changeset 3161 923a6931dded
parent 3119 65247b9d1201
child 3178 649320240430
--- a/	Mon Jan 12 14:18:15 1998 +0100
+++ b/	Mon Jan 12 14:18:47 1998 +0100
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
        i printCR.
        v := v * i.
        (v / i) ~= last ifTrue:[
-           self halt
+	   self halt
        last := v.
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 * aNumber
     "return the product of the receiver and the argument, aNumber"
-    |otherSign|
+    |otherSign numberClass|
     (sign == 0) ifTrue:[^ 0].  "cannot happen if correctly normalized"
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@
      this is the common case, multiplying with SmallInteger.
      Use a special method for this case ...
-    (aNumber class == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
+    ((numberClass := aNumber class) == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
 	^ self productFromInteger:aNumber
      if the argument is not a largeInteger, coerce
-    (aNumber class == self class) ifFalse:[
+    (numberClass == self class) ifFalse:[
 	^ self retry:#* coercing:aNumber
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 + aNumber
     "return the sum of the receiver and the argument, aNumber"
-    |otherSign|
+    |otherSign numberClass|
     (sign == 0) ifTrue:[^ aNumber].  "cannot happen if correctly normalized"
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@
      this is the common case, adding a SmallInteger.
      Use a special method for this case ...
-    (aNumber class == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
+    ((numberClass := aNumber class) == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
 	^ self sumFromInteger:aNumber
      if the argument is not a largeInteger, coerce
-    (aNumber class == self class) ifFalse:[
+    (numberClass == self class) ifFalse:[
 	^ self retry:#+ coercing:aNumber
@@ -196,12 +196,14 @@
      SmallInteger minVal    
      SmallInteger minVal - 1
+    "Modified: / 9.1.1998 / 13:26:28 / cg"
 - aNumber
     "return the difference of the receiver and the argument, aNumber"
-    |otherSign|
+    |otherSign numberClass|
     (sign == 0) ifTrue:[^ aNumber negated].     "cannot happen if correctly normalized"
@@ -209,23 +211,23 @@
      this is the common case, subtracting a SmallInteger.
      Use a special method for this case ...
-    (aNumber class == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
-	sign < 0 ifTrue:[
+    ((numberClass := aNumber class) == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
+	sign > 0 ifTrue:[
 	    aNumber > 0 ifTrue:[
-		^ (self absFastPlus:aNumber) sign:-1
+		^ self absFastMinus:aNumber
-	    ^ (self absFastMinus:aNumber) sign:-1
+	    ^ self absFastPlus:aNumber
 	aNumber > 0 ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self absFastMinus:aNumber
+	    ^ (self absFastPlus:aNumber) sign:-1
-	^ self absFastPlus:aNumber
+	^ (self absFastMinus:aNumber) sign:-1
      if the argument is not a largeInteger, coerce
-    (aNumber class == self class) ifFalse:[
+    (numberClass == self class) ifFalse:[
 	^ self retry:#- coercing:aNumber
@@ -263,8 +265,8 @@
     "return the quotient of the receiver and the argument, aNumber"
     aNumber isInteger ifTrue:[
-        ^ Fraction numerator:self
-                  denominator:aNumber
+	^ Fraction numerator:self
+		  denominator:aNumber
     "this is a q&d hack - we loose lots of precision here ..."
@@ -458,7 +460,7 @@
      special case for SmallInteger minVal
     sign == 1 ifTrue:[
-        sz := digitByteArray size.
+	sz := digitByteArray size.
 	if (__intVal(sz) == sizeof(INT)) {
 	    unsigned char *bp;
@@ -478,16 +480,16 @@
-"/	sz == 4 ifTrue:[
-"/	  (digitByteArray at:1) == 0 ifTrue:[
-"/	    (digitByteArray at:2) == 0 ifTrue:[
-"/	      (digitByteArray at:3) == 0 ifTrue:[
-"/	        (digitByteArray at:4) == 16r40 ifTrue:[
-"/	          ^ SmallInteger minVal
-"/	        ].
-"/	      ]
-"/	    ]
-"/	  ]
+"/      sz == 4 ifTrue:[
+"/        (digitByteArray at:1) == 0 ifTrue:[
+"/          (digitByteArray at:2) == 0 ifTrue:[
+"/            (digitByteArray at:3) == 0 ifTrue:[
+"/              (digitByteArray at:4) == 16r40 ifTrue:[
+"/                ^ SmallInteger minVal
+"/              ].
+"/            ]
+"/          ]
+"/        ]
 "/      ]
     newNumber := self shallowCopy.
@@ -632,9 +634,9 @@
     sz := digitByteArray size.
     1 to:sz do:[:digitIndex |
-        (byte := digitByteArray at:digitIndex) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ (digitIndex-1)*8 + byte lowBit
-        ]
+	(byte := digitByteArray at:digitIndex) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ (digitIndex-1)*8 + byte lowBit
+	]
     ^ -1
@@ -687,7 +689,7 @@
     l := digitByteArray size.
     [l ~~ 0 and:[(digitByteArray at:l) == 0]] whileTrue:[
-        l := l - 1.
+	l := l - 1.
     ^ l
@@ -799,8 +801,8 @@
 		_val = (_val + _digitBytes[1]) << 8;
 		_val += _digitBytes[0];
 		if (__INST(sign) == __MKSMALLINT(-1))
-                    _val = -_val;
-                RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(_val));
+		    _val = -_val;
 	    case 6:
 		_val = (_digitBytes[5]<<8);
 		_val = (_val + _digitBytes[4]) << 8;
@@ -809,8 +811,8 @@
 		_val = (_val + _digitBytes[1]) << 8;
 		_val += _digitBytes[0];
 		if (__INST(sign) == __MKSMALLINT(-1))
-                    _val = -_val;
-                RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(_val));
+		    _val = -_val;
 	    case 5:
 		_val = (_digitBytes[4]<<8);
 		_val = (_val + _digitBytes[3]) << 8;
@@ -818,23 +820,23 @@
 		_val = (_val + _digitBytes[1]) << 8;
 		_val += _digitBytes[0];
 		if (__INST(sign) == __MKSMALLINT(-1))
-                    _val = -_val;
-                RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(_val));
+		    _val = -_val;
 	    case 4:
 		_val = (_digitBytes[3]<<8);
 		_val = (_val + _digitBytes[2]) << 8;
 		_val = (_val + _digitBytes[1]) << 8;
 		_val += _digitBytes[0];
 		if (__INST(sign) == __MKSMALLINT(-1))
-                    _val = -_val;
-                RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(_val));
+		    _val = -_val;
 	    case 3:
 		_val = (_digitBytes[2]<<8);
 		_val = (_val + _digitBytes[1]) << 8;
 		_val += _digitBytes[0];
 		if (__INST(sign) == __MKSMALLINT(-1))
-                    _val = -_val;
-                RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(_val));
+		    _val = -_val;
 	    case 2:
 		_val = (_digitBytes[1]<<8) + _digitBytes[0];
 		if (__INST(sign) == __MKSMALLINT(-1))
@@ -994,34 +996,34 @@
 			absValue := absValue bitShift:-8.
 			absValue == 0 ifTrue:[
 			    digitByteArray := ByteArray new:6.
-                            digitByteArray at:1 put:b1.
-                            digitByteArray at:2 put:b2.
-                            digitByteArray at:3 put:b3.
-                            digitByteArray at:4 put:b4.
-                            digitByteArray at:5 put:b5.
-                            digitByteArray at:6 put:b6.
+			    digitByteArray at:1 put:b1.
+			    digitByteArray at:2 put:b2.
+			    digitByteArray at:3 put:b3.
+			    digitByteArray at:4 put:b4.
+			    digitByteArray at:5 put:b5.
+			    digitByteArray at:6 put:b6.
 			] ifFalse:[
 			    b7 := absValue bitAnd:16rFF.
 			    absValue := absValue bitShift:-8.
 			    absValue == 0 ifTrue:[
 				digitByteArray := ByteArray new:7.
-                                digitByteArray at:1 put:b1.
-                                digitByteArray at:2 put:b2.
-                                digitByteArray at:3 put:b3.
-                                digitByteArray at:4 put:b4.
-                                digitByteArray at:5 put:b5.
-                                digitByteArray at:6 put:b6.
-                                digitByteArray at:7 put:b7.
+				digitByteArray at:1 put:b1.
+				digitByteArray at:2 put:b2.
+				digitByteArray at:3 put:b3.
+				digitByteArray at:4 put:b4.
+				digitByteArray at:5 put:b5.
+				digitByteArray at:6 put:b6.
+				digitByteArray at:7 put:b7.
 			    ] ifFalse:[
 				digitByteArray := ByteArray new:8.
 				digitByteArray at:1 put:b1.
-                                digitByteArray at:2 put:b2.
-                                digitByteArray at:3 put:b3.
-                                digitByteArray at:4 put:b4.
-                                digitByteArray at:5 put:b5.
-                                digitByteArray at:6 put:b6.
-                                digitByteArray at:7 put:b7.
-                                digitByteArray at:7 put:absValue.
+				digitByteArray at:2 put:b2.
+				digitByteArray at:3 put:b3.
+				digitByteArray at:4 put:b4.
+				digitByteArray at:5 put:b5.
+				digitByteArray at:6 put:b6.
+				digitByteArray at:7 put:b7.
+				digitByteArray at:7 put:absValue.
@@ -1151,38 +1153,38 @@
     num := anInteger abs.
     (num > 16r3FFFFF) ifTrue:[
-        "if num is too big (so that multiplying by a byte could create a Large)"
+	"if num is too big (so that multiplying by a byte could create a Large)"
-        ^ anInteger retry:#* coercing:self
+	^ anInteger retry:#* coercing:self
     len := digitByteArray size.
     val := num.
     val <= 16rFF ifTrue:[
-        lResult := len + 1.
+	lResult := len + 1.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        val <= 16rFFFF ifTrue:[
-            lResult := len + 2
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            val <= 16rFFFFFF ifTrue:[
-                lResult := len + 4.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                lResult := len + 6.
-            ]
-        ]
+	val <= 16rFFFF ifTrue:[
+	    lResult := len + 2
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    val <= 16rFFFFFF ifTrue:[
+		lResult := len + 4.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		lResult := len + 6.
+	    ]
+	]
     resultDigitByteArray := ByteArray uninitializedNew:lResult.
     result := self class basicNew setDigits:resultDigitByteArray.
     anInteger < 0 ifTrue:[
-        sign > 0 ifTrue:[
-            result sign:-1
-        ].
+	sign > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    result sign:-1
+	].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        sign < 0 ifTrue:[
-            result sign:sign
-        ]
+	sign < 0 ifTrue:[
+	    result sign:sign
+	]
     ok := false.
@@ -1192,180 +1194,180 @@
     if (__isSmallInteger(len)
      && __isByteArray(__digitByteArray)
      && __isByteArray(resultDigitByteArray)) {
-        INT _l = __intVal(len);
-        INT _v = __intVal(val);
-        unsigned INT _carry = 0;
-        unsigned INT _prod;
-        unsigned char *digitP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(__digitByteArray)->ba_element;
-        unsigned char *resultP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(resultDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
+	INT _l = __intVal(len);
+	INT _v = __intVal(val);
+	unsigned INT _carry = 0;
+	unsigned INT _prod;
+	unsigned char *digitP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(__digitByteArray)->ba_element;
+	unsigned char *resultP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(resultDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
-        /*
-         * skipping zeros does not help much (a few percent) on
-         * a P5 or other CPUS with a fast multiplier. 
-         * It may make more of a difference on CPUs with slower 0-multiply.
-         */
-        while ((_l >= sizeof(INT)) && (((unsigned INT *)digitP)[0] == 0)) {
-             ((unsigned long *)resultP)[0] = 0;
-            digitP += sizeof(INT);
-            resultP += sizeof(INT);
-            _l -= sizeof(INT);
-        }
+	/*
+	 * skipping zeros does not help much (a few percent) on
+	 * a P5 or other CPUS with a fast multiplier. 
+	 * It may make more of a difference on CPUs with slower 0-multiply.
+	 */
+	while ((_l >= sizeof(INT)) && (((unsigned INT *)digitP)[0] == 0)) {
+	     ((unsigned long *)resultP)[0] = 0;
+	    digitP += sizeof(INT);
+	    resultP += sizeof(INT);
+	    _l -= sizeof(INT);
+	}
 #if defined(i386) || defined(alpha) /* XXX actually: LSB_FIRST */
 # if defined (__GNUC__) && defined(i386)
-        /*
-         * can do it long-word-wise;
-         * 32*32 -> 64 multiplication
-         */
-        while (_l > 3) {
-            unsigned __pHi, __pLow;
+	/*
+	 * can do it long-word-wise;
+	 * 32*32 -> 64 multiplication
+	 */
+	while (_l > 3) {
+	    unsigned __pHi, __pLow;
-            /* 
-             * max: 0xFFFF.FFFF * 0xFFFF.FFFF -> 0xFFFF.FFFE.0000.0001
-             * + maxCarry (0xFFFF.FFFF)  -> 0xFFFF.FFFF.0000.0000
-             */
-            asm ("mull %3               \n
-                  addl %4,%%eax         \n
-                  adcl $0,%%edx"    
-                    : "=a"  ((unsigned long)(__pLow)),
-                      "=d"  ((unsigned long)(__pHi))
-                    : "0"   ((unsigned long)(((unsigned long *)digitP)[0])),
-                      "1"   ((unsigned long)(_v)),
-                      "rm"  ((unsigned long)(_carry)) );
+	    /* 
+	     * max: 0xFFFF.FFFF * 0xFFFF.FFFF -> 0xFFFF.FFFE.0000.0001
+	     * + maxCarry (0xFFFF.FFFF)  -> 0xFFFF.FFFF.0000.0000
+	     */
+	    asm ("mull %3               \n
+		  addl %4,%%eax         \n
+		  adcl $0,%%edx"    
+		    : "=a"  ((unsigned long)(__pLow)),
+		      "=d"  ((unsigned long)(__pHi))
+		    : "0"   ((unsigned long)(((unsigned long *)digitP)[0])),
+		      "1"   ((unsigned long)(_v)),
+		      "rm"  ((unsigned long)(_carry)) );
-            ((unsigned long *)resultP)[0] = __pLow;
-            _carry = __pHi;
-            digitP += 4;
-            resultP += 4;
-            _l -= 4;
-        }
+	    ((unsigned long *)resultP)[0] = __pLow;
+	    _carry = __pHi;
+	    digitP += 4;
+	    resultP += 4;
+	    _l -= 4;
+	}
 # else
 #  if defined(INT64)
-        if (_v <= 0xFFFFFFFFL) {
-            /*
-             * have a 64bit int type ... good
-             */
-            UINT64 _prod64;
+	if (_v <= 0xFFFFFFFFL) {
+	    /*
+	     * have a 64bit int type ... good
+	     */
+	    UINT64 _prod64;
-            /* have 64bit ints; can do it int-wise
-             *
-             * max: 0xFFFFFFFF * 0xFFFFFFFF -> 0xFFFFFFFE.0001
-             * + maxCarry (0xFFFFFFFF)  -> 0xFFFFFFFF.0000
-             */
-            while (_l > 3) {
-                unsigned __t;
+	    /* have 64bit ints; can do it int-wise
+	     *
+	     * max: 0xFFFFFFFF * 0xFFFFFFFF -> 0xFFFFFFFE.0001
+	     * + maxCarry (0xFFFFFFFF)  -> 0xFFFFFFFF.0000
+	     */
+	    while (_l > 3) {
+		unsigned __t;
-                __t = ((unsigned *)digitP)[0];
-                digitP += 4;
-                _prod64 = (INT64)_v;
-                _prod64 *= __t;
-                _prod64 += _carry;
-                ((unsigned *)resultP)[0] = _prod64 /* & 0xFFFFFFFFL */;
-                _carry = _prod64 >> 32;
-                resultP += 4;
-                _l -= 4;
-            }
-            if (_l > 1) {
-                unsigned short __t;
+		__t = ((unsigned *)digitP)[0];
+		digitP += 4;
+		_prod64 = (INT64)_v;
+		_prod64 *= __t;
+		_prod64 += _carry;
+		((unsigned *)resultP)[0] = _prod64 /* & 0xFFFFFFFFL */;
+		_carry = _prod64 >> 32;
+		resultP += 4;
+		_l -= 4;
+	    }
+	    if (_l > 1) {
+		unsigned short __t;
-                __t = ((unsigned short *)digitP)[0];
-                digitP += 2;
-                _prod64 = (INT64)_v;
-                _prod64 *= __t;
-                _prod64 += _carry;
-                ((unsigned short *)resultP)[0] = _prod64 /* & 0xFFFF */;
-                _carry = _prod64 >> 16;
-                resultP += 2;
-                _l -= 2;
-            }
-            if (_l > 0) {
-                _prod64 = *digitP++ * _v + _carry;
-                *resultP++ = _prod64 /* & 0xFF */;
-                _carry = _prod64 >> 8;
-                _l--;
-            }
-        }
+		__t = ((unsigned short *)digitP)[0];
+		digitP += 2;
+		_prod64 = (INT64)_v;
+		_prod64 *= __t;
+		_prod64 += _carry;
+		((unsigned short *)resultP)[0] = _prod64 /* & 0xFFFF */;
+		_carry = _prod64 >> 16;
+		resultP += 2;
+		_l -= 2;
+	    }
+	    if (_l > 0) {
+		_prod64 = *digitP++ * _v + _carry;
+		*resultP++ = _prod64 /* & 0xFF */;
+		_carry = _prod64 >> 8;
+		_l--;
+	    }
+	}
 #  else
-        if (_v <= 0xFFFF) {
-            /* can do it short-wise 
-             * 
-             * max: 0xFFFF * 0xFFFF -> 0xFFFE.0001
-             * + maxCarry (0xFFFF)  -> 0xFFFF.0000
-             */
-            while (_l > 1) {
-                _prod = ((unsigned short *)digitP)[0] * _v + _carry;
-                ((unsigned short *)resultP)[0] = _prod /* & 0xFFFF */;
-                _carry = _prod >> 16;
-                digitP += 2;
-                resultP += 2;
-                _l -= 2;
-            }
-        }
+	if (_v <= 0xFFFF) {
+	    /* can do it short-wise 
+	     * 
+	     * max: 0xFFFF * 0xFFFF -> 0xFFFE.0001
+	     * + maxCarry (0xFFFF)  -> 0xFFFF.0000
+	     */
+	    while (_l > 1) {
+		_prod = ((unsigned short *)digitP)[0] * _v + _carry;
+		((unsigned short *)resultP)[0] = _prod /* & 0xFFFF */;
+		_carry = _prod >> 16;
+		digitP += 2;
+		resultP += 2;
+		_l -= 2;
+	    }
+	}
 #  endif /* no INT64 */
 # endif /* not GNU-i386 */
 #else /* not LSB_FIRST */
-        if (_v <= 0xFFFF) {
-            /* can do it short-wise 
-             * 
-             * max: 0xFFFF * 0xFFFF -> 0xFFFE.0001
-             * + maxCarry (0xFFFF)  -> 0xFFFF.0000
-             */
-            while (_l > 1) {
-                unsigned int t;
+	if (_v <= 0xFFFF) {
+	    /* can do it short-wise 
+	     * 
+	     * max: 0xFFFF * 0xFFFF -> 0xFFFE.0001
+	     * + maxCarry (0xFFFF)  -> 0xFFFF.0000
+	     */
+	    while (_l > 1) {
+		unsigned int t;
-                t = (digitP[1]<<8) + digitP[0];
-                _prod = t * _v + _carry;
-                resultP[0] = _prod /* & 0xFF */;
-                resultP[1] = (_prod>>8) /* & 0xFF */;
-                _carry = _prod >> 16;
-                digitP += 2;
-                resultP += 2;
-                _l -= 2;
-            }
-        }
+		t = (digitP[1]<<8) + digitP[0];
+		_prod = t * _v + _carry;
+		resultP[0] = _prod /* & 0xFF */;
+		resultP[1] = (_prod>>8) /* & 0xFF */;
+		_carry = _prod >> 16;
+		digitP += 2;
+		resultP += 2;
+		_l -= 2;
+	    }
+	}
 #endif /* LSB_FIRST */
-        /*
-         * rest is done byte-wise
-         */
-        while (_l > 0) {
-            _prod = *digitP++ * _v + _carry;
-            *resultP++ = _prod /* & 0xFF */;
-            _carry = _prod >> 8;
-            _l--;
-        }
+	/*
+	 * rest is done byte-wise
+	 */
+	while (_l > 0) {
+	    _prod = *digitP++ * _v + _carry;
+	    *resultP++ = _prod /* & 0xFF */;
+	    _carry = _prod >> 8;
+	    _l--;
+	}
-        _l = __intVal(lResult) - __intVal(len);
+	_l = __intVal(lResult) - __intVal(len);
-        /*
-         * remaining carry
-         */
-        while (_carry) {
-            *resultP++ = _carry & 0xFF;
-            _carry >>= 8;
-            _l--;
-        }
+	/*
+	 * remaining carry
+	 */
+	while (_carry) {
+	    *resultP++ = _carry & 0xFF;
+	    _carry >>= 8;
+	    _l--;
+	}
-        /*
-         * remaining zeros
-         */
-        while (_l--) {
-            *resultP++ = 0;
-        }
+	/*
+	 * remaining zeros
+	 */
+	while (_l--) {
+	    *resultP++ = 0;
+	}
-        /*
-         * need compress ?
-         */
-        if (resultP[-1]) {
-            /*
-             * no
-             */
-            RETURN(result);
-        }
+	/*
+	 * need compress ?
+	 */
+	if (resultP[-1]) {
+	    /*
+	     * no
+	     */
+	    RETURN(result);
+	}
-        ok = true;
+	ok = true;
@@ -1373,21 +1375,21 @@
      (could make it a primitive-failure as well)
     ok ifFalse:[
-        carry := 0.
-        1 to:len do:[:i |
-            prod := (digitByteArray basicAt:i) * val + carry.
-            resultDigitByteArray basicAt:i put:(prod bitAnd:16rFF).
-            carry := prod bitShift:-8.
-        ].
-        [carry ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-            len := len + 1.
-            resultDigitByteArray basicAt:len put:(carry bitAnd:16rFF).
-            carry := carry bitShift:-8
-        ].
-        [len < lResult] whileTrue:[
-            len := len + 1.
-            resultDigitByteArray basicAt:len put:0
-        ]
+	carry := 0.
+	1 to:len do:[:i |
+	    prod := (digitByteArray basicAt:i) * val + carry.
+	    resultDigitByteArray basicAt:i put:(prod bitAnd:16rFF).
+	    carry := prod bitShift:-8.
+	].
+	[carry ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+	    len := len + 1.
+	    resultDigitByteArray basicAt:len put:(carry bitAnd:16rFF).
+	    carry := carry bitShift:-8
+	].
+	[len < lResult] whileTrue:[
+	    len := len + 1.
+	    resultDigitByteArray basicAt:len put:0
+	]
     ^ result compressed
@@ -1397,18 +1399,19 @@
      Return the sum of the receiver and the argument, (which must be a SmallInteger)"
     anInteger > 0 ifTrue:[
-	sign < 0 ifTrue:[
-	    ^ (self absFastMinus:anInteger) sign:-1
+	sign > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self absFastPlus:anInteger
-	^ self absFastPlus:anInteger
+	^ (self absFastMinus:anInteger) sign:-1
     anInteger == 0 ifTrue:[
 	^ self
-    sign < 0 ifTrue:[
-	^ (self absFastPlus:anInteger abs) sign:-1
+    sign > 0 ifTrue:[
+	^ self absFastMinus:anInteger
-    ^ self absFastMinus:anInteger
+    ^ (self absFastPlus:anInteger abs) sign:-1
@@ -1421,7 +1424,7 @@
      -12345678901234567890 sumFromInteger:-1    
-    "Modified: 20.10.1996 / 18:41:51 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.1.1998 / 13:27:37 / cg"
 ! !
 !LargeInteger methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
@@ -1572,7 +1575,7 @@
 #ifdef i386
 	if (divisor < 0xFFFF) {
 	    if ((index & 1) == 0) { /* even number of bytes */
-	        while (index > 1) {
+		while (index > 1) {
 		    unsigned INT t;
 		    unsigned INT div;
@@ -1655,30 +1658,30 @@
     borrow := aSmallInteger abs.
     [borrow ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-        (index <= len) ifTrue:[
-            diff := (digitByteArray basicAt:index) - (borrow bitAnd:16rFF).
-            borrow := borrow bitShift:-8.
-            diff < 0 ifTrue:[
-                diff := diff + 256.
-                borrow := borrow + 1.
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            diff := borrow bitAnd:255.
-            borrow := borrow bitShift:-8.
-        ].
-        resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:(lastDigit := diff).
-        index := index + 1
+	(index <= len) ifTrue:[
+	    diff := (digitByteArray basicAt:index) - (borrow bitAnd:16rFF).
+	    borrow := borrow bitShift:-8.
+	    diff < 0 ifTrue:[
+		diff := diff + 256.
+		borrow := borrow + 1.
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    diff := borrow bitAnd:255.
+	    borrow := borrow bitShift:-8.
+	].
+	resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:(lastDigit := diff).
+	index := index + 1
     (index <= rsltLen) ifTrue:[
-        [index <= len] whileTrue:[
-            resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:(digitByteArray basicAt:index).
-            index := index + 1
-        ].
-        lastDigit := 0.
+	[index <= len] whileTrue:[
+	    resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:(digitByteArray basicAt:index).
+	    index := index + 1
+	].
+	lastDigit := 0.
     lastDigit == 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ result compressed
+	^ result compressed
     ^ result
@@ -1735,12 +1738,12 @@
 	if (__index <= __intVal(rsltLen)) {
 	    while (__index <= __len) {
-	        __dst[__index-1] = __src[__index-1];
-	        __index++;
+		__dst[__index-1] = __src[__index-1];
+		__index++;
 	    __lastDigit = 0;
-        if (lastDigit) {
+	if (lastDigit) {
 	    RETURN (result);
 	ok = true;
@@ -1748,29 +1751,29 @@
     ok ~~ true ifTrue:[
-        index := 1.
-        carry := aSmallInteger abs.
+	index := 1.
+	carry := aSmallInteger abs.
-        [carry ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-            (index <= len) ifTrue:[
-                carry := (digitByteArray basicAt:index) + carry.
-            ].
-            resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:(lastDigit := carry bitAnd:16rFF).
-            carry := carry bitShift:-8.
-            index := index + 1
-        ].
+	[carry ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+	    (index <= len) ifTrue:[
+		carry := (digitByteArray basicAt:index) + carry.
+	    ].
+	    resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:(lastDigit := carry bitAnd:16rFF).
+	    carry := carry bitShift:-8.
+	    index := index + 1
+	].
-        (index <= rsltLen) ifTrue:[
-            [index <= len] whileTrue:[
-                resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:(digitByteArray basicAt:index).
-                index := index + 1
-            ].
-            lastDigit := 0.
-        ].
+	(index <= rsltLen) ifTrue:[
+	    [index <= len] whileTrue:[
+		resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:(digitByteArray basicAt:index).
+		index := index + 1
+	    ].
+	    lastDigit := 0.
+	].
-        lastDigit ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ result
-        ].
+	lastDigit ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ result
+	].
     ^ result compressed
@@ -1999,62 +2002,62 @@
     if (__isByteArray(_digitByteArray)
      && __isByteArray(otherDigitByteArray)) {
-        int _len1, _len2, _newLen;
-        unsigned char *_myDigits, *_otherDigits, *_newDigits;
-        int _index, _carry;
-        int _comLen;
+	int _len1, _len2, _newLen;
+	unsigned char *_myDigits, *_otherDigits, *_newDigits;
+	int _index, _carry;
+	int _comLen;
-        _len1 = __byteArraySize(_digitByteArray);
-        _len2 = __byteArraySize(otherDigitByteArray);
+	_len1 = __byteArraySize(_digitByteArray);
+	_len2 = __byteArraySize(otherDigitByteArray);
-        _otherDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(otherDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
-        _myDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_digitByteArray)->ba_element;
+	_otherDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(otherDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
+	_myDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_digitByteArray)->ba_element;
-        if (_len1 < _len2) {
-            _comLen = _len1;
-            _newLen = _len2;
-            if (_otherDigits[_len2 - 1] == 0xFF) _newLen++;
-        } else if (_len2 < _len1) {
-            _comLen = _len2;
-            _newLen = _len1;
-            if (_myDigits[_len1 - 1] == 0xFF) _newLen++;
-        } else {
-            /*
-             * there can only be an overflow from the high bytes,
-             * if their sum is >= 255
-             */
-            _newLen = _len1;
-            if ((_otherDigits[_len2 - 1] + _myDigits[_len1 - 1]) >= 0xFF) {
-                _newLen++;
-            } else {
+	if (_len1 < _len2) {
+	    _comLen = _len1;
+	    _newLen = _len2;
+	    if (_otherDigits[_len2 - 1] == 0xFF) _newLen++;
+	} else if (_len2 < _len1) {
+	    _comLen = _len2;
+	    _newLen = _len1;
+	    if (_myDigits[_len1 - 1] == 0xFF) _newLen++;
+	} else {
+	    /*
+	     * there can only be an overflow from the high bytes,
+	     * if their sum is >= 255
+	     */
+	    _newLen = _len1;
+	    if ((_otherDigits[_len2 - 1] + _myDigits[_len1 - 1]) >= 0xFF) {
+		_newLen++;
+	    } else {
 #if defined(i386) || defined(alpha) /* actually: LSB_FIRST */
-                if (_newLen == sizeof(INT)) {
-                    /* 
-                     * two 32bit numbers, no carry - a very common case ...
-                     */
-                    unsigned INT _sum = *(unsigned INT *)_otherDigits + *(unsigned INT *)_myDigits;
-                    RETURN (__MKULARGEINT(_sum));
-                }
+		if (_newLen == sizeof(INT)) {
+		    /* 
+		     * two 32bit numbers, no carry - a very common case ...
+		     */
+		    unsigned INT _sum = *(unsigned INT *)_otherDigits + *(unsigned INT *)_myDigits;
+		    RETURN (__MKULARGEINT(_sum));
+		}
 #endif /* not LSB_FIRST */
-            }
-            _comLen = _len1;
-        }
-        resultDigitByteArray = __BYTEARRAY_UNINITIALIZED_NEW_INT(_newLen);
+	    }
+	    _comLen = _len1;
+	}
+	resultDigitByteArray = __BYTEARRAY_UNINITIALIZED_NEW_INT(_newLen);
-        /*
-         * must refetch - GC could have been invoked
-         */
-        _digitByteArray = __INST(digitByteArray);
+	/*
+	 * must refetch - GC could have been invoked
+	 */
+	_digitByteArray = __INST(digitByteArray);
-        _myDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_digitByteArray)->ba_element;
-        _otherDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(otherDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
-        _newDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(resultDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
+	_myDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_digitByteArray)->ba_element;
+	_otherDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(otherDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
+	_newDigits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(resultDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
-        /*
-         * add them ...
-         */
-        _index = 1;
-        _carry = 0;
+	/*
+	 * add them ...
+	 */
+	_index = 1;
+	_carry = 0;
 #if defined(i386) || defined(alpha) /* actually: LSB first */
 # ifdef INT64
@@ -2062,137 +2065,137 @@
 	 * have a 64bit integer type;
 	 * add long-wise
-        while (_index < _comLen) {
-            UINT64 _sum;
+	while (_index < _comLen) {
+	    UINT64 _sum;
-            _sum = _carry;
-            _sum += *(unsigned *)(&(_myDigits[_index - 1]));
-            _sum += *(unsigned *)(&(_otherDigits[_index - 1]));
+	    _sum = _carry;
+	    _sum += *(unsigned *)(&(_myDigits[_index - 1]));
+	    _sum += *(unsigned *)(&(_otherDigits[_index - 1]));
 	    _carry = _sum >> 32;
 	    _sum = _sum & 0xFFFFFFFF;
-            *(unsigned *)(&(_newDigits[_index - 1])) = _sum;
-            _index += 4;
-        }
+	    *(unsigned *)(&(_newDigits[_index - 1])) = _sum;
+	    _index += 4;
+	}
 # endif
-        /*
-         * add short-wise
-         */
-        while (_index < _comLen) {
-            unsigned int _sum;
+	/*
+	 * add short-wise
+	 */
+	while (_index < _comLen) {
+	    unsigned int _sum;
-            _sum = _carry;
-            _sum += *(unsigned short *)(&(_myDigits[_index - 1]));
-            _sum += *(unsigned short *)(&(_otherDigits[_index - 1]));
+	    _sum = _carry;
+	    _sum += *(unsigned short *)(&(_myDigits[_index - 1]));
+	    _sum += *(unsigned short *)(&(_otherDigits[_index - 1]));
 	    _carry = _sum >> 16;
 	    _sum = _sum & 0xFFFF;
-            *(unsigned short *)(&(_newDigits[_index - 1])) = _sum;
-            _index += 2;
-        }
+	    *(unsigned short *)(&(_newDigits[_index - 1])) = _sum;
+	    _index += 2;
+	}
-        /*
-         * add byte
-         */
-        while (_index <= _comLen) {
-            unsigned int _sum;
+	/*
+	 * add byte
+	 */
+	while (_index <= _comLen) {
+	    unsigned int _sum;
-            _sum = _carry;
-            _sum += _myDigits[_index - 1];
-            _sum += _otherDigits[_index - 1];
+	    _sum = _carry;
+	    _sum += _myDigits[_index - 1];
+	    _sum += _otherDigits[_index - 1];
 	    _carry = _sum >> 8;
 	    _sum = _sum & 0xFF;
-            _newDigits[_index - 1] = _sum;
-            _index++;
-        }
+	    _newDigits[_index - 1] = _sum;
+	    _index++;
+	}
-        /*
-         * rest
-         */
-        while (_index <= _newLen) {
-            unsigned int _sum;
+	/*
+	 * rest
+	 */
+	while (_index <= _newLen) {
+	    unsigned int _sum;
-            _sum = _carry;
-            if (_index <= _len1) {
-                _sum += _myDigits[_index - 1];
-                if (_index <= _len2) {
-                    _sum += _otherDigits[_index - 1];
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (_index <= _len2) {
-                    _sum += _otherDigits[_index - 1];
-                }
-            }
+	    _sum = _carry;
+	    if (_index <= _len1) {
+		_sum += _myDigits[_index - 1];
+		if (_index <= _len2) {
+		    _sum += _otherDigits[_index - 1];
+		}
+	    } else {
+		if (_index <= _len2) {
+		    _sum += _otherDigits[_index - 1];
+		}
+	    }
 	    _carry = _sum >> 8;
 	    _sum = _sum & 0xFF;
-            _newDigits[_index - 1] = _sum;
-            _index++;
-        }
+	    _newDigits[_index - 1] = _sum;
+	    _index++;
+	}
     resultDigitByteArray notNil ifTrue:[
-        result := self class basicNew.
-        result setDigits:resultDigitByteArray.
+	result := self class basicNew.
+	result setDigits:resultDigitByteArray.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        len1 := digitByteArray size.
-        len2 := otherDigitByteArray size.
+	len1 := digitByteArray size.
+	len2 := otherDigitByteArray size.
-        "/ earlier versions estimated the newLength as:
-        "/ (len1 max:len2) + 1
-        "/ and reduced the result.
-        "/ however, if one of the addends is smaller,
-        "/ the result will never require another digit,
-        "/ if the highest digit of the larger addent is
-        "/ not equal to 255. Therefore, in most cases,
-        "/ we can avoid the computation and resizing 
-        "/ in #reduced.
+	"/ earlier versions estimated the newLength as:
+	"/ (len1 max:len2) + 1
+	"/ and reduced the result.
+	"/ however, if one of the addends is smaller,
+	"/ the result will never require another digit,
+	"/ if the highest digit of the larger addent is
+	"/ not equal to 255. Therefore, in most cases,
+	"/ we can avoid the computation and resizing 
+	"/ in #reduced.
-        len1 < len2 ifTrue:[
-            newLen := len2.
-            (otherDigitByteArray at:len2) == 16rFF ifTrue:[
-                newLen := newLen + 1
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            len2 < len1 ifTrue:[
-                newLen := len1.
-                (digitByteArray at:len1) == 16rFF ifTrue:[
-                    newLen := newLen + 1
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                newLen := len1 + 1.
-            ]
-        ].
+	len1 < len2 ifTrue:[
+	    newLen := len2.
+	    (otherDigitByteArray at:len2) == 16rFF ifTrue:[
+		newLen := newLen + 1
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    len2 < len1 ifTrue:[
+		newLen := len1.
+		(digitByteArray at:len1) == 16rFF ifTrue:[
+		    newLen := newLen + 1
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		newLen := len1 + 1.
+	    ]
+	].
-        result := self class basicNew numberOfDigits:newLen.
-        resultDigitByteArray := result digits.
+	result := self class basicNew numberOfDigits:newLen.
+	resultDigitByteArray := result digits.
-        index := 1.
-        carry := 0.
+	index := 1.
+	carry := 0.
-        done := false.
-        [done] whileFalse:[
-            sum := carry.
-            (index <= len1) ifTrue:[
-                sum := sum + (digitByteArray basicAt:index).
-                (index <= len2) ifTrue:[
-                    sum := sum + (otherDigitByteArray basicAt:index)
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (index <= len2) ifTrue:[
-                    sum := sum + (otherDigitByteArray basicAt:index)
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    "end reached"
-                    done := true
-                ]
-            ].
-            (sum >= 16r100) ifTrue:[
-                carry := 1.
-                sum := sum - 16r100
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                carry := 0
-            ].
-            resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:sum.
-            index := index + 1
-        ].
+	done := false.
+	[done] whileFalse:[
+	    sum := carry.
+	    (index <= len1) ifTrue:[
+		sum := sum + (digitByteArray basicAt:index).
+		(index <= len2) ifTrue:[
+		    sum := sum + (otherDigitByteArray basicAt:index)
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(index <= len2) ifTrue:[
+		    sum := sum + (otherDigitByteArray basicAt:index)
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    "end reached"
+		    done := true
+		]
+	    ].
+	    (sum >= 16r100) ifTrue:[
+		carry := 1.
+		sum := sum - 16r100
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		carry := 0
+	    ].
+	    resultDigitByteArray basicAt:index put:sum.
+	    index := index + 1
+	].
     ^ result compressed
@@ -2284,9 +2287,9 @@
 #if defined(i386) /* XXX actually: LSB_FIRST */
 	if (sizeof(unsigned int) == 4) {
 	    if ((__idx + 4) < __nBytes) {
-	        __this = ((unsigned int *)__bp)[0];
+		__this = ((unsigned int *)__bp)[0];
-	        while ((__idx + 4) < __nBytes) {
+		while ((__idx + 4) < __nBytes) {
 		    __next = ((unsigned int *)__bp)[1];
 		    __this = (__this >> 1) /* & 0x7FFFFFF */;
 		    __this |= __next << 31;
@@ -2294,7 +2297,7 @@
 		    __this = __next;
 		    __bp += 4;
 		    __idx += 4;
-	        }
+		}
@@ -2355,12 +2358,12 @@
 #if defined(i386) /* XXX actually: LSB_FIRST */
 	if (sizeof(unsigned int) == 4) {
 	    while (__nBytes >= 4) {
-	        __this = ((unsigned int *)__bp)[0];
-	        __newCarry = (__this >> 31) /* & 1 */;
-	        ((unsigned int *)__bp)[0] = (__this << 1) | __carry;
-	        __carry = __newCarry;
-	        __bp += 4;
-	        __nBytes -= 4;
+		__this = ((unsigned int *)__bp)[0];
+		__newCarry = (__this >> 31) /* & 1 */;
+		((unsigned int *)__bp)[0] = (__this << 1) | __carry;
+		__carry = __newCarry;
+		__bp += 4;
+		__nBytes -= 4;
@@ -2454,5 +2457,5 @@
 !LargeInteger class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.61 1997-11-26 21:35:43 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.62 1998-01-12 13:18:47 cg Exp $'
 ! !