changeset 1 a27a279701f8
child 2 6526dde5f3ac
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Object.st	Fri Jul 16 11:39:45 1993 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1863 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1988-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+Object subclass:#Object
+       instanceVariableNames:''
+       classVariableNames:'ErrorSignal HaltSignal 
+                           MessageNotUnderstoodSignal UserInterruptSignal
+                           RecursionInterruptSignal ExceptionInterruptSignal
+                           SubscriptOutOfBoundSignal NonIntegerIndexSignal
+                           InformationSignal'
+       poolDictionaries:''
+       category:'Kernel-Objects'
+Object comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1988-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+Class Object is the superclass of all other classes. Protocol common to
+all objects is defined here.
+Also some utility stuff (like notify) and error handling is implemented here.
+%W% %E%
+Smalltalk at:#ErrorRecursion put:false!
+Smalltalk at:#ErrorActive put:false!
+Smalltalk at:#ErrorHandler put:nil!
+Smalltalk at:#Dependencies put:nil!
+Smalltalk at:#SystemNotifier put:nil!
+Smalltalk at:#SystemWarningBox put:nil!
+Smalltalk at:#SystemInfoBox put:nil!
+Smalltalk at:#SystemConfirmer put:nil!
+!Object class methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "called only once - initialize signals"
+    ErrorSignal isNil ifTrue:[
+        ErrorSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:true.
+        ErrorSignal notifierString:'error'.
+        HaltSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:true.
+        HaltSignal notifierString:'halt encountered'.
+        MessageNotUnderstoodSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:true.
+        MessageNotUnderstoodSignal notifierString:'message not understood'.
+        UserInterruptSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:true.
+        UserInterruptSignal notifierString:'user Interrupt'.
+        RecursionInterruptSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
+        RecursionInterruptSignal notifierString:'recursion interrupt'.
+        ExceptionInterruptSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:true.
+        ExceptionInterruptSignal notifierString:'exception Interrupt'.
+        SubscriptOutOfBoundSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
+        SubscriptOutOfBoundSignal notifierString:'subscript out of bounds'.
+        NonIntegerIndexSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
+        NonIntegerIndexSignal notifierString:'index must be integer'.
+        InformationSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:true.
+        InformationSignal notifierString:'information'.
+        Dependencies := IdentityDictionary new.
+    ]
+    "Object initialize"
+! !
+!Object class methodsFor:'signal access'!
+    "return the signal used for error/error: - messages"
+    ^ ErrorSignal
+    "return the signal used for halt/halt: - messages"
+    ^ HaltSignal
+    "return the signal used for doesNotUnderstand: - messages"
+    ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
+    "return the signal used for ^C interrupts"
+    ^ UserInterruptSignal
+    "return the signal used for recursion overflow reporting"
+    ^ RecursionInterruptSignal
+    "return the signal used for exception (display errors) reporting"
+    ^ ExceptionInterruptSignal
+    "return the signal used for subscript error reporting"
+    ^ SubscriptOutOfBoundSignal
+    "return the signal used for bad subscript error reporting"
+    ^ NonIntegerIndexSignal
+    "return the signal used for informations"
+    ^ InformationSignal
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "just to ignore initialize to objects which do not need it"
+    ^ self
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    "create an object from its printed representation"
+    ^ self readFrom:(ReadStream on:aString)
+    "read an objects printed representation from the argument,
+     aStream and return it."
+    |newObject|
+    newObject := Compiler evaluate:aStream.
+    (newObject isKindOf:self) ifFalse:[
+        self error:('expected ' , self name)
+    ].
+    ^ newObject
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'system primitives'!
+    "make all references to the receiver become references to anotherObject and vice-versa.
+     This may be an expensive (i.e. slow) operation, since in the worst case, the whole memory
+     has to be searched for references to the two objects. In general, using become: should be
+     avoided if possible since it may produce many strange effects.
+     This method fails, if the receiver or the argument is a SmallInteger or nil, or is a context
+     of a living method (i.e. one that has not already returned).
+     (notice that become: is not used by the system - the Collection classes have been rewritten
+      to not use it.)"
+    if (primBecome(self, anotherObject))
+        RETURN ( self );
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "return the core address as an integer 
+     - since objects may move around the returned value is invalid after the
+     next scavenge/collect, therefore use only for debugging."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (! _isNonNilObject(self)) {
+        RETURN ( nil );
+    }
+    if ((_qSpace(self) != OLDSPACE) && (_qSpace(self) != STACKSPACE)) {
+        RETURN ( nil );
+    }
+    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT( (int)self ) );
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "return the number of the receivers indexed instance variables;
+     this method may be redefined in subclasses"
+    ^ self basicSize
+    "return the number of the receivers indexed instance variables
+     this method should NOT be redefined in any subclass"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    register int nbytes;
+    register OBJ myClass;
+    /*
+     * notice the missing test for self beeing a nonNilObject -
+     * this can be done since basicSize is defined both in UndefinedObject
+     * and SmallInteger
+     */
+    myClass = _qClass(self);
+    nbytes = _qSize(self) 
+              - OHDR_SIZE 
+              - _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_ninstvars) * sizeof(OBJ);
+    switch (_intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) {
+        case BYTEARRAY:
+            RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(char)) );
+        case WORDARRAY:
+            RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(short)) );
+        case LONGARRAY:
+            RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(long)) );
+        case FLOATARRAY:
+            RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(float)) );
+        case DOUBLEARRAY:
+            RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(double)) );
+        case WKPOINTERARRAY:
+        case POINTERARRAY:
+            RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(nbytes / sizeof(OBJ)) );
+    }
+    ^ 0
+    "return the size of the receiver in bytes - for debugging only"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN ( _isNonNilObject(self) ? _MKSMALLINT(_qSize(self)) 
+                                   : _MKSMALLINT(0) )
+    "return true if the receiver has indexed instance variables,
+     false otherwise"
+    ^ self class isVariable
+    "return true if the receiver cannot grow - this will vanish once things
+     like Array and String learn how to grow ..."
+    ^ true
+    "return the receivers class"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN ( _Class(self) );
+    "return a class which is similar to (or the same as) the receivers class.
+     This is used to create an appropriate object when creating derived
+     copies in the Collection classes (sometimes redefined)."
+    ^ self class
+    "return the receiver - used for cascades to return self at the end"
+    ^ self
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of class (i.e. behavior);
+     false is returned here - the method is redefined in Behavior"
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of metaclass;
+     false is returned here - the method is redefined in Metaclass"
+    ^ false
+    "return true, iff the receiver is some kind of Block;
+     false returned here - the method is redefined in Block."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, iff the receiver is some kind of Context;
+     false returned here - the method is redefined in Context."
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of stream;
+     false is returned here - the method is redefined in Stream"
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of integer number;
+     false is returned here - the method is redefined in Integer"
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver responds to arithmetic messages.
+     false is returned here - the method is redefined in ArithmeticValue"
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is an instance of aClass, false otherwise"
+    ^ (self class) == aClass
+    "return true, if the receiver is an instance of aClass or one of its
+     subclasses, false otherwise"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    register OBJ thisClass;
+    thisClass = _Class(self);
+    while (thisClass != nil) {
+        if (thisClass == aClass) {
+            RETURN ( true );
+        }
+        thisClass = _ClassInstPtr(thisClass)->c_superclass;
+    }
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver implements a method with selector equal
+     to aSelector; i.e. if there is a method for aSelector in either the
+     receivers class or one of its superclasses"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    extern OBJ lookup();
+    if (lookup(_Class(self), aSelector) == nil) {
+        RETURN ( false );
+    }
+    RETURN ( true );
+    ^ self class canUnderstand:aSelector
+    "return true, if the receiver refers to the argument, anObject.
+     - for debugging only"
+    |myClass 
+     numInst "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    myClass := self class.
+    "check the class"
+    (myClass == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true].
+    "check the instance variables"
+    numInst := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
+        ((self instVarAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true]
+    ].
+    "check the indexed variables"
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+        numInst := myClass basicSize.
+        1 to:numInst do:[:i | 
+            ((self basicAt:i) == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "return a collection of all objects referencing the receiver"
+    ^ ObjectMemory whoReferences:self
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'misc'!
+-> anObject
+    "return an association with the receiver as key and
+     the argument as value"
+    ^ Association key:self value:anObject
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'copying'!
+    "return a copy of the receiver - defaults to shallowcopy here"
+    ^ self shallowCopy
+    "return a copy of the object with shared subobjects i.e. shallow copies
+     of its instance objects.
+     This method does NOT handle cycles"
+    |myClass aCopy 
+     sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    myClass := self class.
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+        sz := self basicSize.
+        aCopy := myClass basicNew:sz.
+        "copy the indexed variables"
+        1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+            aCopy basicAt:i put:(self basicAt:i) 
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        aCopy := myClass basicNew
+    ].
+    "copy the instance variables"
+    sz := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+        aCopy instVarAt:i put:(self instVarAt:i) 
+    ].
+    ^ aCopy
+    "return a copy of the object with all subobjects also copied.
+     This method does NOT handle cycles"
+    |myClass aCopy 
+     sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    myClass := self class.
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+        sz := self basicSize.
+        aCopy := myClass basicNew:sz.
+        "copy the indexed variables"
+        1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+            aCopy basicAt:i put:((self basicAt:i) deepCopy)
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        aCopy := myClass basicNew 
+    ].
+    "copy the instance variables"
+    sz := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+        aCopy instVarAt:i put:((self instVarAt:i) deepCopy)
+    ].
+    ^ aCopy
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'comparing'!
+== anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver and the arg are the same object"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN ( (self == anObject) ? true : false );
+~~ anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver and the arg are not the same object"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN ( (self == anObject) ? false : true );
+= anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver and the arg have the same structure"
+    ^ self == anObject
+~= anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver and the arg do not have the same structure"
+    ^ (self = anObject) not
+    "return true, if the receiver is nil"
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the receiver is not nil"
+    ^ true
+    "return an Integer useful as a hash key for the receiver.
+     This hash should return same values for objects with same
+     contents (i.e. use this to hash on structure)"
+    ^ self identityHash
+    "return an Integer useful as a hash key for the receiver.
+     This hash should return same values for the same object (i.e. use
+     this to hash on identity of objects).
+     We cannot use the Objects address (as other smalltalks do) since
+     no object-table exists and the hashval must not change when objects
+     are moved by the collector. Therefore we assign each object a unique
+     Id in the object header itself as its hashed upon.
+     (luckily we have 12 bits spare to do this - unluckily its only 12 bits).
+     To expand the range a bit, these 12 hashBits are concatenated to the
+     receivers class hashBits, to form a 24bit hashvalue (which will not
+     help, if many objects of the same class are hashed upon ...)"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    REGISTER int v1, v2;
+    static int nextHash = 0;
+    OBJ cls;
+    if (_isObject(self)) {
+        v1 = ((self->o_age & ~AGE_MASK) >> 5) << 8;
+        v1 |= (self->o_hashLow);
+        if (v1 == 0) {
+            v1 = nextHash++;
+            if (v1 == 0)
+                v1 = nextHash++;
+            self->o_hashLow = v1 & 0xFF;
+            self->o_age |= (v1 >> 8) << 5;
+        }
+        cls = _qClass(self);
+        v2 = ((cls->o_age & ~AGE_MASK) >> 5) << 8;
+        v2 |= (cls->o_hashLow);
+        if (v2 == 0) {
+            v2 = nextHash++;
+            if (v2 == 0)
+                v2 = nextHash++;
+            cls->o_hashLow = v2 & 0xFF;
+            cls->o_age |= (v2 >> 8) << 5;
+        }
+        RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT((v2<<12) | v1) );
+    }
+    ^ 0
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'interrupt handling'!
+    "user (^c) interrupt - enter debugger"
+    self error:'user Interrupt'
+    "io (SIGIO/SIGPOLL) interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
+    self error:'user Interrupt'
+    "spy interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
+    self error:'spy Interrupt'
+    "timer interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
+    self error:'timer Interrupt'
+    "x-error interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
+    self error:'error Interrupt:' , (Display lastError)
+    "out-of-memory interrupt and no handler - enter debugger"
+    self error:'almost out of memory'
+    "a floating point exception occured - this one
+     has to be handled differently since they come asynchronous
+     on some machines"
+    self error:'a floating point exception occured'
+    "unix signal occured"
+    |box|
+    (Smalltalk at:#SignalCatchBlock) notNil ifTrue:[
+        box := OptionBox title:('Signal ' , 
+                                signalNumber printString ,
+                                ' cought')
+               numberOfOptions:5.
+        box buttonTitles:#('ignore' 'debug' 'restart' 'dump' 'exit').
+        box actions:(Array with:[^ nil]
+                           with:[Debugger enterWithMessage:'Signal ', signalNumber printString. ^nil]
+                           with:[SignalCatchBlock value. ^nil]
+                           with:[Smalltalk fatalAbort]
+                           with:[Smalltalk exit]).
+        box showAtPointer
+    ].
+    self error:('signal ' , signalNumber printString)
+    "recursion limit interrupt - enter debugger"
+    self error:'recursion limit reached'
+    "exception interrupt - enter debugger"
+    self error:'exception Interrupt'
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'error handling'!
+    "report error that badIndex is out of bounds"
+    SubscriptOutOfBoundSignal raise
+    ^ self error:('index ' , badIndex printString , ' is out of bounds')
+    "report error that index is not an Integer"
+    NonIntegerIndexSignal raise
+    ^ self error:'index must be integer'
+    "report error that object to be stored is no Integer"
+    ^ self error:'element must be an Integer'
+    "report error that object to be stored is no Character"
+    ^ self error:'element must be a Character'
+    "report error that object to be stored is not valid"
+    ^ self error:'element out of bounds'
+    "report an argument-not-rectangle-error"
+    ^ self error:'argument must be a Rectangle'
+    "report an argument-not-string-error"
+    ^ self error:'argument must be a String'
+    "report error that receiver has no indexed instance variables"
+    ^ self error:'receiver has no indexed variables'
+    "generated when a variable declared with a type hint gets a bad
+     value assigned"
+    ^ self error:'bad assign to typed variable'
+    "report error that primitive code failed"
+    ^ self error:'primitive failed'
+    "report error that this message should have been reimplemented in a
+     subclass"
+    ^ self error:'method must be reimplemented in subclass'
+    "report error that this message should not be implemented"
+    ^ self error:'method not appropriate for this class'
+    "report error that an error occured"
+    ^ self error:'error encountered'
+    "enter debugger with halt-message"
+    ^ self halt:'halt encountered'
+    "report a fatal-error; system dumps a backtrace and exits with core dump"
+    /*
+     * do not use any message calls here
+     * - since this might lead to infinite recursion ...
+     */
+    if (_isString(aMessage))
+        printf("%s\n", _stringVal(aMessage));
+    printStack(__context);
+    exit(1);
+    "helper for all error-methods; catch error while in Debugger.
+     If Debugger is DebugView, try switching to MiniDebugger (as
+     a last chance) otherwise abort.
+     There should not be an error in the debugger, this will only
+     happen if some classes has been changed badly."
+    ErrorActive ifTrue:[
+        (Debugger == MiniDebugger) ifTrue:[
+            ErrorRecursion ifFalse:[
+                printf("recursive error ...\n");
+                printStack(__context);
+                mainExit(0);
+            ]
+        ].
+        "set to MiniDebugger - and go on"
+        ^ MiniDebugger
+    ].
+    ^ Debugger
+    "enter debugger with error-message aString;
+     if nonNil, the global ErrorHandler is informed instead -
+     this gives a chance for private error handling and error catching
+     within debugger"
+    |retVal debugger|
+    ErrorHandler notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ ErrorHandler catch:#error: with:aString for:self
+    ].
+    Debugger isNil ifTrue:[
+        'error: ' print. aString printNewline.
+        self fatalError:'no Debugger defined'
+    ].
+    debugger := self checkForRecursiveError.
+    ErrorActive := true.
+    retVal := debugger enterWithMessage:aString.
+    ErrorActive := false.
+    ^ retVal
+    "enter debugger with does-not-understand-message;
+     if nonNil, the global ErrorHandler is informed instead -
+     this gives a chance for private error handling and error catching
+     within debugger"
+    |retVal debugger|
+    ErrorHandler notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ ErrorHandler catch:#doesNotUnderstand: with:aMessage for:self
+    ].
+    Debugger isNil ifTrue:[
+        'doesNotUnderstand:' print. aMessage selector printNewline.
+        self fatalError:'no Debugger defined'
+    ].
+    debugger := self checkForRecursiveError.
+    ErrorActive := true.
+    retVal := debugger enterWithMessage:(self class name , 
+                                         ' does not understand:' ,
+                                         aMessage printString).
+    ErrorActive := false.
+    ^ retVal
+    "enter debugger with halt-message;
+     the global ErrorHandler if nonNil is informed instead -
+     this gives a chance for private error handling and error catching
+     within debugger"
+    |retVal debugger|
+    ErrorHandler notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ ErrorHandler catch:#halt: with:aString for:self
+    ].
+    Debugger isNil ifTrue:[
+        'halt encountered:' print. aString printNewline.
+        self fatalError:'no Debugger defined'
+    ].
+    debugger := self checkForRecursiveError.
+    ErrorActive := true.
+    retVal := debugger enterWithMessage:aString.
+    ErrorActive := false.
+    ^ retVal
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'debugging'!
+    "launch a Notifier, telling user something"
+    SystemNotifier isNil ifTrue:[
+        Notifier isNil ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCr:aString.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        SystemNotifier := Notifier new
+    ].
+    SystemNotifier title:aString.
+    SystemNotifier showAtPointer
+    "launch an InfoBox, telling user something"
+    SystemInfoBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        InfoBox isNil ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCr:aString.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        SystemInfoBox := InfoBox new
+    ].
+    SystemInfoBox title:aString.
+    SystemInfoBox showAtPointer
+    "launch a WarningBox, telling user something"
+    SystemWarningBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        WarningBox isNil ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCr:aString.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        SystemWarningBox := WarningBox new
+    ].
+    SystemWarningBox title:aString.
+    SystemWarningBox showAtPointer
+    "launch a confirmer, which allows user to enter yes or no.
+     return true for yes, false for no"
+    SystemConfirmer isNil ifTrue:[
+        YesNoBox isNil ifTrue:[
+            Transcript show:'no YesNoBox. '.
+            Transcript showCr:aString.
+            ^ true
+        ].
+        SystemConfirmer := YesNoBox new
+    ].
+    SystemConfirmer title:aString.
+    SystemConfirmer yesAction:[^ true] noAction:[^ false].
+    SystemConfirmer showAtPointer
+    "launch an inspector on the receiver.
+     this method should NOT be redefined in subclasses."
+    Inspector isNil ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCr:'no Inspector defined'
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        Inspector openOn:self
+    ]
+    "launch an inspector on the receiver.
+     this method can be redefined in subclasses."
+    ^ self basicInspect
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the indexed instance variable with index, anInteger;
+     this method can be redefined in subclasses."
+    ^ self basicAt:index
+    "return the indexed instance variable with index, anInteger.
+     Trigger an error if the receiver has no indexed instance variables.
+     This method should NOT be redefined in any subclass"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    register int nbytes, indx;
+    OBJ myClass;
+    register char *pFirst;
+    unsigned char *cp;
+    unsigned short *sp;
+    long *lp;
+    OBJ *op;
+    int nInstBytes, ninstvars;
+    extern OBJ _makeLarge();
+    /*
+     * notice the missing test for self beeing a nonNilObject -
+     * this can be done since basicAt: is defined both in UndefinedObject
+     * and SmallInteger
+     */
+    if (_isSmallInteger(index)) {
+        myClass = _qClass(self);
+        indx = _intVal(index) - 1;
+        ninstvars = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_ninstvars);
+        nInstBytes = OHDR_SIZE + ninstvars * sizeof(OBJ);
+        nbytes = _qSize(self) - nInstBytes;
+        pFirst = (char *)(_InstPtr(self)) + nInstBytes;
+        switch (_intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) {
+            case BYTEARRAY:
+                if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(char)))) {
+                    cp = (unsigned char *)pFirst + indx;
+                    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(*cp & 0xFF) );
+                }
+                break;
+            case WORDARRAY:
+                if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(short)))) {
+                    sp = (unsigned short *)pFirst + indx;
+                    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(*sp & 0xFFFF) );
+                }
+                break;
+            case LONGARRAY:
+                if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(long)))) {
+                    lp = (long *)pFirst + indx;
+                    if ((*lp >= _MIN_INT) && (*lp <= _MAX_INT))
+                        RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(*lp) );
+                    RETURN ( _makeLarge(*lp) );
+                }
+                break;
+            case FLOATARRAY:
+                if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(float)))) {
+                    float *fp;
+                    fp = (float *)pFirst + indx;
+                    RETURN ( _MKFLOAT((double)(*fp)) COMMA_CON );
+                }
+                break;
+            case DOUBLEARRAY:
+                if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(double)))) {
+                    double *dp;
+                    dp = (double *)pFirst + indx;
+                    RETURN ( _MKFLOAT(*dp) COMMA_CON );
+                }
+                break;
+            case WKPOINTERARRAY:
+            case POINTERARRAY:
+                if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(OBJ)))) {
+                    op = (OBJ *)pFirst + indx;
+                    RETURN ( *op );
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    (index isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self subscriptBoundsError:index
+    ].
+    ^ self indexNotInteger
+at:index put:anObject
+    "store the 2nd arg, anObject as indexed instvar with index, anInteger.
+     this method can be redefined in subclasses."
+    ^ self basicAt:index put:anObject
+basicAt:index put:anObject
+    "store the 2nd arg, anObject as indexed instvar with index, anInteger.
+     Trigger an error if the receiver has no indexed instance variables.
+     This method should NOT be redefined in any subclass"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    register int nbytes, indx;
+    OBJ myClass;
+    register char *pFirst;
+    char *cp;
+    short *sp;
+    long *lp;
+    OBJ *op;
+    int nInstBytes, ninstvars;
+    int val;
+    /* notice the missing test for self beeing a nonNilObject -
+       this an be done since basicAt: is defined both in UndefinedObject
+       and SmallInteger */
+    if (_isSmallInteger(index)) {
+        indx = _intVal(index) - 1;
+        myClass = _qClass(self);
+        ninstvars = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_ninstvars);
+        nInstBytes = OHDR_SIZE + ninstvars * sizeof(OBJ);
+        nbytes = _qSize(self) - nInstBytes;
+        pFirst = (char *)(_InstPtr(self)) + nInstBytes;
+        switch (_intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) {
+            case BYTEARRAY:
+                if (_isSmallInteger(anObject)) {
+                    val = _intVal(anObject);
+                    if ((val >= 0) && (val <= 255)) {
+                        if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(char)))) {
+                            cp = pFirst + indx;
+                            *cp = val;
+                            RETURN ( anObject );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case WORDARRAY:
+                if (_isSmallInteger(anObject)) {
+                    val = _intVal(anObject);
+                    if ((val >= 0) && (val <= 0xFFFF)) {
+                        if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(short)))) {
+                            sp = (short *)pFirst + indx;
+                            *sp = val;
+                            RETURN ( anObject );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case LONGARRAY:
+                if (_isSmallInteger(anObject)) {
+                    if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(long)))) {
+                        lp = (long *)pFirst + indx;
+                        *lp = _intVal(anObject);
+                        RETURN ( anObject );
+                    }
+                }
+                /* XXX
+                 * XXX must add possibility to put in a large number here
+                 * XXX
+                 */
+                break;
+            case FLOATARRAY:
+                if (_isFloat(anObject)) {
+                    if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(float)))) {
+                        float *fp;
+                        fp = (float *)pFirst + indx;
+                        *fp = _floatVal(anObject);
+                        RETURN ( anObject );
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case DOUBLEARRAY:
+                if (_isFloat(anObject)) {
+                    if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(double)))) {
+                        double *dp;
+                        dp = (double *)pFirst + indx;
+                        *dp = _floatVal(anObject);
+                        RETURN ( anObject );
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case WKPOINTERARRAY:
+            case POINTERARRAY:
+                if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < (nbytes / sizeof(OBJ)))) {
+                    op = (OBJ *)pFirst + indx;
+                    *op = anObject;
+                    __STORE(self, anObject);
+                    RETURN ( anObject );
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    (index isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self indexNotInteger
+    ].
+    (index between:1 and:self size) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self subscriptBoundsError:index
+    ].
+    ^ self elementNotInteger
+    "return a non-indexed instance variable;
+     this is not very object oriented - use with care (needed for inspector)"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    OBJ myClass;
+    int idx, ninstvars;
+    if (_isSmallInteger(index)) {
+        myClass = _Class(self);
+        ninstvars = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_ninstvars);
+        idx = _intVal(index) - 1;
+        if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < ninstvars)) {
+            RETURN ( _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[idx] );
+        }
+    }
+    index isInteger ifFalse:[
+        ^ self indexNotInteger
+    ].
+    ^ self subscriptBoundsError:index
+instVarAt:index put:value
+    "change a non-indexed instance variable;
+     this is not very object oriented - use with care (needed for inspector)"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    OBJ myClass;
+    int idx, ninstvars;
+    if (_isSmallInteger(index)) {
+        myClass = _Class(self);
+        ninstvars = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(myClass)->c_ninstvars);
+        idx = _intVal(index) - 1;
+        if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < ninstvars)) {
+            _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[idx] = value;
+            __STORE(self, value);
+            RETURN ( value );
+        }
+    }
+    index isInteger ifFalse:[
+        ^ self indexNotInteger
+    ].
+    ^ self subscriptBoundsError:index
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'dependents access'!
+    "return a Collection of dependents - nil if there is none.
+     The default implementation here uses a global Dictionary to store
+     dependents - some classes (Model) redefine this for better performance."
+    ^ Dependencies at:self ifAbsent:[]
+    "set the collection of dependents.
+     The default implementation here uses a global Dictionary to store
+     dependents - some classes (Model) redefine this for better performance."
+    (aCollection isNil or:[aCollection isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
+        Dependencies removeKey:self ifAbsent:[]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        Dependencies at:self put:aCollection
+    ]
+    "make the argument, anObject be a dependent of the receiver"
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps isNil ifTrue:[
+        deps := IdentitySet with:anObject.
+        self dependents:deps
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        deps add:anObject
+    ]
+    "make the argument, anObject be independent of the receiver"
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps notNil ifTrue:[
+        deps remove:anObject ifAbsent:[].
+        deps isEmpty ifTrue:[
+            self dependents:nil
+        ]
+    ]
+    "remove all dependencies from the receiver"
+    self dependents:nil
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'change and update'!
+    "notify all dependents that the receiver has changed.
+     Each dependent gets a '#update' message."
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps notNil ifTrue:[
+        deps do:[:dependent | 
+            dependent update:self
+        ]
+    ]
+    "notify all dependents that the receiver has changed somehow.
+     Each dependent gets a '#update:aParameter' message."
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps notNil ifTrue:[
+        deps do:[:dependent | 
+            dependent update:aParameter
+        ]
+    ]
+changed:aParameter with:arguments
+    "notify all dependents that the receiver has changed somehow.
+     sending update:with: to each dependent with an additional arguments"
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps notNil ifTrue:[
+        deps do:[:dependent | 
+            dependent update:aParameter with:arguments
+        ]
+    ]
+    "send the argument, aSelectorSymbol to all my dependents"
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps notNil ifTrue:[
+        deps do:[:dependent | 
+            dependent perform:aSymbol
+        ]
+    ]
+broadcast:aSymbol with:anObject
+    "send the argument, aSelectorSymbol of a 1 argument message
+     to all my dependents with the second argument, anObject as argument"
+    |deps|
+    deps := self dependents.
+    deps notNil ifTrue:[
+        deps do:[:dependent | 
+            dependent perform:aSymbol with:anObject
+        ]
+    ]
+    "dependent is notified of some change -
+     Default behavior is to do nothing"
+    ^ self
+update:aParameter with:anArgument
+    "dependent is notified of some change -
+     Default is to try simple update"
+    ^ self update:aParameter
+update:aParameter with:anArgument from:sender
+    "dependent is notified of some change -
+     Default is to try simple update"
+    ^ self update:aParameter with:anArgument
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'message sending'!
+    "send the message aSelector to the receiver"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    static struct inlineCache ilc = _ILC0;
+    static OBJ lastSelector = nil;
+    /*
+     * must set lineno by hand here ...
+     */
+    if (_intVal(__pilc->ilc_lineNo) > 0)
+        _ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+    if (aSelector != lastSelector) {
+        ilc.ilc_func = _SEND0;
+        lastSelector = aSelector;
+    }
+    ilc.ilc_lineNo = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+    RETURN ( (*ilc.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc) );
+perform:aSelector with:anObject
+    "send the one-arg-message aSelector to the receiver"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    static struct inlineCache ilc = _ILC1;
+    static OBJ lastSelector = nil;
+    /*
+     * must set lineno by hand here ...
+     */
+    if (_intVal(__pilc->ilc_lineNo) > 0)
+        _ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+    if (aSelector != lastSelector) {
+        ilc.ilc_func = _SEND1;
+        lastSelector = aSelector;
+    }
+    ilc.ilc_lineNo = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+    RETURN ( (*ilc.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc, &anObject) );
+    RETURN ( (*ilc.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc, anObject) );
+perform:aSelector with:firstObject with:secondObject
+    "send the two-arg-message aSelector to the receiver"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    static struct inlineCache ilc = _ILC2;
+    static OBJ lastSelector = nil;
+    /*
+     * must set lineno by hand here ...
+     */
+    if (_intVal(__pilc->ilc_lineNo) > 0)
+        _ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+    if (aSelector != lastSelector) {
+        ilc.ilc_func = _SEND2;
+        lastSelector = aSelector;
+    }
+    ilc.ilc_lineNo = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+    RETURN ( (*ilc.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc, &firstObject) );
+    RETURN ( (*ilc.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc, firstObject, secondObject) );
+perform:aSelector with:firstObject with:secondObject with:thirdObject
+    "send the three-arg-message aSelector to the receiver"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    static struct inlineCache ilc = _ILC3;
+    static OBJ lastSelector = nil;
+    /*
+     * must set lineno by hand here ...
+     */
+    if (_intVal(__pilc->ilc_lineNo) > 0)
+        _ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+    if (aSelector != lastSelector) {
+        ilc.ilc_func = _SEND3;
+        lastSelector = aSelector;
+    }
+    ilc.ilc_lineNo = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+    RETURN ( (*ilc.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc, &firstObject) );
+    RETURN ( (*ilc.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc, firstObject, secondObject, thirdObject) );
+perform:aSelector withArguments:argArray
+    "send the message aSelector with all args taken from argArray 
+     to the receiver"
+    |numberOfArgs a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12|
+    numberOfArgs := argArray size.
+    extern OBJ Array;
+    REGISTER OBJ *argP;
+    OBJ T;
+    int nargs, i;
+    static OBJ last0 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc0 = _ILC0;
+    static OBJ last1 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc1 = _ILC1;
+    static OBJ last2 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc2 = _ILC2;
+    static OBJ last3 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc3 = _ILC3;
+    static OBJ last4 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc4 = _ILC4;
+    static OBJ last5 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc5 = _ILC5;
+    static OBJ last6 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc6 = _ILC6;
+    static OBJ last7 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc7 = _ILC7;
+    static OBJ last8 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc8 = _ILC8;
+    static OBJ last9 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc9 = _ILC9;
+    static OBJ last10 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc10 = _ILC10;
+    static OBJ last11 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc11 = _ILC11;
+    static OBJ last12 = nil; static struct inlineCache ilc12 = _ILC12;
+    if (_isSmallInteger(numberOfArgs)) {
+        nargs = _intVal(numberOfArgs);
+        if (nargs) {
+            argP = (OBJ *)(&a1);
+            if (_Class(argArray) == Array) {
+                for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {
+                    *argP++ = _ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[i];
+                }
+            } else {
+                for (i=1; i <= nargs; i++) {
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                    T = _MKSMALLINT(i);
+                    *argP++ = _AT_(argArray, CON_COMMA &T);
+                    *argP++ = _AT_(argArray, CON_COMMA _MKSMALLINT(i));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+         * must set lineno by hand here ...
+         */
+        if (_intVal(__pilc->ilc_lineNo) > 0)
+            _ContextInstPtr(__context->c_sender)->c_lineno = __pilc->ilc_lineNo;
+        switch (nargs) {
+            case 0: 
+                if (aSelector != last0) {
+                    ilc0.ilc_func = _SEND0;
+                    last0 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc0.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc0, &a1) );
+                RETURN ( (*ilc0.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc0, a1, a2) );
+            case 1: 
+                if (aSelector != last1) {
+                    ilc1.ilc_func = _SEND1;
+                    last1 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc1.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc1, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc1.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc1, a1, a2));
+            case 2: 
+                if (aSelector != last2) {
+                    ilc2.ilc_func = _SEND2;
+                    last2 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc2.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc2, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc2.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc2, a1, a2));
+            case 3: 
+                if (aSelector != last3) {
+                    ilc3.ilc_func = _SEND3;
+                    last3 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc3.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc3, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc3.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc3, a1, a2, a3));
+            case 4: 
+                if (aSelector != last4) {
+                    ilc4.ilc_func = _SEND4;
+                    last4 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc4.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc4, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc4.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc4, a1, a2, a3, a4));
+            case 5: 
+                if (aSelector != last5) {
+                    ilc5.ilc_func = _SEND5;
+                    last5 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc5.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc5, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc5.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc5, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5));
+            case 6: 
+                if (aSelector != last6) {
+                    ilc6.ilc_func = _SEND6;
+                    last6 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc6.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc6, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc6.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc6, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6));
+            case 7: 
+                if (aSelector != last7) {
+                    ilc7.ilc_func = _SEND7;
+                    last7 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc7.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc7, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc7.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc7, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7));
+            case 8: 
+                if (aSelector != last8) {
+                    ilc8.ilc_func = _SEND8;
+                    last8 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc8.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc8, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc8.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc8, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8));
+            case 9: 
+                if (aSelector != last9) {
+                    ilc9.ilc_func = _SEND9;
+                    last9 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc9.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc9, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc9.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc9, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9));
+            case 10: 
+                if (aSelector != last10) {
+                    ilc10.ilc_func = _SEND10;
+                    last10 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc10.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc10, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc10.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc10, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10));
+            case 11: 
+                if (aSelector != last11) {
+                    ilc11.ilc_func = _SEND11;
+                    last11 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc11.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc11, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc11.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc11, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11));
+            case 12: 
+                if (aSelector != last12) {
+                    ilc12.ilc_func = _SEND12;
+                    last12 = aSelector;
+                }
+#ifdef PASS_ARG_REF
+                RETURN ( (*ilc12.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc12, &a1));
+                RETURN ( (*ilc12.ilc_func)(self, aSelector, CON_COMMA nil, &ilc12, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12));
+        }
+    }
+    ^ self primitiveFailed
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
+    "return the classname of the receivers class"
+    ^ self class name
+    "return a string consisting of classname preceeded by an article"
+    |article classname firstChar|
+    classname := self className.
+    firstChar := (classname at:1) asLowercase. 
+    (firstChar isVowel or:[firstChar == $x]) ifTrue:[
+         article := 'an '
+    ] ifFalse:[
+         article := 'a '
+    ].
+    ^ (article , classname)
+    "return a string for printing the receiver.
+     Default printString is the classname preceeded by an article -
+     is redefined in many subclasses"
+    ^ self classNameWithArticle
+    "print the receiver on the standard output stream"
+    self printString print
+    "print the receiver on the argument-stream"
+    aStream nextPutAll:(self printString)
+    "return my printString as a right-adjusted string of length fieldSize"
+    |thePrintString len spaces|
+    thePrintString := self printString.
+    len := thePrintString size.
+    (len < fieldSize) ifTrue:[
+         spaces := String new:(fieldSize - len).
+         ^ spaces , thePrintString
+    ].
+    ^ thePrintString
+    "print the receiver right adjusted in a field of fieldSize
+     characters"
+    (self printStringRightAdjustLen:fieldSize) printOn:Stdout
+    "print the receiver followed by a cr
+     - for GNU Smalltalk compatibility"
+    ^ self printNewline
+    "print the receiver followed by a cr"
+    self print.
+    Character nl print
+    "return a string used when displaying the receiver in a view,
+     for example an Inspector. This is usually the same as printString"
+    ^ self printString
+    "return a string representing an expression to reconstruct the receiver"
+    | stream myClass hasSemi 
+      sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    myClass := self class.
+    stream := WriteStream on:(String new).
+    stream nextPut:$(.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class name.
+    hasSemi := false.
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+        stream nextPutAll:' basicNew:'.
+        self basicSize printOn:stream
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        stream nextPutAll:' basicNew'
+    ].
+    sz := myClass instSize.
+    1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+        stream nextPutAll:' instVarAt:'.
+        i printOn:stream.
+        stream nextPutAll:' put:'.
+        (self instVarAt:i) storeOn:stream.
+        stream nextPut:$;.
+        hasSemi := true
+    ].
+    myClass isVariable ifTrue:[
+        sz := self basicSize.
+        1 to:sz do:[:i | 
+            stream nextPutAll:' basicAt:'.
+            i printOn:stream.
+            stream nextPutAll:' put:'.
+            (self basicAt:i) storeOn:stream.
+            stream nextPut:$;.
+            hasSemi := true
+        ]
+    ].
+    hasSemi ifTrue:[
+        stream nextPutAll:' yourself'
+    ].
+    stream nextPut:$).
+    ^ stream contents
+    "store the receiver on aStream; i.e. print an expression which will
+     reconstruct the receiver"
+    aStream nextPutAll:(self storeString)
+    "store the receiver on standard output"
+    self storeOn:Stdout
+    "store the receiver on standard output; append a newline"
+    self store.
+    Character nl print
+! !