changeset 5358 79b21b5a4783
parent 5320 bad0dcfeb534
child 5372 6c78e7ad3d5c
--- a/	Tue Apr 04 12:21:22 2000 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Apr 07 10:08:19 2000 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
  hereby transferred.
+"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }"
 Collection subclass:#SequenceableCollection
@@ -2897,6 +2899,52 @@
 !SequenceableCollection methodsFor:'private sorting helpers'!
+mergeFirst: first middle: middle last: last into: dst by: aBlock
+    "Private!! 
+     Merge the sorted ranges [first..middle] and [middle+1..last] of the receiver into the range [first..last] of dst."
+    | i1 i2 val1 val2 out |
+    i1 := first.
+    i2 := middle + 1.
+    val1 := self at: i1.
+    val2 := self at: i2.
+    out := first - 1.  "will be pre-incremented"
+    "select 'lower' half of the elements based on comparator"
+    [(i1 <= middle) and: [i2 <= last]] whileTrue: [
+            (aBlock value: val1 value: val2)
+                    ifTrue: [
+                            dst at: (out := out + 1) put: val1.
+                            val1 := self at: (i1 := i1 + 1)]
+                    ifFalse: [
+                            dst at: (out := out + 1) put: val2.
+                            i2 := i2 + 1.
+                            i2 <= last ifTrue: [val2 := self at: i2]]].
+    "copy the remaining elements"
+    i1 <= middle
+            ifTrue: [
+                    dst replaceFrom: out + 1 to: last with: self startingAt: i1]
+            ifFalse: [
+                    dst replaceFrom: out + 1 to: last with: self startingAt: i2].
+mergeSortFrom: first to: last src: src dst: dst by: aBlock
+    "Private!! Split the range to be sorted in half, sort each half, and merge the two half-ranges into dst."
+    | middle |
+    first = last ifTrue: [^ self].
+    middle := (first + last) // 2.
+    self mergeSortFrom: first to: middle src: dst dst: src by: aBlock.
+    self mergeSortFrom: middle + 1 to: last src: dst dst: src by: aBlock.
+    src mergeFirst: first middle: middle last: last into: dst by: aBlock.
 quickSortFrom:inBegin to:inEnd
     "actual quicksort worker for sort-message"
@@ -3226,6 +3274,47 @@
     "Modified: / 8.5.1998 / 21:27:18 / cg"
+    "return true. if my elements are sorted (already)"
+    |lastEl el|
+    lastEl := self first.
+    2 to:self size do:[:i |
+        el := self at:i.
+        el >= lastEl ifFalse: [^ false].
+        lastEl := el
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "
+     #(1 2 3 5 10 100) isSorted    
+     #(1 2 3 5 100 10) isSorted    
+    "
+    "return true, if my elements are sorted (already) by the given criterion (sortBlock)"
+    |lastEl el|
+    lastEl := self first.
+    2 to:self size do:[:i |
+        el := self at:i.
+        (aBlock value:lastEl value:el) ifFalse: [^ false].
+        lastEl := el
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "
+     #(1 2 3 5 10 100) isSortedBy:[:a :b | a <= b]    
+     #(1 2 3 5 100 10) isSortedBy:[:a :b | a <= b]       
+     #(100 10 5 3 2 1) isSortedBy:[:a :b | a <= b]       
+     #(100 10 5 3 2 1) isSortedBy:[:a :b | a > b]       
+    "
     "return a collection with all keys in the Smalltalk dictionary"
@@ -4472,6 +4561,84 @@
 !SequenceableCollection methodsFor:'sorting & reordering'!
+    "sort the collection using a mergeSort algorithm. 
+     The elements are compared using'<' 
+     i.e. they should offer a magnitude-like protocol.
+     The implementation uses the mergesort algorithm, which may not be
+     the best possible for all situations 
+     See also #quickSort and #randomizedSort for other sort algorithms
+     with different worst- and average case behavior)"
+    |stop|
+    stop := self size.
+    (stop > 1) ifTrue:[
+        self mergeSortFrom:1 to:stop by:[:a :b | a < b ]
+    ]
+    "
+     #(1 16 7 98 3 19 4 0) mergeSort
+     |data|
+     data := Random new next:100000.
+     'merge random  ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data mergeSort]) printNL.
+     'merge sorted  ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data mergeSort]) printNL.
+     data reverse. 
+     'merge reverse ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data mergeSort]) printNL.
+     data := Random new next:100000.
+     'quick random  ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data sort]) printNL.
+     'quick sorted  ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data sort]) printNL.
+     data reverse. 
+     'quick reverse ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data sort]) printNL.
+     data := Random new next:100000.
+     'quickr random  ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data randomizedSort]) printNL.
+     'quickr sorted  ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data randomizedSort]) printNL.
+     data reverse. 
+     'quickr reverse ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data randomizedSort]) printNL.
+    "
+mergeSortFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex by: aBlock
+    "Sort the given range of indices using the mergesort algorithm. 
+     Mergesort is a worst-case O(N log N) sorting algorithm that usually does only half 
+     as many comparisons as heapsort or quicksort."
+    "Details: recursively split the range to be sorted into two halves, 
+     mergesort each half, then merge the two halves together. 
+     An extra copy of the data is used as temporary storage and successive merge phases copy data back 
+     and forth between the receiver and this copy. 
+     The recursion is set up so that the final merge is performed into the receiver, 
+     resulting in the receiver being completely sorted."
+    | temp |
+    self size <= 1 ifTrue: [^ self].  "nothing to do"
+    startIndex = stopIndex ifTrue: [^ self].
+    (startIndex >= 1 and: [startIndex < stopIndex])
+            ifFalse: [self error: 'bad start index'].
+    stopIndex <= self size
+            ifFalse: [self error: 'bad stop index'].
+    temp := self clone.
+    self mergeSortFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex src: temp dst: self by: aBlock.
+    "
+     #(1 16 7 98 3 19 4 0) mergeSort
+     |data|
+     data := Random new next:100000.
+     'random  ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data mergeSort]) printNL.
+     'sorted  ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data mergeSort]) printNL.
+     data reverse. 
+     'reverse ' print. (Time millisecondsToRun:[data mergeSort]) printNL.
+    "
     "sort the collection inplace. The elements are compared using
      '<' i.e. they should offer a magnitude-like protocol.
@@ -4760,6 +4927,6 @@
 !SequenceableCollection class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.130 2000-03-24 09:52:30 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.131 2000-04-07 08:08:19 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 SequenceableCollection initialize!