author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Wed, 18 Jun 2003 00:42:03 +0200
changeset 98 8c4fa665d95e
parent 94 f692704fac60
child 99 d334e58369fa
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/sunit' }"

ApplicationModel subclass:#TestRunner
	instanceVariableNames:'result lastTestCase lastPass defect allDefects defectMenu details
		mode scriptModel script numberOfTestsToRun testsWhichFailed
		testsWhichPassed categoryModel category'

!TestRunner class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    This GUI is based on SUnit2.7 and 
    was ported to ST/X by Samuel S. Schuster (as 2.7)  (thanks, indeed)

    It was slightly enhanced by adding a rerun-defects, browse and
    a category selector (to minor revision 2.7d, in the meantime)
! !

!TestRunner class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ Color red

    ^ Color green darkened

    <resource: #programImage>

    "/ kept there to prevent me from being autoloaded for the icon
    ^ ToolbarIconLibrary sUnit28x28Icon
! !

!TestRunner class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    <resource: #help>

    ^super flyByHelpSpec addPairsFrom:#(

'Refresh List of Tests'

'Test Categories'

'Selected Test'

'Run selected Test'

'ReRun Defects Only'

'Run all Tests from Category'


'Browse Test'

'Debug Failed Test'


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:TestRunner andSelector:#windowSpec
     TestRunner new openInterface:#windowSpec
     TestRunner open

    <resource: #canvas>

        #name: #windowSpec
          #label: 'SUnit Camp Smalltalk 2.7d TestRunner'
          #name: 'SUnit Camp Smalltalk 2.7d TestRunner'
          #min: #(#Point 362 122)
          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 42 509 217)
          #icon: #defaultIcon
          #collection: #(
              #label: 'Refresh'
              #name: 'RefreshButton'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 75 0 48 0)
              #activeHelpKey: #refreshSuitesButton
              #model: #refreshSuites
              #name: 'category'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 76 0 0 0 -216 1 24 0)
              #activeHelpKey: #suitesCategoryList
              #tabable: true
              #model: #category
              #menu: #categoryList
              #name: #tests
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 76 0 24 0 -216 1 48 0)
              #activeHelpKey: #suiteSelection
              #tabable: true
              #model: #script
              #menu: #scriptModel
              #useIndex: true
              #label: 'Run'
              #name: 'RunButton'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -215 1 0 0 -160 1 48 0)
              #activeHelpKey: #runButton
              #model: #runTests
              #enableChannel: #enableRunButton
              #label: 'ReRun Defects'
              #name: 'ReRunButton'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -159 1 0 0 -57 1 48 0)
              #activeHelpKey: #rerunDefectsButton
              #model: #runDefects
              #enableChannel: #enableRunDefectsButton
              #label: 'Run All'
              #name: 'RunAllButton'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -56 1 0 0 0 1 48 0)
              #activeHelpKey: #runAllButton
              #model: #runAllTests
              #name: 'ProgressIndicator1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 49 0 0 1.0 60 0)
              #visibilityChannel: #percentageIndicatorVisible
              #model: #percentageDone
              #foregroundColor: #(#Color 32.9992 32.9992 0.0)
              #backgroundColor: #(#Color 66.9993 66.9993 0.0)
              #showPercentage: false
              #label: '...'
              #name: 'details'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 21 0.5 0 1 -25 1)
              #labelChannel: #details
              #label: 'N/A'
              #name: 'mode'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 49 0 0 1 35 0.5)
              #style: #(#FontDescription #Arial #bold #roman 14)
              #labelChannel: #mode
              #name: #defects
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -24 1 -152 1 0 1)
              #isOpaque: true
              #flags: 40
              #activeHelpKey: #defectsList
              #tabable: true
              #model: #selectionHolder
              #initiallyDisabled: true
              #enableChannel: #enableDefectsList
              #menu: #defectMenu
              #ignoreReselect: false
              #label: 'Browse'
              #name: 'BrowseButton'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -151 1 -24 1 -76 1 0 1)
              #activeHelpKey: #browseButton
              #model: #browseSelectedTestCase
              #initiallyDisabled: true
              #enableChannel: #enableRunButton
              #label: 'Debug'
              #name: 'DebugButton'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -75 1 -24 1 0 1 0 1)
              #activeHelpKey: #debugButton
              #model: #debugSelectedFailure
              #initiallyDisabled: true
              #enableChannel: #enableDebugButton
! !

!TestRunner class methodsFor:'opening'!


	^super open

    "open the testrunner,let it switch to and execute a testcase"

    |runner idx|

    runner := self new.
    runner openAndWaitUntilVisible.

    "/ idx := runner scriptModel value indexOf:aTestCaseSubclass name.
    runner selectScriptNamed:aTestCaseSubclass name.

    "/ the test should be executed by the TestRunner process (not the caller)
    "/ in oder for CTRL-C and busyCursor to work correctly.
    "/ Therefore, push event instead of executing the test here.

    "/runner runTests 
    runner enqueueMessage:#runTests for:runner arguments:nil.

     self openOnTestCase:CompilerTest
     self openOnTestCase:ConstraintTests
! !

!TestRunner class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(

! !

!TestRunner methodsFor:'accessing'!


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#category) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := '* all *' asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#category put:holder.
        holder onChangeSend:#categorySelectionChanged to:self.
    ^ holder.

    ^categoryModel isNil 
        ifTrue: [categoryModel := ValueHolder new. self updateCategoryList. categoryModel]
        ifFalse: [categoryModel]

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    ^defectMenu isNil 
	ifTrue: [defectMenu := OrderedCollection new asValue]
	ifFalse: [defectMenu]

    "Modified: / 4.4.2000 / 20:00:31 / Sames"


	^self builder componentAt: #defects

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 12:19:29 / Sames"

        "This method was generated by UIDefiner.  Any edits made here
        may be lost whenever methods are automatically defined.  The
        initialization provided below may have been preempted by an
        initialize method."

        ^details isNil
                        [details := '...' asValue]

	"This method was generated by UIDefiner.  Any edits made here
	may be lost whenever methods are automatically defined.  The
	initialization provided below may have been preempted by an
	initialize method."

	^mode isNil
			[mode := 'N/A' asValue]


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#percentageDone) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := 0 asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#percentageDone put:holder.
    ^ holder.


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#percentageIndicatorVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := false asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#percentageIndicatorVisible put:holder.
    ^ holder.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    script isNil ifTrue:[
        script := ValueHolder new.
        script onChangeSend:#suiteSelectionChanged to:self.
    ^ script.

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 12:04:36 / Sames"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

"/     |holder|

"/     (holder := builder bindingAt:#script) notNil ifTrue:[
"/         holder removeDependent:self.
"/     ].
    builder aspectAt:#script put:something.
"/     something notNil ifTrue:[
"/         something addDependent:self.
"/     ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 12:04:36 / Sames"

    "This method was generated by UIDefiner.  Any edits made here
        may be lost whenever methods are automatically defined.  The
        initialization provided below may have been preempted by an
        initialize method."

    ^scriptModel isNil 
        ifTrue: [scriptModel := ValueHolder new. self updateSuitesList. scriptModel]
        ifFalse: [scriptModel]

    "Modified: / 2.4.2000 / 14:37:51 / Sames"



    "Created: / 4.4.2000 / 18:50:55 / Sames"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#selectionHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := AspectAdaptor new subject:self; forAspect:#selection.
	builder aspectAt:#selectionHolder put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 4.4.2000 / 18:46:08 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 4.4.2000 / 18:47:31 / Sames"


	^self builder componentAt: #tests

    "Created: / 4.4.2000 / 19:57:37 / Sames"
! !

!TestRunner methodsFor:'actions'!

    |testCaseName testCase browser defect singleCase|

    testCaseName := self selectedScript.
    testCaseName notNil ifTrue:[
        testCase := Smalltalk at:testCaseName asSymbol.
        testCase notNil ifTrue:[
            browser := UserPreferences current systemBrowserClass openInClass:testCase.
                handle:[:ex | ]
                    (defect := self selection) notNil ifTrue:[
                        singleCase := allDefects at:defect ifAbsent: [nil].
                    singleCase notNil ifTrue:[
                        browser switchToSelector:singleCase selector
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        browser selectProtocolsMatching:'test*'

    |selectedScriptIndex selectedScript oldSuitesList newSuitesList 

    selectedScriptIndex := self script value.
    oldSuitesList := self scriptModel value.

    selectedScriptIndex notNil ifTrue:[
        selectedScript := (oldSuitesList at:selectedScriptIndex) string

    self updateSuitesList.

    newSuitesList := self scriptModel value.
    newScriptSelectionIndex := newSuitesList indexOf:selectedScript.

    self script value:(newScriptSelectionIndex == 0 

        self debugTest: self selection

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 10:58:58 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 12:21:05 / Sames"

debugTest: aTestCaseName 
    | testCase |

    defect := aTestCaseName.
    testCase := allDefects at: aTestCaseName ifAbsent: [nil].
    testCase isNil ifTrue: [^self enableDebugButton value: false].

    self enableDebugButton value: true.
    self displayMode: 'Debugging'.

    "/ defect := nil.

        self withWaitCursorDo:[
            (result isFailure: testCase) 
                ifTrue: [testCase debugAsFailure]
                ifFalse: [testCase debug].

    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 12:12:09 / Sames"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    | holder |
    (holder := builder bindingAt: #enableDebugButton) isNil 
	    [holder := true asValue.
	    builder aspectAt: #enableDebugButton put: holder
	    "        holder addDependent:self."].

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 10:47:34 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 10:51:07 / Sames"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#enableDefectsList) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := true asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#enableDefectsList put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 10:47:34 / Sames"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#enableRunButton) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := true asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#enableRunButton put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 10:47:34 / Sames"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#enableRunDefectsButton) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := true asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#enableRunDefectsButton put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

        self updateCategoryList.
        self updateSuitesList.

        self script value:nil.
        self tests selection: 0.
        self defects selection: 0.
        result := TestResult new.
        lastTestCase := nil.
        self displayRefresh

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 10:58:34 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 12:19:54 / Sames"

    self debugTest:self defects contents

	self runSuite: self allTestSuite

	| testSuite |
	(testSuite := self defectTestSuite) notNil ifTrue:
		[self runSuite: testSuite]

    allDefects size > 0 ifTrue:[
	^ self runDefectTests
    self runTests

runSuite: aTestSuite 

        "/ count the number of individual tests
        numTests := 0.
        aTestSuite tests do:[:eachTestOrSubSuite |
            (eachTestOrSubSuite isKindOf:TestSuite) ifTrue:[
                numTests := numTests + eachTestOrSubSuite tests size.
            ] ifFalse:[
                numTests := numTests + 1.
        numberOfTestsToRun := numTests.
        self percentageDone value:0.

                    |errorCountBefore failureCountBefore|

                    self displayRunning.
                    "/ self displayDetails: '...'.
                    aTestSuite addDependentToHierachy: self.
                    result := TestResult new.
                    lastTestCase := aTestSuite.
                    self showPercentageIndicator.

                    errorCountBefore :=  result errorCount.
                    failureCountBefore := result failureCount.

                            beforeEachDo:[:eachCaseOrSuite :eachResult |  
                                |caseName passed errorCountAfter failureCountAfter|

                                (eachCaseOrSuite isKindOf:TestCase) ifTrue:[
                                    caseName := eachCaseOrSuite selector.
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    caseName := eachCaseOrSuite name.
                                caseName size == 0 ifTrue:[self halt].

                                self displayDetails:(caseName , '...').

                                self testPassed:caseName
                            afterEachDo:[:eachCaseOrSuite :eachResult |  
                                |caseName passed errorCountAfter failureCountAfter|

                                caseName := eachCaseOrSuite name.
                                caseName size == 0 ifTrue:[self halt].
                                "/ self displayDetails:('...').

                                errorCountAfter := result errorCount.
                                failureCountAfter := result failureCount.
                                passed := (errorCountAfter == errorCountBefore) 
                                          & (failureCountAfter == failureCountBefore).

                                passed == true ifTrue:[
"/                                    testsWhichPassed add:caseName.
"/                                    testsWhichFailed remove:caseName ifAbsent:nil.
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    self testFailed:caseName withResult:result
                                errorCountBefore :=  errorCountAfter.
                                failureCountBefore := failureCountAfter
                    ] ensure: [
                        aTestSuite removeDependentFromHierachy: self.
                        self hidePercentageIndicator.
                        self displayNormalColorInProgress.

                    self updateWindow

	| testSuite |
	(testSuite := self freshTestSuite) notNil ifTrue:
		[self runSuite: testSuite]

    "Modified: / 2.4.2000 / 14:16:10 / Sames"

    self enableRunButton value:(self script value notNil).

selection: aValue

	self debugTest: aValue

    "Created: / 4.4.2000 / 18:54:09 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 4.4.2000 / 19:01:33 / Sames"

    |ok className description  cls|

    self enableRunButton value:(ok := self freshTestSuite notNil and:[self script value notNil]).
    self enableRunDefectsButton value:(ok and:[allDefects size > 0]).

    self script value notNil ifTrue:[
        className := self selectedScript string.
        (ok and:[className notNil]) ifTrue:[
            cls := Smalltalk at:className.
            (cls class includesSelector:#description) ifTrue:[
                description := cls description.
    self displayDetails:nil.
    self displayMode: (description ? '').
    self displayGray.

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 11:31:25 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 11:32:54 / Sames"

        |suites cat allCategories|

        cat := self category value.
        allCategories := (cat = '* all *').

        suites := TestCase allSubclasses 
                        select:[:each | 
                                true "/ "cg:TestCaseHelper is gone -->" ((each isSubclassOf:TestCaseHelper) not) 
                                and:[each isAbstract not
                                and:[allCategories or:[cat = each category]]]]
                        thenCollect: [:each | each name].
        suites sort.
        ^ suites 


        categories := (TestCase allSubclasses collect: [:each | each category]) asSet asOrderedCollection.
        categories sort.
        categories addFirst:'* all *'.
        self categoryList value:categories.


        suites := self suitesInCategory.
        suites := suites 
                    collect:[:eachSuiteName |
                                (testsWhichFailed includes:eachSuiteName) ifTrue:[
                                    eachSuiteName colorizeAllWith:(self class colorForFailedTests).
                                ] ifFalse:[     
                                    (testsWhichPassed includes:eachSuiteName) ifTrue:[
                                        eachSuiteName colorizeAllWith:(self class colorForPassedTests).
                                    ] ifFalse:[
        self scriptModel value: suites.
! !

!TestRunner methodsFor:'private'!

    testsWhichFailed add:caseName.

    testsWhichPassed add:caseName.

        "generate and return a suite for all tests, except SUnitTests"

        | tokens stream suite|

        tokens := (self suitesInCategory
                          collect: [:eachName | eachName ", '*' " ])
                      copyWithout: 'SUnitTest* '.
        stream := WriteStream on: String new.
        tokens do: [:each | stream nextPutAll:each; space].
        suite := TestSuitesScripter run: stream contents.
        suite name:'all'.
        ^ suite


        suite := TestSuite new.
        suite name:'defects'.
        allDefects keysAndValuesDo:[:nm :test |
            suite addTest:test.

formatTime: aTime 
	aTime hours > 0 ifTrue: [^aTime hours printString , 'h'].
	aTime minutes > 0 ifTrue: [^aTime minutes printString , 'min'].
	^aTime seconds printString , ' sec'

        |tests suite|

        tests := self tests contents.
        tests isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil].
        tests := tests string.
        suite := TestSuitesScripter run: tests.
        ^ suite

    "Modified: / 4.4.2000 / 20:13:41 / Sames"

    super initialize.

    testsWhichPassed := Set new.
    testsWhichFailed := Set new.

    TestCase allSubclassesDo:[:cls |
        |lastResult className|

        cls isAbstract ifFalse:[
            lastResult := cls lastTestRunResultOrNil.
            lastResult notNil ifTrue:[
                className := cls name.
                lastResult == true ifTrue:[
                    testsWhichPassed add:className
                ] ifFalse:[
                    testsWhichFailed add:className

postOpenWith: aBuilder 
    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    super postOpenWith: aBuilder.
    self tests defaultLabel: ''.
    "/ self tests selection: 'ExampleSetTest'. self script value:1.

    self enableRunButton value: (self script value notNil).
    self enableRunDefectsButton value: false.
    self enableDebugButton value: false.
    self enableDefectsList value: false.
    self script onChangeSend: #suiteSelectionChanged to:self.

    Smalltalk addDependent:self.

    "Created: / 2.4.2000 / 14:44:32 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 12:06:30 / Sames"

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.
    super release.

    testsWhichFailed remove:caseName ifAbsent:nil.

    testsWhichPassed remove:caseName ifAbsent:nil.

    |idx scriptClass|

    idx := self scriptModel value indexOf:aScriptName.
    self script value:idx.

    self updateCategoryList.

    scriptClass := Smalltalk at:aScriptName asSymbol.
    scriptClass notNil ifTrue:[
        self category value:scriptClass category.


    scriptIndex := self script value.
    scriptIndex isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ ''
    ^ self scriptModel value at:scriptIndex ifAbsent:nil.

testFailed:caseName withResult:result

    self removeFromPassedTests:caseName.
    self addToFailedTests:caseName.

    (cls := Smalltalk classNamed:caseName) notNil ifTrue:[
        cls rememberFailedTestRunWithResult:result.


    self removeFromFailedTests:caseName.
    self addToPassedTests:caseName.

"/    Transcript show:'passed: '; showCR:caseName.
"/    Transcript show:'passed: '; showCR:caseName className.

    (cls := Smalltalk classNamed:caseName) notNil ifTrue:[
        cls rememberPassedTestRun

	lastPass isNil ifTrue: [^''].
	^', ' , (self formatTime: (Time now subtractTime: lastPass getSeconds)) , ' since last Pass'

    "Modified: / 3.4.2000 / 19:17:11 / Sames"
! !

!TestRunner methodsFor:'updating'!

displayColor: aColorValue

	(builder componentAt: #mode) widget insideColor: aColorValue.
	(builder componentAt: #details) widget insideColor: aColorValue.

    "Modified: / 2.4.2000 / 14:21:42 / Sames"

	self displayColor: self tests backgroundColor

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 12:28:06 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 12:35:09 / Sames"

displayDefects: aCollection 
    | menuButton |
    menuButton := self builder componentAt: #defects.
    aCollection isEmpty ifTrue: [
	menuButton disable.
	self enableRunDefectsButton value:false.
	^ self
    allDefects := Dictionary new.
    aCollection do: [:each | allDefects at: each printString put: each].
    self defectMenu value: allDefects keys asOrderedCollection sort.
    menuButton enable.
    self enableRunDefectsButton value:(allDefects size > 0).

    "Modified: / 4.4.2000 / 20:11:06 / Sames"

displayDetails: aString 
    self details value: aString.
    self repairDamage.

    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 11:10:14 / Sames"

    (self builder componentAt:#ProgressIndicator1)
      foregroundColor: (self class colorForFailedTests).

"/    (self builder componentAt:#ProgressIndicator1)
"/      backgroundColor: (Color red:67 green:0 blue:0)

	self displayRed.
	self displayMode: 'Fail'.
	self displayDetails: result printString.

	self displayColor: (View defaultViewBackgroundColor)

	self displayColor: ColorValue green

displayMode: aString 
        self mode value: aString.
        self repairDamage.

    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 11:14:19 / Sames"

    (self builder componentAt:#ProgressIndicator1)
      foregroundColor: (Color red:33 green:33 blue:0);
      backgroundColor: (Color red:67 green:67 blue:0)

    self displayGreen.
    (lastTestCase notNil 
    and:[lastTestCase name notNil]) ifTrue:[
        self displayMode: 'Pass ' , lastTestCase name.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self displayMode: 'Pass'.
    self displayDetails: result runCount printString , ' run' , self timeSinceLastPassAsString.
    lastPass := Time now

    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 12:14:52 / Sames"

	self displayColor: ColorValue red.

    self displayMode: 'N/A'.
    self displayDetails:'...'.
    self updateDefects.
    self enableRunButton value: (self script value notNil).
    self enableRunDefectsButton value: false.
    self enableDebugButton value: false.
    self displayDefault

    "Created: / 21.6.2000 / 12:14:11 / Sames"
    "Modified: / 21.6.2000 / 12:28:24 / Sames"

        self displayRunning:(self selectedScript ? 'all') string.

        self displayYellow.
        self displayMode:('running ' , scriptName allBold). 
"/        self displayDetails: '...'.
        self repairDamage.

	self displayColor: ColorValue yellow

    self percentageIndicatorVisible value:false.


    (wg := self windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[wg  repairDamage].

    self percentageIndicatorVisible value:true.

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
        (changedObject isBehavior and:[changedObject isSubclassOf:TestCase]) ifTrue:[
            self updateSuitesList
        ^ self

    (changedObject isKindOf: TestSuite) ifTrue: [
        self displayRunning:changedObject name.
        ^ self

    (changedObject isKindOf: TestCase) ifTrue: [
        (result errorCount + result failureCount) > 0 ifTrue:[
            self displayErrorColorInProgress.
        self percentageDone value:(result runCount / numberOfTestsToRun * 100) rounded.
        self displayDetails: changedObject printString.
        ^ self

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject


        script := self selectedScript.
        script notNil ifTrue:[script := script string].

        self displayDefects: result defects.

        script notNil ifTrue:[
            result hasPassed ifTrue:[
                self testPassed:script
            ] ifFalse:[
                self testFailed:script withResult:result

        result hasPassed
                ifTrue: [self displayPass]
                ifFalse: [self displayFail].
        self updateDefects.
        self updateSuitesList. "/ for colors
! !

!TestRunner class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/sunit/TestRunner.st,v 1.50 2003-06-17 22:42:03 cg Exp $'
! !