changeset 16285 d8b8eb36dbed
parent 16279 1addd0eeec26
child 16289 78bd98e104bb
--- a/	Thu Mar 27 10:22:22 2014 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Mar 28 13:02:03 2014 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gittinger
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1998-2004 by eXept Software AG
@@ -8635,7 +8637,7 @@
     "return true, if there is some kind of console available
      (i.e. for proper stdIn, stdOut and stdErr handling).
-     This only returns false when running únder windows, and
+     This only returns false when running únder windows, and
      the system is running as a pure windows application.
      If false, the miniDebugger is useless and not used."
@@ -12298,8 +12300,8 @@
-	Wer versucht unter Vista die Registy HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA abzufragen wird zunächst enttäuscht.
-	Die UAC UserAccessControl verhindern dies nämlich (selbs für den admin).
+	Wer versucht unter Vista die Registy HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA abzufragen wird zunächst enttäuscht.
+	Die UAC UserAccessControl verhindern dies nämlich (selbs für den admin).
 	Um dies zu umgehen:
@@ -16860,23 +16862,40 @@
 !Win32OperatingSystem::Win32SocketHandle class methodsFor:'queries'!
-getAddressInfo:hostName serviceName:serviceNameArg domain:domainArg type:typeArg protocol:protoArg flags:flags
+getAddressInfo:hostNameArg serviceName:serviceNameArg domain:domainArg type:typeArg protocol:protoArg flags:flags
     "answer an Array of socket addresses for serviceName on hostName
      Domain, type, protocol may be nil or specify a hint for the socket
      addresses to be returned."
-    |error errorString result domain type proto serviceName port|
+    |error errorString result domain type proto hostName serviceName port|
     domain := OperatingSystem domainCodeOf:domainArg.
     type := OperatingSystem socketTypeCodeOf:typeArg.
     proto := self protocolCodeOf:protoArg.
     serviceNameArg notNil ifTrue:[
-	serviceName := serviceNameArg printString.      "convert integer port numbers"
-	serviceNameArg isInteger ifTrue:[
-	    port := serviceNameArg.
-	].
+        serviceName := serviceNameArg printString.      "convert integer port numbers"
+        serviceNameArg isInteger ifTrue:[
+            port := serviceNameArg.
+        ].
     ]. "ifFalse:[serviceName := nil]"
+#if 1 || !defined(AI_NUMERICHOST)
+    "have to convert serviceName and hostName to single byte strings
+     until we implement getAddrInfoW() for Borland C.
+     If we really have 16-bit hostnames, this fails with #primitiveFailed"
+    hostName := hostNameArg asSingleByteStringIfPossible.
+    serviceName notNil ifTrue:[
+        serviceName := serviceName asSingleByteStringIfPossible.
+    ].
+#endif // !AI_NUMERICHOST
 %{ /* STACK:32000 */
 #if !defined(NO_SOCKET)
     char *__hostName, *__serviceName;
@@ -16885,26 +16904,30 @@
     int cnt = 0;
     if (hostName == nil) {
-	__hostName = 0;
+        __hostName = 0;
     } else if (__isStringLike(hostName)) {
-	strncpy(__hostNameCopy, __stringVal(hostName), sizeof(__hostNameCopy)-1);
-	__hostName = __hostNameCopy;
+        strncpy(__hostNameCopy, __stringVal(hostName), sizeof(__hostNameCopy)-1);
+        __hostName = __hostNameCopy;
+    } else if (__isUnicode16String(hostName)) {
+        error = @symbol(unsupportedUnicodeName);
+        errorString = __MKSTRING("Unicode hostnames are not yet supported");
+        goto exitPrim;
     } else {
-	error = @symbol(badArgument1);
-	goto exitPrim;
+        error = @symbol(badArgument1);
+        goto exitPrim;
     if (serviceName == nil) {
-	__serviceName = 0;
+        __serviceName = 0;
     } else if (__isStringLike(serviceName)) {
-	strncpy(__serviceNameCopy, __stringVal(serviceName), sizeof(__serviceNameCopy)-1);
-	__serviceName = __serviceNameCopy;
+        strncpy(__serviceNameCopy, __stringVal(serviceName), sizeof(__serviceNameCopy)-1);
+        __serviceName = __serviceNameCopy;
     } else {
-	error = @symbol(badArgument2);
-	goto exitPrim;
+        error = @symbol(badArgument2);
+        goto exitPrim;
     if (__hostName == 0 && __serviceName == 0) {
-	error = @symbol(badArgument);
-	goto exitPrim;
+        error = @symbol(badArgument);
+        goto exitPrim;
@@ -16920,101 +16943,101 @@
     memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
     if (__isSmallInteger(domain))
-	hints.ai_family = __intVal(domain);
+        hints.ai_family = __intVal(domain);
     if (__isSmallInteger(type))
-	hints.ai_socktype = __intVal(type);
+        hints.ai_socktype = __intVal(type);
     if (__isSmallInteger(proto))
-	hints.ai_protocol = __intVal(proto);
+        hints.ai_protocol = __intVal(proto);
     do {
 # ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-	do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    // do not cast to INT - will loose sign bit then!
-	    ret = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL4( "getaddrinfo", getaddrinfo, __hostName, __serviceName, &hints, &info);
-	} while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
+        do {
+            __threadErrno = 0;
+            // do not cast to INT - will loose sign bit then!
+            ret = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL4( "getaddrinfo", getaddrinfo, __hostName, __serviceName, &hints, &info);
+        } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
 # else
-	ret = getaddrinfo(__hostName, __serviceName, &hints, &info);
+        ret = getaddrinfo(__hostName, __serviceName, &hints, &info);
 # endif
     } while (ret != 0 && __threadErrno == EINTR);
     if (ret != 0) {
-	switch (ret) {
-	case EAI_FAMILY:
-	    error = @symbol(badProtocol);
-	    break;
-	    error = @symbol(badSocketType);
-	    break;
-	    error = @symbol(badFlags);
-	    break;
-	case EAI_NONAME:
-	    error = @symbol(unknownHost);
-	    break;
-	    error = @symbol(unknownService);
-	    break;
-	case EAI_MEMORY:
-	    error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	    break;
-	case EAI_FAIL:
-	    error = @symbol(permanentFailure);
-	    break;
-	case EAI_AGAIN:
-	    error = @symbol(tryAgain);
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    error = @symbol(unknownError);
-	}
-	errorString = __MKSTRING(gai_strerror(ret));
-	goto err;
+        switch (ret) {
+        case EAI_FAMILY:
+            error = @symbol(badProtocol);
+            break;
+        case EAI_SOCKTYPE:
+            error = @symbol(badSocketType);
+            break;
+        case EAI_BADFLAGS:
+            error = @symbol(badFlags);
+            break;
+        case EAI_NONAME:
+            error = @symbol(unknownHost);
+            break;
+        case EAI_SERVICE:
+            error = @symbol(unknownService);
+            break;
+        case EAI_MEMORY:
+            error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+            break;
+        case EAI_FAIL:
+            error = @symbol(permanentFailure);
+            break;
+        case EAI_AGAIN:
+            error = @symbol(tryAgain);
+            break;
+        default:
+            error = @symbol(unknownError);
+        }
+        errorString = __MKSTRING(gai_strerror(ret));
+        goto err;
     for (cnt=0, infop=info; infop; infop=infop->ai_next)
-	cnt++;
+        cnt++;
     result = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(cnt);
     if (result == nil) {
-	error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	goto err;
+        error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+        goto err;
     for (infop=info, cnt=0; infop; infop=infop->ai_next, cnt++) {
-	OBJ o, resp;
-	resp = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(6);
-	if (resp == nil) {
-	    error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	    goto err;
-	}
-	__ArrayInstPtr(result)->a_element[cnt] = resp; __STORE(result, resp);
-	__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[0] = __mkSmallInteger(infop->ai_flags);
-	__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[1] = __mkSmallInteger(infop->ai_family);
-	__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[2] = __mkSmallInteger(infop->ai_socktype);
-	__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[3] = __mkSmallInteger(infop->ai_protocol);
-	__PROTECT__(resp);
-	o = __BYTEARRAY_NEW_INT(infop->ai_addrlen);
-	__UNPROTECT__(resp);
-	if (o == nil) {
-	    error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	    goto err;
-	}
-	memcpy(__byteArrayVal(o), infop->ai_addr, infop->ai_addrlen);
+        OBJ o, resp;
+        resp = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(6);
+        if (resp == nil) {
+            error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        __ArrayInstPtr(result)->a_element[cnt] = resp; __STORE(result, resp);
+        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[0] = __mkSmallInteger(infop->ai_flags);
+        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[1] = __mkSmallInteger(infop->ai_family);
+        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[2] = __mkSmallInteger(infop->ai_socktype);
+        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[3] = __mkSmallInteger(infop->ai_protocol);
+        __PROTECT__(resp);
+        o = __BYTEARRAY_NEW_INT(infop->ai_addrlen);
+        __UNPROTECT__(resp);
+        if (o == nil) {
+            error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        memcpy(__byteArrayVal(o), infop->ai_addr, infop->ai_addrlen);
        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[4] = o; __STORE(resp, o);
-	if (infop->ai_canonname) {
-	    __PROTECT__(resp);
-	    o = __MKSTRING(infop->ai_canonname);
-	    __UNPROTECT__(resp);
-	    if (o == nil) {
-		error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-		goto err;
-	    }
-	    __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[5] = o; __STORE(resp, o);
-	}
+        if (infop->ai_canonname) {
+            __PROTECT__(resp);
+            o = __MKSTRING(infop->ai_canonname);
+            __UNPROTECT__(resp);
+            if (o == nil) {
+                error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+                goto err;
+            }
+            __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[5] = o; __STORE(resp, o);
+        }
@@ -17031,134 +17054,134 @@
     int i;
     if (__isSmallInteger(port)) {
-	__port = htons(__smallIntegerVal(port));
+        __port = htons(__smallIntegerVal(port));
     } else if (__serviceName) {
-	struct servent *sp;
-	char *__proto = 0;
-	if (__isStringLike(protoArg))
-	    __proto = __stringVal(protoArg);
-	sp = getservbyname(__serviceName, __proto);
-	if (sp == NULL) {
-	    __port = atoi(__serviceName);
-	    if (__port <= 0) {
-		errorString = @symbol(unknownService);
-		error = __mkSmallInteger(-3);
-		goto err;
-	    }
-	    __port = htons(__port);
-	} else
-	    __port = sp->s_port;
+        struct servent *sp;
+        char *__proto = 0;
+        if (__isStringLike(protoArg))
+            __proto = __stringVal(protoArg);
+        sp = getservbyname(__serviceName, __proto);
+        if (sp == NULL) {
+            __port = atoi(__serviceName);
+            if (__port <= 0) {
+                errorString = @symbol(unknownService);
+                error = __mkSmallInteger(-3);
+                goto err;
+            }
+            __port = htons(__port);
+        } else
+            __port = sp->s_port;
     if (__hostName) {
-	int err;
-	do {
+        int err;
+        do {
 # if 0 && defined(DO_WRAP_CALLS)
-	    /* This does not work - the structure is allocated in thread local storage */
-	    hp = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL1("gethostbyname", gethostbyname, __hostName);
-	    if ((INT)hp < 0) hp = NULL;
+            /* This does not work - the structure is allocated in thread local storage */
+            hp = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL1("gethostbyname", gethostbyname, __hostName);
+            if ((INT)hp < 0) hp = NULL;
 # else
-	    /* __BEGIN_INTERRUPTABLE__ is dangerous, because gethostbyname
-	     * uses a static data area, but allocates it in thread local storage
-	     */
-	    hp = gethostbyname(__hostName);
-	} while ((hp == NULL
-		  && (err = WSAGetLastError()) == EINTR
-		      || err == TRY_AGAIN));
-	if (hp == 0) {
-	    switch (err) {
-	    case HOST_NOT_FOUND:
-		errorString = @symbol(unknownHost);
-		break;
-	    case NO_ADDRESS:
-		errorString = @symbol(noAddress);
-		break;
-	    case NO_RECOVERY:
-		errorString = @symbol(permanentFailure);
-		break;
-	    case TRY_AGAIN:
-		errorString = @symbol(tryAgain);
-		break;
-	    default:
-		errorString = @symbol(unknownError);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    error = __mkSmallInteger(err);
-	    goto err;
-	}
-	if (__isSmallInteger(domain) && hp->h_addrtype != __smallIntegerVal(domain)) {
-	    errorString = @symbol(unknownHost);
-	    error = __mkSmallInteger(-2);
-	    goto err;
-	}
-	for (cnt = 0, addrpp = hp->h_addr_list; *addrpp; addrpp++)
-	    cnt++;
-	addrpp = hp->h_addr_list;
+            /* __BEGIN_INTERRUPTABLE__ is dangerous, because gethostbyname
+             * uses a static data area, but allocates it in thread local storage
+             */
+            // __BEGIN_INTERRUPTABLE__
+            hp = gethostbyname(__hostName);
+            // __END_INTERRUPTABLE__
+        } while ((hp == NULL
+                  && (err = WSAGetLastError()) == EINTR
+                      || err == TRY_AGAIN));
+        if (hp == 0) {
+            switch (err) {
+            case HOST_NOT_FOUND:
+                errorString = @symbol(unknownHost);
+                break;
+            case NO_ADDRESS:
+                errorString = @symbol(noAddress);
+                break;
+            case NO_RECOVERY:
+                errorString = @symbol(permanentFailure);
+                break;
+            case TRY_AGAIN:
+                errorString = @symbol(tryAgain);
+                break;
+            default:
+                errorString = @symbol(unknownError);
+                break;
+            }
+            error = __mkSmallInteger(err);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        if (__isSmallInteger(domain) && hp->h_addrtype != __smallIntegerVal(domain)) {
+            errorString = @symbol(unknownHost);
+            error = __mkSmallInteger(-2);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        for (cnt = 0, addrpp = hp->h_addr_list; *addrpp; addrpp++)
+            cnt++;
+        addrpp = hp->h_addr_list;
     } else {
-	cnt = 1;
+        cnt = 1;
     result = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(cnt);
     if (result == nil) {
-	error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	goto err;
+        error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+        goto err;
     for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
-	OBJ o, resp;
-	struct sockaddr_in *sa;
-	resp = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(6);
-	if (resp == nil) {
-	    error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	    goto err;
-	}
-	__ArrayInstPtr(result)->a_element[i] = resp; __STORE(result, resp);
-	__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[0] = __mkSmallInteger(0);
-	__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[2] = type; __STORE(resp, type);
-	__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[3] = proto; __STORE(resp, proto);
-	__PROTECT__(resp);
-	o = __BYTEARRAY_NEW_INT(sizeof(*sa));
-	__UNPROTECT__(resp);
-	if (o == nil) {
-	    error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-	    goto err;
-	}
-	__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[4] = o; __STORE(resp, o);
-	sa = (struct sockaddr_in *)__byteArrayVal(o);
-	sa->sin_port = __port;
-	if (__hostName) {
-	    sa->sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
-	    memcpy(&sa->sin_addr, *addrpp, hp->h_length);
-	    __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[1] = __mkSmallInteger(hp->h_addrtype);
-	    if (hp->h_name) {
-		__PROTECT__(resp);
-		o = __MKSTRING(hp->h_name);
-		__UNPROTECT__(resp);
-		if (o == nil) {
-		    error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
-		    goto err;
-		}
-		__ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[5] = o; __STORE(resp, o);
-	    }
-	    addrpp++;
-	} else{
-	    if (__isSmallInteger(domain))
-		sa->sin_family = __intVal(domain);
-	    else
-		sa->sin_family = AF_INET;
-	    __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[1] = domain; __STORE(resp, domain);
-	}
+        OBJ o, resp;
+        struct sockaddr_in *sa;
+        resp = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(6);
+        if (resp == nil) {
+            error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        __ArrayInstPtr(result)->a_element[i] = resp; __STORE(result, resp);
+        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[0] = __mkSmallInteger(0);
+        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[2] = type; __STORE(resp, type);
+        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[3] = proto; __STORE(resp, proto);
+        __PROTECT__(resp);
+        o = __BYTEARRAY_NEW_INT(sizeof(*sa));
+        __UNPROTECT__(resp);
+        if (o == nil) {
+            error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[4] = o; __STORE(resp, o);
+        sa = (struct sockaddr_in *)__byteArrayVal(o);
+        sa->sin_port = __port;
+        if (__hostName) {
+            sa->sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
+            memcpy(&sa->sin_addr, *addrpp, hp->h_length);
+            __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[1] = __mkSmallInteger(hp->h_addrtype);
+            if (hp->h_name) {
+                __PROTECT__(resp);
+                o = __MKSTRING(hp->h_name);
+                __UNPROTECT__(resp);
+                if (o == nil) {
+                    error = @symbol(allocationFailure);
+                    goto err;
+                }
+                __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[5] = o; __STORE(resp, o);
+            }
+            addrpp++;
+        } else{
+            if (__isSmallInteger(domain))
+                sa->sin_family = __intVal(domain);
+            else
+                sa->sin_family = AF_INET;
+            __ArrayInstPtr(resp)->a_element[1] = domain; __STORE(resp, domain);
+        }
@@ -17170,61 +17193,67 @@
     error notNil ifTrue:[
-	|request|
-	error isSymbol ifTrue:[
-	    self primitiveFailed:error.
-	].
-	request := SocketAddressInfo new
-	    domain:domainArg;
-	    type:typeArg;
-	    protocol:protoArg;
-	    canonicalName:hostName;
-	    serviceName:serviceName.
-	^ (HostNameLookupError new
-		parameter:error;
-		messageText:' - ', (errorString ? error printString);
-		request:request) raiseRequest.
+        |request|
+        request := SocketAddressInfo new
+            domain:domainArg;
+            type:typeArg;
+            protocol:protoArg;
+            canonicalName:hostName;
+            serviceName:serviceName.
+        ^ (HostNameLookupError new
+                parameter:error;
+                messageText:' - ', (errorString ? error printString);
+                request:request) raiseRequest.
     1 to:result size do:[:i |
-	|entry dom info|
-	info := SocketAddressInfo new.
-	entry := result at:i.
-	info flags:(entry at:1).
-	info domain:(dom := OperatingSystem domainSymbolOf:(entry at:2)).
-	info type:(OperatingSystem socketTypeSymbolOf:(entry at:3)).
-	info protocol:(self protocolSymbolOf:(entry at:4)).
-	info socketAddress:((SocketAddress newDomain:dom) fromBytes:(entry at:5)).
-	info canonicalName:(entry at:6).
-	result at:i put:info
+        |entry dom info|
+        info := SocketAddressInfo new.
+        entry := result at:i.
+        info flags:(entry at:1).
+        info domain:(dom := OperatingSystem domainSymbolOf:(entry at:2)).
+        info type:(OperatingSystem socketTypeSymbolOf:(entry at:3)).
+        info protocol:(self protocolSymbolOf:(entry at:4)).
+        info socketAddress:((SocketAddress newDomain:dom) fromBytes:(entry at:5)).
+        info canonicalName:(entry at:6).
+        result at:i put:info
     ^ result
      self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:nil
-	    domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+            domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:nil
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:nil
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:#stream protocol:#tcp flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:#stream protocol:#tcp flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:10
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:#stream protocol:#tcp flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:#stream protocol:#tcp flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:'10'
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:#stream protocol:#tcp flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:#stream protocol:#tcp flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:'' serviceName:nil
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:'' serviceName:'bla'
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:'echo'
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:nil serviceName:'echo'
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:nil serviceName:nil
-	    domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+            domain:#AF_INET type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
      self getAddressInfo:'' serviceName:nil
-	    domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
-     self getAddressInfo:'smc1' serviceName:nil
-	    domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+            domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+     self getAddressInfo:'exeptn' serviceName:nil
+            domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+     self getAddressInfo:'localhost' asUnicode16String serviceName:nil
+            domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+     self getAddressInfo:'ützlbrützl' serviceName:nil
+            domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+     self getAddressInfo:'ützlbrützl' serviceName:nil
+            domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
+     self getAddressInfo:'путин.ру' asUnicode16String serviceName:nil
+            domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
@@ -17510,15 +17539,15 @@
 !Win32OperatingSystem class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.491 2014-03-25 13:56:47 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.492 2014-03-28 12:02:03 stefan Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.491 2014-03-25 13:56:47 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.492 2014-03-28 12:02:03 stefan Exp $'
-    ^ '$Id:,v 1.491 2014-03-25 13:56:47 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Id:,v 1.492 2014-03-28 12:02:03 stefan Exp $'
 ! !