changeset 13695 278e1b963c87
parent 13694 ff3118874df3
child 13696 814c2dc1a4f8
--- a/	Wed Sep 14 15:39:47 2011 +0200
+++ b/	Wed Sep 14 15:48:16 2011 +0200
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
     "answer all (recursive) prerequisite project ids of myself - in random order."
     ^ self allPreRequisitesWithParentDo:[:parent :prereq |
-        prereq = self package ifTrue:[ Transcript showCR:('oops: %1 depends on itself' bindWith:prereq) ].
+	prereq = self package ifTrue:[ Transcript showCR:('oops: %1 depends on itself' bindWith:prereq) ].
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
     "answer all (recursive) prerequisite project ids of myself - in random order.
-     If we exclude a project, but one of our prerequisite projects depends on it, 
+     If we exclude a project, but one of our prerequisite projects depends on it,
      then what ????"
     |setOfAllPreRequisites toAdd|
@@ -318,34 +318,34 @@
 "/    toAdd addAll:self effectiveSubProjects.
     [toAdd notEmpty] whileTrue:[
-        |aPreRequisiteProjectID def|
-        aPreRequisiteProjectID := toAdd removeFirst.
-        (setOfAllPreRequisites includes:aPreRequisiteProjectID) ifFalse:[
-            setOfAllPreRequisites add:aPreRequisiteProjectID.
-            def := self definitionClassForPackage:aPreRequisiteProjectID.
-            def isNil ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCR:'ProjectDefinition ', aPreRequisiteProjectID, ' is missing - cannot find its preRequisites.'.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                def effectivePreRequisites
-                    select:[:eachSubPreRequisite | (setOfAllPreRequisites includes:eachSubPreRequisite) not]
-                    thenDo:[:eachSubPreRequisite |
-                                Transcript show:'ProjectDefinition preRequisites: '; showCR:(aPreRequisiteProjectID, ' requires ', eachSubPreRequisite).
-                                aBlock value:def value:eachSubPreRequisite.
-                                toAdd add:eachSubPreRequisite
-                           ].
-                "but subprojects of our prerequisites are also prerequisites"
-                def effectiveSubProjects
-                    select:[:eachSubSubRequisite | eachSubSubRequisite ~= self package and:[ (setOfAllPreRequisites includes:eachSubSubRequisite) not ]]
-                    thenDo:[:eachSubSubRequisite |
-                                Transcript show:'ProjectDefinition preRequisites: '; showCR:(aPreRequisiteProjectID, ' hasSub ', eachSubSubRequisite).
-                                aBlock value:def value:eachSubSubRequisite.
-                                toAdd add:eachSubSubRequisite
-                           ].
-            ].
-        ]
+	|aPreRequisiteProjectID def|
+	aPreRequisiteProjectID := toAdd removeFirst.
+	(setOfAllPreRequisites includes:aPreRequisiteProjectID) ifFalse:[
+	    setOfAllPreRequisites add:aPreRequisiteProjectID.
+	    def := self definitionClassForPackage:aPreRequisiteProjectID.
+	    def isNil ifTrue:[
+		Transcript showCR:'ProjectDefinition ', aPreRequisiteProjectID, ' is missing - cannot find its preRequisites.'.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		def effectivePreRequisites
+		    select:[:eachSubPreRequisite | (setOfAllPreRequisites includes:eachSubPreRequisite) not]
+		    thenDo:[:eachSubPreRequisite |
+				Transcript show:'ProjectDefinition preRequisites: '; showCR:(aPreRequisiteProjectID, ' requires ', eachSubPreRequisite).
+				aBlock value:def value:eachSubPreRequisite.
+				toAdd add:eachSubPreRequisite
+			   ].
+		"but subprojects of our prerequisites are also prerequisites"
+		def effectiveSubProjects
+		    select:[:eachSubSubRequisite | eachSubSubRequisite ~= self package and:[ (setOfAllPreRequisites includes:eachSubSubRequisite) not ]]
+		    thenDo:[:eachSubSubRequisite |
+				Transcript show:'ProjectDefinition preRequisites: '; showCR:(aPreRequisiteProjectID, ' hasSub ', eachSubSubRequisite).
+				aBlock value:def value:eachSubSubRequisite.
+				toAdd add:eachSubSubRequisite
+			   ].
+	    ].
+	]
     ^ setOfAllPreRequisites.
@@ -1113,19 +1113,19 @@
     |suite classes|
     suite := TestSuite named:self package.
-    classes := self classes 
-                select:[:each |
-                    each isLoaded ifFalse:[each autoload].
-                    (each isTestCaseLike) and:[ each isAbstract not ] 
-                ].
+    classes := self classes
+		select:[:each |
+		    each isLoaded ifFalse:[each autoload].
+		    (each isTestCaseLike) and:[ each isAbstract not ]
+		].
     classes := classes asSortedCollection:[:a :b | a name <= b name ].
-    classes do: [:eachClass | 
-        | tests |
-        tests := eachClass suite tests.
-        tests := tests reject:[:test|self shouldExcludeTest: test].
-        suite addTests: tests
+    classes do: [:eachClass |
+	| tests |
+	tests := eachClass suite tests.
+	tests := tests reject:[:test|self shouldExcludeTest: test].
+	suite addTests: tests
     ^ suite
@@ -1153,18 +1153,18 @@
     "needs everything else (especially the compiler etc.) to be initialized.
      Therefore, its not invoked by #initialize, but instead explicitely,
      by Smalltalk"
     isStandAloneApp := Smalltalk isStandAloneApp.
     self allSubclassesDo:[:eachProjectDefinitionClass |
-        eachProjectDefinitionClass isAbstract ifFalse:[
-            isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
-                eachProjectDefinitionClass installAutoloadedClasses.
-            ].
-            eachProjectDefinitionClass projectIsLoaded:true.
-        ]
+	eachProjectDefinitionClass isAbstract ifFalse:[
+	    isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
+		eachProjectDefinitionClass installAutoloadedClasses.
+	    ].
+	    eachProjectDefinitionClass projectIsLoaded:true.
+	]
@@ -1182,62 +1182,62 @@
     classesToFixClassFileName := OrderedCollection new.
     self autoloaded_classNames do:[:className |
-        |cls|
-        "/ 'install as autoloaded: ' errorPrint. className errorPrintCR.
-        (cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className) isNil ifTrue:[
-            Error handle:[:ex |
-                (self name,' [warning]: failed to install autoloaded: ',className) errorPrintCR.
-                (self name,' [info]: reason: ',ex description) errorPrintCR.
-                "/ thisContext fullPrintAll.
-            ] do:[
-                cls := Smalltalk
-                    installAutoloadedClassNamed:className
-                    category:'* as yet unknown category *'
-                    package:self package
-                    revision:nil
-            ].
-            cls notNil ifTrue:[
-                classesToFixClassFileName add:cls.
-            ].
-        ].
+	|cls|
+	"/ 'install as autoloaded: ' errorPrint. className errorPrintCR.
+	(cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className) isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Error handle:[:ex |
+		(self name,' [warning]: failed to install autoloaded: ',className) errorPrintCR.
+		(self name,' [info]: reason: ',ex description) errorPrintCR.
+		"/ thisContext fullPrintAll.
+	    ] do:[
+		cls := Smalltalk
+		    installAutoloadedClassNamed:className
+		    category:'* as yet unknown category *'
+		    package:self package
+		    revision:nil
+	    ].
+	    cls notNil ifTrue:[
+		classesToFixClassFileName add:cls.
+	    ].
+	].
     Smalltalk addStartBlock:[
-        |abbrevs|
-        abbrevs := self abbrevs.
-        "/ patch the classFileNames
-        classesToFixClassFileName do:[:cls | 
-            |entry classFilenameFromAbbreviations|
-            entry := abbrevs at:cls name ifAbsent:nil.
-            entry notNil ifTrue:[
-                classFilenameFromAbbreviations := entry fileName.
-                classFilenameFromAbbreviations notNil ifTrue:[
-                    classFilenameFromAbbreviations := classFilenameFromAbbreviations,'.st'.
-                    (classFilenameFromAbbreviations ~= cls getClassFilename) ifTrue:[
-                        cls setClassFilename:classFilenameFromAbbreviations
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ]
-        ].
-        "/ patch the categories
-        Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-            |entry|
-            self classNames do:[:nm | 
-                |cls|
-                ((cls := Smalltalk at: nm) notNil 
-                        and:[ cls isLoaded not 
-                        and:[ (entry := abbrevs at:cls name ifAbsent:[nil]) notNil
-                ]]) ifTrue:[
-                    cls category: (entry category)
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	|abbrevs|
+	abbrevs := self abbrevs.
+	"/ patch the classFileNames
+	classesToFixClassFileName do:[:cls |
+	    |entry classFilenameFromAbbreviations|
+	    entry := abbrevs at:cls name ifAbsent:nil.
+	    entry notNil ifTrue:[
+		classFilenameFromAbbreviations := entry fileName.
+		classFilenameFromAbbreviations notNil ifTrue:[
+		    classFilenameFromAbbreviations := classFilenameFromAbbreviations,'.st'.
+		    (classFilenameFromAbbreviations ~= cls getClassFilename) ifTrue:[
+			cls setClassFilename:classFilenameFromAbbreviations
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ]
+	].
+	"/ patch the categories
+	Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
+	    |entry|
+	    self classNames do:[:nm |
+		|cls|
+		((cls := Smalltalk at: nm) notNil
+			and:[ cls isLoaded not
+			and:[ (entry := abbrevs at:cls name ifAbsent:[nil]) notNil
+		]]) ifTrue:[
+		    cls category: (entry category)
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
@@ -1317,76 +1317,76 @@
     newSpec := OrderedCollection new.
     ignoreOldEntries ifFalse:[
-        oldSpec do:[:oldEntry |
-            |newEntry className cls |
-            newEntry := oldEntry copy.
-            className := newEntry first.
-            (ignored includes:className) ifFalse:[
-                cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
-                ignoreOldDefinition ifTrue:[
-                    (cls notNil and:[cls isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
-                        (newEntry includes:#autoload) ifFalse:[
-                            newEntry := newEntry copyWith:#autoload.
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                ].
-                cls notNil ifTrue:[
-                    "JV @ 2010-06-19
-                     Force merge default class attributes with existing ones"
-                    newEntry := self mergeDefaultClassAttributesFor: cls with: newEntry.
-                    newSpec add:newEntry.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
+	oldSpec do:[:oldEntry |
+	    |newEntry className cls |
+	    newEntry := oldEntry copy.
+	    className := newEntry first.
+	    (ignored includes:className) ifFalse:[
+		cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
+		ignoreOldDefinition ifTrue:[
+		    (cls notNil and:[cls isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
+			(newEntry includes:#autoload) ifFalse:[
+			    newEntry := newEntry copyWith:#autoload.
+			].
+		    ].
+		].
+		cls notNil ifTrue:[
+		    "JV @ 2010-06-19
+		     Force merge default class attributes with existing ones"
+		    newEntry := self mergeDefaultClassAttributesFor: cls with: newEntry.
+		    newSpec add:newEntry.
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
     self searchForClasses do:[:eachClass |
-        |className attributes oldSpecEntry oldAttributes newEntry|
-        className := eachClass name.
-        (ignored includes:className) ifFalse:[
-            oldSpecEntry := oldSpec detect:[:entry | entry first = className] ifNone:nil.
-            (ignoreOldEntries or:[ oldSpecEntry isNil]) ifTrue:[
-                (eachClass isLoaded not or:[eachClass isPrivate not]) ifTrue:[
-                    (self additionalClassNamesAndAttributes includes:className) ifFalse:[
-                        (oldSpecEntry size > 1) ifTrue:[
-                            oldAttributes := oldSpecEntry copyFrom:2.
-                        ].
-                        ignoreOldDefinition ifTrue:[
-                            "take autoload attribute from classes state in the image"
-                            oldAttributes notNil ifTrue:[
-                                attributes := oldAttributes copyWithout:#autoload.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                attributes := #()
-                            ].
-                            eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-                                attributes := attributes copyWith:#autoload.
-                            ].
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            "keep any existing attribute"
-                            oldAttributes notNil ifTrue:[
-                                attributes := oldAttributes.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                attributes := eachClass isLoaded ifTrue:[ #() ] ifFalse:[ #(autoload) ].
-                            ].
-                        ].
-                        "JV @ 2010-06-19
-                         Support fo additional class attributes and programming language attribute"
-                        attributes := self mergeDefaultClassAttributesFor: eachClass with: attributes.
-                        newEntry := Array with:className.
-                        attributes notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                            newEntry := newEntry , attributes.
-                        ].
-                        newSpec add:newEntry
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	|className attributes oldSpecEntry oldAttributes newEntry|
+	className := eachClass name.
+	(ignored includes:className) ifFalse:[
+	    oldSpecEntry := oldSpec detect:[:entry | entry first = className] ifNone:nil.
+	    (ignoreOldEntries or:[ oldSpecEntry isNil]) ifTrue:[
+		(eachClass isLoaded not or:[eachClass isPrivate not]) ifTrue:[
+		    (self additionalClassNamesAndAttributes includes:className) ifFalse:[
+			(oldSpecEntry size > 1) ifTrue:[
+			    oldAttributes := oldSpecEntry copyFrom:2.
+			].
+			ignoreOldDefinition ifTrue:[
+			    "take autoload attribute from classes state in the image"
+			    oldAttributes notNil ifTrue:[
+				attributes := oldAttributes copyWithout:#autoload.
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				attributes := #()
+			    ].
+			    eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
+				attributes := attributes copyWith:#autoload.
+			    ].
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    "keep any existing attribute"
+			    oldAttributes notNil ifTrue:[
+				attributes := oldAttributes.
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				attributes := eachClass isLoaded ifTrue:[ #() ] ifFalse:[ #(autoload) ].
+			    ].
+			].
+			"JV @ 2010-06-19
+			 Support fo additional class attributes and programming language attribute"
+			attributes := self mergeDefaultClassAttributesFor: eachClass with: attributes.
+			newEntry := Array with:className.
+			attributes notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+			    newEntry := newEntry , attributes.
+			].
+			newSpec add:newEntry
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ self classNamesAndAttributes_codeFor:newSpec
@@ -2052,18 +2052,18 @@
      generate a rule to create the header file only."
     ^ String streamContents:[:s |
-        (self extensionClassesWithSuperclasses:true) do:[:eachExtendedClass |
-            |headerFileDirPath baseFilename|
-            (eachExtendedClass isLoaded not or:[eachExtendedClass wasAutoloaded]) ifTrue:[
-                headerFileDirPath := self perform:pathConverter with:eachExtendedClass package.
-                baseFilename := self filenameForClass:eachExtendedClass.
-                s nextPutAll:(template
-                    bindWith:headerFileDirPath
-                    with:baseFilename).
-            ]
-        ].
+	(self extensionClassesWithSuperclasses:true) do:[:eachExtendedClass |
+	    |headerFileDirPath baseFilename|
+	    (eachExtendedClass isLoaded not or:[eachExtendedClass wasAutoloaded]) ifTrue:[
+		headerFileDirPath := self perform:pathConverter with:eachExtendedClass package.
+		baseFilename := self filenameForClass:eachExtendedClass.
+		s nextPutAll:(template
+		    bindWith:headerFileDirPath
+		    with:baseFilename).
+	    ]
+	].
     "Created: / 12-09-2011 / 16:23:52 / cg"
@@ -2072,9 +2072,9 @@
     "rules for header files (of autoloaded classes)"
-    ^ self 
-        additionalHeaderRulesUsingTemplate:(self singleHeaderRuleTemplate_bc_dot_mak)
-        pathConverter:#pathToPackage_win32:
+    ^ self
+	additionalHeaderRulesUsingTemplate:(self singleHeaderRuleTemplate_bc_dot_mak)
+	pathConverter:#pathToPackage_win32:
     "Created: / 12-09-2011 / 15:44:09 / cg"
@@ -2082,9 +2082,9 @@
     "rules for header files (of autoloaded classes)"
-    ^ self 
-        additionalHeaderRulesUsingTemplate:(self singleHeaderRuleTemplate_make_dot_proto)
-        pathConverter:#pathToPackage_unix:
+    ^ self
+	additionalHeaderRulesUsingTemplate:(self singleHeaderRuleTemplate_make_dot_proto)
+	pathConverter:#pathToPackage_unix:
     "Created: / 12-09-2011 / 15:44:28 / cg"
@@ -3245,22 +3245,22 @@
     d := Dictionary new.
-        at: 'TAB' put: ( Character tab asString );
-        at: 'TOP' put: ( self pathToTop_win32 );
-        at: 'MODULE' put: ( self module );
-        at: 'MODULE_DIRECTORY' put: ( self moduleDirectory );
-        at: 'MODULE_PATH' put: ( self moduleDirectory_win32 );
-        at: 'PRIMARY_TARGET' put: (self primaryTarget_bc_dot_mak);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_BASE_ADDRESS_DEFINITION' put: (self additionalBaseAddressDefinition_bc_dot_mak ? '');
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_DEFINITIONS' put: (self additionalDefinitions_bc_dot_mak ? '');
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_HEADERRULES' put: (self additionalHeaderRules_bc_dot_mak);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_RULES' put: (self additionalRules_bc_dot_mak ? '');
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_TARGETS' put: (self additionalTargets_bc_dot_mak ? '');
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_LINK_LIBRARIES' put: (self additionalLinkLibraries_bc_dot_mak ? '');
-        at: 'LOCAL_INCLUDES' put: (self generateLocalIncludes_win32 ? '');
-        at: 'LOCAL_DEFINES' put: self localDefines_win32 ? '';
-        at: 'GLOBAL_DEFINES' put: self globalDefines_win32 ? '';
-        at: 'MAKE_PREREQUISITES' put: (self generateRequiredMakePrerequisites_bc_dot_mak ? '').
+	at: 'TAB' put: ( Character tab asString );
+	at: 'TOP' put: ( self pathToTop_win32 );
+	at: 'MODULE' put: ( self module );
+	at: 'MODULE_DIRECTORY' put: ( self moduleDirectory );
+	at: 'MODULE_PATH' put: ( self moduleDirectory_win32 );
+	at: 'PRIMARY_TARGET' put: (self primaryTarget_bc_dot_mak);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_BASE_ADDRESS_DEFINITION' put: (self additionalBaseAddressDefinition_bc_dot_mak ? '');
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_DEFINITIONS' put: (self additionalDefinitions_bc_dot_mak ? '');
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_HEADERRULES' put: (self additionalHeaderRules_bc_dot_mak);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_RULES' put: (self additionalRules_bc_dot_mak ? '');
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_TARGETS' put: (self additionalTargets_bc_dot_mak ? '');
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_LINK_LIBRARIES' put: (self additionalLinkLibraries_bc_dot_mak ? '');
+	at: 'LOCAL_INCLUDES' put: (self generateLocalIncludes_win32 ? '');
+	at: 'LOCAL_DEFINES' put: self localDefines_win32 ? '';
+	at: 'GLOBAL_DEFINES' put: self globalDefines_win32 ? '';
+	at: 'MAKE_PREREQUISITES' put: (self generateRequiredMakePrerequisites_bc_dot_mak ? '').
     ^ d
     "Created: / 18-08-2006 / 11:43:39 / cg"
@@ -3319,30 +3319,30 @@
     ^ Dictionary new
-        at: 'TAB' put: ( Character tab asString );
-        at: 'TOP' put: ( self pathToTop_unix );
-        at: 'LIBRARY_NAME' put: ( self libraryName );
-        at: 'SUBDIRECTORIES' put: (self generateSubDirectories);
-        at: 'LOCAL_INCLUDES' put: (self generateLocalIncludes_unix);
-        at: 'LOCAL_DEFINES' put: self localDefines_unix;
-        at: 'GLOBAL_DEFINES' put: self globalDefines_unix;
-        at: 'COMMONSYMFLAG' put: (self commonSymbolsFlag);
-        at: 'HEADEROUTPUTARG' put: (self headerFileOutputArg);
-        at: 'PRIMARY_TARGET' put: (self primaryTarget_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_DEFINITIONS' put: (self additionalDefinitions_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_HEADERRULES' put: (self additionalHeaderRules_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_RULES' put: (self additionalRules_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_RULES_SVN' put: (self additionalRulesSvn_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_TARGETS' put: (self additionalTargets_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_TARGETS_SVN' put: (self additionalTargetsSvn_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_LINK_LIBRARIES' put: (self additionalLinkLibraries_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'ADDITIONAL_SHARED_LINK_LIBRARIES' put: (self additionalSharedLinkLibraries_make_dot_proto);
-        at: 'DEPENDENCIES' put: (self generateDependencies_unix);
-        at: 'MODULE' put: ( self module );
-        at: 'MODULE_DIRECTORY' put: ( self moduleDirectory );
-        at: 'MODULE_PATH' put: ( self moduleDirectory );
-        at: 'MAKE_PREREQUISITES' put: (self generateRequiredMakePrerequisites_make_dot_proto);
-        yourself
+	at: 'TAB' put: ( Character tab asString );
+	at: 'TOP' put: ( self pathToTop_unix );
+	at: 'LIBRARY_NAME' put: ( self libraryName );
+	at: 'SUBDIRECTORIES' put: (self generateSubDirectories);
+	at: 'LOCAL_INCLUDES' put: (self generateLocalIncludes_unix);
+	at: 'LOCAL_DEFINES' put: self localDefines_unix;
+	at: 'GLOBAL_DEFINES' put: self globalDefines_unix;
+	at: 'COMMONSYMFLAG' put: (self commonSymbolsFlag);
+	at: 'HEADEROUTPUTARG' put: (self headerFileOutputArg);
+	at: 'PRIMARY_TARGET' put: (self primaryTarget_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_DEFINITIONS' put: (self additionalDefinitions_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_HEADERRULES' put: (self additionalHeaderRules_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_RULES' put: (self additionalRules_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_RULES_SVN' put: (self additionalRulesSvn_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_TARGETS' put: (self additionalTargets_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_TARGETS_SVN' put: (self additionalTargetsSvn_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_LINK_LIBRARIES' put: (self additionalLinkLibraries_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'ADDITIONAL_SHARED_LINK_LIBRARIES' put: (self additionalSharedLinkLibraries_make_dot_proto);
+	at: 'DEPENDENCIES' put: (self generateDependencies_unix);
+	at: 'MODULE' put: ( self module );
+	at: 'MODULE_DIRECTORY' put: ( self moduleDirectory );
+	at: 'MODULE_PATH' put: ( self moduleDirectory );
+	at: 'MAKE_PREREQUISITES' put: (self generateRequiredMakePrerequisites_make_dot_proto);
+	yourself
     "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 11:20:45 / fm"
     "Modified: / 09-08-2006 / 16:44:48 / fm"
@@ -3484,7 +3484,7 @@
     "answer a dictionary
-        category -> classNames topological sorted"
+	category -> classNames topological sorted"
     |pivateClassesOf sorter classes classNames mapping|
@@ -3495,57 +3495,57 @@
     classes do:[:each | pivateClassesOf at:each put:(each allPrivateClasses)].
     sorter := [:a :b |
-        "/ a must come before b iff:
-        "/    b is a subclass of a
-        "/    b has a private class which is a subclass of a
-        "/    a is a sharedPool, used by b
-        |mustComeBefore pivateClassesOfB|
-        mustComeBefore := false.
-        mustComeBefore := (a isSharedPool and:[(b sharedPoolNames includes: a name)]).
-        mustComeBefore := mustComeBefore or:[b isSubclassOf:a].
-        mustComeBefore ifFalse:[
-            pivateClassesOfB := pivateClassesOf at:b ifAbsent:[ #() ].
-            pivateClassesOfB do:[:eachClassInB |
-                mustComeBefore := mustComeBefore or:[eachClassInB isSubclassOf:a]
-            ].
-        ].
-        mustComeBefore
+	"/ a must come before b iff:
+	"/    b is a subclass of a
+	"/    b has a private class which is a subclass of a
+	"/    a is a sharedPool, used by b
+	|mustComeBefore pivateClassesOfB|
+	mustComeBefore := false.
+	mustComeBefore := (a isSharedPool and:[(b sharedPoolNames includes: a name)]).
+	mustComeBefore := mustComeBefore or:[b isSubclassOf:a].
+	mustComeBefore ifFalse:[
+	    pivateClassesOfB := pivateClassesOf at:b ifAbsent:[ #() ].
+	    pivateClassesOfB do:[:eachClassInB |
+		mustComeBefore := mustComeBefore or:[eachClassInB isSubclassOf:a]
+	    ].
+	].
+	mustComeBefore
     classes topologicalSort:sorter.
     OperatingSystem knownPlatformNames do:[:platformID |
-        |prefix depClasses depClassNames|
-        prefix := platformID asUppercase.
-        depClasses := self compiled_classesForArchitecture:platformID.
-        depClasses notEmpty ifTrue:[
-            (self compiled_classNamesForPlatform:platformID) 
-                select:[:nm | (Smalltalk at:nm ifAbsent:nil) isNil]
-                thenDo:[:nm | Transcript showCR:nm].
-            (depClasses includes:nil) ifTrue:[
-                (Dialog confirm:'Dependencies might be incorrect (some classes are not present).\\Continue anyway ?' withCRs)
-                ifFalse:[
-                    AbortOperationRequest raise.
-                ].
-                depClassNames := self compiled_classNamesForPlatform:platformID.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                depClasses topologicalSort:sorter.
-                depClassNames := depClasses collect:[:eachClass| eachClass name].
-            ].
-            mapping at:prefix put:depClassNames.
-        ].
-        classNames := classes collect:[:eachClass| eachClass name].
-        self namesAndAttributesIn:(self additionalClassNamesAndAttributes) do: [:nm :attr |
-            (attr isEmptyOrNil or:[(attr includes:#autoload) not]) ifTrue:[
-                classNames add:nm.
-            ].
-        ].
-        mapping at:'COMMON' put:classNames.
+	|prefix depClasses depClassNames|
+	prefix := platformID asUppercase.
+	depClasses := self compiled_classesForArchitecture:platformID.
+	depClasses notEmpty ifTrue:[
+	    (self compiled_classNamesForPlatform:platformID)
+		select:[:nm | (Smalltalk at:nm ifAbsent:nil) isNil]
+		thenDo:[:nm | Transcript showCR:nm].
+	    (depClasses includes:nil) ifTrue:[
+		(Dialog confirm:'Dependencies might be incorrect (some classes are not present).\\Continue anyway ?' withCRs)
+		ifFalse:[
+		    AbortOperationRequest raise.
+		].
+		depClassNames := self compiled_classNamesForPlatform:platformID.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		depClasses topologicalSort:sorter.
+		depClassNames := depClasses collect:[:eachClass| eachClass name].
+	    ].
+	    mapping at:prefix put:depClassNames.
+	].
+	classNames := classes collect:[:eachClass| eachClass name].
+	self namesAndAttributesIn:(self additionalClassNamesAndAttributes) do: [:nm :attr |
+	    (attr isEmptyOrNil or:[(attr includes:#autoload) not]) ifTrue:[
+		classNames add:nm.
+	    ].
+	].
+	mapping at:'COMMON' put:classNames.
     ^ mapping
@@ -4483,14 +4483,14 @@
      when being loaded themself."
     self hasAllExtensionsLoaded ifFalse:[
-        self breakPoint:#cg.
+	self breakPoint:#cg.
     self hasAllClassesFullyLoaded ifFalse:[
-        self hasAllClassesLoaded ifFalse:[
-            self breakPoint:#cg.
-        ].
-        self installAutoloadedClasses.
-        self classes do:[:cls | cls autoload ].
+	self hasAllClassesLoaded ifFalse:[
+	    self breakPoint:#cg.
+	].
+	self installAutoloadedClasses.
+	self classes do:[:cls | cls autoload ].
@@ -4523,26 +4523,26 @@
     |newStuffHasBeenLoaded meOrMySecondIncarnation|
     self projectIsLoaded ifTrue:[
-        asAutoloaded ifFalse:[
-            "/ to be considered !!
+	asAutoloaded ifFalse:[
+	    "/ to be considered !!
 "/            self isFullyLoaded ifFalse:[
 "/                self hasAllExtensionsLoaded ifFalse:[
 "/                    self loadExtensions.
 "/                ].
 "/                self loadAllAutoloadedClasses
 "/            ].
-        ].
-        ^ false
+	].
+	^ false
     thisContext isRecursive ifTrue:[self breakPoint:#cg. ^ false].    "/ avoid endless loops
     newStuffHasBeenLoaded := false.
     (self infoPrinting and:[Smalltalk silentLoading not]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ thisContext fullPrintAll.
-        Transcript showCR:('loading %1%2...'
-                            bindWith:(asAutoloaded ifTrue:['as autoloaded '] ifFalse:[''])
-                            with:self name).
+	"/ thisContext fullPrintAll.
+	Transcript showCR:('loading %1%2...'
+			    bindWith:(asAutoloaded ifTrue:['as autoloaded '] ifFalse:[''])
+			    with:self name).
     self rememberOverwrittenExtensionMethods.
@@ -4553,32 +4553,32 @@
     meOrMySecondIncarnation := self.
     Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-        self activityNotification:'Loading prerequisities'.
-        self loadPreRequisitesAsAutoloaded:asAutoloaded.
-        self checkPrerequisitesForLoading.
-        asAutoloaded ifFalse:[
-            self loadClassLibrary.
-            "/ could have overloaded my first incarnation
-            meOrMySecondIncarnation := (Smalltalk at:(self name)) ? self.
-            meOrMySecondIncarnation ~~ self ifTrue:[
-                meOrMySecondIncarnation fetchSlotsFrom:self.
-            ].
-        ].
-        self hasAllExtensionsLoaded ifFalse:[
-            self activityNotification:'Loading extensions'.
-            newStuffHasBeenLoaded := newStuffHasBeenLoaded | meOrMySecondIncarnation loadExtensions.
-        ].
-        self hasAllClassesLoaded ifFalse:[
-            self activityNotification:'Loading classes'.
-            newStuffHasBeenLoaded := newStuffHasBeenLoaded | (meOrMySecondIncarnation loadAllClassesAsAutoloaded:asAutoloaded).
-        ].
+	self activityNotification:'Loading prerequisities'.
+	self loadPreRequisitesAsAutoloaded:asAutoloaded.
+	self checkPrerequisitesForLoading.
+	asAutoloaded ifFalse:[
+	    self loadClassLibrary.
+	    "/ could have overloaded my first incarnation
+	    meOrMySecondIncarnation := (Smalltalk at:(self name)) ? self.
+	    meOrMySecondIncarnation ~~ self ifTrue:[
+		meOrMySecondIncarnation fetchSlotsFrom:self.
+	    ].
+	].
+	self hasAllExtensionsLoaded ifFalse:[
+	    self activityNotification:'Loading extensions'.
+	    newStuffHasBeenLoaded := newStuffHasBeenLoaded | meOrMySecondIncarnation loadExtensions.
+	].
+	self hasAllClassesLoaded ifFalse:[
+	    self activityNotification:'Loading classes'.
+	    newStuffHasBeenLoaded := newStuffHasBeenLoaded | (meOrMySecondIncarnation loadAllClassesAsAutoloaded:asAutoloaded).
+	].
 "/ no, don't load subProjects here - will lead to a recursion, which leads
 "/ to some classes being loaded from source (soap)
-        self activityNotification:'Loading sub projects'.
-        meOrMySecondIncarnation loadSubProjectsAsAutoloaded:asAutoloaded.
+	self activityNotification:'Loading sub projects'.
+	meOrMySecondIncarnation loadSubProjectsAsAutoloaded:asAutoloaded.
     self activityNotification:('Executing post-load action for %1' bindWith:self package).
@@ -4588,7 +4588,7 @@
     meOrMySecondIncarnation projectIsLoaded:true.
     meOrMySecondIncarnation ~~ self ifTrue:[
-        self projectIsLoaded:true.
+	self projectIsLoaded:true.
     self activityNotification:('Done (%1).' bindWith:self package).
@@ -4654,29 +4654,29 @@
     AccessLock critical:[
-        |mustRead file|
-        AbbrevDictionary isNil ifTrue:[
-            AbbrevDictionary := WeakIdentityDictionary new.
-        ].
-        mustRead := false.
-        abbrevs := AbbrevDictionary at:self ifAbsent:[ mustRead := true. Dictionary new ].
-        mustRead ifTrue:[
-            file := self packageDirectory / ''.
-            file exists ifTrue: [
-                file readingFileDo:[:stream |
-                    Smalltalk
-                        withAbbreviationsFromStream:stream
-                        do:[:nm :fn :pkg :cat :sz|
-                            abbrevs at: nm put: (AbbrevEntry new className:nm fileName:fn category:cat numClassInstVars:sz)
-                        ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
+	|mustRead file|
+	AbbrevDictionary isNil ifTrue:[
+	    AbbrevDictionary := WeakIdentityDictionary new.
+	].
+	mustRead := false.
+	abbrevs := AbbrevDictionary at:self ifAbsent:[ mustRead := true. Dictionary new ].
+	mustRead ifTrue:[
+	    file := self packageDirectory / ''.
+	    file exists ifTrue: [
+		file readingFileDo:[:stream |
+		    Smalltalk
+			withAbbreviationsFromStream:stream
+			do:[:nm :fn :pkg :cat :sz|
+			    abbrevs at: nm put: (AbbrevEntry new className:nm fileName:fn category:cat numClassInstVars:sz)
+			]
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
     "Created: / 06-03-2011 / 18:25:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -5551,28 +5551,28 @@
     "Handle smalltalk classes specially to provide backward compatibility"
     lang isSmalltalk ifTrue:[
-        entry := self abbrevs at: className ifAbsent:[nil].
-        asAutoloaded ifTrue:[
-            category := entry isNil ifTrue:[#autoloaded] ifFalse:[entry category].
-            numClassInstVars := entry isNil ifTrue:[0] ifFalse:[entry numClassInstVars].
-            cls := Smalltalk
-                installAutoloadedClassNamed: className
-                category: category
-                package: self package
-                revision: nil
-                numClassInstVars:numClassInstVars.
-            entry notNil ifTrue:[
-                cls setClassFilename:(entry fileName,'.st').
-            ].
-            ^ cls.
-        ].
-        ^ Smalltalk
-            fileInClass:className
-            package:self package
-            initialize:false
-            lazy:false
-            silent:true
+	entry := self abbrevs at: className ifAbsent:[nil].
+	asAutoloaded ifTrue:[
+	    category := entry isNil ifTrue:[#autoloaded] ifFalse:[entry category].
+	    numClassInstVars := entry isNil ifTrue:[0] ifFalse:[entry numClassInstVars].
+	    cls := Smalltalk
+		installAutoloadedClassNamed: className
+		category: category
+		package: self package
+		revision: nil
+		numClassInstVars:numClassInstVars.
+	    entry notNil ifTrue:[
+		cls setClassFilename:(entry fileName,'.st').
+	    ].
+	    ^ cls.
+	].
+	^ Smalltalk
+	    fileInClass:className
+	    package:self package
+	    initialize:false
+	    lazy:false
+	    silent:true
     "For non-smalltalk language do"
@@ -5961,42 +5961,42 @@
     requiredClasses := (self searchForClassesWithProject: packageId) asSet.
     withSubProjectsBoolean ifTrue:[
-        "my subproject's classes are required"
-        self subProjects do:[:eachProjectName |
-            requiredClasses addAll: (self searchForClassesWithProject:eachProjectName asSymbol)
-        ].
+	"my subproject's classes are required"
+	self subProjects do:[:eachProjectName |
+	    requiredClasses addAll: (self searchForClassesWithProject:eachProjectName asSymbol)
+	].
     "all superclasses of my classes and my subProject's classes are required"
     requiredClasses do:[:cls |
-        cls allSuperclassesDo:[:eachSuperclass |
-            (usedClassesWithReasons at: eachSuperclass ifAbsentPut:[OrderedSet new])
-                add: (eachSuperclass name, ' - superclass of ', cls name).
-        ]
+	cls allSuperclassesDo:[:eachSuperclass |
+	    (usedClassesWithReasons at: eachSuperclass ifAbsentPut:[OrderedSet new])
+		add: (eachSuperclass name, ' - superclass of ', cls name).
+	]
     "all classes referenced by my classes or my subproject's classes
      are required. But:
-         only search for locals refered to by my methods (assuming that superclasses'
-         prerequisites are specified in their package)."
+	 only search for locals refered to by my methods (assuming that superclasses'
+	 prerequisites are specified in their package)."
     self addReferencesToClassesFromGlobalsIn:requiredClasses to:usedClassesWithReasons.
     self addReferencesToClassesFromGlobalsInMethods:(self searchForExtensionsWithProject:self package) to:usedClassesWithReasons.
     "all classes for which I define extensions are required"
     self allExtensionClasses do:[:eachExtendedClass |
-        (usedClassesWithReasons at:eachExtendedClass ifAbsentPut:[OrderedSet new])
-            add: (eachExtendedClass name, ' - extended').
-        eachExtendedClass allSuperclassesDo:[:eachSuperclass |
-            (usedClassesWithReasons at: eachSuperclass ifAbsentPut:[OrderedSet new])
-                add: (eachSuperclass name, ' - superclass of extended ', eachExtendedClass name).
-        ]
+	(usedClassesWithReasons at:eachExtendedClass ifAbsentPut:[OrderedSet new])
+	    add: (eachExtendedClass name, ' - extended').
+	eachExtendedClass allSuperclassesDo:[:eachSuperclass |
+	    (usedClassesWithReasons at: eachSuperclass ifAbsentPut:[OrderedSet new])
+		add: (eachSuperclass name, ' - superclass of extended ', eachExtendedClass name).
+	]
     "don't put classes from subProjects into the required list"
     ignoredPackages := (self siblingsAreSubProjects
-                                ifTrue:[ self searchForSiblingProjects ]
-                                ifFalse:[ self searchForSubProjects ]) asSet.
+				ifTrue:[ self searchForSiblingProjects ]
+				ifFalse:[ self searchForSubProjects ]) asSet.
     ignoredPackages add:self package.
     ignoredPackages add:PackageId noProjectID.
@@ -6004,11 +6004,11 @@
     "now map classes to packages and collect the reasons"
     requiredPackageReasons := Dictionary new.
     usedClassesWithReasons keysAndValuesDo:[:usedClass :reasonsPerClass | |usedClassPackage|
-        usedClassPackage := usedClass package.
-        (ignoredPackages includes:usedClassPackage) ifFalse:[
-            (requiredPackageReasons at:usedClassPackage ifAbsentPut:[OrderedSet new])
-                            addAll:reasonsPerClass.
-        ].
+	usedClassPackage := usedClass package.
+	(ignoredPackages includes:usedClassPackage) ifFalse:[
+	    (requiredPackageReasons at:usedClassPackage ifAbsentPut:[OrderedSet new])
+			    addAll:reasonsPerClass.
+	].
     ^ requiredPackageReasons
@@ -6174,26 +6174,26 @@
     classes := IdentitySet new.
     self extensionMethodNames pairWiseDo:[:className :selector |
-        |mthdCls extendedClass|
-        mthdCls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
-        (mthdCls notNil and:[mthdCls isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
-            extendedClass := mthdCls theNonMetaclass.
-            (classes includes:extendedClass) ifFalse:[
-                withSuperclassesBoolean ifTrue:[
-                    extendedClass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:eachClass |
-                        classes add:eachClass.
-                    ].
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    classes add:extendedClass.
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
+	|mthdCls extendedClass|
+	mthdCls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
+	(mthdCls notNil and:[mthdCls isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
+	    extendedClass := mthdCls theNonMetaclass.
+	    (classes includes:extendedClass) ifFalse:[
+		withSuperclassesBoolean ifTrue:[
+		    extendedClass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:eachClass |
+			classes add:eachClass.
+		    ].
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    classes add:extendedClass.
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
     ^ classes.
-        stx_libboss extensionClasses
+	stx_libboss extensionClasses
     "Created: / 06-09-2011 / 10:17:06 / cg"
@@ -6221,7 +6221,7 @@
     ^ self allExtensionClasses collect:[:eachClass| eachClass package]
-        stx_libboss extensionPackages
+	stx_libboss extensionPackages
     "Modified: / 06-09-2011 / 10:20:47 / cg"
@@ -6394,33 +6394,33 @@
     emptyProjects := Set withAll:self subProjects.
     Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
-        emptyProjects remove:(cls package) ifAbsent:[].
+	emptyProjects remove:(cls package) ifAbsent:[].
     nonProjects := self subProjects select:[:p |
-                    (ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage: p) isNil
-                   ].
+		    (ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage: p) isNil
+		   ].
     emptyOrNonProjects := Set withAll:emptyProjects.
     emptyOrNonProjects addAll:nonProjects.
     emptyOrNonProjects notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        (Dialog
-            confirm:('The following projects are non-existent, empty or without description:\\    '
-                    , ((emptyOrNonProjects
-                            asSortedCollection
-                                collect:[:p | p allBold])
-                                asStringWith:'\    ')
-                    , '\\Continue ?') withCRs
-            yesLabel:'OK' noLabel:'Cancel')
-        ifFalse:[
-            AbortSignal raise
-        ].
+	(Dialog
+	    confirm:('The following projects are non-existent, empty or without description:\\    '
+		    , ((emptyOrNonProjects
+			    asSortedCollection
+				collect:[:p | p allBold])
+				asStringWith:'\    ')
+		    , '\\Continue ?') withCRs
+	    yesLabel:'OK' noLabel:'Cancel')
+	ifFalse:[
+	    AbortSignal raise
+	].
-    classesInImage := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | cls package = package].
+    classesInImage := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | cls package = self package].
     classesInDescription := self classes asIdentitySet.
     classesInImage ~= classesInDescription ifTrue:[
-        Dialog warn:'The set of classes in the image is different from the listed classes in the project definition'
+	Dialog warn:'The set of classes in the image is different from the listed classes in the project definition'
@@ -6477,7 +6477,7 @@
     ^ className
-className:classNameArg fileName:fileNameArg category:categoryArg numClassInstVars:numClassInstVarsArg 
+className:classNameArg fileName:fileNameArg category:categoryArg numClassInstVars:numClassInstVarsArg
     className := classNameArg.
     fileName := fileNameArg.
     category := categoryArg.
@@ -6499,11 +6499,11 @@
 !ProjectDefinition class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.356 2011-09-14 13:39:47 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.357 2011-09-14 13:48:16 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.356 2011-09-14 13:39:47 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.357 2011-09-14 13:48:16 cg Exp $'