    self signalUnavailableResources.
+    semaphore := Semaphore new.
+    [
+        semaphore wait.
+        self resources do:[:each | 
+            each reset
+        ]
+    ] fork.
+    (self class selector:testSelector) runCaseAsFailure:semaphore.
-debugUsing: aSymbol 
-        self areAllResourcesAvailable ifFalse: [^TestResult signalErrorWith: 'Resource could not be initialized'].
-        [(self class selector: testSelector) perform: aSymbol] ensure: [self resources do: [:each | each reset]]
+    self signalUnavailableResources.
+    [
+        (self class selector:testSelector) perform:aSymbol
+    ] ensure:[
+        self resources do:[:each | 
+            each reset
+        ]
+    ]
+        ^SUnitNameResolver class >> #defaultLogDevice
+	"By default, we're not logging failures. If you override this in 
+	a subclass, make sure that you override #failureLog"
+	^false
+logFailure: aString
+	self isLogging ifTrue: [
+		self failureLog 
+			cr; 
+			nextPutAll: aString; 
+			flush]
-        "SUnit has halted one step in front of the failing test method. 
-        Step over the 'self halt' and send into 'self perform: testSelector' 
-        to see the failure from the beginning"
+        "SUnit has halted one step in front of the failing test method. Step over the 'self halt' and 
+         send into 'self perform: testSelector' to see the failure from the beginning"
-        "/ self halt.
-        self performTest "/ perform: testSelector asSymbol
-    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:03:37 / Sames"
+        self
+                "halt;"
+                performTest
@@ -398,10 +555,12 @@
 	result := TestResult new.
 	self run: result.
 run: aResult
 	aResult runCase: self
 run: aResult afterEachDo:block2
@@ -417,10 +576,9 @@
-        self setUp.
-        [self performTest "self perform: testSelector asSymbol"] ensure: [self tearDown]
-    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:04:18 / Sames"
+        [self setUp.
+        self performTest] ensure: [self tearDown]
@@ -430,24 +588,25 @@
     "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:04:33 / Sames"
+runCaseAsFailure: aSemaphore
+        [self setUp.
+        self openDebuggerOnFailingTestMethod] ensure: [
+                self tearDown.
+                aSemaphore signal]
-! !
-!TestCase methodsFor:'testing'!
-	^self resources 
-		inject: true
-		into: [:total :each | each isAvailable & total]
 ! !
 !TestCase class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.st,v 1.35 2003-08-25 11:44:02 tm Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.st,v 1.36 2003-09-26 15:53:09 stefan Exp $'
 ! !
 TestCase initialize!