changeset 6078 13d651d69246
parent 6021 3fe69dd0d081
child 6082 55dba32ef74e
--- a/	Mon Oct 08 11:17:34 2001 +0200
+++ b/	Mon Oct 08 11:18:15 2001 +0200
@@ -714,997 +714,12 @@
     ^ newClass
     "Modified: 1.4.1997 / 15:44:50 / stefan"
-xx_name:newName in:aSystemDictionaryOrClass
-             subclassOf:aClass
-             instanceVariableNames:stringOfInstVarNames
-             variable:variableBoolean
-             words:wordsBoolean
-             pointers:pointersBoolean
-             classVariableNames:stringOfClassVarNames
-             poolDictionaries:stringOfPoolNames
-             category:categoryString
-             comment:commentString
-             changed:changed
-             classInstanceVariableNames:stringOfClassInstVarNamesOrNil
-    "this is the main workhorse for installing new classes - special care
-     has to be taken, when changing an existing classes definition. In this
-     case, some or all of the methods and subclasses methods have to be
-     recompiled.
-     Also, the old class(es) are still kept (but not accessable as a global),
-     to allow existing instances some life. 
-     This might change in the future.
-    "
-    |newClass newMetaclass nInstVars nameString classSymbol nameKey oldClass 
-     classVarChange instVarChange superClassChange newComment
-     changeSet1 changeSet2 addedNames
-     anyChange oldInstVars newInstVars oldClassVars newClassVars superFlags newFlags
-     pkg oldPkg idx spec nClassInstVars 
-     realNewName thisIsPrivate oldCIVNames newCIVNames nsName namespace
-     oldSuperClass newSuperClass oldCategory
-     recompileGlobalAccessTo stringOfClassInstVarNames answer
-     oldClassToBecomeNew|
-    "NOTICE:
-     this method is too complex and should be splitted into managable pieces ...
-     I dont like it anymore :-) 
-     (well, at least, its a good test for the compilers ability 
-      to handle big, complex methods ;-)
-     take it as an example of bad coding style ...
-     ST-80 uses a ClassBuilder object to collect the work and perform all updates;
-     this method may be changed to do something similar in the future ...
-    "
-    (newName isSymbol not
-    or:[newName size == 0]) ifTrue:[
-        self error:'invalid class name (must be a nonEmpty symbol)'.
-    ].
-    newName first isLetter ifFalse:[
-        self error:'invalid class name (must start with a letter)'.
-    ].
-    "check for invalid subclassing of UndefinedObject and SmallInteger"
-    aClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        aClass canBeSubclassed ifFalse:[
-            self error:('it is not possible to subclass ' , aClass name).
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/ owner must be loaded
-    (aSystemDictionaryOrClass notNil and:[aSystemDictionaryOrClass isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
-        aSystemDictionaryOrClass autoload
-    ].
-    (stringOfInstVarNames size > 0
-    or:[stringOfClassVarNames size > 0]) ifTrue:[
-        "
-         Check for invalid variable names (duplicates)
-        "
-        (self 
-            checkValidVarNamesFor:newName
-            subClassOf:aClass
-            instVarNames:stringOfInstVarNames 
-            classVarNames:stringOfClassVarNames) 
-        ifFalse:[
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        nInstVars := stringOfInstVarNames countWords.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        nInstVars := 0.
-    ].
-    nameString := newName asString.
-    classSymbol := newName asSymbol.
-    newComment := commentString.
-    namespace := aSystemDictionaryOrClass.
-    nameKey := classSymbol.
-    (namespace notNil
-    and:[namespace isNameSpace not]) ifTrue:[
-        thisIsPrivate := true.
-        realNewName := (namespace name , '::' , classSymbol) asSymbol.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        thisIsPrivate := false.
-        realNewName := classSymbol.
-        "/ does the name imply a nameSpace ?
-        ((idx := realNewName indexOf:$:)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            "/ check for this namespace to exist
-            nsName := realNewName copyTo:(idx - 1).
-            nsName := nsName asSymbol.
-            (realNewName indexOf:$: startingAt:(idx+2)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                self warn:('nested namespaces are not (yet) implemented.') withCRs.
-                ^ nil
-            ].
-            namespace := Smalltalk at:nsName ifAbsent:nil.
-            namespace isNameSpace ifFalse:[
-                namespace isNil ifTrue:[
-                    (Class createNameSpaceQuerySignal query
-                    or:[(self 
-                            confirm:('nonexistent namespace: `' , nsName , '''.\\Create ?') withCRs)])
-                    ifFalse:[^ nil].
-                    namespace := NameSpace name:nsName.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self warn:('a global named ' , nsName , ' exists, but is no namespace.') withCRs.
-                    ^ nil
-                ]
-            ].
-            namespace isNameSpace ifTrue:[
-                nameKey := (classSymbol copyFrom:(nsName size + 3)) asSymbol.
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (namespace notNil and:[namespace ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
-                realNewName := (namespace name , '::' , classSymbol) asSymbol.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    (aClass notNil and:[realNewName = aClass name]) ifTrue:[
-        self error:'trying to create circular class definition'.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    "look, if it already exists as a class"
-    namespace notNil ifTrue:[
-        thisIsPrivate ifFalse:[
-            oldClass := namespace at:nameKey ifAbsent:[nil].
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            oldClass := namespace privateClassesAt:classSymbol.
-        ]
-    ].
-    (oldClass isBehavior and:[oldClass isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
-        oldClassToBecomeNew := oldClass
-    ].
-    (oldClass isBehavior and:[oldClass isLoaded]) ifFalse:[
-        oldClass := nil.
-        thisIsPrivate ifTrue:[
-            Compiler warnSTXSpecials ifTrue:[
-                (self confirm:('support for private classes is an ST/X extension.\\continue ?') withCRs)
-                ifFalse:[^ nil].
-            ]
-        ].
-    ] ifTrue:[
-        oldClass name ~= realNewName ifTrue:[
-            (self confirm:(classSymbol , ' is an alias for ' , oldClass name , '\\continue ?') withCRs)
-            ifFalse:[^ nil].
-            oldClass := nil
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/
-            "/ some consisteny checks
-            "/
-            oldClass allSuperclasses do:[:cls |
-                cls name = realNewName ifTrue:[
-                    self error:'trying to create circular class definition'.
-                    ^ nil
-                ]
-            ].
-            aClass notNil ifTrue:[
-                aClass allSuperclasses do:[:cls |
-                    cls name = realNewName ifTrue:[
-                        self error:'trying to create circular class definition'.
-                        ^ nil
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
-            newComment isNil ifTrue:[
-                newComment := oldClass comment
-            ].
-            "
-             warn, if it exists with different category and different instvars,
-             and the existing is not an autoload class.
-             Usually, this indicates that someone wants to create a new class with
-             a name, which already exists (it happened a few times to myself, while 
-             I wanted to create a new class called ReturnNode ...).
-             This will be much less of a problem, once multiple name spaces are
-             implemented and classes can be put into separate packages.
-            "
-            oldClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
-                oldClass category ~= categoryString ifTrue:[
-                    oldClass instanceVariableString asCollectionOfWords 
-                    ~= stringOfInstVarNames asCollectionOfWords ifTrue:[
-                        (self confirm:'a class named ' , oldClass name , 
-                                      ' already exists -\\create (i.e. change) anyway ?' withCRs)
-                        ifFalse:[
-                            ^ nil
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            "/
-            "/ hints - warn, if creating a variableSubclass of a Set
-            "/ (common error - containers in ST/X do not use variable-slots)
-            "/
-            ((variableBoolean == true) and:[pointersBoolean]) ifTrue:[
-                (oldClass isKindOf:Set class) ifTrue:[
-                    (self confirm:'ST/X Set & Dictionary are not variable-classes\create anyway ?' withCRs)
-                    ifFalse:[
-                        ^ nil
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/ Check for some 'considered bad-style' things, like lower case names.
-    "/ But only do these checks for new classes - 
-    "/ - thus, once confirmed, the warnings will not come again and again.
-    "/ NOTICE:
-    "/ I dont like the confirmers there - we need a notifying: argument, to give
-    "/ the outer codeview a chance to highlight the error.
-    "/ (but thats how its defined in the book - maybe I will change anyway).
-    "/ - or use upQueries in future versions.
-    oldClass isNil ifTrue:[
-        (stringOfInstVarNames size > 0
-        or:[stringOfClassVarNames size > 0]) ifTrue:[
-            (self 
-                checkConventionsFor:newName
-                subClassOf:aClass
-                instVarNames:stringOfInstVarNames 
-                classVarNames:stringOfClassVarNames) 
-            ifFalse:[
-                ^ nil
-            ]
-        ].
-        (self
-            checkInstvarRedefsWith:stringOfInstVarNames 
-            subclassOf:aClass 
-            old:oldClass 
-            name:newName) ifFalse:[^ nil].
-    ].
-    stringOfClassInstVarNamesOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-        oldClass isNil ifTrue:[
-            stringOfClassInstVarNames := ''
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            stringOfClassInstVarNames := oldClass class instanceVariableString
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        stringOfClassInstVarNames := stringOfClassInstVarNamesOrNil
-    ].
-    nClassInstVars := stringOfClassInstVarNames countWords.
-    "create the metaclass first"
-    thisIsPrivate ifTrue:[
-        newMetaclass := PrivateMetaclass new
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        newMetaclass := Metaclass new.
-    ].
-    aClass isNil ifTrue:[
-        newMetaclass setSuperclass:Class.
-        newMetaclass instSize:(Class instSize + nClassInstVars).
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        newMetaclass setSuperclass:(aClass class).
-        newMetaclass instSize:(aClass class instSize + nClassInstVars).
-    ].
-"/    newMetaclass classVariableString:''.
-    newMetaclass setInstanceVariableString:stringOfClassInstVarNames.
-    "then let the new meta create the class"
-    newClass := newMetaclass new.
-    newClass setSuperclass:aClass.
-    aClass isNil ifTrue:[
-        newClass instSize:nInstVars.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        newClass instSize:(aClass instSize + nInstVars).
-    ].
-    thisIsPrivate ifTrue:[
-        "/ some private class
-        newMetaclass setOwningClass:namespace.
-    ].
-    (namespace notNil 
-    and:[namespace ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
-        newClass setName:realNewName.
-        "/
-        "/ if that key exists in smalltalk,
-        "/ must recompile everything in that nameSpace,
-        "/ which refers to the unprefixed global.
-        "/
-        recompileGlobalAccessTo := nameKey.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        newClass setName:classSymbol.
-        recompileGlobalAccessTo := nil.
-    ].
-    newClass setComment:newComment category:categoryString.
-    oldClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ copy over classInstanceVariables
-        "/ but not those inherited from class
-        oldCIVNames := oldClass class allInstVarNames asSet.
-        newCIVNames := newClass class allInstVarNames asSet.
-        Class class allInstVarNames do:[:n |
-             oldCIVNames remove:n ifAbsent:nil.
-             newCIVNames remove:n ifAbsent:nil.
-        ].
-        newCIVNames size > 0 ifTrue:[
-"/            Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/                Transcript show:'preserving classInstVar values: '; showCR:newCIVNames.
-"/            ].
-            newCIVNames do:[:n |
-                (oldCIVNames includes:n) ifTrue:[
-                    newClass instVarNamed:n put:(oldClass instVarNamed:n)
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    "/ set the new classes package
-    "/ but be careful here ...
-    oldClass isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ new classes get the current package ...
-        pkg := Class packageQuerySignal query.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        newClass setClassFilename:(oldClass classFilename).
-        oldPkg := oldClass package.
-        oldClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-            "/ autoloaded classes get the package of the autoload stub ...
-            pkg := oldPkg
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            "/ not autoloading, check for packageRedef ...
-            pkg := Class packageQuerySignal query.
-            oldPkg ~= pkg ifTrue:[
-                newClass package:pkg.
-                answer := Class classRedefinitionSignal
-                              raiseRequestWith:(oldClass -> newClass)
-                              errorString:('redefinition of class: ' , oldClass name).
-                answer == #keep ifTrue:[
-                    "/ keep old package
-                    pkg := oldPkg.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    answer ~~ #continue ifTrue:[
-                        "/ cancel
-                        ^ nil
-                    ].
-                    "/ take new package
-                ].
-            ].
-            newClass setBinaryRevision:(oldClass binaryRevision).
-        ].
-    ].
-    pkg notNil ifTrue:[
-"/ Transcript showCR:('set package of class: ' , newClass name , ' to ' , pkg printString).
-        newClass package:pkg.
-    ].
-    "/ Allowing non-booleans as variableBoolean
-    "/ is a hack for backward (ST-80) compatibility:
-    "/ ST-80 code will pass true or false as variableBoolean,
-    "/ while ST/X also calls it with symbols such as #float, #double etc.
-    (variableBoolean == true) ifTrue:[
-        pointersBoolean ifTrue:[
-            newFlags := Behavior flagPointers
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            wordsBoolean ifTrue:[
-                newFlags := Behavior flagWords
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                newFlags := Behavior flagBytes
-            ]
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "/ false or symbol.
-        newFlags := Behavior flagForSymbolic:variableBoolean.
-    ].
-    aClass isNil ifTrue:[
-        superFlags := 0
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        superFlags := aClass flags bitAnd:(Behavior maskIndexType bitInvert). "preserve other bits"
-    ].
-    oldClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        oldClass isBuiltInClass ifTrue:[
-            "
-             special care when redefining Method, Block and other built-in classes,
-             which might have other flag bits ...
-            "
-            newFlags := newFlags bitOr:(oldClass flags bitAnd:(Behavior maskIndexType bitInvert))
-        ]
-    ].
-    newClass flags:(newFlags bitOr:superFlags). "preserve  inherited special bits"
-    (nInstVars ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-        newClass setInstanceVariableString:stringOfInstVarNames
-    ].
-    oldClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ setting first will make new class clear obsolete classvars
-        newClass setClassVariableString:(oldClass classVariableString).
-        (spec := oldClass primitiveSpec) notNil ifTrue:[
-            newClass primitiveSpec:spec.
-            newClass setClassFilename:(oldClass classFilename).
-        ]        
-    ].
-    newClass classVariableString:stringOfClassVarNames.
-    "/ for new classes, we are almost done here
-    "/ (also for autoloaded classes)
-    (oldClass isNil or:[oldClass isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
-        (oldClass isNil and:[changed]) ifTrue:[
-            aClass ~~ Autoload ifTrue:[
-                newClass addChangeRecordForClass:newClass.
-            ]
-        ].
-        commentString notNil ifTrue:[
-            newClass comment:commentString
-        ].
-        namespace notNil ifTrue:[
-            thisIsPrivate ifTrue:[
-                namespace privateClassesAt:classSymbol put:newClass.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                namespace at:nameKey put:newClass.
-            ]
-        ].
-"/        oldClass isNil ifTrue:[
-"/            newClass package:(Class packageQuerySignal query)
-"/        ].
-        oldClass notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ since we changed the classes inheritance (from Autoloaded)
-            "/ actually, could optimize to:
-            "/  Behavior updateSuperclassInfoFor:oldClass superclass.
-            "/  Behavior updateSuperclassInfoFor:newClass superclass.
-            Behavior flushSubclassInfo.
-        ].
-        oldClassToBecomeNew notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ old was an autoloaded class - make it the new one
-            "/ and flush ...
-            oldClassToBecomeNew class becomeSameAs:newClass class.
-            oldClassToBecomeNew becomeSameAs:newClass.
-            ObjectMemory flushCaches.
-        ].
-        Smalltalk changed:#newClass with:newClass.
-        namespace notNil ifTrue:[
-            thisIsPrivate ifTrue:[
-                namespace changed.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                namespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                    namespace changed:#newClass with:newClass.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        "/ be very careful, when adding classes
-        "/ to a namespace or adding a privateClass. 
-        "/ When adding, all methods within that namespace/owning class
-        "/ which access the unprefixed-global,
-        "/ must be recompiled (so they access the new class)
-        recompileGlobalAccessTo notNil ifTrue:[
-            self recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:recompileGlobalAccessTo
-                 in:namespace
-                 except:newClass.
-        ].
-        (thisIsPrivate 
-        and:[newClass owningClass nameSpace notNil]) ifTrue:[
-            "/ namespace is a class; 
-            "/ if this owner is itself in a namespace,
-            "/ must recompile all from owners namespace
-            "/ accessing the new class (without namespace prefix)
-            self recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:(newClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix asSymbol)
-                 in:(newClass owningClass nameSpace)
-                 except:newClass.
-        ].
-        ^ newClass
-    ].
-    "/ here comes the hard part - we are actually changing the
-    "/ definition of an existing class ....
-    "/ Try hard to get away WITHOUT recompiling, since it makes all
-    "/ compiled code into interpreted ...
-    oldInstVars := oldClass instanceVariableString asCollectionOfWords.
-    newInstVars := newClass instanceVariableString asCollectionOfWords.
-    oldClassVars := oldClass classVariableString asCollectionOfWords.
-    newClassVars := newClass classVariableString asCollectionOfWords.
-    oldSuperClass := oldClass superclass.
-    newSuperClass := newClass superclass.
-    superClassChange := oldSuperClass ~~ newSuperClass.
-    "/ we are on the bright side of life, if the instance layout and
-    "/ inheritance do not change.
-    "/ In this case, we can go ahead and patch the class object.
-    "/ (only comment and/or classVars have changed)
-    superClassChange ifFalse:[
-      (oldClass instSize == newClass instSize) ifTrue:[
-        (oldClass flags == newClass flags) ifTrue:[
-          (oldClass name = newClass name) ifTrue:[
-            (oldInstVars = newInstVars) ifTrue:[
-              (newComment ~= oldClass comment) ifTrue:[
-                  oldClass setComment:newComment.        "writes a change-chunk"
-                  oldClass changed:#comment with:oldClass comment.
-                  changed ifTrue:[
-                      oldClass addChangeRecordForClassComment:oldClass.
-                  ]
-              ]. 
-              "/ mhmh - dont do this here ...
-              "/ ... otherwise, we have to change all methods package info
-              "/ to belong to the old package.
-"/              oldClass package:pkg.
-              (oldClassVars = newClassVars) ifTrue:[
-                  "/ really no change (just comment and/or category)
-                  anyChange := false.
-                  oldClass setInstanceVariableString:(newClass instanceVariableString).
-                  oldClass setClassVariableString:(newClass classVariableString).
-                  oldClass category ~= categoryString ifTrue:[
-                      oldClass category:categoryString. 
-                      changed ifTrue:[
-                          newClass addChangeRecordForClass:newClass.
-                      ].    
-                      namespace notNil ifTrue:[
-                          thisIsPrivate ifFalse:[
-                              "notify change of category"
-                              namespace changed:#organization.
-                              namespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                                  Smalltalk changed:#organization.
-                              ]
-                          ]
-                      ]
-                  ].
-                  "notify change of class"
-"/                oldClass changed.
-                  ^ oldClass
-              ].
-              "/ when we arrive here, class variables have changed
-              oldClass category ~= categoryString ifTrue:[
-                  "notify change of organization"
-                  oldClass category:categoryString. 
-                  namespace notNil ifTrue:[
-                      thisIsPrivate ifFalse:[ 
-                          "notify change of organization"
-                          namespace changed:#organization.
-                          namespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                              Smalltalk changed:#organization.
-                          ]
-                      ]
-                  ].
-              ].
-              "/ set class variable string; 
-              "/ this also updates the set of class variables
-              "/ by creating new / deleting obsolete ones.
-              oldClass classVariableString:stringOfClassVarNames.
-              "
-               get the set of changed class variables
-              "
-              changeSet1 := Set new.
-              oldClassVars do:[:nm |
-                  (newClassVars includes:nm) ifFalse:[
-                      "/ a removed classVar;
-                      "/ must recompile methods accessing that one:
-                      "/ access was: classVar; now: global.
-                      changeSet1 add:nm
-                  ]
-              ].
-              newClassVars do:[:nm |
-                  (oldClassVars includes:nm) ifFalse:[
-                      "/ an added classVar;
-                      "/ must recompile methods accessing that one:
-                      "/ access was: global; now: classVar.
-                      "/ but only, if such a global existed in the first
-                      "/ place. (otherwise, it is a brand-new name)
-"/ cg: no, this is not a good check.
-"/                      (Smalltalk includesKey:nm asSymbol) ifTrue:[
-                          changeSet1 add:nm
-"/                      ]  
-                  ]
-              ].
-              changeSet1 notEmpty ifTrue:[
-                  "/ recompile all methods accessing set of changed classvars
-                  "/ here and also in all subclasses ...
-                  "/ dont update change file for the recompilation
-                  Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-"/                      Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/                          Transcript showCR:'recompiling class & inst methods accessing ' , changeSet1 printString.
-"/                          Transcript endEntry.
-"/                      ].
-                      oldClass withAllSubclasses do:[:aClass |
-                          aClass class recompileMethodsAccessingAnyClassvarOrGlobal:changeSet1.
-                          aClass recompileMethodsAccessingAnyClassvarOrGlobal:changeSet1.
-                      ].
-                  ].
-              ].
-              "notify change of class"
-              changed ifTrue:[
-                  oldClass addChangeRecordForClass:oldClass.
-              ].  
-              oldClass changed:#definition.
-              namespace changed:#classDefinition with:oldClass.
-              namespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                  Smalltalk changed:#classDefinition with:oldClass.
-              ].
-              ^ oldClass
-            ]
-          ]
-        ]
-      ]
-    ].
-    "/ here we enter the darkness of mordor ...
-    "/ since instance variable layout and/or inheritance has changed.
-    (newComment ~= oldClass comment) ifTrue:[
-        newClass comment:newComment
-    ].
-    "/ dont allow built-in classes to be modified this way
-    (oldClass notNil and:[oldClass isBuiltInClass and:[superClassChange]]) ifTrue:[
-        self error:'the inheritance of this class is fixed - you cannot change it'.
-        ^ oldClass
-    ].
-    "/ since we will change the inheritance of some class(es)
-    Behavior flushSubclassInfo.
-    "/ catch special case, where superclass changed its layout and thus
-    "/ forced redefinition of this class; 
-    "/ only log if this is not the case.
-    changed ifTrue:[
-        (superClassChange 
-         and:[(oldSuperClass isNil or:[newSuperClass notNil and:[oldSuperClass name = newSuperClass name]])
-         and:[(oldClassVars = newClassVars) 
-         and:[(oldInstVars = newInstVars)
-         and:[newComment = oldClass comment]]]]) ifFalse:[
-            newClass addChangeRecordForClass:newClass.
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/ care for class methods ...
-    changeSet1 := Set new.
-    classVarChange := false.
-    superClassChange ifTrue:[
-        (oldSuperClass notNil
-        and:[newSuperClass notNil
-        and:[oldSuperClass allClassVarNames = newSuperClass allClassVarNames
-        and:[oldSuperClass name = newSuperClass name
-        and:[oldClassVars = newClassVars]]]])
-        ifTrue:[
-"/            Transcript showCR:'keep class methods (same classvars)'.
-"/            Transcript endEntry.
-            "/ class methods still work
-            self copyMethodsFrom:(oldClass class) for:newMetaclass.
-"/            Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/                Transcript showCR:'recompiling class methods accessing super ...'.
-"/                Transcript endEntry.
-"/            ].
-            "/ however, those accessing super must be recompiled
-            self copyInvalidatedMethodsFrom:(oldClass class) 
-                                        for:newMetaclass 
-                               accessingAny:#()
-                                    orSuper:true.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ superclass changed:
-            "/  must recompile all class methods accessing ANY classvar
-            "/  (actually, we could be less strict and handle the case where
-            "/   both the old and the new superclass have a common ancestor,
-            "/   and both have no new classvariables in between.
-            "/   This would speedup the case when a class is inserted into
-            "/   the inheritance chain.)
-            oldClass allClassVarNames do:[:nm | changeSet1 add:nm].
-            newClass allClassVarNames do:[:nm | changeSet1 add:nm].
-"/            Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/                Transcript showCR:'recompiling class methods accessing any classvar or super ...'.
-"/                Transcript endEntry.
-"/            ].
-            self copyInvalidatedMethodsFrom:(oldClass class) 
-                                        for:newMetaclass 
-                               accessingAny:changeSet1
-                                    orSuper:true.
-        ].
-        newMetaclass recompileInvalidatedMethods.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "/ same superclass, find out which classvars have changed
-        classVarChange := oldClassVars ~= newClassVars.
-        classVarChange ifTrue:[
-            oldClassVars do:[:nm |
-                (newClassVars includes:nm) ifFalse:[
-                    changeSet1 add:nm
-                ]
-            ].
-            newClassVars do:[:nm |
-                (oldClassVars includes:nm) ifFalse:[
-                    changeSet1 add:nm
-                ]
-            ].
-            "/ must recompile some class-methods
-"/            Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/                Transcript showCR:'recompiling class methods accessing ' , changeSet1 printString.
-"/                Transcript endEntry.
-"/            ].
-            self copyInvalidatedMethodsFrom:(oldClass class) for:newMetaclass accessingAny:changeSet1.
-            newMetaclass recompileInvalidatedMethods.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ class methods still work
-            self copyMethodsFrom:(oldClass class) for:newMetaclass
-        ].
-    ].
-    "/ care for instance methods ...
-    superClassChange ifTrue:[
-        "/ superclass changed,
-        "/  must recompile all methods accessing any class or instvar.
-        "/  If number of instvars (i.e. the instances instSize) is the same,
-        "/  we can limit the set of recompiled instance methods to those methods,
-        "/  which refer to an instvar with a different inst-index
-        "/ the changeset consists of instance variables, 
-        "/ with a different position
-        changeSet2 := self differentInstanceVariableOffsetsIn:oldClass and:newClass.
-        "/ merge in the changed class variables
-        changeSet1 do:[:nm | changeSet2 add:nm].
-"/        Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/             Transcript showCR:'recompiling instance methods accessing ' , changeSet2 printString , ' [superclass change]...'.
-"/             Transcript endEntry.
-"/        ].
-        self copyInvalidatedMethodsFrom:oldClass 
-                                    for:newClass 
-                           accessingAny:changeSet2
-                                orSuper:true.
-        newClass recompileInvalidatedMethods.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "/ same inheritance ...
-        instVarChange := oldInstVars ~= newInstVars.
-        instVarChange ifFalse:[
-            "/ same instance variables ...
-            classVarChange ifTrue:[
-                "recompile all inst methods accessing changed classvars"
-"/                Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/                    Transcript showCR:'recompiling instance methods accessing classvars ' , changeSet1 printString , ' ...'.
-"/                    Transcript endEntry.
-"/                ].
-                self copyInvalidatedMethodsFrom:oldClass for:newClass accessingAny:changeSet1.
-                newClass recompileInvalidatedMethods.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                "/ instance methods still work
-                self copyMethodsFrom:oldClass for:newClass
-            ]
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            "/ dont allow built-in classes to be modified
-            (oldClass notNil and:[oldClass isBuiltInClass and:[instVarChange]]) ifTrue:[
-                self error:'the layout of this class is fixed - you cannot change it'.
-                ^ oldClass
-            ].
-            ((oldInstVars size == 0) 
-            or:[newInstVars startsWith:oldInstVars]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ only new inst variable(s) has/have been added - 
-                "/ old methods still work (the existing inst-indices are still valid)
-"/                Transcript showCR:'copying methods ...'.
-"/                Transcript endEntry.
-                self copyMethodsFrom:oldClass for:newClass.
-                "/ but: we have to recompile all methods accessing new instars
-                "/ (it might have been a classVar/global before ...)
-                addedNames := newInstVars select:[:nm | (oldInstVars includes:nm) not].
-                "merge in class variables"
-                changeSet1 do:[:nm | addedNames add:nm].
-"/                Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/                    Transcript showCR:'recompiling instance methods accessing ' , addedNames printString ,  '... [added instvars]'.
-"/                    Transcript endEntry.
-"/                ].
-                newClass recompileMethodsAccessingAny:addedNames.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                "/ the changeset consists of instance variables, 
-                "/ with a different position
-                changeSet2 := self differentInstanceVariableOffsetsIn:oldClass and:newClass.
-                "merge in the class variables"
-                changeSet1 do:[:nm | changeSet2 add:nm].
-"/                Smalltalk silentLoading ifFalse:[
-"/                    Transcript showCR:'recompiling instance methods accessing ' , changeSet2 printString , ' ... [changed instvars]'.
-"/                    Transcript endEntry.
-"/                ].
-                self copyInvalidatedMethodsFrom:oldClass for:newClass accessingAny:changeSet2.
-                newClass recompileInvalidatedMethods.
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    "/ finally, if the oldClass came from a dynamically loaded
-    "/ classLibrary, we must recompile the methods in the newClass.
-    "/ otherwise, the methods code will vanish when the old (obsolete)
-    "/ class eventually vanishes ...
-    self recompileMachineCodeMethodsIn:newClass.
-    (oldPkg notNil and:[oldPkg ~= pkg]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ we have to change all methods package info
-        "/ to belong to the old package.
-        newClass allSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
-            mthd setPackage:oldPkg
-        ].
-    ].
-    "/ WOW, everything done for this class
-    "/ what about subclasses ?
-    "/ update superclass of immediate subclasses - 
-    "/ this forces recompilation (recursively) if needed
-    "/ (dont update change file for the subclass changes)
-    Class classRedefinitionSignal answer:#keep do:[
-        Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-            oldClass subclasses copy do:[:aClass |
-"/                Transcript showCR:'changing superclass of:' , aClass name.
-"/                Transcript endEntry.
-                aClass superclass:newClass
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/ change any private subclasses' owners
-    oldClass privateClassesDo:[:aClass |
-        aClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
-            aClass class setOwningClass:newClass
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/ change category in oldClass - so we see immediately what it is ...
-    oldCategory := oldClass category.
-    oldClass category:#'* obsolete *'.
-    oldClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[ Autoload removeClass:oldClass ].
-    Smalltalk flushCachedClass:oldClass.
-    "/ and make the new class globally known
-    namespace notNil ifTrue:[
-        thisIsPrivate ifTrue:[
-            namespace privateClassesAt:classSymbol put:newClass.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            namespace at:nameKey put:newClass.
-            oldCategory ~= categoryString ifTrue:[
-                "notify change of organization"
-                namespace changed:#organization.
-                namespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                    Smalltalk changed:#organization.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    "/ Not becoming the old class creates some update problems;
-    "/ the browsers must check carefully - a simple identity compare is
-    "/ not enough ...
-    "/ QUESTION: is this a good idea ?
-    newClass dependents:(oldClass dependents).
-    newClass changed:#definition.
-    "just to make certain ... - tell dependents of oldClass, that something changed
-     (systemBrowsers will react on this, and update their views)"
-    oldClass changed:#definition with:newClass.
-    namespace changed:#classDefinition with:newClass.
-    namespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-        Smalltalk changed:#classDefinition with:newClass.
-    ].
-    ObjectMemory flushCaches.
-    oldClass ~~ newClass ifTrue:[
-        namespace notNil ifTrue:[
-            thisIsPrivate ifFalse:[
-                namespace == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                    self checkForAliasesOf:oldClass with:newClass.
-                ].
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ newClass
-    "Created: / 26.5.1996 / 11:55:26 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 18.3.1999 / 18:23:31 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 13.2.2000 / 22:59:57 / cg"
 ! !
 !Metaclass methodsFor:'enumerating'!
-    myClass allSelectorsAndMethodsDo:aTwoArgBlock
+    myClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:aTwoArgBlock
 ! !
 !Metaclass methodsFor:'fileOut'!
@@ -2270,6 +1285,6 @@
 !Metaclass class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.179 2001-09-10 14:15:21 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.180 2001-10-08 09:17:50 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 Metaclass initialize!