changeset 20582 1f21182eba5b
parent 20567 63266d711ad0
child 20584 301fc226c29a
--- a/	Mon Oct 10 09:31:43 2016 +0200
+++ b/	Mon Oct 10 09:32:01 2016 +0200
@@ -5090,12 +5090,12 @@
     "Modified: / 08-08-2006 / 15:46:05 / fm"
     "template for the info.plist file, which is included in an OS X deployment"
-    (plist := self info_dot_plist_dictionary) isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    (plist := self osx_info_dot_plist_dictionary) isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
     ^ MacPlistXMLCoder encode:plist     
@@ -5103,53 +5103,6 @@
-    "template for the info.plist file, which is included in an OS X deployment"
-    |plist pkg icnFilename docTypeDescriptions|
-    plist := Dictionary new.
-    plist at:'CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion' put:'6.0'.
-    pkg := self package copyReplaceAny:':/' with:$..
-    (pkg endsWith:'.application') ifTrue:[
-        pkg := pkg copyButLast:'.application' size.
-    ].    
-    plist at:'CFBundleIdentifier' put:pkg.
-    plist at:'CFBundleShortVersionString' put:(self fileVersion asString).
-    plist at:'CFBundleVersion' put:(self fileVersion asString).
-    plist at:'LSMinimumSystemVersion' put:'10.6'.
-    "/ plist at:'CFBundleDevelopmentRegion' put:'English'.
-    "/ plist at:'CFBundleExecutable' put:(self executableName).
-    self isLibraryDefinition ifTrue:[
-        plist at:'CFBundleName' put:(self package copyReplaceAny:':/' with:$.).
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        plist at:'CFBundleName' put:(self applicationName).
-        plist at:'CFBundlePackageType' put:'APPL'.
-    ].    
-    (icnFilename := self applicationIconFileNameOSX) notNil ifTrue:[    
-        plist at:'CFBundleIconFile' put:icnFilename.
-    ].
-    (docTypeDescriptions := self applicationDocumentTypeDescriptions) notNil ifTrue:[
-        plist at:'CFBundleDocumentTypes' put:
-            (docTypeDescriptions collect:[:each |
-                |d|
-                d := Dictionary new.
-                d at:'CFBundleTypeExtensions' put:{ each extension }.
-                d at:'CFBundleTypeIconFile' put:{ each iconFileOSX }.
-                d at:'CFBundleTypeMimeTypes' put:{ each mimeType }.
-                d at:'CFBundleTypeName' put:(each documentTypeName).
-                d at:'CFBundleTypeRole' put:'Editor'.
-                d
-            ]).
-    ].        
-    ^ plist
-    "
-     exept_expecco_application info_dot_plist
-    "
     "the template code for the lccmake.bat file"
@@ -5305,6 +5258,53 @@
     "Modified: / 23-08-2006 / 11:11:38 / cg"
+    "template for the info.plist file, which is included in an OS X deployment"
+    |plist pkg icnFilename docTypeDescriptions|
+    plist := Dictionary new.
+    plist at:'CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion' put:'6.0'.
+    pkg := self package copyReplaceAny:':/' with:$..
+    (pkg endsWith:'.application') ifTrue:[
+        pkg := pkg copyButLast:'.application' size.
+    ].    
+    plist at:'CFBundleIdentifier' put:pkg.
+    plist at:'CFBundleShortVersionString' put:(self fileVersion asString).
+    plist at:'CFBundleVersion' put:(self fileVersion asString).
+    plist at:'LSMinimumSystemVersion' put:'10.6'.
+    "/ plist at:'CFBundleDevelopmentRegion' put:'English'.
+    "/ plist at:'CFBundleExecutable' put:(self executableName).
+    self isLibraryDefinition ifTrue:[
+        plist at:'CFBundleName' put:(self package copyReplaceAny:':/' with:$.).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        plist at:'CFBundleName' put:(self applicationName).
+        plist at:'CFBundlePackageType' put:'APPL'.
+    ].    
+    (icnFilename := self applicationIconFileNameOSX) notNil ifTrue:[    
+        plist at:'CFBundleIconFile' put:icnFilename.
+    ].
+    (docTypeDescriptions := self applicationDocumentTypeDescriptions) notNil ifTrue:[
+        plist at:'CFBundleDocumentTypes' put:
+            (docTypeDescriptions collect:[:each |
+                |d|
+                d := Dictionary new.
+                d at:'CFBundleTypeExtensions' put:{ each extension }.
+                d at:'CFBundleTypeIconFile' put:{ each iconFileOSX }.
+                d at:'CFBundleTypeMimeTypes' put:{ each mimeType }.
+                d at:'CFBundleTypeName' put:(each documentTypeName).
+                d at:'CFBundleTypeRole' put:'Editor'.
+                d
+            ]).
+    ].        
+    ^ plist
+    "
+     exept_expecco_application info_dot_plist
+    "
     "the template code for the <libName>.rc file.
      Only used for WIN"