changeset 44 b262907c93ea
parent 42 e33491f6f260
child 57 db9677479d35
--- a/PositionableStream.st	Sun Jan 16 04:38:33 1994 +0100
+++ b/PositionableStream.st	Sun Jan 16 04:47:41 1994 +0100
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
 and for filing-in/out of source code.
 This is an abstract class.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/PositionableStream.st,v 1.9 1994-01-12 19:10:02 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/PositionableStream.st,v 1.10 1994-01-16 03:44:22 claus Exp $
 !PositionableStream class methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "setup the signal used to handle errors during fileIn"
     ErrorDuringFileInSignal isNil ifTrue:[
         ErrorDuringFileInSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:true.
         ErrorDuringFileInSignal notifierString:'error during fileIn'.
@@ -139,13 +141,13 @@
-    "return a collection of the elements up-to the end
+    "return a collection of the elements up-to the end.
      Return nil if the stream-end is reached before."
     "this implementation has stupid (o-square) runtime behavior -
-     should I add a query for resizability if collections and use
+     should I add a query for resizability of collection and use
      add: instead ?"
     newColl := collection species new.
@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@
     self position:(position + numberToSkip)
 ! !
-!PositionableStream methodsFor:'fileIn-Out'!
+!PositionableStream methodsFor:'chunk input/output'!
     "skip all whitespace; so that next will return next non-white-space
@@ -399,11 +401,68 @@
     self nextPut:sep
+! !
+!PositionableStream methodsFor:'fileIn'!
+    "file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
+     return the value of the last chunk."
+    ^ self fileInNotifying:self
+    "file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
+     return the value of the last chunk.
+     someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors."
+    |lastValue|
+    SignalSet anySignal handle:[:ex |
+        |action what|
+        "handle the case where no GUI has been built in,
+         just abort with a notification"
+        Display isNil ifTrue:[
+            self notify:(ex signal notifierString).
+            ex return
+        ].
+        "otherwise ask what should be done now and either
+         continue or abort the fileIn"
+        what := ex errorString.
+        what isNil ifTrue:[
+            what := ex signal notifierString.
+        ].
+        action := self askForDebug:('error in fileIn: ' , what) withCRs.
+        action == #continue ifTrue:[
+            ex proceed
+        ].
+        action == #abort ifTrue:[
+            ex return
+        ].
+        Debugger enter:ex suspendedContext
+        "ex reject"
+    ] do:[
+        [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
+            lastValue := self fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ lastValue
+    "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result"
+    ^ self fileInNextChunkNotifying:nil
     "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result;
-     someone is notified of errors"
+     someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors."
     |aString sawExcla sep|
@@ -421,66 +480,7 @@
     ^ nil
-    "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result"
-    ^ self fileInNextChunkNotifying:nil
-    "file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
-     return the value of the last chunk; someone is notified of errors"
-    |lastValue|
-    self position:1.
-    Smalltalk at:#ErrorHandler put:self.
-    [
-        "ErrorDuringFileInSignal" SignalSet anySignal handle:[:ex |
-            |action|
-            "handle the case where no GUI has been built in,
-             just abort with a notification"
-            Display isNil ifTrue:[
-                self notify:(ex signal notifierString).
-                ex return
-            ].
-            "otherwise ask what should be done now and either
-             continue or abort the fileIn"
-            action := self askForDebug:(ex signal notifierString).
-            action == #continue ifTrue:[
-                Smalltalk at:#ErrorHandler put:self.
-                ex proceed
-            ].
-            action == #abort ifTrue:[
-                ex return
-            ].
-            ex reject
-        ] do:[
-            [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
-                lastValue := self fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone
-            ].
-        ].
-    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:["Smalltalk at:#ErrorHandler put:nil"].
-    ^ lastValue
-    "file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
-     return the value of the last chunk"
-    ^ self fileInNotifying:self
@@ -496,49 +496,13 @@
     box buttonTitles:#('abort' 'debug' 'continue').
     box showAtPointer.
     ^ #abort
-catch:aSymbol with:aMessage for:anObject
-    "this one is sent when an error occurs while filing in -
-     we dont want a debugger to come up but simply notify
-     the error (also on the Transcript so you have a trace of it)"
-    |message|
-    "switch back to regular error handling"
-    Smalltalk at:#ErrorHandler put:nil.
+! !
-    (aSymbol == #doesNotUnderstand:) ifTrue:[
-        anObject isNil ifTrue:[
-            "try to give a bit more detail on what went wrong"
-            (Metaclass respondsTo:(aMessage selector)) ifTrue:[
-                ('subclass:*' match:(aMessage selector)) ifTrue:[
-                    message := 'no superclass for ' , (aMessage arguments at:1)
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    message := 'definitions for nonexisting class'
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                message := 'bad message: ' , aMessage selector, ' to UndefinedObject'
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            message := 'bad message: ' , aMessage selector ,
-                      ' to ' , anObject classNameWithArticle
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (aSymbol == #error:) ifTrue:[
-            message := aMessage
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            message := 'during fileIn'
-        ]
-    ].
-    message := 'Error: ' , message.
-    Transcript showCr:message.
-    ErrorDuringFileInSignal raiseRequestWith:message.
-    ^ nil
+!PositionableStream methodsFor:'fileIn error handling'!
 error:aMessage position:position to:endPos
-    "error notification during fileIn with no requestor"
+    "error notification during fileIn with no requestor.
+     This is sent by the compiler/evaluator if it detects errors."
     position printOn:Transcript.
     Transcript show:' '.
@@ -547,13 +511,15 @@
 correctableError:aMessage position:position to:endPos
-    "error notification during fileIn with no requestor"
+    "error notification during fileIn with no requestor.
+     This is sent by the compiler/evaluator if it detects errors."
     ^ self error:aMessage position:position to:endPos
 warning:aMessage position:position to:endPos
-    "warning notification during fileIn with no requestor - ignore it"
+    "warning notification during fileIn with no requestor - ignore it.
+     This is sent by the compiler/evaluator if it detects errors."
     ^ self
 ! !