changeset 457 41c73cbee305
parent 423 7a4bfd3cc267
child 530 07d0bce293c9
--- a/	Sun Oct 29 19:08:45 1995 +0100
+++ b/	Sun Oct 29 20:27:04 1995 +0100
@@ -10,21 +10,30 @@
  hereby transferred.
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.8 on 29-oct-1995 at 20:01:09'                   !
 Class subclass:#Metaclass
-       instanceVariableNames:'myClass'
-       classVariableNames:''
-       poolDictionaries:''
-       category:'Kernel-Classes'
+	 instanceVariableNames:'myClass'
+	 classVariableNames:''
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'Kernel-Classes'
-Metaclass comment:'
-COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
+!Metaclass class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.32 1995-10-29 19:26:47 cg Exp $
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.31 1995-09-08 16:46:05 claus Exp $
-!Metaclass class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    every classes class is a subclass of Metaclass.
+    (i.e. every class is the sole instance of its Metaclass)
+    Metaclass provides support for creating new (sub)classes and/or 
+    changing the definition of an already existing class.
@@ -38,21 +47,6 @@
  other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
  hereby transferred.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.31 1995-09-08 16:46:05 claus Exp $
-    every classes class is a subclass of Metaclass.
-    (i.e. every class is the sole instance of its Metaclass)
-    Metaclass provides support for creating new (sub)classes and/or 
-    changing the definition of an already existing class.
 ! !
 !Metaclass class methodsFor:'creating metaclasses'!
@@ -78,8 +72,375 @@
 ! !
+!Metaclass methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return my name - that is the name of my sole class, with 'class'
+     appended. Currently, this is incompatible to ST-80 (which appends ' class')
+     and will be changed (have to check for side effects first ...)"
+    myClass isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ 'someMetaclass'
+    ].
+"/    ^ myClass name , ' class'
+    ^ myClass name , 'class'
+! !
+!Metaclass methodsFor:'class instance variables'!
+    "changing / adding class-inst vars -
+     this actually creates a new metaclass and class, leaving the original
+     classes around as obsolete classes. This may also be true for all subclasses,
+     if class instance variables are added/removed.
+     Existing instances continue to be defined by their original classes.
+     Time will show, if this is an acceptable behavior or if we should migrate
+     instances to become insts. of the new classes."
+    |newClass newMetaclass nClassInstVars oldClass 
+     allSubclasses oldVars
+     oldNames newNames addedNames
+     oldOffsets newOffsets offset changeSet delta
+     oldToNew newSubMeta newSub oldSubMeta oldSuper
+     commonClassInstVars currentProject t|
+    "
+     cleanup needed here: extract common things with name:inEnvironment:...
+     and restructure things ... currently way too complex.
+    "
+    oldVars := self instanceVariableString.
+    aString = oldVars ifTrue:[
+	Transcript showCr:'no change (', oldVars , ') -> (', aString , ')'.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    oldNames := oldVars asCollectionOfWords.
+    newNames := aString asCollectionOfWords.
+    oldNames = newNames ifTrue:[
+	Transcript showCr:'no real change'.
+	"no real change (just formatting)"
+	self setInstanceVariableString:aString.
+	^ self
+    ]. 
+"/    "
+"/     let user confirm, if any name is no good (and was good before)
+"/    "
+"/    (oldNames inject:true
+"/                into:[:okSoFar :word |
+"/                         okSoFar and:[word first isUppercase]
+"/                     ])
+"/    ifTrue:[
+"/        "was ok before"
+"/        (newNames inject:true
+"/                    into:[:okSoFar :word |
+"/                             okSoFar and:[word first isUppercase]
+"/                         ])
+"/        ifFalse:[
+"/            (self confirm:'class instance variable names should start with an uppercase letter
+"/(by convention only)
+"/install anyway ?' withCRs)
+"/            ifFalse:[
+"/                ^ nil
+"/            ]
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    nClassInstVars := newNames size.
+    Transcript showCr:'create new class/metaclass'.
+    "
+     create the new metaclass
+    "
+    newMetaclass := Metaclass new.
+    newMetaclass setSuperclass:superclass.
+    newMetaclass instSize:(superclass instSize + nClassInstVars).
+    (nClassInstVars ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	newMetaclass setInstanceVariableString:aString
+    ].
+"/    newMetaclass flags:(Behavior flagBehavior "flagNotIndexed").
+    newMetaclass setName:name.
+    newMetaclass classVariableString:classvars.
+    newMetaclass category:category.
+    newMetaclass setComment:(self comment).
+    "find the class which is my sole instance"
+    t := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:element | element class == self].
+    (t size ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
+	self error:'oops - I should have exactly one instance'.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    oldClass := t anElement.
+    "
+     create the new class
+    "
+    newClass := newMetaclass new.
+    newClass setSuperclass:(oldClass superclass).
+    newClass instSize:(oldClass instSize).
+    newClass flags:(oldClass flags).
+    newClass setName:(oldClass name).
+    newClass setInstanceVariableString:(oldClass instanceVariableString).
+    newClass classVariableString:(oldClass classVariableString).
+    newClass setComment:(oldClass comment).
+    newClass category:(oldClass category).
+    (t := oldClass primitiveSpec) notNil ifTrue:[
+	newClass primitiveSpec:t.
+	newClass setClassFilename:(oldClass classFilename).
+    ].        
+    "/ set the new classes package
+    Project notNil ifTrue:[
+	currentProject := Project current.
+	currentProject notNil ifTrue:[
+	    t := currentProject packageName.
+	    newMetaclass package:t.
+	    newClass package:t.
+	]
+    ].
+    changeSet := Set new.
+    ((oldNames size == 0) 
+    or:[newNames startsWith:oldNames]) ifTrue:[
+	"new variable(s) has/have been added - old methods still work"
+" "
+	Transcript showCr:'copying methods ...'.
+	Transcript endEntry.
+" "
+	self copyMethodsFrom:self for:newMetaclass.
+	self copyMethodsFrom:oldClass for:newClass.
+	"
+	 but have to recompile methods accessing stuff now defined
+	 (it might have been a global before ...)
+	"
+	addedNames := newNames select:[:nm | (oldNames includes:nm) not].
+" "
+	Transcript showCr:'recompiling methods accessing ' , addedNames printString ,  '...'.
+	Transcript endEntry.
+" "
+	"recompile class-methods"
+	newMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingAny:addedNames.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	"
+	 create the changeSet; thats the set of class instvar names
+	 which have changed their position or are new
+	"
+	offset := 0. oldOffsets := Dictionary new.
+	oldNames do:[:nm | offset := offset + 1. oldOffsets at:nm put:offset].
+	offset := 0. newOffsets := Dictionary new.
+	newNames do:[:nm | offset := offset + 1. newOffsets at:nm put:offset].
+	oldOffsets associationsDo:[:a |
+	    |k|
+	    k := a key.
+	    (newOffsets includesKey:k) ifFalse:[
+		changeSet add:k
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		(a value ~~ (newOffsets at:k)) ifTrue:[
+		    changeSet add:k
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	newOffsets associationsDo:[:a |
+	    |k|
+	    k := a key.
+	    (oldOffsets includesKey:k) ifFalse:[
+		changeSet add:k
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		(a value ~~ (oldOffsets at:k)) ifTrue:[
+		    changeSet add:k
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+" "
+	Transcript showCr:'recompiling methods accessing ' , changeSet printString , ' ...'.
+	Transcript endEntry.
+" "
+	"
+	 recompile class-methods
+	"
+	self copyInvalidatedMethodsFrom:self for:newMetaclass accessingAny:changeSet.
+	newMetaclass recompileInvalidatedMethods:(Metaclass compiledMethodAt:#invalidCodeObject).
+	self copyMethodsFrom:oldClass for:newClass.
+    ].
+    delta := newNames size - oldNames size.
+    "
+     get list of all subclasses - do before superclass is changed
+    "
+    allSubclasses := oldClass allSubclasses.
+    allSubclasses := allSubclasses asSortedCollection:[:a :b |
+				b isSubclassOf:a
+		     ].
+    oldToNew := IdentityDictionary new.
+    "
+     create a new class tree, based on new version
+    "
+    allSubclasses do:[:aSubclass |
+	oldSuper := aSubclass superclass.
+	oldSubMeta := aSubclass class.
+	newSubMeta := Metaclass new.
+	oldSuper == oldClass ifTrue:[
+	    newSubMeta setSuperclass:newMetaclass.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    newSubMeta setSuperclass:(oldToNew at:oldSuper) class.
+	].
+	newSubMeta instSize:(oldSubMeta instSize + delta).
+	newSubMeta flags:(oldSubMeta flags).
+	newSubMeta setName:(oldSubMeta name).
+	newSubMeta setInstanceVariableString:(oldSubMeta instanceVariableString).
+	newSubMeta classVariableString:(oldSubMeta classVariableString).
+	newSubMeta setComment:(oldSubMeta comment).
+	newSubMeta category:(oldSubMeta category).
+	newSub := newSubMeta new.
+	oldSuper == oldClass ifTrue:[
+	    newSub setSuperclass:newClass.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    newSub setSuperclass:(oldToNew at:oldSuper).
+	].
+	newSub setSelectorArray:(aSubclass selectorArray).
+	newSub setMethodArray:(aSubclass methodArray).
+	newSub setName:(aSubclass name).
+	newSub classVariableString:(aSubclass classVariableString).
+	newSub setComment:(aSubclass comment).
+	newSub category:(aSubclass category).
+	oldToNew at:aSubclass put:newSub.
+	aSubclass category:'obsolete'.
+	aSubclass class category:'obsolete'.
+    ].
+    "recompile what needs to be"
+    delta == 0 ifTrue:[
+	"only have to recompile class methods accessing 
+	 class instvars from changeset
+	"
+	allSubclasses do:[:oldSubclass |
+	    |newSubclass|
+	    newSubclass := oldToNew at:oldSubclass.
+Transcript showCr:'recompiling class methods of ' , newSubclass class name ,
+		  ' accessing any of ' , changeSet printString.
+	    newSubclass class recompileMethodsAccessingAny:changeSet.
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	"
+	 have to recompile all class methods accessing class instvars
+	"
+	commonClassInstVars := oldClass class allInstVarNames.
+	changeSet do:[:v |
+	    commonClassInstVars remove:v ifAbsent:[]
+	].
+	allSubclasses do:[:oldSubclass |
+	    |newSubclass classInstVars|
+	    newSubclass := oldToNew at:oldSubclass.
+	    classInstVars := newSubclass class allInstVarNames asSet.
+	    classInstVars removeAll:commonClassInstVars.
+	    classInstVars addAll:changeSet.
+Transcript showCr:'recompiling class methods of ' , newSubclass class name ,
+		  ' accessing any of ' , classInstVars printString.
+	    newSubclass class recompileMethodsAccessingAny:classInstVars.
+	]
+    ].
+    self updateVersionString.
+    self addChangeRecordForClassInstvars:newClass.
+    "install all new classes"
+    Smalltalk at:(oldClass name asSymbol) put:newClass.
+    ObjectMemory flushCachesFor:oldClass.
+    allSubclasses do:[:oldClass |
+	|newClass|
+	newClass := oldToNew at:oldClass.
+Transcript showCr:'install ' , newClass name , '(' , newClass category , ')' ,
+		  ' as ' , newClass name.
+	Smalltalk at:newClass name asSymbol put:newClass.
+	ObjectMemory flushCachesFor:oldClass.
+    ].
+    "tell dependents ..."
+    oldClass changed:#definition.
+    self changed:#definition.
+    ^ newMetaclass
+    "Created: 29.10.1995 / 19:57:08 / cg"
+! !
+!Metaclass methodsFor:'copying'!
+    "redefined - a copy may have a new instance"
+    myClass := nil
+! !
 !Metaclass methodsFor:'creating classes'!
+    "create & return a new metaclass (a classes class).
+     Since metaclasses only have one instance (the class),
+     complain if there is already one.
+     You get a new class by sending #new to the returned metaclass
+     (confusing - isn't it ?)"
+    |newClass|
+    myClass notNil ifTrue:[
+	^ self error:'Each metaclass may only have one instance'.
+    ].
+    newClass := self basicNew.
+    newClass setSuperclass:Object
+	       selectors:(Array new:0)
+		 methods:(Array new:0)
+		instSize:0 
+		   flags:(Behavior flagBehavior).
+    newClass setName:'someClass'.
+    myClass := newClass.
+    ^ newClass
 name:newName inEnvironment:aSystemDictionary
@@ -713,385 +1074,6 @@
     ObjectMemory flushCaches.
     ^ newClass
-    "create & return a new metaclass (a classes class).
-     Since metaclasses only have one instance (the class),
-     complain if there is already one.
-     You get a new class by sending #new to the returned metaclass
-     (confusing - isn't it ?)"
-    |newClass|
-    myClass notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self error:'Each metaclass may only have one instance'.
-    ].
-    newClass := self basicNew.
-    newClass setSuperclass:Object
-	       selectors:(Array new:0)
-		 methods:(Array new:0)
-		instSize:0 
-		   flags:(Behavior flagBehavior).
-    newClass setName:'someClass'.
-    myClass := newClass.
-    ^ newClass
-! !
-!Metaclass methodsFor:'class instance variables'!
-    "changing / adding class-inst vars -
-     this actually creates a new metaclass and class, leaving the original
-     classes around as obsolete classes. This may also be true for all subclasses,
-     if class instance variables are added/removed.
-     Existing instances continue to be defined by their original classes.
-     Time will show, if this is an acceptable behavior or if we should migrate
-     instances to become insts. of the new classes."
-    |newClass newMetaclass nClassInstVars oldClass 
-     allSubclasses oldVars
-     oldNames newNames addedNames
-     oldOffsets newOffsets offset changeSet delta
-     oldToNew newSubMeta newSub oldSubMeta oldSuper
-     commonClassInstVars currentProject t|
-    "
-     cleanup needed here: extract common things with name:inEnvironment:...
-     and restructure things ... currently way too complex.
-    "
-    oldVars := self instanceVariableString.
-    aString = oldVars ifTrue:[
-	Transcript showCr:'no change (', oldVars , ') -> (', aString , ')'.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    oldNames := oldVars asCollectionOfWords.
-    newNames := aString asCollectionOfWords.
-    oldNames = newNames ifTrue:[
-	Transcript showCr:'no real change'.
-	"no real change (just formatting)"
-	self setInstanceVariableString:aString.
-	^ self
-    ]. 
-"/    "
-"/     let user confirm, if any name is no good (and was good before)
-"/    "
-"/    (oldNames inject:true
-"/                into:[:okSoFar :word |
-"/                         okSoFar and:[word first isUppercase]
-"/                     ])
-"/    ifTrue:[
-"/        "was ok before"
-"/        (newNames inject:true
-"/                    into:[:okSoFar :word |
-"/                             okSoFar and:[word first isUppercase]
-"/                         ])
-"/        ifFalse:[
-"/            (self confirm:'class instance variable names should start with an uppercase letter
-"/(by convention only)
-"/install anyway ?' withCRs)
-"/            ifFalse:[
-"/                ^ nil
-"/            ]
-"/        ]
-"/    ].
-    nClassInstVars := newNames size.
-    Transcript showCr:'create new class/metaclass'.
-    "
-     create the new metaclass
-    "
-    newMetaclass := Metaclass new.
-    newMetaclass setSuperclass:superclass.
-    newMetaclass instSize:(superclass instSize + nClassInstVars).
-    (nClassInstVars ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-	newMetaclass setInstanceVariableString:aString
-    ].
-"/    newMetaclass flags:(Behavior flagBehavior "flagNotIndexed").
-    newMetaclass setName:name.
-    newMetaclass classVariableString:classvars.
-    newMetaclass category:category.
-    newMetaclass setComment:(self comment).
-    "find the class which is my sole instance"
-    t := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:element | element class == self].
-    (t size ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
-	self error:'oops - I should have exactly one instance'.
-	^ nil
-    ].
-    oldClass := t anElement.
-    "
-     create the new class
-    "
-    newClass := newMetaclass new.
-    newClass setSuperclass:(oldClass superclass).
-    newClass instSize:(oldClass instSize).
-    newClass flags:(oldClass flags).
-    newClass setName:(oldClass name).
-    newClass setInstanceVariableString:(oldClass instanceVariableString).
-    newClass classVariableString:(oldClass classVariableString).
-    newClass setComment:(oldClass comment).
-    newClass category:(oldClass category).
-    (t := oldClass primitiveSpec) notNil ifTrue:[
-	newClass primitiveSpec:t.
-	newClass setClassFilename:(oldClass classFilename).
-    ].        
-    "/ set the new classes package
-    Project notNil ifTrue:[
-	currentProject := Project current.
-	currentProject notNil ifTrue:[
-	    t := currentProject packageName.
-	    newMetaclass package:t.
-	    newClass package:t.
-	]
-    ].
-    changeSet := Set new.
-    ((oldNames size == 0) 
-    or:[newNames startsWith:oldNames]) ifTrue:[
-	"new variable(s) has/have been added - old methods still work"
-" "
-	Transcript showCr:'copying methods ...'.
-	Transcript endEntry.
-" "
-	self copyMethodsFrom:self for:newMetaclass.
-	self copyMethodsFrom:oldClass for:newClass.
-	"
-	 but have to recompile methods accessing stuff now defined
-	 (it might have been a global before ...)
-	"
-	addedNames := newNames select:[:nm | (oldNames includes:nm) not].
-" "
-	Transcript showCr:'recompiling methods accessing ' , addedNames printString ,  '...'.
-	Transcript endEntry.
-" "
-	"recompile class-methods"
-	newMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingAny:addedNames.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	"
-	 create the changeSet; thats the set of class instvar names
-	 which have changed their position or are new
-	"
-	offset := 0. oldOffsets := Dictionary new.
-	oldNames do:[:nm | offset := offset + 1. oldOffsets at:nm put:offset].
-	offset := 0. newOffsets := Dictionary new.
-	newNames do:[:nm | offset := offset + 1. newOffsets at:nm put:offset].
-	oldOffsets associationsDo:[:a |
-	    |k|
-	    k := a key.
-	    (newOffsets includesKey:k) ifFalse:[
-		changeSet add:k
-	    ] ifTrue:[
-		(a value ~~ (newOffsets at:k)) ifTrue:[
-		    changeSet add:k
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	newOffsets associationsDo:[:a |
-	    |k|
-	    k := a key.
-	    (oldOffsets includesKey:k) ifFalse:[
-		changeSet add:k
-	    ] ifTrue:[
-		(a value ~~ (oldOffsets at:k)) ifTrue:[
-		    changeSet add:k
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-" "
-	Transcript showCr:'recompiling methods accessing ' , changeSet printString , ' ...'.
-	Transcript endEntry.
-" "
-	"
-	 recompile class-methods
-	"
-	self copyInvalidatedMethodsFrom:self for:newMetaclass accessingAny:changeSet.
-	newMetaclass recompileInvalidatedMethods:(Metaclass compiledMethodAt:#invalidCodeObject).
-	self copyMethodsFrom:oldClass for:newClass.
-    ].
-    delta := newNames size - oldNames size.
-    "
-     get list of all subclasses - do before superclass is changed
-    "
-    allSubclasses := oldClass allSubclasses.
-    allSubclasses := allSubclasses asSortedCollection:[:a :b |
-				b isSubclassOf:a
-		     ].
-    oldToNew := IdentityDictionary new.
-    "
-     create a new class tree, based on new version
-    "
-    allSubclasses do:[:aSubclass |
-	oldSuper := aSubclass superclass.
-	oldSubMeta := aSubclass class.
-	newSubMeta := Metaclass new.
-	oldSuper == oldClass ifTrue:[
-	    newSubMeta setSuperclass:newMetaclass.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    newSubMeta setSuperclass:(oldToNew at:oldSuper) class.
-	].
-	newSubMeta instSize:(oldSubMeta instSize + delta).
-	newSubMeta flags:(oldSubMeta flags).
-	newSubMeta setName:(oldSubMeta name).
-	newSubMeta setInstanceVariableString:(oldSubMeta instanceVariableString).
-	newSubMeta classVariableString:(oldSubMeta classVariableString).
-	newSubMeta setComment:(oldSubMeta comment).
-	newSubMeta category:(oldSubMeta category).
-	newSub := newSubMeta new.
-	oldSuper == oldClass ifTrue:[
-	    newSub setSuperclass:newClass.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    newSub setSuperclass:(oldToNew at:oldSuper).
-	].
-	newSub setSelectorArray:(aSubclass selectorArray).
-	newSub setMethodArray:(aSubclass methodArray).
-	newSub setName:(aSubclass name).
-	newSub classVariableString:(aSubclass classVariableString).
-	newSub setComment:(aSubclass comment).
-	newSub category:(aSubclass category).
-	oldToNew at:aSubclass put:newSub.
-	aSubclass category:'obsolete'.
-	aSubclass class category:'obsolete'.
-    ].
-    "recompile what needs to be"
-    delta == 0 ifTrue:[
-	"only have to recompile class methods accessing 
-	 class instvars from changeset
-	"
-	allSubclasses do:[:oldSubclass |
-	    |newSubclass|
-	    newSubclass := oldToNew at:oldSubclass.
-Transcript showCr:'recompiling class methods of ' , newSubclass class name ,
-		  ' accessing any of ' , changeSet printString.
-	    newSubclass class recompileMethodsAccessingAny:changeSet.
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	"
-	 have to recompile all class methods accessing class instvars
-	"
-	commonClassInstVars := oldClass class allInstVarNames.
-	changeSet do:[:v |
-	    commonClassInstVars remove:v ifAbsent:[]
-	].
-	allSubclasses do:[:oldSubclass |
-	    |newSubclass classInstVars|
-	    newSubclass := oldToNew at:oldSubclass.
-	    classInstVars := newSubclass class allInstVarNames asSet.
-	    classInstVars removeAll:commonClassInstVars.
-	    classInstVars addAll:changeSet.
-Transcript showCr:'recompiling class methods of ' , newSubclass class name ,
-		  ' accessing any of ' , classInstVars printString.
-	    newSubclass class recompileMethodsAccessingAny:classInstVars.
-	]
-    ].
-    self addChangeRecordForClassInstvars:newClass.
-    "install all new classes"
-    Smalltalk at:(oldClass name asSymbol) put:newClass.
-    ObjectMemory flushCachesFor:oldClass.
-    allSubclasses do:[:oldClass |
-	|newClass|
-	newClass := oldToNew at:oldClass.
-Transcript showCr:'install ' , newClass name , '(' , newClass category , ')' ,
-		  ' as ' , newClass name.
-	Smalltalk at:newClass name asSymbol put:newClass.
-	ObjectMemory flushCachesFor:oldClass.
-    ].
-    "tell dependents ..."
-    oldClass changed:#definition.
-    self changed:#definition.
-    ^ newMetaclass
-! !
-!Metaclass methodsFor:'copying'!
-    "redefined - a copy may have a new instance"
-    myClass := nil
-! !
-!Metaclass methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return my name - that is the name of my sole class, with 'class'
-     appended. Currently, this is incompatible to ST-80 (which appends ' class')
-     and will be changed (have to check for side effects first ...)"
-    myClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ 'someMetaclass'
-    ].
-"/    ^ myClass name , ' class'
-    ^ myClass name , 'class'
-! !
-!Metaclass methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of metaclass;
-     true is returned here. Redefines isMeta in Object"
-    ^ true
-    "return my sole class."
-    ^ myClass
 ! !
 !Metaclass methodsFor:'private'!
@@ -1271,26 +1253,6 @@
-    "return true, if aClass has any invalidated methods in it"
-    |trap trapCode trapByteCode|
-    trap := Metaclass compiledMethodAt:#invalidCodeObject.
-    trapCode := trap code.
-    trapByteCode := trap byteCode.
-    aClass methodArray do:[:aMethod |
-	trapCode notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (aMethod code = trapCode) ifTrue:[^ true]
-	].
-	trapByteCode notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (aMethod byteCode == trapByteCode) ifTrue:[^ true]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ false
 checkConventionsFor:className instVarNames:instVarNameString classVarNames:classVarNameString
     "Check for some 'considered bad-style' things, like lower case names.
@@ -1335,4 +1297,40 @@
     ^ true
+    "return true, if aClass has any invalidated methods in it"
+    |trap trapCode trapByteCode|
+    trap := Metaclass compiledMethodAt:#invalidCodeObject.
+    trapCode := trap code.
+    trapByteCode := trap byteCode.
+    aClass methodArray do:[:aMethod |
+	trapCode notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (aMethod code = trapCode) ifTrue:[^ true]
+	].
+	trapByteCode notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (aMethod byteCode == trapByteCode) ifTrue:[^ true]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ false
 ! !
+!Metaclass methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of metaclass;
+     true is returned here. Redefines isMeta in Object"
+    ^ true
+    "return my sole class."
+    ^ myClass
+! !