changeset 1118 1037616d9add
parent 1038 ab459e9eecc8
child 1274 5a2f44fe1559
--- a/Exception.st	Fri Mar 22 15:51:36 1996 +0100
+++ b/Exception.st	Sat Mar 23 17:16:47 1996 +0100
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 Object subclass:#Exception
-	 instanceVariableNames:'signal parameter errorString suspendedContext handlerContext
+	instanceVariableNames:'signal parameter errorString suspendedContext handlerContext
 		rejected originator resumeBlock rejectBlock'
-	 classVariableNames:'EmergencyHandler RecursiveExceptionSignal'
-	 poolDictionaries:''
-	 category:'Kernel-Exceptions'
+	classVariableNames:'EmergencyHandler RecursiveExceptionSignal'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Kernel-Exceptions'
 !Exception class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -353,61 +353,61 @@
     con := thisContext sender.  "the raise-context"
     con := con sender.          "the signal raise context"
     con isRecursive ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 mhmh - an error while in a handler
-	"
-	((signal == RecursiveExceptionSignal)
-	or:[RecursiveExceptionSignal isNil]) ifTrue:[
-	    "
-	     ... either while handling RecursiveExceptionSignal
-	     or at startup when RecursiveExceptionSignal is not yet
-	     created -
-	     - go immediately into the debugger.
-	    "
-	    ^ self enterDebuggerWith:self
-			     message:'recursive signal raise'
-	].
-	^ RecursiveExceptionSignal 
-	    raiseRequestWith:self 
-		 errorString:('recursive signal raise: ' , errorString)
+        "
+         mhmh - an error while in a handler
+        "
+        ((signal == RecursiveExceptionSignal)
+        or:[RecursiveExceptionSignal isNil]) ifTrue:[
+            "
+             ... either while handling RecursiveExceptionSignal
+             or at startup when RecursiveExceptionSignal is not yet
+             created -
+             - go immediately into the debugger.
+            "
+            ^ self enterDebuggerWith:self
+                             message:'recursive signal raise'
+        ].
+        ^ RecursiveExceptionSignal 
+            raiseRequestWith:self 
+                 errorString:('recursive signal raise: ' , errorString)
     any := false.
     [con notNil] whileTrue:[
-	con isBlockContext ifFalse:[
-	    sel := con selector.
-	    sel == #doCallHandler: ifTrue:[
-		activeHandler := con argAt:1
-	    ].
+        con isBlockContext ifFalse:[
+            sel := con selector.
+            sel == #doCallHandler: ifTrue:[
+                activeHandler := con argAt:1
+            ].
-	    ((sel == #'handle:do:') 
-	    or:[((sel == #'handle:from:do:') 
-		and:[(con argAt:2) == originator])]) ifTrue:[
-		"
-		 if this is the Signal>>handle:do: context
-		 or a SignalSet>>handle:do: context with self in it,
-		 call the handler
-		"
-		(con receiver accepts:signal) ifTrue:[
-		    "call the handler"
+            ((sel == #'handle:do:') 
+            or:[((sel == #'handle:from:do:') 
+                and:[(con argAt:2) == originator])]) ifTrue:[
+                "
+                 if this is the Signal>>handle:do: context
+                 or a SignalSet>>handle:do: context with self in it,
+                 call the handler
+                "
+                (con receiver accepts:signal) ifTrue:[
+                    "call the handler"
-		    conArg1 := con argAt:1.
-		    activeHandler == conArg1 ifTrue:[
+                    conArg1 := con argAt:1.
+                    activeHandler == conArg1 ifTrue:[
 "/                        'skip active handler:' print.
 "/                        con print. ' ' print. con receiver print.
 "/                        ' for ' print. signal printNL
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			handlerContext := con.
-			any := true.
-			self doCallHandler:conArg1.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        handlerContext := con.
+                        any := true.
+                        self doCallHandler:conArg1.
-			"if the handler rejects, we arrive here"
-			"continue search for another handler"
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ]
-	].
-	con := con sender
+                        "if the handler rejects, we arrive here"
+                        "continue search for another handler"
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ]
+        ].
+        con := con sender
@@ -418,27 +418,32 @@
      try per signal handler
     (block := signal handlerBlock) isNil ifTrue:[
-        "
-         if it is not the NoHandlerSignal, raise it ...
-         passing the receiver as parameter.
-        "
+        "/
+        "/ if its a querySIgnal, ignore it
+        "/
+        signal isQuerySignal ifTrue:[^ self].
+        "/
+        "/ if it is not the NoHandlerSignal, raise it ...
+        "/ passing the receiver as parameter.
+        "/
         signal ~~ (noHandlerSignal := Signal noHandlerSignal) ifTrue:[
-	    noHandlerSignal notNil ifTrue:[
-	        any ifTrue:[
-		    msg := 'unhandled (rejected)'
-	        ] ifFalse:[
-		    msg := 'unhandled'
-	        ].
-	        ^ noHandlerSignal 
-		      raiseRequestWith:self 
-		           errorString:(msg , ' exception: ' , errorString)
-				    in:self suspendedContext
-	    ].
-	    "
-	     mhmh - an error during early startup; noHandlerSignal is
-	     not yet defined.
-	    "
-	    ^ MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:errorString
+            noHandlerSignal notNil ifTrue:[
+                any ifTrue:[
+                    msg := 'unhandled (rejected)'
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    msg := 'unhandled'
+                ].
+                ^ noHandlerSignal 
+                      raiseRequestWith:self 
+                           errorString:(msg , ' exception: ' , errorString)
+                                    in:self suspendedContext
+            ].
+            "/
+            "/ mhmh - an error during early startup; noHandlerSignal is
+            "/ not yet defined.
+            "/
+            ^ MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:errorString
@@ -448,19 +453,21 @@
          or the global emergencyHandler (from Exception) ...
         Processor notNil ifTrue:[ 
-	    "care for signal during startup (Processor not yet created)"
-	    block := Processor activeProcess emergencySignalHandler.
+            "care for signal during startup (Processor not yet created)"
+            block := Processor activeProcess emergencySignalHandler.
         block isNil ifTrue:[
-	    block := Exception emergencyHandler.
+            block := Exception emergencyHandler.
             block isNil ifTrue:[
-	        "care for error during startup (Exception not yet initialized)"
-	        ^ MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:errorString
+                "care for error during startup (Exception not yet initialized)"
+                ^ MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:errorString
     "... and call it"
     ^ block value:self.
+    "Modified: 23.3.1996 / 17:16:13 / cg"
@@ -494,6 +501,6 @@
 !Exception class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Exception.st,v 1.32 1996-02-28 23:26:41 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Exception.st,v 1.33 1996-03-23 16:16:47 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 Exception initialize!