changeset 1286 4270a0b4917d
parent 1280 b7ae6227f48b
child 1323 8e695d1a9e93
--- a/Unix.st	Thu Apr 25 13:16:22 1996 +0200
+++ b/Unix.st	Thu Apr 25 18:02:18 1996 +0200
@@ -748,40 +748,47 @@
     Unix are supported, the corresponding class will be bound to the
     global variable OperatingSystem.
-    Class variables:
-	HostName        <String>        remembered hostname
-	DomainName      <String>        remembered domainname
-	LastErrorNumber <Integer>       the last value of errno
-	LastExecStatus  <Integer>       the returned exec status after
-					the last call of system
-	OSSignals       <Array>         Array of signals to be raised for corresponding
-					OperatingSystem signals.
-	ForkFailed      <Boolean>       set if a fork (or popen) has failed;
-					ST/X will avoid doing more forks/popens
-					if this flag is set, for a slightly
-					smoother operation.
-	SlowFork        <Boolean>       if set, fork and popen are avoided;
-					(more or less obsolete now)
-	ErrorSignal     <Signal>        Parentsignal of all OS error signals.
-					not directly raised.
-	AccessDeniedErrorSignal
-	FileNotFoundErrorSignal
-	LocaleInfo      <Dictionary>    if non nil, that is taken instead of the operating
-					systems locale definitions (allows for overwriting
-					these, or provide a compatible info on systems which do
-					not support locales)
+    [Class variables:]
+        HostName        <String>        remembered hostname
+        DomainName      <String>        remembered domainname
+        LastErrorNumber <Integer>       the last value of errno
+        LastExecStatus  <Integer>       the returned exec status after
+                                        the last call of system
+        OSSignals       <Array>         Array of signals to be raised for corresponding
+                                        OperatingSystem signals.
+        ForkFailed      <Boolean>       set if a fork (or popen) has failed;
+                                        ST/X will avoid doing more forks/popens
+                                        if this flag is set, for a slightly
+                                        smoother operation.
+        SlowFork        <Boolean>       if set, fork and popen are avoided;
+                                        (more or less obsolete now)
+        ErrorSignal     <Signal>        Parentsignal of all OS error signals.
+                                        not directly raised.
+        AccessDeniedErrorSignal
+        FileNotFoundErrorSignal
+        LocaleInfo      <Dictionary>    if non nil, that is taken instead of the operating
+                                        systems locale definitions (allows for overwriting
+                                        these, or provide a compatible info on systems which do
+                                        not support locales)
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+    [see also:]
+        Filename Date Time
+        ExternalStream FileStream PipeStream Socket
 ! !
@@ -7355,6 +7362,6 @@
 !OperatingSystem class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/Unix.st,v 1.138 1996-04-25 08:29:51 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/Unix.st,v 1.139 1996-04-25 16:00:14 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 OperatingSystem initialize!