changeset 16561 58b6d00013c4
parent 16517 9ed3c7abf750
child 16649 5e7d84ca6923
--- a/ObjectMemory.st	Tue Jun 10 12:15:17 2014 +0200
+++ b/ObjectMemory.st	Tue Jun 10 12:15:44 2014 +0200
@@ -948,14 +948,14 @@
     Occasionally, the VM needs to unwind-protect some C code.
     If so, it creates and artificial context on the stack and
     marks it for unwind, so stack unwinding logic finds it
-    and handles it. 
+    and handles it.
     Now, only #lookupMethodForSelectorUnwindProtect is supported
     (ensures the lookup is popped out from the lookupActications)
     aContext selector == #lookupMethodForSelectorUnwindHandlerFor: ifTrue:[
-        ^[self lookupMethodForSelectorUnwindHandlerFor: (aContext argAt: 1)]
-    ].                                                
+	^[self lookupMethodForSelectorUnwindHandlerFor: (aContext argAt: 1)]
+    ].
     self internalError:'Unknown VM unwind protect action'
@@ -1334,29 +1334,29 @@
     lbl origin:(0.0@0.0) corner:(1.0@0.0).
     h := lbl preferredHeight.
-        topInset:5;
-        bottomInset:(h+5) negated;
-        leftInset:5;
-        rightInset:5.
+	topInset:5;
+	bottomInset:(h+5) negated;
+	leftInset:5;
+	rightInset:5.
     progress := ProgressIndicator in:top.
     progress origin:(0.0@45) corner:(1.0@45).
     progress level:-1.
     h := progress preferredHeight.
-        topInset:(h // 2) negated;
-        bottomInset:(h // 2) negated;
-        leftInset:5;
-        rightInset:5.
+	topInset:(h // 2) negated;
+	bottomInset:(h // 2) negated;
+	leftInset:5;
+	rightInset:5.
     progress beInvisible.
     listV := HVScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:top.
     listV origin:(0.0@55) corner:(1.0@1.0).
-        topInset:(h // 2);
-        bottomInset:40;
-        leftInset:5;
-        rightInset:5.
+	topInset:(h // 2);
+	bottomInset:40;
+	leftInset:5;
+	rightInset:5.
     listV beInvisible.
     panel := HorizontalPanelView in:top.
@@ -1395,246 +1395,246 @@
     firstRound := true.
     [done] whileFalse:[
-        anyShown := false.
-        progress percentage:0.
-        firstRound ifTrue:[
-            firstRound := false.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            lbl label:'compressing garbage ...'.
-            self garbageCollect.
-        ].
-        lbl label:('searching level '
-                   , levels size printString
-                   , ' (' , objects size printString , ' refs) ...').
-        nAll := objects size.
-        nDone := 0.
-        objectArray := objects asArray.
-        owners := "Weak"IdentitySet new.
-        numObjectsDone := 0.
-        found := false.
-        AbortOperationRequest catch:[
-            self allObjectsIncludingContextsDo:[:o |
-                |inPrevLevel isOwner|
-                stop ifTrue:[AbortOperationRequest raise].
-                stop ifFalse:[
-                    isOwner := false.
-                    (o referencesAny:objectArray) ifTrue:[
-                        o isBehavior ifTrue:[
-                            o == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                                found := true.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                "/ only add it if it has classInstVars
-                                o instSize ~~ Class instSize ifTrue:[
-                                    isOwner := true.
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            o class ~~ WeakArray ifTrue:[
-                                isOwner := true.
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    isOwner ifTrue:[
-                        (objects includesIdentical:o) ifFalse:[
-                            inPrevLevel := false.
-                            levels do:[:lColl |
-                                lColl == o ifTrue:[
-                                    inPrevLevel := true
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    (lColl includesIdentical:o) ifTrue:[inPrevLevel := true].
-                                ]
-                            ].
-                            inPrevLevel ifFalse:[
-                                owners add:o.
-                                (limitOrNil notNil and:[owners size >= limitOrNil]) ifTrue:[
-                                    AbortOperationRequest raise
-                                ].
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    numObjectsDone := numObjectsDone + 1.
-                    numObjects notNil ifTrue:[
-                        numObjectsDone \\ 1000 == 0 ifTrue:[
-                            progress percentage:(numObjectsDone / numObjects * 100).
-                            Processor yield.
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        progress percentage:100.
-        numObjects isNil ifTrue:[
-            numObjects := numObjectsDone.
-        ].
-        owners remove:aCollection ifAbsent:nil.
-        owners remove:thisContext ifAbsent:nil.
-        owners remove:objectArray ifAbsent:nil.
-        owners remove:objects keyArray ifAbsent:nil.
-        owners remove:owners keyArray ifAbsent:nil.
+	anyShown := false.
+	progress percentage:0.
+	firstRound ifTrue:[
+	    firstRound := false.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    lbl label:'compressing garbage ...'.
+	    self garbageCollect.
+	].
+	lbl label:('searching level '
+		   , levels size printString
+		   , ' (' , objects size printString , ' refs) ...').
+	nAll := objects size.
+	nDone := 0.
+	objectArray := objects asArray.
+	owners := "Weak"IdentitySet new.
+	numObjectsDone := 0.
+	found := false.
+	AbortOperationRequest catch:[
+	    self allObjectsIncludingContextsDo:[:o |
+		|inPrevLevel isOwner|
+		stop ifTrue:[AbortOperationRequest raise].
+		stop ifFalse:[
+		    isOwner := false.
+		    (o referencesAny:objectArray) ifTrue:[
+			o isBehavior ifTrue:[
+			    o == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
+				found := true.
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				"/ only add it if it has classInstVars
+				o instSize ~~ Class instSize ifTrue:[
+				    isOwner := true.
+				]
+			    ]
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    o class ~~ WeakArray ifTrue:[
+				isOwner := true.
+			    ]
+			].
+		    ].
+		    isOwner ifTrue:[
+			(objects includesIdentical:o) ifFalse:[
+			    inPrevLevel := false.
+			    levels do:[:lColl |
+				lColl == o ifTrue:[
+				    inPrevLevel := true
+				] ifFalse:[
+				    (lColl includesIdentical:o) ifTrue:[inPrevLevel := true].
+				]
+			    ].
+			    inPrevLevel ifFalse:[
+				owners add:o.
+				(limitOrNil notNil and:[owners size >= limitOrNil]) ifTrue:[
+				    AbortOperationRequest raise
+				].
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ].
+		    numObjectsDone := numObjectsDone + 1.
+		    numObjects notNil ifTrue:[
+			numObjectsDone \\ 1000 == 0 ifTrue:[
+			    progress percentage:(numObjectsDone / numObjects * 100).
+			    Processor yield.
+			]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	progress percentage:100.
+	numObjects isNil ifTrue:[
+	    numObjects := numObjectsDone.
+	].
+	owners remove:aCollection ifAbsent:nil.
+	owners remove:thisContext ifAbsent:nil.
+	owners remove:objectArray ifAbsent:nil.
+	owners remove:objects keyArray ifAbsent:nil.
+	owners remove:owners keyArray ifAbsent:nil.
 "/ 'done with level: ' print. levels size print. ' found ' print. owners size print. ' refs' printCR.
-        owners isEmpty ifTrue:[
-            found ifFalse:[
-                stop := true.
-            ]
-        ].
-        stop ifFalse:[
-            done := found or:[(owners includesIdentical:Smalltalk)].
-            done ifTrue:[
-                moreChainsOnThisLevel := true.
-                temporaryRemoved := IdentitySet new.
-                levels size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    "/ show what we found so far.
-                    levels last add:Smalltalk.
-                    levels reverse.
-                ].
-                chains := OrderedCollection new.
-                tLevels := levels collect:[:lColl | lColl copy].
-                lbl label:('building refchains ...').
-                nAll := aCollection size.
-                nDone := 0.
-                aCollection do:[:anObject | |theseChains|
-                    stop ifFalse:[
-                        theseChains := self
-                                refChainsFrom:Smalltalk
-                                to:anObject
-                                inRefSets:tLevels
-                                startingAt:1.
-                        theseChains size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                            chains addAll:theseChains
-                        ].
-                        nDone := nDone + 1.
-                        progress percentage:(nDone / nAll * 100).
-                    ]
-                ].
-                tLevels := nil.
-                levels size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    levels reverse.
-                    levels last remove:Smalltalk.
-                ].
-                [stop not
-                 and:[chains size > 0]] whileTrue:[
-                    chain := chains first.
-                    chains removeFirst.
-                    lbl label:('found a reference chain.').
-                    progress beInvisible.
-                    chain addFirst:Smalltalk.
-                    list := OrderedCollection withSize:chain size.
-                    1 to:chain size-1 do:[:i |
-                        list
-                            at:i
-                            put:(self refNameFor:(chain at:i+1) in:(chain at:i))
-                    ].
-                    list at:list size put:(chain last classNameWithArticle).
-                    "/ hide the VMProcesses stuff from the user ...
-                    (list at:1) string = 'Smalltalk:__VMProcesses__' ifTrue:[
-                        list at:1 put:'__VMProcesses__ (a hidden VM reference)'.
-                        list removeIndex:2.
-                        chain at:1 put:nil.
-                        chain removeIndex:2.
-                    ].
-                    listV list:list.
-                    listV beVisible.
-                    listV doubleClickAction:[:idx | |o|
-                                                (o := chain at:idx) notNil ifTrue:[
-                                                    o inspect.
-                                                ]
-                                            ].
-                    moreButton beVisible.
-                    anyShown := anyShownInAnyLevel := true.
-                    showMore := false.
-                    "/ kludge - wait for some user action
-                    [showMore or:[stop or:[top realized not]]] whileFalse:[
-                        Delay waitForSeconds:0.1
-                    ].
-                    chain := nil.
-                    top realized ifFalse:[
-                        stop := true
-                    ] ifTrue:[
-                        listV doubleClickAction:nil.
-                        showMore ifFalse:[
-                            stop := true.
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    done := false.
-                    stop ifFalse:[
-                        progress beVisible.
-                        listV beInvisible.
-                        moreButton beInvisible.
-                        chain := nil.
-                    ]
-                ].
-                levels size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    levels last addAll:temporaryRemoved.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        owners remove:Smalltalk ifAbsent:nil.
-        owners remove:(owners keyArray) ifAbsent:nil.
-        owners remove:objectArray ifAbsent:nil.
-        levels do:[:lColl |
-            owners remove:lColl ifAbsent:nil
-        ].
-        levels add:owners.
-        objects := owners.
-        objects size == 0 ifTrue:[
-            stop := true
-        ].
-        stop ifTrue:[
-            Smalltalk at:#'__VMProcesses__' put:nil.
-            top destroy.
-            anyShown ifFalse:[
-                userStop ifFalse:[
-                    self information:(anyShownInAnyLevel ifTrue:['no more references'] ifFalse:['no references']).
-                ]
-            ].
-           ^ self.
-        ].
+	owners isEmpty ifTrue:[
+	    found ifFalse:[
+		stop := true.
+	    ]
+	].
+	stop ifFalse:[
+	    done := found or:[(owners includesIdentical:Smalltalk)].
+	    done ifTrue:[
+		moreChainsOnThisLevel := true.
+		temporaryRemoved := IdentitySet new.
+		levels size > 0 ifTrue:[
+		    "/ show what we found so far.
+		    levels last add:Smalltalk.
+		    levels reverse.
+		].
+		chains := OrderedCollection new.
+		tLevels := levels collect:[:lColl | lColl copy].
+		lbl label:('building refchains ...').
+		nAll := aCollection size.
+		nDone := 0.
+		aCollection do:[:anObject | |theseChains|
+		    stop ifFalse:[
+			theseChains := self
+				refChainsFrom:Smalltalk
+				to:anObject
+				inRefSets:tLevels
+				startingAt:1.
+			theseChains size > 0 ifTrue:[
+			    chains addAll:theseChains
+			].
+			nDone := nDone + 1.
+			progress percentage:(nDone / nAll * 100).
+		    ]
+		].
+		tLevels := nil.
+		levels size > 0 ifTrue:[
+		    levels reverse.
+		    levels last remove:Smalltalk.
+		].
+		[stop not
+		 and:[chains size > 0]] whileTrue:[
+		    chain := chains first.
+		    chains removeFirst.
+		    lbl label:('found a reference chain.').
+		    progress beInvisible.
+		    chain addFirst:Smalltalk.
+		    list := OrderedCollection withSize:chain size.
+		    1 to:chain size-1 do:[:i |
+			list
+			    at:i
+			    put:(self refNameFor:(chain at:i+1) in:(chain at:i))
+		    ].
+		    list at:list size put:(chain last classNameWithArticle).
+		    "/ hide the VMProcesses stuff from the user ...
+		    (list at:1) string = 'Smalltalk:__VMProcesses__' ifTrue:[
+			list at:1 put:'__VMProcesses__ (a hidden VM reference)'.
+			list removeIndex:2.
+			chain at:1 put:nil.
+			chain removeIndex:2.
+		    ].
+		    listV list:list.
+		    listV beVisible.
+		    listV doubleClickAction:[:idx | |o|
+						(o := chain at:idx) notNil ifTrue:[
+						    o inspect.
+						]
+					    ].
+		    moreButton beVisible.
+		    anyShown := anyShownInAnyLevel := true.
+		    showMore := false.
+		    "/ kludge - wait for some user action
+		    [showMore or:[stop or:[top realized not]]] whileFalse:[
+			Delay waitForSeconds:0.1
+		    ].
+		    chain := nil.
+		    top realized ifFalse:[
+			stop := true
+		    ] ifTrue:[
+			listV doubleClickAction:nil.
+			showMore ifFalse:[
+			    stop := true.
+			].
+		    ].
+		    done := false.
+		    stop ifFalse:[
+			progress beVisible.
+			listV beInvisible.
+			moreButton beInvisible.
+			chain := nil.
+		    ]
+		].
+		levels size > 0 ifTrue:[
+		    levels last addAll:temporaryRemoved.
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	owners remove:Smalltalk ifAbsent:nil.
+	owners remove:(owners keyArray) ifAbsent:nil.
+	owners remove:objectArray ifAbsent:nil.
+	levels do:[:lColl |
+	    owners remove:lColl ifAbsent:nil
+	].
+	levels add:owners.
+	objects := owners.
+	objects size == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    stop := true
+	].
+	stop ifTrue:[
+	    Smalltalk at:#'__VMProcesses__' put:nil.
+	    top destroy.
+	    anyShown ifFalse:[
+		userStop ifFalse:[
+		    self information:(anyShownInAnyLevel ifTrue:['no more references'] ifFalse:['no references']).
+		]
+	    ].
+	   ^ self.
+	].
     anyShown ifTrue:[
-        userStop ifFalse:[
-            self information:'no more references'.
-        ]
+	userStop ifFalse:[
+	    self information:'no more references'.
+	]
     Smalltalk at:#'__VMProcesses__' put:nil.
     ^ self
@@ -1774,27 +1774,27 @@
      index > levels size ifTrue:[
-        (start referencesObject:anObject) ifTrue:[
-            ^ OrderedCollection with:anObject. "/ (self refNameFor:anObject in:start)
-        ].
-        ^ nil.
+	(start referencesObject:anObject) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ OrderedCollection with:anObject. "/ (self refNameFor:anObject in:start)
+	].
+	^ nil.
      (levels at:index) do:[:el |
 el ~~ start ifTrue:[
-        (start referencesObject:el) ifTrue:[
-            chain := self
-                        refChainFrom:el
-                        to:anObject
-                        inRefSets:levels
-                        startingAt:(index+1).
-            chain notNil ifTrue:[
-                (levels at:index) safeRemove:el.
-                chain addFirst:el. "/ (self refNameFor:el in:start).
-                ^ chain.
-            ]
-        ].
+	(start referencesObject:el) ifTrue:[
+	    chain := self
+			refChainFrom:el
+			to:anObject
+			inRefSets:levels
+			startingAt:(index+1).
+	    chain notNil ifTrue:[
+		(levels at:index) safeRemove:el.
+		chain addFirst:el. "/ (self refNameFor:el in:start).
+		^ chain.
+	    ]
+	].
      ^ nil
@@ -1818,8 +1818,8 @@
       a3 := Array with:a2.
       a4 := Array with:a3.
       levels := Array with:(Array with:a3)
-                      with:(Array with:a2)
-                      with:(Array with:a1).
+		      with:(Array with:a2)
+		      with:(Array with:a1).
       self refChainFrom:a4 to:o inRefSets:levels startingAt:1.
@@ -1833,30 +1833,30 @@
      chains := OrderedCollection new.
      index > levels size ifTrue:[
-        (start referencesObject:anObject) ifTrue:[
-            chains add:(OrderedCollection with:anObject "(self refNameFor:anObject in:start)").
-        ].
-        ^ chains
+	(start referencesObject:anObject) ifTrue:[
+	    chains add:(OrderedCollection with:anObject "(self refNameFor:anObject in:start)").
+	].
+	^ chains
      (levels at:index) do:[:el |
 el ~~ start ifTrue:[
-        (start referencesObject:el) ifTrue:[
-            chain := self
-                        refChainFrom:el
-                        to:anObject
-                        inRefSets:levels
-                        startingAt:(index+1).
-            chain size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                (levels at:index) safeRemove:el.
-                c := chain copy.
-                c addFirst:el "(self refNameFor:el in:start)".
-                chains add:c.
-            ]
+	(start referencesObject:el) ifTrue:[
+	    chain := self
+			refChainFrom:el
+			to:anObject
+			inRefSets:levels
+			startingAt:(index+1).
+	    chain size > 0 ifTrue:[
+		(levels at:index) safeRemove:el.
+		c := chain copy.
+		c addFirst:el "(self refNameFor:el in:start)".
+		chains add:c.
+	    ]
-        ].
+	].
      ^ chains
@@ -1868,40 +1868,40 @@
     |names oClass|
     referent == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-        referent keysAndValuesDo:[:key :val |
-            |idx|
-            (anObject == val) ifTrue:[
-                "/ for our convenience - if its a nameSpace, cut off Smalltalk.
-                idx := key string indexOf:$:.
-                (idx ~~ 0
-                and:[idx < key string size
-                and:[(key string at:(idx+1)) == $:]]) ifTrue:[
-                    ^ key allBold "/ (key copyFrom:(idx+2)) allBold
-                ].
-                ^ 'Smalltalk:' , (key allBold).
-            ]
-        ].
+	referent keysAndValuesDo:[:key :val |
+	    |idx|
+	    (anObject == val) ifTrue:[
+		"/ for our convenience - if its a nameSpace, cut off Smalltalk.
+		idx := key string indexOf:$:.
+		(idx ~~ 0
+		and:[idx < key string size
+		and:[(key string at:(idx+1)) == $:]]) ifTrue:[
+		    ^ key allBold "/ (key copyFrom:(idx+2)) allBold
+		].
+		^ 'Smalltalk:' , (key allBold).
+	    ]
+	].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        names := referent class allInstVarNames.
-        oClass := referent class.
-        oClass == anObject ifTrue:[
-            ^ oClass name.
-        ].
-        1 to:oClass instSize do:[:i |
-            ((referent instVarAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[
-                ^ '%1 [%2]' bindWith:referent classNameWithArticle with:(names at:i) allBold.
-            ].
-        ].
-        oClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-            oClass isPointers ifTrue:[
-                1 to:referent basicSize do:[:i |
-                    ((referent basicAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[
-                        ^ '%1 [%2] (sz=%2)' bindWith:referent classNameWithArticle with:i printString allBold with:referent basicSize printString
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
+	names := referent class allInstVarNames.
+	oClass := referent class.
+	oClass == anObject ifTrue:[
+	    ^ oClass name.
+	].
+	1 to:oClass instSize do:[:i |
+	    ((referent instVarAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[
+		^ '%1 [%2]' bindWith:referent classNameWithArticle with:(names at:i) allBold.
+	    ].
+	].
+	oClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+	    oClass isPointers ifTrue:[
+		1 to:referent basicSize do:[:i |
+		    ((referent basicAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[
+			^ '%1 [%2] (sz=%2)' bindWith:referent classNameWithArticle with:i printString allBold with:referent basicSize printString
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
     self error:'no reference' mayProceed:true.
     ^ nil.
@@ -2318,40 +2318,40 @@
     |done limit|
     AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
-        "/ in case of abort (from the debugger),
-        "/ disable gcSteps.
-        done := true.
-        IncrementalGCLimit := FreeSpaceGCLimit := nil.
-        'ObjectMemory [error]: IGC aborted; turning off incremental GC' errorPrintCR
+	"/ in case of abort (from the debugger),
+	"/ disable gcSteps.
+	done := true.
+	IncrementalGCLimit := FreeSpaceGCLimit := nil.
+	'ObjectMemory [error]: IGC aborted; turning off incremental GC' errorPrintCR
     ] do:[
-        limit := IncrementalGCLimit.
-        (limit notNil and:[self oldSpaceAllocatedSinceLastGC > limit]) ifTrue:[
+	limit := IncrementalGCLimit.
+	(limit notNil and:[self oldSpaceAllocatedSinceLastGC > limit]) ifTrue:[
 "/            'IGC [info]: start since allocatedSinceLastGC > IncrementalGCLimit' infoPrintCR.
-            done := ObjectMemory gcStep
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            limit := FreeSpaceGCLimit.
-            (limit notNil and:[(self freeSpace + self freeListSpace) < limit]) ifTrue:[
+	    done := ObjectMemory gcStep
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    limit := FreeSpaceGCLimit.
+	    (limit notNil and:[(self freeSpace + self freeListSpace) < limit]) ifTrue:[
 "/            'IGC [info]: start since freeSpace < FreeSpaceGCLimit' infoPrintCR.
-                done := ObjectMemory gcStep.
-                done ifTrue:[
-                    self moreOldSpaceIfUseful
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                limit := DynamicCodeGCTrigger.
-                (limit notNil and:[self compiledCodeCounter > limit]) ifTrue:[
+		done := ObjectMemory gcStep.
+		done ifTrue:[
+		    self moreOldSpaceIfUseful
+		].
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		limit := DynamicCodeGCTrigger.
+		(limit notNil and:[self compiledCodeCounter > limit]) ifTrue:[
 "/                    'IGC [info]: start since compiledCodeCounter > DynamicCodeGCTrigger' infoPrintCR.
-                    done := ObjectMemory gcStep.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    limit := DynamicCodeLimit.
-                    (limit notNil and:[self compiledCodeSpaceUsed > limit]) ifTrue:[
+		    done := ObjectMemory gcStep.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    limit := DynamicCodeLimit.
+		    (limit notNil and:[self compiledCodeSpaceUsed > limit]) ifTrue:[
 "/                    'IGC [info]: start since compiledCodeSpaceUsed > DynamicCodeLimit' infoPrintCR.
-                        done := ObjectMemory gcStep.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        done := true
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
+			done := ObjectMemory gcStep.
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			done := true
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
     ^ done not
@@ -2492,49 +2492,49 @@
     "/ its not useful, to run it more than once
     BackgroundCollectProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-        BackgroundCollectProcess priority:aPriority.
-        ^ self
+	BackgroundCollectProcess priority:aPriority.
+	^ self
     p :=
-        [
-            [
-                |myDelay timeOfLastGC doGC|
-                myDelay := Delay forSeconds:5.
-                timeOfLastGC := Timestamp now.
-                [true] whileTrue:[
-                    doGC := self gcStepIfUseful.
-                    doGC ifFalse:[
-                        (BackgroundCollectMaximumInterval notNil
-                        and:[(Timestamp now secondDeltaFrom: timeOfLastGC) > BackgroundCollectMaximumInterval])
-                        ifTrue:[
+	[
+	    [
+		|myDelay timeOfLastGC doGC|
+		myDelay := Delay forSeconds:5.
+		timeOfLastGC := Timestamp now.
+		[true] whileTrue:[
+		    doGC := self gcStepIfUseful.
+		    doGC ifFalse:[
+			(BackgroundCollectMaximumInterval notNil
+			and:[(Timestamp now secondDeltaFrom: timeOfLastGC) > BackgroundCollectMaximumInterval])
+			ifTrue:[
 "/                            'ObjectMemory [info]: start time-triggered background collect.' infoPrintCR.
-                            doGC := true.
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    doGC ifTrue:[
-                        "/
-                        "/ perform a full cycle (finish cycle)
-                        "/
-                        [self gcStep] whileFalse:[].
-                        "/
-                        "/ increase oldSpace, if freeSpace is below limits.
-                        "/
-                        self moreOldSpaceIfUseful.
-                        timeOfLastGC := Timestamp now.
-                    ].
-                    "/
-                    "/ wait a bit
-                    "/
-                    myDelay wait.
-                ]
-            ] ifCurtailed:[
-                BackgroundCollectProcess := nil
-            ]
-        ] newProcess.
+			    doGC := true.
+			]
+		    ].
+		    doGC ifTrue:[
+			"/
+			"/ perform a full cycle (finish cycle)
+			"/
+			[self gcStep] whileFalse:[].
+			"/
+			"/ increase oldSpace, if freeSpace is below limits.
+			"/
+			self moreOldSpaceIfUseful.
+			timeOfLastGC := Timestamp now.
+		    ].
+		    "/
+		    "/ wait a bit
+		    "/
+		    myDelay wait.
+		]
+	    ] ifCurtailed:[
+		BackgroundCollectProcess := nil
+	    ]
+	] newProcess.
     p name:'background collector'.
     p priority:aPriority.
     p restartable:true.
@@ -4174,7 +4174,7 @@
     self allChangedShadowObjectsDo:[:aShadowArray |
 	Error handle:[:ex |
-	    'ObjectMemory [warning]: cought error in weakArray processing: ' errorPrint.
+	    'ObjectMemory [warning]: caught error in weakArray processing: ' errorPrint.
 	    ex description errorPrintCR.
 	    ex suspendedContext fullPrintAllLevels:10.
 	    "Restart the do block to clean up the rest of the shadow array.
@@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
-        self collectedOldSpaceAddress
+	self collectedOldSpaceAddress
@@ -4727,7 +4727,7 @@
-        self oldSpaceAddress
+	self oldSpaceAddress
@@ -5184,7 +5184,7 @@
     (nm := UserPreferences current changeFileName) notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ nm
+	^ nm
     ChangeFileName notNil ifTrue:[^ ChangeFileName].
     ^ self nameForChangesLocal
@@ -5296,9 +5296,9 @@
      No copy when the changes name is given explicitly."
     ChangeFileName notNil ifTrue: [
-        ChangeFileName ~= self nameForChangesLocal ifTrue:[
-            ^ self
-        ]
+	ChangeFileName ~= self nameForChangesLocal ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self
+	]
     oldChangesName asFilename copyTo:self nameForChanges
@@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@
      ST-80 compatibility; send #preSnapshot to all classes
     Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
-        aClass preSnapshot
+	aClass preSnapshot
@@ -5354,53 +5354,53 @@
     snapshotFilename := aFileName asFilename.
     tempFilename := (FileStream newTemporaryIn:snapshotFilename directory)
-                        close;
-                        fileName.
+			close;
+			fileName.
     ok := self primSnapShotOn:tempFilename.
     ok ifTrue:[
-        "keep history of one snapshot file"
-        snapshotFilename exists ifTrue:[
-            tempFilename symbolicAccessRights:snapshotFilename symbolicAccessRights.
-            snapshotFilename renameTo:(snapshotFilename withSuffix:'sav').
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "image file hat stx as interpreter and can be executed"
-            tempFilename makeExecutable.
-        ].
-        tempFilename renameTo:snapshotFilename.
-        Class addChangeRecordForSnapshot:aFileName.
-        setImageName ifTrue:[
-            oldChangeFile := self nameForChanges.
-            ImageName := snapshotFilename asAbsoluteFilename asString.
-            self refreshChangesFrom:oldChangeFile.
-        ].
+	"keep history of one snapshot file"
+	snapshotFilename exists ifTrue:[
+	    tempFilename symbolicAccessRights:snapshotFilename symbolicAccessRights.
+	    snapshotFilename renameTo:(snapshotFilename withSuffix:'sav').
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "image file hat stx as interpreter and can be executed"
+	    tempFilename makeExecutable.
+	].
+	tempFilename renameTo:snapshotFilename.
+	Class addChangeRecordForSnapshot:aFileName.
+	setImageName ifTrue:[
+	    oldChangeFile := self nameForChanges.
+	    ImageName := snapshotFilename asAbsoluteFilename asString.
+	    self refreshChangesFrom:oldChangeFile.
+	].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        tempFilename remove.
+	tempFilename remove.
      ST-80 compatibility; send #postSnapshot to all classes
     Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
-        aClass postSnapshot
+	aClass postSnapshot
     self changed:#finishedSnapshot.  "/ ST-80 compatibility
     ok ifFalse:[
-        SnapshotError raise.
-        "not reached"
+	SnapshotError raise.
+	"not reached"
-        show:'Snapshot ';
-        show:snapshotFilename baseName allBold;
-        show:' saved ';
-        show:Timestamp now;
-        show:' in ';
-        show:snapshotFilename asAbsoluteFilename directoryName;
-        showCR:'.'.
+	show:'Snapshot ';
+	show:snapshotFilename baseName allBold;
+	show:' saved ';
+	show:Timestamp now;
+	show:' in ';
+	show:snapshotFilename asAbsoluteFilename directoryName;
+	showCR:'.'.
     ^ ok
@@ -5563,11 +5563,11 @@
 !ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/ObjectMemory.st,v 1.278 2014-06-03 05:39:54 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/ObjectMemory.st,v 1.279 2014-06-10 10:15:44 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/ObjectMemory.st,v 1.278 2014-06-03 05:39:54 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/ObjectMemory.st,v 1.279 2014-06-10 10:15:44 cg Exp $'