author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Mon, 02 Jul 2018 08:46:01 +0200
changeset 305 bad21c4f64bf
parent 296 ea3dbc023c80
permissions -rw-r--r--
Tagged Smalltalk/X 8.0.0

%start MainModule;

MainModule :
    Prolog QueryBody
        AstMainModule new
            prolog: '1' ;
	        queryBody: '2' 
    } ;

    PrologDeclarationClassA* PrologDeclarationClassB*
        AstProlog new
		    declarations: ('1' addAll: '2'; yourself) 
    } ;

    "import" "module" URILiteral ";"
        AstModuleImport new
	        uri: '3' 
    | "import" "module" "namespace" NCName "=" URILiteral ";"
        AstModuleImport new
	        prefix: '4';
	        uri: '6' 
    } ;

    DefaultNamespaceDecl ";"
    | Setter ";"
    | NamespaceDecl ";"
    | FunctionDecl ";"
    } ;

    "declare" "default" "element" "namespace" URILiteral
        AstDefaultNamespaceDecl new
	        uri: '5';
	        type: #element 
    | "declare" "default" "function" "namespace" URILiteral
        AstDefaultNamespaceDecl new
	        uri: '5';
	        type: #function 
    } ;

    "declare" "namespace" NCName "=" URILiteral 
        AstNamespaceDecl new
	        prefix: '3' ;
	        nsuri: '5'  
    } ;

    } ;

    "declare" "base-uri" URILiteral
        AstBaseUriDecl new
            value: '3'.
    } ;

    "declare" "base-uri" URILiteral
        AstBaseUriDecl new
            value: '3'.
    } ;

	{ '1' }

    "declare" "function" QName "(" ParamList ")" EnclosedExpr
        AstFunctionDecl new
	        name: '3';
	        paramList: '5';
	        body: '7'
	} ;

	{ '1' }
    | EmptyParamList
	{ '2' }

	{ #() }

    ParamList "," Param
	{ '1' add: '3' ; yourself }
    | Param
	{ OrderedCollection with:'1' }

    "$" QName
	{ AstParam new
	    name: '2'  }

QueryBody :
  Expr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'QueryBody1'.

Expr :
  ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'Expr1'.
  } |
  ExprSingle "," Expr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'Expr2'.
    AstExpr new exprSingle: '1'; expr: '3'.
  } ;

ExprSingle :
  FLWORExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle1'.
  } |
  QuantifiedExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle2'.
  } |
  IfExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle3'.
  } |
  OrExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle4'.
  } |
  DeleteExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle5'.
  } |
  RenameExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle6'.
  } |
  ReplaceExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle7'.
  } |
  InsertExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle8'.
  } |  
  TransformExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ExprSingle9'.
  } ;

  FLWORExpr_ForLet "return" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FLWORExpr1'.
    AstFLWORExpr new flworExpr_ForLet: '1'; exprSingle: '3'.
  } |
  FLWORExpr_ForLet WhereClause "return" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FLWORExpr2'.
    AstFLWORExpr new flworExpr_ForLet: '1'; whereClause: '2'; exprSingle: '4'.
  } |
  FLWORExpr_ForLet OrderByClause "return" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FLWORExpr3'.
    AstFLWORExpr new flworExpr_ForLet: '1'; orderByClause: '2'; exprSingle: '4'.
  } |
  FLWORExpr_ForLet WhereClause OrderByClause "return" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FLWORExpr4'.
    AstFLWORExpr new flworExpr_ForLet: '1'; whereClause: '2'; orderByClause: '3'; exprSingle: '5'.
  } ;

FLWORExpr_ForLet :
  ForClause {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FLWORExpr_ForLet1'.
  } |
  LetClause {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FLWORExpr_ForLet2'.
  } |
  ForClause FLWORExpr_ForLet {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FLWORExpr_ForLet3'.
    AstFLWORExpr_ForLet new forClause: '1'; flworExpr_ForLet: '2'.
  } |
  LetClause FLWORExpr_ForLet {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FLWORExpr_ForLet4'.
    AstFLWORExpr_ForLet new letClause: '1'; flworExpr_ForLet: '2'.
  } ;

ForClause :
  "for" ForClause_Impl {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForClause1'.
  } ;

ForClause_Impl :
  "$" VarName "in" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForClause_Impl1'.
    AstForClause new varName: '2'; exprSingle: '4'.
  } |
  "$" VarName "in" ExprSingle "," ForClause_Impl {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForClause_Impl2'.
    AstForClause new varName: '2'; exprSingle: '4'; forClause: '6'.
  } |
  "$" VarName PositionalVar "in" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForClause_Impl3'.
    AstForClause new varName: '2'; positionalVar: '3'; exprSingle: '5'.
  } |
  "$" VarName PositionalVar "in" ExprSingle "," ForClause_Impl {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForClause_Impl4'.
    AstForClause new varName: '2'; positionalVar: '3'; exprSingle: '5'; forClause: '7'.
  } ;

  "at" "$" VarName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PositionalVar1'.
  } ;

LetClause :
  "let" LetClause_Impl {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'LetClause1'.
  } ;

LetClause_Impl :
  "$" VarName ":=" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'LetClause_Impl1'.
    AstLetClause new varName: '2'; exprSingle: '4'.
  } |
  "$" VarName ":=" ExprSingle "," LetClause_Impl {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'LetClause_Impl2'.
    AstLetClause new varName: '2'; exprSingle: '4'; letClause: '6'.
  } ;

WhereClause :
  "where" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'WhereClause1'.
    AstWhereClause new exprSingle: '2'.
  } ;

OrderByClause :
  "order" "by" OrderSpecList {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderByClause1'.
    AstOrderByClause new isStable: false; orderSpecList: '3'.
  } |
  "stable" "order" "by" OrderSpecList {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderByClause2'.
    AstOrderByClause new isStable: true; orderSpecList: '4'.
  } ;

OrderSpecList :
  OrderSpec {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderSpecList1'.
  } |
  OrderSpec "," OrderSpecList {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderSpecList2'.
    AstOrderSpecList new orderSpec: '1'; orderSpecList: '3'.
  } ;

OrderSpec :
  ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderSpec1'.
    AstOrderSpec new exprSingle: '1'.
  } |
  ExprSingle OrderModifier {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderSpec2'.
    AstOrderSpec new exprSingle: '1'; orderModifier: '2'.
  } ;

OrderModifier :
  OrderModifier_AscDesc {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderModifier1'.
    AstOrderModifier new ascDesc: '1'.
  } |
  OrderModifier_GreatestLeast {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderModifier2'.
    AstOrderModifier new greatestLeast: '1'.
  } |
  OrderModifier_AscDesc OrderModifier_GreatestLeast {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderModifier3'.
    AstOrderModifier new ascDesc: '1'; greatestLeast: '2'.
  } ;

  "ascending" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderModifier_AscDesc1'.
  } |
  "descending" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderModifier_AscDesc2'.
  } ;

  "empty" "greatest" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderModifier_GreatestLeast1'.
  } |
  "empty" "least" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderModifier_GreatestLeast2'.
  } ;

QuantifiedExpr :
  "some" QuantifiedExpr_Impl "satisfies" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'QuantifiedExpr1'.
    AstQuantifiedExpr new someEvery: #some; quantifiedExpr_Impl: '2'; exprSingle: '4'.
  } |
  "every" QuantifiedExpr_Impl "satisfies" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'QuantifiedExpr2'.
    AstQuantifiedExpr new someEvery: #every; quantifiedExpr_Impl: '2'; exprSingle: '4'.
  } ;

QuantifiedExpr_Impl :
  "$" VarName "in" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'QuantifiedExpr_Impl1'.
    AstQuantifiedExpr_Impl new varName: '2'; exprSingle: '4'.
  } |
  "$" VarName "in" ExprSingle "," QuantifiedExpr_Impl {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'QuantifiedExpr_Impl2'.
    AstQuantifiedExpr_Impl new varName: '2'; exprSingle: '4'; quantifiedExpr_Impl: '6'.
  } ;

IfExpr :
  "if" "(" Expr ")" "then" ExprSingle "else" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'IfExpr1'.
    AstIfExpr new expr: '3'; trueExprSingle: '6'; falseExprSingle: '8'.
  } ;

OrExpr :
  AndExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrExpr1'.
  } |
  AndExpr "or" OrExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrExpr2'.
    AstOrExpr new andExpr: '1'; orExpr: '3'.
  } ;

AndExpr :
  ComparisonExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AndExpr1'.
  } |
  ComparisonExpr "and" AndExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AndExpr2'.
    AstAndExpr new comparisonExpr: '1'; andExpr: '3'.
  } ;

ComparisonExpr :
  RangeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ComparisonExpr1'.
  } |
  RangeExpr ValueComp RangeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ComparisonExpr2'.
    AstComparisonExpr new rangeExprLeft: '1'; valueComp: '2'; rangeExprRight: '3'.
  } |
  RangeExpr GeneralComp RangeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ComparisonExpr3'.
    AstComparisonExpr new rangeExprLeft: '1'; generalComp: '2'; rangeExprRight: '3'.
  } |
  RangeExpr NodeComp RangeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ComparisonExpr4'.
    AstComparisonExpr new rangeExprLeft: '1'; nodeComp: '2'; rangeExprRight: '3'.
  } ;

RangeExpr :
  AdditiveExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'RangeExpr1'.
  } |
  AdditiveExpr "to" AdditiveExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'RangeExpr2'.
    AstRangeExpr new additiveExprFrom: '1'; additiveExprTo: '3'.
  } ;

AdditiveExpr :
  MultiplicativeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AdditiveExpr1'.
  } |
  MultiplicativeExpr "+" AdditiveExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AdditiveExpr2'.
    AstAdditiveExpr new multiplicativeExpr: '1'; operand: #plus; additiveExpr: '3'.
  } |
  MultiplicativeExpr "-" AdditiveExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AdditiveExpr3'.
    AstAdditiveExpr new multiplicativeExpr: '1'; operand: #minus; additiveExpr: '3'.
  } ;

MultiplicativeExpr :
  UnionExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'MultiplicativeExpr1'.
  } |
  UnionExpr "*" MultiplicativeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'MultiplicativeExpr2'.
    AstMultiplicativeExpr new unionExpr: '1'; operand: #krat; multiplicativeExpr: '3'.
  } |
  UnionExpr "div" MultiplicativeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'MultiplicativeExpr3'.
    AstMultiplicativeExpr new unionExpr: '1'; operand: #div; multiplicativeExpr: '3'.
  } |
  UnionExpr "idiv" MultiplicativeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'MultiplicativeExpr4'.
    AstMultiplicativeExpr new unionExpr: '1'; operand: #idiv; multiplicativeExpr: '3'.
  } |
  UnionExpr "mod" MultiplicativeExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'MultiplicativeExpr5'.
    AstMultiplicativeExpr new unionExpr: '1'; operand: #mod; multiplicativeExpr: '3'.
  } ;

UnionExpr :
  IntersectExceptExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'UnionExpr1'.
  } |
  IntersectExceptExpr "union" UnionExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'UnionExpr2'.
    AstUnionExpr new intersectExceptExpr: '1'; unionExpr: '3'.
  } |
  IntersectExceptExpr "|" UnionExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'UnionExpr3'.
    AstUnionExpr new intersectExceptExpr: '1'; unionExpr: '3'.
  } ;

IntersectExceptExpr :
  InstanceOfExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'IntersectExceptExpr1'.
  } |
  InstanceOfExpr "intersect" IntersectExceptExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'IntersectExceptExpr2'.
    AstIntersectExceptExpr new unaryExpr: '1'; operand: #intersect; intersectExceptExpr: '3'.
  } |
  InstanceOfExpr "except" IntersectExceptExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'IntersectExceptExpr3'.
    AstIntersectExceptExpr new unaryExpr: '1'; operand: #except; intersectExceptExpr: '3'.
  } ;

InstanceOfExpr : 
  CastableExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'InstanceOfExpr1'.
  } |
  CastableExpr "instance" "of" SequenceType {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'InstanceOfExpr2'.
    AstInstanceOfExpr new treatExpr: '1'; sequenceType: '4'.
  } ;

CastableExpr :
    CastExpr {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'CastableExpr1'.
    } |
    CastExpr "castable" "as" SingleType {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'CastableExpr2'.
        AstCastableExpr new castExpr: '1'; singleType: '4'.
    } ;

    UnaryExpr {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'CastExpr1'.
    } |
    UnaryExpr "cast" "as" SingleType {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'CastExpr2'.
        AstCastExpr new unaryExpr: '1'; singleType: '4'.
    } ;

SingleType :
    AtomicType {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'SingleType1'.
        AstSingleType new atomicType: '1'.
    } |
    AtomicType "?" {
        self informAboutRuleReduction: 'SingleType2'.
        AstSingleType new atomicType: '1'; occurenceIndicator: '?'.
    } ;

%left "+" "*";

SequenceType :
  "empty-sequence" "(" ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'SequenceType1'.
    AstSequenceType new withEmptySequence. 
  } |
  ItemType OccurrenceIndicator? {
    "there is shift -reduce conflict in occurrence indicator nonterminal
        symbols '*' and '+'. We use SmaCC ambigous grammar handling
        to overcome this problem and keep the grammar as simple as

    self informAboutRuleReduction:'SequenceType2'.
    AstSequenceType new itemType: '1'; occurrenceIndicator: '2'.
  } ;

ItemType : 
    "item" "(" ")" {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'ItemType1'.
        AstItemType new itemTest: AstItemTypeItem new.
    } |
    KindTest {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'ItemType2'.
        AstItemType new kindTest: '1'.
    } |
    AtomicType {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'ItemType3'.
        AstItemType new atomicType: '1'.
    } ;

AtomicType : 
    QName {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'AtomicType1'.
        AstAtomicType new qName: '1'.
    } ;

OccurrenceIndicator :
  "?" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OccurrenceIndicator1'.
    AstZeroOrOneOccurrenceIndicator new.
  } |
  "*" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OccurrenceIndicator2'.
    AstZeroOrMultipleOccurrenceIndicator new.
  } |
  "+" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OccurrenceIndicator3'.
    AstOneOrMultipleOccurrenceIndicator new.
  } ;

UnaryExpr :
  "-" UnaryExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'UnaryExpr1'.
    AstUnaryExpr new operand: #minus; unaryExpr: '2'.
  } |
  "+" UnaryExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'UnaryExpr2'.
    AstUnaryExpr new operand: #plus; unaryExpr: '2'.
  } |
  ValueExpr {
   self informAboutRuleReduction:'UnaryExpr3'.
  } ;

ValueExpr :
  PathExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ValueExpr'.
  } ;

GeneralComp :
  "=" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'GeneralComp1'.
  } |
  "!=" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'GeneralComp2'.
  } |
  "<" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'GeneralComp3'.
  } |
  "<=" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'GeneralComp4'.
  } |
  ">" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'GeneralComp5'.
  } |
  ">=" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'GeneralComp6'.
  } ;

ValueComp :
  "eq" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ValueComp1'.
  } |
  "ne" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ValueComp2'.
  } |
  "lt" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ValueComp3'.
  } |
  "le" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ValueComp4'.
  } |
  "gt" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ValueComp5'.
  } |
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ValueComp6'.
  } ;

NodeComp :
  "is" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NodeComp1'.
  } |
  "<<" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NodeComp2'.
  } |
  ">>" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NodeComp3'.
  } ;

PathExpr :
	  "/" RelativePathExpr 
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PathExpr2'.
		    '2' absolute: true; yourself 
	| "//" RelativePathExpr 
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PathExpr3'.
			    	(XPathLocationStep new
			        	axis: XPathAxisDescendantOrSelf new;
						nodeTest: XPathAnyKindTest new);
	| RelativePathExpr 
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PathExpr4'.

RelativePathExpr :
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'RelativePathExpr1'.
    		XPathExpression with: '1'.
	| RelativePathExpr "/" StepExpr  
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'RelativePathExpr2'.
		    '1' add: '3'; yourself
	| RelativePathExpr "//" StepExpr 
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'RelativePathExpr3'.
		    		(XPathLocationStep new
		    			axis: XPathAxisDescendantOrSelf new;
		    			nodeTest: XPathAnyKindTest new);
				add: '3';

StepExpr :
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'StepExpr1'.
	| FilterExpr 
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'StepExpr2'.

AxisStep :
  ForwardStep Predicate* {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AxisStep2'.
    '1' predicates: '2'; yourself
  } |
  ReverseStep Predicate* {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AxisStep4'.
    '1' predicates: '2'; yourself
  } ;

ForwardStep :
	  ForwardAxis NodeTest
    		self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardStep1'.
			XPathLocationStep new
				axis: '1';
				nodeTest: '2';
	| AbbrevForwardStep 
			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardStep2'.

ForwardAxis :
	  "child" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardAxis1'.
		    XPathAxisChild new
	|  "descendant" "::" 
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardAxis2'.
			XPathAxisDescendant new
	| "attribute" "::"
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardAxis3'.
		    XPathAxisAttribute new
	| "self" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardAxis4'.
		    XPathAxisSelf new
	| "descendant-or-self" "::"	
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardAxis5'.
		    XPathAxisDescendantOrSelf new
	| "following-sibling" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardAxis6'.
		    XPathAxisFollowingSibling new
	| "following" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ForwardAxis7'.
		    XPathAxisFollowing new

AbbrevForwardStep :
	  "@" NodeTest 
			self informAboutRuleReduction:'AbbrevForwardStep1'.
			XPathLocationStep new
				axis: XPathAxisAttribute new;
				nodeTest: '2';
	| NodeTest
			self informAboutRuleReduction:'AbbrevForwardStep2'.
			XPathLocationStep new
				setDefaultAxisFor: '1';
				nodeTest: '1';
ReverseStep :
	  ReverseAxis NodeTest
    		self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReverseStep1'.
			XPathLocationStep new
				axis: '1';
				nodeTest: '2';
	| AbbrevReverseStep 
			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReverseStep2'.

ReverseAxis :
	  "parent" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReverseAxis1'.
		    XPathAxisParent new
	| "ancestor" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReverseAxis2'.
		    XPathAxisAncestor new
	| "ancestor-or-self" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReverseAxis3'.
		    XPathAxisAncestorOrSelf new
	| "preceding-sibling" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReverseAxis4'.
		    XPathAxisPrecedingSibling new
	| "preceding" "::" 
  			self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReverseAxis5'.
		    XPathAxisPreceding new
AbbrevReverseStep :
			XPathLocationStep new
				axis: XPathAxisParent new;
				nodeTest: XPathAnyKindTest new;

NodeTest :
	  	 	self informAboutRuleReduction:'NodeTest1'.
	| KindTest 
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NodeTest2'.

NameTest :
			self informAboutRuleReduction:'NameTest1'.
			XPathNameTest new qName: '1' content
	| "*" 
			self informAboutRuleReduction:'NameTest1'.
			XPathNameTest new prefix:'*'; localName:'*'
	| "*" ":" NCName 
			self informAboutRuleReduction:'NameTest1'.
			XPathNameTest new prefix:'*'; localName:'3' content

FilterExpr :
	PrimaryExpr Predicate* 
		    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FilterExpr2'.
		    AstFilterExpr new primaryExpr: '1'; predicateList: '2'.

Predicate :
  "[" Expr "]" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'Predicate1'.
    XPathPredicate new expr: '2'.
  } |
  "[" "]" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'Predicate2'.
    XPathPredicate new
  } ;

PrimaryExpr :
  Literal {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PrimaryExpr1'.
  } |
  VarRef {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PrimaryExpr2'.
  } |
  ParenthesizedExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PrimaryExpr3'.
  } |
  ContextItemExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PrimaryExpr4'.
  } |
  FunctionCall {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PrimaryExpr5'.
  } |
  Constructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PrimaryExpr6'.
  } |
  OrderedExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PrimaryExpr7'.
  } |
  UnorderedExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PrimaryExpr8'.
  } ;

Literal :
  NumericLiteral {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'Literal1'.
  } |
  StringLiteral {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'Literal2'.
  } ;

NumericLiteral :
  IntegerLiteral {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NumericLiteral1'.
  } |
  DecimalLiteral {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NumericLiteral2'.
  } |
  DoubleLiteral {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NumericLiteral3'.
  } ;

VarRef :
  "$" VarName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'VarRef1'.
    AstVarRef new varName: '2'.
  } ;

VarName :
  QName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'VarName1'.

ParenthesizedExpr :
  "(" ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ParenthesizedExpr1'.
    AstParenthesizedExpr new.
  } |
  "(" Expr ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ParenthesizedExpr2'.
    AstParenthesizedExpr new expr: '2'.
  } ;

ContextItemExpr :
  "." {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'ContextItemExpr1'.
        AstContextItemExpr new.
  } ;

OrderedExpr :
  "ordered" "{" Expr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'OrderedExpr1'.
  } ;

UnorderedExpr :
  "unordered" "{" Expr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'UnorderedExpr1'.
  } ;

FunctionCall :
  QName "(" ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FunctionCall1'.
    AstFunctionCall new qname: '1'.
  } |
  QName "(" FunctionParametersList ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'FunctionCall2'.
    AstFunctionCall new qname: '1'; functionParametersList: '3'.
  } ;

    ExprSingle {
	self informAboutRuleReduction:'FunctionParametersList1'.
	AstFunctionParametersList new exprSingle: '1'.
    } |
    ExprSingle "," FunctionParametersList {
	self informAboutRuleReduction:'FunctionParametersList2'.
	AstFunctionParametersList new exprSingle: '1'; functionParametersList: '3'.
    } ;

Constructor :
  DirectConstructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'Constructor1'.
  } |
  ComputedConstructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'Constructor2'.
  } ;

DirectConstructor :
  DirElemConstructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirectConstructor1'.
  } ;

DirElemConstructor :
  "<" QName DirAttributeList "/>" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemConstructor1'.
    AstDirElemConstructor new qName: '2'; dirAttributeList: '3'.
  } |
  "<" QName DirAttributeList ">" DirElemContent* "</" QName ">" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemConstructor2'.
    AstDirElemConstructor new qName: '2'; dirAttributeList: '3'; dirElemContent: '5'.
  } ;

DirAttributeList :
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirAttributeList1'.

   QName "=" DirAttributeValue
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirAttributeListElem1'.
        AstDirAttributeListElem new 
            qName: '1'; 
            dirAttributeValue: '3'.

DirAttributeValue :
  StringLiteral {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirAttributeValue1'.
  } |
  EnclosedExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirAttributeValue2'.
  } ;

DirElemContent :
    DirectConstructor {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemContent1'.
        AstDirElemContent new content: '1'.
    } |
    CommonContent {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemContent3'.
        AstDirElemContent new content: '1'.
    } | 
    ElementContentChar {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemContent4'.
        AstDirElemContent new content: '1'.
    } ;

DirElemContent2 :
  DirectConstructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemContent1'.
    AstDirElemContent new content: '1'.
  } |
  DirectConstructor DirElemContent {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemContent2'.
    AstDirElemContent new content: '1'; dirElemContent: '2'.
  } |
  CommonContent {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemContent3'.
    AstDirElemContent new content: '1'.
  } |
  CommonContent DirElemContent {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DirElemContent4'.
    AstDirElemContent new content: '1'; dirElemContent: '2'.
  } ;

ElementContentChar :
    <element_content_char> {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'ElementContentChar1 -', ('1' asString).
        AstElementContentChar new content: ('1' value).
    } ; 

CommonContent :
    PredefinedEntityRef {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'CommonContent1'.
    } |
    EnclosedExpr {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'CommonContent2'.
    } |
    CharRef {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'CommonContent7'.
    } ;
CharRef : 
    <char_ref> {
        self informAboutRuleReduction:'CharRef1 -', ('1').
        AstCharRef new content: ('1' value).
    } ;

CommonContent2 :
  PredefinedEntityRef {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CommonContent1'.
  } |
  EnclosedExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CommonContent2'.
  } |
  Literal {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CommonContent3'.
  } |
  NCName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CommonContent7'.
  } |
  QName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CommonContent8'.
  } ;

ComputedConstructor :
  CompDocConstructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ComputedConstructor1'.
  } |
  CompElemConstructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ComputedConstructor2'.
  } |
  CompAttrConstructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ComputedConstructor3'.
  } |
  CompTextConstructor {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ComputedConstructor4'.
  } ;

CompDocConstructor :
  "document" "{" Expr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompDocConstructor1'.
    AstCompDocConstructor new expr: '3'.
  } ;

CompElemConstructor :
  "element" QName "{" "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompElemConstructor1'.
    AstCompElemConstructor new qname: '2'.
  } |
  "element" QName "{" ContentExpr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompElemConstructor2'.
    AstCompElemConstructor new qname: '2'; contentExpr: '4'.
  } |
  "element" "{" Expr "}" "{" "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompElemConstructor3'.
    AstCompElemConstructor new expr: '3'.
  } |
  "element" "{" Expr "}" "{" ContentExpr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompElemConstructor4'.
    AstCompElemConstructor new expr: '3'; contentExpr: '6'.
  } ;

ContentExpr :
  Expr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ContentExpr'.
  } ;

CompAttrConstructor :
  "attribute" QName "{" "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompAttrConstructor1'.
    AstCompAttrConstructor new qname: '2'.
  } |
  "attribute" QName "{" Expr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompAttrConstructor2'.
    AstCompAttrConstructor new qname: '2'; contentExpr: '4'.
  } |
  "attribute" "{" Expr "}" "{" "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompAttrConstructor3'.
    AstCompAttrConstructor new expr: '3'.
  } |
  "attribute" "{" Expr "}" "{" Expr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompAttrConstructor4'.
    AstCompAttrConstructor new expr: '3'; contentExpr: '6'.
  } ;

CompTextConstructor :
  "text" "{" Expr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'CompTextConstructor1'.
    AstCompTextConstructor new expr: '3'.
  } ;

KindTest :
  DocumentTest {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'KindTest1'.
  } |
  ElementTest {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'KindTest2'.
  } |
  AttributeTest {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'KindTest3'.
  } |
  TextTest {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'KindTest4'.
  } |
  AnyKindTest {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'KindTest5'.
  | "comment" "(" ")"
  	{ XPathCommentTest new }  	
  | "processing-instruction" "(" ")"
  	{ XPathProcessingInstructionTest new }

AnyKindTest :
  "node" "(" ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AnyKindTest1'.
    XPathAnyKindTest new
  } ;

DocumentTest :
  "document-node" "(" ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DocumentTest1'.
    XPathDocumentTest new.
  } |
  "document-node" "(" ElementTest ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DocumentTest2'.
    XPathDocumentTest new elementTest: '3'.
  } ;

TextTest :
  "text" "(" ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'TextTest1'.
    XPathTextTest new.
  } ;
AttributeTest :
  "attribute" "(" ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AttributeTest1'.
    XPathAttributeTest new
  } |
  "attribute" "(" AttribNameOrWildcard ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AttributeTest2'.
	XPathAttributeTest halt:'Not yet implemented. See grammar'
  } ;

AttribNameOrWildcard :
  AttributeName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AttributeNameOrWildcard1'.
    AstAttribNameOrWildcard new attributeName: '1'.
  } |
  "*" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AttributeNameOrWildcard2'.
    AstAttribNameOrWildcard new.
  } ;

ElementTest :
  "element" "(" ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ElementTest1'.
    XPathElementTest new.
  } |
  "element" "(" ElementNameOrWildcard ")" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ElementTest2'.
    XPathElementTest new elementName: '3'.
  } ;

ElementNameOrWildcard :
  ElementName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ElementNameOrWildcard1'.
    AstElementNameOrWildcard new elementName: '1'.
  } |
  "*" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ElementNameOrWildcard2'.
    AstElementNameOrWildcard new.
  } ;

AttributeName :
  QName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'AttributeName1'.
  } ;

ElementName :
  QName {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ElementName1'.
  } ;

EnclosedExpr :
  "{" Expr "}" {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'EnclosedExpr1'.
    AstEnclosedExpr new expr: '2'.
  } ;

PredefinedEntityRef :
  <predefined_entity_ref> {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'PredefinedEntityRef1 -', ('1' asString).
    AstPredefinedEntityRef new content: ('1' value).
  } ;

QName :
  <qname> {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'QName1 - ', ('1' asString).
    AstQName new content: ('1' value).
  } ;

NCName :
  <ncname> {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NCName1 - ', ('1' asString).
    AstNCName new content: ('1' value).
  } ;

StringLiteral :
  <string_literal> {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'StringLiteral1 -', ('1' asString).
    AstStringLiteral new content: ('1' value).
  } ;

IntegerLiteral :
  <integer_literal> {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'IntegerLiteral1 -', ('1' asString).
    AstIntegerLiteral new content: ('1' value).
  } ;

DecimalLiteral :
  <decimal_literal> {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DecimalLiteral1 -', ('1' asString).
    AstDecimalLiteral new content: ('1' value).
  } ;

DoubleLiteral :
  <double_literal> {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DoubleLiteral1 -', ('1' asString).
    AstDoubleLiteral new content: ('1' value).
  } ;

DeleteExpr :
  "do" "delete" TargetExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'DeleteExpr'.
    (AstDeleteExpr new) targetExpr: '3'

  "do" "rename" TargetExpr "as" NewNameExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'RenameExpr'.
    (AstRenameExpr new) targetExpr: '3'; newNameExpr: '5'.

ReplaceExpr :
  "do" "replace" ReplaceClause {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReplaceExpr'.

ReplaceClause :
  "value" "of" TargetExpr "with" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReplaceValueOfClause'.
    (AstReplaceValueOfExpr new) targetExpr: '3'; sourceExpr: '5'.
  } |
  TargetExpr "with" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'ReplaceClause'.
    (AstReplaceExpr new) targetExpr: '1'; sourceExpr: '3'.

InsertExpr :
  "do" "insert" InsertClause  {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'InsertExpr'.

InsertClause :
  SourceExpr "into" TargetExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'InsertIntoClause'.
    (AstInsertIntoExpr new) targetExpr: '3'; sourceExpr: '1'.
  } |
  SourceExpr "as" "first" "into" TargetExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'InsertAsFirstIntoClause'.
    (AstInsertAsFirstIntoExpr new) targetExpr: '5'; sourceExpr: '1'.
  } |
  SourceExpr "as" "last" "into" TargetExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'InsertAsLastIntoClause'.
    (AstInsertAsLastIntoExpr new) targetExpr: '5'; sourceExpr: '1'.
  } |
  SourceExpr "after" TargetExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'InsertAfterClause'.
    (AstInsertAfterExpr new) targetExpr: '3'; sourceExpr: '1'.
  } |
  SourceExpr "before" TargetExpr {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'InsertBeforeClause'.
    (AstInsertBeforeExpr new) targetExpr: '3'; sourceExpr: '1'.
  "transform" "copy" TransformCopyClause "modify" ExprSingle "return" ExprSingle {
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'TransformExpr'.
    (AstTransformExpr new) transformCopyClause: '3'; modifyExpr: '5'; returnExpr: '7'.

	"$" VarName ":=" ExprSingle {
	    self informAboutRuleReduction:'TransformCopyClause1'.
	    (AstTransformCopyClause new) varName: '2'; exprSingle: '4'.
	"$" VarName ":=" ExprSingle "," TransformCopyClause {
  		self informAboutRuleReduction:'TransformCopyClause2'.
	    (AstTransformCopyClause new) varName: '2'; exprSingle: '4' ; transformCopyClause: '6'.

TargetExpr :
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'TargetExpr'.

SourceExpr :
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'SourceExpr'.

NewNameExpr :
    self informAboutRuleReduction:'NewNameExpr'.