changeset 3251 87cac58a4e57
parent 3250 c4b444774f1c
child 3340 300d88cf8b14
--- a/	Fri Jan 30 01:50:42 1998 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jan 30 01:57:28 1998 +0100
@@ -53,6 +53,17 @@
     while [:a :b | a > b] defines descening order.
     The default sortBlock for SortedCollections is the first one.
+    Compatibility Warning:
+        VW seems to use a default sortBlock which compares a<=b,
+        while ST/X uses a<b.
+        That means, that elements which are compared MUST understand #< in ST/X
+        while the minumum protocol is #<= in VW.
+        This may be changed in a future release of ST/X 
+        (it is not yet, to not confuse existing applications ...
+         ... be aware, that the sortBlock has an effect on a few algorithms
+         found here; especially #indexForInserting is critical.)
         Claus Gittinger
@@ -92,35 +103,8 @@
     If you already have a big sortedCollection at hand, adding multiple
     items may be better done with #addAll:, which resorts all elements, if
     the number of added items is more than some threshold number.
-    Building some big collection:
-        |o rnd c|
-        o := OrderedCollection new.
-        rnd := Random new.
-        10000 timesRepeat:[
-            o add:rnd next.
-        ].
-        o := o asSortedCollection.
-    adding 1000 elements individually to it:
-        1000 timesRepeat:[
-            o add:rnd next.
-        ].
-    takes 258 ms 
-    (because the elements have to be shifted around for each added element);
-    while adding them en-bloque with:
-        c := OrderedCollection new.
-        1000 timesRepeat:[
-            c add:rnd next.
-        ].
-        o addAll:o
-    takes 71 ms
+    However, the break-even point where bulk-adding is faster depends
+    on the machine ... (and ST/X version ;-).
 ! !
@@ -705,6 +689,6 @@
 !SortedCollection class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.36 1998-01-30 00:50:42 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.37 1998-01-30 00:57:28 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 SortedCollection initialize!