changeset 8768 0036c76202c5
parent 8767 434829233488
child 8815 88c21d3f2c9c
--- a/	Thu Mar 03 13:10:29 2005 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Mar 03 13:15:53 2005 +0100
@@ -584,6 +584,83 @@
     ^ false "/ never have to wait
 ! !
+!Stream methodsFor:'misc functions'!
+    "read from the receiver, and write all data up to the end to another stream.
+     Return the number of bytes which have been transferred"
+    ^ self copyToEndInto:outStream bufferSize:(128*1024)
+"/ data rate to USB2.0 stick (Win32):
+"/   120 KB/s       8Kb SingleBuffer
+"/   741 KB/s      64Kb SingleBuffer
+"/  1345 KB/s     128Kb SingleBuffer
+"/  2087 KB/s     256Kb SingleBuffer
+"/  3573 KB/s    1024Kb SingleBuffer
+"/|t retVal|
+"/t := Time millisecondsToRun:[
+"/    retVal := self copyToEndInto:outStream bufferSize:(64*1024).
+"/Transcript showCR:('%1 KB copied in %2s (%3 KB/s)' 
+"/        bindWith:((retVal/1024)asFixedPoint:2) 
+"/        with:((t/1000)asFixedPoint:2)
+"/        with:((retVal/1024/(t/1000))asFixedPoint:2)).
+"/^ retVal.
+copyToEndInto:outStream bufferSize:bufferSize
+    "read from the receiver, and write all data up to the end to another stream.
+     Return the number of bytes which have been transferred"
+    |bufferSpecies buffer bytesWritten readCount writeCount count freeBuffer|
+    bytesWritten := 0.
+    bufferSpecies := self contentsSpecies.
+    bufferSpecies == ByteArray ifTrue:[
+        buffer:= ExternalBytes unprotectedNew:bufferSize.
+        freeBuffer := true.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        buffer := self contentsSpecies new:bufferSize.
+        freeBuffer := false.
+    ].
+    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[ 
+        readCount := self nextAvailableBytes:bufferSize into:buffer startingAt:1.
+        readCount > 0 ifTrue:[
+            writeCount := 0.
+            [
+                count := outStream nextPutBytes:readCount-writeCount
+                                    from:buffer 
+                                    startingAt:writeCount+1.
+                bytesWritten := bytesWritten + count.
+                writeCount := writeCount + count.
+                writeCount < readCount ifTrue:[
+                    outStream writeWait.
+                    true.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    false
+                ].
+            ] whileTrue.
+        ].
+    ].
+    freeBuffer ifTrue:[ buffer free ].
+    ^ bytesWritten
+    "
+      'hello world' readStream copyToEndInto:'/tmp/mist' asFilename writeStream.
+      'hello world' readStream copyToEndInto:#[] writeStream.
+      ('/tmp/mist' asFilename readStream binary; yourself) copyToEndInto:#[] writeStream
+      #[1 2 3 4 5 6 7] readStream copyToEndInto:'/tmp/mist' asFilename writeStream.
+      #[1 2 3 4 5 6 7] readStream copyToEndInto:'' writeStream.
+    "
+! !
 !Stream methodsFor:'non homogenous reading'!
 nextAvailableBytes:numBytes into:aCollection startingAt:initialIndex
@@ -1642,183 +1719,6 @@
 !Stream methodsFor:'reading'!
-    "read from the receiver, and write all data up to the end to another stream.
-     Return the number of bytes which have been transferred"
-    "/ data rate to USB2.0 stick (Win32):
-    "/   120 KB/s       8Kb SingleBuffer
-    "/   741 KB/s      64Kb SingleBuffer
-    "/  1345 KB/s     128Kb SingleBuffer
-    "/  2087 KB/s     256Kb SingleBuffer
-    "/  3573 KB/s    1024Kb SingleBuffer
-    "/
-    "/   115 KB/s       8Kb DoubleBuffer
-    "/   770 KB/s      64Kb DoubleBuffer
-    "/  1325 KB/s     128Kb DoubleBuffer
-    "/  2080 KB/s     256Kb DoubleBuffer
-    "/  3536 KB/s    1024Kb DoubleBuffer
-|t retVal|
-t := Time millisecondsToRun:[
-    retVal := self copyToEndInto:outStream bufferSize:(1024*1024).
-Transcript showCR:('%1 KB copied in %2s (%3 KB/s)' 
-        bindWith:((retVal/1024)asFixedPoint:2) 
-        with:((t/1000)asFixedPoint:2)
-        with:((retVal/1024/(t/1000))asFixedPoint:2)).
-^ retVal.
-    ^ self copyToEndInto:outStream bufferSize:(64*1024)
-copyToEndInto:outStream bufferSize:bufferSize
-    "read from the receiver, and write all data up to the end to another stream.
-     Return the number of bytes which have been transferred"
-    |bufferSpecies buffer bytesWritten readCount writeCount count freeBuffer|
-    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
-        ^ self doubleBufferCopyToEndInto:outStream bufferSize:bufferSize.
-    ].
-    bytesWritten := 0.
-    bufferSpecies := self contentsSpecies.
-    bufferSpecies == ByteArray ifTrue:[
-        buffer:= ExternalBytes unprotectedNew:bufferSize.
-        freeBuffer := true.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        buffer := self contentsSpecies new:bufferSize.
-        freeBuffer := false.
-    ].
-    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[ 
-        readCount := self nextAvailableBytes:bufferSize into:buffer startingAt:1.
-        readCount > 0 ifTrue:[
-            writeCount := 0.
-            [
-                count := outStream nextPutBytes:readCount-writeCount
-                                    from:buffer 
-                                    startingAt:writeCount+1.
-                bytesWritten := bytesWritten + count.
-                writeCount := writeCount + count.
-                writeCount < readCount ifTrue:[
-                    outStream writeWait.
-                    true.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    false
-                ].
-            ] whileTrue.
-        ].
-    ].
-    freeBuffer ifTrue:[ buffer free ].
-    ^ bytesWritten
-    "
-      'hello world' readStream copyToEndInto:'/tmp/mist' asFilename writeStream.
-      'hello world' readStream copyToEndInto:#[] writeStream.
-      ('/tmp/mist' asFilename readStream binary; yourself) copyToEndInto:#[] writeStream
-      #[1 2 3 4 5 6 7] readStream copyToEndInto:'/tmp/mist' asFilename writeStream.
-      #[1 2 3 4 5 6 7] readStream copyToEndInto:'' writeStream.
-    "
-doubleBufferCopyToEndInto:outStream bufferSize:bufferSize
-    "read from the receiver, and write all data up to the end to another stream.
-     Return the number of bytes which have been transferred.
-     This uses a double-buffer algorithm, which should work twice as fast on
-     systems which do no write buffering but do support multiple threads (i.e. Win32).
-     Unix systems (which use a write buffer) do not need that complication for speed."
-    |bufferSpecies reader
-     readBufferQueue writeBufferQueue buffer1 buffer2 bytesWritten freeBuffer|
-    bytesWritten := 0.
-    readBufferQueue := SharedQueue new.
-    writeBufferQueue := SharedQueue new.
-    bufferSpecies := self contentsSpecies.
-    bufferSpecies == ByteArray ifTrue:[
-        buffer1:= ExternalBytes unprotectedNew:bufferSize.
-        buffer2:= ExternalBytes unprotectedNew:bufferSize.
-        freeBuffer := true.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        buffer1:= bufferSpecies new:bufferSize.
-        buffer2:= bufferSpecies new:bufferSize.
-        freeBuffer := false.
-    ].
-    readBufferQueue nextPut:buffer1.
-    readBufferQueue nextPut:buffer2.
-    reader := 
-        [
-            |readBuffer readCount|
-            [self atEnd] whileFalse:[ 
-                readBuffer := readBufferQueue next.
-                readCount := self nextAvailableBytes:(readBuffer size) into:readBuffer startingAt:1.
-                readCount > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    writeBufferQueue nextPut:(readBuffer -> readCount)
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    readBufferQueue nextPut:readBuffer.
-                    self readWait.
-                ].
-            ].
-            writeBufferQueue nextPut:nil
-        ] fork.
-    [
-        |writeBufferAndCount writeBuffer readCount writeCount|
-        [true] whileTrue:[ 
-            writeBufferAndCount := writeBufferQueue next.
-            writeBufferAndCount isNil ifTrue:[
-                ^ bytesWritten
-            ].
-            writeBuffer := writeBufferAndCount key.
-            readCount := writeBufferAndCount value.
-            writeCount := 0.
-            [
-                |count|
-                count := outStream nextPutBytes:readCount-writeCount
-                                    from:writeBuffer 
-                                    startingAt:writeCount+1.
-                bytesWritten := bytesWritten + count.
-                writeCount := writeCount + count.
-                writeCount < readCount ifTrue:[
-                    outStream writeWait.
-                    true.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    false
-                ].
-            ] whileTrue.
-            readBufferQueue nextPut:writeBuffer
-        ].
-    ] ensure:[
-        reader terminate.
-        freeBuffer ifTrue:[ 
-            buffer1 free. 
-            buffer2 free 
-        ].
-    ]
-    "
-      'hello world' readStream copyToEndInto:'/tmp/mist' asFilename writeStream.
-      'hello world' readStream copyToEndInto:#[] writeStream.
-      ('/tmp/mist' asFilename readStream binary; yourself) copyToEndInto:#[] writeStream
-      #[1 2 3 4 5 6 7] readStream copyToEndInto:'/tmp/mist' asFilename writeStream.
-      #[1 2 3 4 5 6 7] readStream copyToEndInto:'' writeStream.
-    "
     "return the next element of the stream
      - we do not know here how to do it, it must be redefined in subclass"
@@ -2931,7 +2831,7 @@
 !Stream class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.138 2005-03-03 12:10:29 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.139 2005-03-03 12:15:41 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 Stream initialize!