changeset 22849 a14c777df83d
parent 22848 70ca7a7fab6a
child 22978 589f146aebcd
--- a/ExternalStream.st	Wed May 09 19:45:01 2018 +0200
+++ b/ExternalStream.st	Wed May 09 20:09:43 2018 +0200
@@ -5604,7 +5604,7 @@
     "return a collection of the elements up-to the end.
      Return an empty collection, if the stream-end is already at the end."
-    |chunkSize chunks sizes byteCount data offset|
+    |chunkSize chunksAndCounts byteCount data offset contentsSpecies|
     "adding to a ByteArray produces quadratic time-space
      behavior - therefore we allocate chunks, and concatenate them
@@ -5612,34 +5612,34 @@
     chunkSize := 4096.
     byteCount := 0.
+    contentsSpecies := self contentsSpecies.
     [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
         |chunk cnt|
-        chunk := self contentsSpecies uninitializedNew:chunkSize.
+        chunk := contentsSpecies uninitializedNew:chunkSize.
         cnt := self nextBytes:chunkSize into:chunk startingAt:1.
         cnt ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            chunks isNil ifTrue:[
+            chunksAndCounts isNil ifTrue:[
                 (cnt < chunkSize and:[self atEnd]) ifTrue:[
                     "all data is in a single chunk, so we are done"
                     ^ chunk copyFrom:1 to:cnt.
-                chunks := OrderedCollection new.
-                sizes := OrderedCollection new.
+                chunksAndCounts := OrderedCollection new.
-            chunks add:chunk.
-            sizes add:cnt.
-            byteCount := byteCount + cnt
+            chunksAndCounts add:chunk; add:cnt.
+            byteCount := byteCount + cnt.
     "now, create one big array"
-    data := self contentsSpecies uninitializedNew:byteCount.
+    data := contentsSpecies uninitializedNew:byteCount.
     offset := 1.
-    1 to:chunks size do:[:index |
+    1 to:chunksAndCounts size by:2 do:[:index |
         |chunk cnt|
-        chunk := chunks at:index.
-        cnt := sizes at:index.
+        chunk := chunksAndCounts at:index.
+        cnt := chunksAndCounts at:index+1.
         data replaceFrom:offset to:(offset + cnt - 1) with:chunk startingAt:1.
         offset := offset + cnt
@@ -5649,10 +5649,13 @@
      '/dev/null' asFilename readStream upToEnd
      '/proc/self/stat' asFilename readStream upToEnd
+     'librun.so' asFilename readStream binary upToEnd
      self assert:('smalltalk.rc' asFilename readStream upToEnd size)
                   =  ('smalltalk.rc' asFilename readStream size)
+    "Modified (format): / 09-05-2018 / 20:09:31 / stefan"
 ! !
 !ExternalStream methodsFor:'rel5 protocol'!