author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 02 Feb 2016 21:49:24 +0000
changeset 300 b6d834208d33
parent 296 xmlreaderimpl/support/expat-2.0.1/xmlwf/xmltchar.h@ea3dbc023c80
permissions -rw-r--r--
ExpatXMLReader and DOM3XMLReader moved to xmlsuite/core package ease usage of the package. Therefore it's no longer needed to also build xmlsuite/xmlreaderimpl in order to actually parse something. Expat should provide a good default.

#error xmlwf requires a 16-bit Unicode-compatible wchar_t 
#define T(x) L ## x
#define ftprintf fwprintf
#define tfopen _wfopen
#define fputts fputws
#define puttc putwc
#define tcscmp wcscmp
#define tcscpy wcscpy
#define tcscat wcscat
#define tcschr wcschr
#define tcsrchr wcsrchr
#define tcslen wcslen
#define tperror _wperror
#define topen _wopen
#define tmain wmain
#define tremove _wremove
#else /* not XML_UNICODE */
#define T(x) x
#define ftprintf fprintf
#define tfopen fopen
#define fputts fputs
#define puttc putc
#define tcscmp strcmp
#define tcscpy strcpy
#define tcscat strcat
#define tcschr strchr
#define tcsrchr strrchr
#define tcslen strlen
#define tperror perror
#define topen open
#define tmain main
#define tremove remove
#endif /* not XML_UNICODE */