changeset 608 cd5ac440fa95
parent 581 8a991a4cb738
child 629 2ceefe9b5a19
--- a/	Thu Nov 23 02:21:27 1995 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Nov 23 02:23:53 1995 +0100
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
 ByteArray subclass:#CharacterArray
-       instanceVariableNames:''
-       classVariableNames:'PreviousMatch'
-       poolDictionaries:''
-       category:'Collections-Text'
+	 instanceVariableNames:''
+	 classVariableNames:'PreviousMatch'
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'Collections-Text'
 !CharacterArray class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -33,10 +33,6 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.37 1995-11-20 14:34:42 cg Exp $'
     CharacterArray is a superclass for all kinds of Strings (i.e.
@@ -46,6 +42,10 @@
     no instances of it. All this class does is provide common protocol for 
     concrete subclasses.
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.38 1995-11-23 01:23:53 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 !CharacterArray class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
@@ -56,12 +56,6 @@
     ^ self basicNew:0
-    "return a new empty string"
-    ^ self basicNew:0
     "return a copy of the argument, aString"
@@ -104,6 +98,12 @@
     "Created: 20.11.1995 / 15:32:17 / cg"
+    "return a new empty string"
+    ^ self basicNew:0
 ! !
 !CharacterArray class methodsFor:'code tables'!
@@ -128,1442 +128,8 @@
     "Created: 20.10.1995 / 23:04:43 / cg"
 ! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'converting'!
-replaceFrom:aString decode:encoding 
-    "this is an experimental interface - unfinished"
-    |table|
-    table := self class decoderTableFor:encoding.
-    table isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self replaceFrom:aString
-    ].
-    1 to:self size do:[:index |
-	|char oldCode newCode|
-	char := aString at:index.
-	oldCode := char asciiValue.
-	newCode := table at:(oldCode + 1).
-	newCode ~~ oldCode ifTrue:[
-	    self at:index put:(Character value:newCode)
-	]
-    ].
-    "Created: 20.10.1995 / 23:00:09 / cg"
-    "Modified: 20.10.1995 / 23:08:16 / cg"
-    ^ self
-    "return a copy of myself in uppercase letters"
-    |newStr
-     mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    mySize := self size.
-    newStr := self species new:mySize.
-    1 to:mySize do:[:i |
-	newStr at:i put:(self at:i) asUppercase
-    ].
-    ^ newStr
-    "
-     'helloWorld' asUppercase      
-     'helloWorld' asUppercaseFirst 
-    "
-    "return a copy of myself in lowercase letters"
-    |newStr
-     mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    mySize := self size.
-    newStr := self species new:mySize.
-    1 to:mySize do:[:i |
-	newStr at:i put:(self at:i) asLowercase
-    ].
-    ^ newStr
-    "
-     'HelloWorld' asLowercase   
-     'HelloWorld' asLowercaseFirst   
-    "
-    "return a copy of myself where the first character is
-     converted to uppercase."
-    |newString sz|
-    sz := self size.
-    newString := self copyFrom:1 to:sz.
-    sz > 0 ifTrue:[
-	newString at:1 put:(newString at:1) asUppercase
-    ].
-    ^ newString
-    "
-     'helloWorld' asUppercase      
-     'helloWorld' asUppercaseFirst 
-     'HelloWorld' asUppercaseFirst   
-    "
-    "return a copy of myself where the first character is
-     converted to lowercase."
-    |newString sz|
-    sz := self size.
-    newString := self copyFrom:1 to:sz.
-    sz > 0 ifTrue:[
-	newString at:1 put:(newString at:1) asLowercase
-    ].
-    ^ newString
-    "
-     'HelloWorld' asLowercase   
-     'HelloWorld' asLowercaseFirst   
-    "
-    "return myself - I am a string"
-    ^ self
-    "return the receiver converted to a two-byte string"
-    ^ TwoByteString fromString:self
-    "return the receiver converted to a 'normal' string"
-    ^ String fromString:self
-    "return a collection of lines from myself."
-    ^ StringCollection from:self
-    ^ ComposedText fromString:self
-    "read a number from the receiver.
-     Notice, that (in contrast to ST-80) errors may occur during the read, 
-     so you better setup some signal handler when using this method.
-     This may change if ANSI specifies it."
-"/ ST-80 behavior:
-"/  ^ Number readFromString:self onError:0
-    ^ Number readFromString:self
-    "
-     '123'     asNumber
-     '123.567' asNumber
-     '(5/6)'   asNumber
-     'foo'     asNumber
-     Object errorSignal handle:[:ex | ex returnWith:0] do:['foo' asNumber] 
-    "
-    "read a number from the receiver, ignoring any nonDigit characters.
-     This is typically used to convert from strings which include
-     dollar-signs or millenium digits. However, this method also ignores
-     the decimal point (if any) and therefore should be used with care."
-    |tempString|
-    tempString := self collect:[:char | char isDigit].
-    ^ Number readFromString:tempString onError:0
-    "
-     'USD 123' asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
-     'DM 123'  asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
-     '123'     asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
-     '123.567' asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
-     '(5/6)'   asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
-     'foo'     asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
-    "
-    "read an integer from the receiver.
-     Notice, that errors may occur during the read, so you better
-     setup some signal handler when using this method."
-    ^ Integer readFromString:self
-    "
-     '12345678901234567890' asInteger
-     '-1234' asInteger
-     '0.123' asInteger   <- reader stops at ., returning 0 here
-     '0.123' asNumber    <- returns what you expect
-     Object errorSignal handle:[:ex | ex returnWith:0] do:['foo' asInteger] 
-    "
-    "read a float number from the receiver.
-     Notice, that errors may occur during the read, so you better
-     setup some signal handler when using this method."
-    ^ (Number readFromString:self) asFloat
-    "
-     '0.123' asFloat 
-     '12345' asFloat
-     '(1/5)' asFloat
-     Object errorSignal handle:[:ex | ex returnWith:0] do:['foo' asFloat] 
-    "
-    "return a Filename with pathname taken from the receiver"
-    ^ Filename named:self
-    "return a collection containing the words (separated by whitespace) 
-     of the receiver. Multiple occurences of whitespace characters will
-     be treated like one - i.e. whitespace is skipped."
-    |words
-     start  "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
-     stop   "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
-     mySize "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|
-    words := OrderedCollection new.
-    start := 1.
-    mySize := self size.
-    [start <= mySize] whileTrue:[
-	start := self indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:start.
-	start == 0 ifTrue:[
-	    ^ words
-	].
-	stop := self indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:start.
-	stop == 0 ifTrue:[
-	    words add:(self copyFrom:start to:mySize).
-	    ^ words
-	].
-	words add:(self copyFrom:start to:(stop - 1)).
-	start := stop
-    ].
-    ^ words
-    "
-     'hello world isnt this nice' asCollectionOfWords
-     '    hello    world   isnt   this   nice  ' asCollectionOfWords
-     'hello' asCollectionOfWords
-     '' asCollectionOfWords
-     '      ' asCollectionOfWords
-    "
-    "return a collection containing the lines (separated by aCharacter) 
-     of the receiver. If aCharacter occurs multiple times in a row, 
-     the result will contain empty strings."
-    |lines myClass
-     numberOfLines "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
-     startIndex    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
-     stopIndex     "{ Class:SmallInteger }" |
-    "
-     count first, to avoid regrowing of the OC
-    "
-    numberOfLines := (self occurrencesOf:aCharacter) + 1.
-    lines := OrderedCollection new:numberOfLines.
-    myClass := self species.
-    startIndex := 1.
-    1 to:numberOfLines do:[:lineNr |
-	stopIndex := self indexOf:aCharacter startingAt:startIndex.
-	stopIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
-	    stopIndex := self size
-	] ifFalse: [
-	    stopIndex := stopIndex - 1.
-	].
-	(stopIndex < startIndex) ifTrue: [
-	    lines add:(myClass new:0)
-	] ifFalse: [
-	    lines add:(self copyFrom:startIndex to:stopIndex)
-	].
-	startIndex := stopIndex + 2
-    ].
-    ^ lines
-    "
-     '1 one:2 two:3 three:4 four:5 five' withCRs asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$: 
-     '1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five' withCRs asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:Character space
-    "
-    "return a collection containing the lines (separated by cr) 
-     of the receiver. If multiple cr's occur in a row, the result will
-     contain empty strings."
-    ^ self asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:Character cr
-    "
-     '1 one\2 two\3 three\4 four\5 five' withCRs asCollectionOfLines
-     '1 one\\\\2 two\3 three' withCRs asCollectionOfLines  
-    "
-    "return an array of substrings from the receiver, interpreting
-     separators (i.e. spaces & newlines) as word-delimiters.
-     This is a compatibility method - the actual work is done in
-     asCollectionOfWords."
-    ^ self asCollectionOfWords asArray
-    "
-     '1 one two three four 5 five' asArrayOfSubstrings  
-    "
-    "return a collection containing the words (separated by any character
-     from aCollectionOfSeparators) of the receiver.
-     This allows breaking up strings using any character as separator."
-    |words
-     start  "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
-     stop   "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
-     mySize "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|
-    words := OrderedCollection new.
-    start := 1.
-    mySize := self size.
-    [start <= mySize] whileTrue:[
-	"skip multiple separators"
-	[aCollectionOfSeparators includes:(self at:start)] whileTrue:[
-	    start := start + 1 .
-	    start > mySize ifTrue:[
-		^ words
-	    ].
-	].
-	stop := self indexOfAny:aCollectionOfSeparators startingAt:start.
-	stop == 0 ifTrue:[
-	    words add:(self copyFrom:start to:mySize).
-	    ^ words
-	].
-	words add:(self copyFrom:start to:(stop - 1)).
-	start := stop
-    ].
-    ^ words
-    "
-     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:#($:)
-     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:':' 
-     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:(Array with:$: with:Character space) 
-     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:': ' 
-     'h1e2l3l4o' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:($1 to: $9) 
-    "
-    "this is an ST-80 alias for the ST/X method
-	asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:"
-    ^ self asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:aCharacter
-    "
-     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' tokensBasedOn:$:
-     'foo,bar,baz' tokensBasedOn:$,
-     '/etc/passwd' asFilename readStream nextLine tokensBasedOn:$:
-    "
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'special string converting'!
-    "if the receivers size is less or equal to maxLen, return it.
-     Otherwise, return a copy of the receiver, where some characters 
-     in the middle have been removed for a total string length
-     of maxLen."
-    |sz n1 n2|
-    (sz := self size) > maxLen ifTrue:[
-	n1 := n2 := maxLen // 2.
-	maxLen odd ifTrue:[
-	    n2 := n1 + 1
-	].
-	^ (self copyFrom:1 to:n1) , (self copyFrom:sz - n2 + 1)
-    ]
-    "
-     '12345678901234'   chopTo:15            
-     '123456789012345'  chopTo:15         
-     '1234567890123456' chopTo:15      
-     'aShortString' chopTo:15 
-     'aVeryLongNameForAStringThatShouldBeShortened' chopTo:15 
-    "
-    "if the receivers size is less or equal to maxLen, return it.
-     Otherwise, return a copy of the receiver, where some characters 
-     in the middle have been replaced by '...' for a total string length
-     of maxLen. Can be used to abbreviate long entries in tables."
-    |sz "{ SmallInteger }"
-     halfSize "{ SmallInteger }"|
-    (sz := self size) > maxLen ifTrue:[
-	halfSize := maxLen // 2.
-	^ self copyReplaceFrom:halfSize - 1
-			    to:sz - maxLen + halfSize + 1
-			    with:'...'
-    ]
-    "
-     '12345678901234' contractTo:15          
-     '123456789012345' contractTo:15          
-     '1234567890123456' contractTo:15        
-     'aShortString' contractTo:15 
-     'aVeryLongNameForAStringThatShouldBeShortened' contractTo:15 
-    "
-    "if the receivers size is less or equal to maxLen, return it.
-     Otherwise, return a copy of the receiver, where some characters 
-     at the end have been replaced by '...' for a total string length
-     of maxLen. Can be used to abbreviate long entries in tables."
-    |sz|
-    (sz := self size) > maxLen ifTrue:[
-	^ self copyReplaceFrom:maxLen - 3
-			    with:'...'
-    ]
-    "
-     '12345678901234' contractAtEndTo:15          
-     '123456789012345' contractAtEndTo:15          
-     '1234567890123456' contractAtEndTo:15          
-     'aShortString' contractAtEndTo:15          
-     'aVeryLongNameForAStringThatShouldBeShortened' contractAtEndTo:15 
-    "
-    "if the receivers size is less or equal to maxLen, return it.
-     Otherwise, return a copy of the receiver, where some characters 
-     at the beginning have been replaced by '...' for a total string length
-     of maxLen. Can be used to abbreviate long entries in tables."
-    |sz|
-    (sz := self size) > maxLen ifTrue:[
-	^ '...' , (self copyFrom:(sz - (maxLen - 4))) 
-    ]
-    "
-     '12345678901234' contractAtBeginningTo:15          
-     '123456789012345' contractAtBeginningTo:15          
-     '1234567890123456' contractAtBeginningTo:15          
-     'aShortString' contractAtBeginningTo:15          
-     'aVeryLongNameForAStringThatShouldBeShortened' contractAtBeginningTo:15
-    "
-    "return a new string consisting of receivers characters
-     with all \-characters replaced by cr-characters."
-    ^ self copy replaceAll:$\ by:(Character cr)
-    "
-     'hello\world' withCRs
-    "
-    "return a new collection consisting of receivers elements
-     with all cr-characters replaced by \-characters.
-     This is the reverse operation of withCRs."
-    ^ self copy replaceAll:(Character cr) by:$\
-    "
-     'hello
-world' withoutCRs
-    "
-    "return a copy of myself without leading and trailing spaces.
-     Notice: this does NOT remove tabs, newline or any other whitespace.
-     Use withoutSeparators for this."
-    |startIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     endIndex   "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     sz|
-    sz := self size.
-    startIndex := 1.
-    endIndex := sz.
-    [(startIndex < endIndex) and:[(self at:startIndex) == Character space]] whileTrue:[
-	startIndex := startIndex + 1
-    ].
-    [(endIndex > 1) and:[(self at:endIndex) == Character space]] whileTrue:[
-	endIndex := endIndex - 1
-    ].
-    startIndex > endIndex ifTrue:[
-	^ ''
-    ].
-    ((startIndex == 1) and:[endIndex == sz]) ifTrue:[
-	^ self
-    ].
-    ^ self copyFrom:startIndex to:endIndex
-    "
-     '    foo    ' withoutSpaces  
-     'foo    '     withoutSpaces   
-     '    foo'     withoutSpaces  
-     '       '     withoutSpaces   
-     ('  foo' , Character tab asString , '    ') withoutSpaces inspect 
-    "
-    "return a copy of myself without leading and trailing whitespace.
-     Whitespace is space, tab, newline, formfeed.
-     Use withoutSpaces, if you want to remove spaces only."
-    |startIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     endIndex   "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     sz|
-    sz := self size.
-    startIndex := 1.
-    endIndex := sz.
-    [(startIndex < endIndex) and:[(self at:startIndex) isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
-	startIndex := startIndex + 1
-    ].
-    [(endIndex > 1) and:[(self at:endIndex) isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
-	endIndex := endIndex - 1
-    ].
-    startIndex > endIndex ifTrue:[
-	^ ''
-    ].
-    ((startIndex == 1) and:[endIndex == sz]) ifTrue:[
-	^ self
-    ].
-    ^ self copyFrom:startIndex to:endIndex
-    "
-     '    foo    ' withoutSeparators      
-     '    foo' withoutSeparators      
-     'foo    ' withoutSeparators      
-     '       ' withoutSeparators      
-     ('  foo' , Character tab asString , '    ') withoutSeparators inspect 
-    "
-    "return a copy of myself without leading separators.
-     Notice: this does remove tabs, newline or any other whitespace.
-     Returns an empty string, if the receiver consist only of whitespace."
-    |index|
-    index := self indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1.
-    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	index == 1 ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	^ self copyFrom:index
-    ].
-    ^ ''
-    "
-     '    foo    ' withoutLeadingSeparators  
-     'foo    '     withoutLeadingSeparators   
-     '    foo'     withoutLeadingSeparators  
-     '       '     withoutLeadingSeparators   
-     'foo'         withoutLeadingSeparators   
-     ('  ' , Character tab asString , ' foo   ') withoutLeadingSeparators inspect 
-    "
-    "return a copy of the receiver where leading spaces are
-     replaced by tabulator characters (assuming 8-col tabs)"
-    |idx   "{ SmallInteger }" 
-     nTabs "{ SmallInteger }" 
-     newString|
-    idx := self findFirst:[:c | (c ~~ Character space)].
-    nTabs := (idx-1) // 8.
-    nTabs == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-    "any tabs"
-    newString := self class new:(self size - (nTabs * 7)).
-    newString atAll:(1 to:nTabs) put:(Character tab).
-    newString replaceFrom:(nTabs + 1) with:self startingAt:(nTabs * 8 + 1).
-    ^ newString
-    "
-     '12345678901234567890' withTabs 
-     '       8901234567890' withTabs 
-     '        901234567890' withTabs  
-     '               67890' withTabs
-     '                7890' withTabs
-     '                 890' withTabs
-    "
-    "return a copy of the receiver where all tabulator characters
-     are expanded into spaces (assuming 8-col tabs)"
-    |idx "{ SmallInteger }" str|
-    (self includes:(Character tab)) ifFalse:[^ self].
-    str := WriteStream on:String new.
-    idx := 1.
-    self do:[:ch |
-	ch == Character tab ifFalse:[
-	    str nextPut:ch.
-	    idx := idx + 1
-	] ifTrue:[
-	    (idx \\ 8) to:8 do:[:ii |
-		str space.
-		idx := idx + 1
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ str contents
-    "
-     (String with:Character tab
-	     with:Character tab
-	     with:$1) withTabsExpanded
-     (String with:Character tab
-	     with:$1
-	     with:Character tab
-	     with:$2) withTabsExpanded  
-    "
-    "return a new string consisting of receivers characters
-     with all \X-character escapes replaced by corresponding-characters.
-     (similar to the way C-language Strings are converted).
-     The following escapes are supported:
-	\r      return character
-	\n      newline character
-	\b      backspace character
-	\f      formfeed character
-	\t      tab character
-	\\      the \ character itself
-	\nnn    three digit octal number defining the characters ascii value
-	\other  other
-     Notice, that \' is NOT a valid escape, since the general syntax of
-     string constants is not affected by this method.
-     Although easily implementable, this is NOT done automatically
-     by the compiler (due to a lack of a language standard for this).
-     However, the compiler may detect sends ot #withEscapes to string literals
-     and place a modified string constant into the binary/byte-code.
-     Therefore, no runtime penalty will be payed for using these escapes.
-     (not in pre 2.11 versions)
-    "
-    |sz      "{ SmallInteger }"
-     newSize "{ SmallInteger }"
-     srcIdx  "{ SmallInteger }"
-     dstIdx  "{ SmallInteger }"
-     val     "{ SmallInteger }"
-     newString next start| 
-    "
-     first, count the number of escapes, to allow preallocation
-     of the new string ...
-     (it is faster to scan the string twice than to reallocate it multiple
-      times in a WriteStream)
-    "
-    sz := newSize := self size.
-    srcIdx := 1.
-    [(srcIdx := self indexOf:$\ startingAt:srcIdx) ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-	srcIdx == sz ifFalse:[
-	    newSize := newSize - 1.
-	    srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
-	    next := self at:srcIdx.
-	    next == $0 ifTrue:[
-		[(self at:srcIdx) isDigit] whileTrue:[
-		    newSize := newSize - 1. srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
-		]
-	    ].
-	].
-	srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
-    ].
-    newSize == sz ifTrue:[
-	^ self
-    ].
-    newString := self species new:newSize.
-    "
-     copy over, replace escapes
-    "
-    srcIdx := dstIdx := 1.
-    [srcIdx <= sz] whileTrue:[
-	next := self at:srcIdx.
-	srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
-	next == $\ ifTrue:[
-	    srcIdx <= sz ifTrue:[
-		next := self at:srcIdx.
-		srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
-		next == $r ifTrue:[
-		    next := Character return
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    next == $n ifTrue:[
-			next := Character nl
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			next == $b ifTrue:[
-			    next := Character backspace
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    next == $f ifTrue:[
-				next := Character newPage
-			    ] ifFalse:[
-				next == $t ifTrue:[
-				    next := Character tab
-				] ifFalse:[
-				    next == $0 ifTrue:[
-					val := 0.
-					[next isDigit] whileTrue:[
-					    val := val * 8 + next digitValue.
-					    next := self at:srcIdx.
-					    srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
-					].
-					next := Character value:val.
-				    ]
-				]
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
-	].
-	newString at:dstIdx put:next.
-	dstIdx := dstIdx + 1.
-    ].
-    ^ newString
-    "
-     'hello world' withEscapes  
-     'hello\world' withEscapes   
-     'hello\world\' withEscapes   
-     'hello world\' withEscapes   
-     'hello\tworld' withEscapes   
-     'hello\nworld\na\n\tnice\n\t\tstring' withEscapes   
-     'hello\tworld\n' withEscapes   
-     'hello\010world' withEscapes   
-     'hello\r\nworld' withEscapes   
-    "
-    "return a copy of the receiver, where all %i escapes are
-     replaced by corresponding arguments from the argArray.
-     I.e. 'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') results
-     in the new string 'hello world; how is this'.
-     To get a '%' character, use a '%%'-escape.
-     See also bindWith:... for VisualAge compatibility."
-    |expandedString next 
-     idx   "{ SmallInteger }"
-     start "{ SmallInteger }"
-     stop  "{ SmallInteger }"|
-    expandedString := ''.
-    stop := self size.
-    start := 1.
-    [start <= stop] whileTrue:[
-	idx := self indexOf:$% startingAt:start.
-	idx == 0 ifTrue:[
-	    ^ expandedString , (self copyFrom:start to:stop)
-	].
-	"found a %"
-	expandedString := expandedString , (self copyFrom:start to:(idx - 1)).
-	next := self at:(idx + 1).
-	(next == $%) ifTrue:[
-	    expandedString := expandedString , '%'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    expandedString := expandedString , (argArray at:(next digitValue)) printString
-	].
-	start := idx + 2
-    ].
-    ^  expandedString
-    "
-     'hello %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world') 
-     'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') 
-     'hello %2; how is %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') 
-    "
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'Compatibility - VisualAge'!
-    "replace all '\'-characters by line delimiter (cr) - characters.
-     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
-    ^ self withCRs
-    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%1' escape is
-     replaced by aString.
-     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
-    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:(Array with:aString)
-    "
-     'do you like %1 ?' bindWith:'smalltalk'
-    "
-bindWith:string1 with:string2
-    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%1' escape is
-     replaced by string1 and '%2' is replaced by string2.
-     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
-    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:(Array with:string1 with:string2)
-    "
-     'do you prefer %1 or rather %2 ?'
-	bindWith:'smalltalk' with:'c++'
-    "
-bindWith:str1 with:str2 with:str3
-    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%1', '%2' and '%3' escapes
-     are replaced by str1, str2 and str3 respectively.
-     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
-    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:(Array with:str1 with:str2 with:str3)
-    "
-     'do you prefer %1 or rather %2 (not talking about %3) ?'
-	bindWith:'smalltalk' with:'c++' with:'c'
-    "
-bindWith:str1 with:str2 with:str3 with:str4
-    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%1', '%2', '%3' and '%4' escapes
-     are replaced by str1, str2, str3 and str4 respectively.
-     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
-    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:(Array with:str1 with:str2 with:str3 with:str4)
-    "
-     'do you prefer %1 or rather %2 (not talking about %3 or even %4) ?'
-	bindWith:'smalltalk' with:'c++' with:'c' with:'assembler'
-    "
-    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%i' escape
-     is replaced by the coresponding string from the argument array.
-     'i' may be between 1 and 9 (i.e. a maximum of 9 placeholders is allowed).
-     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
-    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:anArrayOfStrings
-    "
-     'do you prefer %1 or rather %2 (not talking about %3) ?'
-	bindWithArguments:#('smalltalk' 'c++' 'c')
-    "
-    "return an array consisting of all words contained in the receiver.
-     Words are separated by whitespace.
-     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
-    ^ self asCollectionOfWords
-    "
-     'hello world, this is smalltalk' subStrings
-    "
-    "return an array consisting of all words contained in the receiver.
-     Words are separated by separatorCharacter.
-     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
-    ^ self asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:separatorCharacter
-    "
-     'foo:bar:baz:smalltalk' subStrings:$:
-    "
-    "return a copy of the receiver without leading and trailing whiteSpace"
-    ^ self withoutSeparators
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'Compatibility - ST/V'!
-replChar:oldChar with:newChar
-    "return a copy of the receiver, with all oldChars replaced
-     by newChar.
-     This is an ST/V compatibility method."
-    ^ self copy replaceAll:oldChar by:newChar
-    "
-     '12345678901234567890' replChar:$0 with:$* 
-    "
-replChar:oldChar withString:newString
-    "return a copy of the receiver, with all oldChars replaced
-     by newString (i.e. slice in the newString in place of the oldChar).
-     This is an ST/V compatibility method."
-    |tmpStream|
-    tmpStream := WriteStream on:(self class new).
-    self do:[:element |
-	element = oldChar ifTrue:[
-	    tmpStream nextPutAll:newString
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    tmpStream nextPut:element 
-	].
-    ].
-    ^ tmpStream contents
-   "
-     '12345678901234567890' replChar:$0 withString:'foo' 
-     'a string with spaces' replChar:$  withString:' foo '  
-    "
-    "return a copy of the receiver without leading
-     and trailing spaces.
-     This is an ST/V compatibility method."
-    ^ self withoutSpaces
-    "
-     '    spaces at beginning' trimBlanks     
-     'spaces at end    ' trimBlanks           
-     '    spaces at beginning and end     ' trimBlanks    
-     'no spaces' trimBlanks              
-    "
-byteAt:index put:aByte
-    "store a byte at given index.
-     This is an ST/V compatibility method."
-    (aByte == 0) ifTrue:[
-	"store a space instead"
-	^ super basicAt:index put:(Character space)
-    ].
-    ^ super at:index put:(Character value:aByte)
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
-    "return an article string for the receiver."
-    |firstChar|
-    firstChar := (self at:1) asLowercase. 
-    (firstChar isVowel or:[firstChar == $x]) ifTrue:[
-	firstChar ~~ $u ifTrue:[
-	     ^ 'an'
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ 'a'
-    "print the receiver on aStream"
-    aStream nextPutAll:self
-    "return a string for printing - thats myself"
-    ^ self
-    "return a string to display the receiver - use storeString to have
-     quotes around."
-    ^ self storeString
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'comparing'!
-    "return an integer useful as a hash-key"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    REGISTER int g, val;
-    REGISTER unsigned char *cp, *cp0;
-    int l;
-    cp = _stringVal(self);
-    l = _stringSize(self);
-    if (__qClass(self) != String) {
-	int n = __OBJS2BYTES__(_intVal(_ClassInstPtr(__qClass(self))->c_ninstvars));
-	cp += n;
-	l -= n;
-    }
-    /*
-     * this is the dragon-book algorithm with a funny start
-     * value (to give short strings a number above 8192)
-     */
-    val = 12345;
-    for (cp0 = cp, cp += l - 1; cp >= cp0; cp--) {
-	val = (val << 5) + (*cp & 0x1F);
-	if (g = (val & 0x3E000000))
-	    val ^= g >> 25 /* 23 */ /* 25 */;
-	val &= 0x3FFFFFFF;
-    }
-    if (l) {
-	l |= 1; 
-	val = (val * l) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
-    }
-    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(val) );
-<= something
-    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
-     receiver is less than or equal to the argument. Otherwise return false."
-    ^ (self > something) not
-< something
-    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
-     receiver is less than the argument. Otherwise return false."
-    ^ (something > self)
->= something
-    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
-     receiver is greater than or equal to the argument.
-     Otherwise return false."
-    ^ (something > self) not
-> aString
-    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
-     receiver is greater than the argument. Otherwise return false.
-     In contrast to ST-80, case differences are NOT ignored, thus
-     'foo' > 'Foo' will return true; use #sameAs: to compare ignoring cases.. 
-     Since this is incompatible to ST-80, this may change."
-    |mySize    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     otherSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     n         "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     c1 c2|
-    mySize := self size.
-    otherSize := aString size.
-    n := mySize min:otherSize.
-    1 to:n do:[:index |
-	c1 := self at:index.
-	c2 := aString at:index.
-	c1 > c2 ifTrue:[^ true].
-	c1 < c2 ifTrue:[^ false].
-    ].
-    ^ mySize > otherSize
-= aString
-    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
-     receiver is equal to the argument. Otherwise return false.
-     This compare does NOT ignore case differences, 
-     therefore 'foo' = 'Foo' will return false.
-     Since this is incompatible to ST-80 (at least, V2.x) , this may change."
-    |mySize    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     otherSize |
-    aString species == self species ifFalse:[^ false].
-    mySize := self size.
-    otherSize := aString size.
-    mySize == otherSize ifFalse:[^ false].
-    1 to:mySize do:[:index |
-	(self at:index) = (aString at:index) ifFalse:[^ false].
-    ].
-    ^ true
-    "
-     'foo' = 'Foo'  
-     'foo' = 'bar'  
-     'foo' = 'foo'   
-    "
-    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return 1 if the receiver is
-     greater, 0 if equal and -1 if less than the argument. 
-     Case differences are NOT ignored, thus
-     'foo' compareWith: 'Foo' will return 1."
-    |mySize    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     otherSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     n         "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     c1 c2|
-    mySize := self size.
-    otherSize := aString size.
-    n := mySize min:otherSize.
-    1 to:n do:[:index |
-	c1 := self at:index.
-	c2 := aString at:index.
-	c1 > c2 ifTrue:[^ 1].
-	c1 < c2 ifTrue:[^ -1].
-    ].
-    mySize > otherSize ifTrue:[^ 1].
-    mySize < otherSize ifTrue:[^ -1].
-    ^ 0
-    "Compare the receiver with the argument like =, but ignore
-     case differences. Return true or false."
-    |mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     otherSize c1 c2|
-    mySize := self size.
-    otherSize := aString size.
-    mySize == otherSize ifFalse:[^ false].
-    1 to:mySize do:[:index |
-	c1 := self at:index.
-	c2 := aString at:index.
-	c1 == c2 ifFalse:[
-	    c1 asLowercase = c2 asLowercase ifFalse:[^ false].
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ true
-    "
-     'foo' sameAs: 'Foo'   
-     'foo' sameAs: 'bar' 
-     'foo' sameAs: 'foo'   
-    "
-    "count & return the number of characters which are the same
-     (ignoring case) in the receiver and the argument, aString."
-    |n "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     otherSize c1 c2 cnt|
-    n := self size.
-    n := n min:(aString size).
-    cnt := 0.
-    1 to:n do:[:index |
-	c1 := self at:index.
-	c2 := aString at:index.
-	((c1 == c2)
-	or:[c1 asLowercase = c2 asLowercase]) ifTrue:[
-	    cnt := cnt + 1
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ cnt
-    "
-     'foobarbaz' sameCharacters: 'foo'   
-     'foobarbaz' sameCharacters: 'Foo'   
-     'foobarbaz' sameCharacters: 'baz'   
-    "
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'character searching'!
-    "return true if the receiver includes any meta characters (i.e. $* or $#) 
-     for match operations; false if not"
-    ^ self includesAny:'*#['
-    "return the index of the first whitespace character"
-    ^ self indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:1
-    "'hello world' indexOfSeparator"
-    "return the index of the next whitespace character"
-    |start  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    start := startIndex.
-    mySize := self size.
-    start to:mySize do:[:index |
-	(self at:index) isSeparator ifTrue:[^ index]
-    ].
-    ^ 0
-    "'hello world' indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:3"
-    "return the index of the next non-whitespace character"
-    |start  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-    start := startIndex.
-    mySize := self size.
-    start to:mySize do:[:index |
-	(self at:index) isSeparator ifFalse:[^ index]
-    ].
-    ^ 0
-    "
-     '    hello world' indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1 
-    "
-    "
-     |s index1 index2|
-     s := '   foo    bar      baz'.
-     index1 := s indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1.
-     index2 := s indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:index1.
-     s copyFrom:index1 to:index2 - 1
-    "
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'substring searching'!
-    "find a substring. if found, return the index;
-     if not found, return 0."
-    ^ self indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:1 ifAbsent:[0]
-    "
-     'hello world' findString:'llo'   
-     'hello world' findString:'ole'  
-    "
-findString:subString startingAt:index
-    "find a substring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
-     if not found, return 0."
-    ^ self indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:index ifAbsent:[0]
-    "
-     'hello yello' findString:'llo' startingAt:1   
-     'hello yello' findString:'llo' startingAt:5   
-     'hello yello' findString:'llo' startingAt:15   
-    "
-findString:subString startingAt:index ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
-    "find a substring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
-     if not found, return the result of evaluating exceptionBlock."
-    ^ self indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:index ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
-findString:subString ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
-    "find a substring. If found, return the index;
-     if not found, return the result of evaluating exceptionBlock."
-    ^ self indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:1 ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
-indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:index ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
-    "find a substring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
-     if not found, return the result of evaluating exceptionBlock.
-     This is a q&d hack - not very efficient"
-    |firstChar found
-     startIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     subSize    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     mySize     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     runIdx     "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
-    subSize := subString size.
-    subSize == 0 ifTrue:[^ index]. "empty string matches"
-    mySize := self size.
-    firstChar := subString at:1.
-    startIndex := self indexOf:firstChar startingAt:index.
-    [startIndex == 0] whileFalse:[
-	runIdx := startIndex.
-	found := true.
-	1 to:subSize do:[:i |
-	    runIdx > mySize ifTrue:[
-		found := false
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(subString at:i) ~~ (self at:runIdx) ifTrue:[
-		    found := false
-		]
-	    ].
-	    runIdx := runIdx + 1
-	].
-	found ifTrue:[
-	    ^ startIndex
-	].
-	startIndex := self indexOf:firstChar startingAt:(startIndex + 1)
-    ].
-    ^ exceptionBlock value
-    "return true, if a substring is contained in the receiver"
-    ^ (self indexOfSubCollection:aString startingAt:1 ifAbsent:[0]) ~~ 0
-    "
-     'hello world' includesString:'hel' 
-     'hello world' includesString:'rld' 
-     'hello world' includesString:'llo'  
-     'hello world' includesString:'LLO'   
-    "
-! !
 !CharacterArray class methodsFor:'pattern matching'!
-    "scan a pattern string and decompose it into a scanArray.
-     This is processed faster (especially with character ranges), and
-     can also be reused later. (if the same pattern is to be searched again)"
-    |coll 
-     idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     end c1 c2 matchSet previous|
-    coll := OrderedCollection new.
-    idx := 1. end := aString size.
-    [idx <= end] whileTrue:[
-	|char this|
-	char := aString at:idx.
-	char == $* ifTrue:[
-	    previous ~~ #anyString ifTrue:[
-		this := #anyString
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    char == $# ifTrue:[
-		previous ~~ #anyString ifTrue:[
-		    this := #any
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		char == $[ ifTrue:[
-		    matchSet := IdentitySet new.
-		    idx := idx + 1.
-		    idx > end ifTrue:[^ nil].
-		    char := aString at:idx.
-		    c1 := nil.
-		    [char ~~ $]] whileTrue:[
-			((char == $-) and:[c1 notNil]) ifTrue:[
-			    idx := idx + 1.
-			    idx > end ifTrue:[^ nil].
-			    c2 := aString at:idx.
-			    (c1 to:c2) do:[:c | matchSet add:c].
-			    c1 := nil.
-			    idx := idx + 1.
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    (char ~~ $]) ifTrue:[
-				matchSet add:char.
-				c1 := char.
-				idx := idx + 1
-			    ]
-			].
-			idx > end ifTrue:[^ nil].
-			char := aString at:idx
-		    ].
-		    this := matchSet asString
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    this := char
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	this notNil ifTrue:[coll add:this. previous := this].
-	idx := idx + 1
-    ].
-    ^ coll asArray
-    "
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'*ute*'  
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'**ute**'  
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'*uter'   
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[cC]#mpute[rR]'  
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[abcd]*'      
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[a-k]*'      
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'*some*compl*ern*' 
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[a-'  
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[a-zA-Z]'  
-     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[a-z01234A-Z]'  
-    "
 matchScan:matchScanArray from:matchStart to:matchStop with:aString from:start to:stop ignoreCase:ignoreCase
     "helper for match; return true if the characters from start to stop in
      aString are matching the scan in matchScan from matchStart to matchStop.
@@ -1709,6 +275,988 @@
+    "scan a pattern string and decompose it into a scanArray.
+     This is processed faster (especially with character ranges), and
+     can also be reused later. (if the same pattern is to be searched again)"
+    |coll 
+     idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     end c1 c2 matchSet previous|
+    coll := OrderedCollection new.
+    idx := 1. end := aString size.
+    [idx <= end] whileTrue:[
+	|char this|
+	char := aString at:idx.
+	char == $* ifTrue:[
+	    previous ~~ #anyString ifTrue:[
+		this := #anyString
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    char == $# ifTrue:[
+		previous ~~ #anyString ifTrue:[
+		    this := #any
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		char == $[ ifTrue:[
+		    matchSet := IdentitySet new.
+		    idx := idx + 1.
+		    idx > end ifTrue:[^ nil].
+		    char := aString at:idx.
+		    c1 := nil.
+		    [char ~~ $]] whileTrue:[
+			((char == $-) and:[c1 notNil]) ifTrue:[
+			    idx := idx + 1.
+			    idx > end ifTrue:[^ nil].
+			    c2 := aString at:idx.
+			    (c1 to:c2) do:[:c | matchSet add:c].
+			    c1 := nil.
+			    idx := idx + 1.
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    (char ~~ $]) ifTrue:[
+				matchSet add:char.
+				c1 := char.
+				idx := idx + 1
+			    ]
+			].
+			idx > end ifTrue:[^ nil].
+			char := aString at:idx
+		    ].
+		    this := matchSet asString
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    this := char
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	this notNil ifTrue:[coll add:this. previous := this].
+	idx := idx + 1
+    ].
+    ^ coll asArray
+    "
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'*ute*'  
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'**ute**'  
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'*uter'   
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[cC]#mpute[rR]'  
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[abcd]*'      
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[a-k]*'      
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'*some*compl*ern*' 
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[a-'  
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[a-zA-Z]'  
+     String matchScanArrayFrom:'[a-z01234A-Z]'  
+    "
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'Compatibility - ST/V'!
+byteAt:index put:aByte
+    "store a byte at given index.
+     This is an ST/V compatibility method."
+    (aByte == 0) ifTrue:[
+	"store a space instead"
+	^ super basicAt:index put:(Character space)
+    ].
+    ^ super at:index put:(Character value:aByte)
+replChar:oldChar with:newChar
+    "return a copy of the receiver, with all oldChars replaced
+     by newChar.
+     This is an ST/V compatibility method."
+    ^ self copy replaceAll:oldChar by:newChar
+    "
+     '12345678901234567890' replChar:$0 with:$* 
+    "
+replChar:oldChar withString:newString
+    "return a copy of the receiver, with all oldChars replaced
+     by newString (i.e. slice in the newString in place of the oldChar).
+     This is an ST/V compatibility method."
+    |tmpStream|
+    tmpStream := WriteStream on:(self class new).
+    self do:[:element |
+	element = oldChar ifTrue:[
+	    tmpStream nextPutAll:newString
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    tmpStream nextPut:element 
+	].
+    ].
+    ^ tmpStream contents
+   "
+     '12345678901234567890' replChar:$0 withString:'foo' 
+     'a string with spaces' replChar:$  withString:' foo '  
+    "
+    "return a copy of the receiver without leading
+     and trailing spaces.
+     This is an ST/V compatibility method."
+    ^ self withoutSpaces
+    "
+     '    spaces at beginning' trimBlanks     
+     'spaces at end    ' trimBlanks           
+     '    spaces at beginning and end     ' trimBlanks    
+     'no spaces' trimBlanks              
+    "
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'Compatibility - VisualAge'!
+    "replace all '\'-characters by line delimiter (cr) - characters.
+     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
+    ^ self withCRs
+    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%1' escape is
+     replaced by aString.
+     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
+    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:(Array with:aString)
+    "
+     'do you like %1 ?' bindWith:'smalltalk'
+    "
+bindWith:string1 with:string2
+    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%1' escape is
+     replaced by string1 and '%2' is replaced by string2.
+     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
+    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:(Array with:string1 with:string2)
+    "
+     'do you prefer %1 or rather %2 ?'
+	bindWith:'smalltalk' with:'c++'
+    "
+bindWith:str1 with:str2 with:str3
+    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%1', '%2' and '%3' escapes
+     are replaced by str1, str2 and str3 respectively.
+     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
+    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:(Array with:str1 with:str2 with:str3)
+    "
+     'do you prefer %1 or rather %2 (not talking about %3) ?'
+	bindWith:'smalltalk' with:'c++' with:'c'
+    "
+bindWith:str1 with:str2 with:str3 with:str4
+    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%1', '%2', '%3' and '%4' escapes
+     are replaced by str1, str2, str3 and str4 respectively.
+     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
+    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:(Array with:str1 with:str2 with:str3 with:str4)
+    "
+     'do you prefer %1 or rather %2 (not talking about %3 or even %4) ?'
+	bindWith:'smalltalk' with:'c++' with:'c' with:'assembler'
+    "
+    "return a copy of the receiver, where a '%i' escape
+     is replaced by the coresponding string from the argument array.
+     'i' may be between 1 and 9 (i.e. a maximum of 9 placeholders is allowed).
+     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
+    ^ self expandPlaceholdersWith:anArrayOfStrings
+    "
+     'do you prefer %1 or rather %2 (not talking about %3) ?'
+	bindWithArguments:#('smalltalk' 'c++' 'c')
+    "
+    "return an array consisting of all words contained in the receiver.
+     Words are separated by whitespace.
+     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
+    ^ self asCollectionOfWords
+    "
+     'hello world, this is smalltalk' subStrings
+    "
+    "return an array consisting of all words contained in the receiver.
+     Words are separated by separatorCharacter.
+     This has been added for VisualAge compatibility."
+    ^ self asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:separatorCharacter
+    "
+     'foo:bar:baz:smalltalk' subStrings:$:
+    "
+    "return a copy of the receiver without leading and trailing whiteSpace"
+    ^ self withoutSeparators
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'character searching'!
+    "return true if the receiver includes any meta characters (i.e. $* or $#) 
+     for match operations; false if not"
+    ^ self includesAny:'*#['
+    "return the index of the next non-whitespace character"
+    |start  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+    start := startIndex.
+    mySize := self size.
+    start to:mySize do:[:index |
+	(self at:index) isSeparator ifFalse:[^ index]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+    "
+     '    hello world' indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1 
+    "
+    "
+     |s index1 index2|
+     s := '   foo    bar      baz'.
+     index1 := s indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1.
+     index2 := s indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:index1.
+     s copyFrom:index1 to:index2 - 1
+    "
+    "return the index of the first whitespace character"
+    ^ self indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:1
+    "'hello world' indexOfSeparator"
+    "return the index of the next whitespace character"
+    |start  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+    start := startIndex.
+    mySize := self size.
+    start to:mySize do:[:index |
+	(self at:index) isSeparator ifTrue:[^ index]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+    "'hello world' indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:3"
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'comparing'!
+< something
+    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
+     receiver is less than the argument. Otherwise return false."
+    ^ (something > self)
+<= something
+    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
+     receiver is less than or equal to the argument. Otherwise return false."
+    ^ (self > something) not
+= aString
+    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
+     receiver is equal to the argument. Otherwise return false.
+     This compare does NOT ignore case differences, 
+     therefore 'foo' = 'Foo' will return false.
+     Since this is incompatible to ST-80 (at least, V2.x) , this may change."
+    |mySize    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     otherSize |
+    aString species == self species ifFalse:[^ false].
+    mySize := self size.
+    otherSize := aString size.
+    mySize == otherSize ifFalse:[^ false].
+    1 to:mySize do:[:index |
+	(self at:index) = (aString at:index) ifFalse:[^ false].
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "
+     'foo' = 'Foo'  
+     'foo' = 'bar'  
+     'foo' = 'foo'   
+    "
+> aString
+    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
+     receiver is greater than the argument. Otherwise return false.
+     In contrast to ST-80, case differences are NOT ignored, thus
+     'foo' > 'Foo' will return true; use #sameAs: to compare ignoring cases.. 
+     Since this is incompatible to ST-80, this may change."
+    |mySize    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     otherSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     n         "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     c1 c2|
+    mySize := self size.
+    otherSize := aString size.
+    n := mySize min:otherSize.
+    1 to:n do:[:index |
+	c1 := self at:index.
+	c2 := aString at:index.
+	c1 > c2 ifTrue:[^ true].
+	c1 < c2 ifTrue:[^ false].
+    ].
+    ^ mySize > otherSize
+>= something
+    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
+     receiver is greater than or equal to the argument.
+     Otherwise return false."
+    ^ (something > self) not
+    "Compare the receiver with the argument and return 1 if the receiver is
+     greater, 0 if equal and -1 if less than the argument. 
+     Case differences are NOT ignored, thus
+     'foo' compareWith: 'Foo' will return 1."
+    |mySize    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     otherSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     n         "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     c1 c2|
+    mySize := self size.
+    otherSize := aString size.
+    n := mySize min:otherSize.
+    1 to:n do:[:index |
+	c1 := self at:index.
+	c2 := aString at:index.
+	c1 > c2 ifTrue:[^ 1].
+	c1 < c2 ifTrue:[^ -1].
+    ].
+    mySize > otherSize ifTrue:[^ 1].
+    mySize < otherSize ifTrue:[^ -1].
+    ^ 0
+    "return an integer useful as a hash-key"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    REGISTER int g, val;
+    REGISTER unsigned char *cp, *cp0;
+    int l;
+    cp = _stringVal(self);
+    l = _stringSize(self);
+    if (__qClass(self) != String) {
+	int n = __OBJS2BYTES__(_intVal(_ClassInstPtr(__qClass(self))->c_ninstvars));
+	cp += n;
+	l -= n;
+    }
+    /*
+     * this is the dragon-book algorithm with a funny start
+     * value (to give short strings a number above 8192)
+     */
+    val = 12345;
+    for (cp0 = cp, cp += l - 1; cp >= cp0; cp--) {
+	val = (val << 5) + (*cp & 0x1F);
+	if (g = (val & 0x3E000000))
+	    val ^= g >> 25 /* 23 */ /* 25 */;
+	val &= 0x3FFFFFFF;
+    }
+    if (l) {
+	l |= 1; 
+	val = (val * l) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+    }
+    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(val) );
+    "Compare the receiver with the argument like =, but ignore
+     case differences. Return true or false."
+    |mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     otherSize c1 c2|
+    mySize := self size.
+    otherSize := aString size.
+    mySize == otherSize ifFalse:[^ false].
+    1 to:mySize do:[:index |
+	c1 := self at:index.
+	c2 := aString at:index.
+	c1 == c2 ifFalse:[
+	    c1 asLowercase = c2 asLowercase ifFalse:[^ false].
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "
+     'foo' sameAs: 'Foo'   
+     'foo' sameAs: 'bar' 
+     'foo' sameAs: 'foo'   
+    "
+    "count & return the number of characters which are the same
+     (ignoring case) in the receiver and the argument, aString."
+    |n "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     otherSize c1 c2 cnt|
+    n := self size.
+    n := n min:(aString size).
+    cnt := 0.
+    1 to:n do:[:index |
+	c1 := self at:index.
+	c2 := aString at:index.
+	((c1 == c2)
+	or:[c1 asLowercase = c2 asLowercase]) ifTrue:[
+	    cnt := cnt + 1
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ cnt
+    "
+     'foobarbaz' sameCharacters: 'foo'   
+     'foobarbaz' sameCharacters: 'Foo'   
+     'foobarbaz' sameCharacters: 'baz'   
+    "
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'converting'!
+    "return an array of substrings from the receiver, interpreting
+     separators (i.e. spaces & newlines) as word-delimiters.
+     This is a compatibility method - the actual work is done in
+     asCollectionOfWords."
+    ^ self asCollectionOfWords asArray
+    "
+     '1 one two three four 5 five' asArrayOfSubstrings  
+    "
+    "return a collection containing the lines (separated by cr) 
+     of the receiver. If multiple cr's occur in a row, the result will
+     contain empty strings."
+    ^ self asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:Character cr
+    "
+     '1 one\2 two\3 three\4 four\5 five' withCRs asCollectionOfLines
+     '1 one\\\\2 two\3 three' withCRs asCollectionOfLines  
+    "
+    "return a collection containing the lines (separated by aCharacter) 
+     of the receiver. If aCharacter occurs multiple times in a row, 
+     the result will contain empty strings."
+    |lines myClass
+     numberOfLines "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+     startIndex    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+     stopIndex     "{ Class:SmallInteger }" |
+    "
+     count first, to avoid regrowing of the OC
+    "
+    numberOfLines := (self occurrencesOf:aCharacter) + 1.
+    lines := OrderedCollection new:numberOfLines.
+    myClass := self species.
+    startIndex := 1.
+    1 to:numberOfLines do:[:lineNr |
+	stopIndex := self indexOf:aCharacter startingAt:startIndex.
+	stopIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    stopIndex := self size
+	] ifFalse: [
+	    stopIndex := stopIndex - 1.
+	].
+	(stopIndex < startIndex) ifTrue: [
+	    lines add:(myClass new:0)
+	] ifFalse: [
+	    lines add:(self copyFrom:startIndex to:stopIndex)
+	].
+	startIndex := stopIndex + 2
+    ].
+    ^ lines
+    "
+     '1 one:2 two:3 three:4 four:5 five' withCRs asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$: 
+     '1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five' withCRs asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:Character space
+    "
+    "return a collection containing the words (separated by any character
+     from aCollectionOfSeparators) of the receiver.
+     This allows breaking up strings using any character as separator."
+    |words
+     start  "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
+     stop   "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
+     mySize "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|
+    words := OrderedCollection new.
+    start := 1.
+    mySize := self size.
+    [start <= mySize] whileTrue:[
+	"skip multiple separators"
+	[aCollectionOfSeparators includes:(self at:start)] whileTrue:[
+	    start := start + 1 .
+	    start > mySize ifTrue:[
+		^ words
+	    ].
+	].
+	stop := self indexOfAny:aCollectionOfSeparators startingAt:start.
+	stop == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    words add:(self copyFrom:start to:mySize).
+	    ^ words
+	].
+	words add:(self copyFrom:start to:(stop - 1)).
+	start := stop
+    ].
+    ^ words
+    "
+     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:#($:)
+     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:':' 
+     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:(Array with:$: with:Character space) 
+     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:': ' 
+     'h1e2l3l4o' asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:($1 to: $9) 
+    "
+    "return a collection containing the words (separated by whitespace) 
+     of the receiver. Multiple occurences of whitespace characters will
+     be treated like one - i.e. whitespace is skipped."
+    |words
+     start  "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
+     stop   "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
+     mySize "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|
+    words := OrderedCollection new.
+    start := 1.
+    mySize := self size.
+    [start <= mySize] whileTrue:[
+	start := self indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:start.
+	start == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ words
+	].
+	stop := self indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:start.
+	stop == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    words add:(self copyFrom:start to:mySize).
+	    ^ words
+	].
+	words add:(self copyFrom:start to:(stop - 1)).
+	start := stop
+    ].
+    ^ words
+    "
+     'hello world isnt this nice' asCollectionOfWords
+     '    hello    world   isnt   this   nice  ' asCollectionOfWords
+     'hello' asCollectionOfWords
+     '' asCollectionOfWords
+     '      ' asCollectionOfWords
+    "
+    ^ ComposedText fromString:self
+    "return a Filename with pathname taken from the receiver"
+    ^ Filename named:self
+    "read a float number from the receiver.
+     Notice, that errors may occur during the read, so you better
+     setup some signal handler when using this method."
+    ^ (Number readFromString:self) asFloat
+    "
+     '0.123' asFloat 
+     '12345' asFloat
+     '(1/5)' asFloat
+     Object errorSignal handle:[:ex | ex returnWith:0] do:['foo' asFloat] 
+    "
+    "read an integer from the receiver.
+     Notice, that errors may occur during the read, so you better
+     setup some signal handler when using this method."
+    ^ Integer readFromString:self
+    "
+     '12345678901234567890' asInteger
+     '-1234' asInteger
+     '0.123' asInteger   <- reader stops at ., returning 0 here
+     '0.123' asNumber    <- returns what you expect
+     Object errorSignal handle:[:ex | ex returnWith:0] do:['foo' asInteger] 
+    "
+    "return a copy of myself in lowercase letters"
+    |newStr
+     mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    mySize := self size.
+    newStr := self species new:mySize.
+    1 to:mySize do:[:i |
+	newStr at:i put:(self at:i) asLowercase
+    ].
+    ^ newStr
+    "
+     'HelloWorld' asLowercase   
+     'HelloWorld' asLowercaseFirst   
+    "
+    "return a copy of myself where the first character is
+     converted to lowercase."
+    |newString sz|
+    sz := self size.
+    newString := self copyFrom:1 to:sz.
+    sz > 0 ifTrue:[
+	newString at:1 put:(newString at:1) asLowercase
+    ].
+    ^ newString
+    "
+     'HelloWorld' asLowercase   
+     'HelloWorld' asLowercaseFirst   
+    "
+    "read a number from the receiver.
+     Notice, that (in contrast to ST-80) errors may occur during the read, 
+     so you better setup some signal handler when using this method.
+     This may change if ANSI specifies it."
+"/ ST-80 behavior:
+"/  ^ Number readFromString:self onError:0
+    ^ Number readFromString:self
+    "
+     '123'     asNumber
+     '123.567' asNumber
+     '(5/6)'   asNumber
+     'foo'     asNumber
+     Object errorSignal handle:[:ex | ex returnWith:0] do:['foo' asNumber] 
+    "
+    "read a number from the receiver, ignoring any nonDigit characters.
+     This is typically used to convert from strings which include
+     dollar-signs or millenium digits. However, this method also ignores
+     the decimal point (if any) and therefore should be used with care."
+    |tempString|
+    tempString := self collect:[:char | char isDigit].
+    ^ Number readFromString:tempString onError:0
+    "
+     'USD 123' asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
+     'DM 123'  asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
+     '123'     asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
+     '123.567' asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
+     '(5/6)'   asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
+     'foo'     asNumberFromFormatString:'foo'
+    "
+    "return the receiver converted to a 'normal' string"
+    ^ String fromString:self
+    "return myself - I am a string"
+    ^ self
+    "return a collection of lines from myself."
+    ^ StringCollection from:self
+    "return the receiver converted to a two-byte string"
+    ^ TwoByteString fromString:self
+    "return a copy of myself in uppercase letters"
+    |newStr
+     mySize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    mySize := self size.
+    newStr := self species new:mySize.
+    1 to:mySize do:[:i |
+	newStr at:i put:(self at:i) asUppercase
+    ].
+    ^ newStr
+    "
+     'helloWorld' asUppercase      
+     'helloWorld' asUppercaseFirst 
+    "
+    "return a copy of myself where the first character is
+     converted to uppercase."
+    |newString sz|
+    sz := self size.
+    newString := self copyFrom:1 to:sz.
+    sz > 0 ifTrue:[
+	newString at:1 put:(newString at:1) asUppercase
+    ].
+    ^ newString
+    "
+     'helloWorld' asUppercase      
+     'helloWorld' asUppercaseFirst 
+     'HelloWorld' asUppercaseFirst   
+    "
+replaceFrom:aString decode:encoding 
+    "this is an experimental interface - unfinished"
+    |table|
+    table := self class decoderTableFor:encoding.
+    table isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ self replaceFrom:aString
+    ].
+    1 to:self size do:[:index |
+	|char oldCode newCode|
+	char := aString at:index.
+	oldCode := char asciiValue.
+	newCode := table at:(oldCode + 1).
+	newCode ~~ oldCode ifTrue:[
+	    self at:index put:(Character value:newCode)
+	]
+    ].
+    "Created: 20.10.1995 / 23:00:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: 20.10.1995 / 23:08:16 / cg"
+    ^ self
+    "this is an ST-80 alias for the ST/X method
+	asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:"
+    ^ self asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:aCharacter
+    "
+     'hello:world:isnt:this nice' tokensBasedOn:$:
+     'foo,bar,baz' tokensBasedOn:$,
+     '/etc/passwd' asFilename readStream nextLine tokensBasedOn:$:
+    "
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'copying'!
+concatenate:string1 and:string2
+    "return the concatenation of myself and the arguments, string1 and string2.
+     This is equivalent to self , string1 , string2
+     - generated by compiler when such a construct is detected and the receiver
+     is known to be a string."
+    ^ self , string1 , string2
+concatenate:string1 and:string2 and:string3
+    "return the concatenation of myself and the string arguments.
+     This is equivalent to self , string1 , string2 , string3
+     - generated by compiler when such a construct is detected and the receiver
+     is known to be a string."
+    ^ self , string1 , string2 , string3
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'displaying'!
+displayOn:aGc x:x y:y
+    "display the receiver in a graphicsContext - this method allows
+     strings to be used like DisplayObjects."
+    ^ aGc displayString:self x:x y:y.
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'padded copying'!
+    "return a new string of length size, which contains the receiver
+     right-adjusted (i.e. padded on the left).
+     Characters on the left are filled with spaces.
+     If the receivers size is equal or greater than the length argument, 
+     the original receiver is returned unchanged."
+    ^ self leftPaddedTo:size with:(Character space)
+    "
+     'foo' leftPaddedTo:10  
+     'fooBar' leftPaddedTo:5      
+     123 printString leftPaddedTo:10        
+    "
+leftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
+    "return a new string of length size, which contains the receiver
+     right-adjusted (i.e. padded on the left).
+     Characters on the left are filled with padCharacter.
+     If the receivers size is equal or greater than the length argument, 
+     the original receiver is returned unchanged."
+    |len s|
+    len := self size.
+    (len < size) ifTrue:[
+	s := self species new:size withAll:padCharacter.
+	s replaceFrom:(size - len + 1) with:self.
+	^ s
+    ]
+    "
+     'foo' leftPaddedTo:10 with:$.      
+     'fooBar' leftPaddedTo:5 with:$.      
+     123 printString leftPaddedTo:10 with:$.        
+     (' ' , 123 printString) leftPaddedTo:10 with:$.        
+     (Float pi printString) leftPaddedTo:15 with:(Character space)  
+     (Float pi printString) leftPaddedTo:15 with:$-           
+     (' ' , Float pi class name) leftPaddedTo:15 with:$.     
+    "
+     "return a new string consisting of the receivers characters,
+     plus spaces up to length.
+     If the receivers size is equal or greater than the length argument, 
+     the original receiver is returned unchanged."
+     ^ self paddedTo:newSize with:(Character space)
+    "
+     'foo' paddedTo:10            
+     123 printString paddedTo:10 
+    "
+paddedTo:newSize with:padCharacter
+    "return a new string consisting of the receivers characters,
+     plus pad characters up to length.
+     If the receivers size is equal or greater than the length argument, 
+     the  original receiver is returned unchanged."
+    |s len|
+    len := self size.
+    len < newSize ifTrue:[
+	s := self species new:newSize withAll:padCharacter.
+	s replaceFrom:1 to:len with:self.
+	^ s
+    ]
+    "
+     'foo' paddedTo:10 with:$.             
+     123 printString paddedTo:10 with:$*   
+     (Float pi printString) paddedTo:15 with:(Character space)  
+     (Float pi printString) paddedTo:15 with:$-  
+     (Float pi class name , ' ') paddedTo:15 with:$.  
+    "
 ! !
 !CharacterArray methodsFor:'pattern matching'!
@@ -1774,6 +1322,20 @@
+    "like includesString, but allowing match patterns.
+     find matchstring; if found, return true, otherwise return false"
+    ^ (self findMatchString:matchString) ~~ 0
+    "
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h*'
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h[aeiou]llo' 
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'wor*'     
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'woR*'     
+    "
     "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match 
      characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character).
@@ -1796,36 +1358,6 @@
-match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase
-    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match 
-     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
-     or [...] to match a set of characters.
-     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching, 
-	     NOT the ST-80 meaning."
-    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:ignoreCase
-    "
-     '*ute*' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:true  
-     '*uter' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:false 
-     '[abcd]*' match:'computer' ignoreCase:false 
-     '[abcd]*' match:'Computer' ignoreCase:false 
-     '[a-k]*' match:'komputer' ignoreCase:false   
-     '[a-k]*' match:'zomputer' ignoreCase:false    
-     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:false    
-     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:true     
-     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is some more complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true 
-     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is another complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true 
-     Time millisecondsToRun:[
-	Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
-	    '[ab]*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
-	]
-     ]. 
-    "
 match:aString from:start to:stop ignoreCase:ignoreCase
     "return true if part of aString matches myself, 
      where self may contain meta-match 
@@ -1867,54 +1399,615 @@
-    "like includesString, but allowing match patterns.
-     find matchstring; if found, return true, otherwise return false"
+match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match 
+     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
+     or [...] to match a set of characters.
+     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching, 
+	     NOT the ST-80 meaning."
+    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "
+     '*ute*' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:true  
+     '*uter' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:false 
+     '[abcd]*' match:'computer' ignoreCase:false 
+     '[abcd]*' match:'Computer' ignoreCase:false 
+     '[a-k]*' match:'komputer' ignoreCase:false   
+     '[a-k]*' match:'zomputer' ignoreCase:false    
+     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:false    
+     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:true     
+     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is some more complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true 
+     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is another complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true 
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[
+	Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
+	    '[ab]*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
+	]
+     ]. 
+    "
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
+    "return an article string for the receiver."
+    |firstChar|
+    firstChar := (self at:1) asLowercase. 
+    (firstChar isVowel or:[firstChar == $x]) ifTrue:[
+	firstChar ~~ $u ifTrue:[
+	     ^ 'an'
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 'a'
+    "return a string to display the receiver - use storeString to have
+     quotes around."
+    ^ self storeString
+    "print the receiver on aStream"
+    aStream nextPutAll:self
+    "return a string for printing - thats myself"
+    ^ self
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ #unknown
+    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of string;
+     true is returned here - redefinition of Object>>isString."
+    ^ true
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'special string converting'!
+    "if the receivers size is less or equal to maxLen, return it.
+     Otherwise, return a copy of the receiver, where some characters 
+     in the middle have been removed for a total string length
+     of maxLen."
+    |sz n1 n2|
+    (sz := self size) > maxLen ifTrue:[
+	n1 := n2 := maxLen // 2.
+	maxLen odd ifTrue:[
+	    n2 := n1 + 1
+	].
+	^ (self copyFrom:1 to:n1) , (self copyFrom:sz - n2 + 1)
+    ]
+    "
+     '12345678901234'   chopTo:15            
+     '123456789012345'  chopTo:15         
+     '1234567890123456' chopTo:15      
+     'aShortString' chopTo:15 
+     'aVeryLongNameForAStringThatShouldBeShortened' chopTo:15 
+    "
+    "if the receivers size is less or equal to maxLen, return it.
+     Otherwise, return a copy of the receiver, where some characters 
+     at the beginning have been replaced by '...' for a total string length
+     of maxLen. Can be used to abbreviate long entries in tables."
+    |sz|
+    (sz := self size) > maxLen ifTrue:[
+	^ '...' , (self copyFrom:(sz - (maxLen - 4))) 
+    ]
+    "
+     '12345678901234' contractAtBeginningTo:15          
+     '123456789012345' contractAtBeginningTo:15          
+     '1234567890123456' contractAtBeginningTo:15          
+     'aShortString' contractAtBeginningTo:15          
+     'aVeryLongNameForAStringThatShouldBeShortened' contractAtBeginningTo:15
+    "
-    ^ (self findMatchString:matchString) ~~ 0
+    "if the receivers size is less or equal to maxLen, return it.
+     Otherwise, return a copy of the receiver, where some characters 
+     at the end have been replaced by '...' for a total string length
+     of maxLen. Can be used to abbreviate long entries in tables."
+    |sz|
+    (sz := self size) > maxLen ifTrue:[
+	^ self copyReplaceFrom:maxLen - 3
+			    with:'...'
+    ]
+    "
+     '12345678901234' contractAtEndTo:15          
+     '123456789012345' contractAtEndTo:15          
+     '1234567890123456' contractAtEndTo:15          
+     'aShortString' contractAtEndTo:15          
+     'aVeryLongNameForAStringThatShouldBeShortened' contractAtEndTo:15 
+    "
+    "if the receivers size is less or equal to maxLen, return it.
+     Otherwise, return a copy of the receiver, where some characters 
+     in the middle have been replaced by '...' for a total string length
+     of maxLen. Can be used to abbreviate long entries in tables."
+    |sz "{ SmallInteger }"
+     halfSize "{ SmallInteger }"|
+    (sz := self size) > maxLen ifTrue:[
+	halfSize := maxLen // 2.
+	^ self copyReplaceFrom:halfSize - 1
+			    to:sz - maxLen + halfSize + 1
+			    with:'...'
+    ]
+    "
+     '12345678901234' contractTo:15          
+     '123456789012345' contractTo:15          
+     '1234567890123456' contractTo:15        
+     'aShortString' contractTo:15 
+     'aVeryLongNameForAStringThatShouldBeShortened' contractTo:15 
+    "
+    "return a copy of the receiver, where all %i escapes are
+     replaced by corresponding arguments from the argArray.
+     I.e. 'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') results
+     in the new string 'hello world; how is this'.
+     To get a '%' character, use a '%%'-escape.
+     See also bindWith:... for VisualAge compatibility."
+    |expandedString next 
+     idx   "{ SmallInteger }"
+     start "{ SmallInteger }"
+     stop  "{ SmallInteger }"|
+    expandedString := ''.
+    stop := self size.
+    start := 1.
+    [start <= stop] whileTrue:[
+	idx := self indexOf:$% startingAt:start.
+	idx == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ expandedString , (self copyFrom:start to:stop)
+	].
+	"found a %"
+	expandedString := expandedString , (self copyFrom:start to:(idx - 1)).
+	next := self at:(idx + 1).
+	(next == $%) ifTrue:[
+	    expandedString := expandedString , '%'
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    expandedString := expandedString , (argArray at:(next digitValue)) printString
+	].
+	start := idx + 2
+    ].
+    ^  expandedString
+    "
+     'hello %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world') 
+     'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') 
+     'hello %2; how is %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') 
+    "
+    "return a new string consisting of receivers characters
+     with all \-characters replaced by cr-characters."
+    ^ self copy replaceAll:$\ by:(Character cr)
+    "
+     'hello\world' withCRs
+    "
+    "return a new string consisting of receivers characters
+     with all \X-character escapes replaced by corresponding-characters.
+     (similar to the way C-language Strings are converted).
+     The following escapes are supported:
+	\r      return character
+	\n      newline character
+	\b      backspace character
+	\f      formfeed character
+	\t      tab character
+	\\      the \ character itself
+	\nnn    three digit octal number defining the characters ascii value
+	\other  other
+     Notice, that \' is NOT a valid escape, since the general syntax of
+     string constants is not affected by this method.
+     Although easily implementable, this is NOT done automatically
+     by the compiler (due to a lack of a language standard for this).
+     However, the compiler may detect sends ot #withEscapes to string literals
+     and place a modified string constant into the binary/byte-code.
+     Therefore, no runtime penalty will be payed for using these escapes.
+     (not in pre 2.11 versions)
+    "
+    |sz      "{ SmallInteger }"
+     newSize "{ SmallInteger }"
+     srcIdx  "{ SmallInteger }"
+     dstIdx  "{ SmallInteger }"
+     val     "{ SmallInteger }"
+     newString next start| 
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h*'
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h[aeiou]llo' 
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'wor*'     
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'woR*'     
+     first, count the number of escapes, to allow preallocation
+     of the new string ...
+     (it is faster to scan the string twice than to reallocate it multiple
+      times in a WriteStream)
+    "
+    sz := newSize := self size.
+    srcIdx := 1.
+    [(srcIdx := self indexOf:$\ startingAt:srcIdx) ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+	srcIdx == sz ifFalse:[
+	    newSize := newSize - 1.
+	    srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
+	    next := self at:srcIdx.
+	    next == $0 ifTrue:[
+		[(self at:srcIdx) isDigit] whileTrue:[
+		    newSize := newSize - 1. srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
+    ].
+    newSize == sz ifTrue:[
+	^ self
+    ].
+    newString := self species new:newSize.
+    "
+     copy over, replace escapes
+    "
+    srcIdx := dstIdx := 1.
+    [srcIdx <= sz] whileTrue:[
+	next := self at:srcIdx.
+	srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
+	next == $\ ifTrue:[
+	    srcIdx <= sz ifTrue:[
+		next := self at:srcIdx.
+		srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
+		next == $r ifTrue:[
+		    next := Character return
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    next == $n ifTrue:[
+			next := Character nl
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			next == $b ifTrue:[
+			    next := Character backspace
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    next == $f ifTrue:[
+				next := Character newPage
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				next == $t ifTrue:[
+				    next := Character tab
+				] ifFalse:[
+				    next == $0 ifTrue:[
+					val := 0.
+					[next isDigit] whileTrue:[
+					    val := val * 8 + next digitValue.
+					    next := self at:srcIdx.
+					    srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
+					].
+					next := Character value:val.
+				    ]
+				]
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ]
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
+	newString at:dstIdx put:next.
+	dstIdx := dstIdx + 1.
+    ].
+    ^ newString
+    "
+     'hello world' withEscapes  
+     'hello\world' withEscapes   
+     'hello\world\' withEscapes   
+     'hello world\' withEscapes   
+     'hello\tworld' withEscapes   
+     'hello\nworld\na\n\tnice\n\t\tstring' withEscapes   
+     'hello\tworld\n' withEscapes   
+     'hello\010world' withEscapes   
+     'hello\r\nworld' withEscapes   
+    "
+    "return a copy of the receiver where leading spaces are
+     replaced by tabulator characters (assuming 8-col tabs)"
+    |idx   "{ SmallInteger }" 
+     nTabs "{ SmallInteger }" 
+     newString|
+    idx := self findFirst:[:c | (c ~~ Character space)].
+    nTabs := (idx-1) // 8.
+    nTabs == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+    "any tabs"
+    newString := self class new:(self size - (nTabs * 7)).
+    newString atAll:(1 to:nTabs) put:(Character tab).
+    newString replaceFrom:(nTabs + 1) with:self startingAt:(nTabs * 8 + 1).
+    ^ newString
+    "
+     '12345678901234567890' withTabs 
+     '       8901234567890' withTabs 
+     '        901234567890' withTabs  
+     '               67890' withTabs
+     '                7890' withTabs
+     '                 890' withTabs
+    "
+    "return a copy of the receiver where all tabulator characters
+     are expanded into spaces (assuming 8-col tabs)"
+    |idx "{ SmallInteger }" str|
+    (self includes:(Character tab)) ifFalse:[^ self].
+    str := WriteStream on:String new.
+    idx := 1.
+    self do:[:ch |
+	ch == Character tab ifFalse:[
+	    str nextPut:ch.
+	    idx := idx + 1
+	] ifTrue:[
+	    (idx \\ 8) to:8 do:[:ii |
+		str space.
+		idx := idx + 1
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ str contents
+    "
+     (String with:Character tab
+	     with:Character tab
+	     with:$1) withTabsExpanded
+     (String with:Character tab
+	     with:$1
+	     with:Character tab
+	     with:$2) withTabsExpanded  
+    "
+    "return a new collection consisting of receivers elements
+     with all cr-characters replaced by \-characters.
+     This is the reverse operation of withCRs."
+    ^ self copy replaceAll:(Character cr) by:$\
+    "
+     'hello
+world' withoutCRs
+    "return a copy of myself without leading separators.
+     Notice: this does remove tabs, newline or any other whitespace.
+     Returns an empty string, if the receiver consist only of whitespace."
+    |index|
+    index := self indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1.
+    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	index == 1 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	^ self copyFrom:index
+    ].
+    ^ ''
+    "
+     '    foo    ' withoutLeadingSeparators  
+     'foo    '     withoutLeadingSeparators   
+     '    foo'     withoutLeadingSeparators  
+     '       '     withoutLeadingSeparators   
+     'foo'         withoutLeadingSeparators   
+     ('  ' , Character tab asString , ' foo   ') withoutLeadingSeparators inspect 
+    "
+    "return a copy of myself without leading and trailing whitespace.
+     Whitespace is space, tab, newline, formfeed.
+     Use withoutSpaces, if you want to remove spaces only."
+    |startIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     endIndex   "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     sz|
+    sz := self size.
+    startIndex := 1.
+    endIndex := sz.
+    [(startIndex < endIndex) and:[(self at:startIndex) isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
+	startIndex := startIndex + 1
+    ].
+    [(endIndex > 1) and:[(self at:endIndex) isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
+	endIndex := endIndex - 1
+    ].
+    startIndex > endIndex ifTrue:[
+	^ ''
+    ].
+    ((startIndex == 1) and:[endIndex == sz]) ifTrue:[
+	^ self
+    ].
+    ^ self copyFrom:startIndex to:endIndex
+    "
+     '    foo    ' withoutSeparators      
+     '    foo' withoutSeparators      
+     'foo    ' withoutSeparators      
+     '       ' withoutSeparators      
+     ('  foo' , Character tab asString , '    ') withoutSeparators inspect 
+    "
+    "return a copy of myself without leading and trailing spaces.
+     Notice: this does NOT remove tabs, newline or any other whitespace.
+     Use withoutSeparators for this."
+    |startIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     endIndex   "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     sz|
+    sz := self size.
+    startIndex := 1.
+    endIndex := sz.
+    [(startIndex < endIndex) and:[(self at:startIndex) == Character space]] whileTrue:[
+	startIndex := startIndex + 1
+    ].
+    [(endIndex > 1) and:[(self at:endIndex) == Character space]] whileTrue:[
+	endIndex := endIndex - 1
+    ].
+    startIndex > endIndex ifTrue:[
+	^ ''
+    ].
+    ((startIndex == 1) and:[endIndex == sz]) ifTrue:[
+	^ self
+    ].
+    ^ self copyFrom:startIndex to:endIndex
+    "
+     '    foo    ' withoutSpaces  
+     'foo    '     withoutSpaces   
+     '    foo'     withoutSpaces  
+     '       '     withoutSpaces   
+     ('  foo' , Character tab asString , '    ') withoutSpaces inspect 
+    "
+! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'substring searching'!
+    "find a substring. if found, return the index;
+     if not found, return 0."
+    ^ self indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:1 ifAbsent:[0]
+    "
+     'hello world' findString:'llo'   
+     'hello world' findString:'ole'  
+    "
+findString:subString ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+    "find a substring. If found, return the index;
+     if not found, return the result of evaluating exceptionBlock."
+    ^ self indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:1 ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+findString:subString startingAt:index
+    "find a substring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
+     if not found, return 0."
+    ^ self indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:index ifAbsent:[0]
+    "
+     'hello yello' findString:'llo' startingAt:1   
+     'hello yello' findString:'llo' startingAt:5   
+     'hello yello' findString:'llo' startingAt:15   
+    "
+findString:subString startingAt:index ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+    "find a substring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
+     if not found, return the result of evaluating exceptionBlock."
+    ^ self indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:index ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+    "return true, if a substring is contained in the receiver"
+    ^ (self indexOfSubCollection:aString startingAt:1 ifAbsent:[0]) ~~ 0
+    "
+     'hello world' includesString:'hel' 
+     'hello world' includesString:'rld' 
+     'hello world' includesString:'llo'  
+     'hello world' includesString:'LLO'   
+    "
+indexOfSubCollection:subString startingAt:index ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+    "find a substring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
+     if not found, return the result of evaluating exceptionBlock.
+     This is a q&d hack - not very efficient"
+    |firstChar found
+     startIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     subSize    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     mySize     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     runIdx     "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    subSize := subString size.
+    subSize == 0 ifTrue:[^ index]. "empty string matches"
+    mySize := self size.
+    firstChar := subString at:1.
+    startIndex := self indexOf:firstChar startingAt:index.
+    [startIndex == 0] whileFalse:[
+	runIdx := startIndex.
+	found := true.
+	1 to:subSize do:[:i |
+	    runIdx > mySize ifTrue:[
+		found := false
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(subString at:i) ~~ (self at:runIdx) ifTrue:[
+		    found := false
+		]
+	    ].
+	    runIdx := runIdx + 1
+	].
+	found ifTrue:[
+	    ^ startIndex
+	].
+	startIndex := self indexOf:firstChar startingAt:(startIndex + 1)
+    ].
+    ^ exceptionBlock value
 ! !
 !CharacterArray methodsFor:'testing'!
-    "return true, if the receiver contains spaces only"
-    self do:[:char |
-	char ~~ Character space ifTrue:[^ false].
-    ].
-    ^ true
-    "return true, if the receiver is some alphanumeric word;
-     i.e. consists of a letter followed by letters or digits."
-    self size == 0 ifTrue:[
-	"mhmh what is this ?"
-	^ false
-    ].
-    (self at:1) isLetter ifFalse:[^ false].
-    self do:[:char |
-	char isLetterOrDigit ifFalse:[^ false].
-    ].
-    ^ true
-    "
-     'helloWorld' isAlphaNumeric  
-     'foo1234' isAlphaNumeric    
-     'f1234' isAlphaNumeric      
-     '1234' isAlphaNumeric       
-     '+' isAlphaNumeric         
-    "
     "return the number of words, which are separated by separators"
@@ -1946,56 +2039,36 @@
-    "treating the receiver as a message selector, return how many arguments would it take"
-    |binopChars|
+    "return true, if the receiver is some alphanumeric word;
+     i.e. consists of a letter followed by letters or digits."
-    (self size > 2) ifFalse:[
-	binopChars := '|&-+=*/\<>~@,'.
-	(self size == 1) ifTrue:[
-	    ((binopChars occurrencesOf:(self at:1)) == 0) ifTrue:[^ 0].
-	    ^ 1
-	].
-	((binopChars occurrencesOf:(self at:1)) == 0) ifFalse:[
-	    ((binopChars occurrencesOf:(self at:2)) == 0) ifFalse:[^ 1]
-	]
+    self size == 0 ifTrue:[
+	"mhmh what is this ?"
+	^ false
-    ^ self occurrencesOf:$:
+    (self at:1) isLetter ifFalse:[^ false].
+    self do:[:char |
+	char isLetterOrDigit ifFalse:[^ false].
+    ].
+    ^ true
-     'foo:bar:' numArgs  
-     #foo:bar: numArgs    
-     'hello' numArgs       
-     '+' numArgs   
+     'helloWorld' isAlphaNumeric  
+     'foo1234' isAlphaNumeric    
+     'f1234' isAlphaNumeric      
+     '1234' isAlphaNumeric       
+     '+' isAlphaNumeric         
-    "treat the receiver as a message selector, return a collection of parts."
-    |idx1 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     coll idx2 sz|
+    "return true, if the receiver contains spaces only"
-    coll := OrderedCollection new.
-    idx1 := 1.
-    sz := self size.
-    [true] whileTrue:[
-	idx2 := self indexOf:$: startingAt:idx1 + 1.
-	(idx2 == 0 or:[idx2 == sz]) ifTrue:[
-	    coll add:(self copyFrom:idx1).
-	    ^ coll
-	].
-	coll add:(self copyFrom:idx1 to:idx2).
-	idx1 := idx2 + 1
+    self do:[:char |
+	char ~~ Character space ifTrue:[^ false].
-    "
-     'foo:bar:' partsIfSelector     
-     #foo:bar: partsIfSelector     
-     'hello' partsIfSelector       
-     '+' partsIfSelector           
-    "
+    ^ true
@@ -2091,6 +2164,58 @@
     ^ (d at:(len1 + 1)) at:(len2 + 1)
+    "treating the receiver as a message selector, return how many arguments would it take"
+    |binopChars|
+    (self size > 2) ifFalse:[
+	binopChars := '|&-+=*/\<>~@,'.
+	(self size == 1) ifTrue:[
+	    ((binopChars occurrencesOf:(self at:1)) == 0) ifTrue:[^ 0].
+	    ^ 1
+	].
+	((binopChars occurrencesOf:(self at:1)) == 0) ifFalse:[
+	    ((binopChars occurrencesOf:(self at:2)) == 0) ifFalse:[^ 1]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ self occurrencesOf:$:
+    "
+     'foo:bar:' numArgs  
+     #foo:bar: numArgs    
+     'hello' numArgs       
+     '+' numArgs   
+    "
+    "treat the receiver as a message selector, return a collection of parts."
+    |idx1 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     coll idx2 sz|
+    coll := OrderedCollection new.
+    idx1 := 1.
+    sz := self size.
+    [true] whileTrue:[
+	idx2 := self indexOf:$: startingAt:idx1 + 1.
+	(idx2 == 0 or:[idx2 == sz]) ifTrue:[
+	    coll add:(self copyFrom:idx1).
+	    ^ coll
+	].
+	coll add:(self copyFrom:idx1 to:idx2).
+	idx1 := idx2 + 1
+    ].
+    "
+     'foo:bar:' partsIfSelector     
+     #foo:bar: partsIfSelector     
+     'hello' partsIfSelector       
+     '+' partsIfSelector           
+    "
 spellAgainst: aString 
     "return an integer between 0 and 100 indicating how similar 
      the argument is to the receiver.  No case conversion is done.
@@ -2145,127 +2270,3 @@
 ! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'padded copying'!
-     "return a new string consisting of the receivers characters,
-     plus spaces up to length.
-     If the receivers size is equal or greater than the length argument, 
-     the original receiver is returned unchanged."
-     ^ self paddedTo:newSize with:(Character space)
-    "
-     'foo' paddedTo:10            
-     123 printString paddedTo:10 
-    "
-paddedTo:newSize with:padCharacter
-    "return a new string consisting of the receivers characters,
-     plus pad characters up to length.
-     If the receivers size is equal or greater than the length argument, 
-     the  original receiver is returned unchanged."
-    |s len|
-    len := self size.
-    len < newSize ifTrue:[
-	s := self species new:newSize withAll:padCharacter.
-	s replaceFrom:1 to:len with:self.
-	^ s
-    ]
-    "
-     'foo' paddedTo:10 with:$.             
-     123 printString paddedTo:10 with:$*   
-     (Float pi printString) paddedTo:15 with:(Character space)  
-     (Float pi printString) paddedTo:15 with:$-  
-     (Float pi class name , ' ') paddedTo:15 with:$.  
-    "
-    "return a new string of length size, which contains the receiver
-     right-adjusted (i.e. padded on the left).
-     Characters on the left are filled with spaces.
-     If the receivers size is equal or greater than the length argument, 
-     the original receiver is returned unchanged."
-    ^ self leftPaddedTo:size with:(Character space)
-    "
-     'foo' leftPaddedTo:10  
-     'fooBar' leftPaddedTo:5      
-     123 printString leftPaddedTo:10        
-    "
-leftPaddedTo:size with:padCharacter
-    "return a new string of length size, which contains the receiver
-     right-adjusted (i.e. padded on the left).
-     Characters on the left are filled with padCharacter.
-     If the receivers size is equal or greater than the length argument, 
-     the original receiver is returned unchanged."
-    |len s|
-    len := self size.
-    (len < size) ifTrue:[
-	s := self species new:size withAll:padCharacter.
-	s replaceFrom:(size - len + 1) with:self.
-	^ s
-    ]
-    "
-     'foo' leftPaddedTo:10 with:$.      
-     'fooBar' leftPaddedTo:5 with:$.      
-     123 printString leftPaddedTo:10 with:$.        
-     (' ' , 123 printString) leftPaddedTo:10 with:$.        
-     (Float pi printString) leftPaddedTo:15 with:(Character space)  
-     (Float pi printString) leftPaddedTo:15 with:$-           
-     (' ' , Float pi class name) leftPaddedTo:15 with:$.     
-    "
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'copying'!
-concatenate:string1 and:string2
-    "return the concatenation of myself and the arguments, string1 and string2.
-     This is equivalent to self , string1 , string2
-     - generated by compiler when such a construct is detected and the receiver
-     is known to be a string."
-    ^ self , string1 , string2
-concatenate:string1 and:string2 and:string3
-    "return the concatenation of myself and the string arguments.
-     This is equivalent to self , string1 , string2 , string3
-     - generated by compiler when such a construct is detected and the receiver
-     is known to be a string."
-    ^ self , string1 , string2 , string3
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'displaying'!
-displayOn:aGc x:x y:y
-    "display the receiver in a graphicsContext - this method allows
-     strings to be used like DisplayObjects."
-    ^ aGc displayString:self x:x y:y.
-! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of string;
-     true is returned here - redefinition of Object>>isString."
-    ^ true
-    ^ #unknown
-! !