changeset 296 ea3dbc023c80
parent 241 e28ef0f20186
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xquery/XQuery__OpLibrary.st	Tue May 12 12:20:53 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/xmlsuite/xquery' }"
+"{ NameSpace: XQuery }"
+SmalltalkFunctionLibrary subclass:#OpLibrary
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'XQuery-Libraries'
+!OpLibrary class methodsFor:'function library API'!
+    "Superclass XQuery::FunctionLibrary class says that I am responsible to implement this method"
+    ^#OpNsURI.
+    "Modified: / 15-10-2009 / 23:21:01 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+! !
+!OpLibrary methodsFor:'function library API'!
+    "Superclass XQuery::FunctionLibrary says that I am responsible to implement this method"
+    ^'op'
+    "Modified: / 15-10-2009 / 23:05:59 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+    "Superclass XQuery::FunctionLibrary says that I am responsible to implement this method"
+    ^#(
+        #'numeric-add'
+        #'numeric-substract'
+        #'numeric-multiply'
+        #'numeric-divide'
+        #'numeric-integer-divide'
+        #'numeric-mod'
+    )
+    "Modified: / 24-10-2009 / 13:37:43 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+! !
+!OpLibrary methodsFor:'numeric-operations'!
+getNumericType: op
+    (op isSubtypeOf: 'xs:float') ifTrue: [ ^ 'xs:float' ].
+    (op isSubtypeOf: 'xs:double') ifTrue: [ ^ 'xs:double' ].
+    (op isSubtypeOf: 'xs:integer') ifTrue: [ ^ 'xs:integer' ].
+    (op isSubtypeOf: 'xs:decimal') ifTrue: [ ^ 'xs:decimal' ].
+    TypeError raiseErrorString: 'not numeric type'.
+    "Created: / 15-10-2009 / 23:49:44 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-2009 / 13:05:02 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+mapOperator: op1 to: op2
+    (op1 isSubtypeOf: op2 type) ifFalse: [
+        ^ self promote: op1 toType: op2 type.
+    ].
+    ^ op1
+    "Created: / 15-10-2009 / 23:39:19 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+promote: op toType: typeName
+    "see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#promotion"
+    "Numeric type promotion:
+       1. A value of type xs:float (or any type derived by restriction from xs:float) 
+            can be promoted to the type xs:double. The result is the xs:double value 
+            that is the same as the original value.
+        2.A value of type xs:decimal (or any type derived by restriction from xs:decimal) 
+            can be promoted to either of the types xs:float or xs:double. The result of 
+            this promotion is created by casting the original value to the required type. 
+            This kind of promotion may cause loss of precision.
+    "
+    (TypeFactory current isNumeric: op typeName) ifFalse: [FunctionError raiseErrorString: 'Only numeric types can be promoted'].
+    ((op isSubtypeOf: 'xs:float') and: [ typeName = 'xs:double' ]) ifTrue: [
+        ^ AtomicItem withValue: op nodeId asType: typeName.
+    ].
+    ((op isSubtypeOf: 'xs:decimal') and: [ (typeName = 'xs:double') or: [ typeName = 'xs:float'] ]) ifTrue: [
+        ^ AtomicItem withValue: op nodeId asType: typeName.
+    ].
+    ^ op.
+    "Created: / 15-10-2009 / 23:44:03 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-2009 / 13:59:48 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+withArg: op1 and: op2 doNumericOperation: aTwoArgBlock
+    | arg1 arg2 retType |
+    self assert: op1 isAtomicValue.
+    self assert: op2 isAtomicValue.
+    arg1 := self mapOperator: op1 to: op2.
+    arg2 := self mapOperator: op2 to: op1.
+    (arg2 isSubtypeOf: arg1 type) ifTrue: [
+        retType := self getNumericType: arg1.
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        retType := self getNumericType: arg2.
+    ].
+    self assert: (TypeFactory isType: retType supertypeOf: (self getNumericType: arg2)).
+    ^ XQuerySequence with: (AtomicItem withValue: (aTwoArgBlock value: arg1 value value: arg2 value) asType: retType)
+    "Created: / 19-10-2009 / 21:39:04 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-2009 / 14:43:42 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+withArg: op1 and: op2 doNumericOperation: aTwoArgBlock andReturnType: retType
+    | arg1 arg2 |
+    self assert: op1 isAtomicValue.
+    self assert: op2 isAtomicValue.
+    arg1 := self mapOperator: op1 to: op2.
+    arg2 := self mapOperator: op2 to: op1.
+    [
+        ^ XQuerySequence with: (AtomicItem withValue: 
+            (aTwoArgBlock value: arg1 value value: arg2 value) asType: retType)
+    ] on: Exception do:
+    [
+        : ex |
+        ^ FunctionError raiseErrorString: ex asString.        
+    ]
+    "Created: / 24-10-2009 / 13:43:45 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-2009 / 14:09:33 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+! !
+!OpLibrary methodsFor:'op:*'!
+numericAddInContext: context withParameters: parameters forInterpreter: interpreter
+    ^ self withArg: parameters first 
+            and: parameters second 
+            doNumericOperation: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 value + arg2 value ].
+    "Created: / 15-10-2009 / 23:10:11 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2009 / 16:48:58 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+numericDivideInContext:context withParameters:parameters forInterpreter:interpreter 
+    "6.2.4 op:numeric-divide
+        op:numeric-divide($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as numeric
+        Summary: Backs up the 'div' operator and returns the arithmetic quotient of its operands: ($arg1 div $arg2).
+        As a special case, if the types of both $arg1 and $arg2 are xs:integer, then the return type is xs:decimal."
+    ((parameters first isSubtypeOf:'xs:integer') and:[ parameters second isSubtypeOf:'xs:integer' ]) 
+            ifTrue:[
+                ^ self 
+                    withArg:parameters first
+                    and:parameters second
+                    doNumericOperation:[:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 / arg2 ]
+                    andReturnType:'xs:decimal'
+            ]
+            ifFalse:[
+                ^ self 
+                    withArg:parameters first
+                    and:parameters second
+                    doNumericOperation:[:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 / arg2 ]
+            ].
+    "Created: / 24-10-2009 / 13:38:01 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+numericIntegerDivideInContext:context withParameters:parameters forInterpreter:interpreter 
+    ^ self 
+        withArg:parameters first
+        and:parameters second
+        doNumericOperation:[:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 // arg2 ]
+        andReturnType:'xs:integer'
+    "Created: / 24-10-2009 / 13:38:18 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+numericModInContext: context withParameters: parameters forInterpreter: interpreter
+    ^ self withArg: parameters first 
+            and: parameters second 
+            doNumericOperation: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 \\ arg2].
+    "Created: / 24-10-2009 / 13:38:24 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+numericMultiplyInContext: context withParameters: parameters forInterpreter: interpreter
+    ^ self withArg: parameters first 
+            and: parameters second 
+            doNumericOperation: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 * arg2].
+    "Created: / 19-10-2009 / 21:58:42 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+numericSubstractInContext: context withParameters: parameters forInterpreter: interpreter
+    ^ self withArg: parameters first 
+            and: parameters second 
+            doNumericOperation: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 - arg2].
+    "Created: / 19-10-2009 / 22:44:23 / Jan Kurs <kursj1@fel.cvut.cz>"
+! !
+!OpLibrary class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Id$'
+! !