changeset 23846 c883aebf7fb0
parent 23721 2be26425bf83
child 23847 a74f168d8848
--- a/	Tue Mar 05 12:54:03 2019 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Mar 06 16:08:23 2019 +0100
@@ -5872,37 +5872,29 @@
     OBJ data;
     if (__isByteArrayLike(aByteArray) && __isStringLike(which)) {
-	if (VerQueryValue(__byteArrayVal(aByteArray), __stringVal(which), (LPVOID) &fileInfo, (PUINT) &uLen) == FALSE) {
-	    RETURN (nil);
-	}
-	memcpy(__byteArrayVal(data), fileInfo, uLen);
-	RETURN (data);
+        // be careful: fileInfo points into aByteArray! 
+        // Beware of garbage collection after VerQueryValue()!
+        // We use a fixed max size of 1000 bytes here.
+        data = __BYTEARRAY_UNINITIALIZED_NEW_INT(1000);
+        if (VerQueryValue(__byteArrayVal(aByteArray), __stringVal(which), (LPVOID) &fileInfo, &uLen) == FALSE) {
+            RETURN (nil);
+        }
+        memcpy(__byteArrayVal(data), fileInfo, min(1000, uLen));
+        RETURN (data);
 badArgument: ;
     self primitiveFailed
-     |bytes vfi lang codePage sfi assocs|
-     bytes := self getFileVersionInfoOf:'./stx.exe'.
-     self extractVersionValue:'\' from:bytes.
-     vfi := self extractVersionValue:'\VarFileInfo\Translation' from:bytes.
-     lang := vfi unsignedInt16At:1.
-     codePage := vfi unsignedInt16At:3.
-     assocs := #( 'CompanyName' 'FileDescription' 'FileVersion' 'ProductName') collect:[:each |
-	sfi := self extractVersionValue:('\StringFileInfo\%1%2\%3'
-					bindWith:(lang hexPrintString:4)
-					with:(codePage hexPrintString:4)
-					with:each)
-		 from:bytes.
-	each -> (sfi zeroByteStringAt:1 maximumSize:999)
-     ].
-     Dictionary withAssociations:assocs
+      100000 timesRepeat:[
+           OperatingSystem getFileInfos:#('ProductVersion' 'CompanyName' 'FileDescription' 'FileVersion' 'ProductName') 
+                           fromFile:'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'
+      ].
     "Created: / 23-04-2018 / 10:08:04 / Maren"
+    "Modified (comment): / 06-03-2019 / 16:07:21 / Stefan Vogel"
@@ -6199,30 +6191,32 @@
     "Retrieve version information from filename and return a dictionary with values for keys in infoKeys.
      Returns nil, if fileInfo cannot be extracted."
-    |bytes vfi lang codePage sfi assocs|
-    bytes := self getFileVersionInfoOf:(filename asFilename pathName).
-    bytes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    |bytes vfi lang codePage stringFileInfoBase|
+    bytes := self getFileVersionInfoOf:(filename asFilename osName).
+    bytes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ nil
+    ].
     self extractVersionValue:'\' from:bytes.
     vfi := self extractVersionValue:'\VarFileInfo\Translation' from:bytes.
     lang := vfi unsignedInt16At:1.
     codePage := vfi unsignedInt16At:3.
-    assocs := infoKeys collect:[:each |
-       sfi := self extractVersionValue:('\StringFileInfo\%1%2\%3'
-				       bindWith:(lang hexPrintString:4)
-				       with:(codePage hexPrintString:4)
-				       with:each)
-		from:bytes.
-       each -> (sfi zeroByteStringAt:1 maximumSize:999)
-    ].
-    ^ Dictionary withAssociations:assocs
-    "
-     self getFileInfos:#('CompanyName' 'FileDescription' 'ProductVersion') fromFile:'./stx.exe'
+    stringFileInfoBase := '\StringFileInfo\%1%2\'
+                               bindWith:(lang hexPrintString:4)
+                               with:(codePage hexPrintString:4).
+    ^ Dictionary withKeys:infoKeys valueBlock:[:eachKey|
+            |sfi|            
+            sfi := self extractVersionValue:(stringFileInfoBase, eachKey) from:bytes.
+            sfi zeroByteStringAt:1 maximumSize:999
+         ].
+    "
+     self getFileInfos:#('ProductVersion' 'CompanyName' 'FileDescription' 'FileVersion' 'ProductName') fromFile:'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'
     "Created: / 23-04-2018 / 10:29:33 / Maren"
+    "Modified (comment): / 06-03-2019 / 15:47:56 / Stefan Vogel"