changeset 21220 4e57abcb59bf
parent 21201 427801203eb7
child 21250 f856fbfcdc60
child 21329 0305c8e8f35f
--- a/UnixOperatingSystem.st	Tue Jan 03 19:08:26 2017 +0100
+++ b/UnixOperatingSystem.st	Thu Jan 05 22:53:34 2017 +0100
@@ -7634,27 +7634,26 @@
     "return a Dictionary of network interface information.
-	key -> name of interface
-	value -> a Set of network address
-		information for the interface - a dictionaries containing the
-		information about the configuration of each interface in the system.
-		The dictionary keys are:
-		    #address
-		    #netmask
-		    #flags
-		    #destAddress"
+        key -> name of interface
+        value -> a Set of network address
+                information for the interface - a dictionaries containing the
+                information about the configuration of each interface in the system.
+                The dictionary keys are:
+                    #address
+                    #netmask
+                    #flags
+                    #destAddress"
     |returnArray addressArray nameArray noOfIf retDictionary error retIndex|
     noOfIf := 0.
-#if defined(LINUX)
-# include <ifaddrs.h>
-# include <netinet/in.h>
-# include <sys/socket.h>
-# include <netpacket/packet.h>
+#include <ifaddrs.h>
+#if 0 && defined(linux)
+# include <linux/if_packet.h>
 # include <net/ethernet.h> /* the L2 protocols */
     struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifaLoop;
     int n_ifa = 0;
@@ -7662,8 +7661,8 @@
     OBJ t;
     if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) {
-	error = __MKSTRING("getifaddrs() failed");
-	goto out;
+        error = __MKSTRING("getifaddrs() failed");
+        goto out;
     for (ifaLoop = ifap; ifaLoop != 0; ifaLoop = ifaLoop->ifa_next) n_ifa++;
@@ -7672,98 +7671,95 @@
     returnArray = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(n_ifa*6);
     if (returnArray == nil) {
-	/* Creating a string wouldn't work here */
-	error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	goto bad;
+        /* Creating a string wouldn't work here */
+        error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+        goto bad;
     for (ifaLoop = ifap; ifaLoop != 0; ifaLoop = ifaLoop->ifa_next) {
-	int family, len;
-	if (ifaLoop->ifa_addr == 0)
-	       continue;
-	family = ifaLoop->ifa_addr->sa_family;
-	switch (family) {
-	case AF_INET:
-	    len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
-	    break;
-	case AF_INET6:
-	    len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
-	    break;
-#if 0
-	case AF_PACKET:
-	    len = sizeof(sockaddr_ll);
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    /* skip */
-	    continue;
-	};
-	t = __MKSTRING(ifaLoop->ifa_name);
-	__arrayVal(returnArray)[retI++] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
-	t = __MKUINT(ifaLoop->ifa_flags);
-	__arrayVal(returnArray)[retI++] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
-	t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)ifaLoop->ifa_addr, len);
-	__arrayVal(returnArray)[retI++] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
-	if (ifaLoop->ifa_netmask != 0) {
-	    t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)ifaLoop->ifa_netmask, len);
-	    __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
-	}
-	retI++;
-	if ((ifaLoop->ifa_flags&IFF_POINTOPOINT) && ifaLoop->ifa_dstaddr != 0) {
-	    t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)ifaLoop->ifa_dstaddr, len);
-	    __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI++] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
-	} else if (retI++, ifaLoop->ifa_broadaddr != 0) {
-	    t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)ifaLoop->ifa_broadaddr, len);
-	    __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
-	}
-	retI++;
+        int family, len;
+        if (ifaLoop->ifa_addr == 0)
+               continue;
+        family = ifaLoop->ifa_addr->sa_family;
+        switch (family) {
+        case AF_INET:
+            len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+            break;
+        case AF_INET6:
+            len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+            break;
+#if 0 && defined(linux)
+        case AF_PACKET:
+            len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll);
+            break;
+        default:
+            /* skip */
+            continue;
+        };
+        t = __MKSTRING(ifaLoop->ifa_name);
+        __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI++] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
+        t = __MKUINT(ifaLoop->ifa_flags);
+        __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI++] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
+        t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)ifaLoop->ifa_addr, len);
+        __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI++] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
+        if (ifaLoop->ifa_netmask != 0) {
+            t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)ifaLoop->ifa_netmask, len);
+            __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
+        }
+        retI++;
+        if ((ifaLoop->ifa_flags&IFF_POINTOPOINT) && ifaLoop->ifa_dstaddr != 0) {
+            t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)ifaLoop->ifa_dstaddr, len);
+            __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI++] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
+        } else if (retI++, ifaLoop->ifa_broadaddr != 0) {
+            t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)ifaLoop->ifa_broadaddr, len);
+            __arrayVal(returnArray)[retI] = t; __STORE(returnArray, t);
+        }
+        retI++;
-    error = @symbol(notSupported);
     error notNil ifTrue:[
-	self primitiveFailed:error.
-	"return empty dictionary if proceeding from error"
-	^  Dictionary new.
-    ].
-    retDictionary := Dictionary new:noOfIf.
+        self primitiveFailed:error.
+        "return empty dictionary if proceeding from error"
+        ^  Dictionary new.
+    ].
+    retDictionary := OrderedDictionary new:noOfIf.
     retIndex := 1.
     1 to:noOfIf do:[:cnt|
-	|name addressBytes set dict|
-	name := returnArray at:retIndex.
-	addressBytes := returnArray at:retIndex+2.
-	addressBytes notNil ifTrue:[
-	    set := retDictionary at:name ifAbsentPut:[Set new].
-	    dict := Dictionary new:5.
-	    dict at:#flags put:(returnArray at:retIndex+1).
-	    dict at:#address put:(SocketAddress fromBytes:addressBytes).
-	    addressBytes := returnArray at:retIndex+3.
-	    addressBytes notNil ifTrue:[
-		dict at:#netMask put:(SocketAddress fromBytes:addressBytes).
-	    ].
-	    addressBytes := returnArray at:retIndex+4.
-	    addressBytes notNil ifTrue:[
-		dict at:#destAddress put:(SocketAddress fromBytes:addressBytes).
-	    ].
-	    addressBytes := returnArray at:retIndex+5.
-	    addressBytes notNil ifTrue:[
-		dict at:#broadcastAddress put:(SocketAddress fromBytes:addressBytes).
-	    ].
-	    set add:dict.
-	].
-	retIndex := retIndex + 6.
+        |name addressBytes set dict|
+        name := returnArray at:retIndex.
+        addressBytes := returnArray at:retIndex+2.
+        addressBytes notNil ifTrue:[
+            set := retDictionary at:name ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new].
+            dict := Dictionary new:4.
+            dict at:#flags put:(returnArray at:retIndex+1).
+            dict at:#address put:(SocketAddress fromBytes:addressBytes).
+            addressBytes := returnArray at:retIndex+3.
+            addressBytes notNil ifTrue:[
+                dict at:#netMask put:(SocketAddress fromBytes:addressBytes).
+            ].
+            addressBytes := returnArray at:retIndex+4.
+            addressBytes notNil ifTrue:[
+                dict at:#destAddress put:(SocketAddress fromBytes:addressBytes).
+            ].
+            addressBytes := returnArray at:retIndex+5.
+            addressBytes notNil ifTrue:[
+                dict at:#broadcastAddress put:(SocketAddress fromBytes:addressBytes).
+            ].
+            set add:dict.
+        ].
+        retIndex := retIndex + 6.
     ^ retDictionary
@@ -7775,146 +7771,23 @@
     "return a dictionary filled with
-	key -> name of interface
-	value -> the socket address of the interface
+        key -> name of interface
+        value -> the first socket address of the interface
      for each interface"
-    |addressArray nameArray noOfIf retDictionary error|
-    noOfIf := 0.
-#if defined(SIOCGIFADDR) && defined(SIOCGIFCONF)
-    int             afinet_socket = -1;
-    struct ifconf   ifc;
-    struct ifreq    *ifr;
-    struct ifreq    ifreq;
-    unsigned char   buf[1024];
-    int             n_ifs, i, countOfIf;
-    OBJ             t;
-    /*
-    ** Open an INET socket
-    */
-    afinet_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-    if (afinet_socket < 0) {
-	error = __MKSTRING("Cannot open socket");
-	goto bad;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Get the list of network interfaces
-    */
-    ifc.ifc_len = sizeof (buf);
-    ifc.ifc_buf = (caddr_t) buf;
-    if (ioctl (afinet_socket, SIOCGIFCONF, (caddr_t) &ifc) < 0) {
-	close(afinet_socket);
-	error = __MKSTRING("ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF) failed");
-	goto bad;
-    }
-    // get the number of interfaces in the returned structure
-    // cg: sigh
-    // on linux, the records have constant size;
-    // on osx, the max of the alen of each entry and the struct size needs to be taken to advance
-    // I am not sure, which one is the correct way to do (maybe we should invert the test to say #ifdef linux ????
-    // Please check on BSD, solaris, etc... (my feeling is, the the other would behave like __osx__ does, as they are all BSDish)
-    // see also 2nd loop below
-#ifndef __osx__
-    n_ifs = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof (struct ifreq);
-    {
-	unsigned char *cp = buf;
-	unsigned char *limit = buf + ifc.ifc_len;
-	n_ifs = 0;
-	while (cp < limit) {
-	    int sz;
-	    ifr = (struct ifreq *)cp;
-	    sz = IFNAMSIZ + ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len;
-	    cp += sz;
-	    n_ifs++;
-	}
-    }
-    nameArray    = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(n_ifs);
-    addressArray = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(n_ifs);
-    if (nameArray == nil || addressArray == nil) {
-	/* Creating a string wouldn/t work here */
-	error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	goto bad;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Iterate of the list of the system's netif. Find all
-    ** active interfaces and their ethernet addresses
-    */
-    countOfIf = 0;
-    for (i=0, ifr = ifc.ifc_req; i < n_ifs; i++) {
-	/*
-	** Get Flags for this interface
-	*/
-	memcpy(&ifreq, ifr, sizeof(ifreq));
-	/*
-	** Get address for this interface
-	*/
-	memcpy(&ifreq, ifr, sizeof(ifreq));
-	if (ioctl (afinet_socket, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifreq) >= 0) {
-	    t = __MKBYTEARRAY((char *)&ifreq.ifr_addr, sizeof(ifreq.ifr_addr));
-	    __arrayVal(addressArray)[countOfIf] = t; __STORE(addressArray, t);
-	    t = __MKSTRING(&ifreq.ifr_name);
-	    __arrayVal(nameArray)[countOfIf] = t; __STORE(nameArray, t);
-	    countOfIf += 1;
-	}
-	// see (sigh) comment above
-#ifndef __osx__
-	ifr++;
-	{
-	    int sz = IFNAMSIZ + ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len;
-	    ifr = (struct ifreq *)( ((char *)ifr)+sz );
-	}
-    }
-    noOfIf = __mkSmallInteger(countOfIf);
-    if (afinet_socket >= 0)
-	close(afinet_socket);
-    error = @symbol(notSupported);
-#endif /* defined(SIOCGIFADDR) */
-    retDictionary := Dictionary new:noOfIf.
-    error notNil ifTrue:[
-	self primitiveFailed:error.
-	"return empty dictionary if proceed from error"
-	^  retDictionary.
-    ].
-    1 to:noOfIf do:[:cnt|
-	"take the first address, if there is more than one!!"
-	retDictionary at:(nameArray at:cnt) ifAbsentPut:(SocketAddress fromBytes:(addressArray at:cnt)).
-    ].
-    ^ retDictionary
-    "
-      OperatingSystem getNetworkAddresses
+    |addressInfo newDict|
+    addressInfo := self getNetworkAddressInfo. 
+    newDict := OrderedDictionary new:addressInfo size.
+    addressInfo keysAndValuesDo:[:ifName :infoColl|
+        newDict at:ifName put:(infoColl first at:#address)
+    ].
+    ^ newDict.
+    "
+        self getNetworkAddresses