changeset 783 78a9b311241f
parent 782 86f091b2635e
child 812 00db9c0646fe
--- a/Object.st	Sat Dec 16 18:17:20 1995 +0100
+++ b/Object.st	Sat Dec 16 18:24:21 1995 +0100
@@ -10,20 +10,18 @@
  hereby transferred.
-Object subclass:#Object
-       instanceVariableNames:''
-       classVariableNames:'ErrorSignal HaltSignal 
-			   MessageNotUnderstoodSignal UserInterruptSignal
-			   RecursionInterruptSignal ExceptionInterruptSignal
-			   SubscriptOutOfBoundsSignal NonIntegerIndexSignal
-			   NotFoundSignal KeyNotFoundSignal ElementOutOfBoundsSignal
-			   UserNotificationSignal InformationSignal WarningSignal PrimitiveFailureSignal
-			   DeepCopyErrorSignal
-			   AbortSignal
-			   ErrorRecursion Dependencies
-			   InfoPrinting ActivityNotificationSignal'
-       poolDictionaries:''
-       category:'Kernel-Objects'
+nil subclass:#Object
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:'ErrorSignal HaltSignal MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
+		UserInterruptSignal RecursionInterruptSignal
+		ExceptionInterruptSignal SubscriptOutOfBoundsSignal
+		NonIntegerIndexSignal NotFoundSignal KeyNotFoundSignal
+		ElementOutOfBoundsSignal UserNotificationSignal InformationSignal
+		WarningSignal PrimitiveFailureSignal DeepCopyErrorSignal
+		AbortSignal ErrorRecursion Dependencies InfoPrinting
+		ActivityNotificationSignal'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Kernel-Objects'
 !Object class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -42,10 +40,6 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Object.st,v 1.79 1995-12-16 17:17:20 cg Exp $'
    Object is the superclass of all other classes. Protocol common to
@@ -187,107 +181,13 @@
 !Object class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!
-    "return the signal used for error/error: - handling"
-    ^ ErrorSignal
-    "return the signal used for halt/halt: - handling"
-    ^ HaltSignal
-    "return the signal used for doesNotUnderstand: - error handling"
-    ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
-    "return the signal used for privateMethod - error handling"
-    ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
-    "return the signal used for primitiveFailed - error handling"
-    ^ PrimitiveFailureSignal
-    "return the signal used for ^C interrupts handling"
-    ^ UserInterruptSignal
-    "return the signal used for recursion overflow error handling"
-    ^ RecursionInterruptSignal
-    "return the signal used for exception (display errors) error handling"
-    ^ ExceptionInterruptSignal
-    "return the signal used for subscript error reporting.
-     (this signal is used for example when an array is accessed with an
-      index less than 1 or greater than the array size)"
-    ^ SubscriptOutOfBoundsSignal
-    "return the signal used for element error reporting
-     (this signal is used for example when a value not in 0..255 is to
-      be put into a bytearray)"
-    ^ ElementOutOfBoundsSignal
-    "return the signal used for bad subscript error reporting"
-    ^ NonIntegerIndexSignal
-    "return the signal used for no element found error reporting"
-    ^ NotFoundSignal
-    "return the signal used for no such key error reporting"
-    ^ KeyNotFoundSignal
-    "the parent signal used with information and warnings.
-     Handling this allows handling of both information- and warning notifications."
-    ^ UserNotificationSignal
-    "return the signal used for informations. 
-     A handler for this signal gets all #information: sends"
-    ^ InformationSignal
-    "return the signal used for warnings.
-     A handler for this signal gets all #warn: sends"
-    ^ WarningSignal
+    "return the signal used to abort user actions. This signal is only
+     raised if cought (by the debugger), and will lead way out of the
+     currently active doIt/printIt or inspectIt. (also some others use
+     this for a save abort)"
+    ^ AbortSignal
@@ -305,29 +205,123 @@
     ^ DeepCopyErrorSignal
-    "return the signal used to abort user actions. This signal is only
-     raised if cought (by the debugger), and will lead way out of the
-     currently active doIt/printIt or inspectIt. (also some others use
-     this for a save abort)"
-    ^ AbortSignal
+    "return the signal used for element error reporting
+     (this signal is used for example when a value not in 0..255 is to
+      be put into a bytearray)"
+    ^ ElementOutOfBoundsSignal
+    "return the signal used for error/error: - handling"
+    ^ ErrorSignal
+    "return the signal used for exception (display errors) error handling"
+    ^ ExceptionInterruptSignal
+    "return the signal used for halt/halt: - handling"
+    ^ HaltSignal
+    "return the signal used for informations. 
+     A handler for this signal gets all #information: sends"
+    ^ InformationSignal
+    "return the signal used for no such key error reporting"
+    ^ KeyNotFoundSignal
+    "return the signal used for doesNotUnderstand: - error handling"
+    ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
+    "return the signal used for bad subscript error reporting"
+    ^ NonIntegerIndexSignal
+    "return the signal used for no element found error reporting"
+    ^ NotFoundSignal
+    "return the signal used for primitiveFailed - error handling"
+    ^ PrimitiveFailureSignal
+    "return the signal used for privateMethod - error handling"
+    ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
+    "return the signal used for recursion overflow error handling"
+    ^ RecursionInterruptSignal
+    "return the signal used for subscript error reporting.
+     (this signal is used for example when an array is accessed with an
+      index less than 1 or greater than the array size)"
+    ^ SubscriptOutOfBoundsSignal
+    "return the signal used for ^C interrupts handling"
+    ^ UserInterruptSignal
+    "the parent signal used with information and warnings.
+     Handling this allows handling of both information- and warning notifications."
+    ^ UserNotificationSignal
+    "return the signal used for warnings.
+     A handler for this signal gets all #warn: sends"
+    ^ WarningSignal
 ! !
 !Object class methodsFor:'info messages'!
+    "return the flag which controls information messages."
+    ^ InfoPrinting
     "turn on/off printing of information messages.
      If the argument, aBoolean is false, infoPrint will not output
      messages. The default is true."
     InfoPrinting := aBoolean
-    "return the flag which controls information messages."
-    ^ InfoPrinting
 ! !
 !Object class methodsFor:'queries'!
@@ -340,1908 +334,6 @@
     ^ self == Object
 ! !
-!Object methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "just to ignore initialize to objects which do not need it"
-    ^ self
-! !
-!Object ignoredMethodsFor:'initialization'!
-    "read my values from a specArray. The argument is supposed to
-     consist of setSelector/value pairs, which are sent to the receiver.
-     Some classes (Point, Rectangle) redefine this for a slightly more compact
-     literal representation.
-     This was added to allow for VW windowSpecs to be parsed in ST/X;
-     do not use if for general object printing/restoring."
-    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    sz := aSpecArray size.
-    2 to:sz  by:2 do:[:i | 
-	self perform:(aSpecArray at:i) with:(aSpecArray at:i+1)
-    ]
-    "
-     (Association new) fromLiteralArrayEncoding:#(#dummy #key: 1 #value: 'one')
-    "
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'cleanup'!
-    "ignored here - redefined in some classes to
-     cleanup in low-memory situations"
-    ^ self
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'system primitives'!
-    "make all references to the receiver become references to anotherObject
-     and vice-versa. This may be an expensive (i.e. slow) operation, 
-     since in the worst case, the whole memory has to be searched for 
-     references to the two objects (although the primitive tries hard to
-     limit the search, for acceptable performance in most cases). 
-     In general, using become: should be avoided if possible, since it may 
-     produce many strange effects (think of hashing in Sets).
-     This method fails, if the receiver or the argument is a SmallInteger 
-     or nil, or is a context of a living method (i.e. one that has not already 
-     returned).
-     (notice that become: is not used heavily by the system 
-      - the Collection-classes have been rewritten to not use it.)"
-    if (__primBecome(self, anotherObject COMMA_CON))
-	RETURN ( self );
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "make all references to the receiver become nil - effectively getting
-     rid of the receiver. This can be a very dangerous operation - be warned.
-     The receiver may not be a SmallInteger or a context of a living method."
-    if (__primBecomeNil(self COMMA_CON ))
-	RETURN ( nil );
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "changes the class of the receiver to the argument, otherClass.
-     This is only allowed (possible), if the receivers class and the argument
-     have the same structure (i.e. number of named instance variables and
-     type of indexed instance variables). 
-     If the structures do not match, or any of the original class or new class
-     is UndefinedObject or a Smallinteger, a primitive error is triggered."
-    |myClass ok|
-    "check for UndefinedObject/SmallInteger receiver or newClass"
-    if (__isNonNilObject(self) 
-     && __isNonNilObject(otherClass)
-     && (otherClass != UndefinedObject)
-     && (otherClass != SmallInteger)) {
-	ok = true;
-    } else {
-	ok = false;
-    }
-    ok ifTrue:[
-	ok := false.
-	myClass := self class.
-	myClass flags == otherClass flags ifTrue:[
-	    myClass instSize == otherClass instSize ifTrue:[
-		"same instance layout and types: its ok to do it"
-		ok := true.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		myClass isPointers ifTrue:[
-		    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-			ok := true
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    myClass isPointers ifTrue:[
-		"if newClass is a variable class, with instSize <= my instsize,
-		 we can do it (effectively mapping additional instvars into the
-		 variable part) - usefulness is questionable, though"
-		otherClass isPointers ifTrue:[
-		    otherClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-			otherClass instSize <= (myClass instSize + self basicSize) 
-			ifTrue:[
-			    ok := true
-			]
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			otherClass instSize == (myClass instSize + self basicSize) 
-			ifTrue:[
-			    ok := true
-			]
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    "it does not make sense to convert pointers to bytes ..."
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		"does it make sense, to convert bits ?"
-		"could allow byteArray->wordArray->longArray->floatArray->doubleArray here ..."
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ok ifTrue:[
-	"now, change the receivers class ..."
-	__qClass(self) = otherClass;
-	__STORE(self, otherClass);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    ].
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "changes the class of the receiver to that of the argument, anObject.
-     This is only allowed (possible), if the receivers class and the arguments
-     class have the same structure (i.e. number of named instance variables and 
-     type of indexed instance variables). If the structures do not match, or any
-     of the objects is nil or a Smallinteger, a primitive error is triggered."
-    self changeClassTo:(anObject class)
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return the number of the receivers indexed instance variables;
-     this method may be redefined in subclasses"
-    ^ self basicSize
-    "return the number of the receivers indexed instance variables,
-     0 if it has none.
-     This method should NOT be redefined in any subclass"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    REGISTER int nbytes;
-    REGISTER OBJ myClass;
-    REGISTER int flags;
-    /*
-     * notice the missing test for self being a nonNilObject -
-     * this can be done since basicSize is defined both in UndefinedObject
-     * and SmallInteger
-     */
-    myClass = __qClass(self);
-    nbytes = __qSize(self) 
-	      - OHDR_SIZE 
-	      - __OBJS2BYTES__(__intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_ninstvars));
-    flags = __intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK;
-    /*
-     * replaced switch by open-if; this is slightly faster since
-     * it avoids the range check and also checks the most common case first
-     */
-    if ((flags == POINTERARRAY)
-     || (flags == WKPOINTERARRAY)) {
-	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(__BYTES2OBJS__(nbytes)) );
-    }
-    if (flags == BYTEARRAY) {
-	    RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(char)) );
-    }
-    if (flags == FLOATARRAY) {
-	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(float)) );
-    }
-    if (flags == DOUBLEARRAY) {
-	    /*
-	     * care for filler
-	     */
-	    nbytes -= sizeof(FILLTYPE);
-	    RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(double)) );
-    }
-    if (flags == LONGARRAY) {
-	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(long)) );
-    }
-    if (flags == WORDARRAY) {
-	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(short)) );
-    }
-    ^ 0
-    "return true if the receiver has indexed instance variables,
-     false otherwise."
-    ^ self class isVariable
-    "return true if the receiver cannot grow easily 
-     (i.e. a grow may be expensive, since it involves a become:)"
-    ^ true
-    "return the receivers class"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN ( __Class(self) );
-    "return a class which is similar to (or the same as) the receivers class.
-     This is used to create an appropriate object when creating derived
-     copies in the collection classes (sometimes redefined)."
-    ^ self class
-    "return the receiver - used for cascades to return self at the end"
-    ^ self
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of class (i.e. behavior);
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Behavior."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of class (real class, 
-     not just behavior);
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Class."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of metaclass;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Metaclass."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of block;
-     false returned here - the method is only redefined in Block."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of method;
-     false returned here - the method is only redefined in Method."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of context;
-     false returned here - the method is only redefined in Context."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of signal;
-     false returned here - the method is only redefined in Signal."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of stream;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Stream."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of externalStream;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in ExternalStream."
-    ^false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of fileStream;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in FileStream."
-    ^false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of collection;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Collection."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of sequenceable collection;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in SequenceableCollection."
-    ^ false
-    "OBSOLETE: use isSequenceable for ST-80 compatibility.
-     This method is a historic leftover and will be removed soon ..."
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #isSequenceable'.
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of color;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Color."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of array (or weakArray etc);
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Array."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of string;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in String."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of symbol;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Symbol."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of character;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Character."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of number;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Number."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of fraction;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Fraction."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of real number;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in LimitedPrecisionReal."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of integer number;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Integer."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of point;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Point."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of rectangle;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Rectangle."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of layout;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Layout."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of form;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Form."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of image;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Image."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of image or form;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Image and Form."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of view;
-     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in View."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver can be represented as a constant in ST syntax;
-     false is returned here - the method is redefined in some classes."
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is an instance of aClass, false otherwise.
-     Advice: 
-	use of this to check objects for certain attributes/protocoll should
-	be avoided; it limits the reusability of your classes by limiting use
-	to instances of a certain class.
-	Use check-methods to check an object for a certain attributes/protocol
-	(such as #isXXX, #respondsTo: or #isNumber);
-	Using #isMemberOf: is considered BAD STYLE."
-    ^ (self class) == aClass
-    "return true, if the receiver is an instance of aClass or one of its
-     subclasses, false otherwise.
-     Advice: 
-	use of this to check objects for certain attributes/protocoll should
-	be avoided; it limits the reusability of your classes by limiting use
-	to instances of certain classes and fences you into a specific inheritance 
-	hierarchy.
-	Use check-methods to check an object for a certain attributes/protocol
-	(such as #isXXXX, #respondsTo: or #isNumber).
-	Using #isKindOf: is considered BAD STYLE.
-     Advice2:
-	Be aware, that using an #isXXX method is usually much faster than 
-	using #isKindOf:; because isKindOf: has to walk up all the superclass 
-	hierarchy, comparing every class on the way. 
-	Due to caching in the VM, a call to #isXXX is normally reached via
-	a single function call.
-     "
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    register OBJ thisClass;
-    thisClass = __Class(self);
-    while (thisClass != nil) {
-	if (thisClass == aClass) {
-	    RETURN ( true );
-	}
-	thisClass = _ClassInstPtr(thisClass)->c_superclass;
-    }
-"/  the above code is equivalent to:
-"/  thisClass := self class.
-"/  [thisClass notNil] whileTrue:[
-"/      thisClass == aClass ifTrue:[^ true].
-"/      thisClass := thisClass superclass
-"/  ]
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver implements a method with selector equal
-     to aSelector; i.e. if there is a method for aSelector in either the
-     receivers class or one of its superclasses.
-     Notice, that this does not imply, that such a message can be sent without
-     an error being raised. For example, an implementation could send
-     #shouldNotImplement or #subclassResponsibility."
-    "
-     should we go via the cache, or search (by class) ?
-     The first is faster, most of the time; while the 2nd fills
-     the cache with useless data if this is sent in a loop over all objects.
-     For now, use the cache ...
-    "
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    extern OBJ __lookup();
-    if (__lookup(__Class(self), aSelector) == nil) {
-	RETURN ( false );
-    }
-    RETURN ( true );
-    ^ self class canUnderstand:aSelector
-    "'aString' respondsTo:#+"
-    "'aString' respondsTo:#,"
-    "'aString' respondsTo:#collect:"
-    "return true, if the receiver responds to arithmetic messages.
-     false is returned here - the method is redefined in ArithmeticValue."
-    ^ false
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'special queries'!
-    "return true, if the receiver refers to the argument, anObject.
-     - for debugging only"
-    |myClass 
-     numInst "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    /*
-     * a little optimization: use the fact that all old objects
-     * refering to a new object are on the remSet; if I am not,
-     * a trivial reject is possible, if anObject is a newbee
-     */
-    if (__isNonNilObject(self) && __isNonNilObject(anObject)) {
-	if ((__qSpace(self) <= OLDSPACE) && !__isRemembered(self)) {
-	    int spc;
-	    if (((spc = __qSpace(anObject)) == NEWSPACE) || (spc == SURVSPACE)) {
-		RETURN (false);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    myClass := self class.
-    "check the class"
-    (myClass == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true].
-    "check the instance variables"
-    numInst := myClass instSize.
-    1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
-	((self instVarAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true]
-    ].
-    "check the indexed variables"
-    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-	myClass isPointers ifFalse:[
-	    "/
-	    "/ we could argue about the following unconditional return:
-	    "/ it says that a non pointer array never has a reference to the
-	    "/ corresponding object - not mimicing a reference to a copy of the
-	    "/ integer. However, it avoids useless searches in huge byteArray
-	    "/ like objects when searching for owners. If in doubt, remove it.
-	    "/ A consequence of the return below is that #[1 2 3] will say that it
-	    "/ does not refer to the number 2 (think of keeping a copy instead)
-	    ^ false.
-	    "/ alternative:
-	    "/  anObject isNumber ifFalse:[^ false].
-	].
-	"/
-	"/ because arrays are so common, and those have a highly tuned
-	"/ idenitytIndex method, use it
-	"/
-	myClass == Array ifTrue:[
-	    ^ (self identityIndexOf:anObject) ~~ 0
-	].
-	"/
-	"/ otherwise, do it the slow way
-	"/
-	numInst := self basicSize.
-	1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
-	    ((self basicAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "
-     |v|
-     v := View new initialize.
-     v references:Display. 
-    "
-    "return true, if the receiver refers to an instance of
-     the argument, aClass.This method exists
-     to support searching for users of a class."
-    |myClass 
-     numInst "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    myClass := self class.
-    "check the class"
-    (myClass isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true].
-    "check the instance variables"
-    numInst := myClass instSize.
-    1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
-	((self instVarAt:i) isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true]
-    ].
-    "check the indexed variables"
-    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-	myClass isPointers ifFalse:[
-	    "no need to search in non-pointer indexed fields"
-	    myClass isLongs ifTrue:[
-		(aClass == SmallInteger or:[aClass == LargeInteger]) ifFalse:[^ false].
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		myClass isFloatsOrDoubles ifTrue:[^ aClass == Float].
-		^ aClass == SmallInteger
-	    ]
-	].
-	numInst := self basicSize.
-	1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
-	    ((self basicAt:i) isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "
-     (1 @ 3.4) referencesInstanceOf:Float     
-     (1 @ 3.4) referencesInstanceOf:Fraction    
-     View new initialize referencesInstanceOf:(Display class)  
-    "
-    "return true, if the receiver refers to an instance of
-     the argument, aClass or its subclass. This method exists
-     to support searching for users of a class."
-    |myClass 
-     numInst "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    myClass := self class.
-    "check the class"
-    (myClass isKindOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true].
-    "check the instance variables"
-    numInst := myClass instSize.
-    1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
-	((self instVarAt:i) isKindOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true]
-    ].
-    "check the indexed variables"
-    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-	myClass isPointers ifFalse:[
-	    "no need to search in non pointer fields"
-	    ((aClass == Number) or:[aClass isSubclassOf:Number]) ifFalse:[^ false].
-	].
-	numInst := self basicSize.
-	1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
-	    ((self basicAt:i) isKindOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "
-     (1 @ 3.4) referencesDerivedInstanceOf:Number  
-     (1 @ 3.4) referencesDerivedInstanceOf:Array   
-     View new initialize referencesDerivedInstanceOf:DeviceWorkstation  
-    "
-    "return a collection of all objects referencing the receiver"
-    ^ ObjectMemory whoReferences:self
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'misc'!
--> anObject
-    "return an association with the receiver as key and
-     the argument as value"
-    ^ Association key:self value:anObject
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'evaluation'!
-    "this allows every object to be used where blocks are typically used.
-     Time will show, if this is a good idea or leads to sloppy programming
-     style ... (the idea was borrowed from the Self language).
-     WARNING: dont 'optimize' away ifXXX: blocks - the compilers will 
-	      only generate inline code for the if, if the argument(s) are blocks.
-	      It will work, but run slower instead."
-    ^ self
-    "
-     #(1 2 3 4) indexOf:5 ifAbsent:0 
-    "
-    "DO NOT DO THIS (its slower)
-     (1 > 4) ifTrue:'oops' ifFalse:'ok'
-     USE (the compiler optimizes blocks in if/while):
-     (1 > 4) ifTrue:['oops'] ifFalse:['ok']
-    "
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'copying'!
-    "return a copy of the receiver - defaults to shallowcopy here.
-     Notice, that copy does not copy dependents."
-    ^ self shallowCopy postCopy
-    "this is used to aquire a copy to be used for finalization -
-     (the copy will get a dispose-notification; see the documentation in the Registry class)
-     This method can be redefined for more efficient copying - especially for large objects."
-    ^ self shallowCopy
-    "return a copy of the object with shared subobjects (a shallow copy)
-     i.e. the copy shares referenced instvars with its original."
-    |myClass aCopy 
-     sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    myClass := self class.
-    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-	sz := self basicSize.
-	aCopy := myClass basicNew:sz.
-	"copy the indexed variables"
-	1 to:sz do:[:i | 
-	    aCopy basicAt:i put:(self basicAt:i) 
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	aCopy := myClass basicNew
-    ].
-    "copy the instance variables"
-    sz := myClass instSize.
-    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
-	aCopy instVarAt:i put:(self instVarAt:i) 
-    ].
-    ^ aCopy
-    "this is for compatibility with ST-80 code, which uses postCopy for
-     cleanup after copying, while ST/X passes the original in postCopyFrom:
-     (see there)"
-    ^ self
-    "sent to a freshly deep-copied object to give it a chance to adjust things.
-     (a font could flush its device-handle for example). 
-     Notice, that for Sets/Dicts etc. a rehash is not needed, since the deepCopy
-     will have the same hash key as the receiver (as long as ST/X provides the 
-     setHash: functionality)."
-    "for ST-80 compatibility, we try postCopy here ..."
-    ^ self postCopy
-    "return a copy of the object with all subobjects also copied.
-     This method DOES handle cycles/self-refs; however the receivers
-     class is not copied (to avoid the 'total' copy).
-     This deepCopy is a bit slower than the old (unsecure) one, since it
-     keeps track of already copied objects. If you are sure, that your
-     copied object does not include dublicates (or you do not care) and
-     no cycles, you can use the old simpleDeepCopy, which avoids this overhead,
-     but may run into trouble.
-     Notice, that copy does not copy dependents."
-    ^ self deepCopyUsing:(IdentityDictionary new)
-    "an example which is not handled by the old deepCopy:
-     |a|
-     a := Array new:3.
-     a at:3 put:a.
-     a deepCopy inspect
-    "
-    "raise a signal, that deepCopy is not allowed for this object"
-    ^ DeepCopyErrorSignal raise
-    "a helper for deepCopy; return a copy of the object with 
-     all subobjects also copied. If the to-be-copied object is in the dictionary, 
-     use the value found there. The class of the receiver is not copied.
-     This method DOES handle cycles/self references."
-    |myClass aCopy
-     sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     iOrig iCopy|
-    myClass := self class.
-    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-	sz := self basicSize.
-	aCopy := myClass basicNew:sz.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	sz := 0.
-	aCopy := myClass basicNew
-    ].
-    aCopy setHashFrom:self.
-    aDictionary at:self put:aCopy.
-    "
-     copy indexed instvars - if any
-    "
-    sz ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	myClass isBits ifTrue:[
-	    "block-copy indexed instvars"
-	    aCopy replaceFrom:1 to:sz with:self startingAt:1
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    "individual deep copy the indexed variables"
-	    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
-		iOrig := self basicAt:i.
-		iOrig notNil ifTrue:[
-		    (aDictionary includesKey:iOrig) ifTrue:[
-			iCopy := aDictionary at:iOrig
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			iCopy := iOrig deepCopyUsing:aDictionary.
-		    ].
-		    aCopy basicAt:i put:iCopy
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    "
-     copy the instance variables
-    "
-    sz := myClass instSize.
-    sz ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	1 to:sz do:[:i |
-	    iOrig := self instVarAt:i.
-	    iOrig notNil ifTrue:[
-		(aDictionary includesKey:iOrig) ifTrue:[
-		    iCopy := aDictionary at:iOrig
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    iCopy := iOrig deepCopyUsing:aDictionary.
-		].
-		aCopy instVarAt:i put:iCopy
-	    ]
-	].
-    ].
-    ^ aCopy
-    "return a copy of the object with all subobjects also copied.
-     This method does NOT handle cycles - but is included to allow this 
-     slightly faster copy in situations where it is known that
-     no recursive references occur (LargeIntegers for example).
-     NOTICE: you will run into trouble, when trying this with recursive
-     objects (usually recursionInterrupt or memory-alert).
-     This method corresponds to the 'traditional' deepCopy found in
-     the Blue book."
-    |myClass aCopy 
-     sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    myClass := self class.
-    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-	sz := self basicSize.
-	aCopy := myClass basicNew:sz.
-	"copy the indexed variables"
-	1 to:sz do:[:i | 
-	    aCopy basicAt:i put:((self basicAt:i) simpleDeepCopy)
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	aCopy := myClass basicNew 
-    ].
-    "copy the instance variables"
-    sz := myClass instSize.
-    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
-	aCopy instVarAt:i put:((self instVarAt:i) simpleDeepCopy)
-    ].
-    ^ aCopy
-    "a bad example (but ST/X should survive ...)"
-    "
-     |a|
-     a := Array new:3.
-     a at:3 put:a.
-     a simpleDeepCopy
-    "
-    "set my identity-hash key to be the same as anObjects hash key. 
-     This is an ST/X speciality, which is NOT available in other (especially OT based) 
-     Smalltalks, and may not be available in future ST/X versions.
-     DO NEVER use this for normal application code."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    REGISTER unsigned h;
-    if (__isNonNilObject(self) && __isNonNilObject(anObject)) {
-	h = __GET_HASH(anObject);
-	__SET_HASH(self, h);
-	RETURN (self);
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed    "neither receiver not arg may be nil or SmallInteger"
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'comparing'!
-== anObject
-    "return true, if the receiver and the arg are the same object"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN ( (self == anObject) ? true : false );
-~~ anObject
-    "return true, if the receiver and the arg are not the same object"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN ( (self == anObject) ? false : true );
-= anObject
-    "return true, if the receiver and the arg have the same structure"
-    ^ self == anObject
-~= anObject
-    "return true, if the receiver and the arg do not have the same structure"
-    ^ (self = anObject) not
-    "return true, if the receiver is nil"
-    ^ false
-    "return true, if the receiver is not nil"
-    ^ true
-    "return an Integer useful as a hash key for the receiver.
-     This hash should return same values for objects with same
-     contents (i.e. use this to hash on structure)"
-    ^ self identityHash
-    "return an Integer useful as a hash key for the receiver.
-     This hash should return same values for the same object (i.e. use
-     this to hash on identity of objects).
-     We cannot use the Objects address (as other smalltalks do) since
-     no object-table exists and the hashval must not change when objects
-     are moved by the collector. Therefore we assign each object a unique
-     Id in the object header itself as its hashed upon.
-     (luckily we have 11 bits spare to do this - unluckily its only 11 bits).
-     Time will show, if 11 bits are enough; if not, another entry in the
-     object header will be needed, adding 4 bytes to every object. Alternatively,
-     hashed-upon objects could add an instvar containing the hash value."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    REGISTER unsigned hash;
-    static unsigned nextHash = 0;
-    OBJ cls;
-    if (__isNonNilObject(self)) {
-	hash = __GET_HASH(self);
-	if (hash == 0) {
-	    hash = nextHash++;
-	    __SET_HASH(self, hash);
-	    hash = __GET_HASH(self);
-	    if (hash == 0) {
-		hash = nextHash++;
-		__SET_HASH(self, hash);
-		hash = __GET_HASH(self);
-	    }
-	}
-	/*
-	 * now, we got 11 bits for hashing;
-	 * make it as large as possible; since most hashers use the returned
-	 * key and take it modulu some prime number, this will allow for
-	 * better distribution (i.e. bigger empty spaces) in hashed collection.
-	 * we could shift it up to the 30 bit limit - not making it negative.
-	 */
-	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(hash << __HASH_SHIFT__) );
-    }
-    ^ 0 "never reached, since redefined in UndefinedObject and SmallInteger"
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'interrupt handling'!
-    "this is triggered, when system hits some bad error,
-     such as corrupted class, corrupted method/selector array
-     etc. The argument string gives some more information on what happened.
-     (for example, if you set an objects class to a smallInteger, nil etc). 
-     Its not guaranteed, that the system is in a working condition once
-     this error occurred ...."
-    ^ self error:msg
-    "user (^c) interrupt - enter debugger"
-    UserInterruptSignal raise
-    "I/O (SIGIO/SIGPOLL) interrupt (supposed to be sent to Processor).
-     If we arrive here, there is either no handler (ObjMem>>ioInterruptHandler)
-     or it does not understand the ioInterrupt message.
-     In any case, this is a sign of some big trouble. Enter debugger."
-    self error:'I/O Interrupt - but no handler'
-    "scheduler interrupt (supposed to be sent to Processor).
-     If we arrive here, either the Processor does not understand it,
-     or it has been set to nil. In any case, this is a sign of some
-     big trouble. Enter debugger."
-    self error:'schedulerInterrupt - but no Processor'
-    "death of a child process (unix process) - do nothing"
-    ^ self
-    "spy interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
-    self error:'spy Interrupt - but no handler'
-    "timer interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
-    self error:'timer Interrupt - but no handler'
-errorInterrupt:errorID with:aParameter
-    "subsystem error. The arguments errorID and aParameter are the values passed
-     to the 'errorInterruptWithIDAndParameter(id, param)' function, 
-     which can be called from C subsystems to raise an (asynchronous)
-     error exception.
-     Currently, this is used to map XErrors to smalltalk errors, but can be
-     used from other C subsystems too, to upcast errors.
-     Especially, for subsystems which call errorHandler functions asynchronously.
-     IDs (currently) used:
-	#DisplayError ..... x-error interrupt
-	#XtError      ..... xt-error interrupt (Xt interface is not yet published)
-    "
-    |handler|
-    handler := ObjectMemory registeredErrorInterruptHandlers at:errorID ifAbsent:nil.
-    handler notNil ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ handler found; let it do whatever it wants ...
-	"/
-	handler errorInterrupt:errorID with:aParameter.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ no handler - raise errorSignal passing the errorId as parameter
-    "/
-    ^ ErrorSignal 
-	raiseRequestWith:errorID 
-	errorString:('Subsystem error. ErrorID = ' , errorID printString)
-    "out-of-memory interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
-    ^ self error:'almost out of memory'
-    "a custom interrupt"
-    ^ self error:'custom interrupt'
-    "a floating point exception occured - this one
-     has to be handled differently since it comes asynchronous
-     on some machines (for example, on machines with a separate FPU
-     or superscalar architectures. Also, errors from within primitive code
-     (or library functions such as GL) are sent via the Unix-signal
-     mechanism this way."
-    ^ Float domainErrorSignal raise
-    "unix signal occured - some signals are handled as Smalltalk Exceptions 
-     (SIGPIPE), others (SIGBUS) are rather fatal ...
-     In any case, if a smalltalk-signal has been connected to the OS signal,
-     that one is raised.
-     TODO: add another argument, giving more detailed signal info (PC, VADDR,
-     exact cause etc.). This helps if segvs occur in primitive code.
-     Currently (temporary kludge), these are passed as global variables."
-    |box name here sig ignorable titles actions badContext msg pc addr|
-    "
-     special case - since SIGPIPE has an ST-signal associated
-    "
-    (signalNumber == 13) ifTrue:[
-	"SIGPIPE - write on a pipe with no one to read"
-	^ PipeStream brokenPipeSignal raise.
-    ].
-    "if there has been an ST-signal installed, use it ..."
-    sig := OperatingSystem operatingSystemSignal:signalNumber.
-    sig notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ sig raise
-    ].
-    "
-     ... otherwise , bring up a box asking for what to do ...
-    "
-    name := OperatingSystem nameForSignal:signalNumber.
-    here := thisContext.
-    "
-     the context, in which the signal occurred:
-    "
-    badContext := here sender.
-    "
-     ungrab - in case it happened in a box/popupview
-     otherwise display stays locked
-    "
-    Display notNil ifTrue:[
-	Display ungrabPointer.
-    ].
-    "
-     SIGBUS, SIGSEGV and SIGILL do not make sense to ignore (i.e. continue)
-     since the system will retry the faulty instruction, which leads to
-     another signal - to avoid frustration, better not offer this option.
-    "
-    ignorable := (signalNumber ~~ OperatingSystem sigBUS)
-		  and:[signalNumber ~~ OperatingSystem sigILL
-		  and:[signalNumber ~~ OperatingSystem sigSEGV]].
-    ignorable ifFalse:[
-	here isRecursive ifTrue:[
-	    'fatal: signal ' errorPrint. signalNumber errorPrintNL.
-	    MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'recursive signal'.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	"
-	 a hard signal - go into debugger immediately
-	"
-	msg := 'Signal ', name.
-	InterruptPcLow notNil ifTrue:[
-	    pc := InterruptPcLow + (InterruptPcHi bitShift:16).
-	    pc ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		msg := msg , ' PC=' , (pc printStringRadix:16)
-	    ].
-	].
-	InterruptAddrLow notNil ifTrue:[
-	    addr := InterruptAddrLow + (InterruptAddrHi bitShift:16).
-	    addr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		msg := msg , ' ADDR=' , (addr printStringRadix:16)
-	    ].
-	].
-	Debugger enter:here withMessage:msg. 
-	badContext return.
-	^ nil.
-    ].
-    OptionBox isNil ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 a system without GUI ...
-	 go into minidebugger (if there is one)
-	"
-	MiniDebugger isNil ifTrue:[
-	    "
-	     a system without debugging facilities
-	     (i.e. a standalone system)
-	     output a message and exit.
-	    "
-	    ('exit due to Signal ' , name) errorPrintNL.
-	    Smalltalk exit.
-	].
-	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'Signal cought (' , name, ')'.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    box := OptionBox 
-		title:'Signal cought (' , name, ')'
-		numberOfOptions:(ignorable ifTrue:[5] ifFalse:[4]).
-    titles := #('return' 'debug' 'dump' 'exit').
-    actions := Array 
-		 with:[badContext return]
-		 with:[Debugger enter:here withMessage:('Signal ', name). ^nil]
-		 with:[Smalltalk fatalAbort]
-		 with:[Smalltalk exit].
-    ignorable ifTrue:[
-	titles := #('ignore') , titles.
-	actions := (Array with:[^ nil]) , actions.
-    ].
-    box buttonTitles:titles.
-    box actions:actions.
-    box showAtPointer
-    "recursion limit (actually: stack overflow) interrupt.
-     This interrupt is triggered, when a process stack grows above
-     its stackLimit - usually, this leads into the debugger, but
-     could be cought and the stackLimit increased in the handler.
-     At the time we arrive here, the system has still some stack 
-     as a reserve so we can continue to do some useful work or cleanup or
-     debugging for a while.
-     If the signal is ignored, and the stack continues to grow, there
-     will be a few more chances (and more interrupts) before the VM
-     hard-terminates the process."
-    thisContext isRecursive ifFalse:[
-	^ RecursionInterruptSignal raise
-    ]
-    "exception interrupt - enter debugger"
-    self error:'exception Interrupt'
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'error handling'!
-    "report error that some index is out of bounds.
-     (when accessing indexable collections)"
-    ^ SubscriptOutOfBoundsSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
-    "report error that anIndex is out of bounds.
-     (when accessing indexable collections)"
-    ^ SubscriptOutOfBoundsSignal raiseRequestWith:anIndex in:thisContext sender
-    "report error that index is not an Integer.
-     (when accessing collections indexed by an integer key)"
-    ^ NonIntegerIndexSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
-    "report error that no element was found in a collection"
-    ^ NotFoundSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
-    "report error that a key was not found in a collection"
-    ^ KeyNotFoundSignal raiseRequestWith:aKey in:thisContext sender
-    "report error that badElement is out of bounds 
-     (i.e. cannot be put into that collection)"
-    ^ ElementOutOfBoundsSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
-    "report error that object to be stored is not Integer.
-     (in collections that store integers only)"
-    ^ ElementOutOfBoundsSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
-    "report error that object to be stored is no Character.
-     (usually when storing into Strings)"
-    ^ ElementOutOfBoundsSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
-    "report an argument-not-rectangle-error"
-    ^ self error:'argument must be a Rectangle'
-    "report an argument-not-string-error"
-    ^ self error:'argument must be a String'
-    "report error that receiver has no indexed instance variables"
-    ^ self error:'receiver has no indexed variables'
-    "generated when a variable declared with an integer type gets a bad
-     value assigned"
-    ^ self error:'bad assign of ' , self printString , 
-		  ' (' , self class name , ') to integer-typed variable'
-    "generated when a variable declared with a type hint gets a bad
-     value assigned"
-    ^ self error:'bad assign of ' , self printString ,
-		  ' (' , self class name , ') to typed variable'
-    "report error that primitive code failed"
-    ^ PrimitiveFailureSignal raiseIn:(thisContext sender)
-    "this is sent by ST/V code - its the same as #subclassResponsibility"
-    ^ self subclassResponsibility
-    "this is sent by ST/V code - its the same as #shouldNotImplement"
-    ^ self shouldNotImplement
-    "report error that this message should have been reimplemented in a
-     subclass"
-    ^ self error:'method must be reimplemented in subclass'
-    "report error that this message should not be implemented"
-    ^ self error:'method not appropriate for this class'
-    "enter debugger with halt-message"
-    ^ HaltSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender.
-    "enter debugger with halt-message"
-    ^ HaltSignal raiseRequestWith:#halt: 
-		      errorString:aString
-			       in:thisContext sender
-    "report error that an error occured"
-    ^ ErrorSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender 
-    "enter debugger with error-message aString"
-    ^ ErrorSignal raiseRequestWith:#error: 
-		       errorString:aString
-				in:thisContext sender
-    "this message is sent by the runtime system (VM) when
-     a message is not understood by some object (i.e. there
-     is no method for that selector). The original message has
-     been packed into aMessage (i.e. the receiver, selector and
-     any arguments) and the original receiver is then sent the
-     #doesNotUnderstand: message.
-     Here, we raise another signal which usually enters the debugger.
-     You can of course redefine #doesNotUnderstand: in your classes
-     to implement message delegation."
-    |sel errorString cls sender|
-    "/ handle the case of an error during early startup
-    "/ (output streams not yet initialized)
-    "/
-    Stdout isNil ifTrue:[
-	Smalltalk fatalAbort:'error during init phase'.
-    ].
-    (sel := aMessage selector) isNil ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ happens when things go mad, or a method has been
-	"/ called by valueWithReceiver: with a wrong receiver
-	"/ to avoud later trouble (when concatenating strings),
-	"/ replace the selector by some (nonNil) string
-	"/
-	sel := '(nil)'
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ extract the class that should have implemented the message.
-    "/ (in case of a super-send, this is not the receivers class)
-    "/
-    sender := thisContext sender.
-    cls := sender searchClass.
-    cls isNil ifTrue:[
-	"it was NOT a super or directed send ..."
-	cls := self class
-    ].
-    cls notNil ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ displayString is better than 'cls name',
-	"/ since it appends (obsolete) for outdated classes.
-	"/ (this happens if you send messages to old instances
-	"/  after changing a classes definition)
-	"/
-	errorString := cls displayString.
-    ] ifFalse:[    
-	errorString := '(** nil-class **)'
-    ].
-    errorString := errorString , ' does not understand: ' , sel.
-    "/
-    "/ this only happens, when YOU play around with my classvars ...
-    "/ (or an error occurs during early startup, when signals are not yet set)
-    "/
-    MessageNotUnderstoodSignal isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self enterDebuggerWith:nil
-			 message:'oops - MessageNotUnderstoodSignal is gone'.
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ thats where we end up normally - raise a signal which (if unhandled) opens a debugger
-    "/
-    ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
-		raiseRequestWith:aMessage
-		     errorString:errorString
-			      in:sender
-    "Modified: 9.12.1995 / 17:25:37 / cg"
-    "return an appropriate debugger to use.
-     If there is already a debugger active on the stack, and it is
-     the DebugView, return MiniDebugger (as a last chance) otherwise abort."
-    |context|
-    context := thisContext.
-    context := context sender.
-    [context notNil] whileTrue:[
-	((context receiver class == Debugger) 
-	 and:[context selector == aSelector]) ifTrue:[
-	    "we are already in some Debugger"
-	    (Debugger == MiniDebugger) ifTrue:[
-		"we are already in the MiniDebugger"
-		ErrorRecursion ifFalse:[
-		    Smalltalk fatalAbort:'recursive error ...'
-		]
-	    ].
-	    MiniDebugger isNil ifTrue:[
-		Smalltalk fatalAbort:'no debugger'
-	    ].
-	    "ok, an error occured while in the graphical debugger;
-	     lets try MiniDebugger"
-	    ^ MiniDebugger
-	].
-	context := context sender
-    ].
-    "not within Debugger - no problem"
-    ^ Debugger
-enterDebuggerWith:anException message:aString
-    "enter the debugger with error-message aString"
-    ^ self enterDebuggerWith:anException 
-		     message:aString 
-			   on:anException suspendedContext
-enterDebuggerWith:anException message:aString on:aContext 
-    "enter the debugger with error-message aString.
-     The first visible context shown there is aContext 
-     (this allows intermediate helpers to hide themselfes from what is
-     presented to the user)"
-    |debugger|
-    "
-     if there is no debugger, exit smalltalk
-    "
-    Debugger isNil ifTrue:[
-	'error: ' errorPrint. aString errorPrintNL.
-	Smalltalk fatalAbort:'no Debugger defined'
-    ].
-    "
-     find an appropriate debugger to use
-    "
-    debugger := self appropriateDebugger:#'enter:withMessage:'.
-    ^ debugger enter:aContext withMessage:aString.
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'debugging'!
-obsoleteMethodWarning:message from:aContext
-    "in methods which are going to be obsoleted, a self-send to
-     this method is used to tell programmers that a method is
-     used which is going to be removed in later ST/X versions.
-     Find all methods which will be obsolete soon by looking at senders
-     of this message.
-     Hopefully, this warning message is annoying enough for you to
-     change the code ... ;-)"
-    |spec|
-    spec := aContext methodPrintString.
-    ('WARNING: the ''' , spec , ''' method is obsolete.') errorPrintNL.
-    ('         And may not be present in future ST/X versions.') errorPrintNL.
-    ('         called from ' , aContext sender printString) errorPrintNL.
-    message notNil ifTrue:[
-	'------>  ' errorPrint. message errorPrintNL
-    ]
-    "
-     Object obsoleteMethodWarning:'foo' from:thisContext sender sender
-    "
-    "in methods which are going to be obsoleted, a self send to
-     this method is used to tell programmers that a method is
-     used which is going to be removed in later ST/X versions.
-     Find all methods which will be obsolete soon by looking at senders
-     of this message.
-     Hopefully, this warning message is annoying enough for you to
-     change the code ... ;-)"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:message from:thisContext sender
-    "in methods which are going to be obsoleted, a self send to
-     this method is used to tell programmers that a method is
-     used which is going to be removed in later ST/X versions.
-     Find all methods which will be obsolete soon by looking at senders
-     of this message.
-     Hopefully, this warning message is annoying enough for you to
-     change the code ... ;-)"
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning:nil from:thisContext sender
-    "for compatibility & debugging support: 
-     check if the receiver isKindOf:aClass and raise an error if not.
-     Notice:
-	it is VERY questionable, if it makes sense to add manual
-	type checks to a dynamically typed language like smalltalk. 
-	It will, at least, slow down performance,
-	make your code less reusable and clutter your code with stupid sends
-	of this selector. Also, read the comment in isKindOf:, regarding the
-	use of isXXX check methods.
-     You see: The author does not like this at all ..."
-    (self isKindOf:aClass) ifFalse:[
-	self error:'argument is not of expected type'
-    ]
-    "launch a Notifier, showing top stack, telling user something
-     and give a chance to enter debugger."
-    |info con sender|
-    Dialog isNil ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 on systems without GUI, simply show
-	 the message on the Transcript.
-	"
-	Transcript showCr:aString.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    Dialog autoload.        "in case its autoloaded"
-    con := sender := thisContext sender.
-    info := aString , Character cr asString , Character cr asString.
-    1 to:5 do:[:n |
-	con notNil ifTrue:[
-	    info := info , con printString , Character cr asString.
-	    con := con sender
-	]
-    ].
-    (Dialog choose:info 
-	   labels:#('proceed' 'debug')
-	   values:#(#proceed #debug)
-	   default:#debug) == #debug
-    ifTrue:[
-	Debugger enter:sender withMessage:aString
-    ]
-    "
-     nil errorNotify:'hello there'
-     self errorNotify:'hello there'
-    "
-    "launch a Notifier, telling user something.
-     Use #information: for ignorable messages."
-    Dialog isNil ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 on systems without GUI, simply show
-	 the message on the Transcript.
-	"
-	Transcript showCr:aString.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    Dialog autoload.        "in case its autoloaded"
-    Dialog information:aString
-    "
-     nil notify:'hello there'
-     self notify:'hello there'
-    "
-    "launch an InfoBox, telling user something. 
-     These info-boxes can be suppressed by handling the 
-     UserNotification- or InformationSignal and proceeding in the handler."
-    InformationSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
-	^ InformationSignal raiseRequestWith:self errorString:aString
-    ].
-    self notify:aString
-    "
-     nil information:'hello there'
-     self information:'hello there'
-    "
-    "
-     InformationSignal handle:[:ex |
-	'no box popped' printNL.
-	ex proceed.
-     ] do:[
-	'hello' printNL.
-	self information:'some info'.
-	'world' printNL.
-     ]
-    "
-    "Modified: 24.11.1995 / 22:29:49 / cg"
-    "launch a WarningBox, telling user something.
-     These warn-boxes can be suppressed by handling the 
-     UserNotification- or WarningSignal and proceeding in the handler."
-    WarningSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
-	^ WarningSignal raiseRequestWith:self errorString:aString
-    ].
-    Dialog isNil ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 on systems without GUI, simply show
-	 the message on the Transcript.
-	"
-	Transcript showCr:aString.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    Dialog autoload.        "in case its autoloaded"
-    Dialog warn:aString
-    "
-     nil warn:'hello there'
-     self warn:'hello there'
-    "
-    "
-     WarningSignal handle:[:ex |
-	ex proceed.
-     ] do:[
-	'hello' printNL.
-	self warn:'some info'.
-	'world' printNL.
-     ]
-    "
-    "launch a confirmer, which allows user to enter yes or no.
-     return true for yes, false for no"
-    Dialog isNil ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 on systems without GUI, output a message
-	 and return true (as if yes was answered)
-	 Q: should we ask user by reading Stdin ?
-	"
-	Transcript showCr:aString.
-	Transcript showCr:'continue, assuming <yes>'.
-	^ true
-    ].
-    Dialog autoload.        "in case its autoloaded"
-    ^ Dialog confirm:aString
-    "
-     nil confirm:'hello'
-     self confirm:'hello'
-    "
-    "launch an inspector on the receiver.
-     this method should NOT be redefined in subclasses."
-    Inspector isNil ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 for systems without GUI
-	"
-	Transcript showCr:'no Inspector'
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	Inspector openOn:self
-    ]
-    "launch an inspector on the receiver.
-     this method (or better: inspectorClass) can be redefined in subclasses 
-     to start special inspectors."
-    |cls|
-    cls := self inspectorClass.
-    cls isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self basicInspect
-    ].
-    cls openOn:self
-    "
-     Object new inspect
-     (1 @ 2) inspect
-     Smalltalk inspect
-     #(1 2 3) asOrderedCollection inspect
-     (Color red) inspect
-     (Image fromFile:'bitmaps/garfield.gif') inspect
-    "
-    "return the class to use for inspect. 
-     Can (should) be redefined in classes for which a better inspector is available"
-    ^ Inspector
-! !
-!Object methodsFor:'converting'!
-    "return a valueHolder for for the receiver"
-    ^ ValueHolder with:self
-! !
 !Object methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -2251,6 +343,13 @@
     ^ self basicAt:index
+at:index put:anObject
+    "store the 2nd arg, anObject as indexed instvar with index, anInteger.
+     this method can be redefined in subclasses."
+    ^ self basicAt:index put:anObject
     "return the indexed instance variable with index, anInteger.
      Trigger an error if the receiver has no indexed instance variables.
@@ -2339,13 +438,6 @@
     ^ self subscriptBoundsError:index
-at:index put:anObject
-    "store the 2nd arg, anObject as indexed instvar with index, anInteger.
-     this method can be redefined in subclasses."
-    ^ self basicAt:index put:anObject
 basicAt:index put:anObject
     "store the 2nd arg, anObject as indexed instvar with index, anInteger.
      Trigger an error if the receiver has no indexed instance variables.
@@ -2579,76 +671,291 @@
     ^ self instVarAt:(self class instVarOffsetOf:name) put:value
 ! !
-!Object methodsFor:'dependents access'!
-    "return a Collection of dependents - nil if there is none.
-     The default implementation here uses a global Dictionary to store
-     dependents which may be too slow for high frequency change&update.
-     Therefore, some classes (Model) redefine this for better performance."
-    ^ Dependencies at:self ifAbsent:[nil]
+!Object methodsFor:'binary storage'!
+    "return true, if the receiver has a special binary representation;
+     default here is false, but can be redefined in class which provide
+     their own storeBinary/readBinary methods.
+     Normal user classes should not use this, it is meant as a hook for
+     special classes such as True, False, UndefinedObject or SmallInteger.
+     If your instances should be stored in a special way, see
+     #representBinaryOn: and #readBinaryContentsFromdata:manager:."
+    ^ false
-    "set the collection of dependents.
-     The default implementation here uses a global Dictionary to store
-     dependents which may be too slow for high frequency change&update.
-     Therefore, some classes (Model) redefine this for better performance."
-    (aCollection isNil or:[aCollection isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-	Dependencies removeKey:self ifAbsent:[]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	Dependencies at:self put:aCollection
-    ]
+readBinaryContentsFrom:stream manager:manager
+    "reconstruct the receivers instance variables by reading a binary
+     binary representation from stream. 
+     This is a general implementation, walking over instances 
+     and loading each recursively using manager.
+     Redefined by some classes to read a more compact representations
+     (see String, SmallInteger etc).
+     Notice, that the object is already recreated as an empty corps
+     with instance variables all nil and bit-instances (bytes, words etc.) 
+     already read and restored.
+     Also notice: this method is not called for if a private representation
+     has been stored (see representBinaryOn:). 
+     In that case, #readBinaryContentsFromData:manager: is called, which
+     has to be reimplemented in the objects class."
+    |size "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     instvarArray|
+    stream next == 1 ifTrue:[
+	"/
+	"/ special representation ...
+	"/
+	instvarArray := Array new:(size := stream nextNumber:3).
+	1 to:size do:[:i |
+	    instvarArray basicAt:i put:(manager nextObject)
+	].
+	self readBinaryContentsFromData:instvarArray manager:manager.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ standard representation
+    "/
+    size := self basicSize.
+    size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	self class isPointers ifTrue:[
+	    1 to:size do:[:i |
+		self basicAt:i put:(manager nextObject)
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    size := self class instSize.
+    1 to:size do:[:i |
+	self instVarAt:i put:(manager nextObject)
+    ].
+readBinaryContentsFromData:instvarArray manager:manager
+    "reconstruct the receivers instance variables by filling instance
+     variables with values from instvarArray. This array contains the instvars
+     as specified in #representBinaryOn: when the object was stored.
+     It is the receivers responsibility to set its instance variables in the
+     same order from that array."
+    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+    "typical implementation (see also comment in #representBinaryOn:)
+     (for an object with foo, bar and baz as instance variables,
+      which did not store baz and wants baz to be reinitialized to
+      some constant string)
+	foo := instvarArray at:1.
+	bar := instvarArray at:2.
+	baz := 'aConstant'.
+    "
+    "this method is called by the storage manager to ask objects
+     if they wish to provide their own binary representation.
+     If they want to do so, they should return an array containing all
+     instance variables (named & indexed pointer) to be stored. 
+     If not redefined, this method returns nil which means that all 
+     instance variables are to be stored.
+     It should be redefined in objects which do not want all instance variables
+     to be stored (for example: objects which keep references to a view etc.).
+     If this is redefined returning non-nil, the corresponding class needs
+     a redefined instance method named #readBinaryContentsFromData:manager:
+     which has to fill the receivers named (and optionally indexed pointer)
+     instance variables with corresponding values from a data array."
+    ^ nil
+    "typical implementation:  
+     (see also comment in #readBinaryContentsFromData:manager:)
+     for an object with foo, bar and baz as instance variables,
+     which does not want to store baz:
+     representBinaryOn:manager
+	|data|
+	data := Array new:2.
+	data at:1 put:foo.
+	data at:2 put:bar.
+	^ data
+    "
-    "evaluate aBlock for all of my dependents"
-    |deps|
-    deps := self dependents.
-    deps notNil ifTrue:[
-	deps do:aBlock 
-    ]
+storeBinaryContentsFromData:instvarArray on:stream manager:manager
+    "store the instvars (both named & indexed pointer)
+     as returned by #representBinaryOn:."
+    |size "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+    size := instvarArray size.
+    1 to:size do:[:i |
+	manager putIdOf:(instvarArray at:i) on:stream
+    ].
+storeBinaryContentsOn:stream manager:manager
+    "store the receivers instance variables in a binary representation
+     on a stream using manager.
+     This is a general implementation, walking over instances 
+     and storing each recursively using manager.
+     Notice, that the objects definition and bit-instances (bytes, words etc.) 
+     are already stored. 
+     Here, we only have to deal with indexed-pointer and named instance variables.
+     Also notice: this method is not called for if a private representation
+     has been stored (see representBinaryOn:). 
+     In that case, #storeBinaryContentsFromData:manager: is called."
+    |size "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+    size := self basicSize.
+    size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	self class isPointers ifTrue:[
+	    1 to:size do:[:i |
+		manager putIdOf:(self basicAt:i) on:stream
+	    ].
+	].
+    ].
+    size := self class instSize.
+    1 to:size do:[:i |
+	manager putIdOf:(self instVarAt:i) on:stream
+    ].
-    "make the argument, anObject be a dependent of the receiver"
-    |deps|
-    deps := self dependents.
-    deps isNil ifTrue:[
-	self dependents:(WeakIdentitySet with:anObject)
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	deps add:anObject
-    ]
-    "make the argument, anObject be independent of the receiver"
-    |deps|
-    deps := self dependents.
-    deps notNil ifTrue:[
-	deps remove:anObject ifAbsent:[].
-	deps isEmpty ifTrue:[
-	    self dependents:nil
+storeBinaryDefinitionBodyOn:stream manager:manager
+    "append a binary representation of the receivers body onto stream.
+     This is a general implementation walking over instances storing
+     each recursively as an ID using manager.
+     Can be redefined in subclasses."
+    |basicSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     instSize  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     myClass specialRep pointers|
+    myClass := self class.
+    instSize := myClass instSize.
+    (pointers := myClass isPointers) ifTrue:[
+	"/
+	"/ inst size not needed - if you uncomment the line below,
+	"/ also uncomment the corresponding line in
+	"/ Object>>binaryDefinitionFrom:manager:
+	"/
+	"/ stream nextPut:instSize. "mhmh this limits us to 255 named instvars"
+	myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+	    stream nextNumber:3 put:(basicSize := self basicSize)
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    basicSize := 0
+	].
+    ] ifFalse: [
+	stream nextNumber:4 put:(basicSize := self basicSize).
+	myClass isBytes ifTrue:[
+	    1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
+		stream nextPut:(self basicAt:i)
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    myClass isWords ifTrue:[
+		1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
+		    stream nextNumber:2 put:(self basicAt: i)
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		myClass isLongs ifTrue:[
+		    1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
+			stream nextNumber:4 put:(self basicAt: i)
+		    ]
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    myClass isFloats ifTrue:[
+			"could do it in one big write on machines which use IEEE floats ..."
+			1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
+			    Float storeBinaryIEEESingle:(self basicAt:i) on:stream
+			]
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			myClass isDoubles ifTrue:[
+			    "could do it in one big write on machines which use IEEE doubles ..."
+			    1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
+				Float storeBinaryIEEEDouble:(self basicAt:i) on:stream
+			    ]
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    "/ should never be reached ...
+			    1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
+				manager putIdOf:(self basicAt:i) on:stream
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+    ].
+    (pointers or:[instSize ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	specialRep := self representBinaryOn:manager.
+	specialRep notNil ifTrue:[
+	    stream nextPut:1.     "/ means: private representation follows
+	    stream nextNumber:3 put:(specialRep basicSize).
+	    self storeBinaryContentsFromData:specialRep on:stream manager:manager
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    stream nextPut:0.     "/ means: full representation follows
+	    self storeBinaryContentsOn:stream manager:manager
+    "Modified: 25.10.1995 / 14:00:51 / cg"
-    "remove all dependencies from the receiver"
-    self dependents:nil
+storeBinaryDefinitionOn:stream manager:manager
+    "append a binary representation of the receiver onto stream.
+     This method first stores the class, then the body, which is done
+     in a separate method to allow redefinition of the bodies format.
+     Can be redefined in subclasses to write more compact representations
+     (see String, SmallInteger etc)."
+    manager putIdOfClass:(self class) on:stream.
+    self storeBinaryDefinitionBodyOn:stream manager:manager
+    "Writes a description of the receiver onto aStream, in a way that allows
+     the object's structure to be reconstructed from the stream's contents"
+    BinaryOutputManager store:self on:aStream
+storeBinaryOn:stream manager:manager
+    "append a binary representation of the receiver onto stream."
+    manager putIdOf:self on:stream
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'change and update'!
+    "send a message with selector aSelectorSymbol to all my dependents"
+    self dependentsDo:[:dependent | 
+	dependent perform:aSelectorSymbol
+    ]
+broadcast:aSelectorSymbol with:anArgument
+    "send a message with selector aSelectorSymbol with an additional
+     argument anArgument to all my dependents."
+    self dependentsDo:[:dependent | 
+	dependent perform:aSelectorSymbol with:anArgument
+    ]
     "the receiver wants to change - check if all dependents
      grant the request, and return true if so"
@@ -2669,6 +976,20 @@
     ^ true
+changeRequest:aParameter from:anObject
+    "the receiver wants to change - check if all dependents
+     except anObject grant the request, and return true if so.
+     The argument anObject is typically going to be the one who is
+     about to send the change request."
+    self dependentsDo:[:dependent | 
+	dependent == anObject ifFalse:[
+	    (dependent updateRequest:aParameter) ifFalse:[^ false].
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ true
     "the receiver wants to change - check if all dependents
      except anObject grant the request, and return true if so.
@@ -2683,20 +1004,6 @@
     ^ true
-changeRequest:aParameter from:anObject
-    "the receiver wants to change - check if all dependents
-     except anObject grant the request, and return true if so.
-     The argument anObject is typically going to be the one who is
-     about to send the change request."
-    self dependentsDo:[:dependent | 
-	dependent == anObject ifFalse:[
-	    (dependent updateRequest:aParameter) ifFalse:[^ false].
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ true
     "notify all dependents that the receiver has changed.
      Each dependent gets a '#update:'-message with the original
@@ -2723,23 +1030,6 @@
-    "send a message with selector aSelectorSymbol to all my dependents"
-    self dependentsDo:[:dependent | 
-	dependent perform:aSelectorSymbol
-    ]
-broadcast:aSelectorSymbol with:anArgument
-    "send a message with selector aSelectorSymbol with an additional
-     argument anArgument to all my dependents."
-    self dependentsDo:[:dependent | 
-	dependent perform:aSelectorSymbol with:anArgument
-    ]
     "the message is sent to a dependent, when one of the objects
      on whom the receiver depends, has changed. The argument aParameter
@@ -2786,63 +1076,1092 @@
     ^ self updateRequest
 ! !
-!Object methodsFor:'secure message sending'!
-    "try to send the receiver the message, aSelector.
-     If it does not understand it, return false. Otherwise
-     the real value returned.
-     Useful to send messages such as: 'isColor' to unknown
-     receivers."
-    ^ self perform:aSelector ifNotUnderstood:[false]
+!Object methodsFor:'cleanup'!
+    "ignored here - redefined in some classes to
+     cleanup in low-memory situations"
+    ^ self
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'comparing'!
+= anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver and the arg have the same structure"
+    ^ self == anObject
+== anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver and the arg are the same object"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN ( (self == anObject) ? true : false );
+    "return an Integer useful as a hash key for the receiver.
+     This hash should return same values for objects with same
+     contents (i.e. use this to hash on structure)"
+    ^ self identityHash
+    "return an Integer useful as a hash key for the receiver.
+     This hash should return same values for the same object (i.e. use
+     this to hash on identity of objects).
+     We cannot use the Objects address (as other smalltalks do) since
+     no object-table exists and the hashval must not change when objects
+     are moved by the collector. Therefore we assign each object a unique
+     Id in the object header itself as its hashed upon.
+     (luckily we have 11 bits spare to do this - unluckily its only 11 bits).
+     Time will show, if 11 bits are enough; if not, another entry in the
+     object header will be needed, adding 4 bytes to every object. Alternatively,
+     hashed-upon objects could add an instvar containing the hash value."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    REGISTER unsigned hash;
+    static unsigned nextHash = 0;
+    OBJ cls;
+    if (__isNonNilObject(self)) {
+	hash = __GET_HASH(self);
+	if (hash == 0) {
+	    hash = nextHash++;
+	    __SET_HASH(self, hash);
+	    hash = __GET_HASH(self);
+	    if (hash == 0) {
+		hash = nextHash++;
+		__SET_HASH(self, hash);
+		hash = __GET_HASH(self);
+	    }
+	}
+	/*
+	 * now, we got 11 bits for hashing;
+	 * make it as large as possible; since most hashers use the returned
+	 * key and take it modulu some prime number, this will allow for
+	 * better distribution (i.e. bigger empty spaces) in hashed collection.
+	 * we could shift it up to the 30 bit limit - not making it negative.
+	 */
+	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(hash << __HASH_SHIFT__) );
+    }
+    ^ 0 "never reached, since redefined in UndefinedObject and SmallInteger"
+    "return true, if the receiver is nil"
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is not nil"
+    ^ true
+~= anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver and the arg do not have the same structure"
+    ^ (self = anObject) not
+~~ anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver and the arg are not the same object"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN ( (self == anObject) ? false : true );
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'converting'!
+    "return a valueHolder for for the receiver"
+    ^ ValueHolder with:self
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'copying'!
+    "return a copy of the receiver - defaults to shallowcopy here.
+     Notice, that copy does not copy dependents."
+    ^ self shallowCopy postCopy
+    "return a copy of the object with all subobjects also copied.
+     This method DOES handle cycles/self-refs; however the receivers
+     class is not copied (to avoid the 'total' copy).
+     This deepCopy is a bit slower than the old (unsecure) one, since it
+     keeps track of already copied objects. If you are sure, that your
+     copied object does not include dublicates (or you do not care) and
+     no cycles, you can use the old simpleDeepCopy, which avoids this overhead,
+     but may run into trouble.
+     Notice, that copy does not copy dependents."
+    ^ self deepCopyUsing:(IdentityDictionary new)
+    "an example which is not handled by the old deepCopy:
+     |a|
+     a := Array new:3.
+     a at:3 put:a.
+     a deepCopy inspect
+    "
+    "raise a signal, that deepCopy is not allowed for this object"
+    ^ DeepCopyErrorSignal raise
+    "a helper for deepCopy; return a copy of the object with 
+     all subobjects also copied. If the to-be-copied object is in the dictionary, 
+     use the value found there. The class of the receiver is not copied.
+     This method DOES handle cycles/self references."
+    |myClass aCopy
+     sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     iOrig iCopy|
+    myClass := self class.
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+	sz := self basicSize.
+	aCopy := myClass basicNew:sz.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	sz := 0.
+	aCopy := myClass basicNew
+    ].
+    aCopy setHashFrom:self.
+    aDictionary at:self put:aCopy.
-     1 askFor:#isColor
+     copy indexed instvars - if any
+    "
+    sz ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	myClass isBits ifTrue:[
+	    "block-copy indexed instvars"
+	    aCopy replaceFrom:1 to:sz with:self startingAt:1
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "individual deep copy the indexed variables"
+	    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+		iOrig := self basicAt:i.
+		iOrig notNil ifTrue:[
+		    (aDictionary includesKey:iOrig) ifTrue:[
+			iCopy := aDictionary at:iOrig
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			iCopy := iOrig deepCopyUsing:aDictionary.
+		    ].
+		    aCopy basicAt:i put:iCopy
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    "
+     copy the instance variables
+    "
+    sz := myClass instSize.
+    sz ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	1 to:sz do:[:i |
+	    iOrig := self instVarAt:i.
+	    iOrig notNil ifTrue:[
+		(aDictionary includesKey:iOrig) ifTrue:[
+		    iCopy := aDictionary at:iOrig
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    iCopy := iOrig deepCopyUsing:aDictionary.
+		].
+		aCopy instVarAt:i put:iCopy
+	    ]
+	].
+    ].
+    ^ aCopy
+    "this is for compatibility with ST-80 code, which uses postCopy for
+     cleanup after copying, while ST/X passes the original in postCopyFrom:
+     (see there)"
+    ^ self
+    "sent to a freshly deep-copied object to give it a chance to adjust things.
+     (a font could flush its device-handle for example). 
+     Notice, that for Sets/Dicts etc. a rehash is not needed, since the deepCopy
+     will have the same hash key as the receiver (as long as ST/X provides the 
+     setHash: functionality)."
+    "for ST-80 compatibility, we try postCopy here ..."
+    ^ self postCopy
+    "set my identity-hash key to be the same as anObjects hash key. 
+     This is an ST/X speciality, which is NOT available in other (especially OT based) 
+     Smalltalks, and may not be available in future ST/X versions.
+     DO NEVER use this for normal application code."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    REGISTER unsigned h;
+    if (__isNonNilObject(self) && __isNonNilObject(anObject)) {
+	h = __GET_HASH(anObject);
+	__SET_HASH(self, h);
+	RETURN (self);
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed    "neither receiver not arg may be nil or SmallInteger"
+    "return a copy of the object with shared subobjects (a shallow copy)
+     i.e. the copy shares referenced instvars with its original."
+    |myClass aCopy 
+     sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    myClass := self class.
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+	sz := self basicSize.
+	aCopy := myClass basicNew:sz.
+	"copy the indexed variables"
+	1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+	    aCopy basicAt:i put:(self basicAt:i) 
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	aCopy := myClass basicNew
+    ].
+    "copy the instance variables"
+    sz := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+	aCopy instVarAt:i put:(self instVarAt:i) 
+    ].
+    ^ aCopy
+    "this is used to aquire a copy to be used for finalization -
+     (the copy will get a dispose-notification; see the documentation in the Registry class)
+     This method can be redefined for more efficient copying - especially for large objects."
+    ^ self shallowCopy
+    "return a copy of the object with all subobjects also copied.
+     This method does NOT handle cycles - but is included to allow this 
+     slightly faster copy in situations where it is known that
+     no recursive references occur (LargeIntegers for example).
+     NOTICE: you will run into trouble, when trying this with recursive
+     objects (usually recursionInterrupt or memory-alert).
+     This method corresponds to the 'traditional' deepCopy found in
+     the Blue book."
+    |myClass aCopy 
+     sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    myClass := self class.
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+	sz := self basicSize.
+	aCopy := myClass basicNew:sz.
+	"copy the indexed variables"
+	1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+	    aCopy basicAt:i put:((self basicAt:i) simpleDeepCopy)
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	aCopy := myClass basicNew 
+    ].
+    "copy the instance variables"
+    sz := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+	aCopy instVarAt:i put:((self instVarAt:i) simpleDeepCopy)
+    ].
+    ^ aCopy
+    "a bad example (but ST/X should survive ...)"
+    "
+     |a|
+     a := Array new:3.
+     a at:3 put:a.
+     a simpleDeepCopy
+    "
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'debugging'!
+    "launch an inspector on the receiver.
+     this method should NOT be redefined in subclasses."
+    Inspector isNil ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 for systems without GUI
+	"
+	Transcript showCr:'no Inspector'
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	Inspector openOn:self
+    ]
+    "launch an inspector on the receiver.
+     this method (or better: inspectorClass) can be redefined in subclasses 
+     to start special inspectors."
+    |cls|
+    cls := self inspectorClass.
+    cls isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ self basicInspect
+    ].
+    cls openOn:self
+    "
+     Object new inspect
+     (1 @ 2) inspect
+     Smalltalk inspect
+     #(1 2 3) asOrderedCollection inspect
+     (Color red) inspect
+     (Image fromFile:'bitmaps/garfield.gif') inspect
-perform:aSelector ifNotUnderstood:exceptionBlock
-    "try to send message aSelector to the receiver.
-     If its understood, return the methods returned value,
-     otherwise return the value of the exceptionBlock"
-    |val|
-    MessageNotUnderstoodSignal handle:[:ex |
-	^ exceptionBlock value
-    ] do:[
-	val := self perform:aSelector
+    "return the class to use for inspect. 
+     Can (should) be redefined in classes for which a better inspector is available"
+    ^ Inspector
+    "for compatibility & debugging support: 
+     check if the receiver isKindOf:aClass and raise an error if not.
+     Notice:
+	it is VERY questionable, if it makes sense to add manual
+	type checks to a dynamically typed language like smalltalk. 
+	It will, at least, slow down performance,
+	make your code less reusable and clutter your code with stupid sends
+	of this selector. Also, read the comment in isKindOf:, regarding the
+	use of isXXX check methods.
+     You see: The author does not like this at all ..."
+    (self isKindOf:aClass) ifFalse:[
+	self error:'argument is not of expected type'
+    ]
+    "in methods which are going to be obsoleted, a self send to
+     this method is used to tell programmers that a method is
+     used which is going to be removed in later ST/X versions.
+     Find all methods which will be obsolete soon by looking at senders
+     of this message.
+     Hopefully, this warning message is annoying enough for you to
+     change the code ... ;-)"
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:nil from:thisContext sender
+    "in methods which are going to be obsoleted, a self send to
+     this method is used to tell programmers that a method is
+     used which is going to be removed in later ST/X versions.
+     Find all methods which will be obsolete soon by looking at senders
+     of this message.
+     Hopefully, this warning message is annoying enough for you to
+     change the code ... ;-)"
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:message from:thisContext sender
+obsoleteMethodWarning:message from:aContext
+    "in methods which are going to be obsoleted, a self-send to
+     this method is used to tell programmers that a method is
+     used which is going to be removed in later ST/X versions.
+     Find all methods which will be obsolete soon by looking at senders
+     of this message.
+     Hopefully, this warning message is annoying enough for you to
+     change the code ... ;-)"
+    |spec|
+    spec := aContext methodPrintString.
+    ('WARNING: the ''' , spec , ''' method is obsolete.') errorPrintNL.
+    ('         And may not be present in future ST/X versions.') errorPrintNL.
+    ('         called from ' , aContext sender printString) errorPrintNL.
+    message notNil ifTrue:[
+	'------>  ' errorPrint. message errorPrintNL
+    ]
+    "
+     Object obsoleteMethodWarning:'foo' from:thisContext sender sender
+    "
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'dependents access'!
+    "make the argument, anObject be a dependent of the receiver"
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps isNil ifTrue:[
+	self dependents:(WeakIdentitySet with:anObject)
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	deps add:anObject
+    ]
+    "return a Collection of dependents - nil if there is none.
+     The default implementation here uses a global Dictionary to store
+     dependents which may be too slow for high frequency change&update.
+     Therefore, some classes (Model) redefine this for better performance."
+    ^ Dependencies at:self ifAbsent:[nil]
+    "set the collection of dependents.
+     The default implementation here uses a global Dictionary to store
+     dependents which may be too slow for high frequency change&update.
+     Therefore, some classes (Model) redefine this for better performance."
+    (aCollection isNil or:[aCollection isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
+	Dependencies removeKey:self ifAbsent:[]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	Dependencies at:self put:aCollection
+    ]
+    "evaluate aBlock for all of my dependents"
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps notNil ifTrue:[
+	deps do:aBlock 
+    ]
+    "remove all dependencies from the receiver"
+    self dependents:nil
+    "make the argument, anObject be independent of the receiver"
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps notNil ifTrue:[
+	deps remove:anObject ifAbsent:[].
+	deps isEmpty ifTrue:[
+	    self dependents:nil
+	]
+    ]
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'error handling'!
+    "return an appropriate debugger to use.
+     If there is already a debugger active on the stack, and it is
+     the DebugView, return MiniDebugger (as a last chance) otherwise abort."
+    |context|
+    context := thisContext.
+    context := context sender.
+    [context notNil] whileTrue:[
+	((context receiver class == Debugger) 
+	 and:[context selector == aSelector]) ifTrue:[
+	    "we are already in some Debugger"
+	    (Debugger == MiniDebugger) ifTrue:[
+		"we are already in the MiniDebugger"
+		ErrorRecursion ifFalse:[
+		    Smalltalk fatalAbort:'recursive error ...'
+		]
+	    ].
+	    MiniDebugger isNil ifTrue:[
+		Smalltalk fatalAbort:'no debugger'
+	    ].
+	    "ok, an error occured while in the graphical debugger;
+	     lets try MiniDebugger"
+	    ^ MiniDebugger
+	].
+	context := context sender
-    ^ val
+    "not within Debugger - no problem"
+    ^ Debugger
+    "this message is sent by the runtime system (VM) when
+     a message is not understood by some object (i.e. there
+     is no method for that selector). The original message has
+     been packed into aMessage (i.e. the receiver, selector and
+     any arguments) and the original receiver is then sent the
+     #doesNotUnderstand: message.
+     Here, we raise another signal which usually enters the debugger.
+     You can of course redefine #doesNotUnderstand: in your classes
+     to implement message delegation."
+    |sel errorString cls sender|
+    "/ handle the case of an error during early startup
+    "/ (output streams not yet initialized)
+    "/
+    Stdout isNil ifTrue:[
+	Smalltalk fatalAbort:'error during init phase'.
+    ].
+    (sel := aMessage selector) isNil ifTrue:[
+	"/
+	"/ happens when things go mad, or a method has been
+	"/ called by valueWithReceiver: with a wrong receiver
+	"/ to avoud later trouble (when concatenating strings),
+	"/ replace the selector by some (nonNil) string
+	"/
+	sel := '(nil)'
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ extract the class that should have implemented the message.
+    "/ (in case of a super-send, this is not the receivers class)
+    "/
+    sender := thisContext sender.
+    cls := sender searchClass.
+    cls isNil ifTrue:[
+	"it was NOT a super or directed send ..."
+	cls := self class
+    ].
+    cls notNil ifTrue:[
+	"/
+	"/ displayString is better than 'cls name',
+	"/ since it appends (obsolete) for outdated classes.
+	"/ (this happens if you send messages to old instances
+	"/  after changing a classes definition)
+	"/
+	errorString := cls displayString.
+    ] ifFalse:[    
+	errorString := '(** nil-class **)'
+    ].
+    errorString := errorString , ' does not understand: ' , sel.
+    "/
+    "/ this only happens, when YOU play around with my classvars ...
+    "/ (or an error occurs during early startup, when signals are not yet set)
+    "/
+    MessageNotUnderstoodSignal isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ self enterDebuggerWith:nil
+			 message:'oops - MessageNotUnderstoodSignal is gone'.
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ thats where we end up normally - raise a signal which (if unhandled) opens a debugger
+    "/
+    ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
+		raiseRequestWith:aMessage
+		     errorString:errorString
+			      in:sender
+    "Modified: 9.12.1995 / 17:25:37 / cg"
+    "report error that badElement is out of bounds 
+     (i.e. cannot be put into that collection)"
+    ^ ElementOutOfBoundsSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
+    "report error that object to be stored is no Character.
+     (usually when storing into Strings)"
+    ^ ElementOutOfBoundsSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
+    "report error that object to be stored is not Integer.
+     (in collections that store integers only)"
+    ^ ElementOutOfBoundsSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
+enterDebuggerWith:anException message:aString
+    "enter the debugger with error-message aString"
+    ^ self enterDebuggerWith:anException 
+		     message:aString 
+			   on:anException suspendedContext
+enterDebuggerWith:anException message:aString on:aContext 
+    "enter the debugger with error-message aString.
+     The first visible context shown there is aContext 
+     (this allows intermediate helpers to hide themselfes from what is
+     presented to the user)"
+    |debugger|
-     1.2345 perform:#foo ifNotUnderstood:['sorry'] 
+     if there is no debugger, exit smalltalk
+    "
+    Debugger isNil ifTrue:[
+	'error: ' errorPrint. aString errorPrintNL.
+	Smalltalk fatalAbort:'no Debugger defined'
+    ].
+    "
+     find an appropriate debugger to use
+    debugger := self appropriateDebugger:#'enter:withMessage:'.
+    ^ debugger enter:aContext withMessage:aString.
+    "report error that an error occured"
+    ^ ErrorSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender 
+    "enter debugger with error-message aString"
+    ^ ErrorSignal raiseRequestWith:#error: 
+		       errorString:aString
+				in:thisContext sender
+    "report error that a key was not found in a collection"
+    ^ KeyNotFoundSignal raiseRequestWith:aKey in:thisContext sender
+    "report error that no element was found in a collection"
+    ^ NotFoundSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
+    "enter debugger with halt-message"
+    ^ HaltSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender.
+    "enter debugger with halt-message"
+    ^ HaltSignal raiseRequestWith:#halt: 
+		      errorString:aString
+			       in:thisContext sender
+    "this is sent by ST/V code - its the same as #subclassResponsibility"
+    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+    "report error that index is not an Integer.
+     (when accessing collections indexed by an integer key)"
+    ^ NonIntegerIndexSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
+    "generated when a variable declared with an integer type gets a bad
+     value assigned"
+    ^ self error:'bad assign of ' , self printString , 
+		  ' (' , self class name , ') to integer-typed variable'
-perform:aSelector with:argument ifNotUnderstood:exceptionBlock
-    "try to send message aSelector to the receiver.
-     If its understood, return the methods returned value,
-     otherwise return the value of the exceptionBlock"
-    |val|
-    MessageNotUnderstoodSignal handle:[:ex |
-	^ exceptionBlock value
-    ] do:[
-	val := self perform:aSelector with:argument
-    ].
-    ^ val
+    "this is sent by ST/V code - its the same as #shouldNotImplement"
+    ^ self shouldNotImplement
+    "report an argument-not-rectangle-error"
+    ^ self error:'argument must be a Rectangle'
+    "report an argument-not-string-error"
+    ^ self error:'argument must be a String'
+    "report error that receiver has no indexed instance variables"
+    ^ self error:'receiver has no indexed variables'
+    "report error that primitive code failed"
+    ^ PrimitiveFailureSignal raiseIn:(thisContext sender)
+    "report error that this message should not be implemented"
+    ^ self error:'method not appropriate for this class'
+    "report error that this message should have been reimplemented in a
+     subclass"
+    ^ self error:'method must be reimplemented in subclass'
+    "report error that some index is out of bounds.
+     (when accessing indexable collections)"
+    ^ SubscriptOutOfBoundsSignal raiseIn:thisContext sender
+    "report error that anIndex is out of bounds.
+     (when accessing indexable collections)"
+    ^ SubscriptOutOfBoundsSignal raiseRequestWith:anIndex in:thisContext sender
+    "generated when a variable declared with a type hint gets a bad
+     value assigned"
+    ^ self error:'bad assign of ' , self printString ,
+		  ' (' , self class name , ') to typed variable'
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'evaluation'!
+    "this allows every object to be used where blocks are typically used.
+     Time will show, if this is a good idea or leads to sloppy programming
+     style ... (the idea was borrowed from the Self language).
+     WARNING: dont 'optimize' away ifXXX: blocks - the compilers will 
+	      only generate inline code for the if, if the argument(s) are blocks.
+	      It will work, but run slower instead."
+    ^ self
-     |unknown|
-     unknown := 1.
-     (unknown perform:#+ with:2 ifNotUnderstood:['sorry']) printNewline.
-     unknown := 'high there'.
-     (unknown perform:#+ with:2 ifNotUnderstood:['sorry']) printNewline.
+     #(1 2 3 4) indexOf:5 ifAbsent:0 
+    "
+    "DO NOT DO THIS (its slower)
+     (1 > 4) ifTrue:'oops' ifFalse:'ok'
+     USE (the compiler optimizes blocks in if/while):
+     (1 > 4) ifTrue:['oops'] ifFalse:['ok']
+    "
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "just to ignore initialize to objects which do not need it"
+    ^ self
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'interrupt handling'!
+    "death of a child process (unix process) - do nothing"
+    ^ self
+    "a custom interrupt"
+    ^ self error:'custom interrupt'
+errorInterrupt:errorID with:aParameter
+    "subsystem error. The arguments errorID and aParameter are the values passed
+     to the 'errorInterruptWithIDAndParameter(id, param)' function, 
+     which can be called from C subsystems to raise an (asynchronous)
+     error exception.
+     Currently, this is used to map XErrors to smalltalk errors, but can be
+     used from other C subsystems too, to upcast errors.
+     Especially, for subsystems which call errorHandler functions asynchronously.
+     IDs (currently) used:
+	#DisplayError ..... x-error interrupt
+	#XtError      ..... xt-error interrupt (Xt interface is not yet published)
+    |handler|
+    handler := ObjectMemory registeredErrorInterruptHandlers at:errorID ifAbsent:nil.
+    handler notNil ifTrue:[
+	"/
+	"/ handler found; let it do whatever it wants ...
+	"/
+	handler errorInterrupt:errorID with:aParameter.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ no handler - raise errorSignal passing the errorId as parameter
+    "/
+    ^ ErrorSignal 
+	raiseRequestWith:errorID 
+	errorString:('Subsystem error. ErrorID = ' , errorID printString)
+    "exception interrupt - enter debugger"
+    self error:'exception Interrupt'
+    "a floating point exception occured - this one
+     has to be handled differently since it comes asynchronous
+     on some machines (for example, on machines with a separate FPU
+     or superscalar architectures. Also, errors from within primitive code
+     (or library functions such as GL) are sent via the Unix-signal
+     mechanism this way."
+    ^ Float domainErrorSignal raise
+    "this is triggered, when system hits some bad error,
+     such as corrupted class, corrupted method/selector array
+     etc. The argument string gives some more information on what happened.
+     (for example, if you set an objects class to a smallInteger, nil etc). 
+     Its not guaranteed, that the system is in a working condition once
+     this error occurred ...."
+    ^ self error:msg
+    "I/O (SIGIO/SIGPOLL) interrupt (supposed to be sent to Processor).
+     If we arrive here, there is either no handler (ObjMem>>ioInterruptHandler)
+     or it does not understand the ioInterrupt message.
+     In any case, this is a sign of some big trouble. Enter debugger."
+    self error:'I/O Interrupt - but no handler'
+    "out-of-memory interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
+    ^ self error:'almost out of memory'
+    "recursion limit (actually: stack overflow) interrupt.
+     This interrupt is triggered, when a process stack grows above
+     its stackLimit - usually, this leads into the debugger, but
+     could be cought and the stackLimit increased in the handler.
+     At the time we arrive here, the system has still some stack 
+     as a reserve so we can continue to do some useful work or cleanup or
+     debugging for a while.
+     If the signal is ignored, and the stack continues to grow, there
+     will be a few more chances (and more interrupts) before the VM
+     hard-terminates the process."
+    thisContext isRecursive ifFalse:[
+	^ RecursionInterruptSignal raise
+    ]
+    "scheduler interrupt (supposed to be sent to Processor).
+     If we arrive here, either the Processor does not understand it,
+     or it has been set to nil. In any case, this is a sign of some
+     big trouble. Enter debugger."
+    self error:'schedulerInterrupt - but no Processor'
+    "unix signal occured - some signals are handled as Smalltalk Exceptions 
+     (SIGPIPE), others (SIGBUS) are rather fatal ...
+     In any case, if a smalltalk-signal has been connected to the OS signal,
+     that one is raised.
+     TODO: add another argument, giving more detailed signal info (PC, VADDR,
+     exact cause etc.). This helps if segvs occur in primitive code.
+     Currently (temporary kludge), these are passed as global variables."
+    |box name here sig ignorable titles actions badContext msg pc addr|
+    "
+     special case - since SIGPIPE has an ST-signal associated
+    "
+    (signalNumber == 13) ifTrue:[
+	"SIGPIPE - write on a pipe with no one to read"
+	^ PipeStream brokenPipeSignal raise.
+    ].
+    "if there has been an ST-signal installed, use it ..."
+    sig := OperatingSystem operatingSystemSignal:signalNumber.
+    sig notNil ifTrue:[
+	^ sig raise
+    ].
+    "
+     ... otherwise , bring up a box asking for what to do ...
+    "
+    name := OperatingSystem nameForSignal:signalNumber.
+    here := thisContext.
+    "
+     the context, in which the signal occurred:
+    "
+    badContext := here sender.
+    "
+     ungrab - in case it happened in a box/popupview
+     otherwise display stays locked
+    "
+    Display notNil ifTrue:[
+	Display ungrabPointer.
+    ].
+    "
+     SIGBUS, SIGSEGV and SIGILL do not make sense to ignore (i.e. continue)
+     since the system will retry the faulty instruction, which leads to
+     another signal - to avoid frustration, better not offer this option.
+    "
+    ignorable := (signalNumber ~~ OperatingSystem sigBUS)
+		  and:[signalNumber ~~ OperatingSystem sigILL
+		  and:[signalNumber ~~ OperatingSystem sigSEGV]].
+    ignorable ifFalse:[
+	here isRecursive ifTrue:[
+	    'fatal: signal ' errorPrint. signalNumber errorPrintNL.
+	    MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'recursive signal'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	"
+	 a hard signal - go into debugger immediately
+	"
+	msg := 'Signal ', name.
+	InterruptPcLow notNil ifTrue:[
+	    pc := InterruptPcLow + (InterruptPcHi bitShift:16).
+	    pc ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+		msg := msg , ' PC=' , (pc printStringRadix:16)
+	    ].
+	].
+	InterruptAddrLow notNil ifTrue:[
+	    addr := InterruptAddrLow + (InterruptAddrHi bitShift:16).
+	    addr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+		msg := msg , ' ADDR=' , (addr printStringRadix:16)
+	    ].
+	].
+	Debugger enter:here withMessage:msg. 
+	badContext return.
+	^ nil.
+    ].
+    OptionBox isNil ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 a system without GUI ...
+	 go into minidebugger (if there is one)
+	"
+	MiniDebugger isNil ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     a system without debugging facilities
+	     (i.e. a standalone system)
+	     output a message and exit.
+	    "
+	    ('exit due to Signal ' , name) errorPrintNL.
+	    Smalltalk exit.
+	].
+	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'Signal cought (' , name, ')'.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    box := OptionBox 
+		title:'Signal cought (' , name, ')'
+		numberOfOptions:(ignorable ifTrue:[5] ifFalse:[4]).
+    titles := #('return' 'debug' 'dump' 'exit').
+    actions := Array 
+		 with:[badContext return]
+		 with:[Debugger enter:here withMessage:('Signal ', name). ^nil]
+		 with:[Smalltalk fatalAbort]
+		 with:[Smalltalk exit].
+    ignorable ifTrue:[
+	titles := #('ignore') , titles.
+	actions := (Array with:[^ nil]) , actions.
+    ].
+    box buttonTitles:titles.
+    box actions:actions.
+    box showAtPointer
+    "spy interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
+    self error:'spy Interrupt - but no handler'
+    "timer interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
+    self error:'timer Interrupt - but no handler'
+    "user (^c) interrupt - enter debugger"
+    UserInterruptSignal raise
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'message sending'!
@@ -2901,6 +2220,133 @@
+perform:aSelector inClass:aClass withArguments:argArray
+    "send the message aSelector with all args taken from argArray 
+     to the receiver as a super-send message.
+     This is actually more flexible than the normal super-send, since it allows
+     to execute a method in ANY superclass of the receiver (not just the
+     immediate superclass).
+     Thus, it is (theoretically) possible to do 
+	 '5 perform:#< inClass:Magnitude withArguments:#(6)'
+     and evaluate Magnitudes compare method even if there was one in Number.
+     This method is used by the interpreter to evaluate super sends
+     and could be used for very special behavior (language extension ?).
+     WARNING: this is an ST/X feature - probably not found in other smalltalks."
+    |numberOfArgs a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15|
+    "
+     check, if aClass is really a superclass of the receiver
+    "
+    (self class isSubclassOf:aClass) ifFalse:[
+	self error:'class argument is not a superclass of the receiver'.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    numberOfArgs := argArray size.
+    extern OBJ Array, __AT_();
+    REGISTER OBJ *argP;
+    int nargs, i;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc0 = _DUMMYILC0;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc1 = _DUMMYILC1;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc2 = _DUMMYILC2;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc3 = _DUMMYILC3;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc4 = _DUMMYILC4;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc5 = _DUMMYILC5;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc6 = _DUMMYILC6;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc7 = _DUMMYILC7;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc8 = _DUMMYILC8;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc9 = _DUMMYILC9;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc10 = _DUMMYILC10;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc11 = _DUMMYILC11;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc12 = _DUMMYILC12;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc13 = _DUMMYILC13;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc14 = _DUMMYILC14;
+    static struct inlineCache ilc15 = _DUMMYILC15;
+    if (__isSmallInteger(numberOfArgs)) {
+	nargs = __intVal(numberOfArgs);
+	if (nargs == 0) {
+	    RETURN (_SEND0(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc0));
+	}
+	argP = (OBJ *)(&a1);
+	if (__Class(argArray) == Array) {
+	    for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {
+		*argP++ = _ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[i];
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    for (i=1; i <= nargs; i++) {
+		*argP++ = __AT_(argArray, CON_COMMA __MKSMALLINT(i));
+	    }
+	}
+	switch (nargs) {
+	    case 1: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND1(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc1, a1));
+	    case 2: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND2(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc2, a1, a2));
+	    case 3: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND3(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc3, a1, a2, a3));
+	    case 4: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND4(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc4, a1, a2, a3, a4));
+	    case 5: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND5(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc5, 
+				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5));
+	    case 6: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND6(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc6, 
+				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6));
+	    case 7: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND7(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc7, 
+				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7));
+	    case 8: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND8(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc8, 
+				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8));
+	    case 9: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND9(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc9, 
+				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9));
+	    case 10: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND10(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc10, 
+				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10));
+	    case 11: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND11(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc11, 
+				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11));
+	    case 12: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND12(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc12, 
+				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12));
+	    case 13: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND13(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc13, 
+				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, 
+				 a13));
+	    case 14: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND14(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc14, 
+				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, 
+				 a13, a14));
+	    case 15: 
+		RETURN ( _SEND15(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc15, 
+				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12,
+				 a13, a14, a15));
+	}
+    }
+    ^ self primitiveFailed
 perform:aSelector with:anObject
     "send the one-arg-message aSelector to the receiver"
@@ -3315,399 +2761,15 @@
     ^ self primitiveFailed
-perform:aSelector inClass:aClass withArguments:argArray
-    "send the message aSelector with all args taken from argArray 
-     to the receiver as a super-send message.
-     This is actually more flexible than the normal super-send, since it allows
-     to execute a method in ANY superclass of the receiver (not just the
-     immediate superclass).
-     Thus, it is (theoretically) possible to do 
-	 '5 perform:#< inClass:Magnitude withArguments:#(6)'
-     and evaluate Magnitudes compare method even if there was one in Number.
-     This method is used by the interpreter to evaluate super sends
-     and could be used for very special behavior (language extension ?).
-     WARNING: this is an ST/X feature - probably not found in other smalltalks."
-    |numberOfArgs a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15|
-    "
-     check, if aClass is really a superclass of the receiver
-    "
-    (self class isSubclassOf:aClass) ifFalse:[
-	self error:'class argument is not a superclass of the receiver'.
-	^ nil
-    ].
-    numberOfArgs := argArray size.
-    extern OBJ Array, __AT_();
-    REGISTER OBJ *argP;
-    int nargs, i;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc0 = _DUMMYILC0;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc1 = _DUMMYILC1;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc2 = _DUMMYILC2;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc3 = _DUMMYILC3;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc4 = _DUMMYILC4;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc5 = _DUMMYILC5;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc6 = _DUMMYILC6;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc7 = _DUMMYILC7;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc8 = _DUMMYILC8;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc9 = _DUMMYILC9;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc10 = _DUMMYILC10;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc11 = _DUMMYILC11;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc12 = _DUMMYILC12;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc13 = _DUMMYILC13;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc14 = _DUMMYILC14;
-    static struct inlineCache ilc15 = _DUMMYILC15;
-    if (__isSmallInteger(numberOfArgs)) {
-	nargs = __intVal(numberOfArgs);
-	if (nargs == 0) {
-	    RETURN (_SEND0(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc0));
-	}
-	argP = (OBJ *)(&a1);
-	if (__Class(argArray) == Array) {
-	    for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {
-		*argP++ = _ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[i];
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    for (i=1; i <= nargs; i++) {
-		*argP++ = __AT_(argArray, CON_COMMA __MKSMALLINT(i));
-	    }
-	}
-	switch (nargs) {
-	    case 1: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND1(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc1, a1));
-	    case 2: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND2(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc2, a1, a2));
-	    case 3: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND3(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc3, a1, a2, a3));
-	    case 4: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND4(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc4, a1, a2, a3, a4));
-	    case 5: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND5(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc5, 
-				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5));
-	    case 6: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND6(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc6, 
-				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6));
-	    case 7: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND7(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc7, 
-				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7));
-	    case 8: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND8(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc8, 
-				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8));
-	    case 9: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND9(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc9, 
-				a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9));
-	    case 10: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND10(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc10, 
-				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10));
-	    case 11: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND11(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc11, 
-				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11));
-	    case 12: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND12(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc12, 
-				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12));
-	    case 13: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND13(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc13, 
-				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, 
-				 a13));
-	    case 14: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND14(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc14, 
-				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, 
-				 a13, a14));
-	    case 15: 
-		RETURN ( _SEND15(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA aClass, &ilc15, 
-				 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12,
-				 a13, a14, a15));
-	}
-    }
-    ^ self primitiveFailed
 ! !
-!Object methodsFor:'binary storage'!
-    "Writes a description of the receiver onto aStream, in a way that allows
-     the object's structure to be reconstructed from the stream's contents"
-    BinaryOutputManager store:self on:aStream
-    "return true, if the receiver has a special binary representation;
-     default here is false, but can be redefined in class which provide
-     their own storeBinary/readBinary methods.
-     Normal user classes should not use this, it is meant as a hook for
-     special classes such as True, False, UndefinedObject or SmallInteger.
-     If your instances should be stored in a special way, see
-     #representBinaryOn: and #readBinaryContentsFromdata:manager:."
-    ^ false
-    "this method is called by the storage manager to ask objects
-     if they wish to provide their own binary representation.
-     If they want to do so, they should return an array containing all
-     instance variables (named & indexed pointer) to be stored. 
-     If not redefined, this method returns nil which means that all 
-     instance variables are to be stored.
-     It should be redefined in objects which do not want all instance variables
-     to be stored (for example: objects which keep references to a view etc.).
-     If this is redefined returning non-nil, the corresponding class needs
-     a redefined instance method named #readBinaryContentsFromData:manager:
-     which has to fill the receivers named (and optionally indexed pointer)
-     instance variables with corresponding values from a data array."
-    ^ nil
-    "typical implementation:  
-     (see also comment in #readBinaryContentsFromData:manager:)
-     for an object with foo, bar and baz as instance variables,
-     which does not want to store baz:
-     representBinaryOn:manager
-	|data|
-	data := Array new:2.
-	data at:1 put:foo.
-	data at:2 put:bar.
-	^ data
-    "
-readBinaryContentsFromData:instvarArray manager:manager
-    "reconstruct the receivers instance variables by filling instance
-     variables with values from instvarArray. This array contains the instvars
-     as specified in #representBinaryOn: when the object was stored.
-     It is the receivers responsibility to set its instance variables in the
-     same order from that array."
-    ^ self subclassResponsibility
-    "typical implementation (see also comment in #representBinaryOn:)
-     (for an object with foo, bar and baz as instance variables,
-      which did not store baz and wants baz to be reinitialized to
-      some constant string)
-	foo := instvarArray at:1.
-	bar := instvarArray at:2.
-	baz := 'aConstant'.
-    "
-storeBinaryContentsFromData:instvarArray on:stream manager:manager
-    "store the instvars (both named & indexed pointer)
-     as returned by #representBinaryOn:."
-    |size "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    size := instvarArray size.
-    1 to:size do:[:i |
-	manager putIdOf:(instvarArray at:i) on:stream
-    ].
-readBinaryContentsFrom:stream manager:manager
-    "reconstruct the receivers instance variables by reading a binary
-     binary representation from stream. 
-     This is a general implementation, walking over instances 
-     and loading each recursively using manager.
-     Redefined by some classes to read a more compact representations
-     (see String, SmallInteger etc).
-     Notice, that the object is already recreated as an empty corps
-     with instance variables all nil and bit-instances (bytes, words etc.) 
-     already read and restored.
-     Also notice: this method is not called for if a private representation
-     has been stored (see representBinaryOn:). 
-     In that case, #readBinaryContentsFromData:manager: is called, which
-     has to be reimplemented in the objects class."
-    |size "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     instvarArray|
-    stream next == 1 ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ special representation ...
-	"/
-	instvarArray := Array new:(size := stream nextNumber:3).
-	1 to:size do:[:i |
-	    instvarArray basicAt:i put:(manager nextObject)
-	].
-	self readBinaryContentsFromData:instvarArray manager:manager.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ standard representation
-    "/
-    size := self basicSize.
-    size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	self class isPointers ifTrue:[
-	    1 to:size do:[:i |
-		self basicAt:i put:(manager nextObject)
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    size := self class instSize.
-    1 to:size do:[:i |
-	self instVarAt:i put:(manager nextObject)
-    ].
-storeBinaryContentsOn:stream manager:manager
-    "store the receivers instance variables in a binary representation
-     on a stream using manager.
-     This is a general implementation, walking over instances 
-     and storing each recursively using manager.
-     Notice, that the objects definition and bit-instances (bytes, words etc.) 
-     are already stored. 
-     Here, we only have to deal with indexed-pointer and named instance variables.
-     Also notice: this method is not called for if a private representation
-     has been stored (see representBinaryOn:). 
-     In that case, #storeBinaryContentsFromData:manager: is called."
-    |size "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    size := self basicSize.
-    size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	self class isPointers ifTrue:[
-	    1 to:size do:[:i |
-		manager putIdOf:(self basicAt:i) on:stream
-	    ].
-	].
-    ].
-    size := self class instSize.
-    1 to:size do:[:i |
-	manager putIdOf:(self instVarAt:i) on:stream
-    ].
-storeBinaryDefinitionOn:stream manager:manager
-    "append a binary representation of the receiver onto stream.
-     This method first stores the class, then the body, which is done
-     in a separate method to allow redefinition of the bodies format.
-     Can be redefined in subclasses to write more compact representations
-     (see String, SmallInteger etc)."
-    manager putIdOfClass:(self class) on:stream.
-    self storeBinaryDefinitionBodyOn:stream manager:manager
-storeBinaryDefinitionBodyOn:stream manager:manager
-    "append a binary representation of the receivers body onto stream.
-     This is a general implementation walking over instances storing
-     each recursively as an ID using manager.
-     Can be redefined in subclasses."
-    |basicSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     instSize  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     myClass specialRep pointers|
-    myClass := self class.
-    instSize := myClass instSize.
-    (pointers := myClass isPointers) ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ inst size not needed - if you uncomment the line below,
-	"/ also uncomment the corresponding line in
-	"/ Object>>binaryDefinitionFrom:manager:
-	"/
-	"/ stream nextPut:instSize. "mhmh this limits us to 255 named instvars"
-	myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
-	    stream nextNumber:3 put:(basicSize := self basicSize)
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    basicSize := 0
-	].
-    ] ifFalse: [
-	stream nextNumber:4 put:(basicSize := self basicSize).
-	myClass isBytes ifTrue:[
-	    1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
-		stream nextPut:(self basicAt:i)
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    myClass isWords ifTrue:[
-		1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
-		    stream nextNumber:2 put:(self basicAt: i)
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		myClass isLongs ifTrue:[
-		    1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
-			stream nextNumber:4 put:(self basicAt: i)
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    myClass isFloats ifTrue:[
-			"could do it in one big write on machines which use IEEE floats ..."
-			1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
-			    Float storeBinaryIEEESingle:(self basicAt:i) on:stream
-			]
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			myClass isDoubles ifTrue:[
-			    "could do it in one big write on machines which use IEEE doubles ..."
-			    1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
-				Float storeBinaryIEEEDouble:(self basicAt:i) on:stream
-			    ]
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    "/ should never be reached ...
-			    1 to:basicSize do:[:i |
-				manager putIdOf:(self basicAt:i) on:stream
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-    ].
-    (pointers or:[instSize ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-	specialRep := self representBinaryOn:manager.
-	specialRep notNil ifTrue:[
-	    stream nextPut:1.     "/ means: private representation follows
-	    stream nextNumber:3 put:(specialRep basicSize).
-	    self storeBinaryContentsFromData:specialRep on:stream manager:manager
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    stream nextPut:0.     "/ means: full representation follows
-	    self storeBinaryContentsOn:stream manager:manager
-	]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 25.10.1995 / 14:00:51 / cg"
-storeBinaryOn:stream manager:manager
-    "append a binary representation of the receiver onto stream."
-    manager putIdOf:self on:stream
+!Object methodsFor:'misc'!
+-> anObject
+    "return an association with the receiver as key and
+     the argument as value"
+    ^ Association key:self value:anObject
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
@@ -3742,33 +2804,52 @@
-    "print the receiver on the argument-stream.
-     The default here is to output the receivers class name.
-     BUT: this method is heavily redefined for objects which
-     can print prettier."
-    aStream nextPutAll:self classNameWithArticle
+displayOn:aGc at:aPoint
+    "ST-80 Compatibility
+     display the receiver in a graphicsContext - this method allows
+     for any object to be displayed in a ListView - for example."
+    ^ self displayOn:aGc x:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y).
-    "print the receiver on the standard output stream"
-    self printOn:Stdout
+displayOn:aGc x:x y:y
+    "display the receiver in a graphicsContext - this method allows
+     for any object to be displayed in a ListView - for example."
+    ^ aGc displayString:(self displayString) x:x y:y.
-    "print the receiver followed by a cr on the standard output stream"
-    self printOn:Stdout.
-    Stdout cr
+    "return a string used when displaying the receiver in a view;
+     for example an Inspector. This is usually the same as printString,
+     but sometimes redefined for a better look."
+    ^ self printString
+    "
+     #(1 2 3) printString    
+     #(1 2 3) displayString  
+     #(1 2 3) storeString
+    "
-    "print the receiver followed by a cr on the standard output stream
-     - for GNU Smalltalk compatibility"
-    ^ self printNewline
+    "print the receiver on the standard error stream."
+    self printOn:Stderr
+    "print the receiver followed by a cr on the standard error stream"
+    ^ self errorPrintNewline
+    "print the receiver followed by a cr on the standard error stream"
+    self printOn:Stderr.
+    Stderr cr
@@ -3793,23 +2874,96 @@
-    "print the receiver on the standard error stream."
-    self printOn:Stderr
+    "print the receiver on the standard output stream"
+    self printOn:Stdout
+    "print the receiver followed by a cr on the standard output stream
+     - for GNU Smalltalk compatibility"
+    ^ self printNewline
+    "print the receiver followed by a cr on the standard output stream"
+    self printOn:Stdout.
+    Stdout cr
+    "print the receiver on the argument-stream.
+     The default here is to output the receivers class name.
+     BUT: this method is heavily redefined for objects which
+     can print prettier."
+    aStream nextPutAll:self classNameWithArticle
+printOn:aStream leftPaddedTo:size
+    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with spaces up to size.
+     padding is done on the left."
+    self printOn:aStream leftPaddedTo:size with:(Character space)
+    "
+     123 printOn:Transcript leftPaddedTo:10. Transcript cr
+     123 printOn:Transcript leftPaddedTo:2. Transcript cr
+    "
-    "print the receiver followed by a cr on the standard error stream"
-    self printOn:Stderr.
-    Stderr cr
+printOn:aStream leftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with padCharacters up to size.
+     padding is done on the left."
+    aStream nextPutAll:(self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter)
+    "
+     123 printOn:Transcript leftPaddedTo:10 with:$_ . Transcript cr
+     123 printOn:Transcript leftPaddedTo:10 with:$. . Transcript cr
+    "
+printOn:aStream paddedTo:size
+    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with spaces up to size."
+    self printOn:aStream paddedTo:size with:(Character space)
+    "
+     123.0 printOn:Transcript paddedTo:10. Transcript nextPut:$|. Transcript cr
+    "
-    "print the receiver followed by a cr on the standard error stream"
-    ^ self errorPrintNewline
+printOn:aStream paddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with padCharacter up to size"
+    aStream nextPutAll:(self printStringPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter).
+    "
+     123 printOn:Transcript paddedTo:10 with:$_ . Transcript cr
+     123 printOn:Transcript paddedTo:10 with:$. . Transcript cr
+    "
+printOn:aStream zeroPaddedTo:size
+    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with zeros up to size.
+     Usually used with float numbers."
+    self printOn:aStream paddedTo:size with:$0.
+    "
+     123.0 printOn:Transcript zeroPaddedTo:10
+    "
+    "obsolete - just a name confusion.
+     This method will go away ..."
+    (self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size) printOn:Stdout
@@ -3824,37 +2978,66 @@
     ^ s contents
-printStringPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter ifLarger:alternative
-    "return a printed representation of the receiver,
-     padded with padCharacter (at the right) up to size.
-     If the resulting printString is too large, 
+    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length size;
+     characters on the left are filled with spaces.
+     If the printString is longer than size, 
+     it is returned unchanged (i.e. not truncated)"
+    ^ self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:(Character space)
+    "
+     10 printStringLeftPaddedTo:10
+     1 printStringLeftPaddedTo:10
+    "
+printStringLeftPaddedTo:size ifLarger:alternative
+    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length size;
+     characters on the left are filled with spaces.
+     If the printString is larger than size,
+     return the result from evaluating alternative."
+    ^ self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:(Character space) ifLarger:alternative
+    "
+     12   printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 ifLarger:['***']
+     123  printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 ifLarger:['***']
+     1234 printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 ifLarger:['***']
+    "
+printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length size;
+     characters on the left are filled with padCharacter.
+     If the printString is longer than size, 
+     it is returned unchanged (i.e. not truncated)"
+    ^ (self printString) leftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    "
+     123 printStringLeftPaddedTo:10 with:$.   
+     1 printStringLeftPaddedTo:10 with:$.      
+     (Float pi) printStringLeftPaddedTo:20 with:$*
+    "
+printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter ifLarger:alternative
+    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length size;
+     characters on the left are filled with padCharacter.
+     If the printString is larger than size,
      return the result from evaluating alternative."
     s := self printString.
     s size > size ifTrue:[^ alternative value].
-    ^ s paddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    ^ s leftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-     123   printStringPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']
-     12345 printStringPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']
-    "
-printStringPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-    "return a printed representation of the receiver,
-     padded with padCharacter (at the right) up to size.
-     If the printString is longer than size, 
-     it is returned unchanged (i.e. not truncated)"
-    ^ (self printString) paddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-    "
-     123  printStringPaddedTo:10 with:$.
-     123  printStringPaddedTo:10 with:$*
-     123  printStringPaddedTo:3 with:$*   
-     1234 printStringPaddedTo:3 with:$*   
+     12   printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']   
+     123  printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']   
+     1234 printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']   
@@ -3888,6 +3071,47 @@
+printStringPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    "return a printed representation of the receiver,
+     padded with padCharacter (at the right) up to size.
+     If the printString is longer than size, 
+     it is returned unchanged (i.e. not truncated)"
+    ^ (self printString) paddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    "
+     123  printStringPaddedTo:10 with:$.
+     123  printStringPaddedTo:10 with:$*
+     123  printStringPaddedTo:3 with:$*   
+     1234 printStringPaddedTo:3 with:$*   
+    "
+printStringPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter ifLarger:alternative
+    "return a printed representation of the receiver,
+     padded with padCharacter (at the right) up to size.
+     If the resulting printString is too large, 
+     return the result from evaluating alternative."
+    |s|
+    s := self printString.
+    s size > size ifTrue:[^ alternative value].
+    ^ s paddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    "
+     123   printStringPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']
+     12345 printStringPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']
+    "
+    "obsolete - just a name confusion.
+     This method will go away ..."
+    ^ self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size
     "return a printed representation of the receiver, 
      padded with zero (at the right) characters up to size.
@@ -3900,166 +3124,19 @@
-printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter ifLarger:alternative
-    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length size;
-     characters on the left are filled with padCharacter.
-     If the printString is larger than size,
-     return the result from evaluating alternative."
-    |s|
-    s := self printString.
-    s size > size ifTrue:[^ alternative value].
-    ^ s leftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-    "
-     12   printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']   
-     123  printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']   
-     1234 printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 with:$. ifLarger:['***']   
-    "
-printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length size;
-     characters on the left are filled with padCharacter.
-     If the printString is longer than size, 
-     it is returned unchanged (i.e. not truncated)"
-    ^ (self printString) leftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-    "
-     123 printStringLeftPaddedTo:10 with:$.   
-     1 printStringLeftPaddedTo:10 with:$.      
-     (Float pi) printStringLeftPaddedTo:20 with:$*
-    "
-printStringLeftPaddedTo:size ifLarger:alternative
-    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length size;
-     characters on the left are filled with spaces.
-     If the printString is larger than size,
-     return the result from evaluating alternative."
-    ^ self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:(Character space) ifLarger:alternative
-    "
-     12   printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 ifLarger:['***']
-     123  printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 ifLarger:['***']
-     1234 printStringLeftPaddedTo:3 ifLarger:['***']
-    "
-    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length size;
-     characters on the left are filled with spaces.
-     If the printString is longer than size, 
-     it is returned unchanged (i.e. not truncated)"
-    ^ self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:(Character space)
-    "
-     10 printStringLeftPaddedTo:10
-     1 printStringLeftPaddedTo:10
-    "
-printOn:aStream paddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with padCharacter up to size"
-    aStream nextPutAll:(self printStringPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter).
-    "
-     123 printOn:Transcript paddedTo:10 with:$_ . Transcript cr
-     123 printOn:Transcript paddedTo:10 with:$. . Transcript cr
-    "
+    "store the receiver on standard output.
+     this method is useless, but included for compatibility."
+    self storeOn:Stdout
-printOn:aStream zeroPaddedTo:size
-    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with zeros up to size.
-     Usually used with float numbers."
-    self printOn:aStream paddedTo:size with:$0.
-    "
-     123.0 printOn:Transcript zeroPaddedTo:10
-    "
-printOn:aStream paddedTo:size
-    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with spaces up to size."
-    self printOn:aStream paddedTo:size with:(Character space)
-    "
-     123.0 printOn:Transcript paddedTo:10. Transcript nextPut:$|. Transcript cr
-    "
-printOn:aStream leftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with padCharacters up to size.
-     padding is done on the left."
-    aStream nextPutAll:(self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter)
-    "
-     123 printOn:Transcript leftPaddedTo:10 with:$_ . Transcript cr
-     123 printOn:Transcript leftPaddedTo:10 with:$. . Transcript cr
-    "
-printOn:aStream leftPaddedTo:size
-    "print the receiver on aStream, padding with spaces up to size.
-     padding is done on the left."
-    self printOn:aStream leftPaddedTo:size with:(Character space)
-    "
-     123 printOn:Transcript leftPaddedTo:10. Transcript cr
-     123 printOn:Transcript leftPaddedTo:2. Transcript cr
-    "
-    "obsolete - just a name confusion.
-     This method will go away ..."
-    ^ self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size
-    "obsolete - just a name confusion.
-     This method will go away ..."
-    (self printStringLeftPaddedTo:size) printOn:Stdout
-    "return a string used when displaying the receiver in a view;
-     for example an Inspector. This is usually the same as printString,
-     but sometimes redefined for a better look."
-    ^ self printString
-    "
-     #(1 2 3) printString    
-     #(1 2 3) displayString  
-     #(1 2 3) storeString
-    "
-displayOn:aGc x:x y:y
-    "display the receiver in a graphicsContext - this method allows
-     for any object to be displayed in a ListView - for example."
-    ^ aGc displayString:(self displayString) x:x y:y.
-displayOn:aGc at:aPoint
-    "ST-80 Compatibility
-     display the receiver in a graphicsContext - this method allows
-     for any object to be displayed in a ListView - for example."
-    ^ self displayOn:aGc x:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y).
+    "store the receiver on standard output; append a newline.
+     this method is useless, but included for compatibility."
+    self store.
+    Character nl print
@@ -4160,19 +3237,957 @@
     s := WriteStream on:(String new:50).
     self storeOn:s.
     ^ s contents
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "return the number of the receivers indexed instance variables,
+     0 if it has none.
+     This method should NOT be redefined in any subclass"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    REGISTER int nbytes;
+    REGISTER OBJ myClass;
+    REGISTER int flags;
+    /*
+     * notice the missing test for self being a nonNilObject -
+     * this can be done since basicSize is defined both in UndefinedObject
+     * and SmallInteger
+     */
+    myClass = __qClass(self);
+    nbytes = __qSize(self) 
+	      - OHDR_SIZE 
+	      - __OBJS2BYTES__(__intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_ninstvars));
+    flags = __intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK;
+    /*
+     * replaced switch by open-if; this is slightly faster since
+     * it avoids the range check and also checks the most common case first
+     */
+    if ((flags == POINTERARRAY)
+     || (flags == WKPOINTERARRAY)) {
+	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(__BYTES2OBJS__(nbytes)) );
+    }
+    if (flags == BYTEARRAY) {
+	    RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(char)) );
+    }
+    if (flags == FLOATARRAY) {
+	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(float)) );
+    }
+    if (flags == DOUBLEARRAY) {
+	    /*
+	     * care for filler
+	     */
+	    nbytes -= sizeof(FILLTYPE);
+	    RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(double)) );
+    }
+    if (flags == LONGARRAY) {
+	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(long)) );
+    }
+    if (flags == WORDARRAY) {
+	RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(short)) );
+    }
+    ^ 0
-    "store the receiver on standard output.
-     this method is useless, but included for compatibility."
-    self storeOn:Stdout
+    "return the receivers class"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN ( __Class(self) );
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of array (or weakArray etc);
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Array."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of class (i.e. behavior);
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Behavior."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of block;
+     false returned here - the method is only redefined in Block."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of character;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Character."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of class (real class, 
+     not just behavior);
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Class."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of collection;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Collection."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of color;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Color."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of context;
+     false returned here - the method is only redefined in Context."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of externalStream;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in ExternalStream."
+    ^false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of fileStream;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in FileStream."
+    ^false
+    "return true if the receiver cannot grow easily 
+     (i.e. a grow may be expensive, since it involves a become:)"
+    ^ true
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of form;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Form."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of fraction;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Fraction."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of image;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Image."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of image or form;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Image and Form."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of integer number;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Integer."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is an instance of aClass or one of its
+     subclasses, false otherwise.
+     Advice: 
+	use of this to check objects for certain attributes/protocoll should
+	be avoided; it limits the reusability of your classes by limiting use
+	to instances of certain classes and fences you into a specific inheritance 
+	hierarchy.
+	Use check-methods to check an object for a certain attributes/protocol
+	(such as #isXXXX, #respondsTo: or #isNumber).
+	Using #isKindOf: is considered BAD STYLE.
+     Advice2:
+	Be aware, that using an #isXXX method is usually much faster than 
+	using #isKindOf:; because isKindOf: has to walk up all the superclass 
+	hierarchy, comparing every class on the way. 
+	Due to caching in the VM, a call to #isXXX is normally reached via
+	a single function call.
+     "
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    register OBJ thisClass;
+    thisClass = __Class(self);
+    while (thisClass != nil) {
+	if (thisClass == aClass) {
+	    RETURN ( true );
+	}
+	thisClass = _ClassInstPtr(thisClass)->c_superclass;
+    }
+"/  the above code is equivalent to:
+"/  thisClass := self class.
+"/  [thisClass notNil] whileTrue:[
+"/      thisClass == aClass ifTrue:[^ true].
+"/      thisClass := thisClass superclass
+"/  ]
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of layout;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Layout."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver can be represented as a constant in ST syntax;
+     false is returned here - the method is redefined in some classes."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is an instance of aClass, false otherwise.
+     Advice: 
+	use of this to check objects for certain attributes/protocoll should
+	be avoided; it limits the reusability of your classes by limiting use
+	to instances of a certain class.
+	Use check-methods to check an object for a certain attributes/protocol
+	(such as #isXXX, #respondsTo: or #isNumber);
+	Using #isMemberOf: is considered BAD STYLE."
+    ^ (self class) == aClass
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of metaclass;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Metaclass."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of method;
+     false returned here - the method is only redefined in Method."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of number;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Number."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of point;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Point."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of real number;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in LimitedPrecisionReal."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of rectangle;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Rectangle."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of sequenceable collection;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in SequenceableCollection."
+    ^ false
+    "OBSOLETE: use isSequenceable for ST-80 compatibility.
+     This method is a historic leftover and will be removed soon ..."
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #isSequenceable'.
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of signal;
+     false returned here - the method is only redefined in Signal."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of stream;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Stream."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of string;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in String."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of symbol;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in Symbol."
+    ^ false
+    "return true if the receiver has indexed instance variables,
+     false otherwise."
+    ^ self class isVariable
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of view;
+     false is returned here - the method is only redefined in View."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver implements a method with selector equal
+     to aSelector; i.e. if there is a method for aSelector in either the
+     receivers class or one of its superclasses.
+     Notice, that this does not imply, that such a message can be sent without
+     an error being raised. For example, an implementation could send
+     #shouldNotImplement or #subclassResponsibility."
+    "
+     should we go via the cache, or search (by class) ?
+     The first is faster, most of the time; while the 2nd fills
+     the cache with useless data if this is sent in a loop over all objects.
+     For now, use the cache ...
+    "
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    extern OBJ __lookup();
+    if (__lookup(__Class(self), aSelector) == nil) {
+	RETURN ( false );
+    }
+    RETURN ( true );
+    ^ self class canUnderstand:aSelector
+    "'aString' respondsTo:#+"
+    "'aString' respondsTo:#,"
+    "'aString' respondsTo:#collect:"
+    "return true, if the receiver responds to arithmetic messages.
+     false is returned here - the method is redefined in ArithmeticValue."
+    ^ false
+    "return the number of the receivers indexed instance variables;
+     this method may be redefined in subclasses"
+    ^ self basicSize
+    "return a class which is similar to (or the same as) the receivers class.
+     This is used to create an appropriate object when creating derived
+     copies in the collection classes (sometimes redefined)."
+    ^ self class
+    "return the receiver - used for cascades to return self at the end"
+    ^ self
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'secure message sending'!
+    "try to send the receiver the message, aSelector.
+     If it does not understand it, return false. Otherwise
+     the real value returned.
+     Useful to send messages such as: 'isColor' to unknown
+     receivers."
+    ^ self perform:aSelector ifNotUnderstood:[false]
+    "
+     1 askFor:#isColor
+    "
+perform:aSelector ifNotUnderstood:exceptionBlock
+    "try to send message aSelector to the receiver.
+     If its understood, return the methods returned value,
+     otherwise return the value of the exceptionBlock"
+    |val|
+    MessageNotUnderstoodSignal handle:[:ex |
+	^ exceptionBlock value
+    ] do:[
+	val := self perform:aSelector
+    ].
+    ^ val
+    "
+     1.2345 perform:#foo ifNotUnderstood:['sorry'] 
+    "
-    "store the receiver on standard output; append a newline.
-     this method is useless, but included for compatibility."
-    self store.
-    Character nl print
+perform:aSelector with:argument ifNotUnderstood:exceptionBlock
+    "try to send message aSelector to the receiver.
+     If its understood, return the methods returned value,
+     otherwise return the value of the exceptionBlock"
+    |val|
+    MessageNotUnderstoodSignal handle:[:ex |
+	^ exceptionBlock value
+    ] do:[
+	val := self perform:aSelector with:argument
+    ].
+    ^ val
+    "
+     |unknown|
+     unknown := 1.
+     (unknown perform:#+ with:2 ifNotUnderstood:['sorry']) printNewline.
+     unknown := 'high there'.
+     (unknown perform:#+ with:2 ifNotUnderstood:['sorry']) printNewline.
+    "
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'special queries'!
+    "return a collection of all objects referencing the receiver"
+    ^ ObjectMemory whoReferences:self
+    "return true, if the receiver refers to the argument, anObject.
+     - for debugging only"
+    |myClass 
+     numInst "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    /*
+     * a little optimization: use the fact that all old objects
+     * refering to a new object are on the remSet; if I am not,
+     * a trivial reject is possible, if anObject is a newbee
+     */
+    if (__isNonNilObject(self) && __isNonNilObject(anObject)) {
+	if ((__qSpace(self) <= OLDSPACE) && !__isRemembered(self)) {
+	    int spc;
+	    if (((spc = __qSpace(anObject)) == NEWSPACE) || (spc == SURVSPACE)) {
+		RETURN (false);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    myClass := self class.
+    "check the class"
+    (myClass == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true].
+    "check the instance variables"
+    numInst := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
+	((self instVarAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true]
+    ].
+    "check the indexed variables"
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+	myClass isPointers ifFalse:[
+	    "/
+	    "/ we could argue about the following unconditional return:
+	    "/ it says that a non pointer array never has a reference to the
+	    "/ corresponding object - not mimicing a reference to a copy of the
+	    "/ integer. However, it avoids useless searches in huge byteArray
+	    "/ like objects when searching for owners. If in doubt, remove it.
+	    "/ A consequence of the return below is that #[1 2 3] will say that it
+	    "/ does not refer to the number 2 (think of keeping a copy instead)
+	    ^ false.
+	    "/ alternative:
+	    "/  anObject isNumber ifFalse:[^ false].
+	].
+	"/
+	"/ because arrays are so common, and those have a highly tuned
+	"/ idenitytIndex method, use it
+	"/
+	myClass == Array ifTrue:[
+	    ^ (self identityIndexOf:anObject) ~~ 0
+	].
+	"/
+	"/ otherwise, do it the slow way
+	"/
+	numInst := self basicSize.
+	1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
+	    ((self basicAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "
+     |v|
+     v := View new initialize.
+     v references:Display. 
+    "
+    "return true, if the receiver refers to an instance of
+     the argument, aClass or its subclass. This method exists
+     to support searching for users of a class."
+    |myClass 
+     numInst "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    myClass := self class.
+    "check the class"
+    (myClass isKindOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true].
+    "check the instance variables"
+    numInst := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
+	((self instVarAt:i) isKindOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true]
+    ].
+    "check the indexed variables"
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+	myClass isPointers ifFalse:[
+	    "no need to search in non pointer fields"
+	    ((aClass == Number) or:[aClass isSubclassOf:Number]) ifFalse:[^ false].
+	].
+	numInst := self basicSize.
+	1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
+	    ((self basicAt:i) isKindOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "
+     (1 @ 3.4) referencesDerivedInstanceOf:Number  
+     (1 @ 3.4) referencesDerivedInstanceOf:Array   
+     View new initialize referencesDerivedInstanceOf:DeviceWorkstation  
+    "
+    "return true, if the receiver refers to an instance of
+     the argument, aClass.This method exists
+     to support searching for users of a class."
+    |myClass 
+     numInst "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    myClass := self class.
+    "check the class"
+    (myClass isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true].
+    "check the instance variables"
+    numInst := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
+	((self instVarAt:i) isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true]
+    ].
+    "check the indexed variables"
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+	myClass isPointers ifFalse:[
+	    "no need to search in non-pointer indexed fields"
+	    myClass isLongs ifTrue:[
+		(aClass == SmallInteger or:[aClass == LargeInteger]) ifFalse:[^ false].
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		myClass isFloatsOrDoubles ifTrue:[^ aClass == Float].
+		^ aClass == SmallInteger
+	    ]
+	].
+	numInst := self basicSize.
+	1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
+	    ((self basicAt:i) isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[^ true]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "
+     (1 @ 3.4) referencesInstanceOf:Float     
+     (1 @ 3.4) referencesInstanceOf:Fraction    
+     View new initialize referencesInstanceOf:(Display class)  
+    "
 ! !
+!Object methodsFor:'system primitives'!
+    "make all references to the receiver become references to anotherObject
+     and vice-versa. This may be an expensive (i.e. slow) operation, 
+     since in the worst case, the whole memory has to be searched for 
+     references to the two objects (although the primitive tries hard to
+     limit the search, for acceptable performance in most cases). 
+     In general, using become: should be avoided if possible, since it may 
+     produce many strange effects (think of hashing in Sets).
+     This method fails, if the receiver or the argument is a SmallInteger 
+     or nil, or is a context of a living method (i.e. one that has not already 
+     returned).
+     (notice that become: is not used heavily by the system 
+      - the Collection-classes have been rewritten to not use it.)"
+    if (__primBecome(self, anotherObject COMMA_CON))
+	RETURN ( self );
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "make all references to the receiver become nil - effectively getting
+     rid of the receiver. This can be a very dangerous operation - be warned.
+     The receiver may not be a SmallInteger or a context of a living method."
+    if (__primBecomeNil(self COMMA_CON ))
+	RETURN ( nil );
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "changes the class of the receiver to the argument, otherClass.
+     This is only allowed (possible), if the receivers class and the argument
+     have the same structure (i.e. number of named instance variables and
+     type of indexed instance variables). 
+     If the structures do not match, or any of the original class or new class
+     is UndefinedObject or a Smallinteger, a primitive error is triggered."
+    |myClass ok|
+    "check for UndefinedObject/SmallInteger receiver or newClass"
+    if (__isNonNilObject(self) 
+     && __isNonNilObject(otherClass)
+     && (otherClass != UndefinedObject)
+     && (otherClass != SmallInteger)) {
+	ok = true;
+    } else {
+	ok = false;
+    }
+    ok ifTrue:[
+	ok := false.
+	myClass := self class.
+	myClass flags == otherClass flags ifTrue:[
+	    myClass instSize == otherClass instSize ifTrue:[
+		"same instance layout and types: its ok to do it"
+		ok := true.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		myClass isPointers ifTrue:[
+		    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+			ok := true
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    myClass isPointers ifTrue:[
+		"if newClass is a variable class, with instSize <= my instsize,
+		 we can do it (effectively mapping additional instvars into the
+		 variable part) - usefulness is questionable, though"
+		otherClass isPointers ifTrue:[
+		    otherClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+			otherClass instSize <= (myClass instSize + self basicSize) 
+			ifTrue:[
+			    ok := true
+			]
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			otherClass instSize == (myClass instSize + self basicSize) 
+			ifTrue:[
+			    ok := true
+			]
+		    ]
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    "it does not make sense to convert pointers to bytes ..."
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		"does it make sense, to convert bits ?"
+		"could allow byteArray->wordArray->longArray->floatArray->doubleArray here ..."
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ok ifTrue:[
+	"now, change the receivers class ..."
+	__qClass(self) = otherClass;
+	__STORE(self, otherClass);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    ].
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "changes the class of the receiver to that of the argument, anObject.
+     This is only allowed (possible), if the receivers class and the arguments
+     class have the same structure (i.e. number of named instance variables and 
+     type of indexed instance variables). If the structures do not match, or any
+     of the objects is nil or a Smallinteger, a primitive error is triggered."
+    self changeClassTo:(anObject class)
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'user interaction & notifications'!
+    "this can be sent from deeply nested methods, which are going to perform
+     some long-time activity.
+     If there is a handler for the ActivityNotificationSignal signal, that one is raised,
+     passing the argument. The handler should show this message whereever it likes,
+     and proceed. If there is no handler, this is simply ignored.
+     This is very useful to pass busy messages up to some higher level (typically a view)
+     which likes to display that message in its label or a busy-box.
+     It could also be put into some logfile or printed on the standard output/error."
+    ActivityNotificationSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
+        ^ ActivityNotificationSignal raiseRequestWith:self errorString:aString
+    ].
+    "
+     nil activityNotification:'hello there'
+     self activityNotification:'hello there'
+    "
+    "
+     ActivityNotificationSignal handle:[:ex |
+        ex errorString printNL.
+        ex proceed.
+     ] do:[
+        'hello' printNL.
+        self activityNotification:'doing some long time computation'.
+        'world' printNL.
+     ]
+    "
+    "Modified: 16.12.1995 / 18:23:42 / cg"
+    "launch a confirmer, which allows user to enter yes or no.
+     return true for yes, false for no"
+    Dialog isNil ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 on systems without GUI, output a message
+	 and return true (as if yes was answered)
+	 Q: should we ask user by reading Stdin ?
+	"
+	Transcript showCr:aString.
+	Transcript showCr:'continue, assuming <yes>'.
+	^ true
+    ].
+    Dialog autoload.        "in case its autoloaded"
+    ^ Dialog confirm:aString
+    "
+     nil confirm:'hello'
+     self confirm:'hello'
+    "
+    "launch a Notifier, showing top stack, telling user something
+     and give a chance to enter debugger."
+    |info con sender|
+    Dialog isNil ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 on systems without GUI, simply show
+	 the message on the Transcript.
+	"
+	Transcript showCr:aString.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    Dialog autoload.        "in case its autoloaded"
+    con := sender := thisContext sender.
+    info := aString , Character cr asString , Character cr asString.
+    1 to:5 do:[:n |
+	con notNil ifTrue:[
+	    info := info , con printString , Character cr asString.
+	    con := con sender
+	]
+    ].
+    (Dialog choose:info 
+	   labels:#('proceed' 'debug')
+	   values:#(#proceed #debug)
+	   default:#debug) == #debug
+    ifTrue:[
+	Debugger enter:sender withMessage:aString
+    ]
+    "
+     nil errorNotify:'hello there'
+     self errorNotify:'hello there'
+    "
+    "launch an InfoBox, telling user something. 
+     These info-boxes can be suppressed by handling the 
+     UserNotification- or InformationSignal and proceeding in the handler."
+    InformationSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
+	^ InformationSignal raiseRequestWith:self errorString:aString
+    ].
+    self notify:aString
+    "
+     nil information:'hello there'
+     self information:'hello there'
+    "
+    "
+     InformationSignal handle:[:ex |
+	'no box popped' printNL.
+	ex proceed.
+     ] do:[
+	'hello' printNL.
+	self information:'some info'.
+	'world' printNL.
+     ]
+    "
+    "Modified: 24.11.1995 / 22:29:49 / cg"
+    "launch a Notifier, telling user something.
+     Use #information: for ignorable messages."
+    Dialog isNil ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 on systems without GUI, simply show
+	 the message on the Transcript.
+	"
+	Transcript showCr:aString.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    Dialog autoload.        "in case its autoloaded"
+    Dialog information:aString
+    "
+     nil notify:'hello there'
+     self notify:'hello there'
+    "
+    "launch a WarningBox, telling user something.
+     These warn-boxes can be suppressed by handling the 
+     UserNotification- or WarningSignal and proceeding in the handler."
+    WarningSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
+	^ WarningSignal raiseRequestWith:self errorString:aString
+    ].
+    Dialog isNil ifTrue:[
+	"
+	 on systems without GUI, simply show
+	 the message on the Transcript.
+	"
+	Transcript showCr:aString.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    Dialog autoload.        "in case its autoloaded"
+    Dialog warn:aString
+    "
+     nil warn:'hello there'
+     self warn:'hello there'
+    "
+    "
+     WarningSignal handle:[:ex |
+	ex proceed.
+     ] do:[
+	'hello' printNL.
+	self warn:'some info'.
+	'world' printNL.
+     ]
+    "
+! !
+!Object class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Object.st,v 1.80 1995-12-16 17:24:21 cg Exp $'
+! !
+Object initialize!