changeset 22975 6b24e729a7d9
parent 22974 f1df0b1303ab
child 22980 8ea9d4f9983a
--- a/PipeStream.st	Sun May 20 15:36:39 2018 +0200
+++ b/PipeStream.st	Sun May 20 15:46:55 2018 +0200
@@ -194,6 +194,63 @@
 	ExternalStream FileStream Socket
+  reading:
+                                                    [exBegin]
+    |p output|
+    p := PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
+    output := p upToEnd.
+    p close.
+    Transcript showCR:output
+                                                    [exEnd]
+  bidirectional:
+                                                    [exBegin]
+    |p|
+    p := PipeStream bidirectionalFor:'sed -e s/Hello/Greetings/'.
+    p nextPutLine:'bla'; flush.
+    Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+    p nextPutLine:'foo Hello'.
+    Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+    p nextPutLine:'bar'.
+    Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+    p close.
+                                                    [exEnd]
+  error output is on my stderr:
+                                                    [exBegin]
+    |p|
+    p := PipeStream readingFrom:'echo hello1; echo error>&2; echo hello2'.
+    Transcript showCR:p upToEnd.
+    p close.
+                                                    [exEnd]
+  error output is included:
+                                                    [exBegin]
+    |p|
+    p := PipeStream readingFrom:'echo hello1; echo error>&2; echo hello2' errorDisposition:#stdout.
+    Transcript showCR:p upToEnd.
+    p close.
+                                                    [exEnd]
+  error output is separate:
+                                                    [exBegin]
+    |p errStream|
+    errStream := '' writeStream.
+    p := PipeStream readingFrom:'echo hello1; echo error>&2; echo hello2' errorDisposition:errStream.
+    Transcript showCR:'output:'; showCR:p upToEnd; cr.
+    p close.
+    Transcript showCR:'error:'; showCR:errStream contents; cr.
+                                                    [exEnd]
 ! !
 !PipeStream class methodsFor:'initialization'!
@@ -418,6 +475,69 @@
+readingFrom:commandString errorDisposition:errorDispositionSymbolOrStream
+    "create and return a new pipeStream which can read from the unix command
+     given by commandString.
+     errorDisposition may be a stream or one of #discard, #inline or #stderr (default).
+       #discard causes stderr to be discarded (/dev/null),
+       #inline causes it to be merged into the PipeStream and
+       #stderr causes it to be written to smalltalk's own stderr.
+       a stream causes stderr to be sent to that stream (internal or external)
+       Nil is treated like #stderr"
+    ^ self
+        readingFrom:commandString
+        errorDisposition:errorDispositionSymbolOrStream
+        inDirectory:nil
+    "unix:
+        PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
+    "
+    "
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
+    "
+    "
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'echo error >&2'.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
+    "
+    "
+        |s|
+        s := PipeStream readingFrom:'sh -c sleep\ 600'.
+        (Delay forSeconds:2) wait.
+        s abortAndClose
+    "
+    "
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
+    "
+    "Windows:
+        PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
+    "
+    "
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
+    "
+    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 09:09:25 / stefan"
 readingFrom:commandString errorDisposition:errorDispositionSymbolOrStream environment:aShellEnvironmentOrNil inDirectory:aDirectory
     "similar to #readingFrom, but changes the directory while
      executing the command. Use this if a command is to be