author mkobetic
Tue, 31 Jan 2012 03:47:19 +0000
changeset 90 59f68d289949
parent 74 752e2d88fe73
child 94 7e6a328c5f8b
permissions -rw-r--r--

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/xtreams/core' }"

"{ NameSpace: Xtreams }"

Object subclass:#WriteStream
	classVariableNames:'Backspace Bell CarriageReturn Delete DoubleQuote Escape FormFeed
		LineFeed Quote Space Tab VerticalTab'

WriteStream comment:'Abstract superclass of all write streams; defines the API.

Write streams are created by sending #writing to a concrete resource (a.k.a terminal), such as a Collection, SocketAccessor, Filename, etc.

	String new writing write: ''testing''; close; terminal

Transform write streams are created through one of the messages in the ''transforming'' protocol sent to other write streams.

	(String new writing collecting: #asUppercase) write: ''testing''; close; terminal

Subclasses must implement the following messages:

Instance Variables
	destination     <Object> a stream or "terminal" consuming written elements

Shared Variables
	Backspace       <Character>
	Bell    <Character>
	CarriageReturn  <Character>
	Delete  <Character>
	DoubleQuote     <Character>
	Escape  <Character>
	FormFeed        <Character>
	LineFeed        <Character>
	Quote   <Character>
	Space   <Character>
	Tab     <Character>
	VerticalTab     <Character>


!WriteStream class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

on: aDestination
	^self new on: aDestination
! !

!WriteStream class methodsFor:'class initialization'!

        Backspace := String with: Character backspace.
        Bell := String with: (Character value: 7).
        CarriageReturn := String with: (Character value: 13).
        Delete := String with: (Character value: 127).
        DoubleQuote := String with: $".
        Escape := String with: (Character value: 27).
        FormFeed := String with: Character newPage.
        LineFeed := String with: Character lf.
        Quote := String with: $'.
        Space := String with: Character space.
        Tab := String with: Character tab.
        VerticalTab := String with: (Character value: 11)
! !

!WriteStream methodsFor:'accessing'!

	"Close the stream and return the object at the bottom of the stream."
	"       ^<Collection | Buffer | IOAccessor | BlockClosure> "
	self close.
	^self terminal



insert: aStreamable
	"Insert aStreamable into self at current position."
	"       aStreamable     <SequenceableCollection | ReadStream | Buffer>  the source to write in to the destination
		^<Integer>      the number of elements written to the destination"
		' World!!' copy writing insert: 'Hello' reading; -= 0; close; destination
	^aStreamable streamingInsertInto: self

insert: anInteger from: aStreamable
	"Insert anIntegers worth of elements from aStreamable into self at current position."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       the number of elements to insert
		aStreamable     <ReadStream | SequenceableCollection | Buffer > the source to write into the destination
		startIndex      <Integer>       the index into aSequenceableCollection to start writing from
		^<Integer>      number of elements inserted
		' World!!' copy writing insert: 5 from: 'Hello Underworld!!' reading; -= 0; close; destination
	aStreamable streamingInsert: anInteger into: self.

insert: anInteger from: aSequenceableCollection at: startIndex
	"Insert anIntegers worth of elements from aSequenceableCollection starting at startIndex into self at current position."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       the number of elements to insert
		aStreamable     <SequenceableCollection>        the source to write into the destination
		startIndex      <Integer>       the index into aSequenceableCollection to start writing from
		^<Integer>      number of elements inserted
		' World!!' copy writing insert: 5 from: 'Hello' at: 1; -= 0; close; destination
	self write: anInteger from: aSequenceableCollection at: startIndex.

put: anObject
	"Write anObject into self."
	"       anObject                <Object>        the object to write in to the destination
		^                               <Object>        the object that was written to the destination
		String new writing put: $h; close; destination
	| cache |
	cache := self contentsSpecies newRecycled: 1.
	cache at: 1 put: anObject.
	self write: 1 from: cache at: 1.
	cache recycle.

	"Return the object at the bottom of the stream."
	"       ^<Collection | Buffer | IOAccessor | BlockClosure>
	^(destination isKindOf: WriteStream)
		ifTrue: [ destination terminal ]
		ifFalse: [ destination ]

write: aStreamable
	"Write aStreamable into self."
	"       aStreamable     <SequenceableCollection | ReadStream | Buffer>  the source to write in to the destination
		^<Integer>      the number of elements written to the destination"
		String new writing write: 'Hello' reading; close; destination
	^aStreamable streamingWriteInto: self

write: anInteger from: aStreamable
	"Write anInteger's worth of elements from aStreamable into self."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       the number of elements to write
		aStreamable     <SequenceableCollection | ReadStream | Buffer>  the source to write in to the destination
		^<Integer>      number of elements written
		String new writing write: 3 from: 'Hello' reading; close; destination
	^aStreamable streamingWrite: anInteger into: self

write: anInteger from: aSequenceableCollection at: startIndex
	"Write anIntegers worth of elements from aSequenceableCollection starting at startIndex into self."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       the number of elements to write
		aStreamable     <SequenceableCollection>        the source to write in to the destination
		startIndex      <Integer>       the index into aSequenceableCollection to start writing from
		^<Integer>      number of elements written
		String new writing write: 3 from: 'Hello' at: 2; close; destination
	^self subclassResponsibility
! !

!WriteStream methodsFor:'characters'!

	self write: Backspace

	self write: Bell

	self write: CarriageReturn

	self write: Delete

	self write: Escape

	self write: FormFeed

	self write: LineFeed

print: anObject
	anObject streamingPrintOn: self

	self write: Quote

	self write: DoubleQuote

	self write: Space

space: anInteger
	anInteger timesRepeat: [self space]

	self write: Tab

tab: anInteger
	anInteger timesRepeat: [self tab]

	self write: VerticalTab
! !

!WriteStream methodsFor:'converting'!

	^[:object | self nextPut: object] writing
		contentsSpecies: self contentsSpecies;
! !

!WriteStream methodsFor:'initialize-release'!

	"Close the destination from any more writes."

	self flush.
	destination close

	"The class of collection that is able to hold the kind of elements that this stream consumes."
	"       ^       <Class> collection class
	^self subclassResponsibility

	"Make sure all the previously written elements are pushed down into the destination."
	destination flush

on: aDestination
	destination := aDestination
! !

!WriteStream methodsFor:'printing'!

printOn: aStream
	| stream |
	stream := String new writing.
	self streamingPrintOn: stream.
	aStream nextPutAll: stream conclusion.
	aStream cr.
	destination printOn: aStream.

streamingPrintOn: aStream
	aStream write: self class name
! !

!WriteStream methodsFor:'private'!

nextPut: anObject
	"This is here for compatibility with the existing StreamEncoders so that they can be re-used with transformation streams for encoding."
	self put: anObject.

nextPutAll: aCollection
	"This is here for compatibility with the existing StreamEncoders so that they can be re-used with transformation streams for encoding."
	self write: aCollection.

streamingInsert: anInteger from: aReadStream
        | cache count |
        cache := self contentsSpecies newRecycled: (anInteger max: DefaultBufferSize).
        count := [aReadStream read: anInteger into: cache at: 1. anInteger] on: Incomplete do: [ :ex | ex count ].
        self insert: count from: cache at: 1.
        cache recycle.
        count < anInteger ifTrue: [(Incomplete count: count) raise]

streamingInsertFrom: aReadStream
        | count cache |
        count := 0.
        cache := self contentsSpecies newRecycled: DefaultBufferSize.
        [[aReadStream read: cache size into: cache at: 1] on: Incomplete do: [:exception |
                self insert: exception.
                cache recycle.
                ^count + exception count].
        self insert: cache size from: cache at: 1.
        count := count + cache size] repeat

streamingWrite: anInteger from: aReadStream
        | cache toDo continue amount |
        cache := self contentsSpecies newRecycled: DefaultBufferSize.
        toDo := anInteger. continue := true.
        [ continue and: [ toDo > 0 ] ] whileTrue: [
                amount := [ aReadStream read: (cache size min: toDo) into: cache at: 1 ] on: Incomplete do: [ :ex | continue := false. ex count ].
                self write: amount from: cache at: 1.
                toDo := toDo - amount ].
        cache recycle.
        toDo > 0 ifTrue: [(Incomplete count: anInteger - toDo) raise].

streamingWriteFrom: aReadStream
        | count cache |
        count := 0.
        cache := self contentsSpecies newRecycled: DefaultBufferSize.
        [[aReadStream read: cache size into: cache at: 1] on: Incomplete do: [:exception |
                self write: exception.
                cache recycle.
                ^count + exception count].
        self write: cache size from: cache at: 1.
        count := count + cache size] repeat
! !

!WriteStream methodsFor:'seeking'!

++ anInteger
	"Seek forward by anInteger elements. The stream must be positionable."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       the number of elements to go forward by.
		^<Integer>      the number of elements actually skipped
		'Hello Would' copy writing ++ 6; write: 'World'; close; destination
	"Subclasses should reimplement this method if the stream is positionable."
	self isPositionable
		ifFalse:        [Incomplete zero raise]
		ifTrue: [self subclassResponsibility]

+= anInteger
	"Seek from the start of the stream by anInteger elements. The stream must be positionable."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       The number of elements to go forward by."
		String new writing write: 'Hello Would'; += 6; write: 'World'; close; destination
	^self position: anInteger

-- anInteger
	"Seek backward by anInteger elements. The stream must be positionable."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       The number of elements to go back by."
		String new writing write: 'helio'; -- 2; write: 'lo'; close; destination
	"Subclasses should reimplement this method if the stream is positionable."
	self isPositionable
		ifFalse:        [self error: 'This stream is not positionable.']
		ifTrue: [self subclassResponsibility]

-= anInteger
	"Seek backwards from the end of the stream by anInteger elements. The stream must be positionable."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       The number of elements to go back by.
		^<Integer>      the number of elements actually skipped"
		'Hello Would' copy writing -= 3; write: 'rld'; close; terminal
	| available |
	available := anInteger min: self length.
	self position: self length - available.
	available = anInteger ifTrue: [ ^anInteger ].
	^(Incomplete count: available) raise

	"Return the number of elements from the current position to the end of the stream. The stream must be positionable."
	"       ^       <Integer>       the number of elements available"
		String new writing write: 'Hello World'; -- 5; available
	^self length - self position

explore: aBlock
	" Explore the stream within the block but return to where we started when the block completes. The stream must be positionable."
	"       aBlock  <BlockClosure>  defines the exploration activity
		^               <Object>        result of aBlock"
		String new writing explore: [ :s | s write: 'Hello' ]; write: 'World'; close; destination
	| position |
	position := self position.
	^[aBlock cull: self] ensure: [self position: position]

	"Return total length of the stream. The stream must be positionable."
	"       ^       <Integer>       the total number of elements in the stream. (position + available)"
		'Hello World' copy writing ++ 5; length
	"Subclasses should reimplement this method if the stream is positionable."
	^self isPositionable
		ifFalse:        [self error: 'This stream is not positionable.']
		ifTrue: [self subclassResponsibility]

	"Return current position of the stream. The stream must be positionable."
	"       ^       <Integer>       current position of the stream."
		'Hello World' copy writing -= 5; position
	"Subclasses should reimplement this method if the stream is positionable."
	^self isPositionable
		ifFalse:        [self error: 'This stream is not positionable.']
		ifTrue: [self subclassResponsibility]

position: anInteger
	"Change current position of the stream to anInteger. The stream must be positionable."
	"       anInteger       <Integer>       current position of the stream."
		'Hello Would' copy writing position: 6; write: 'World'; close; destination
	"Subclasses should reimplement this method if the stream is positionable."
	self isPositionable
		ifFalse:        [self error: 'This stream is not positionable.']
		ifTrue: [self subclassResponsibility]
! !

!WriteStream methodsFor:'testing'!

	"Can this stream be positioned. Positionable streams come with extra API: #position, #position:, etc."



! !

!WriteStream class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Id$'
! !

WriteStream initialize!