changeset 8443 7bc4348c059e
parent 8192 ade8d06d98eb
child 8485 d94728eaf4f0
--- a/	Tue Jul 13 09:38:50 2004 +0200
+++ b/	Tue Jul 13 10:39:04 2004 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 Stream subclass:#PeekableStream
-	classVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:'ErrorDuringFileInSignal CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal'
@@ -46,6 +46,47 @@
 ! !
+!PeekableStream class methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "setup the signal used to handle errors during fileIn"
+    ErrorDuringFileInSignal isNil ifTrue:[
+        ErrorDuringFileInSignal := Error newSignalMayProceed:true.
+        ErrorDuringFileInSignal nameClass:self message:#errorDuringFileInSignal.
+        ErrorDuringFileInSignal notifierString:'error during fileIn'.
+        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal := QuerySignal new.
+        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal nameClass:self message:#currentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal.
+        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal notifierString:'query for current directory when filing in'.
+        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal handlerBlock:[:ex | ex proceedWith:Filename currentDirectory].
+    ]
+    "
+     self initialize
+    "
+! !
+!PeekableStream class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!
+    "return the querySignal, which can be used to ask for the current directory
+     during a fileIn (that is the directory where the filed-in file resides),
+     and in a fileBrowsers doIt.
+     Using this, allows for the loaded code or doIts to ask for the fileBrowsers
+     current directory, by asking this querySignal (which is nice sometimes)."
+    ^ CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal
+! !
+!PeekableStream class methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "during a fileIn (if a script), the script can ask for the current directory"
+    ^ CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal query
+! !
 !PeekableStream methodsFor:'chunk input/output'!
@@ -124,6 +165,534 @@
     ^ theString copyTo:index
 ! !
+!PeekableStream methodsFor:'fileIn'!
+    "launch a box asking if a debugger is wanted - used when an error
+     occurs while filing in"
+    ^ self askForDebug:message canContinueForAll:false
+askForDebug:message canContinueForAll:canContinueForAll
+    "launch a box asking if a debugger is wanted - used when an error
+     occurs while filing in"
+    |labels values|
+    Smalltalk isInitialized ifFalse:[
+        'PositionableStream [warning]: fileIn error during startup: ' errorPrint. message errorPrintCR.
+        ^ #debug
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ are we in the startup sequence of an image restart ?
+    "/
+    Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess ifTrue:[
+        'PositionableStream [warning]: fileIn error during startup: ' errorPrint. message errorPrintCR.
+        ^ #continue
+    ].
+    canContinueForAll ifTrue:[
+          labels := #('Cancel' 'Skip' 'Debug' 'Dont ask again' 'Continue').
+          values := #(#abort   #skip  #debug  #continueForAll #continue).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+          labels := #('Cancel' 'Skip' 'Debug' 'Continue').
+          values := #(#abort  #skip   #debug #continue).
+    ].
+    AbortAllSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
+      labels := #('Cancel All') , labels.
+      values := #(#cancelAll) , values.
+    ].
+    ^ OptionBox 
+          request:message 
+          label:'Error in fileIn'
+          image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
+          buttonLabels:labels
+          values:values
+          default:#continue
+          onCancel:#abort.
+    "Modified: 10.1.1997 / 18:00:56 / cg"
+basicFileInNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk
+    "central method to file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
+     return the value of the last chunk.
+     Someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors."
+    |lastValue pkg spc spaces
+     packageQuerySignal nameSpaceQuerySignal usedNameSpaceQuerySignal
+     changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal
+     defaultApplicationQuerySignal defaultApplication
+     confirmationQuerySignal handledSignals passedSignals
+     dontAskSignals askSomeoneForPackage redef outerContext|
+    self skipSeparators.
+    lastValue := self peek.
+    lastValue == $< ifTrue:[
+        "/ assume, its an xml file
+        ^ self fileInXMLNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk.
+    ].
+    lastValue == $# ifTrue:[
+        "assume unix interpreter name:
+         '#!!stx -e' or something like this"
+        self nextPeek == $!! ifTrue:[
+            "skip the unix command line"
+            self nextLine
+        ] ifFalse:[
+             self error:'Invalid chunk start'
+        ]
+    ].
+    Smalltalk::Compiler isNil ifTrue:[
+        self isFileStream ifTrue:[
+            Transcript show:('[' , self pathName , '] ').
+        ].
+        Transcript showCR:'cannot fileIn (no compiler).'.
+        ^ nil.
+    ].
+    "/ support for V'Age applications
+    defaultApplicationQuerySignal := Class defaultApplicationQuerySignal.
+    changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal := Class changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal.
+    "/ support for ST/X's namespaces & packages
+    packageQuerySignal := Class packageQuerySignal.
+    nameSpaceQuerySignal := Class nameSpaceQuerySignal.
+    usedNameSpaceQuerySignal := Class usedNameSpaceQuerySignal.
+    (someone respondsTo:#packageToInstall) ifFalse:[
+        pkg := packageQuerySignal query.
+        askSomeoneForPackage := false.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        pkg := someone packageToInstall.
+        askSomeoneForPackage := true.
+    ].
+    (someone respondsTo:#currentNameSpace) ifFalse:[
+        spc := nameSpaceQuerySignal query.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        spc := someone currentNameSpace
+    ].
+    (someone respondsTo:#usedNameSpaces) ifFalse:[
+        spaces := usedNameSpaceQuerySignal query.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        spaces := someone usedNameSpaces
+    ].
+    (someone respondsTo:#defaultApplication) ifFalse:[
+        defaultApplication := defaultApplicationQuerySignal query.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        defaultApplication := someone defaultApplication
+    ].
+    confirmationQuerySignal := Metaclass confirmationQuerySignal.
+    passedSignals := IdentitySet new.
+    handledSignals := SignalSet new.
+    handledSignals add:changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal.
+    passedSignals add:changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal.
+    handledSignals add:defaultApplicationQuerySignal.
+    passedSignals add:defaultApplicationQuerySignal.
+    handledSignals add:packageQuerySignal.
+    handledSignals add:usedNameSpaceQuerySignal.
+    handledSignals add:nameSpaceQuerySignal.
+    handledSignals add:Error.
+    passedSignals add:Error.
+    handledSignals add:(Class methodRedefinitionSignal).
+    passedSignals add:(Class methodRedefinitionSignal).
+    handledSignals add:(Class classRedefinitionSignal).
+    passedSignals add:(Class classRedefinitionSignal).
+    handledSignals add:confirmationQuerySignal.
+    passedSignals add:confirmationQuerySignal.
+    outerContext := thisContext.
+    handledSignals handle:[:ex |
+        |sig action what sender msg param oldPackage newPackage proceedValue
+         canContinueForAll|
+        sig := ex signal.
+"/sig == packageQuerySignal ifTrue:[
+"/self halt.
+        (passedSignals includes:sig) ifTrue:[
+            (sig isHandledIn:outerContext) ifTrue:[
+                ex reject
+            ]
+        ].
+        sig == changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal ifTrue:[
+            "/ invoked via #becomeDefault to set the defaultApp and the package.
+            "/ (only when filing in V'Age code)
+            defaultApplication := ex parameter.
+            pkg := defaultApplication name asSymbol.
+            ex proceedWith:nil
+        ].
+        sig == defaultApplicationQuerySignal ifTrue:[
+            "/ query for the application to add classes & methods into
+            "/ (only when filing in V'Age code)
+            ex proceedWith:defaultApplication
+        ].
+        sig == packageQuerySignal ifTrue:[
+            "/ query for the package to use for classes & methods
+            askSomeoneForPackage ifTrue:[
+                ex proceedWith:someone packageToInstall
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ex proceedWith:pkg
+            ]
+        ].
+        sig == usedNameSpaceQuerySignal ifTrue:[
+            "/ query for the namespaces searched when encountering globals
+            ex proceedWith:spaces
+        ].
+        sig == nameSpaceQuerySignal ifTrue:[
+            "/ query for the namespace to install new classes in
+            ex proceedWith:spc
+        ].
+        sig == confirmationQuerySignal ifTrue:[
+            ex proceedWith:false "/ no dialogs popping up
+        ].
+        sig == Stream endOfStreamSignal ifTrue:[
+            ex reject
+        ].
+        sig == Signal noHandlerSignal ifTrue:[
+            ex parameter rejected ifTrue:[
+                ex reject
+            ].
+        ].
+        (dontAskSignals notNil and:[dontAskSignals includesKey:sig]) ifTrue:[
+            ex proceedWith:(dontAskSignals at:sig)
+        ].
+        canContinueForAll := false.
+        redef := false.
+        "/ for your convenience ...
+        (sig == Class methodRedefinitionSignal) ifTrue:[
+            param := ex parameter. "/ an association: oldMethod -> newMethod
+            oldPackage := param key package.
+            newPackage := param value package.
+            msg := 'trying to overwrite method:\\    ' , param key whoString , '\\in package ''' 
+                   , oldPackage , ''' with method from package ''' , newPackage , ''''.
+            canContinueForAll := true.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (sig == Class classRedefinitionSignal) ifTrue:[
+                param := ex parameter. "/ an association: oldClass -> newClass
+                oldPackage := param key package.
+                newPackage := param value package.
+                msg := 'trying to redefine class: ' , param key name allBold , '\\in package ''' 
+                       , oldPackage , ''' with new definition from package ''' , newPackage , ''''.
+                canContinueForAll := true.
+                redef := true.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                msg := 'error in fileIn: %1'
+            ]
+        ].
+        what := ex description.
+        what isNil ifTrue:[
+            what := ex signal notifierString.
+        ].
+        msg := msg bindWith:what.
+        "/ handle the case where no GUI has been built in,
+        "/ just abort the fileIn with a notification
+        Display isNil ifTrue:[
+            sender := ex suspendedContext sender.
+            msg := msg , ('\\in ' , sender receiver class name , '>>>' , sender selector) withCRs.
+            self notify:msg.
+            ex return
+        ].
+        sig == HaltInterrupt ifTrue:[
+            sender := ex suspendedContext.
+            msg := msg , ('\\in ' , sender receiver class name , '>>>' , sender selector) withCRs
+        ].
+        "/ otherwise ask what should be done now and either
+        "/ continue or abort the fileIn
+        redef ifTrue:[
+            action := OptionBox 
+                          request:(msg withCRs) 
+                          label:'Class redefinition in fileIn'
+                          image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
+"/ cg: now always keep the old packageID
+"/                          buttonLabels:#('cancel' 'skip' 'debug' 'keep' 'keep all' 'continue' 'continue all')
+"/                          values:#(#abort #skip #debug #keep #keepAll #continue #continueForAll)
+                          buttonLabels:#('Cancel' 'Skip' 'Debug' 'Continue' 'Continue All')
+                          values:#(#abort #skip #debug #keep #keepAll)
+                          default:#keep
+                          onCancel:#abort.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            action := self askForDebug:msg withCRs canContinueForAll:canContinueForAll.
+        ].
+        action == #continueForAll ifTrue:[
+            dontAskSignals isNil ifTrue:[
+                dontAskSignals := IdentityDictionary new.
+            ].
+            dontAskSignals at:sig put:#continue.
+            action := proceedValue := #continue.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            action == #keepForAll ifTrue:[
+                dontAskSignals isNil ifTrue:[
+                    dontAskSignals := IdentityDictionary new.
+                ].
+                dontAskSignals at:sig put:#keep.
+                action := #continue.
+                proceedValue := #keep.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                action == #keep ifTrue:[
+                    action := #continue.
+                    proceedValue := #keep.
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        action == #continue ifTrue:[
+            ex proceedWith:proceedValue
+        ].
+        action == #abort ifTrue:[
+            AbortSignal raise.
+            ex return
+        ].
+        action == #cancelAll ifTrue:[
+            AbortAllSignal raise.
+            ex return
+        ].
+        action == #skip ifTrue:[
+            ex proceedWith:nil
+        ].
+        action == #debug ifTrue:[
+            Debugger enter:ex suspendedContext 
+                     withMessage:ex description 
+                     mayProceed:true.
+            ex proceedWith:proceedValue
+        ].
+        "/ (ex signal) enterDebuggerWith:ex message:what.
+        ex reject
+    ] do:[
+        [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
+            lastValue := self fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ lastValue
+    "Modified: / 10.9.1999 / 16:54:01 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 16.11.2001 / 16:21:28 / cg"
+    "file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
+     return the value of the last chunk."
+    |notifiedLoader|
+    SourceFileLoader notNil ifTrue:[
+        notifiedLoader := SourceFileLoader on:self.
+    ].
+    ^ self fileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:true.
+    "file in from the receiver, i.e. read binary stored classes and/or objects.
+     Return the last object."
+    |bos obj|
+    bos := BinaryObjectStorage onOld:self.
+    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal 
+	answer:Smalltalk
+	do:[
+	    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
+		obj := bos next.
+	    ]
+	].
+    bos close.
+    ^ obj
+    "Created: / 13.11.2001 / 10:12:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 10:14:04 / cg"
+    "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result;
+     someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors.
+     Filein is done as follows:
+	read a chunk
+	if it started with an excla, evaluate it, and let the resulting object
+	fileIn more chunks.
+	This is a nice trick, since the methodsFor: expression evaluates to
+	a ClassCategoryReader which reads and compiles chunks for its class.
+	However, other than methodsFor expressions are possible - you can
+	(in theory) create readers for any syntax.
+    "
+    ^ self fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:false
+fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk
+    "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result;
+     someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors.
+     Filein is done as follows:
+	read a chunk
+	if it started with an excla, evaluate it, and let the resulting object
+	fileIn more chunks.
+	This is a nice trick, since the methodsFor: expression evaluates to
+	a ClassCategoryReader which reads and compiles chunks for its class.
+	However, other than methodsFor expressions are possible - you can
+	(in theory) create readers for any syntax.
+    "
+    ^ self fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk silent:nil
+fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk silent:beSilent
+    "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result;
+     someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors.
+     Filein is done as follows:
+	read a chunk
+	if it started with an excla, evaluate it, and let the resulting object
+	fileIn more chunks.
+	This is a nice trick, since the methodsFor: expression evaluates to
+	a ClassCategoryReader which reads and compiles chunks for its class.
+	However, other than methodsFor expressions are possible - you can
+	(in theory) create readers for any syntax.
+    "
+    |aString sawExcla rslt done|
+    self skipSeparators.
+    self atEnd ifFalse:[
+	sawExcla := self peekFor:(self class chunkSeparator).
+	aString := self nextChunk.
+	"/
+	"/ handle empty chunks;
+	"/ this allows for Squeak code to be filedIn
+	"/
+	[aString size == 0
+	and:[self atEnd not]] whileTrue:[
+	    aString := self nextChunk.
+	].
+	aString size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    passChunk ifTrue:[
+		someone notNil ifTrue:[someone source:aString]
+	    ].
+	    sawExcla ifFalse:[
+		rslt := Smalltalk::Compiler evaluate:aString notifying:someone.
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		Smalltalk::Compiler emptySourceNotificationSignal handle:[:ex |
+		    ^ nil
+		] do:[
+		    rslt := Smalltalk::Compiler evaluate:aString notifying:someone compile:false.
+		].
+		"
+		 usually, the above chunk consists of some methodsFor:-expression
+		 in this case, the returned value is a ClassCategoryReader,
+		 which is used to load & compile the methods ...
+		"
+		rslt isNil ifTrue:[
+		    "
+		     however, if that was nil (i.e. some error), we skip chunks
+		     up to the next empty chunk.
+		    "
+		    Transcript showCR:'skipping chunks ...'.
+		    done := false.
+		    [done] whileFalse:[
+			aString := self nextChunk.
+			done := (aString size == 0).
+		    ]
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    rslt := rslt 
+				fileInFrom:self 
+				notifying:someone 
+				passChunk:passChunk
+				single:false
+				silent:beSilent
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ rslt
+    "Modified: 14.10.1997 / 17:10:35 / cg"
+fileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk
+    "central method to file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
+     return the value of the last chunk.
+     Someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors."
+    self isFileStream ifFalse:[
+        ^ self basicFileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk.
+    ].
+    ^ self fileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk inDirectory:(self pathName asFilename directory).
+fileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk inDirectory:aDirectory
+    "central method to file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
+     return the value of the last chunk.
+     Someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors."
+    |oldPath val thisDirectory thisDirectoryPathName|
+    thisDirectory := aDirectory asFilename.
+    thisDirectoryPathName := thisDirectory pathName.
+    oldPath := Smalltalk systemPath.
+    [   
+        Smalltalk systemPath:(oldPath copy addFirst:thisDirectoryPathName; yourself).
+        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal answer:thisDirectory do:[
+            val := self basicFileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk.
+        ]
+    ] ensure:[
+        "take care, someone could have changed SystemPath during fileIn!!"
+        (Smalltalk systemPath copyFrom:2) = oldPath ifTrue:[
+            Smalltalk systemPath:oldPath.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (oldPath includes:thisDirectoryPathName) ifFalse:[
+                Smalltalk systemPath remove:thisDirectoryPathName ifAbsent:[].
+                Smalltalk flushPathCaches.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ val
+fileInXMLNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk
+    "filein an XML source file (format as in campSmalltalk DTD)"
+    | builder parser|
+    (XML isNil or:[XML::SourceNodeBuilder isNil or:[XML::XMLParser isNil]]) ifTrue:[
+	Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/xml/vw'.
+	(XML isNil or:[XML::SourceNodeBuilder isNil or:[XML::XMLParser isNil]]) ifTrue:[
+	    self error:'Could not load XML package(s) from ''stx:goodies/xml/vw'''.
+	]
+    ].
+    builder := XML::SourceNodeBuilder new.
+    parser := XML::XMLParser on:self.
+    parser builder:builder.
+    parser validate:false.
+    parser scanDocument.
+    "/ self halt.
+! !
 !PeekableStream methodsFor:'positioning'!
@@ -373,5 +942,7 @@
 !PeekableStream class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.23 2004-03-15 10:14:27 ca Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.24 2004-07-13 08:38:59 cg Exp $'
 ! !
+PeekableStream initialize!