changeset 8081 b468050174a9
child 8103 794d8e3f11d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Mar 05 18:28:27 2004 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
+"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }"
+"{ NameSpace: CharacterEncoderImplementations }"
+TwoByteEncoder subclass:#ISO10646_to_UTF8
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Collections-Text-Encodings'
+!ISO10646_to_UTF8 class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+  Encoding (unicode to utf8)
+     ISO10646_to_UTF8 encodeString:'hello'. 
+     ISO10646_to_UTF8 encodeString:'ÄÖÜ'. 
+ Decoding (utf8 to unicode):
+     |t|
+     t := ISO10646_to_UTF8 encodeString:'ÄÖÜ'.
+     ISO10646_to_UTF8 decodeString:t.    
+! !
+!ISO10646_to_UTF8 class methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "I encode utf8 into unicode and vice versa"
+    ^ #'utf8'
+    "I encode utf8 into unicode and vice versa"
+    ^ #( 'utf8' 'utf-8' )
+! !
+!ISO10646_to_UTF8 methodsFor:'encoding & decoding'!
+    self shouldNotImplement "/ no single byte conversion possible
+    "given a string in UTF8 encoding,
+     return a new string containing the same characters, in 16bit (or more) encoding.
+     Returns either a normal String, a TwoByteString or a FourByteString instance.
+     Only useful, when reading from external sources.
+     This only handles up-to 30bit characters.
+     If you work a lot with utf8 encoded textFiles, 
+     this is a first-class candidate for a primitive."
+    |sz anyAbove7BitAscii nBitsRequired 
+     ascii "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     byte  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     s newString idx next6Bits last6Bits
+     errorReporter|
+    errorReporter := [:msg | DecodingError raiseWith:aStringOrByteCollection errorString:msg].
+    next6Bits := [
+                    |byte|
+                    byte := s nextByte.
+                    byte isNil ifTrue:[^ errorReporter value:'short utf8 string'].
+                    ascii := (ascii bitShift:6) bitOr:(byte bitAnd:2r00111111).
+                 ].
+    last6Bits := [
+                    |byte a|
+                    byte := s nextByte.
+                    byte isNil ifTrue:[^ errorReporter value:'short utf8 string'].
+                    a := (ascii bitShift:6) bitOr:(byte bitAnd:2r00111111).
+                    (a > 16r3FFFFFFF) ifTrue:[
+                        "/ ST/X can only represent 30 bit unicode characters.
+                        errorReporter value:'unicode character out of range'.
+                        a := 16r3FFFFFFF.
+                    ].
+                    ascii := a.
+                 ].
+    nBitsRequired := 8.
+    anyAbove7BitAscii := false.    
+    sz := 0.
+    s := aStringOrByteCollection readStream.
+    [s atEnd] whileFalse:[
+        byte := ascii := s nextByte.
+        (byte bitAnd:16r80) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            anyAbove7BitAscii := true.    
+            (byte bitAnd:2r11100000) == 2r11000000 ifTrue:[
+                "/ 80 .. 7FF
+                ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00011111).
+                next6Bits value.
+                ascii > 16rFF ifTrue:[
+                    nBitsRequired := nBitsRequired max:16
+                ].
+                "/ a strict utf8 decoder does not allow overlong sequences
+                ascii < 16r80 ifTrue:[
+                    errorReporter value:'overlong utf8 sequence'
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (byte bitAnd:2r11110000) == 2r11100000 ifTrue:[
+                    "/ 800 .. FFFF
+                    ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00001111).
+                    next6Bits value.
+                    next6Bits value.
+                    ascii > 16rFF ifTrue:[
+                        nBitsRequired := nBitsRequired max:16
+                    ].
+                    ascii < 16r800 ifTrue:[
+                        errorReporter value:'overlong utf8 sequence'
+                    ].
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (byte bitAnd:2r11111000) == 2r11110000 ifTrue:[
+                        "/ 10000 .. 1FFFFF
+                        ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00000111).
+                        next6Bits value.
+                        next6Bits value.
+                        next6Bits value.
+                        ascii > 16rFF ifTrue:[
+                            ascii > 16rFFFF ifTrue:[
+                                nBitsRequired := nBitsRequired max:32
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                nBitsRequired := nBitsRequired max:16
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                        ascii < 16r10000 ifTrue:[
+                            errorReporter value:'overlong utf8 sequence'
+                        ].
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (byte bitAnd:2r11111100) == 2r11111000 ifTrue:[
+                            "/ 200000 .. 3FFFFFF
+                            ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00000011).
+                            next6Bits value.
+                            next6Bits value.
+                            next6Bits value.
+                            next6Bits value.
+                            ascii > 16rFF ifTrue:[
+                                ascii > 16rFFFF ifTrue:[
+                                    nBitsRequired := nBitsRequired max:32
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    nBitsRequired := nBitsRequired max:16
+                                ]
+                            ].
+                            ascii < 200000 ifTrue:[
+                                errorReporter value:'overlong utf8 sequence'
+                            ].
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            (byte bitAnd:2r11111110) == 2r11111100 ifTrue:[
+                                "/ 4000000 .. 7FFFFFFF
+                                ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00000001).
+                                next6Bits value.
+                                next6Bits value.
+                                next6Bits value.
+                                next6Bits value.
+                                last6Bits value.
+                                ascii > 16rFF ifTrue:[
+                                    ascii > 16rFFFF ifTrue:[
+                                        nBitsRequired := nBitsRequired max:32
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        nBitsRequired := nBitsRequired max:16
+                                    ]
+                                ].
+                                ascii < 16r4000000 ifTrue:[
+                                    errorReporter value:'overlong utf8 sequence'
+                                ].
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                errorReporter value:'invalid utf8 encoding'
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+        sz := sz + 1.
+    ].
+    nBitsRequired == 8 ifTrue:[
+        anyAbove7BitAscii ifFalse:[
+            "/ can return the original string
+            aStringOrByteCollection isString ifTrue:[^ aStringOrByteCollection].
+        ].
+        newString := String uninitializedNew:sz
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        nBitsRequired <= 16 ifTrue:[
+            newString := Unicode16String new:sz
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            newString := Unicode32String new:sz
+        ]
+    ].
+    next6Bits := [
+                    |byte|
+                    byte := s nextByte.
+                    ascii := (ascii bitShift:6) bitOr:(byte bitAnd:2r00111111).
+                 ].
+    s := aStringOrByteCollection readStream.
+    idx := 1.
+    [s atEnd] whileFalse:[
+        byte := ascii := s nextByte.
+        (byte bitAnd:2r10000000) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            (byte bitAnd:2r11100000) == 2r11000000 ifTrue:[
+                ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00011111).
+                next6Bits value.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (byte bitAnd:2r11110000) == 2r11100000 ifTrue:[
+                    ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00001111).
+                    next6Bits value.
+                    next6Bits value.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (byte bitAnd:2r11111000) == 2r11110000 ifTrue:[
+                        ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00000111).
+                        next6Bits value.
+                        next6Bits value.
+                        next6Bits value.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (byte bitAnd:2r11111100) == 2r11111000 ifTrue:[
+                            ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00000011).
+                            next6Bits value.
+                            next6Bits value.
+                            next6Bits value.
+                            next6Bits value.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            (byte bitAnd:2r11111110) == 2r11111100 ifTrue:[
+                                ascii := (byte bitAnd:2r00000001).
+                                next6Bits value.
+                                next6Bits value.
+                                next6Bits value.
+                                next6Bits value.
+                                last6Bits value.
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+        newString at:idx put:(Character value:ascii).
+        idx := idx + 1.
+    ].
+    ^ newString
+    "
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16r41 16r42 ]      
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16rC1 16r02 ]       
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16rE0 16r81 16r02 ]      
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16rEF 16rBF 16rBF ]  
+   rfc2279 examples:
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16r41 16rE2 16r89 16rA2 16rCE 16r91 16r2E ]           
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16rED 16r95 16r9C 16rEA 16rB5 16rAD 16rEC 16r96 16rB4 ]      
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16rE6 16r97 16rA5 16rE6 16r9C 16rAC 16rE8 16rAA 16r9E ]      
+   invalid:
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16rC0 16r80 ]      
+     CharacterArray fromUTF8Bytes:#[ 16rE0 16r80 16r80 ]      
+    "
+    self shouldNotImplement "/ no single byte conversion possible
+    "return the UTF-8 representation of a aUnicodeString.
+     The resulting string is only useful to be stored on some external file,
+     not for being used inside ST/X.
+     If you work a lot with utf8 encoded textFiles, 
+     this is a first-class candidate for a primitive."
+    |s anyAbove7BitAscii|
+    anyAbove7BitAscii := false.
+    s := (String uninitializedNew:aUnicodeString size) writeStream.
+    aUnicodeString do:[:eachCharacter |
+        |codePoint b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 v "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
+        codePoint := eachCharacter asciiValue.
+        codePoint <= 16r7F ifTrue:[
+            s nextPut:eachCharacter.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            anyAbove7BitAscii := true.
+            b1 := Character value:((codePoint bitAnd:16r3F) bitOr:2r10000000).
+            v := codePoint bitShift:-6.
+            v <= 16r1F ifTrue:[
+                s nextPut:(Character value:(v bitOr:2r11000000)).
+                s nextPut:b1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                b2 := Character value:((v bitAnd:16r3F) bitOr:2r10000000).
+                v := v bitShift:-6.
+                v <= 16r0F ifTrue:[
+                    s nextPut:(Character value:(v bitOr:2r11100000)).
+                    s nextPut:b2; nextPut:b1.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    b3 := Character value:((v bitAnd:16r3F) bitOr:2r10000000).
+                    v := v bitShift:-6.
+                    v <= 16r07 ifTrue:[
+                        s nextPut:(Character value:(v bitOr:2r11110000)).
+                        s nextPut:b3; nextPut:b2; nextPut:b1.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        b4 := Character value:((v bitAnd:16r3F) bitOr:2r10000000).
+                        v := v bitShift:-6.
+                        v <= 16r03 ifTrue:[
+                            s nextPut:(Character value:(v bitOr:2r11111000)).
+                            s nextPut:b4; nextPut:b3; nextPut:b2; nextPut:b1.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            b5 := Character value:((v bitAnd:16r3F) bitOr:2r10000000).
+                            v := v bitShift:-6.
+                            v <= 16r01 ifTrue:[
+                                s nextPut:(Character value:(v bitOr:2r11111100)).
+                                s nextPut:b5; nextPut:b4; nextPut:b3; nextPut:b2; nextPut:b1.
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                "/ cannot happen - we only support up to 30 bit characters
+                                self error:'ascii value > 31bit in utf8Encode'.
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    anyAbove7BitAscii ifFalse:[^ aUnicodeString].   "/ avoid creation of new strings
+    ^ s contents
+    "
+     (self encodeString:'hello') asByteArray                             #[104 101 108 108 111]
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r40) asString) asByteArray    #[64]
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r7F) asString) asByteArray    #[127]
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r80) asString) asByteArray    #[194 128]
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16rFF) asString) asByteArray    #[195 191] 
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r100) asString) asByteArray   #[196 128]  
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r200) asString) asByteArray   #[200 128]  
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r400) asString) asByteArray   #[208 128]  
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r800) asString) asByteArray   #[224 160 128]  
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r1000) asString) asByteArray  #[225 128 128]   
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r2000) asString) asByteArray  #[226 128 128]   
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r4000) asString) asByteArray  #[228 128 128]   
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16r8000) asString) asByteArray  #[232 128 128]   
+     (self encodeString:(Character value:16rFFFF) asString) asByteArray  #[239 191 191]   
+    "
+! !
+!ISO10646_to_UTF8 class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.1 2004-03-05 17:18:03 cg Exp $'
+! !