changeset 19743 b5c295a51c56
parent 19737 27fdf5f36ade
child 19746 a08dda93b89a
--- a/	Sat May 07 13:03:22 2016 +0200
+++ b/	Sat May 07 13:19:22 2016 +0200
@@ -2344,14 +2344,23 @@
     "return an integer useful as a hash-key.
      This method uses the fnv-1a algorithm
-     (which is actually a very good one)"
-    |h|
+     (which is actually a very good one).
+     Attention: stops when a 0-codepoint is encountered
+                (for compatibility with the hash used by the VM)
+     Also: on 64bit CPUs, only small 4-byte hashvalues are returned,
+                (so hash values are independent from the architecture)"
+    |h byte|
     h := 2166136261.
     self do:[:eachChar |
-	h := h bitXor:(eachChar codePoint).
-	h := (h * 16777619) bitAnd:16rFFFFFFFF.
+        byte := eachChar codePoint.
+        byte == 0 ifTrue:[
+            "/ stop
+            ^ (h bitXor: (h >> 30)) bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF.
+        ].    
+        h := h bitXor:byte.
+        h := (h * 16777619) bitAnd:16rFFFFFFFF.
     "/ make sure, it fits into a smallInt
     h := (h bitXor: (h >> 30)) bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF.