changeset 23342 b2fe6cccda73
child 23351 b0bd41d7700a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Sep 14 18:22:11 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+KeyedCollection subclass:#SmallDictionary
+	instanceVariableNames:'keysAndValues tally'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Collections-Unordered'
+!SmallDictionary class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    A lightweight Dictionary implementation (without hashing)
+    for small dictionaries.
+    Use this, when you have to store a small number (e.g. < 20) key/value pairs.
+    As a side effect of the implementation, the dictionary is also ordered.
+    Inspired by and compatible with RBSmallDictionary from RefactoryBrowser
+    (although the implementaion is different).
+    [instance variables:]
+        keysAndValues       Array           keys are stored at odd indices, values at even indices
+        tally               SmallInterger   the number of valid key/value pairs
+    [class variables:]
+    [see also:]
+        Dictionary
+        MethodDictionary
+    [author:]
+        Stefan Vogel
+! !
+!SmallDictionary class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    ^ self basicNew initialize:2
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 15:58:29 / Stefan Vogel"
+    ^ self basicNew initialize:capacity
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 15:58:49 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'accessing'!
+at:key ifAbsent:aBlock 
+    |keyIndex|
+    keyIndex := self findIndexFor:key.
+    ^ keyIndex == 0 ifTrue:[aBlock value] ifFalse:[keysAndValues at:keyIndex+1]
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:46:58 / Stefan Vogel"
+at:key ifAbsentPut:aBlock 
+    |keyIndex|
+    keyIndex := self findIndexFor:key.
+    ^ keyIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
+        self privateAt:key put:aBlock value
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        keysAndValues at:keyIndex+1.
+    ]
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:47:43 / Stefan Vogel"
+    "return a collection containing the keys of the receiver"
+    |keys sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|
+    keys := Array new:tally.
+    sz := tally.
+    1 to:sz do:[:i | keys at:i put:(keysAndValues at:i*2-1)].
+    ^ keys
+    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 17:35:25 / Stefan Vogel"
+    "returns the keys in the order of their appearance"
+    ^ self keys
+    "
+     |s|
+     s := SmallDictionary new.
+     s at:#a put:'aaa'; at:#b put:'bbb'; at:#c put:'ccc'; at:#d put:'ddd'; at:#a put:'aaaa'.
+     s order    
+    "
+    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 17:30:44 / Stefan Vogel"
+    ^ tally
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:44:11 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'adding'!
+    self at:anAssociation key put:anAssociation value.
+    ^ anAssociation
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:25:38 / Stefan Vogel"
+at:key put:value 
+    |keyIndex|
+    keyIndex := self findIndexFor:key.
+    ^ keyIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
+        self privateAt:key put:value
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        keysAndValues at:keyIndex+1 put:value
+    ]
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:47:57 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'copying'!
+    keysAndValues := keysAndValues copy.
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 15:38:50 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'enumerating'!
+    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|
+    sz := tally.
+    2 to:sz by:2 do:[:i | aBlock value:(keysAndValues at:i)]
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:30:18 / Stefan Vogel"
+    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|
+    sz := tally * 2.
+    1 to:sz-1 by:2 do:[:i | aBlock value:(keysAndValues at:i) value:(keysAndValues at:i+1)]
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:31:18 / Stefan Vogel"
+    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|
+    sz := tally * 2.
+    1 to:sz-1 by:2 do:[:i | aBlock value:(keysAndValues at:i)]
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:30:51 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'initialize-release'!
+    keysAndValues := Array new:capacity*2.
+    tally := 0
+    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 15:57:42 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'private'!
+    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|
+    sz := tally * 2.
+    1 to:sz-1 by:2 do:[:i | (keysAndValues at:i) = aKey ifTrue:[^ i]].
+    ^ 0
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:25:03 / Stefan Vogel"
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 17:40:17 / Stefan Vogel"
+    "duplicate the capacity"
+    self growTo:tally * 2
+    "Modified (comment): / 14-09-2018 / 16:04:17 / Stefan Vogel"
+    |newKeysAndValues|
+    newKeysAndValues := Array new:capacity*2.
+    newKeysAndValues replaceFrom:1 to:tally * 2 with:keysAndValues.
+    keysAndValues := newKeysAndValues.
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 16:10:49 / Stefan Vogel"
+privateAt:key put:value
+    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|
+    sz := tally * 2.
+    sz == keysAndValues size ifTrue: [self growKeysAndValues].
+    keysAndValues at:sz+1 put:key.
+    keysAndValues at:sz+2 put:value.
+    tally := tally + 1.
+    ^ value.
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 17:39:13 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'removing'!
+    "RefactoryBrowser compatibility"
+    self removeAll
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 15:59:57 / Stefan Vogel"
+remove: oldObject ifAbsent: anExceptionBlock 
+    self removeKey: oldObject key ifAbsent: anExceptionBlock.
+    ^ oldObject
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:40:44 / Stefan Vogel"
+    tally := 0.
+    keysAndValues from:1 to:keysAndValues size put:nil.
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:02:28 / Stefan Vogel"
+removeKey:key ifAbsent:aBlock 
+    |keyIndex "{Class:SmallInteger}"
+     sz "{Class:SmallInteger}"
+     value|
+    keyIndex := self findIndexFor:key.
+    keyIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
+        ^ aBlock value
+    ].
+    value := keysAndValues at:keyIndex+1.
+    sz := tally*2.
+    keyIndex to:sz-2 do:[:i | 
+        keysAndValues at:i put:(keysAndValues at:i + 1).
+    ].
+    keysAndValues at:sz-1 put:nil.
+    keysAndValues at:sz put:nil.
+    tally := tally - 1.
+    ^ value
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 16:23:45 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^ (self findIndexFor:aKey) ~~ 0
+    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 16:11:03 / Stefan Vogel"
+    ^ tally == 0
+    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 15:44:49 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
+!SmallDictionary class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !