authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sat, 23 Jan 2016 13:41:33 +0100
changeset 626 4653000fda69
parent 625 da58fce6fa95
child 627 fa8d0280e79c
#REFACTORING class: TestCase changed: #rememberOutcome:
--- a/TestCase.st	Fri Jan 15 04:49:43 2016 +0000
+++ b/TestCase.st	Sat Jan 23 13:41:33 2016 +0100
@@ -163,29 +163,32 @@
 rememberOutcome: thisOutcome
-    |thisTestCase someOtherOutcome someOtherTestCase|
+    |thisTestCase someOtherOutcome someOtherTestCase    
+     thisTestCaseSelector thisTestCaseClassName|
     thisTestCase := thisOutcome testCase.
+    thisTestCaseSelector := thisTestCase selector.
+    thisTestCaseClassName := thisTestCase class name.
     lastOutcomes isNil ifTrue:[
-	lastOutcomes := OrderedCollection new.
+        lastOutcomes := OrderedCollection new.
     "Not a nice code, but portable (what: doWithIndex: is not portable?)"
     1 to: lastOutcomes size do:[:i|
-	someOtherOutcome := lastOutcomes at: i.
-	someOtherTestCase := someOtherOutcome testCase.
-	"/ compare by classes name - in case it got redefined
-	(someOtherTestCase selector == thisTestCase selector
-	and: [someOtherTestCase class name = thisTestCase class name]) ifTrue:[
-	    "remember; for the timestamp and other info"
-	    lastOutcomes at: i put: thisOutcome.
-	    someOtherOutcome result ~= thisOutcome result ifTrue:[
-		"but only send out change notification to browser if state has changed"
-		self lastTestRunResultChanged: thisOutcome selector.
-	    ].
-	    ^self.
-	].
+        someOtherOutcome := lastOutcomes at: i.
+        someOtherTestCase := someOtherOutcome testCase.
+        "/ compare by classes name - in case it got redefined
+        (someOtherTestCase selector == thisTestCaseSelector
+        and: [someOtherTestCase class name = thisTestCaseClassName]) ifTrue:[
+            "remember; for the timestamp and other info"
+            lastOutcomes at: i put: thisOutcome.
+            someOtherOutcome result ~= thisOutcome result ifTrue:[
+                "but only send out change notification to browser if state has changed"
+                self lastTestRunResultChanged: thisOutcome selector.
+            ].
+            ^self.
+        ].
     lastOutcomes add: thisOutcome.
     self lastTestRunResultChanged: thisOutcome selector.