changeset 22134 ad4d685d5123
parent 21494 5a1b6cc285de
child 22910 58b0fbe6734b
child 23100 4e9bbc6019e0
--- a/	Wed Jul 26 22:32:47 2017 +0100
+++ b/	Mon Jul 24 21:23:16 2017 +0200
@@ -1472,18 +1472,47 @@
      the class is installed as autoloaded in the image (i.e. the state in the image is taken).
      If false, it is taken from an existing definition in #classNamesAndAttributes"
-    |newSpec oldSpec ignored|
+    | newSpec oldSpec ignored renames |
     oldSpec := self classNamesAndAttributesAsSpecArray.
     ignored := self ignoredClassNames asSet.
     newSpec := OrderedCollection new.
+    renames := Dictionary new.
+    "/ We must preserve attributes across class renames (imagine
+    "/ a platform-specific class is renamed). Generally it's not
+    "/ possible to reliably detect renames but we're doing our best
+    "/ by looking at session changeset. This works fine as long as
+    "/ one uses refactorings to rename classes - which she should
+    "/ anyeay!!
+    "/ 
+    "/ So here we create a mapping from old class name (currently in
+    "/ a spec) to a new class name (to appear in new spec). This map
+    "/ is used later to look up old class entry for (renamed) class
+    "/ and copy attributes over.
+    ChangeSet current do:[:chg| 
+        chg isClassRenameChange ifTrue:[
+            | oldName newName |
+            oldName := renames keyAtValue: chg oldName ifAbsent:[ chg oldName ].
+            newName := chg className.
+            oldName = newName ifTrue:[ 
+                renames removeKey: oldName
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                renames at: oldName put: newName.
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
     ignoreOldEntries ifFalse:[
         oldSpec do:[:oldEntry |
-            |newEntry className cls |
+            | newEntry className cls |
             newEntry := oldEntry copy.
-            className := newEntry first.
+            "/ If (old) class has been renamed, add a new entry with new name
+            "/ and old attributes...
+            className := renames at: oldEntry first ifAbsent:[ oldEntry first ].
+            newEntry at: 1 put: className.
             (ignored includes:className) ifFalse:[
                 cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
@@ -1499,7 +1528,22 @@
                      Force merge default class attributes with existing ones"
                     newEntry := self mergeDefaultClassAttributesFor: cls with: newEntry.
                     newSpec add:newEntry.   
-                ]
+                ] ifFalse:[ 
+                    "/ Class named `className` is not present. This can be either
+                    "/ because:
+                    "/    * it has been deleted or
+                    "/    * it's a platform specific class for some other platform
+                    "/      than current one.
+                    "/ 
+                    "/ If the latter, we MUST preserve it in class list.
+                    | keep |
+                    keep := oldEntry anySatisfy:[:e | e ~~ className and:[ e ~~ #autoload and: [ e ~~ OperatingSystem platformName ]]].
+                    keep ifTrue:[ 
+                        "Force merge default class attributes with existing ones"
+                        newSpec add:newEntry.                                               
+                    ].
+                ].
@@ -1509,7 +1553,10 @@
         eachClass isJavaClass ifFalse:[
             className := eachClass name.
             (ignored includes:className) ifFalse:[
-                oldSpecEntry := oldSpec detect:[:entry | entry first = className] ifNone:nil.
+                | oldClassName |
+                oldClassName := renames keyAtValue: className ifAbsent:[ className ].
+                oldSpecEntry := oldSpec detect:[:entry | entry first = oldClassName] ifNone:nil. 
                 (ignoreOldEntries or:[oldSpecEntry isNil]) ifTrue:[
                     (eachClass isLoaded not or:[eachClass isPrivate not]) ifTrue:[
@@ -1561,7 +1608,7 @@
     "Modified: / 08-08-2006 / 19:24:34 / fm"
     "Created: / 10-10-2006 / 22:00:50 / cg"
     "Modified: / 06-09-2011 / 07:48:52 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30-07-2014 / 20:40:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 27-07-2017 / 10:56:54 / Jan Vrany <>"