author boris
Thu, 31 Aug 2006 11:23:04 +0200
changeset 138 90efce9992ea
parent 131 86ad122e57f6
child 139 5a48f282d789
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

"{ Package: '__NoProject__' }"

Object subclass:#TestCase

TestCase class instanceVariableNames:'lastTestRunResultOrNil lastTestRunsFailedTests'

 No other class instance variables are inherited by this class.

TestCase comment:'A TestCase is a Command representing the future running of a test case. Create one with the class method #selector: aSymbol, passing the name of the method to be run when the test case runs.

When you discover a new fixture, subclass TestCase, declare instance variables for the objects in the fixture, override #setUp to initialize the variables, and possibly override# tearDown to deallocate any external resources allocated in #setUp.

When you are writing a test case method, send #assert: aBoolean when you want to check for an expected value. For example, you might say "self assert: socket isOpen" to test whether or not a socket is open at a point in a test.'

!TestCase class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    the concept of a prep, is to provide an opportunity to set up some UnitTestCase parameters 
    before the fixture is setUp, there is a #defaultPrep, or a #prepFor_<eachTest>

        Keith Hodges (kh@cuthbert)

    [see also:]

    [instance variables:]

    [class variables:]

    examples to be added.
    ... add code fragment for 
    ... executable example here ...

    "Created: / 9.7.1999 / 17:28:21 / kh"
! !

!TestCase class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

selector: aSymbol

	^self new setTestSelector: aSymbol
! !

!TestCase class methodsFor:'running'!

allSelectorsPrefixed: string

| selectors |

selectors := OrderedCollection new.

"/self superclasses do: [ :class | selectors addAll: (class selectors select: [ :selector | selector startsWith: string ]) ].

selectors addAll: (self selectors select: [ :selector | selector startsWith: string ]).




^(self allSelectorsPrefixed: 'test') collect: [ :selector | self selector: selector ].


        | test |
        test := TestSuite named: (self name).
        test addTestCases: self allTestCases.
        ^test run
self run.
Transcript showCR: self runAll.

! !

!TestCase methodsFor:'assertions'!

assert: aBoolean
    "fail, if the argument is not true"

"/        aBoolean ifFalse: [self signalFailure: 'Assertion failed']

    self assert: aBoolean message:'Assertion failed'

    "fail, if the block does not evaluate to true"
    self assert:aBlock value

should:aBlock raise:anExceptionalEvent 
    "fail, if the block does not raise the given event"
    ^ self assert:(self executeShould:aBlock inScopeOf:anExceptionalEvent)

    "fail, if the block does evaluate to true"
    self deny:aBlock value
! !

!TestCase methodsFor:'printing'!

printOn: aStream

"/        aStream
"/                nextPutAll: self class printString;
"/                nextPutAll: '>>#';
"/                nextPutAll: testSelector
        aStream nextPutAll: self name.
        aStream nextPutAll: '>>'.
        testSelector printOn: aStream
! !

!TestCase methodsFor:'private'!


        ^self class errorSignal



        self perform: testSelector asSymbol

setSelector: aSymbol
	selector := aSymbol
! !

!TestCase methodsFor:'running'!


"prep methods are called before UnitTestCase-#setUp
 this is the default prep method if there
 is none defined for a unit test"


| prepSelector |

prepSelector := ('prepFor_',  selector) asSymbol.

(self respondsTo: prepSelector) ifTrue:  [ self perform: prepSelector  ]
                        ifFalse: [ self defaultPrep        ].

	| result |
	result := TestResult new.
	self run: result.

run: aResult
	aResult runCase: self


! !

!TestCase methodsFor:'set up'!

        "Run whatever code you need to tidy up if the Setup procedure fails"
! !

!TestCase class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.st,v 1.43 2006-08-31 09:23:04 boris Exp $'
! !

TestCase initialize!