changeset 699 12f456343eea
parent 645 b9fe149c7ff1
child 750 f4ed622893ce
--- a/	Thu Dec 07 22:24:46 1995 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Dec 07 22:32:39 1995 +0100
@@ -11,28 +11,18 @@
 Object subclass:#ProcessorScheduler
-	 instanceVariableNames:'quiescentProcessLists scheduler
-				zombie
-				activeProcess currentPriority
-				readFdArray readSemaphoreArray readCheckArray
-				writeFdArray writeSemaphoreArray
-				timeoutArray timeoutActionArray timeoutProcessArray timeoutSemaphoreArray
-				idleActions anyTimeouts dispatching interruptedProcess
-				useIOInterrupts'
-	 classVariableNames:'KnownProcesses KnownProcessIds
-			     PureEventDriven
-			     UserSchedulingPriority 
-			     UserInterruptPriority
-			     TimingPriority
-			     HighestPriority
-			     SchedulingPriority
-			     MaxNumberOfProcesses'
+	 instanceVariableNames:'quiescentProcessLists scheduler zombie activeProcess
+                currentPriority readFdArray readSemaphoreArray readCheckArray
+                writeFdArray writeSemaphoreArray timeoutArray timeoutActionArray
+                timeoutProcessArray timeoutSemaphoreArray idleActions anyTimeouts
+                dispatching interruptedProcess useIOInterrupts'
+	 classVariableNames:'KnownProcesses KnownProcessIds PureEventDriven
+                UserSchedulingPriority UserInterruptPriority TimingPriority
+                HighestPriority SchedulingPriority MaxNumberOfProcesses'
-Smalltalk at:#Processor put:nil!
 !ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -49,10 +39,6 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.52 1995-11-24 19:19:45 cg Exp $'
     This class has only one instance, which is bound to the global
@@ -192,85 +178,8 @@
 ! !
-!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "this is temporary - (maybe not :-).
-     you can run ST/X either with or without processes.
-     Without, there is conceptionally a single process handling all
-     outside events and timeouts. This has some negative implications
-     (Debugger is ugly), but allows a fully portable ST/X without any
-     assembler support - i.e. quick portability.
-     The PureEvent flag will automatically be set if the runtime system
-     does not support threads - otherwise, it can be set manually
-     (from rc-file).
-    "
-    ^ PureEventDriven
-    "turn on pure-event driven mode - no processes, single dispatch loop"
-    PureEventDriven := true
-    "turn on process driven mode"
-    PureEventDriven := false
-    "return a collection of all (living) processes in the system"
-    ^ KnownProcesses select:[:p | p notNil]
-    "return the limit on the number of processes;
-     the default is nil (i.e. unlimited)."
-    ^ MaxNumberOfProcesses
-    "set the limit on the number of processes.
-     This helps if you have a program which (by error) creates countless
-     subprocesses. Without this limit, you may have a hard time to find
-     this error (and repairing it). If nil (the default), the number of
-     processes is unlimited."
-    MaxNumberOfProcesses := aNumber
-! !
 !ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'primitive process primitives'!
-    "return true, if the runtime system supports threads (i.e. processes);
-     false otherwise."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    extern OBJ __threadsAvailable();
-    RETURN (__threadsAvailable());
-    "make the process evaluate an interrupt. This sets a flag in the VMs
-     threadSwitcher, to let the process perform a #interrupt when its set to
-     run the next time. The process itself can decide how to react on this 
-     interrupt (currently, it looks for interruptBlocks to evaluate)."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isSmallInteger(id)) {
-	__threadInterrupt(_intVal(id));
-    }
 threadCreate:aProcess withId:id
     "physical creation of a process.
      (warning: low level entry, no administration done).
@@ -322,656 +231,123 @@
+    "make the process evaluate an interrupt. This sets a flag in the VMs
+     threadSwitcher, to let the process perform a #interrupt when its set to
+     run the next time. The process itself can decide how to react on this 
+     interrupt (currently, it looks for interruptBlocks to evaluate)."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isSmallInteger(id)) {
+	__threadInterrupt(_intVal(id));
+    }
+    "return true, if the runtime system supports threads (i.e. processes);
+     false otherwise."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    extern OBJ __threadsAvailable();
+    RETURN (__threadsAvailable());
 ! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'primitive process primitives'!
+!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "this is temporary - (maybe not :-).
+     you can run ST/X either with or without processes.
+     Without, there is conceptionally a single process handling all
+     outside events and timeouts. This has some negative implications
+     (Debugger is ugly), but allows a fully portable ST/X without any
+     assembler support - i.e. quick portability.
+     The PureEvent flag will automatically be set if the runtime system
+     does not support threads - otherwise, it can be set manually
+     (from rc-file).
+    "
+    ^ PureEventDriven
+    "return a collection of all (living) processes in the system"
+    ^ KnownProcesses select:[:p | p notNil]
+    "return the limit on the number of processes;
+     the default is nil (i.e. unlimited)."
+    ^ MaxNumberOfProcesses
-    "continue execution in aProcess.
-     (warning: low level entry, no administration is done here)"
+    "set the limit on the number of processes.
+     This helps if you have a program which (by error) creates countless
+     subprocesses. Without this limit, you may have a hard time to find
+     this error (and repairing it). If nil (the default), the number of
+     processes is unlimited."
+    MaxNumberOfProcesses := aNumber
+    "turn on process driven mode"
-    |id pri ok oldProcess oldPri p singleStep wasBlocked|
+    PureEventDriven := false
+    "turn on pure-event driven mode - no processes, single dispatch loop"
+    PureEventDriven := true
+! !
-    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'I/O event actions'!
+    "disable block events on aFileDescriptor.
+     This is a leftover support for pure-event systems and may vanish."
+    |idx "{Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     wasBlocked|
     wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    oldProcess := activeProcess.
-    oldPri := currentPriority.
-    id := aProcess id.
-    pri := aProcess priority.
-    singleStep := aProcess isSingleStepping.
-    aProcess state:#active.
-    oldProcess setStateTo:#run if:#active.
-    "
-     no interrupts now - activeProcess has already been changed
-     (dont add any message sends here)
-    "
-    activeProcess := aProcess.
-    currentPriority := pri.
-    extern OBJ ___threadSwitch();
-    if (__isSmallInteger(id)) {
-	ok = ___threadSwitch(__context, _intVal(id), (singleStep == true) ? 1 : 0);
-    } else {
-	ok = false;
-    }
-    "time passes spent in some other process ...
-     ... here again"
-    p := activeProcess.
-    activeProcess := oldProcess.
-    currentPriority := oldProcess priority.
-    ok ifFalse:[
-	"
-	 switch failed for some reason -
-	 destroy the bad process
-	"
-	p id ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    'SCHEDULER: problem with process ' errorPrint. 
-		p id errorPrint. 
-		p name notNil ifTrue:[
-		    ' (' errorPrint. p name errorPrint. ')' errorPrint.
-		].
-		'; hard-terminate it.' errorPrintNL.
-	    p state:#suspended.
-	    self terminateNoSignal:p.
-	]
-    ].
-    zombie notNil ifTrue:[
-	self class threadDestroy:zombie.
-	zombie := nil
+    idx := readFdArray identityIndexOf:aFileDescriptor startingAt:1.
+    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	readFdArray at:idx put:nil.
+	readCheckArray at:idx put:nil.
+	readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil
     wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "make aProcess evaluate its pushed interrupt block(s)"
-    |id|
-    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[^ self].
-    id := aProcess id.
-    self class threadInterrupt:id.
-    "
-     and, make the process runnable
-    "
-    aProcess state ~~ #stopped ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 and, make the process runnable
-	"
-	aProcess resume
-    ]
-! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'constants'!
-    "return the lowest priority value"
-    ^ 1   "do not change this - its not variable"
-    "return the highest priority value (normal) processes can have."
-    "must be below schedulingPriority - 
-     otherwise scheduler could be blocked ...
-    "
-    ^ HighestPriority  
-    "return the priority at which the scheduler runs."
-    "must be above highestPriority - 
-     otherwise scheduler could be blocked ...
-    "
-    ^ SchedulingPriority
-    "return the priority, at which the event scheduler runs - i.e.
-     all processes running at a lower priority are interruptable by Cntl-C
-     or the timer. Processes running at higher prio will not be interrupted."
-    ^ UserInterruptPriority
-    "return the priority, at which all timing takes place (messageTally,
-     delay etc.)"
-    ^ TimingPriority
-    "return the priority, at which all normal user (interactive) processing
-     takes place"
-    ^ UserSchedulingPriority
-    "return the priority, at which background user (non-interactive) processing
-     should take place.
-     Not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"
-    ^ 6
-    "return the priority, at which background system processing
-     should take place.
-     Not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"
-    ^ 4
-    "not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"
-    ^ 2 "claus: is this ok ?"
-! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'private initializing'!
-    "initialize the one-and-only ProcessorScheduler"
-    |nPrios "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     l p|
-    KnownProcesses isNil ifTrue:[
-	KnownProcesses := WeakArray new:10.
-	KnownProcesses watcher:self class.
-	KnownProcessIds := OrderedCollection new.
-    ].
-    "
-     create a collection with process lists; accessed using the priority as key
-    "
-    nPrios := SchedulingPriority.
-    quiescentProcessLists := Array new:nPrios.
-    1 to:nPrios do:[:pri |
-	quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:(LinkedList new)
-    ].
+enableIOAction:aBlock onInput:aFileDescriptor
+    "half-obsolete event support: arrange for aBlock to be
+     evaluated when input on aFileDescriptor arrives. 
+     This is a leftover support for pure-event systems and may vanish."
-    readFdArray := Array with:nil.
-    readCheckArray := Array with:nil.
-    readSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    writeFdArray := Array with:nil.
-    writeSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutActionArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutProcessArray := Array with:nil.
-    anyTimeouts := false.
-    dispatching := false.
-    useIOInterrupts := OperatingSystem supportsIOInterrupts.
-    "
-     handcraft the first (dispatcher-) process - this one will never
-     block, but go into a select if there is nothing to do.
-     Also, it has a prio of max+1 - thus, it comes first when looking
-     for a runnable process.
-    "
-    currentPriority := SchedulingPriority.
-    p := Process new.
-    p setId:0 state:#run.
-    p setPriority:currentPriority.
-    p name:'scheduler'.
-    scheduler := activeProcess := p.
-    (quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority) add:p.
-    "
-     let me handle IO and timer interrupts
-    "
-    ObjectMemory ioInterruptHandler:self.
-    ObjectMemory timerInterruptHandler:self.
-    "all previous processes (except those marked as restartable) are made dead 
-     - each object should reinstall its process(s) upon restart;
-     especially, windowgroups have to.
-     In contrast to ST-80, restartable processes are restarted at the beginning
-     NOT continued where left. This is a consequence of the portable implementation
-     of ST/X, since in order to continue a process, we needed to know the
-     internals of the machines (and C-compilers) stack layout.
-     This was not done, favouring portability for process continuation.
-     In praxis, this is not much of a problem, since in almost every case,
-     the computation state can be saved in some object, and processing be 
-     restarted from scratch, reinitializing things from this saved state."
-    |processesToRestart|
-    "
-     lay all processes to rest, collect restartable ones
-    "
-    processesToRestart := OrderedCollection new.
-    KnownProcesses do:[:p |
-	p notNil ifTrue:[
-	    "how, exactly should this be done ?"
-	    p isRestartable == true ifTrue:[
-		p nextLink:nil.
-		processesToRestart add:p
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		p setId:nil state:#dead
-	    ]
-	].
-    ].
-    scheduler setId:nil state:#dead. 
-    "
-     now, start from scratch
-    "
-    KnownProcesses := nil.
-    self initialize.
-    "
-     ... and restart those that can be.
-    "
-    processesToRestart do:[:p |
-"/        'process restart not implemented' errorPrintNL.
-	p restart
-    ]
-! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'private'!
-    "remember aProcess for later disposal (where the underlying
-     system resources have to be freed)."
-    |newShadow oldId wasBlocked
-     oldSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     index   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     sz      "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    index := 1.
-    sz := KnownProcessIds size.
-    [index <= sz] whileTrue:[
-	(KnownProcesses at:index) isNil ifTrue:[
-	    oldId := KnownProcessIds at:index.
-	    oldId notNil ifTrue:[
-		self class threadDestroy:oldId.
-	    ].
-	    KnownProcesses at:index put:aProcess.
-	    KnownProcessIds at:index put:aProcess id.
-	    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	index := index + 1
-    ].
-    KnownProcessIds grow:index.
-    KnownProcessIds at:index put:aProcess id.
-    oldSize := KnownProcesses size.
-    (index > oldSize) ifTrue:[
-	newShadow := WeakArray new:(oldSize * 2).
-	newShadow watcher:self class.
-	newShadow replaceFrom:1 with:KnownProcesses.
-	KnownProcesses := newShadow
-    ].
-    KnownProcesses at:index put:aProcess.
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "forget aProcess - dispose processing will not consider this one"
-    |index wasBlocked|
+    |idx "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+     wasBlocked|
     wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    index := KnownProcesses identityIndexOf:aProcess.
-    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	KnownProcessIds at:index put:nil.
-	KnownProcesses at:index put:nil.
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'process creation'!
-newProcessFor:aProcess withId:idWant
-    "private entry for Process restart - do not use in your program"
-    (self class threadCreate:aProcess withId:idWant) ~~ idWant ifTrue:[
-	^ false
-    ].
-    aProcess state:#light.   "meaning: has no stack yet"
-    self remember:aProcess.
-    ^ true
-    "create a physical (VM-) process for aProcess.
-     Return true if ok, false if something went wrong.
-     The process is not scheduled; to start it running, 
-     it needs a Process>>resume. Once resumed, the process will later 
-     get control in its #start method."
-    |id|
-    id := self class threadCreate:aProcess withId:nil.
-    id isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    aProcess setId:id state:#light.   "meaning: has no stack yet"
-    self remember:aProcess.
-    ^ true
-! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'scheduling'!
-    "switch to the highest prio runnable process.
-     The scheduler itself is always runnable, so we can do an unconditional switch
-     to that one. This method is a historical left-over and will vanish."
-    ^ self threadSwitch:scheduler
-    "move the currently running process to the end of the currentList
-     and reschedule to the first in the list, thus switching to the 
-     next same-prio-process."
-    |l wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    "
-     debugging consistency check - will be removed later
-    "
-    activeProcess priority ~~ currentPriority ifTrue:[
-	'oops process changed priority' errorPrintNL.
-	currentPriority := activeProcess priority.
-    ].
-    l := quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority.
-    "
-     debugging consistency checks - will be removed later
-    "
-    l isEmpty ifTrue:[
-	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-	'oops - empty runnable list' errorPrintNL.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    "
-     check if the running process is not the only one
-    "
-    l size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 bring running process to the end
-	"
-	l removeFirst.
-	l addLast:activeProcess.
-	"
-	 and switch to first in the list
-	"
-	self threadSwitch:(l first).
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "remove the argument, aProcess from the list of runnable processes.
-     If the process is the current one, reschedule."
-    |pri l p wasBlocked|
-    "
-     some debugging stuff
-    "
-    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[
-	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'nil suspend'.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    aProcess id isNil ifTrue:[
-	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'bad suspend: already dead'.
-	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    aProcess == scheduler ifTrue:[
-	'scheduler should never be suspended' errorPrintNL.
-	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'scheduler should never be suspended'.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    pri := aProcess priority.
-    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
-    "notice: this is slightly faster than putting the if-code into
-     the ifAbsent block, because [] is a shared cheap block
-    "
-    (l remove:aProcess ifAbsent:[]) isNil ifTrue:[
-	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-	'bad suspend: not on run list' errorPrintNL.
-	"/ MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'bad suspend: not on run list'.
-	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "
-     this is a bit of a kludge: allow someone else to
-     set the state to something like #ioWait etc.
-     In this case, do not set to #suspend.
-     All of this to enhance the output of the process monitor ...
-    "
-    aProcess setStateTo:#suspended if:#active or:#run.
-    (aProcess == activeProcess) ifTrue:[
-	"we can immediately switch sometimes"
-	l notEmpty ifTrue:[
-	    p := l first
+    (readFdArray identityIndexOf:aFileDescriptor startingAt:1) == 0 ifTrue:[
+	idx := readFdArray identityIndexOf:nil startingAt:1.
+	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    readFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
+	    readCheckArray at:idx put:aBlock.
+	    readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil
 	] ifFalse:[
-	    p := scheduler
-	].
-	self threadSwitch:p 
-    ].
-    "set aProcess runnable - 
-     if its prio is higher than the currently running prio, switch to it."
-    |l pri wasBlocked|
-    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    "ignore, if process is already dead"
-    aProcess id isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    pri := aProcess priority.
-    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
-    "if already running, ignore"
-    (l identityIndexOf:aProcess) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-	^ self
-    ].
-    l addLast:aProcess.
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    (pri > currentPriority) ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 its prio is higher; immediately transfer control to it
-	"
-	self threadSwitch:aProcess
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	"
-	 its prio is lower; it will have to wait for a while ...
-	"
-	aProcess state:#run 
-    ]
-    "like resume, but let the process execute a single send only.
-     This will be used by the (new, not yet released) debugger 
-     for single stepping."
-    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].
-    aProcess singleStep:true.
-    self resume:aProcess
-    "hard terminate aProcess without sending the terminate signal, thus
-     no unwind blocks or exitAction are performed in the process.. 
-     If its not the current process, it is simply removed from its list 
-     and physically destroyed. Otherwise (since we can't take away the chair
-     we are sitting on), a switch is forced and the process 
-     will be physically destroyed by the next running process. 
-     (see zombie handling)"
-    |pri id l wasBlocked|
-    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    id := aProcess id.
-    id isNil ifTrue:[^ self].   "already dead"
-    aProcess setId:nil state:#dead.
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    "remove the process from the runnable list"
-    pri := aProcess priority.
-    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
-    (l identityIndexOf:aProcess) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	l remove:aProcess.
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 hard case - its the currently running process
-	 we must have the next active process destroy this one
-	 (we cannot destroy the chair we are sitting on ... :-)
-	"
-	zombie := id.
-	self unRemember:aProcess.
-	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
-	"not reached"
-	^ self
-    ].
-    self class threadDestroy:id.
-    self unRemember:aProcess.
-    ^ self
-    "hard terminate the active process, without sending any
-     terminate signal thus no unwind blocks are evaluated."
-    self terminateNoSignal:activeProcess
-    "sent by VM if the current process finished its startup block 
-     without proper process termination. Lay him to rest now. 
-     This can only happen, if something went wrong in Block>>newProcess, 
-     since the block defined there always terminates itself."
-    self terminateNoSignal:activeProcess.
-    self threadSwitch:scheduler
-    "terminate aProcess. This is donen by sending aProcess the terminateSignal,
-     which will evaluate any unwind blocks and finally do a hard terminate."
-    aProcess terminate
-    "terminate the current process (i.e. the running process kills itself).
-     The active process is sent the terminateSignal so it will evaluate any
-     unwind blocks and finally do a hard terminate.
-     This is sent for regular termination and by the VM, if the hard-stack limit
-     is reached. (i.e. a process did not repair things in a recursionInterrupt and
-     continued to grow its stack)"
-    activeProcess terminate
-    "interrupt the current process"
-    activeProcess interrupt
-changePriority:prio for:aProcess
-    "change the priority of aProcess"
-    |oldList newList oldPrio newPrio wasBlocked|
-    oldPrio := aProcess priority.
-    oldPrio == prio ifTrue:[^ self].
-    "
-     check for valid argument
-    "
-    newPrio := prio.
-    newPrio < 1 ifTrue:[
-	newPrio := 1.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	aProcess == scheduler ifTrue:[^ self].
-	newPrio > HighestPriority ifTrue:[
-	    newPrio := HighestPriority
-	]
-    ].
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    aProcess setPriority:newPrio.
-    oldList := quiescentProcessLists at:oldPrio.
-    (oldList identityIndexOf:aProcess) == 0 ifTrue:[
-	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-	^ self
-    ].
-    oldList remove:aProcess.
-    newList := quiescentProcessLists at:newPrio.
-    newList addLast:aProcess.
-    "if its the current process lowering its prio 
-     or another one raising, we have to reschedule"
-    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[
-	currentPriority := newPrio.
-	newPrio < oldPrio ifTrue:[
-	    self threadSwitch:scheduler.    
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	newPrio > currentPriority ifTrue:[
-	    self threadSwitch:aProcess.
+	    readFdArray := readFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
+	    readCheckArray := readCheckArray copyWith:aBlock.
+	    readSemaphoreArray := readSemaphoreArray copyWith:nil.
     wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
@@ -979,14 +355,6 @@
 !ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return the priority of the currently running process"
-    ^ currentPriority
-    "Processor currentPriority"
     "return the priority of the currently running process.
      GNU-ST & ST-80 compatibility; this is the same as currentPriority"
@@ -1002,92 +370,127 @@
     "Processor activeProcess"
+    "return the priority of the currently running process"
+    ^ currentPriority
+    "Processor currentPriority"
     "returns the process which was interrupted by the active one"
     ^ interruptedProcess
 ! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'queries'!
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'background processing'!
-    "return the highest prio runnable process"
+    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of idle-actions.
+     Idle blocks are evaluated whenever no other process is runnable,
+     and no events are pending.
+     Use of idle blocks is not recommended, use a low priority processes 
+     instead, which has the same effect. Idle blcoks are still included
+     to support background actions in pure-event systems, where no processes 
+     are available.
+     Support for idle-blocks may vanish."
-    |listArray l p prio "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    |wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    idleActions isNil ifTrue:[
+	idleActions := OrderedCollection new
+    ].
+    idleActions add:aBlock.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    prio := HighestPriority.
-    listArray := quiescentProcessLists.
-    [prio >= 1] whileTrue:[
-	l := listArray at:prio.
-	l notEmpty ifTrue:[
-	    p := l first.
-	    "
-	     if it got corrupted somehow ...
-	    "
-	    p id isNil ifTrue:[
-		'process with nil id removed' errorPrintNL.
-		l removeFirst.
-		^ nil.
-	    ].
-	    ^ p
-	].
-	prio := prio - 1
+    "remove the argument, aBlock from the list of idle-blocks.
+     Support for idle-blocks may vanish - use low prio processes instead."
+    |wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    idleActions notNil ifTrue:[
+       idleActions remove:aBlock
-    ^ nil
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'constants'!
+    "return the highest priority value (normal) processes can have."
+    "must be below schedulingPriority - 
+     otherwise scheduler could be blocked ...
+    "
+    ^ HighestPriority  
+    "not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"
+    ^ 2 "claus: is this ok ?"
-    "return true if aProcess is a system process,
-     which should not be suspended/terminated etc.."
+    "return the lowest priority value"
+    ^ 1   "do not change this - its not variable"
+    "return the priority at which the scheduler runs."
-    (self class isPureEventDriven 
-    or:[aProcess id == 0
-    or:[(Display notNil and:[Display dispatchProcess == aProcess])
-	" nameOrId endsWith:'dispatcher' "
-    ]]) ifTrue:[
-	^ true
-    ].
-    ^ false
+    "must be above highestPriority - 
+     otherwise scheduler could be blocked ...
+    "
+    ^ SchedulingPriority
-    "
-     Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess
-    "
+    "return the priority, at which background system processing
+     should take place.
+     Not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"
+    ^ 4
-    "return true if the active process is a system process,
-     which should not be suspended."
+    "return the priority, at which all timing takes place (messageTally,
+     delay etc.)"
+    ^ TimingPriority
+    "return the priority, at which background user (non-interactive) processing
+     should take place.
+     Not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"
-    ^ self isSystemProcess:activeProcess
+    ^ 6
+    "return the priority, at which the event scheduler runs - i.e.
+     all processes running at a lower priority are interruptable by Cntl-C
+     or the timer. Processes running at higher prio will not be interrupted."
-    "
-     Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess
-    "
+    ^ UserInterruptPriority
+    "return the priority, at which all normal user (interactive) processing
+     takes place"
+    ^ UserSchedulingPriority
 ! !
 !ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'dispatching'!
-    "central dispatch loop; the scheduler process is always staying in
-     this method, looping forever."
-    "avoid confusion if entered twice"
-    dispatching == true ifTrue:[^ self].
-    dispatching := true.
-    "I made this an extra call to dispatch; this allows recompilation
-     of the dispatch-handling code in the running system.
-    "
-    [true] whileTrue:[
-	AbortSignal handle:[:ex |
-	    ex return
-	] do:[
-	    self dispatch
-	]
-    ]
      "It handles timeouts and switches to the highest prio runnable process"
@@ -1211,10 +614,1027 @@
 	OperatingSystem disableTimer.
 	self checkForInputWithTimeout:0.
+    "central dispatch loop; the scheduler process is always staying in
+     this method, looping forever."
+    "avoid confusion if entered twice"
+    dispatching == true ifTrue:[^ self].
+    dispatching := true.
+    "I made this an extra call to dispatch; this allows recompilation
+     of the dispatch-handling code in the running system.
+    "
+    [true] whileTrue:[
+	AbortSignal handle:[:ex |
+	    ex return
+	] do:[
+	    self dispatch
+	]
+    ]
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'primitive process primitives'!
+    "make aProcess evaluate its pushed interrupt block(s)"
+    |id|
+    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[^ self].
+    id := aProcess id.
+    self class threadInterrupt:id.
+    "
+     and, make the process runnable
+    "
+    aProcess state ~~ #stopped ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 and, make the process runnable
+	"
+	aProcess resume
+    ]
+    "continue execution in aProcess.
+     (warning: low level entry, no administration is done here)"
+    |id pri ok oldProcess oldPri p singleStep wasBlocked|
+    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    oldProcess := activeProcess.
+    oldPri := currentPriority.
+    id := aProcess id.
+    pri := aProcess priority.
+    singleStep := aProcess isSingleStepping.
+    aProcess state:#active.
+    oldProcess setStateTo:#run if:#active.
+    "
+     no interrupts now - activeProcess has already been changed
+     (dont add any message sends here)
+    "
+    activeProcess := aProcess.
+    currentPriority := pri.
+    extern OBJ ___threadSwitch();
+    if (__isSmallInteger(id)) {
+	ok = ___threadSwitch(__context, _intVal(id), (singleStep == true) ? 1 : 0);
+    } else {
+	ok = false;
+    }
+    "time passes spent in some other process ...
+     ... here again"
+    p := activeProcess.
+    activeProcess := oldProcess.
+    currentPriority := oldProcess priority.
+    ok ifFalse:[
+	"
+	 switch failed for some reason -
+	 destroy the bad process
+	"
+	p id ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    'SCHEDULER: problem with process ' errorPrint. 
+		p id errorPrint. 
+		p name notNil ifTrue:[
+		    ' (' errorPrint. p name errorPrint. ')' errorPrint.
+		].
+		'; hard-terminate it.' errorPrintNL.
+	    p state:#suspended.
+	    self terminateNoSignal:p.
+	]
+    ].
+    zombie notNil ifTrue:[
+	self class threadDestroy:zombie.
+	zombie := nil
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'private'!
+    "remember aProcess for later disposal (where the underlying
+     system resources have to be freed)."
+    |newShadow oldId wasBlocked
+     oldSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     index   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     sz      "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    index := 1.
+    sz := KnownProcessIds size.
+    [index <= sz] whileTrue:[
+	(KnownProcesses at:index) isNil ifTrue:[
+	    oldId := KnownProcessIds at:index.
+	    oldId notNil ifTrue:[
+		self class threadDestroy:oldId.
+	    ].
+	    KnownProcesses at:index put:aProcess.
+	    KnownProcessIds at:index put:aProcess id.
+	    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	index := index + 1
+    ].
+    KnownProcessIds grow:index.
+    KnownProcessIds at:index put:aProcess id.
+    oldSize := KnownProcesses size.
+    (index > oldSize) ifTrue:[
+	newShadow := WeakArray new:(oldSize * 2).
+	newShadow watcher:self class.
+	newShadow replaceFrom:1 with:KnownProcesses.
+	KnownProcesses := newShadow
+    ].
+    KnownProcesses at:index put:aProcess.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    "forget aProcess - dispose processing will not consider this one"
+    |index wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    index := KnownProcesses identityIndexOf:aProcess.
+    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	KnownProcessIds at:index put:nil.
+	KnownProcesses at:index put:nil.
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'private initializing'!
+    "initialize the one-and-only ProcessorScheduler"
+    |nPrios "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     l p|
+    KnownProcesses isNil ifTrue:[
+	KnownProcesses := WeakArray new:10.
+	KnownProcesses watcher:self class.
+	KnownProcessIds := OrderedCollection new.
+    ].
+    "
+     create a collection with process lists; accessed using the priority as key
+    "
+    nPrios := SchedulingPriority.
+    quiescentProcessLists := Array new:nPrios.
+    1 to:nPrios do:[:pri |
+	quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:(LinkedList new)
+    ].
+    readFdArray := Array with:nil.
+    readCheckArray := Array with:nil.
+    readSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    writeFdArray := Array with:nil.
+    writeSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutActionArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutProcessArray := Array with:nil.
+    anyTimeouts := false.
+    dispatching := false.
+    useIOInterrupts := OperatingSystem supportsIOInterrupts.
+    "
+     handcraft the first (dispatcher-) process - this one will never
+     block, but go into a select if there is nothing to do.
+     Also, it has a prio of max+1 - thus, it comes first when looking
+     for a runnable process.
+    "
+    currentPriority := SchedulingPriority.
+    p := Process new.
+    p setId:0 state:#run.
+    p setPriority:currentPriority.
+    p name:'scheduler'.
+    scheduler := activeProcess := p.
+    (quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority) add:p.
+    "
+     let me handle IO and timer interrupts
+    "
+    ObjectMemory ioInterruptHandler:self.
+    ObjectMemory timerInterruptHandler:self.
+    "all previous processes (except those marked as restartable) are made dead 
+     - each object should reinstall its process(s) upon restart;
+     especially, windowgroups have to.
+     In contrast to ST-80, restartable processes are restarted at the beginning
+     NOT continued where left. This is a consequence of the portable implementation
+     of ST/X, since in order to continue a process, we needed to know the
+     internals of the machines (and C-compilers) stack layout.
+     This was not done, favouring portability for process continuation.
+     In praxis, this is not much of a problem, since in almost every case,
+     the computation state can be saved in some object, and processing be 
+     restarted from scratch, reinitializing things from this saved state."
+    |processesToRestart|
+    "
+     lay all processes to rest, collect restartable ones
+    "
+    processesToRestart := OrderedCollection new.
+    KnownProcesses do:[:p |
+	p notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "how, exactly should this be done ?"
+	    p isRestartable == true ifTrue:[
+		p nextLink:nil.
+		processesToRestart add:p
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		p setId:nil state:#dead
+	    ]
+	].
+    ].
+    scheduler setId:nil state:#dead. 
+    "
+     now, start from scratch
+    "
+    KnownProcesses := nil.
+    self initialize.
+    "
+     ... and restart those that can be.
+    "
+    processesToRestart do:[:p |
+"/        'process restart not implemented' errorPrintNL.
+	p restart
+    ]
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'process creation'!
+    "create a physical (VM-) process for aProcess.
+     Return true if ok, false if something went wrong.
+     The process is not scheduled; to start it running, 
+     it needs a Process>>resume. Once resumed, the process will later 
+     get control in its #start method."
+    |id|
+    id := self class threadCreate:aProcess withId:nil.
+    id isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
+    aProcess setId:id state:#light.   "meaning: has no stack yet"
+    self remember:aProcess.
+    ^ true
+newProcessFor:aProcess withId:idWant
+    "private entry for Process restart - do not use in your program"
+    (self class threadCreate:aProcess withId:idWant) ~~ idWant ifTrue:[
+	^ false
+    ].
+    aProcess state:#light.   "meaning: has no stack yet"
+    self remember:aProcess.
+    ^ true
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "return true if the active process is a system process,
+     which should not be suspended."
+    ^ self isSystemProcess:activeProcess
+    "
+     Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess
+    "
+    "return the highest prio runnable process"
+    |listArray l p prio "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    prio := HighestPriority.
+    listArray := quiescentProcessLists.
+    [prio >= 1] whileTrue:[
+	l := listArray at:prio.
+	l notEmpty ifTrue:[
+	    p := l first.
+	    "
+	     if it got corrupted somehow ...
+	    "
+	    p id isNil ifTrue:[
+		'process with nil id removed' errorPrintNL.
+		l removeFirst.
+		^ nil.
+	    ].
+	    ^ p
+	].
+	prio := prio - 1
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "return true if aProcess is a system process,
+     which should not be suspended/terminated etc.."
+    (self class isPureEventDriven 
+    or:[aProcess id == 0
+    or:[(Display notNil and:[Display dispatchProcess == aProcess])
+	" nameOrId endsWith:'dispatcher' "
+    ]]) ifTrue:[
+	^ true
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "
+     Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess
+    "
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'scheduling'!
+changePriority:prio for:aProcess
+    "change the priority of aProcess"
+    |oldList newList oldPrio newPrio wasBlocked|
+    oldPrio := aProcess priority.
+    oldPrio == prio ifTrue:[^ self].
+    "
+     check for valid argument
+    "
+    newPrio := prio.
+    newPrio < 1 ifTrue:[
+	newPrio := 1.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	aProcess == scheduler ifTrue:[^ self].
+	newPrio > HighestPriority ifTrue:[
+	    newPrio := HighestPriority
+	]
+    ].
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    aProcess setPriority:newPrio.
+    oldList := quiescentProcessLists at:oldPrio.
+    (oldList identityIndexOf:aProcess) == 0 ifTrue:[
+	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+	^ self
+    ].
+    oldList remove:aProcess.
+    newList := quiescentProcessLists at:newPrio.
+    newList addLast:aProcess.
+    "if its the current process lowering its prio 
+     or another one raising, we have to reschedule"
+    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[
+	currentPriority := newPrio.
+	newPrio < oldPrio ifTrue:[
+	    self threadSwitch:scheduler.    
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	newPrio > currentPriority ifTrue:[
+	    self threadSwitch:aProcess.
+	]
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    "interrupt the current process"
+    activeProcess interrupt
+    "sent by VM if the current process finished its startup block 
+     without proper process termination. Lay him to rest now. 
+     This can only happen, if something went wrong in Block>>newProcess, 
+     since the block defined there always terminates itself."
+    self terminateNoSignal:activeProcess.
+    self threadSwitch:scheduler
+    "switch to the highest prio runnable process.
+     The scheduler itself is always runnable, so we can do an unconditional switch
+     to that one. This method is a historical left-over and will vanish."
+    ^ self threadSwitch:scheduler
+    "set aProcess runnable - 
+     if its prio is higher than the currently running prio, switch to it."
+    |l pri wasBlocked|
+    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    "ignore, if process is already dead"
+    aProcess id isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    pri := aProcess priority.
+    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
+    "if already running, ignore"
+    (l identityIndexOf:aProcess) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+	^ self
+    ].
+    l addLast:aProcess.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    (pri > currentPriority) ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 its prio is higher; immediately transfer control to it
+	"
+	self threadSwitch:aProcess
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	"
+	 its prio is lower; it will have to wait for a while ...
+	"
+	aProcess state:#run 
+    ]
+    "like resume, but let the process execute a single send only.
+     This will be used by the (new, not yet released) debugger 
+     for single stepping."
+    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    aProcess singleStep:true.
+    self resume:aProcess
+    "remove the argument, aProcess from the list of runnable processes.
+     If the process is the current one, reschedule."
+    |pri l p wasBlocked|
+    "
+     some debugging stuff
+    "
+    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[
+	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'nil suspend'.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    aProcess id isNil ifTrue:[
+	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'bad suspend: already dead'.
+	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    aProcess == scheduler ifTrue:[
+	'scheduler should never be suspended' errorPrintNL.
+	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'scheduler should never be suspended'.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    pri := aProcess priority.
+    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
+    "notice: this is slightly faster than putting the if-code into
+     the ifAbsent block, because [] is a shared cheap block
+    "
+    (l remove:aProcess ifAbsent:[]) isNil ifTrue:[
+	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+	'bad suspend: not on run list' errorPrintNL.
+	"/ MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'bad suspend: not on run list'.
+	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    "
+     this is a bit of a kludge: allow someone else to
+     set the state to something like #ioWait etc.
+     In this case, do not set to #suspend.
+     All of this to enhance the output of the process monitor ...
+    "
+    aProcess setStateTo:#suspended if:#active or:#run.
+    (aProcess == activeProcess) ifTrue:[
+	"we can immediately switch sometimes"
+	l notEmpty ifTrue:[
+	    p := l first
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    p := scheduler
+	].
+	self threadSwitch:p 
+    ].
+    "terminate aProcess. This is donen by sending aProcess the terminateSignal,
+     which will evaluate any unwind blocks and finally do a hard terminate."
+    aProcess terminate
+    "terminate the current process (i.e. the running process kills itself).
+     The active process is sent the terminateSignal so it will evaluate any
+     unwind blocks and finally do a hard terminate.
+     This is sent for regular termination and by the VM, if the hard-stack limit
+     is reached. (i.e. a process did not repair things in a recursionInterrupt and
+     continued to grow its stack)"
+    activeProcess terminate
+    "hard terminate the active process, without sending any
+     terminate signal thus no unwind blocks are evaluated."
+    self terminateNoSignal:activeProcess
+    "hard terminate aProcess without sending the terminate signal, thus
+     no unwind blocks or exitAction are performed in the process.. 
+     If its not the current process, it is simply removed from its list 
+     and physically destroyed. Otherwise (since we can't take away the chair
+     we are sitting on), a switch is forced and the process 
+     will be physically destroyed by the next running process. 
+     (see zombie handling)"
+    |pri id l wasBlocked|
+    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    id := aProcess id.
+    id isNil ifTrue:[^ self].   "already dead"
+    aProcess setId:nil state:#dead.
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    "remove the process from the runnable list"
+    pri := aProcess priority.
+    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
+    (l identityIndexOf:aProcess) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	l remove:aProcess.
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 hard case - its the currently running process
+	 we must have the next active process destroy this one
+	 (we cannot destroy the chair we are sitting on ... :-)
+	"
+	zombie := id.
+	self unRemember:aProcess.
+	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
+	"not reached"
+	^ self
+    ].
+    self class threadDestroy:id.
+    self unRemember:aProcess.
+    ^ self
+    "move the currently running process to the end of the currentList
+     and reschedule to the first in the list, thus switching to the 
+     next same-prio-process."
+    |l wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    "
+     debugging consistency check - will be removed later
+    "
+    activeProcess priority ~~ currentPriority ifTrue:[
+	'oops process changed priority' errorPrintNL.
+	currentPriority := activeProcess priority.
+    ].
+    l := quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority.
+    "
+     debugging consistency checks - will be removed later
+    "
+    l isEmpty ifTrue:[
+	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+	'oops - empty runnable list' errorPrintNL.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    "
+     check if the running process is not the only one
+    "
+    l size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 bring running process to the end
+	"
+	l removeFirst.
+	l addLast:activeProcess.
+	"
+	 and switch to first in the list
+	"
+	self threadSwitch:(l first).
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'semaphore signalling'!
+    "disable triggering of a semaphore"
+    |idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    idx := readSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:1.
+    [idx ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+	readFdArray at:idx put:nil.
+	readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
+	readCheckArray at:idx put:nil.
+	idx := readSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:idx.
+    ].
+    idx := writeSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:1.
+    [idx ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+	writeFdArray at:idx put:nil.
+	writeSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
+	idx := writeSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:idx.
+    ].
+    idx := timeoutSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:1.
+    [idx ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+	timeoutArray at:idx put:nil.
+	timeoutSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
+	timeoutActionArray at:idx put:nil.
+	timeoutProcessArray at:idx put:nil.
+	idx := timeoutSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:idx.
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+signal:aSemaphore afterMilliseconds:millis
+    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered after some milliseconds"
+    |now then wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
+    then := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeAdd:now and:millis rounded.
+    self signal:aSemaphore atMilliseconds:then.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+signal:aSemaphore afterSeconds:seconds
+    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered after some seconds"
+    self signal:aSemaphore afterMilliseconds:(seconds * 1000)
+signal:aSemaphore atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
+    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered at a specific millisecond time.
+     If there is already a pending trigger time, the time is changed."
+    |index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    index := timeoutSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:1.
+    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	index := timeoutArray identityIndexOf:nil startingAt:1.
+	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:aSemaphore.
+	    timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime.
+	    timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil.
+	    timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil 
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    timeoutSemaphoreArray := timeoutSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
+	    timeoutArray := timeoutArray copyWith:aMillisecondTime.
+	    timeoutActionArray := timeoutActionArray copyWith:nil.
+	    timeoutProcessArray := timeoutProcessArray copyWith:nil 
+	].
+    ].
+    anyTimeouts := true.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor
+    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when input on aFileDescriptor
+     arrives."
+    self signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor orCheck:nil
+signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor orCheck:aBlock
+    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when input on aFileDescriptor
+     arrives OR checkblock evaluates to true. 
+     (checkBlock is used for buffered input, where a select may not detect 
+      data already read into a buffer - as in Xlib)"
+    |idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    (readFdArray identityIndexOf:aFileDescriptor startingAt:1) == 0 ifTrue:[
+	idx := readFdArray identityIndexOf:nil startingAt:1.
+	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    readFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
+	    readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:aSemaphore.
+	    readCheckArray at:idx put:aBlock
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    readFdArray := readFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
+	    readSemaphoreArray := readSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
+	    readCheckArray := readCheckArray copyWith:aBlock.
+	]
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+signal:aSemaphore onOutput:aFileDescriptor
+    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when output on aFileDescriptor
+     is possible. (i.e. can be written without blocking)"
+    |idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    (writeFdArray identityIndexOf:aFileDescriptor startingAt:1) == 0 ifTrue:[
+	idx := writeFdArray identityIndexOf:nil startingAt:1.
+	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    writeFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
+	    writeSemaphoreArray at:idx put:aSemaphore.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    writeFdArray := writeFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
+	    writeSemaphoreArray := writeSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
+	]
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'timeout handling'!
+addTimedBlock:aBlock afterMilliseconds:delta
+    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
+     evaluated after delta milliseconds. The process which installs this timed 
+     block will be interrupted for execution of the block.
+     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
+      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
+     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
+     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."
+    ^ self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess afterMilliseconds:delta
+addTimedBlock:aBlock afterSeconds:delta
+    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks.
+     to be evaluated after delta seconds. The process which installs this timed 
+     block will be interrupted for execution of the block.
+     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
+      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
+     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
+     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."
+    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess afterMilliseconds:(delta * 1000) rounded
+addTimedBlock:aBlock atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
+    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
+     evaluated when the millisecondClock value passes aMillisecondTime.
+     The process which installs this timed block will be interrupted for 
+     execution of the block.
+     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
+      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
+     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
+     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."     
+    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
+addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterMilliseconds:delta
+    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
+     evaluated after delta milliseconds. The process specified by the argument,
+     aProcess will be interrupted for execution of the block. 
+     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
+      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
+     If aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
+     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
+     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
+     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."
+    |now then wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
+    then := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeAdd:now and:delta.
+    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess atMilliseconds:then.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterSeconds:delta
+    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks.
+     to be evaluated after delta seconds. aProcess will be interrupted for 
+     execution of the block.
+     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
+      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
+     If aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
+     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
+     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
+     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."
+    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterMilliseconds:(delta * 1000) rounded
+addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
+    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
+     evaluated by aProcess when the millisecondClock value passes 
+     aMillisecondTime. 
+     If that block is already in the timeout list, 
+     its trigger-time is changed.
+     The process specified by the argument, aProcess will be interrupted 
+     for execution of the block. 
+     If aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
+     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
+     If the process is active at trigger time, the interrupt will occur in 
+     whatever method it is executing; if suspended at trigger time, it will be 
+     resumed.
+     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
+     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."     
+    |index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    index := timeoutActionArray identityIndexOf:aBlock startingAt:1.
+    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	index := timeoutArray indexOf:nil.
+	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime.
+	    timeoutActionArray at:index put:aBlock.
+	    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil. 
+	    timeoutProcessArray at:index put:aProcess 
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    timeoutArray := timeoutArray copyWith:aMillisecondTime.
+	    timeoutActionArray := timeoutActionArray copyWith:aBlock.
+	    timeoutSemaphoreArray := timeoutSemaphoreArray copyWith:nil.
+	    timeoutProcessArray := timeoutProcessArray copyWith:aProcess.
+	].
+    ].
+    anyTimeouts := true.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    "walk through timeouts and evaluate blocks or signal semas that need to be .."
+    |sema now aTime block blocksToEvaluate 
+     processes n "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+    anyTimeouts ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    "have to collect the blocks first, then evaluate them. This avoids
+     problems due to newly inserted blocks."
+    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
+    blocksToEvaluate := nil.
+    n := timeoutArray size.
+    anyTimeouts := false.
+    1 to:n do:[:index |
+	aTime := timeoutArray at:index.
+	aTime notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (OperatingSystem millisecondTime:aTime isAfter:now) ifFalse:[
+		"this one should be triggered"
+		sema := timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index.
+		sema notNil ifTrue:[
+		    sema signalOnce.
+		    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    "to support pure-events"
+		    block := timeoutActionArray at:index.
+		    block notNil ifTrue:[
+			blocksToEvaluate isNil ifTrue:[
+			    blocksToEvaluate := OrderedCollection new:10.
+			    processes := OrderedCollection new:10.
+			].
+			blocksToEvaluate add:block.
+			processes add:(timeoutProcessArray at:index).
+			timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil.
+			timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil.
+		    ]
+		].
+		timeoutArray at:index put:nil.
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		anyTimeouts := true
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    blocksToEvaluate notNil ifTrue:[
+	blocksToEvaluate keysAndValuesDo:[:index :block |
+	    |p|
+	    p := processes at:index.
+	    (p isNil or:[p == scheduler or:[PureEventDriven]]) ifTrue:[
+		block value
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		p interruptWith:block
+	    ]
+	]
+    ]
+    "remove the argument, aBlock from the list of time-sceduled-blocks."
+    |index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    index := timeoutActionArray identityIndexOf:aBlock startingAt:1.
+    (index ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	timeoutArray at:index put:nil.
+	timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil. 
+	timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil.
+	timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil.
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
 ! !
 !ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'waiting'!
+    "this is called, when there is absolutely nothing to do;
+     hard wait for either input to arrive or a timeout to occur."
+    |fd index sema action|
+    fd := OperatingSystem 
+	      selectOnAnyReadable:readFdArray 
+			 writable:writeFdArray
+			exception:nil 
+		      withTimeOut:millis.
+    fd notNil ifTrue:[
+	index := readFdArray indexOf:fd.
+	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    sema := readSemaphoreArray at:index.
+	    sema notNil ifTrue:[
+		sema signalOnce.
+		^ true
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		action := readCheckArray at:index.
+		action notNil ifTrue:[
+		    action value.
+		     ^ true
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ false
     "data arrived while waiting - switch to scheduler process which will decide 
      what to do now."
@@ -1223,14 +1643,6 @@
     self threadSwitch:scheduler
-    "timer expired while waiting - switch to scheduler process which will decide 
-     what to do now."
-    interruptedProcess := activeProcess.
-    self threadSwitch:scheduler
     "return the delta-T (in millis) to next timeout, or nil if
      there is none"
@@ -1261,6 +1673,14 @@
     ^ minDelta
+    "timer expired while waiting - switch to scheduler process which will decide 
+     what to do now."
+    interruptedProcess := activeProcess.
+    self threadSwitch:scheduler
     "entered when no process is runnable - wait for either input on
      any file descriptors to arrive or a timeout to happen.
@@ -1325,438 +1745,11 @@
 	millis := millis rounded
     self checkForInputWithTimeout:millis
-    "this is called, when there is absolutely nothing to do;
-     hard wait for either input to arrive or a timeout to occur."
-    |fd index sema action|
-    fd := OperatingSystem 
-	      selectOnAnyReadable:readFdArray 
-			 writable:writeFdArray
-			exception:nil 
-		      withTimeOut:millis.
-    fd notNil ifTrue:[
-	index := readFdArray indexOf:fd.
-	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    sema := readSemaphoreArray at:index.
-	    sema notNil ifTrue:[
-		sema signalOnce.
-		^ true
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		action := readCheckArray at:index.
-		action notNil ifTrue:[
-		    action value.
-		     ^ true
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ false
-! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'semaphore signalling'!
-signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor
-    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when input on aFileDescriptor
-     arrives."
-    self signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor orCheck:nil
-signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor orCheck:aBlock
-    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when input on aFileDescriptor
-     arrives OR checkblock evaluates to true. 
-     (checkBlock is used for buffered input, where a select may not detect 
-      data already read into a buffer - as in Xlib)"
-    |idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    (readFdArray identityIndexOf:aFileDescriptor startingAt:1) == 0 ifTrue:[
-	idx := readFdArray identityIndexOf:nil startingAt:1.
-	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    readFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
-	    readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:aSemaphore.
-	    readCheckArray at:idx put:aBlock
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    readFdArray := readFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
-	    readSemaphoreArray := readSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
-	    readCheckArray := readCheckArray copyWith:aBlock.
-	]
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-signal:aSemaphore onOutput:aFileDescriptor
-    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when output on aFileDescriptor
-     is possible. (i.e. can be written without blocking)"
-    |idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    (writeFdArray identityIndexOf:aFileDescriptor startingAt:1) == 0 ifTrue:[
-	idx := writeFdArray identityIndexOf:nil startingAt:1.
-	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    writeFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
-	    writeSemaphoreArray at:idx put:aSemaphore.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    writeFdArray := writeFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
-	    writeSemaphoreArray := writeSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
-	]
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-signal:aSemaphore afterSeconds:seconds
-    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered after some seconds"
-    self signal:aSemaphore afterMilliseconds:(seconds * 1000)
-signal:aSemaphore afterMilliseconds:millis
-    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered after some milliseconds"
-    |now then wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
-    then := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeAdd:now and:millis rounded.
-    self signal:aSemaphore atMilliseconds:then.
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-signal:aSemaphore atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
-    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered at a specific millisecond time.
-     If there is already a pending trigger time, the time is changed."
-    |index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    index := timeoutSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:1.
-    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	index := timeoutArray identityIndexOf:nil startingAt:1.
-	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:aSemaphore.
-	    timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime.
-	    timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil.
-	    timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil 
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    timeoutSemaphoreArray := timeoutSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
-	    timeoutArray := timeoutArray copyWith:aMillisecondTime.
-	    timeoutActionArray := timeoutActionArray copyWith:nil.
-	    timeoutProcessArray := timeoutProcessArray copyWith:nil 
-	].
-    ].
-    anyTimeouts := true.
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "disable triggering of a semaphore"
-    |idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    idx := readSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:1.
-    [idx ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-	readFdArray at:idx put:nil.
-	readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
-	readCheckArray at:idx put:nil.
-	idx := readSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:idx.
-    ].
-    idx := writeSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:1.
-    [idx ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-	writeFdArray at:idx put:nil.
-	writeSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
-	idx := writeSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:idx.
-    ].
-    idx := timeoutSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:1.
-    [idx ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-	timeoutArray at:idx put:nil.
-	timeoutSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
-	timeoutActionArray at:idx put:nil.
-	timeoutProcessArray at:idx put:nil.
-	idx := timeoutSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore startingAt:idx.
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'background processing'!
-    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of idle-actions.
-     Idle blocks are evaluated whenever no other process is runnable,
-     and no events are pending.
-     Use of idle blocks is not recommended, use a low priority processes 
-     instead, which has the same effect. Idle blcoks are still included
-     to support background actions in pure-event systems, where no processes 
-     are available.
-     Support for idle-blocks may vanish."
-    |wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    idleActions isNil ifTrue:[
-	idleActions := OrderedCollection new
-    ].
-    idleActions add:aBlock.
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "remove the argument, aBlock from the list of idle-blocks.
-     Support for idle-blocks may vanish - use low prio processes instead."
-    |wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    idleActions notNil ifTrue:[
-       idleActions remove:aBlock
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
 ! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'I/O event actions'!
-enableIOAction:aBlock onInput:aFileDescriptor
-    "half-obsolete event support: arrange for aBlock to be
-     evaluated when input on aFileDescriptor arrives. 
-     This is a leftover support for pure-event systems and may vanish."
-    |idx "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    (readFdArray identityIndexOf:aFileDescriptor startingAt:1) == 0 ifTrue:[
-	idx := readFdArray identityIndexOf:nil startingAt:1.
-	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    readFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
-	    readCheckArray at:idx put:aBlock.
-	    readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    readFdArray := readFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
-	    readCheckArray := readCheckArray copyWith:aBlock.
-	    readSemaphoreArray := readSemaphoreArray copyWith:nil.
-	]
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "disable block events on aFileDescriptor.
-     This is a leftover support for pure-event systems and may vanish."
-    |idx "{Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    idx := readFdArray identityIndexOf:aFileDescriptor startingAt:1.
-    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	readFdArray at:idx put:nil.
-	readCheckArray at:idx put:nil.
-	readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'timeout handling'!
-addTimedBlock:aBlock afterSeconds:delta
-    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks.
-     to be evaluated after delta seconds. The process which installs this timed 
-     block will be interrupted for execution of the block.
-     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
-      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
-     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
-     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."
-    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess afterMilliseconds:(delta * 1000) rounded
-addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterSeconds:delta
-    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks.
-     to be evaluated after delta seconds. aProcess will be interrupted for 
-     execution of the block.
-     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
-      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
-     If aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
-     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
-     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
-     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."
-    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterMilliseconds:(delta * 1000) rounded
-addTimedBlock:aBlock afterMilliseconds:delta
-    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
-     evaluated after delta milliseconds. The process which installs this timed 
-     block will be interrupted for execution of the block.
-     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
-      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
-     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
-     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."
-    ^ self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess afterMilliseconds:delta
-addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterMilliseconds:delta
-    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
-     evaluated after delta milliseconds. The process specified by the argument,
-     aProcess will be interrupted for execution of the block. 
-     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
-      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
-     If aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
-     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
-     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
-     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."
-    |now then wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
-    then := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeAdd:now and:delta.
-    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess atMilliseconds:then.
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-addTimedBlock:aBlock atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
-    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
-     evaluated when the millisecondClock value passes aMillisecondTime.
-     The process which installs this timed block will be interrupted for 
-     execution of the block.
-     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
-      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
-     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
-     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."     
-    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
+!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
-    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
-     evaluated by aProcess when the millisecondClock value passes 
-     aMillisecondTime. 
-     If that block is already in the timeout list, 
-     its trigger-time is changed.
-     The process specified by the argument, aProcess will be interrupted 
-     for execution of the block. 
-     If aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
-     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
-     If the process is active at trigger time, the interrupt will occur in 
-     whatever method it is executing; if suspended at trigger time, it will be 
-     resumed.
-     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
-     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."     
-    |index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    index := timeoutActionArray identityIndexOf:aBlock startingAt:1.
-    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	index := timeoutArray indexOf:nil.
-	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime.
-	    timeoutActionArray at:index put:aBlock.
-	    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil. 
-	    timeoutProcessArray at:index put:aProcess 
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    timeoutArray := timeoutArray copyWith:aMillisecondTime.
-	    timeoutActionArray := timeoutActionArray copyWith:aBlock.
-	    timeoutSemaphoreArray := timeoutSemaphoreArray copyWith:nil.
-	    timeoutProcessArray := timeoutProcessArray copyWith:aProcess.
-	].
-    ].
-    anyTimeouts := true.
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "remove the argument, aBlock from the list of time-sceduled-blocks."
-    |index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     wasBlocked|
-    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-    index := timeoutActionArray identityIndexOf:aBlock startingAt:1.
-    (index ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-	timeoutArray at:index put:nil.
-	timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil. 
-	timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil.
-	timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil.
-    ].
-    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    "walk through timeouts and evaluate blocks or signal semas that need to be .."
-    |sema now aTime block blocksToEvaluate 
-     processes n "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    anyTimeouts ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    "have to collect the blocks first, then evaluate them. This avoids
-     problems due to newly inserted blocks."
-    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
-    blocksToEvaluate := nil.
-    n := timeoutArray size.
-    anyTimeouts := false.
-    1 to:n do:[:index |
-	aTime := timeoutArray at:index.
-	aTime notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (OperatingSystem millisecondTime:aTime isAfter:now) ifFalse:[
-		"this one should be triggered"
-		sema := timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index.
-		sema notNil ifTrue:[
-		    sema signalOnce.
-		    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    "to support pure-events"
-		    block := timeoutActionArray at:index.
-		    block notNil ifTrue:[
-			blocksToEvaluate isNil ifTrue:[
-			    blocksToEvaluate := OrderedCollection new:10.
-			    processes := OrderedCollection new:10.
-			].
-			blocksToEvaluate add:block.
-			processes add:(timeoutProcessArray at:index).
-			timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil.
-			timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil.
-		    ]
-		].
-		timeoutArray at:index put:nil.
-	    ] ifTrue:[
-		anyTimeouts := true
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    blocksToEvaluate notNil ifTrue:[
-	blocksToEvaluate keysAndValuesDo:[:index :block |
-	    |p|
-	    p := processes at:index.
-	    (p isNil or:[p == scheduler or:[PureEventDriven]]) ifTrue:[
-		block value
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		p interruptWith:block
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.53 1995-12-07 21:29:55 cg Exp $'
 ! !
+ProcessorScheduler initialize!