changeset 620 c7353f86a302
parent 528 a083413dfbe8
child 662 df7953db3847
--- a/	Thu Nov 23 03:13:03 1995 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Nov 23 11:46:35 1995 +0100
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
 Behavior subclass:#ClassDescription
-       instanceVariableNames:'name category instvars primitiveSpec signature'
-       classVariableNames:''
-       poolDictionaries:''
-       category:'Kernel-Classes'
+	 instanceVariableNames:'name category instvars primitiveSpec signature'
+	 classVariableNames:''
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'Kernel-Classes'
 !ClassDescription class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -33,10 +33,6 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/,v 1.20 1995-11-11 14:27:50 cg Exp $'
     this class has been added for ST-80 compatibility only.
@@ -55,6 +51,10 @@
 	signature       <SmallInteger>  the classes signature (used to detect obsolete
 					or changed classes with binaryStorage)
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/,v 1.21 1995-11-23 10:46:35 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 !ClassDescription class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
@@ -70,66 +70,8 @@
     ^ newClass
 ! !
-!ClassDescription methodsFor:'special accessing'!
-    "set the classes name - be careful, it will be still
-     in the Smalltalk dictionary - under another key.
-     This is NOT for general use - see renameTo:"
-    name := aString
-    "set the classes instvarnames string - no recompilation
-     or updates are done and no changeList records are written.
-     This is NOT for general use."
-    instvars := aString.
-! !
 !ClassDescription methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return a string of the instance variable names"
-    instvars isNil ifTrue:[^ ''].
-    ^ instvars
-    "
-     Point instanceVariableString   
-    "
-    "return a collection of the instance variable name-strings"
-    instvars isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ OrderedCollection new
-    ].
-    ^ instvars asCollectionOfWords
-    "
-     Point instVarNames  
-    "
-    "returns a dictionary containing the instance variable index
-     for each instVar name"
-    |dict index|
-    index := 0. dict := Dictionary new.
-    self allInstVarNames do:[:nm | index := index + 1. dict at:nm put:index].
-    ^ dict
-    "
-     Point instanceVariableOffsets 
-     GraphicsContext instanceVariableOffsets 
-    "
     "return a collection of all the instance variable name-strings
      this includes all superclass-instance variables.
@@ -144,27 +86,6 @@
-    "return the index (as used in instVarAt:/instVarAt:put:) of a named instance
-     variable. The returned number is 1..instSize for valid variable names, nil for
-     illegal names."
-    ^ self allInstVarNames indexOf:aVariableName ifAbsent:nil
-    "return the name of the instance variable at index"
-    ^ self allInstanceVariableNames at:index
-    "return the name of the class. In the current implementation,
-     this returns a string, but will be changed to Symbol soon."
-    ^ name
     "return the category of the class. 
      The returned value may be a string or symbol."
@@ -187,6 +108,67 @@
+    "return the name of the instance variable at index"
+    ^ self allInstanceVariableNames at:index
+    "return a collection of the instance variable name-strings"
+    instvars isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ OrderedCollection new
+    ].
+    ^ instvars asCollectionOfWords
+    "
+     Point instVarNames  
+    "
+    "return the index (as used in instVarAt:/instVarAt:put:) of a named instance
+     variable. The returned number is 1..instSize for valid variable names, nil for
+     illegal names."
+    ^ self allInstVarNames indexOf:aVariableName ifAbsent:nil
+    "returns a dictionary containing the instance variable index
+     for each instVar name"
+    |dict index|
+    index := 0. dict := Dictionary new.
+    self allInstVarNames do:[:nm | index := index + 1. dict at:nm put:index].
+    ^ dict
+    "
+     Point instanceVariableOffsets 
+     GraphicsContext instanceVariableOffsets 
+    "
+    "return a string of the instance variable names"
+    instvars isNil ifTrue:[^ ''].
+    ^ instvars
+    "
+     Point instanceVariableString   
+    "
+    "return the name of the class. In the current implementation,
+     this returns a string, but will be changed to Symbol soon."
+    ^ name
     "for ST80 compatibility; 
      read the documentation in ClassOrganizer for more info."
@@ -194,106 +176,6 @@
     ^ ClassOrganizer for:self
 ! !
-!ClassDescription methodsFor:'signature checking'!
-    "return a signature number - this number is useful for a quick
-     check for changed classes, and is done in the binary-object loader, 
-     and the dynamic class loader.
-     Do NOT change the algorithm here - others may depend on it.
-     Also, the algorithm may change - so never interpret the returned value
-     (if at all, use the access #XXXFromSignature: methods)"
-    |value   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     nameKey "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    signature notNil ifTrue:[^ signature].
-    value := self flags bitAnd:(Class maskIndexType).
-    value := (value bitShift:3) + ((self class instSize - Class instSize) bitAnd:7).
-    value := (value bitShift:7) + (self instSize bitAnd:16r7F).
-    nameKey := 0.
-    self allInstVarNames do:[:name |
-	nameKey := nameKey bitShift:1.
-	(nameKey bitAnd:16r10000) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    nameKey := nameKey bitXor:1.
-	    nameKey := nameKey bitAnd:16rFFFF.
-	].
-	nameKey := (nameKey + (name at:1) asciiValue) bitAnd:16rFFFF.
-    ].
-    value := value + (nameKey bitShift:14).
-    signature := value.
-    ^ value
-    "
-     Array signature
-     ByteArray signature
-     View signature
-    "
-    "for checking class compatibility: return the some number based on
-     the instSize from a signature key (not always the real instSize)."
-    ^ aSignature bitAnd:16r7F
-    "
-     Class instSizeFromSignature:Point signature.     
-     Class instSizeFromSignature:Association signature.   
-     Class instSizeFromSignature:Dictionary signature.    
-    "
-    "for checking class compatibility: return some number based on 
-     the classinstSize from a signature key (not always the real classinstsize)."
-    ^ (aSignature bitShift:-7) bitAnd:7
-    "for checking class compatibility: return some number based on
-     the instType (i.e. variableBytes/Pointers etc.) from a signature key."
-    ^ (aSignature bitShift:-10) bitAnd:(Class maskIndexType)
-    "
-     Class instTypeFromSignature:Object signature.               
-     Class instTypeFromSignature:Array signature.                
-     Class instTypeFromSignature:String signature.               
-     Class instTypeFromSignature:OrderedCollection signature.    
-    "
-    "for checking class compatibility: return a number based on the
-     names and order of the instance variables from a signature key."
-    ^ (aSignature bitShift:-14) bitAnd:16rFFFF
-    "
-     Point instNameKeyFromSignature:Point signature.             
-     Association instNameKeyFromSignature:Association signature.  
-    "
-! !
-!ClassDescription methodsFor:'renaming'!
-    "change the name of the class"
-    |oldSym|
-    oldSym := name asSymbol.
-    self setName:newName.
-    Smalltalk at:oldSym put:nil.
-    Smalltalk removeKey:oldSym.             "26.jun 93"
-    Smalltalk at:(newName asSymbol) put:self.
-! !
 !ClassDescription methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
@@ -346,3 +228,122 @@
     "Modified: 30.10.1995 / 19:46:21 / cg"
 ! !
+!ClassDescription methodsFor:'renaming'!
+    "change the name of the class"
+    |oldSym|
+    oldSym := name asSymbol.
+    self setName:newName.
+    Smalltalk at:oldSym put:nil.
+    Smalltalk removeKey:oldSym.             "26.jun 93"
+    Smalltalk at:(newName asSymbol) put:self.
+! !
+!ClassDescription methodsFor:'signature checking'!
+    "for checking class compatibility: return some number based on 
+     the classinstSize from a signature key (not always the real classinstsize)."
+    ^ (aSignature bitShift:-7) bitAnd:7
+    "for checking class compatibility: return a number based on the
+     names and order of the instance variables from a signature key."
+    ^ (aSignature bitShift:-14) bitAnd:16rFFFF
+    "
+     Point instNameKeyFromSignature:Point signature.             
+     Association instNameKeyFromSignature:Association signature.  
+    "
+    "for checking class compatibility: return the some number based on
+     the instSize from a signature key (not always the real instSize)."
+    ^ aSignature bitAnd:16r7F
+    "
+     Class instSizeFromSignature:Point signature.     
+     Class instSizeFromSignature:Association signature.   
+     Class instSizeFromSignature:Dictionary signature.    
+    "
+    "for checking class compatibility: return some number based on
+     the instType (i.e. variableBytes/Pointers etc.) from a signature key."
+    ^ (aSignature bitShift:-10) bitAnd:(Class maskIndexType)
+    "
+     Class instTypeFromSignature:Object signature.               
+     Class instTypeFromSignature:Array signature.                
+     Class instTypeFromSignature:String signature.               
+     Class instTypeFromSignature:OrderedCollection signature.    
+    "
+    "return a signature number - this number is useful for a quick
+     check for changed classes, and is done in the binary-object loader, 
+     and the dynamic class loader.
+     Do NOT change the algorithm here - others may depend on it.
+     Also, the algorithm may change - so never interpret the returned value
+     (if at all, use the access #XXXFromSignature: methods)"
+    |value   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     nameKey "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    signature notNil ifTrue:[^ signature].
+    value := self flags bitAnd:(Class maskIndexType).
+    value := (value bitShift:3) + ((self class instSize - Class instSize) bitAnd:7).
+    value := (value bitShift:7) + (self instSize bitAnd:16r7F).
+    nameKey := 0.
+    self allInstVarNames do:[:name |
+	nameKey := nameKey bitShift:1.
+	(nameKey bitAnd:16r10000) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    nameKey := nameKey bitXor:1.
+	    nameKey := nameKey bitAnd:16rFFFF.
+	].
+	nameKey := (nameKey + (name at:1) asciiValue) bitAnd:16rFFFF.
+    ].
+    value := value + (nameKey bitShift:14).
+    signature := value.
+    ^ value
+    "
+     Array signature
+     ByteArray signature
+     View signature
+    "
+! !
+!ClassDescription methodsFor:'special accessing'!
+    "set the classes instvarnames string - no recompilation
+     or updates are done and no changeList records are written.
+     This is NOT for general use."
+    instvars := aString.
+    "set the classes name - be careful, it will be still
+     in the Smalltalk dictionary - under another key.
+     This is NOT for general use - see renameTo:"
+    name := aString
+! !